• Published 4th Jan 2014
  • 3,137 Views, 31 Comments

Grumps! - ambion

Dash wants to hangout. Pinkie wants to grumble under the blankets.

  • ...


Rainbow Dash sauntered into SugarCube Corner with her chin up, her wings spread, and her mouth set in a grin. It all made for an entrance that said in a smouldery voice: ‘Hey. Sure I’ll give you an autograph, yeah I’ll kiss that baby for the cameras...’ and the effect was only slightly spoiled by the mare getting her upright wings caught in the doorframe.

A moment of tugging effort and a sudden drop to her backside later she was right back up on the proverbial horse, quickly saving face. She blew a tuft of mane from her eyes with a practised perfection of effortless ease. “Hey.”

Mrs. Cake, who’d been busy kneading dough this whole while and had summarily missed the whole thing and even if she hadn’t was used to this sort of thing anyway said, “Hello dearie. What can I get for you?”

Dash sighed and smiling, shook her head. So much for putting on a show. “Is Pinkie in? I’ve got a few hours to fill and nothing to fill them with.”

The baker flipped the dough with a splat. No sooner had it landed than the mare was at work rolling it again. “Oh, well, yes she is in, but she’s not seeing anyone today.”

“Great! I’ll just-” Dash whinnied as the rest of the sentence reached her. It wasn’t that her brain was slow. Just slower. “What? Not seeing anypony today? Since when does Pinkie Pie not see anypony? I mean, you know, Pinkie Pie.” Her hooves struggled to articulate what her elocution could not.

Again the dough flipped with a soft splat! Cup Cake didn’t look up. “It’s nothing to worry about dearie. She’s just having a grumpy day is all.”

“Since when does Pinkie have grumpy days?”

And now Mrs. Cake did look up, her face one of mild confusion and query. “She’s always had them, every once in a while. I didn’t realize it was a secret. It’s just part of being her.”

Dash’s wingbeats made her whole body bob up and down like an irate hummingbird. She flew wildly overbalanced, as if she were coming down a set of stairs to discuss this with the mare. “So how come I never knew nothing about it?”

Cup Cape shrugged mid-knead. “You could go on up if you're in a fuss over it.”

“I think I will!” Dash popped upright in the air, smacking her head off the ceiling. “Ow...”

“That’s nice dearie. Oh, take this teapot up for her while you're at it if you would.”

Somewhat stunned from her impassioned moment, Dash quietly took it without protest. “It’s gone cold.”

The mare flashed Dash a quick smile. “It’s chocolate milk, dear. She likes being able to pour it.”

“And that’ll cheer her up, back to non-grump Pinkie?”

“It’s a good start anyway.”

It is, Dash realized, nigh impossible to carry oneself with impassioned purpose when oneself is also carrying a teapot. Getting called back down for cups to bring up as well did not help matters. It made her feel like a maid, this. Maids weren’t awesome, or at least maiding...maidening...maidlying...whatever it was called, it wasn’t awesome.

Hooves full, she knocked with a knee. “You in Pinks?”

The grunt that answered her had a certain Pinkiesque ring to it.

“Well I’m coming in, so...” Dash went in. The teapot was seriously cramping her game. It wasn’t even carrying tea for that matter. “I got this,” she finished lamely.

Pinkie was not to be seen, though a certain suggestive lump in the was definitely Pie implying. Dash set the wares down and prodded a likely looking spot. She was answered with another grunt and a rustle. “Hi Dash,” Pinkie groaned.

Dash tried prying up an edge only for it to be pulled back down from within. “What’s up with you?” she asked.

“ ‘m a grump.”

“I see. Why?”

The rise and fall of the blankets - a delightful baby blue - might have been a shrug. An accompanying groan stressed the point.

“Come on. Get up already.”

The blanket fought back with a grunt of effort. “No,” Pinkie whined. “ ‘m a grump!”

“But Pinkie,” Dash return-whined “I’m bored!”

The mound harrumphed, then seemed to reconsider. “Give me chocolate milk,” the blanket heap grumbled.

Dash muttered a snide mimicry under her breath as she poured one. “I’m not putting it under there for you.”

Grumpy Pie growled. The blanket shuffled about and a hoof snaked its way out resentfully, groping blindly. “ ‘chlate milk.”

“Aha! Got you now!” The blanket flew back, blue to pink. Pinkie hissed, swatted at all that dreadful stuff called ‘light’ and curled up tighter.

Dash prodded her with the mug. “Wow. Look, here’s the chocolate milk. Drink it and be, you know, poofy again. Well go on.”

Pinkie unfurled like a fuchsia flower that had heard of pollination and wanted no part of it. “Woah!” Dash exclaimed as a hoof shout out and claimed the mug. “So... what’s up with you? Why so...” again Dash let her hooves articulate with a series of complicated swirling motions, like a very drunk maestro seeing double and trying to conduct accordingly.

“I ‘unno. ‘m a grump. Thanks.”

It really was good stuff, chocolate milk. Dash wiped at the mustache it gave her as she paced around the bed. “So,” she said, “you’re a grump.”

“ ‘mm,” Pinkie grumbled. Her face was long, her chocolate milkstache was longer.

“You know, this is really ruining all my plans for today.”

Pinkie glowered, then pouted as she burrowed herself back into the bed. “Your plan was to see what I’m doing. Well, I’m doing grumpy.”

Dash flared her wings and stretched her eyelids. “But why?”

“Sometimes I just feel like it. I ‘unno.”

“Ugh!” To stop herself tearing at her mane, Dash sloshed more of milk into her mug. After a grumbling second of consideration, she filled up Pinkie’s too. “Don’t you want to go do, Oh I don’t know, stuff?”

Pinkie’s lips slapped together on the word, “Nope. ‘ wanna lurk in bed and glower at stuff.”

Hunched and fuming, Dash tried to think through her agitation. She could just go. But what would the point in that be? It was too much like admitting defeat and besides, Dash liked having a cheering audience. If she went to fly now, that absence would be too infuriatingly apparent.

“Fine!” the pegasus declared, her wings slapping tightly to her sides. She gulped down the last of the chocolate milk and set her mug down with a resounding slam. “Now I’m all grumped out too!” Dash nosed her way under the blankets and hunched in a lair of her own fluffy devising at the other end of the bed. “Don’t wanna do anything now.”

After a few minutes of half-hearted thieving, shoving, and blanket-burrowing, Dash blinked with a thought that struck her a glancing blow. “You know,” she hazarded from the den of blankets, “Being a grump is surprisingly fun.”

Pinkie flashed her a cheeky smile under the covers. “Shh, don’t telling everypony. It’s a secret.”

Dash chuckled. “Yeah, okay.”

After a few minutes more Mrs. Cake came up with more chocolate milk. There were no ponies to be seen, but highly suspicious lumps grumbled at her from under the covers. She left without a word, only a knowing smile.

Comments ( 30 )

Just noticed that the word "hangout" in both your long and short descriptions should be "hang out ", which describes an action; the former is used to describe a physical place.

You're just the master of d'aww moments aren't you?:heart::rainbowkiss:

This is funny and so like them.

Welp, ah got Diabeetus. Thanks for that.


“Shh, don’t telling everypony. It’s a secret.”

Don't tell? Don't be telling?

That little bit aside, this was adorable. I was afraid for a moment that you'd beat me to one of my silly ideas I hadn't written yet, but nevermind. Yours went in a totally different direction. Though now I think I ought to sketch out some sort of plot to drape this idea over and actually write it. Hm. Maybe I'll play Skyrim and think on it.

:twilightangry2: I think this just became my plans for Monday, since I probably won't work this week. :pinkiehappy:

Hee, 'm a grump today too. :trixieshiftleft:
*bes a grump with pinkie 'n dashie*

Haha, cute. Its seemed odd at first for Pinkie to say that she's grumpy. I mean you don't usually say your grumpy when you are, but then it hit me that she was just playing. And gosh is that brilliant, of coarse Pinkie would do something like that:pinkiehappy: It's just too cute, I love it:yay:

Pinkie and Rainbow Dash through and through. This was an awesome story, and just the perfect fix of Pinkie Pie. :pinkiehappy:

Well wasn't this a d'aww moment? I :heart: it through n' through.:scootangel:

*Grins* Other than spotting Cup Cape instead of Cup Cake I didn't see any issues and that's always a nice addition to a cute fun fic like this. Very well done and quite funny. Bravo:pinkiesmile:

Well this was cute :pinkiehappy:

And this has just earned ye yet another follow! :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

I adored it.

I wasn't expecting that ending, but I can totally see Pinkie doing something like that. :rainbowlaugh:

As someone who tends to get grump for no reason with far too much frecuency, I liked this one. :pinkiesmile: Maybe I too should try to be more funny grump instead of just grump grump.

Aaww! They're a grumpin' together! That's so cute. I think Mrs. Cake was being a little grumpy too...

To be honest I thought this would be a monthly thing joke.

Someone needs to make this into an SFM short. Seriously. I'll get grumpy if someone doesn't. :pinkiecrazy: This is cute, so it gets an upvote.

Need I say more?

:rainbowlaugh: Ok that was cute. I like it, so you get a :yay:

Really well written and I liked it a lot!
Though I'm a bit confused at the ending. Was Pinkie...pretending?

I would totally snuggle under covers with Grumpy Pie

Yay, Pinkiedash friendshipping!

It should be illegal for a story to be this cute.

For some reason this makes me think of Calvin and Hobbes. I could totally see a comic of them doing this same exact thing.


Not exactly the same story but it is related sort of kind of... (sadly this strip is missing Hobbes which would be the combo of characters with Calvin to actually directly show off your story in comic strip form).

Cup Cape shrugged mid-knead. “You could go on up if you're in a fuss over it.”

I think you mean Cup Cake.

This is so adorable. I'm awake at a very odd time just to comment this. Story made me laugh

Aww. I love it:heart:

Cute in a silly, Pinkie Pie sort of way. :derpytongue2: This was nice! Thanks for the read. :pinkiehappy:

Author Interviewer

Cuteness of this level needs some kind of biohazard warning.

All they need now is a T.V, a gaming system, some games, and recording software to post videos on the pony-net. :pinkiehappy::rainbowwild:

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