• Published 28th Dec 2013
  • 515 Views, 2 Comments

The life and times of Alex and Twilight - Finnie Nara

When a spell goes haywire, a lavender unicorn finds herself stranded with a stallion as they live together on an island with a history.

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The life of Twilight Sparkle and Alex

Life was tough for Alex Nara, he was a normal earth pony who lived in a small apartment in the dark corners of ponyville, earned barely enough to provide for himself let alone pay for his apartment. Every night after work, he would sit back on his couch and think. He thought about his life, about his future, he thought about alot of things.
Sometimes he would wonder if somepony would even continue to live with such a miserable existence, sometimes he would imagine if anypony would actually miss him if he were gone. His parents had passed away recently and he had no other relatives or anypony to call family. His friends all moved away and after awhile, they never contacted him again.
Occasionally, a pink pony with bubbly pink hair would throw him a birthday party. He'd act happy to let everypony think that he was still happy, that he still had hope left in him. Yet once the last of the guests left the house, he would sulk back onto his couch, lay upon it and think.
Most of his day was spent working, eating and sleeping. He never really sought out company, he never wanted company. Some of his old friends would return to ponyville for awhile before leaving again to continue with their dream jobs. They would take Alex out for a drink or a game of pool, they would sit down and watch a game of hoofball. Alex would bring up his act and start smiling for the sake of it, not wanting to make his old friends think that he was still unhappy.
Alex would find himself almost smiling whenever he was around his old friends as they brought up nostalgic events. Yet even when he was with them, Alex felt empty. He felt as if something was missing form his life. He couldn't put his finger on it but he felt as if there was a hole in his heart and nothing could fill it.
The place where he lived was slightly abandoned, it was dark and gloomy. Nopony would go there if they had a choice. Most of the buildings were crumbling and the few neighbours he had were moving out. Now he was the only resident at Nara residence. Some fillies would occasionally sneak into one of the abandoned houses because they thought it was haunted and wanted to investigate it. They usually made loud noises which disturbed Alex, he didn't like the noises, they sounded so happy, so full of joy. It reminded him of himself when he was younger and played in the backyard back at his family's house. It was all gone now, demolished for some fuel factory.
One day as Alex was walking towards home after his boss yelled at him for messing some documents up, he noticed a white glow near the corner of his apartment. He decided to go investigate the source of the light.
as he moved closer to the light, it became brighter and brighter until it was nearly blinding. He could see some silhouettes in the glow, he called out but there was no answer. Alex thought to himself if he really wanted to enter the glow, if he really wanted to risk it. Then he asked himself if he had anything to lose. For once, Alex decided to stop thinking and he decided to act.
Alex woke up on a sunny, warm beach, nothing that he would have expected to be at. He felt something on top of him. It was breathing, it was slow and deep breaths but it was breathing. Fearing the worst, Alex darted from the creature above him. To his surprise, he found a lavender unicorn slowly stirring and getting up. She groaned and stretched much like a cat or a dog would.
She looked around and spotted Alex, she too seemed surprised to see him.
"Who are you?" asked Alex
"I'm Twilight, Twilight Sparkle," came the reply from the purple unicorn,"where are you from? i don't think i've seen you around before yet you look familiar."
"I'm Alex Nara just call me Alex," said Alex," i'm from the far side of ponyville. Probably quite a distance from you i think."
"Odd, i'm living at ponyville too but why haven't i seen you before?"asked Twilight
"Well i don't come out of the house much i prefer to stay indoors," replied Alex.
Twilight nodded her head as if to agree with Alex.
"Yeah i don't like going out much at all too, i prefer to stay at home and read," said Twilight.
An egghead great, thought Alex.
"So do you know where we are?" asked Alex
"I know as much about this place as you do," replied Twilight,"i remember casting a spell which should have been able to teleport me for long distances but there was an interruption of some sort, a factor i did not foresee."
"Erm was there a white glow as ou were casting the spell?" asked Alex
"Yes there was and it seems that the spell only worked too well. I don't even recognise this landscape and i studied every map of Equestria." commented Twilight
"Wait so... we're on an island or something? an uncharted island?" asked Alex
"So it seems," said Twilight,"and judging by the position of the sun i'd say that its close to early morning right now."
Alex had entered the portal near the middle of the night which meant that several hours had passed. Or that they were in a completely different timezone.
"Can you re-use the spell?" asked Alex
"No i don't think i can and even if we had the equipment and resources to recreate it, my magical reserves are rather low right now so we have to stay here for about... a few months or so," Twilight said emotionlessly
"A few months? i'll be fired by the time i get back home and i won't be able to pay my rent!" exclaimed Alex anxiously.
"I think we have more concerns than your rent right now like building a shelter and starting a fire before nighttime comes unless you want to freeze to death in the cold tonight," said Twilight,"the fire can also act as a signal."
"Fine but we better be home as soon as possible," said Alex reluctantly
and so, Twilight grabbed a few leaves and used her fire spell to write a checklist of things to do by the end of the day as Alex went into the jungle behind the white sandy beach to collect some wood.
The sun was setting when Twilight had finally finished going through her checklist, leaving an exhausted Alex lying down on the sand panting.
"It looks like we're all set-up,"Twilight said happily.
"Remind me why we needed a bench facing hte beach?"asked Alex still panting from running around collecting wood with a make-shift axe that he amde.
"So that we can calm down and converse with each other as stated in my guide to socialisation," said Twilight
"Wait, you're telling me that you need a book to learn to socialise?"asked Alex grinning
"Stop smiling at me like that its creepy!" said Twilight
This made Alex grin even more which in turn made Twilight back away a little more slightly creeped out.
"Stop it!"shouted Twilight near close to tears
Alex realised he went too far and was next to Twilight in a flash, his grin replaced with a look of concern.
"Hey look i'm sorry i just thought it was kinda hilarious that you need books so much," said Alex,"if it makes you feel any better i used to read tons of books too."
"Really?" asked Twilight sniffing
"Yeah like lots of fantasy and sci-fi,"said Alex
"Heh i used to read those too until i grew up," teased Twilight with a smile
"Are you calling me a kid?" asked Alex with narrowed eyes.
"Maybe,"replied Twilight.
"Hmmph i'll get you next time," said Alex with determination
"You know Alex you're a pretty good guy for somepony that doesn't go out alot," commented Twilight
"What me? no you must have met plenty of other ponies that have been just as nice to you as i am," said Alex
"Well no not really i guess it's because i read alot of books and most stallions don't like 'bookish' mares so they tend to avoid me," said Twilight.
"Then they don't know what they're missing out on," replied Alex firmly
"What are they missing out on?" asked Twilight curiously
"Well you're kind, nice to be around and overall very sociable not many ponies can be friends with me as quickly as you have," said Alex
"You mean it?" asked Twilight with a glint in her eyes
"Heck yes i do," said Alex smiling.
As Twilight and Alex talked to each other, Alex felt a feeling in his chest that he had never felt before, he felt the hole in his heart slowly being filled up. It was a delightful and weird feeling, a feeling he had not felt ever since his parents passed away.
"Hey Alex," said Twilight
"Yes?" asked Alex
"Sun's setting," Twilight said simply
"And?"asked Alex
"We haven't started the fire,"replied Twilight with a smirk.
"Oh yeah i forgot," exclaimed Alex as he rushed over the pit to start a fire.
After the fire was started, Alex went to sit on the bench. He noticed that Twilight had not moved from where she sat previously, she was looked as if she was crying to herself. He slowly made his way towards her and the closer he got, the louder he heard her sobbing.
"What's wrong?" asked Alex
"It's just that i'm not sure if we can even go back home at all," said Twilight,"the spell needs at least four participants and i only have you as well as myself in this uninhabited island."
"Well don't worry i'm sure that you'll be able to get us back,"Alex reassured Twilight.
"Why?" asked Twilight
"Why what?" asked Alex
"Why do you believe in me?" asked Twilight
"Because i just do," Alex replied simply
Twilight smiled and leaned on him as the moon began to rise allowing the stars to shine brightly for the whole world to see. Alex smiled and the hole in his heart was filled completely.He felt complete, he just wished that that moment would last forever.
For the next few days, Twilight and Alex completed building the shelter and to their surprise, they found that most of the plants that were there were all edible. So they harvested the food, purified the seawater and soon they had their little place to call home.
Twilight usually spent most of the day researching ways to get off the island. She wrote down her notes on leaves as they did not have any parchment on the island. While Alex would usually gather some food and resources just incase there was an emergency and they had to huddle in their shelter for a long period of time.
Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Twilight had not gotten any leads as to how they could get off the island but it wasn't a torturous experience. Everyday, Twilight learned something new about Alex and vice versa. They had interesting conversations, Twilight would teach Alex about the constellations in the night and would discuss theories about the world with him. To her surprise, Alex was actually a rather intelligent individual. He just preferred to stay at home and laze around all day.
While Twilight would talk about her theories, Alex would talk about his past and what he thought about his job, friends and life. In fact, Alex found himself talking more to Twilight than he ever did with anypony else. Sometimes he confessed things to her and she wouldn't say whether he was right or wrong. She would just sit patiently and listen. Everytime Alex confessed something, it felt like a huge burden had just lifted itself off his shoulders.
Eventually,Twilight found out that had happened in her teleportation spell. Infact it wasn't a teleportation spell at all. It was a teleportion and creation spell. She had created the island that they were on and they could not leave it else it would implode on itself. Surprisingly, she wasn't that shocked at her discovery. Infact she was slightly pleased at the fact that they could not leave the island, she scolded herself for even thinking of letting her friends live without her. But she knew in her heart that the reason she had to stay and would stay was because of Alex.
Twilight relayed the news to Alex and he too didn't seem too shocked he thought that maybe living here wasn't too bad at all. That maybe he could actually stay here, but he could and would only do it if Twilight was there.
Twilight and Alex agreed that they would still try to find a way to get off the island but if after a year of research with no results, they would have to accept the fact that they would have to live on the island together until rescue came or a miracle happened.
6 months later
Twilight Sparkle was still busy researching the effects of her spell. Apparently, the teleportation spell she used did work but her subconsciousness added a little something into the spell to turn it into a creation spell that brought Alex along with her onto the island they now called home at least temporarily. Twilight remembered chastising Alex a little for making only one bed when they had first arrived on the island. He apologised but Twilight sighed and said it was alright, telling him that they could share the bed. not wanting to waste their resources.
Twilight secretly wanted Alex to cuddle her just for research pruposes of course. All her friends had told her that a stallion cuddling them when they went to sleep was one of the best feelings they had ever experienced other than the other stuff they did in bed of course.
She was also getting more fond of Alex as the days went by. He took care of her when she fell ill, he understood most of her concepts which most did not and he comforted her when she felt down. He was like the coltfriend she never had, Twilight blushed at the thought of getting a coltfriend.
That night, Alex sat next to Twilight as she leaned onto him to share their body warmth in the dark chilly night. Alex socialised with Twilight as he normally did but she saw that he was holding something back.
"What's wrong?" asked Twilight
"Nothing nothing's wrong," replied Alex quickly," it's just that... well you're the first mare that i ever met who ever well liked me i guess. And..."
"And?"asked Twilight with a frown of confusion
"Well you see i... well i like you Twilight more than a friend i mean... you see i..." Alex was interrupted as he felt lips connecting with his.
He looked into Twilight's eyes and he returned the kiss relieved that he didn't have to say anything. The kiss felt superb although he had never had a marefriend before so he had nothing to compare it to but if he had to describe it, he'd say it felt magical.
"How long?" asked Twilight
"How long what?"asked Alex confused slightly
"How long have you had feelings for me?"asked Twilight
"Ever since that night when you leaned on me," replied Alex cheerfully
"Me too," replied Twilight with a huge smile as she kissed Alex once more
Alex slapped himself hard in the face.
"What was that for?" asked Twilight
"To make sure i'm not dreaming," replied Alex," i mean not everypony gets the mare of their dreams right?"replied Alex
"Oh you flatterer you," replied Twilight pulling Alex into a warm embrace.
for the second time on that island, Alex wished that the moment would last forever.
After near 11 and a half months of living on the island, Twilight and Alex finally decided to abandon their research and instead create an S.O.S signal with large stones that would cover near half the beach.
It took them a whole month to complete the project but they finally did it and they were proud of doing so.
Their tiny shelter had expanded into a decent house made of wood. It took them awhile but they finally had the place they always wanted. The place that they could call home. Their home was about two floors tall with a balcony, a bedroom some purified water and plumbing they had their own "stove" although it was more of a grilling station than it was an actual stove. The bench they made was still there facing the seas although a little worn form the fact that they used it often.
Ever since Alex and Twilight became a couple, they did nearly everything together. Cooking, Gathering and Building to name a few. They spent most of their time learning more about one another. Everyday was a joy for both of them because they had each other. Their time together was perfect.
4 years later,
Alex took alot of time making it, he spent all his freetime into making it for her and he hoped she would like it. He spotted her sitting on the bench looking at the night sky as she did everyday. He sat down next to her and they sat in silence. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to ask her the question.
"Hey Twi,"said Alex
"Yes?"asked Twilight looking at him now with her beautiful purple eyes
"Do... do you love me?" asked Alex
"Of course i do silly i have for like the past 5 years why?"smile Twilight
"Well... are you willing to... i mean... um... i love you and i want to spend the rest of my days with you," Alex somehow managed to say those words," will you marry me?"
Twilight gasped in surprise as he presented her with the ring he made using the leaves he handpicked, wrapped together and dipped into the potion that would help preserve the leaves for at least a few decades.
"YES!"exclaimed Twilight in joy," yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes!"
Alex smiled as she slipped the ring onto her fourth finger
"It's beautiful!" Twilight said
"Yeah made it myself,"Alex said
"When is the wedding?"asked Twilight
"How about tomorrow since we don't have anyone to invite?"asked Alex
"Of course!"exclaimed Twilight,"it's going to be so fun... although Pinkie would be alot better at planning the party than me."
"I'm quite sure you'll do great," commented Alex
"I hope so it is my wedding day,"replied Twilight
The next day
Since Twilight didn't have a wedding gown and there was no guests, Twilight simply set-up some water to replace the wine and got the rings ready on the table next to her.
Twilight dashed back into the house and made sure that everything was set before finalising her looks with her magic.
Alex stood next to the table looking a little smarter probably because his mane was combed or maybe it was because of the way he stood confidently. He had a huge smile on his face as Twilight walked towards him from the house.
"Look at you the mare of the hour, looking fancy.," Alex commented
Twilight blushed and looked into his blue eyes.
"So who's gonna be the Justice of the Peace?" Twilight asked
"Me of course i'm the only one mature enough to do something like this,"replied Alex with a smile"Ahem...I'm going to skip to... present the rings."
"Oh you," Twilight said as she took the rings from the table and placed one on Alex's hoof while he placed the other on her horn.
"Okay i now present you colt and mare, you may kiss the bride," Alex stated as he swept Twilight into his hooves and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips.
"And now for the honeymoon." Alex smiled as he carried his wife into the house.
9 months and a week later, a blue stallion with purple eyes was born his name was Twirly Nara
8 years later
Alex started to feel a little pain in his chest as he did his usual chores. He decided it was nothing and continued on his chores.
As he continued with his chores, the pain in his chest grew stronger and stronger until he couldn't take it and headed back home panting.
Twilight noticed his perspiration and asked him if he was okay he just said that it was a little virus probably wouldn't take too long for him to recover. Twilight however was not so easily convinced and asked him to lie down on their bed as she used her magic to examine his body. What she found shocked her and made her fall in tears.
"What's wrong Twi?" asked Alex
"You... you're going to die soon," sobbed Twilight
"What? what do you mean i'm going to die soon?" asked Alex," i still haven't seen our son grow up fully."
"You have lung cancer," Twilight cried
"I... what?"asked Alex shocked
"You probably have about a few months left to live,"Twilight said, her eyes puffy and red.
"But can't you use your magic or something? i heard that the unicorns back in canterlot can fix this kind of thing,"said Alex
"No they can only use it on other unicorns, any other pony isn't compatible with the treatment. The patient needs to be able to use magic as well,"said Twilight softly
"Well i better spend the rest of my time doing what i can shouldn't i?" asked Alex
"But if you strain your body..."replied Twilight
"Mommy! Daddy i'm back!" shouted Twirly
"Hey Twirly did you get the things i asked you to?"asked Twilight
"Yeah! here," Twirly said giving Twilight the wood he collected,"Mommy what's wrong with daddy?"
"Daddy's feeling a little ill dear he'll be fine soon,"said Twilight shaking a little,"why don't you play in the swing outside? i'll be with you when in a little."
"Alright! get well soon daddy!"exclaimed Twirly as he headed to the swing.
"I'll miss you guys,"said Alex weakly
"Don't talk to me like that mister! You still have alot to live for!"exclaimed Twilight
"Yeah i do and you know what? i'll see my son grow up if it's the last thing i do!"exclaimed Alex as he got to his feet only to fall back down again in pain.
"Don't exert yourself,"Twilight said concernly.
"But my bucket list,"Alex said sadly.
"Fine but keep yourself in check! and don't exert yourself!"said Twilight
"Yeah course mum,"said Alex slightly in pain.
7 months later
"Well here we are i have nearly finished my bucket list but there's something on it that i can't do well two things actually. One you can help me do now, the other well i don't think it's possible,"said Alex smiling weakly
"What is it?" asked Twilight
"The first one is for you to kiss me for the last time,"said Alex
Twilight kissed him full on the lips praying that he doesn't die yet she knows that her wish could not be granted.
"The second *wheeze* is to see my little boy grow up,'Alex told Twilight,"at least you can take care of him for me."
Twilight started to tear up.
"I wished i could have spent more time with *wheeze* you,"said Alex his voice cracking up
"Me too,"Twilight replied sobbing
"You know... i remember now *wheeze* i remember that you and i met before."said Alex
Back in Alex's childhood when he was living with his parents in canterlot, his new neighbour moved in and he saw that it was a lavender mare. He had asked his parent's if she was an angel she simply looked so beautiful. They simply smiled and introduced Alex to her.
"Hey i'm alex,"Alex had said
"I'm...Twilight,"Twilight said hesitantly as if she hadn't talked to anypony before.
"Wanna play in my backyard? i can show you around!"exclaimed Alex in joy as he lead her to his backyard with the permission of her parents.
Over the course of the following months, Alex played with Twilight alot. they would meet for lunch, Twilight would talk about her studies with Princess Celestia and they would talk about adventures that they could have soon. They imagined themselves in funny situations
Once, they had asked each other what they would do if they ever got seperated.
"We'll meet each other on an island,"Twilight had remarked with a smile
"What island?"Alex asked curiously
"The one we created silly,"replied Twilight grinning,"Where we'll live happily ever after!"
"Yeah sure!"exclaimed Alex excitedly,"hey wanna go grab some ice-cream? i got some extra bits from my mum."
"Okay,"said Twilight as they went to get ice-cream.
"Do you remember?"asked Alex
"Yeah i do now yes,"replied Twilight
"Do you *wheeze* remember what i told you before i left?"asked Alex
"You...you said you'll always be with me,"Twilight sniffed
"And i always will,"said Alex"see you on the other side Twi."
"Yeah see you,"came the reply as they embraced each other for the very last time.

Author's Note:

Tell me wat u tink bout this one-shot in the comments below.

Comments ( 2 )

eeyup thought so i should stick with only 2 oc's huh...:twilightblush:

i think you should have split it up into part so it wasn't jumping so many years like had the part as the first year they were on the island and had more emotion in how they felt then so on an so forth but it was good i like the many picture.

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