• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 692 Views, 11 Comments

The Party - Shaderunner

A group of adventurer from the Forgotten Realms universe have stumbled apon a means to traverse the multiple planes of existence and stranded themselves in a new uncharted plane. How will they get back home.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Author's Note:

A friend said I should give it a bit of a rework and polish of a few things. It actually ended up better on the long run.

Rarity was doing her usual routine after a hard night of partying with Pinkie, unwinding at the spa, but this time she wasn’t joined by her usual company. Evelina and Dilline whom had never heard of a spa before, well that was reason enough for her to bring them along, so they could enjoy the wonders that are Aloe and Lotus magic hooves.

“This is the best I have felt in a long while.” Evelina sighed in relief as she slid in the hot tub, together with her two friends, sinking until her chin touched the waters surface. This was the first hot bath she or Dilline have had in well over a month having to do with the cold mountain springs in the wilds.

“Mm Hmm.” Was Dilline’s only response, she was having her long white hair braided by one of the spa ponies already neck deep in the warm waters.

Rarity leaned back in the tub having two slices of cucumbers levitated on to her eyes.“Well I am very pleased to hear that you are enjoying yourselves. I myself often like to come here and recharge after one of Pinkies parties at the “House of Wubb”. Not that I dislike them mind you, but they can be quite tiresome.”

“Back home, nights like that would end much the same way. Some patrons don’t even get home that night if they challenge Tula or Oric to a drinking contest.” Dilline held a bit too much pride in her voice saying the last sentence, holding her two friends in high regards

“Yes, well... You did try to warn Applejack about that. Fortunately everything, ended just fine with no major damage.”

“She did manage to hold her one surprisingly well. I can't remember the last time Tula got so drunk and it was really nice of that bard to offer her a place to sleep it over. It would have been a hassle to carry her.”

Carrying the hefty woman in her armour would have been a grueling task even for the heartiest member of the party, especially after a few dozen flagons of hard cider.

“By the way. What was the instrument that bard was playing?” Like most of Eilistraee's followers Dilline has a deep passion for the arts and found this particular brand of music to be very stimulating.

“Her name is Vinyl Scratch. And I am afraid I don’t know much about that instrument. It’s of her own design and she’s the only pony that plays that particular type of music. She became quite a sensation in Equestria and I am glad for her. But I do envy her a bit.”

“What do you mean?” Evelina intervened in their conversation, curios at that remark. She didn’t see Rarity as one to enjoy Vinyls lifestyle.

“Oh.. did I say that last part out loud?” The fashionista swiftly brought a hoof to her mouth.”What I meant to say was that I envy her status, well former status. You see Vinyl was a princess, one of Celestias great nieces, but she gave it all up to follow her musical pursuits among with a few others. There are many mares who would give anything to be where she was, myself included.”

Evelin had a bad feeling in her gut now that she has found out just who was Tula hostess. Still, reflecting back on the previous night, the two seemed to be getting along quite well during their little contest. They should get along fine, so there is nothing to worry about...

Just as she began to relax one of the spa ponies, a pink mare with a blue mane and tail, entered the room addressing the tree patrons.” A filly has brought a message from one of your friends. Would you like to read it now or should I put it aside for when leave?”

Evelina tried to take her mind of Tula while Rarity waved the mare over, it wasn’t often that her friends needed talk to her so urgently as to interrupt her spa time. She skimmed the first line of text identifying the writer. “It seems to be from Tula.”

Hearing that that Evelin slid next to Rarity to have a look at the piece of paper. “Rarity could you please read this for me, it is in your alphabet and I can not make heads or tails of it.” She urged the alabaster mare to continue reading as Dilline made her way to them curious as to what was could have happened.

“Ahem...Eve you’re eventually gonna find out about this so I’ve asked Vinyl to write this letter so I could tell you that I got mixed up in fighting for her in a duel against her brother Prince Blueblood tomorrow at sundown, about some family issues they’ve got. I’ll be seeing you then at the outskirts of town. PS: Please don’t poison my drinks when I’m not looking. PPS: I was the one that roped her into this. Vinyl Scratch” Rarity folded the letter and placed it back on the tray. “Well I’d say it was about time someone came and knocked him of his high throne.”

“Uh oh.” Dilline swam past Rarity to avoid a boiling Evelina. The later hadn’t caught Rarities last comment on Blueblood being too distracted by the thought that Tula had just started a fight with a member of the royal family. Her left eye started twitching and a vein on her forehead was pulsin furiously, knuckles white as she grabbed the rim of the tub, it reminded Rarity of how Twilight was on her bad days and made her think that the post scriptum was no just some crude joke. “Evelin dear, are you alright?”

Remembering she was not alone Evelin let out a tired sigh. “Yes, I am fine, it’s just .... I was hoping we could spend our time here without any trouble and then Tula pikes a fight with the royal family. It’s just a too much! And this may hamper our plans to return home.” She spoke her mind hoping for a bit of sympathy from her friends.

Rarity slided next to her and placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder. “I understand how you’re feeling dear. But I assure you that this is just as likely the princes fault to.” She proceeded to tell them about her unhappy encounter with the prince at the Grand Galloping Gala.

“Well now I feel I should let Tula have her way with him. Still this doesn't help calm my concerns that this might bring the raught of his family upon our heads.” Eveline was not too pleased with the prince after that “lovely” tale.

“Well as long as no major harm comes to him I doubt that anyone will cause a fuss about this. But please don’t be to quick to judge the prince.”

“What do you mean?” Eveline asked the unicorn, sensing that there was more to this story.

“Not so long ago I had a second encounter with his majesty. I was staying in Canterlot having to attend to some business and happened to, quite literally, stumble across one of the city’s most influential characters. The encounter seemed to have left an impression on him and he invited me to several high class events during the remainder of my stay there. It was during one of those events that I had met the prince for a second time and decided to confront him. I made sure to keep it just between us, no point in causing an unnecessary scandal. Once I managed to catch him alone and after a few choice words shared between us I did get to hear his side of the story. Apparently the prince was in a relationship at the time I tried courting him and he was quite fed up with mares like me trying to get good with him just because of his status. That was a bit of a eye opener regarding previous events and made me reconsider his actions a bit. I mentioned that I did not know he was already spoken for and apologise if I gave the wrong impression. He did not return the courtesy but did act a lot more pleasantly around me after that. He actually invited me to the naming of his new blimp and let me christen it. Now I haven't forgotten about the gala, forgiving does not necessarily mean forgetting, but I decided to mark that as a fresh start between us.”

“Hmm... What would you suggest the rest of us should do regarding the duel?” Evelin asked Rarity who clearly had more experience in dealing with Equestrian royalty.

“I’d suggest you just let it be. This could prove to be a good opportunity to teach the prince a bit of humility, wouldn’t you say?” Dilline nodded her approval and after mulling over it a bit longer Evelina eventually leaned back into the tub nodding as well. “Splendid, Alow would you be a dear and bring us a bottle of wine and three glasses.”

Meanwhile near one of the Ponyville lakes Vinyl and Tula were making some smalltalk to pass the time on their way to the gym. “So you like to eat meat huh? Well I know the chef at the griffin embassy back in Canterlot. I’m sure that if I send him a couple of tickets to my next show, he'll be more than happy to send over something nice for you guys.”

“Thanks. Oric’ll be happy to hear that.”

They reached their destination, a pristine lake surrounded by fresh green fields with the sun shining brightly in the blue sky.

“So where is this guy?”

“Probably pumping iron over there. “ Vinyl pointed towards a strange array of equipment used by all kinds of ponies a bit of a distance away on one of the sandbanks along the waters edge.

“That’s the strangest smithy I have ever seen. How do you even smelt the metal? I can't see any smoke?” Tula tried to make sense of what the ponies were doing.

“What?! No not that kind of iron pumping. I meant they're training at the gym.” Tulas confused expression pretty much said it all.

A brief explanation on what a gym is later found the two among the strange equipment face to face with a large bulking stallion that made big mack look like a pansy. He had a short cut blonde mane and tense muscles that looked like steel cords under his white coat and the most ridiculously disproportionate wings. “Vinyl,... good to see... ya. Who’s... your friend.?” He asked in a gruff voice, that sounded like he’d been eating rocks for breakfast since he was a fole, while galloping on a treadmill taking deep breaths between each word.

Tula wasn’t paying much attention still trying to make sense of what the ponies around her were doing. Some seemed to be training with some of the most impractical weapons she had ever seen while others were riding strange contraptions she didn’t even try to fathom the purpose of. All in all this was the strangest training ground she had been to.

“Sup’ Snowflake. This is Tula and we’re actually looking for your brother to get some pointers about a fight. Is Roid around?”

“You...’ll ... find him ... by the ... dumbbells.... So... what’s... the occasion...”

“A lil’ misunderstanding with my brother, no biggie. But it’s not me fighting this time, that’s gonna be her.” Vinyl pointed to Tula who was scratching her head as she stared at him running on a treadmill. “ I get that you train to be and look stronger, but what’s this thing for?”

“It’s called a treadmill. It’s for losing weight and strengthening the heart also really good for raising your endurance”

“So why not just run around the lake?” The stallion didn’t have a answer to that question and as he turned to regard the beautiful lakeside view he misplace a hoof resulting in him tripping and falling off the device getting a mouth full of sand for his trouble.

Eventually the duo met up with the stallion they were looking for, he was a spitting image of his brother, doing pushups with three sandbags on his back.” Vy, how are ya?” leaning to his left he let the sandbags fall of. ”You thought about joining the mares wrestling league?”

“Nah, the only things I wanna spin are turntables not other mares. But I’ve got a favor to ask.” a quick explanation later.”So that’s about it.”

Roid turned to the barbarian and asked. “Ok. So what do you wanna know?”

“I want to see how you ponies fight so I don’t get any surprises in the ring. Truth be told I’ve never fought a horse before.”

“Alright. But on one condition, you have to hoof wrassle me. I wanna see just how I fare up to a dragon slayer.” The stallion walked up to a nearby stump placing his right leg on it waiting for the her to join in.

“Hmmm... Fair enough.” Tula answered with a pleased grin taking a seat facing the stallion and grabbing his hoof in her right hand, already guessing the nature of the competition. “This should be fun.”

The two faced each other for a few seconds that seemed like minutes as a few of the nearby ponies gathered around them to get a better look at the match.

“Alright. GO!!” with Vinyls signal, arm and foreleg contracting to the best of their ability trying to overpower the other.

There they sat grunting and heaving, but neither would budge an inch for the other. A few minutes in and Tula tried to apply some more pressure and managed to push Roid back a few inches, still the stallion held fast and managed to stop her about a third of the way down. But he did not stop there, pressing his advantaged now that the nordic woman had tired out a bit he regained the lost ground and managed to press home a bit. Roid had played this game many times before and knew just how far to push himself to not overexert his leg, now neither of them was giving ground but he now had the advantage of leverage and knew that she would tire out much quicker than him now if he could keep it. The match continued for another few minutes the competitors sweating bullets as the crowd that gathered around them began to cheer for Roid and there were a few friendly shout outs for Tula to.

“You giving up?” the stallion grunted to his opponent with a grin. Besides his two brothers no one else had ever lasted this long against him.

“Ya win or go down kicking.” Tula matched his grin. Back on the harsh tundra of Icewind Dale there were no second chances, you either won and lived for another day or you died as someone's meal. This lesson is instilled at a young age in the tribesmen and women, they should fight tooth and nail in everything they do, not doing so bringing a great dishonor to both themselves and the predator or the prey. Tula took this philosophy to heart.

“Yyaaahhhhhh....” Roid shouted liking her answer. To which Tula let out her own rour, the two had been at it for a good eight minutes and were now putting everything they had in one final push. Roid still had the advantage from earlier and it was now paying off as Tula’s arm was slowly giving in.

Tula grinded her teeth in frustration as the stallions leg seemed to be made of metal. Her hand was inches away from the stumps surface making a valiant last stand, but all things had a braking point and Tulas came just then and there.

Roid finally slammed the womans hand against the stump with a low thud that was painfully loud in the silence of the final stretch. “Bloody Tartarus, my leg feels like it’s gonna fall of. How do you train?” The crowd exploded, cheering his name while he massaged the sore leg.

Tula was staring down at her arm, eyes hidden by her blonde locks. Tension started to build up putting everyone on edge when she suddenly gave a loud laugh. “Hunting elk, bears and yetis on the tundra.” She also started massaging her sore wrist and after the pain dulled she extended a clenched fist to the stallion. “While I’m stuck here, mind if I come by and play some more?”

“Heh, sure but first we gotta get you ready for the next match.” He bumped her fist.

The next day’s dusk found Tula and Vinyl at the outskirts of town waiting for their opponents. There was a small gallery behind them, made up by Oric and Chester plus three identical white pegasus stallions Snowflake, Roid Rage and Bulk Biceps. They were about as big as Chester and came to cheer on their gyms new star member. Next to them sat a grey earth pony mare with a crisp black manes and a white collar tied with a pink bow around her neck, who came to support her room mate.

“What in the nine hells happened to ye, lady.” Oric asked one of the stallions, one with several bruises and a few bandages on him.

“Wrestled her. Never again.” The stallion whimpered pointing a hoof at Tula.

“Oh so ye be Roid the fella that’s been helping the girl train.”

“No that’s me. Bulk here just has a big mouth and offered to be a training dummy.” Roid was referring to the time during their training that Bulk tried to impress Vinyl by saying he should be fighting for her. Well let's just say his words weren't as subtle as you would think ant that was the end result.

“Well he got off easy. I’ve seen her break a mans nose once fer grabbin’ her bum. Not too bright that one.”

“A bit harsh don’t you think?”

“Nah, that’s how her kin show there interested. They say you only know a uthgard woman after ya went ten rounds then had a stiff drink together. Hehehe”

The three stallions cringed at the thought, pitying the pore soul who had to face her or tried to court her.

“So I heard she’ll be trading blows with some pony from the royal guard. Any idea who the sorry sod might be?” Oric asked trying get an idea of whom his oldest friend will be facing.

“I’m guessing one of the bigwigs in the royal guard like Silverwing or maybe Gleaming Shield. And there’s the captain of the guard, he’s the youngest to have earned the title so far and I heard he’s no pushover.” Roid Rage listed a few of the guards most notable figureheads.

“Heh, I’m guessin’ we’re gonna be in fer quite a show.” The dwarf clapped his hands together rubbing them in anticipation.

A few minutes later the rest of her friends showed up followed by five of the main six, Fluttershy said she’d rather not come. They said a few cheerful words and encouragements then went to join Oric and the other ponies, except Evelin who stayed behind.

“Here is a little something to refresh you before the duel, I thought you might need it..”Evelina pulled out a waterskin from her magic bag passing it to her big boned friend.

Tula took a good long look at the waterskin and then at Eveline who had a perfectly innocent smile on her face. Taking in to account past experiences she was a bit unsure what to make of the offer.

“Don’t worry it is just some spring water.” She removed the cork and took a good long drink from the waterskin then passing it back to Tula with the same smile on her face. “Listen I didn’t come here to stop you. While I do not fully agree with this Rarity and the others convinced me that I should let you go on with it and I will not hold this against you.”

“Ahhh... Really?” She was expecting Evelin to chew her ear off for causing trouble again.

“Truth be told, I asked around about this prince Blueblood,. And it seems you are in the right... this time. The ponies were saying it was about time someone taught him some humility.” Hearing that, Tula took the waterskin pleased things were going so well this time and took a drink.

Before Tula could register the motion, blindsided by the waterskin, Evelin grabbed the front half of her breastplate pulling her down to the same level, murder in her eyes. “But do not make a habit of this. Or gods help me you will never be able to look at plate of food or cup of wine the same way ever again. Are we, understood?” Now Tula was not frightened by much but she learned a long time a go that a cunning mind can be a lot more dangerous than any physical force, and Evelina was as cunning as they came. Having little to no choice in the matter she nodded in agreement.

“Good.” Confirming her ultimatum and after regaining her composure Eveline turned her attention to the white mare standing besides her large friend who looked like she was ready to run for dear life, after seeing Tula reduced to a little harmless kitten. ” And I wish you the best of luck in this confrontation Mis Scratch.” Giving a court bow to Vinyl, she left them to join the others in the peanut gallery.

“Damn, that was freaky. Think she’d be up to fight in your place?” Vinyl asked half serious when Eveline was just out of earshot.

“That wouldn’t be too fair. She’d eat them alive.” As Tula said the last part Eveline stopped for a moment turning her head to regard them with a satisfied smirk and a twinkle in her eye, like she just got wind of their conversation.

They both froze in shock not daring to even breath until she started walking again. Vinyl was the first to find her voice. “I better send that letter to Gustav ASAP. Maybe some meat could save our flanks and put her in a better mood.” Tula just nodded happy that this did not end any worse.

Shortly after, more ponies arrived to see the duel, word having spread rapidly amongst the townsfolk. Now only Blueblood and his anturage were missing and as an hour passed and the question if he would ever show up started to rise. But before anyone could voice that question a horn shattered the peaceful evening as a elaborately designed dirigible made it’s way towards them on a course from Canterlot mountain. The enormous vessel anchored just above the crowd of ponies and a glass cage elevator was being lowered.

“The heck is that?” Tula asked after finally regaining control of her slacked jaw. She and her companions from Farun had never before seen such a flying contraption and the spectacle was breathtaking.

“That’s just Bluie showing off. Gotta’ give him credit. He knows how to make an entrance.” Vinyl started making her way to where the elevator was bound to land. “Your late Bluie. Thought you might have chickened out.”

“Please excuse my tardiness sister, unfortunately the journey from Canterlot takes quite a while even by blimp. And this was the only way I could have brought my representative here in time.” The prince together with four of his personal guard exited the elevator. He bowed his head in a short apologetic bow more out of mannerisms then any feelings of regret. “Plus this way the two of us can be on our way home as soon as this dead is done.”

“Yeh, sure. You’re the one who’s gonna be riding that thing back home alone with your tail between your legs after Tula wipes the floor with you and your boys.” She pointed a hoof at the four guards ponies besides her brother.

“Ah my dear Vinyl, you put too much faith in your little pet there. And none of these fine stallions are my representative today. He is debarking right now as we speak.” The glass cage elevator just finished it’s second trip down and now out of it’s confines walked out a large minotaur. His fur coat a dull gray gradually growing darker down to his lower half. He was tall standing under 8 feet of the ground, broad shouldered with arms thick as a wooden beam. The minotaurs fizique was rugged and well toned showing a lifetime of training.

Seeing him Vinyl was as dumbfounded as Tula when she first saw the blimp. “You got the minotaurs ambassador to fight for you!!!” Vinyl yelled out in shock, considerably less certain about her chances now.

“Yes., ambassador Iron Fists was curious regarding the humans discovered in Ponyville and after hearing that I was looking for a representative in a duel against one he immediately sought me out. Naturally I would not have denied a request from such an important guest.” Blueblood said innocently.

“Yeh. I’m sure the fact that he’s one of their best fighters had nothing to do with it.” Minotaurs are a proud race dwelling in the harsh lands far to the south of the continent, those hard conditions has forged them into harsh and fierce warriors for only the strongest could survive there. Yet they are a proud and noble breed that revel in the rugged beauty of their homeland and have generally avoided conflict with the smaller folk as they like to call the ponies donkeys zebras and griffins of the north, mostly because they don’t see them as much of a threat or challenge. “Isn’t this against some international agreement, bringing a foreign dignitary in to a duel?”

“Vinyl, mister Iron Fists was the one whom sought me out, he is here of his own volition and I have done nothing to influence his judgement on that matter. And you aren’t one to comment on the nature of my choices seeing that these “Humans” are the only ones to visit our fair land in centuries. Well I dare say that they are ambassadors for their kind here in Equestria. ” Blueblood presented the logic behind his actions in in slow even tones unaffected by Vinyls reactions.

As Vinyl and Blueblood started bantering with each other about the possible political consequences of this encounter Iron Fists left the pony ‘anturage’ to get a better look at his match for the evening. “What is your name youngling?” The minotaure asked the woman as she was taking of her armour for the upcoming match, Tula chose to discard her armour so no one could say that this was an unfair fight seeing that he had none of his own.

“Tula of Icewind Dale. So who are you and how much are you asking for this?”

The ambassador shorter at that remark eyeing the youth and trying to get a measure of who she was. Despite her nonchalant demeanor Iron Fists noticed the wide array of wicked scars spread across her skin. Years of experience told him that few survived wounds like those without learning something from the experience. Otherwise she reminded him of the women folk of his tribes, tall with a well muscled frame padded with just the right amount of fat to accent her feminine features. In fact if she sprouted a pair of horns and a nice muzzle she would have the younger minotaurs fighting in droves for her admiration, the sturdy folk having a more practical vision towards beaty then the other races. “Iron Fists, reprezentant of the minotaur tribes to the sought. And the payment is meeting you.” The unusual response intended to see just how she would react.

"That's it? Damn he’s cheap."

“Hahaha, not really. He promised quite a lot if I win, but I doubt he can back up all of his bravado. Still Canterlot castle can be a dull place sometimes and I was looking for some good sport. Considering you five took on group of young dragons and walked away victorious, I’d say that you’ll do.”

Tula gave him a nod and a approving grin. She stood in front of him wearing only her loincloth and a small hide vest she kept under her breastplate to keep the cold metal of her skin and also to help keep her bosom in place during this fight. Despite only coming up to about the minotaures chine level the two opponents seemed to be evenly matched, both exuding an aura of raw savage power with their wide muscular frames and tall bodies. “Now I’m actually looking forward to this.” Her response earning a similar grin and nod of approval from the minotaur.

“Speaking of, what’s this squabble all about. Blueblood was a bit vague on the details and I’d like to know a little more of what I’m getting into.” He said in a joking manner.

“Oh, Blueblood wants to bring Vinyl back to the castle so she could start being a lady and stuff.” Tula stiked her tongue out at the last part.

“Really? Even after Celestia let her leave. She always did have a very high opinion of her nieces choice and everyone else seemed to agree with it.” The minotaur started to reevaluate the situation and how it would best benefit him without causing too much of a scandal.

“Yes, everyone except Blueblood it seems. But he did went to all this trouble for her. Maybe, he really cares for her, or maybe he’s just a prick. ” She crossed her arms over her chest turning to look at the prince.

Meanwhile back to the royal siblings. Blueblood and Vinyl would have still been arguing if Twilight had not come up to bring them back to the events at hand. Several of the ponies that had gathered were becoming restless to see one of their two legged saviors in action. Unfortunately this intervention also resulted in her promotion to the role of mediator.

With this responsibility thrusted upon her she made her way to the combatants. “Uhm hello. Looks like I’m going to be the judge for this little event. Now before we begin I would like to go over the rules.” Twilight made a thick tome appear out of thin air and began reciting the rules and conducts of a proper Equestrian duel.

Tula turned a perplexed look towards Iron First wispering the word “Rules” so only the minotaur could hear her. It’s not like the barbarians didn’t have a code of honor, but you didn’t need a seven pound (3 kg) tome for it.

The minotaur just shook his head with an amused grin.” Bear with it. Believe me it’s much easier then arguing with this one.” Iron Fists had met with Twilight Sparkle before while she was still studying at the castle. He didn’t consider Twilight to be stubborn or thick headed, only that you needed a lot of solid proof to change her mind on any particular matter and sometimes it was just easier to let her have her way on the small stuff. Otherwise he enjoyed trying to match his wit against hers and knew if anyone would judge this match fairly then that would be her.

Six minutes later when the lavender unicorn closed the book.”Now if there are no further questions...” she looked expectantly at the two fighters who shook their heads in response.”...Then you may take your places and start on my marck.”

“Begin.” Twilight barely manages to finish the word and two heavy splats woke the spectators. Tula and Iron Fists had exploded into motion once they got the go ahead and each managed to land a solid blow. The first started with a uppercut catching the minotaur in the mandible as he managed to land a solid blow on her left cheek.

“Good start.” The old bovine grunted between his teeth as they both pulled back.

Tula tried a left jab to the ribs whispering a ”Thanks” just as Iron Fists caught the blow on his left forearm. Taking advantage of the opening in her defences he scored a heavy punch to the gut showing just why he got his namesake.

The young woman stumbled back bile rising in her mouth. She managed keep it down and dove back in to repay the favor putting all her weight behind a heavy blow. Years of combat experience helpt Iron Fists catch the subtle hints, the way she shifted her weight her stance and other small details, that told him what she was about to do and he knew the perfect way to respond. The minotaur dodging to the side at the last moment pivoting on one leg, then planting a swift kick to the back of his adversaries knee as Tula rushed by him unable to stop her momentum.

Pain shot up her leg as Tula started falling to her knees. But at the last at the last moment, grinding her teeth through the pain, she managed to shift her weight changing her fall into a roll stopping in a crouched position just out of Iron Fists reach.

“Fuck. You're more mule than cow.” Despite the pain in her knee, Tula seemed to be enjoying herself immensely.

Iron Fists hufed at the remarc as he got back on her feet. ”And I was expecting a fighter not a dancer.” He noticed that she was favoring her uninjured leg as she rose up.

“Nah. Prancing’s more Dillines thing. Me, I like it HANDS ON.” She charged in once more closing the gap between them as Iron Fists crossed his arms ready to intercept the blow, a bit surprised and disappointed that she would try the same move again. The blow never came.

Tula had enough combat experience of her own to know not to try the same trick twice, deciding to take a page from Dilline’s and try to outmaneuver him to get a better position. Expecting the block, she sidestepped to the right at the last moment and ran past him slipping a hand around his neck as she got behind the minotaur in an attempt to catch him in a headlock. Unfortunately this was not the best tactic to take against a minotaur, their kind being well known for the incredibly strong muscles in their necks and upper back. While she was lucky enough to catch him off guard and land the grapple, his neck was much too thick for her to get a proper choke hold and pin the teller opened no matter how hard she tried.

The two wrestled with each other for a minute maybe two neither giving way but someone had to give eventually and it seemed that one was Tula. Her wounded leg didn’t help her keep her footing and she was flung to the side by the bull minotaur. A bit dizzy she got back on her feet trying to get her bearings when about three hundred pounds (136kg) of bones and muscle mass barreled in pinning her down. After today she and the earth could start calling each other on first name basis.

Now Tula got a taste of her own medicine as as Iron Fists applied the same technique she tried on him only with greater success. She was now pinned to the ground with a minotaur riding her back and choking her with his massive forearm. One arm getting caught beneath her when she fel and the other being twisted behind her back by the minotaur.. She tried to throw him off but to no avail, the lack of breath wasn't helping.

Applying a bit more pressure to his opponent's joints Iron Fists turned to take a look at his temporary “Benefactor”, sure that the fiery blonde won’t be able to wrench herself free from his hold.

Safely out of reach from the combatants the spectators were enjoying this display of martial prowess, and none more so than the prince. Blueblood sat next to his sister and seemed like he was about to burst out of his skin with pride at how well things were going.

Vinyl on the other hand was the complete opposite, her mane even more wild than usual. Beads of sweat dripping down her neck while nervously chewing on her left hoof at the prospect the she just might have to quit DJ-ing and move back to the castle. Her best friend and roommate was sitting besides her a comforting hoof wrapped around the unicorn and was trying to raise Vinyls spirits as much as she could.

Besides them were the other four humanoids who were clearly the rest of Tulas party and five colorful mares whom he guessed were a few of the elements of harmony judging by how close they were to Miss Sparkle. The later started making her way towards him intent to stop the fight and proclaim a winner.“Best get this over with then.” He thought then turning his attention back to his opponent.

Tula tried to pull herself free from the minotaurs vise like grip but to no avail and just when she saw the “referee” coming she noticed that the grip on her left wrist lightened slightly. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth she managed to pull it free then proceed to jab her elbow in to her opponent.

Iron Fists tried to regain his hold on her but the barbarous woman now feeling the smell of freedom attacked him with all her might landing a solid blow square in the jaw. Whit that she barely managed to topple him over and get up. Now they were facing each other on relatively even footing.

The spectators could see that both sides had taken heavy hits. Vinyl was cheering her lungs out after the fright she had earlier when Tula got knocked down, praying that she could end the fight soon. The rest of the gallery were doing much the same except for Blueblood who had to bit his tongue not to swear at the way he lost control of the match.

Back to the combatants, they have lost any notion of defence now hammering away at each other. A blow to the head opened a gash on tulas forehead, blood dripping down her face forcing a eye close. While a swift kick to Iron Fists ribes resulted in a cracking sound and heavy pain on his left side. The match had now become an endurance race as each blow left the other weaker until both parties fell down to their hands and knees unable to continue.

Twilight as the impromptu referee, reluctantly ran up to inspect the fallen combatants. They both seemed relatively fine, disregarding the bruises and blood, but too exhausted to continue both gasping for breath.“The combatants are now down and incapable to continue.” Oric swiftly followed suite, a magic wand at the ready to “heal up the dolts”

“Well this outcome was unexpected.” Blueblood, followed by Vinyl together with the rest of Tulas party and four of the main six expressing his astonishment at the outcome.

Vinyl ran past him stopping besides her battered friend very worried about her condition. “Is she gonna be alright doc?” She asked unsure what to call the short stubby fellow tending to Tula.

“Don’t worry none lassie. This one’s skull’s too thick to crack from anithin’ short of a mountain fallin’ on it. She’ll be fine.” The dwarf gave Tula a playful pat on the head then turned to take a look at the minotaur.

“Greate” She was relieved to hear that putting a forehoof over Tulas shoulder. “Ya were awesome out there. Whatever Twilight decides you’re getting free booze at the House of Wub for the rest of the year. You earned it. ”

“Speaking of which miss Sparkle. I am sure that with your keen sense of observation and attention to detail you can agree that Mister Iron Fists was clearly the superior fighter and that he deserves to be declared the victor.” The prince slipped besides the young mare giving a suave smile to try persuading her into seeing things his way.

Twilight on the other hand was having none of it stepping away from him and presenting her overview. “Actually both combatants provided the other with fierce opposition.”

“So you’ are saying this is a draw?”

“Not exactly. While they both fought well the fight was not a clean one. Ambassador Fists, I am sorry to say that the kick you landed on Tulas left knee was an unclean move.” The minotaur nodded his head in agreement, with no intention to contest her decision. “With that in mind. Tula I’m glad to say that the victory belongs to you and Miss Scratch.”

If Vinyl was happy before, now she was positively ecstatic. “We won.” She grabbed Tula in a tight hug yelling at the top of her lungs. ”Sweet Celestia you won! Oh, the things I would do to you right now if you were a stallion.” Ignoring the pain rushing through her sore body from the pony’s hug, Tula returned the gesture trying as hard as she could not to imagine what Vinyl was hinting at. They both took a glance in Iron Fists direction where they saw him give them a wink.

The white mare broke off from her larger friend, a little moisture still in her eyes, and waved their friends closer. “Alright everypony. Tonights the grub at the Hayburger is on me.” She then turned to where her brother was” Bro you wanna coming with?”

Blueblood didn’t seem to register the question apparently lost in thoughts at the outcome.

“Bro you alright?” Vinyl walked up to him snapping him out of his reverie.

“Oh, I am fine Vinyl. And congratulations, I will keep to my word and and won’t bother you about coming back to Canterlot. Now if you’ll excuse me, I will take my leave.”

“Wait, Me and my friends are going to celebrate. Wanna join us?”

“Ahh... Perhaps another time Vinyl. This was your victory and I have no reason to celebrate. For now I only wish to go home and sleep this down.” Then prince gave them all a polite bow before returning to his blimp.

“Suite yourself. But take care Big bro.” The stallion turned back to his sister and wrapped his hoof around her in a hug. “You to little sister.” And with that he was of.

Joining the others she found that Iron fists had remained behind. “Ambassador, wanna join us?”

“Thank you. I wasn’t planning on returning on that thing anyway. And Blueblood still owes me regardless.” He motioned towards the dirigible, never being a fan of flying and only agreeing to it because of the time delay.

The rest of the crowd dispersed as the group of friends made their way to the restaurant in question. Tula and Fists had picked up where they left off on their little talk before the fight staying behind the pack when Vinyl turned up besides them. “So what was up with that wink earlier Fists? You trying to make a pass on my new muscle?” the white unicorn asked in a cheeky tone. The reference clearly flying past Tulas head and Fist being used to much harsher taunts in his political dealings.

“Why not. By Minotaur standards, she’s the most attractive female I’ve met.” He answered Vinyls taunt in a joking manner.

Tula was taken aback by the remark her cheeks turning a bright read, usually Dilline or Evelin were the ones to have the menfolk paying them compliments. Then she laughed realising the joke for what it was and taking it as a compliment.

The barbarian girl had also been thinking of how her luck seemed to have changed at the last minute when Fists had her pinned down and suspected what the answer to Vinils question might be. “He let me win.” She said punching him hard in the shoulder to show just how she felt about winning a fight like this, but willing to step on her pride this time for her new friend/boss sake.

Of course the minotaur was expecting, actually hoping she would have seen through that. Despite Vinyl renouncing her title among the Canterlot nobility, Iron Fists saw her as a much more reliable ally at the castle then her brother could ever be. Perhaps she could convince Gustave to send some meat his way.

“Whaaaa???” The unexpected answer and it’s source made Vinyl trip on her own hooves.

He started massaging his sore shoulder as they were waking but keeping his voice low so none of the others could hear him clearly. “I’ll explain on the way.”

Comments ( 5 )

4420549 Yeh no one saw Vinyl and Bluie as siblings. And thanks for commenting.

Okay, the story premise is promising and the plot is fine. However, might I suggest proofreading a touch more carefully. You have some words that, while spelled correctly, are incorrect in the fashion in which they are used.
Also, you could have spent more time differentiating between the nuances of the characters you introduced (especially seeing as how you have so many of them, and that they appear together in most of the scenes)

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