• Published 4th Jan 2014
  • 470 Views, 3 Comments

Siege Stories: Diary of a Pegasus Purist - PheonixCircle

Dairy from the last battles of the pony unification.

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Day Thirty-four: Judgement Awaits

This is the fifth entry of Lance Skydiver, former commander of castle Northwind, and prisoner of the blue nightmare.

I have been betrayed by my own men. The morning after I wrote the last entry, they caught my, bonded me and locked me in my own room. Now I am sitting in this cell, writing my last words while awaiting the scaffold.

I have to admit, I am impressed by their strategic capabilities. They waited until I got sleepy, and while some of them were on guard, others were resting in their beds, awaiting the signal to wake up and attacking me. I had no chance, they took my weapon without a hassle. But they had a while until they had bonded me. That they locked me into my own room was a sign of respect. They acknowledged my strength, and they knew that there was no possibility of fleeing anyway.

As sun as the sun has risen, they opened the gate and sent two ambassadors: One into the sky, and one to the main tent of the besieging forces. They told of their surrender, and that I had been taken care of.

The strange ambassador, the one with the night sky mane, rushed to the castle, as she told me, worried about my condition. As soon as she had entered my room, I noticed that she had a worried look on her face, so I can't deny the truth in her words. But her look got strict again after she found me unscathed.

She let me be taken away, to a unicorn castle town in the centre of Equestria, named Canterlot Castle. She and her sister, another ridiculously tall unicorn, had started to live there just a few weeks before the siege started. It seems that they appeared at the same time the ponies were uniting themselves.

I heard of a few other prisoners that the sisters took part in the meetings, but neither spoke nor acted in any way. They were just spectators, awaiting the end. They both smiled when the ponies came to terms, peaceful and with no means of harm to one another.

A nice story, but I suspect that this had a deeper meaning, especially now, that I have witnessed the truth. The preached creature, the one with all pony races features, the symbol of ultimate unity between ponies, exist. The two sisters are these ponies. They are older than any of us, the dark one, her name is Luna, by the way, told me.

They were still young on behalf of their own race. They don't know what happened that every one vanished, or how they called themselves in the past, but Luna believes that they were even more powerful than she and her sister.

The trial was short, the judges read my crimes, and sentenced me to death. A stream of blood to prevent a river, one said behind me, only to be silenced by the guards.

They put me back into the cell. Shortly after, Luna came back, asking me if I had any last wishes. All I asked for was the diary and some ink. I wanted to write down some last words, before I depart from this world.

I am not afraid to die. I knew the risks, and I am willing to pay the price. I am disappointed by the treachery that has invaded the hearts of my men. There is a reason why traitors are punished as harsh as they are. But I don't think bad of them. They just did what their hearts told them, and I respect that. They have a chance to see their family again.

I won't see my boy. He was forbidden to come. Luna wanted to spare him the sight of his fathers beheading. I can only laugh over such trivial matters, I have taken him to much worse situation when he was old enough, and he knew the risks I have taken as well. But I respect Luna. She has given me far more than she had to, and so I respect her decision.

My weapon and armour will be taken to him after my execution, Luna promised me. She and her sister, her name is Celestia, will try to keep everything in order as long as this unity is young, but Luna has no intention to rule herself, as she told me. I believe her: It was the first time her face looked the same as her voice.

I can hear the people outside. It seems the time has arrived for me to go. I will go out there, proudly, no fear showing on my face, and I will show them what we pegasi are made of. There is no pony more courageous than us, and no pony more willing to give his life for what he believes in.

May my blood on the hooves of the traitors burn, and may they be lectured for what they did. I hope that they will be present, as I will say my last words: "Today, a betrayed dies, his blood on the traitors hooves. Today, a nation falls, and from its ashes shall raise a new nation."