• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 692 Views, 11 Comments

The Party - Shaderunner

A group of adventurer from the Forgotten Realms universe have stumbled apon a means to traverse the multiple planes of existence and stranded themselves in a new uncharted plane. How will they get back home.

  • ...

Chapter 2

“Are you sure?” asked Eveline, the elegantly dressed rogue with raven black hair and a top hat, as she paced back and forth inside the cozy cottage.

“Oh by the song of Eilistraee that’s the tenth time you asked him! Bram’s one of the best wizards I’ve ever seen.” And that coming from a drow ment quite a bit.” If he says he can get us home then he will.” said Dillin, a black skinned elf.

“Thank you Dilline but it's not your reassurance I am looking for.” Eveline didn’t knowing what to think of her other three friends who were playing cards at a table together with the bear from earlier and their current host a small white rabbit name was Angel.

“I’ve helped make some similar artifacts as an apprentice at my uncles workshop back in Longsaddle. So I'm familiar the inner workings behind such devices. I’ll still need a to set up my workshop where I can properly take it apart then re engineer it.” Bram, the bright and horned wizard, reassured his worried companion yet again. He was getting a bit tired of her antics but held his tongue knowing that Evelyne was one wrong coment away from another outburst.

“Right, things may be a bit worse for wear but at least we got a plan and theres no reason in thretin’ for somethin’ we can’t change. Like the lass said, the boy’ll pull us through, so ye best relax or try and find sometin’ to do in the meantime.” Oric, the stout dwarf clad in scale mail armor threw his cards on the table in disappointment saying ”I’m out!”

Evelyne let out a low sigh. She knew that she needed to calm down and she knew if anyone could figure out this mess it would most likely be Bram. What was really pushing her buttons was how easily these three were taking everything.

The bunny wearing a green sun visor, made the call so the remaining players showed their hands. “Hell! I’d swear the little one is cheating if only I knew where he keeps his cards.” Shouted Tula, a seven foot tall barbarian woman as she smashed her gauntleted fist on the table while Angel raked in another win to his rapidly growing pile of gold.

“He could give the cons in Luskan a run for there money.” Dilline dropped her cards mentally praising the little bugger for his skill, few could pull the wool over her watchful eye.

A heavy knock at the door caught everyones attention.”She couldn’t have returned that fast.” Bram referring to their gracious host who left for town only half an hour ago to ask her friends for help.

“Of course it’s not her. Why would she knock, this is her home?” Evelyne replied as she walked to the door and opening it; “I’m sorry but...Aaaaahhh.” Several growls and hisses could be heard from outside before she slowly closed the door and returned to the living room taking a seat on the couch a unusually serene expression on her face.

“So who was it?” asked Dilline as she dealt the cards.

“Can I have some of that gutbuster please? I think I may have finally lost my head.” bringing a hand to her forehead as she crumpled on the couch.

Another more insistent knock came and this time Oric got up to open the door. Opening it he saw a rather large manticore like creature doing some elaborate charade. The weird thing was that it had a normal lions head not a human one and it also seemed to be able to speak Sylvan. “So yer the beastie that spooked the girl. And cut that out I can understand ye just fine.”

The creature dropped to all fours and Oric noticed that it was pretty ruffed up with it’s mane signed and it’s hide muddied and scratched up.

Chewy the manticore was surprised at first to see that this strange short creature could understand him but then remembered why he came here and quickly told the dwarf what he knew.

“Well crap.”Oric ran in grabbing his shield and waraxe. “Gear up lad and lasses, shit’s about ta hit poney town.”

Everyone scrambled to their feet as Evelyne let her head drop. “It’s never this easy, is it.” Hooping to her feet, she drew her crossbow sliding a bolt in place and ran after the others eager to vent some of her frustration on whatever threat might dare to cross her path.

Meanwhile in Ponyville three colorful meres were returning from a long adventure. One was a cyan pegasus with a rainbow colored mane and a cocky air about her, unlike her three other companions this one seems a lot more eager and energetic despite the long journey. The second was a white unicorn with a deep blue mane beautifully styled in bouncing curls, out of the four travelers she seemed to be the most battered by the long road yet her moves had the grace only seen in at kings court. Next was the smallest member of the party, he was a small bipedal reptile with purple scales and green spines clearly a baby dragon out of the four he seemed to be enjoying every minute he spent in the company of his friends. Last was another unicorn, this one had a lavender cote and a deep purple mane with lavender and pink highlights. Still her most defining feature were here bright purple eyes sparkling with life curiosity and intelligence.

Twilight, the lavender one, let out a satisfied sigh enjoying the hussle and bussle of the marketplace around this hour, merchants hollering and boosting their wares in hopes of enticing a passing customer. “It’s good to be back home.”

“Indeed. After all that dreadful muck and dirt we had to suffer through, Ponyville truly is a blessing to my eyes.” Rarity, the white pony, commented as she started to check her reflection in the window of a nearby shop. “Though the journey has taken it’s toll on me. I’ll need at least a week at the spa to clean up this mess.” noticing that her mane was a bit frazzled while here pure white coat was scruffed in several places and a bit of dirt on her hooves. Yet she still retained that grace and charm she was known for.

“Mind if I join you. Celestia knows I’d need a good scrubbing myself.”said Twilight with a weary smile.

“Yeh you two do that. Me, I’m gonna go tell Applejack and Fluttershy about our adventure, and how we saved Spikes hide.” said Rainbow Dash, the rainbow maned mare of the group as she flew off to her aforementioned friends apple stand where another familiar butter yellow pegasus was talking to the shop owner.

“I’m going to, the road left me a bit hungry and those apples sure look good, like a crisp red ruby.” Spike the little dragon as he ran after Rainbow Dash.

“Perhaps Fluttershy and Applejack would like to join us at the spa.” suggested Rarity as they walked up to the stand as well.

“Howdy Twy, Rars.” the orange mare with straw blond tail and mane each tide back in a ponytail with a read band and wearing a worn stetson hat interrupted Rainbow’s story “If’n what Rainbow says so far is true, ya four had quite a rough few days since ah last saw ya. Want a lil pick me up?” offered Applejack as she pushed a few apples towards them in a warm and friendly manner.

Spike jumped and grabbed an apple gulping it down in one followed by a loud belch.

“Spike” yield Twilight shooting him a disapproving look . The little dragon looked back with a surprised look on his face having just shoved another delicious apple in his maw. “What?”he asked with his mouth full.

“Actually we are quite exhausted from that log track and would like nothing more than to relax in a nice steaming hot tub at the spa. Would any of you care to join us?” asked Rarity with a hopeful smile

“Shucks I’d love to, but I don’t get off the stand for a few more hours.”Applejack was genuinely sorry, after a day working the farm and tending the stand she would have loved to have Aloe or Lotus work their magic on her back.

“That’s too bad. What about you Fluttershy?” the others turned to look at the meek butter yellow pegasus.

“Well you see... I was actually hoping... Twilight could you help me with something. Some beings.“ She wasn’t sure how to call them since she forgot to asked what they actually were ”Came out of the Everfree earlier and they need some help.”

“I’d love to help you with your critter friends but could it wait until tomorrow? I really need to rest after Spikes little quest.” Twilight peted the aforementioned dragon on the head.

Before Fluttershy could tell her that these were no furry critters a loud bellowing thunder was heard coming from the outskirts of town.

“That’s strange, was there a storm scheduled for today?” Twilight asked Rainbow Dash who was also the weather manager for the town and the surrounding area.

“No there should be clear skies all week. And where are the storm clouds?”

A lightning bolt could be seen hitting a spot close to the outskirts of town shortly followed by the same thunder yet there was not a cloud in the skies.

“Well there’s definitely something brewing outside of town. Twilight any idea what it is?” asked Spike while stuffing his face with apples.

“I have no idea Spike but we should go check it out. You run home and write a letter to the princes that we’re experiencing unnatural weather patterns around Ponyville and that someone from Cloudsdale should come check things out.”

“Yes ma’am.” The baby dragon saluted in response and waddled as fast as he could towards their library/ home.

“Come on girls. Whatever caused that lightning bolt, we have to make sure it doesn't hit anypony.”

“Do we have to go?” asked a trembling Fluttershy from under the stand.

The five of them galloped off and in a few minutes reached the field outside of Ponyville to find that a war zone had replaced a few yards of green pastures just outside town. And in the middle of the mayhem Twilight recognise the four teenage dragos they met a few days ago. Three were lying on the ground bloodied while their read ringleader was surrounded by four tall ape like bipeds and a shorter one.

A dark foreboding feeling started to grow in Twilights heart as she surveyed the sight in front of her and was ready to start running back to the safety of her library when a bright flash of light erupted behind her. As the ponies turned they saw Princess Celestia and several of the royal guard.

“Hello Twilight .” a large mare sprouting both the wings of a pegasus and the long slender horn of a unicorn was slowly approaching the mares, her coat was as white as the purest snow her tail and mane seeming like a ephemere aurora composed of three pastel colors gently drifting in a non existent breeze. The royal status was clearly marked by the shining golden crown and regalia with assorted slips she was wearing, yet those paled in comparison to her own glow, a warmth that seemed to radiate from within her giving off a kind maternal calm. “ After receiving your letter I personally... decided... to...”Once she saw the creatures in the field her normally calm and serene expression turned to one of utter shock, Twilight noticed her mouthing the words “It can’t be.”.

Now Twilight was really scared, besides Discords escape she had never seen the princes brake face like that. “What are these beings?”

Earlier as the party ran towards the town Oric leading the charge astride Chester, yet keeping a slow enough pace so his companions could keep up.

“Alright kids. The manticore said that a bunch of dragons chased his pride away from a fresh kill they made and that he managed ta overhear them talking about raidin’ the ponies town. Now I’d say we’d need the town still standing if we aim ta get there help.”

“Did he say what chrome they were. That could help us exploit their weaknesses.” asked Bram between breaths as he struggled to keep up with the rest, years spent researching did nothing to help his endurance on long runs.

“Sorry lady but after hearin’ the words dragon and raid, I didn’t stay ta chat and ran in to get ye lot. His pelt was pretty burned up though so we should expect fire breathers”

“So, we’re going in blind not knowing how big these dragons are or anything else about them? That’s smart.” commented Dilline trying to hide her worry with a grin. She was no novice to combat but never before had she ever faced a dragon, let alone several.

“Not much of what we did back home was smart either. But if you want to run away now’s your chance.” commented Tula with a laugh and a eager sparkle in her eyes.

Dilline laughed at that.” Really? When have you ever seen, me, walk away from someone in need. Even more when was the last time I left any of you walk in to danger alone?” answered the swift rogue as some of her fears melted away knowing she had such trusted and skilled friends by her side. Yes she wouldn’t risk this with any others, well them or the combined armies of the Silver Marches.

“Furthermore” Intervened Bram” the dragon’s color isn’t a problem. We can recognise what type they are when we see them. Now the best way handle a dragon is to crippled it’s wings, grounding them will get them mad but at least they won’t be breathing down death from above. Other tactics I read up would include...” the wizard listed several tactics and known weak points in a dragons anatomy.

A few improvised strategies later as they reached a field just outside of town the dragons silhouette, four in total, could be seen gliding towards it.

“Oric, can you take one of them down as an air elemental?”asked Bram, bringing a hand up to shield his eyes from the sun.

“Aye! But ya best be ready when the rest o’ them swoop down. Chester stay close ta Evelyna, she’ll be needin’ yer help more than the others.” Orics body began to dissolve tuning in to that of an air elemental, taking flight towards the unsuspecting drakes.

Approaching from behind Oric swirled his vaporous body around the unsuspecting runty looking one at the tail of the pack, a purple scaled one with blond spines. Forming a powerful whirlwind that forced it’s wings to fold back causing him to plummet to the ground. The rest quickly followed in pursuit laughing at his misfortune.

“Hey Grizz you forget how to fly or something!?.”Asked a read drake with a orange underbelly who seemed to carry the most weight in the bunch.

“I don’t know Garbel, that was some wicked wind that blew me down.” answered the crashed drake as he slowly got up.

“What wind?! There’s not even a breeze blowing!”said another one.

“Who cares! Lets go! We got a town to burn down.” ordered Garbel.

“Actually your friends crash was our doing... I apologise for that but there was no easier way to get your attention.” Eveline slowly approached them tipping her hat in greetings, while Chester was walking by her left side snorting menacingly. She was struggling to keep her calm next to the dragons, barely able to keep her hands from trembling, unlike some of her companions she prefered to deal with problems in a more civil manner, charm and wit being her weapons of choice.

“Yeah, so what do you want? And what are you?”asked Garbel as he walked up from the lot.

“Uhm, we are mere travelers who have an interest in that village and caught word of your intentions. I hoped to convince you to not incinerating that lovely village and would compensate you for this favor.” Evelyne now backed by Tula on her right. The others were hoping that their plan would work a dragon of any size, especially in an open field, would be a challenge to even the most seasoned adventurers.

The drakes began to snicker as he crossed his arms “Hmm. What could you possibly have to offer with us?"

Evelyne produced a large sack bulging with gems from her traveling bag“. I’d say that this is a fair offer.” She dumps the sacks contents on the ground to show it was full of an assorted lot of precious stones summing up to about 5000 gold pieces. A wide smile curled on her face her breaths starting to relax and slow down thinking they just avoided quite a messy incident, few would openly decline such a generous offer.

“Hmm. A nice snack after we burn the town. Romph get the stones.” Garbel motioned to a bronze girthy drake with a jaw large enough to swallow a piglet hole and a morningstar tipped tail.

“What about our deal?” asked Evelyne as Tula stepped between her and Romph.

“Why bother doing favors when we can just take the gems then burn the town. Now hand them over, and we just might let you go.” Said Garbel unimpressed by these smaller monkey like creatures.

“Yeah that ain’t happening.” Tula slammed her axe on the ground in front of the bronze colossus halting his advance.

He just chuckled, towering a full foot over the barbarian girl and half a foot wider in both the gut and shoulders.”Yeah and who’s gonna stop us lil urgh...” A swift kick to the groin stopped him mid sentence followed by an uppercut from her heavy gauntleted hand, lightning crackling along it’s length, sending a wave of electric energy through his head as the sheer force of the impact made his teeth rattle.

With that both sides exploded into movement, the time for diplomacy long gone, the dragons charged in confident in their advantage in sheer size not noticing that Grizz just got buried under a mound of rock and earth.

He crawled out from under the pile only to see it standing up and taking the shape of a large dwarf made of stone and dirty with two gleaming read rubies for eyes.

“Dude, how hard did I hit my head?” The response came in the form of some swift chants followed by the ground under the dragons feet turning to thick mud and a pair of earthy hands grabbing him and pulling him down into the thick slush of earth. He tried to free himself but the dwarflike elemental quickly tackled him from the front pushing him in even deeper. After the purple drake sunk in to about chest level another quick chant hardened the mud to solid stone leaving him trapped in a rocky prison.

Leaving the trapped drake behind Oric emerged from the ground rushing to help Dilline who was having trouble with a large blue Dragon, this was one of the larger girthier ones having a maw almost as wide as the bronze dragon.

Still Dilline was much smaller and swifter than the dragon, barely managing to avoiding the white clumsy swipes of it’s talons but it’s fiery breath was a different thing, showing some ugly burns and blisters on her fair black skin. Still she grinded her teeth through the pain maneuvering around her larger opponent in a blur of hair, blades and silk, her clothes having altered their shape to long flowing silken straps that flapped through the air with every step. To a casual observer it would seem that she was merely dancin around the large beast laughing all the while. But this was a fighting style common among the followers of Eilistraee, where the seemingly erratic moves combined with the long flowing clothes offering some concealment against the opponent's strikes.

Although able to avoid her opponents attacks that meant she could not get the proper footing to drive the blade in deep enough to cause serious wounds. Her serrated blades only leaving some cuts and gashes along the creatures hide but nothing too major .

The two continued this exchange for a while neither getting the upper hand on the other until a pile of rocks jutted up behind the dragon slamming it’s stoney fists in the unsuspecting drake.

“Thank Eilistraee. Your stoney hide’s a welcomed sight.” commented the elf as she shifted to a more aggressive stance both of them hailing blows on the hard pressed dragon who now had to defend from from two opponents.

Blood started to poured from much deeper cuts now that the elf could go for the dragons more soft spots. But they were nothing compared to the heavy blows coming from the earthy monster to his right. The dragon knew he couldn’t last long to this onslaught so in a last desperate attempt he lunged to his right grabbing the monster,who was slower than his previous target, by the waist and unleashing his fiery breath in his victims face hoping to take down the stronger of the two.

The battle seemed won as Oric let out a loud painful scream in a voice that sounded like rocks grinding against each other. Still before he could enjoy this victory a searing pain shot through his chest as two slender curved blades cut between his ribs piercing a lung. A small elf astride the dragon’s back screamed in anger and grief, struggling to twist the blades and cause as much pain as possible so he would release her friend .

The blue dragon dropped the dwarf, as he thrashed about wildly trying to dislodge Dilline from his back. After several brutal thrusts she finally fell of only one blade in hand the other remained loges in the creatures back.

“How in the nine Hells are you still standing?” She screamed in a mix of fear and frustration looking at the sorry wreck that was the blue drake, blood dripping down it’s scaly hide, one eye swollen shut from Orics blows and the hilt of her other saber still logged in it's back.

The blue one scraped the earth with his claws ready to charge at Dilline when a bolt of lightning struck the dragon, followed by a loud thunder. Still the dragon didn’t seem to be slowed down so another bolt struck followed by another and then another, each followed by a loud thunder. His smoldering form stood there for a few seconds then fell like a ton of bricks. Behind him stood Orics trembling form, arms extended having just used one of his spells to finish off the beast.

“Damn. Ya alright lass?” The dwarf asked his black skinned friend, as he brought a hand to his face and using some of his magic to mend the burns from the drake.

“Yes, but next time don’t cut it so close?” she said with a grateful smile glancing back to the dragons boddy who to her surprise was still breathing if berly. They didn’t spend much time to dwell on that as their friend needed help.

Evelyne placed another bolt in her light crossbow, taking careful aim to avoid hitting her two allies engage in melee with Romph, the bronze dragon. Fortunately she was a sure shot with her crossbow and with each bolt the dragons hide resembled a pincushion more and more.

Still the dragon paid her no mind, her bolts were nothing compared to Tulas axe, it’s icey enhancement perfectly designed to combat creatures of fire, each slice and gash felt like it stole a bit of his inner flame. He trashed and swiped violently with both his claws and tail managing to land several blows on her but this only seemed to spur the fiery woman on adding to her rage. It would have been a lot easier to mawl the blond one if he didn’t also have to take care not to get gored by the large boars tusks.

The two of them, bore and human, were perfectly synced in their savage combat, every time one was in a difficult position the other would increase the pressure on the dragon from the other side so it couldn’t get the upper hand.

Romph braced himself for one of Chester’s charge, considering the bore a much easier target to pin down then the smaller and more nimble woman. The boar's tusks pierced the dragons hide but the bronze colossus ignored the pain and managed to latch on to the bore. His claws now hooked in Cesters hide the dragon broth down his massive maw on the pigs back in an attempt to break its spine and be done with it.

The bore squealed in pain as the dragon’s maw tore into the muscle and tendon of his thick neck and shoulders, but it was not enough to finish the beast who went into a savage frenzy. Meanwhile Tula rored in outrage grabbing her axe with both hands and bringing it down, in a wide arc on the dragons shoulderblade severing a wing.

Chester, showing the endurance his species was known for, pushed through the intense pain lifting his upper body and pushing his tusks deeper into the drakes gut. The bore managed to lift up the bronze colossus a full inch above the ground, to the reptiles surprise, before they both topele to the side as Tula pulled her Great Axe free from the drakes back with a sickening crunch. Chester laid still where he fell to exhausted from the heavy exertion and pain to try and move

Romph rolled on his back and tried to get up as Tula lifted her weapon above her head and with a mighty swing she sank it’s heavy blade in to the young dragons throat, blood splattering all over her weapon and forearms.

The dragon fell back to the ground grabbing the axe frantically trying to remove it whilst drowning in it’s own lifeblood, the wild convulsions of it’s death throes splattering more gore on those to close until finally it fell into the dark void of the beyond.

The four friends were exhausted to say the least, Dilline and oric joining up with the rest as they dispatched their dragons, muscles burning from the ordeal and the stings of their wounds still they had no time to revel as there was still one dragon left.

From the start of the fight Bram decided that his skills would be best used in distracting one or maybe more of the dragons so the others could pick the rest off one by one. He caught the read dragon’s attention by doing the most annoying thing imaginable, poking it repeatedly in the head with Magic Missile. The tactic proved quite efficient as the annoyed beast focused solely on him while the others fought. The dragon’s anger reached it’s peak when Bram threw in a Fireball for good measure.

He knew that most of the offensive spells he prepared for the day were ill suited for combating dragons and their fire resistance as he narrowly dodged a claw swipe only to be slammed by the creatures tail in the gut. And he was not the only one who grunted in pain.

“ Why don’t you just die you grey skinned freak?!” shouted Garbel in frustration seeing that this blows had next to no effect against the humanoid. More sow frostbite began to form around his extremities.

Bram just smiled back mockingly at the dragon holding his staff in both hands wondering how much longer his spells would hold out. He didn’t much bother to fight back, lacking the physical strength to do anything against his opponent. Instead he opted to keep the dragon busy till help arrives, wearing him down bit by bit.

“Bahhh” the dragon roared in frustration taking in a deep breath and unleashing a 40 ft long cone of fire on the wizard. Everything that was engulfed by the fires quickly withered and turned to ash, everything besides the wizard who only stood there mockingly applauding the creatures efforts.

“You’re quite dumb as far as dragons go, aren’t you?” Bram commented before he got rammed into the charred trunk of a nearby tree, the impact taking the air from his lungs but otherwise he was relatively unharmed minus a few bloody scratches and tears in his robe.

“Says the loser thrown around like a ragdoll!” rored Garbel who was repeatedly clenching and opening his fist trying to quicken the blood flow and remove some of the crippling cold.

“Yes. But still most dragons would have recognised the chill shield and stoneskin spells on me, and opted to just wait out there effect or go help his friends instead of wailing on me like an utter moron.” The chill shield offering protection against the dragon's fiery breath and also gives a severe frostbite when he hits it and combining this with the effects of a Stoneskin spell would protect him from mostly anything the dragon could throw at him.

“Heh maybe but the others don’t need my help to take down some wimpy hairless monkeys.” snorted Garbel getting really fed up with this one’s arrogance.

“You haven't been paying any attention to the others have you.” Bram motioned for the dragon to look around. And as he did Garbel saw his friends, one half buried alive another unconscious and bleeding on the ground with a sword embedded in it’s back and the last one dead and mutilated beyond recognition his throat still spouting gushes of blood like some grotesque fountain.

Even worst Tulla and Dilline were now flanking him ready to charge in while Eveline had her crossbow aimed and ready to fire, Oric in the meantime was tending to Chesters wounds. Garble spread his wing in an attempt to fly away but two bolts fired by Eve quickly put a stop to that tearing twin holes in the thin membrane of his left wing. After a few struggled flaps to get away the holes tore up into large gashes rendering the wing useless crashing him to the ground.

Tula was quick to intercept slamming a heavy boot on his muzzle closing it shut and pounding her lightning gauntlet on the pinned creatures head until it fell unconscious having lost most of it’s stamina from Brams spells. The barbarian walk away from the unconscious creature, the dragons face covered in bloody bumps and bruises, regrouping with the others where Chester was lying down tended by his master.

Once she reached them she fell on her ass letting out some heavy breaths, the adrenalin surge after she rages always taking it’s toll at the end of a battle. The others didn't fare much better all of them falling to the ground tired and wearing the tole of battle in the form of cut’s bruised and bloody tattered clothes.

“Woooo!.... I can't believe we actually did it. We should have been dead the moment the bribe failed.” Dilline was the first to scream out their victory. “Oric, we’re buying the entire town a drink after this one.”

“Aye lassie.” answered the dwarf busy bandaging up Chesters back.” Tonight we’re partyin’ like it’s the dwarven new year.”

As they laugh through the exhaustion a loud rumble could be heard approaching them. In a few moments they were surrounded by a bunch of grey and white pony stallions clad in golden armor spheres pointed their way.

A particular grey stallion dawning a more ornate blue suit of armor with a centurions helm, the leader of the bunch, stept up addressed the party. “Lay down your arms and you shall not be harmed.” While his demeanor was strong and confident, he was clearly weary of these intruders. It was quite a task for a squad of guards to take on a dragon of this size and walk away, let alone four.

Author's Note:

Alright from this point the chapters will be coming out on a weekly basis. I hope you enjoy the story.
Special thanks to this bad boy http://abyssfiend.deviantart.com/ for the cover art. Go check his stuff out, you'll also find the entire rouster on his page.