• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 692 Views, 11 Comments

The Party - Shaderunner

A group of adventurer from the Forgotten Realms universe have stumbled apon a means to traverse the multiple planes of existence and stranded themselves in a new uncharted plane. How will they get back home.

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Chapter 3

“Well fuck.”cringed Tula, Diline and Oric in unison, the barbarian and the rogue readying their weapons to defend themselves as the guards formed a perimeter around the group of three women, a tiefling, dwarf and one bore leaving no way to escape. Oric, who was still wrapping some of Chesters bandages, was in no mood for this right now grumbling under his breath while the other two were scrambling to get back up on their feet.

“Eve! Suggestions?” whispered Bram, the tiefling wizard, as he retrieved some components from his belt pouch to cast one of his remaining spells, if needed, as a distraction so they could break true the line of guards.

Evelina dropped her crossbow “Do what they say!”. Some of the others wanted to protest but before they could get a word in edgewise she said ”Don’t forget why we came here! If we want their help it would be best stay on their good side. And considering what just transpired here, can you blame them for being on edge?.” she unfastened the belts holding her rapier letting it fall to the ground next retrieving a pair of daggers hidden in her boots and another tied around her leg under her skirt . The others followed her example, some a bit more reluctant than others, but unable to find a flaw in her logic.

“There! We mean no ill will to the people.... er ponies of this town. We are also more than willing to cooperate and answer any questions you may have.” Eveline spoke in a calm even tones in hopes of calming the ponies.

“That would be much appreciated! “the two groups turned to see the regal figure of a white pegasus, twice the size of the guards that surrounded them, with a long unicorn horn approaching them. Celestia, the alicorn ruler of equestria, was followed by a small entourage of five ponies composed of two unicorns, one purple and the other white , a orange mare with a stetson hat , a cyan pegasus with a wild rainbow colored mane and a noter butter yellow pegasus with a long flowing light pink mane. The later quickly brakes from the group and, to everyones surprise, runs past the guards up to the party.

“Eveline! What are you all doing here? Did something happen back at the cottage? Please tell me Angel and my friends are alright?” the yellow pegasus was struck with worry.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, your pets are safe, the dragons were heading straight for town and ignored your home.” Evelyne gave the ponies mane a gentle stroke calming her down.

“That is strange. We have a long standing treaty with the dragon Lords, why would their young try and attack one of our settlements?” Celestia approaches the body of the brown dragon as a golden aura covered the creatures remains. Suddenly the corpse began to stir as several of it’s wounds healed, the eyes shot open as it go up trying to take in breath of air. A few labored coughs spilling out the blood still in it’s lungs and the dragon seemed to be cured of the lethal wound on it’s throat yet it looked very weary still missing the wing Tula cleaved off.

“Princess, I don't think this is whise? We would be hard pressed with just these prisoners.” said the captain worried that they lacked the pony power to hold this many dangerous creatures.

“Your concern is appreciated captain, but they all look too exhausted to cause any trouble.” the princes gave the captain a reassuring smile as she removed Dilline’s blade from the blue dragons back healing him and plucking the purple one from the ground with her telekinetic aura, the earth elemental summoned by Oric earlier still holding on to the creatures ankles.

“ Now would you four mind telling me why you strayed away from the Dragon migration?” she turned to the teen dragons holding her calm and serene expression. Still her gaze and tone held such a stern and overwhelming presence that the fierce beasts were now reduced to bumbling children.

“ It was all Garbels idea. He thought we should come teach Spike a lesson for spoiling our raid. Sow we came here to ransack the town” the purple dragon, Grizz, was quick to snitch on his leader who promptly responded by slapping him across the head.

“You do know that this goes against the treaty I have signed with your kin Grable?” the princess turned her attention to the read one.

“Hey. I don’t have to answer to you or anything.” snorted the dragon regaining some of his earlier cocky demeanor.

“That is true the treaty states that you must be returned to your tribe and be judged by them for your actions. But know that I am well acquainted with the dragon lords, Brimsing is actually a close childhood friend, so do not expect you will evade punishment.” the mentioning of Brimsing clearly had a great effect on them as they quieted down realising the extent of the trouble they were in.

“I see we understand each other.”said the princess with a mischievous smirk while her back was turned to the other ponies. “Now leave my lands and never return.” With that the drakes ran stumbling over each other, as far away from Celestia as possible.

Meanwhile, Evelyne after observed how the other ponies reacted in her presence and how she carried herself, was frantically trying to dust off the dirt from the earlier fight and make herself more presentable, . Meeting a noble or a mayor was one thing but this one clearly had an air of royalty about her. The others were in even worse shape, Bram’s robe was in tatters and coated in dirt making him look like a mess whilst Tula, Chester and Oric, who usually looked like wild savages were now covered from head to toe in grime and gore. And Dilline.... she just changed her clothes from those of a Calimshan belly dancer to the elegant flowing robes of a noble’s daughter in the blink of an eye, what little dust was on her beeing getting blown off by the swift transformation. Evelyna made a mental note to ask Bram for a similar enchantment for her gear.

“Now that that has been settled. I am sure someone else must have noticed what has happened by now and spread word through town. Captain! Would you please go and tell them that the threat has passed.”

“Yes your highness.”The commander saluted before trotting off into town followed by a handful of guards.

“Rainbow could you go and help them? With your speed the news would go around much quicker?” the purple mare, Twilight asked her colorful friend.

“But Twiy, I can't leave you guys hanging here.” protested Rainbow Dash, leaving her friends with those creatures went against every instinct she had.

Twilight gave her friend a grateful smile.”Don’t worry, Celestia is here plus the fact that the best flyer in Ponyville is with the guards would help calm the townsfolk.”

“Fine.” Rainbow agreed crossing her forelegs as she hovered above the ground.”But I’ll be back here as soon as I'm done.” and with that she was gone leaving a rainbow trail behind her.

Meanwhile Celestia turned to the party with a kind gaze.”I thank you for your aid. If you had not intervened the dragons would have gotten into town and this incident could have been considerably worse. For that you have my gratitude, but please understand I can not allow such powerful beings to wander around my kingdom without knowing what their intentions are.”

“Of course your highness. We understand that our presence here may cause uproars, as I said before we are more than willing to cooperate in any way possible.” Evelin answered with a low bow.

“I am pleased to hear that. We would best continue this conversation somewhere more private. Applejack may we use your barn for this little meeting?”

“O’course princess.” and with that they made their way to Sweet Apple acres, the party being flanked by the remaining guards,who were now carrying their gear and weapons, with Twilight and her friends trailing behind.

On the way to the Apple Family barn Fluttershy heard what happened to Chewy and excused herself to go tend to his wounds. Once they arrived at the barn Celestia began her interrogation.”Again I am grateful for your willingness to cooperate. Now the first thing I would like to know is how you managed to appear in the middle of Equestria without alerting any of the border guards and what is it that you seek here?” as Evelina stepped forward to answer, Celestia started to concentrate her magical energies around the girl.

Evelyna felt the familiar efecte a spell a priest cast on her and did not oppose it in any way, knowing that if she spoke the truth she had nothing to fear.”Your highness, I do not know exactly how we got to youre fair land but I am sure my wizardly friend has several theories that might enlighten us. But know that we wish no harm towards you or your subjects and what we seek is means back to our home. I hope my response does not disappoint you.”

Celestia smiled ”Not at all my dear. I can see you speak the truth. and I am quite curious to hear what your friend has to say.”

“Thank you, your majesty. Bram could you please step up and explain how you got us stu… broth us here.” a short silence ensues.”Bram!?” Evelyna turned to check what her friends were doing.

Tula was sitting on the ground yawning bored out of her skull while Oric was scolding Chester for breaking into a crate full of apples. Dilline was trying to suppress a giggles as she watched that exchange as the dwarf was making the pig and apologise to the orange pony who seemed to own this farm.

As for Bram he was studying one of the ponies, a small purple unicorn to be precise, with great interest oblivious to everything around him.

“Ahm... Please excuse my friends your highness. They’re not used to dealing with royalty.” Said Evelyna with a sheepish apologetic smile.

“No worries my dear. I know the type.” Celestia motioned to Twilight who was eyeing Bram with just as much interest, the two mimicking each other to a T as they tried to figure each other out.

Evelyna walks up to Bram giving him a swift slap over the head.

“Auuu. What the hell Eve?” Bram rubbed his sore head, while the others laughed at his expense. Even the guards let out a chuckle a bit more relaxed now.

“Her highness would like to know how we managed to, sneak in the middle of her country undetected. I believe you would be the best to explain that considering it was your bright idea that got us here.”

“oh.. right.” Bram pointed to his bag that was being held by one of the guards. Something within it began to stir as a purple reptilian head popped out from within it’s confines holding a small cube fashioned from carnelian in it’s maw. The small reptiles sudden appearance spooking the guard and the ponies next to him. With a swift gesture Bram levitated the cube towards him.”Thank you Jerry.” The small reptile gave a playful chitter in response before returning to it’s bag.

The bag was swiftly dropped to the ground everyone retreating a fair distance away from it as a irritated hiss could be heard coming from inside.

“What is that?”asked a startled Twilight who was standing closest to the guard. Shaken by the little dragon’s sudden appearance.

“That’s just Jerry. He’s my familiar.” The little dragon in question stumbled out of his sack hissing angrily, about the same size as a dog. Wiping his stinger tipped tail at the guard who dropped him in a threatening manner. Jerry took flight and perched on his masters shoulders.

“My that is quite a pet you have there.” Celestia replied quite amused. Jerry did not like that remark throwing her a rather indignant look.

“Actually he’s my assistant. And he doesn't like being called a pet.” corrected the wizard while scratching Jerrys chin with his free hand.” Anyway this device here was the method through which we appeared in the middle of your land. Originally when we first found it I believed it’s use was for magical teleportation, that is until I activated it to escape out of a particularly dangerous situation, and it worked.... sortoff. Only recently did we figure out that it was actually a portal across the plains of existence....”

“Hold it right there, you're telling us that you five are not only not native to Equestria but from a different dimension to boot?” Twilight asked with a expression of utter glee and a bit of madness on her face as she regarded the party with new, and somewhat unsettling eyes.

“Uhm... Yes.” and with that Bram set fire to the fuse.

“This is incredible, unprecedented. I need to document this meeting for posterity, where are my quills , wheres Spike, we need to call the Princess. No wait she’s already here. I need my parchments and ink.”the purple unicorn started to pace about the room talking to herself.” Wait! Alright nopony do anything until I come back.” And with that she was gone in a blink.

There was a brief moment of awkward silence, but before anyone could say anything Twilight returned with enough parchment to mummify a small wale. Five quilles were busily scribbling, each one on it’s own piece of parchment while a sixth stood at the ready in front of her. “Please go on.”

“Yes... Well unfortunately the dangers we were trying to escape consisted of a pair of Erinyes and a Bone Devil among other things, those three devils were in range when I activated the cube, hitching a ride to this realm. We manage to send them back to the sulfurous pits that spat them out. Still one of those devils managed to land a swipe on the cube rendering it useless.”

The ponies had no idea of what terrible horrors almost ran free over their lands, except Celestia who knew of such creatures of unimaginable evil.”That is quite an impressive feat but how did you acquire the ire of such powerful foes?”

Evelina got up motioning to Bram that she’ll take it from here, those details had to be handled tactfully so they would not appear to be bigger threat than they already were.” Back in our homeland there is a group calling themselves The Red Wizards who were suspected of planning great harm against the realm so we were hired to do a little investigating. If the rumors proved true we were supposed to hamper them as much as possible.”

“By hamper she means crush several of their enclaves.” completed Tula with a proud grin.

“And beheading one of their major leaders, crippling there plans to a standstill.” continued Dilline just as cocky the two pumping fists.

This made Evelina facepalm, that was exactly what she was trying to avoid. “Well as my companions said, you can see why they might have been a bit upset with us.”

“I am sure there is quite a tale behind that but for another time, you clearly pose no threat and I have already spent too much time away from my royal duties. Guards you may return their equipment.” the guards ponies swiftly handed them their weapons and belongings.”Still before I leave what are your plans now that you are stranded here?” the princess asked as she made her way to the door together with her guards.

“Bram suggested that he could repair the magical device so that would be our first priority. Rest assured that we will do whatever we can to help out as to not overstay our welcome.” Evelina replied with a respectful bow.

“I see. Twilight can you accommodate our new friends.”

“Yes” the unicorn was nodding her head so fast the others almost thought they could hear it rattling.

“Excellent. Then I bid you good luck in your endeavors and hope you enjoy your stay in our fair land.” as she exited the barn accompanied by her royal guards a bright white light flashed transporting them back to Canterlot.

After the princesses departure silence fell, neither the adventurers nor the ponies sure what to say until Tula finally broke the ice. “So whos hungry, all that dragon slaying left me starving.”

“Straight ta the point now aintcha, I like that?” commented Applejack with a chuckle actually enjoying the big ones straight forward attitude. “I’m sure me an’ my family can rustle up some grub for y'all ta chow down on. But first you need to get cleaned up, If ma sister saw you bloodied up like that she’d be havin’ nightmares fer weeks.” starting to trot off towards the door hollering for someone named Big Mack to bring a tub full of water in the barn.

“Why thank you but we wouldn’t want to impose.”Evelina politely declined.” Plus the sun is already starting to set and we should go book a room at the locale inn.”

“uhm... about that.” said Twilight scratching the back of her head with a sheepish smile.”I don’t want to seem rude considering you saved us from those dragons. But would you mind not going into town until tomorrow. Seeing five creatures, who just decimated the field outside town, would surely cause a riot. Trust me even; a rampaging horde of bunnies would cause the town to have a panic attack.”

The five friends looked at each other and nodded in agreement.”Aye lassie. Me and me friends can pitch a camp somewhere nearby until the morrow. After a month sleepin’ in that there forest o’ yours it’d be great to spend a night just about anywhere.”

“Ya'll could spend the night here. I’m sure my family won’t mind and the barn’s a down right good place to spend a warm summer's night. Right big bro?” Applejack was holding the door for a large read stallion with an orange mane and green eyes who was pulling in a cart with a tub full of water plus some soap.


“Ohhh..And when you come into town make sure to pass by my boutique, I’d be more than happy to fix up the tares in your clothing.” offered Rarity, the white unicorn , as she walk past the adventurers eyeing their tattered clothes then stopping in front of Tula.”You my dear seem to have got the short end of the stick, as they say, in that regard. I think your attire is beyond my skill. Perhaps I can string together something for you overnight.”

Tula brought a hand up to scratch her head, perplexed on how to take that.

“We graciously accept both your offers.” Evelyna told the two ponies then turned to her two male companions. “Now if you two would mind.” as she motioned to the door.

The pair in question plus the bore quickly made their way out to let the women have their privacy followed by the red stallion whom they guessed was Big Mack. The three made their way to a large stump where Oric placed three wooden mugs and a half empty water skin of Dwarven ale, pouring the last pint of the golden liquid he’ll be drinking in a while. “Ya up for a stiff drink ladye?” he asked the stallion.

“Eeey...”Before the stallion could answer something landed or crashed between them and the barn, a brash voice yelling as the dust settled.” Alright you creeps where are my friends?” a particularly angry Rainbow Dash, her nostrils flared snorting as menacingly as she could, was about to charge them.

Shortly the barn door creaked open, the two men and ponies turned to see Applejack trotting out quite cross. “What in the hay is goin’ on out here?”

“Wait you didn't get captured by these guys? And why is Big Mack having a drink with them?”

“Off.. Come ‘ere sugarcube we’ll fil ya in on what ya missed since ya left.” the two mares entered the barn leaving Bram, Oric and Mack alone again.

Bram just gave a shrug and grabbed his mug,“Well then” he began lifting his mug up the other two following his example. The two adventurers paused a moment in surprise seeing how easily Mack picked up the mug in his hoof. “Here’s to a new adventure and a thriving relationship between us all, and let’s hope we don’t botch this up too badly” The three slammed there mugs together before downing the strong brew followed by a hearty laughter.



Author's Note:

And this sums up the party's first day in Equestria. They scared the shit out of Fluttershy, killed a dragon and beat up three others to about a inch of their lives, made friends with Celestia at to spend the night at Sweet Apple Acres and had a drink with Big Mach. Overall not a bad day. See ya next week with another chapter.