• Published 28th Dec 2013
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Wanted: The Last Babylonian - DJ-Photonix

Last of his kind, sick, and hurt, the last babylonian pony fights for his safety so he can live on. How long will he be able to last while he stumbles into Equestria which happens to have a bounty on his head. Over Six billion bits...

  • ...

Chapter 4

A small purple dragon woke from his nap, to the sounds of his "sister". Could she be upset about that pony she met, did they go out, then he dumped her, or she was angry that he didn't want to work today.

He have a long yawn, before stretching. He climbed out of his tiny bed, and climbed down stairs. And when he got there he saw Twilight, and she looked like a big mess. Her mane was splitting, but her tail stayed normal. It was just a stress attack. He walked over to a shelf, and pulled a small book. It was a secret lever that opened a hole in the tree. The small dragon made sure that Twilight wasn't looking, then stuck his arm in, and grabbed a large box that had a leaf with a moon on it.

This could even Galaxia hit the floor... He looked at Twilight once again, and stuck the box back in the hole. She's not THAT stressed is she? He thought. "Twilight?"

The lavender alicorn looked at the dragon, and noticed he was worried. She took a deep breath to calm down.

"I'm okay, I'm just worried..."

"About that unicorn?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes, he's close to death, and....I have an hour to find something that will save him."

"That bad huh?"

"Yeah, and the worst part about this is that Fluttershy is in love with him."

Spike slapped his face, as he reached for the box once more. Maybe...ugh...

"Spike, smoking your last rare blunt, bu-"

"Its the last Tummy Changa's rare Omega strand! Not just any blunt Twilight!"

"Whatever we're wasting time..." Twilight said moving the books back. "Come on, we need to get the others. We'll need to stop out best friend for killing a pony out of love..."


"Angle get more water please." Fluttershy ordered. "I think his fever is rising." She looked at the clock, and Rainbow Dash walked in.

"Okay I'm here. Twi told me what's up."

"She has a few more minuets." Fluttershy said, staying true to her word. "Can you help me?"

"He doesn't look to heavy." The rainbow named pegasus stated with a sigh. "I'd say we have an hour long flight. You think you are up for it?"

"Yes!" Fluttershy said, stern with her choice. It was her duty to help living creatures get better, and ponies counted.

He lied so that she could calm down, such an action to her was like saving her life. So now if was for her to return the favor. About a minuet later, and the bell on her clock rang.

"Five 'o clock...time to... go.." Fluttershy said picking up the large unicorn with her rainbow maned pegasus friend.


"Prepare Cantlot hospital of an important matter!" Luna said over her phone that sat in the center of her room.

"What would you like for us to prepare for princess Luna?" The doctor asked over the phone.

"Something very rare is very, very sick. I need you to prepare the... 'Dark Room'."

"What state is this matter in princess?!" The doctor whispered over the phone.

"Magical Sands, level five emergency." Luna responded. "Make sure your aren't visible when you pick him up."

"Right away!" The doctor said as she hung up.

"Fluttershy sent me this note, does she have a Motasdraco too?" She asked herself. Dear Fluttershy, I hope you know this will only end with his death...I pray that doesn't happen.

Luna put down the phone, and looked outside. She was worried things would get out of hoof if Celestia found out about the Babylonian in Canterlot Hospital. Fluttershy had sent a note that a certain unicorn she had asked for, and met, was very ill. She also wrote that he needed urgent medical attention. One thing still brought her to question. Why did the pony, who was most scared of her, ask for help? It would haft to be something that must of made her act this way. What could it be? It had to be an emotional trigger, or something, but could it be? She pondered for a moment, then sighed.

"Dearest pony I hope you know what you are doing..."


In fact she had wrote a note asking for help, trying to find some way out of all of this. There could of been. They must have some sort of royal thingy they can do right? If he's the last, doesn't it make him king? She hoped as they landed on a rocky cliff side.

"What now Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I don't know Rainbow Dash...I"

"Hey!" Called a stallion. "Elements! This way! Luna told us to help so don't worry!" He explained. "Hail the Lunar Republic!"

"Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked looking at her best friend. She was wondering what he meant by "Hail the Lunar Republic!". "Are you?"

"I'll explain later..." Fluttershy hissed. "Right now Tyzander needs our help." She said to her friend. "Coming!"

When they got to the night guards, they picked him up.

"We'll take him from he-"

"We're coming with!" Fluttershy demanded. "To make sure he gets better."

"Fly quickly then Kindness!" The night guard said, then he bolted off.

"Come on Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash called.



"WHAT!" Twilight shouted looking at a note Fluttershy left for her. "She must already be there by now!"

"What does the note say Twi?" Apple Jack asked, concern in her voice over her friend's safety. She had only a brief moment of utter dread, but she locked that part away.

"It says she left to Canterlot, and wants us to find out a way to save Tyzander's life..."

"Then lets try darling!" Rarity said.

"OH! OH! I KNOW! I KNOW!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "He's royal!"

"What on earth do you mean Pinkie?" Rarity asked.

"Well surely the Babylonians had rulers like us, and the other kingdoms so if he's the last of his kind wouldn't that make him king by default?"

"Twilight?" Rarity asked looking at her with confusion.

"She's right, and if my memory servers... In the book of International Kingdom Government Rules or the IKGR, If any wanted creature enter's a different kingdom, in that kingdom he must fight to the death to stop the bounty as well as his or her arrest." Twilight Explained.

"So can't we ask for one of those?" Apple Jack asked.

"He'll die, because the one he needs to fight is the ruler of the land."

The other three ponies in the room gasped, knowing full and well who their new friend had to face, Celestia.

"See... This is going to get worse then it already is."

"Well shouldn't it be up to him if he wants to fight or not?" Rarity asked, making a good point.

Twilight couldn't answer, but it didn't stop Pinkie Pie from speaking.

"Lets go tell! We can take my Superduper Flying Air Balloon!"

"I'm with Rarity on this Twi, sorry, but what if he wins?"

"He can decide if Celestia should be killed by Tyzander, step down off the throne and let him rule, or he can mercy her." Twilight said. "Although knowing who killed his entire kingdom except his parents, which is in fact Celestia. He would kill her to avenge his kingdom's death."

The room went quite for a moment, allowing the ponies to think on what Twilight had just explained to him. The complete dread of Celesita, who raises the sun every day up into the sky, being murdered by Tyzander in rage over his kingdom's death.

"We'll just haft to hope girls!" Rarity said. "If I'm right, it was us who helped him get better, he may have mercy."

Twilight nodded. "Pinkie!?"

"Yes!?" Pinkie Pie asked, saluting to her friend.

"Show us the way!"

"COME WITH ME!" She shouted running out of the cottage. "ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL!"


"LUNA!" Celestia shouted in rage. "I HEARD EVERY WORD!"

Luna's ears perked up, then tried flying out of her room, but she was stopped by her sister's magic wall.


"YOU WHAT?!" She asked, yelling in her royal voice.

"Can explain!" She answered. "I can explain!"


"Sister please! I think we should wait!"

"WAIT FOR WHAT LUNA!?" She asked, getting close to her sister's face. Blood was starting to flow out of Celestia's nose from both sides. The blood vesicles must of exploded due to her stress levels. "FOR HIM TO KILL US!?"

"Sister, If I remember you saying to me, it took their entire race's magic to kill our dear mother?" Luna asked, tears flowing down her eyes. "Shalt we not have pitty on the last. Can't we let him life, knowing his race's actions, and living with out another?!"

Celestia backed up, and shot a bolt of magic at a telescope that sat inside the room. She turned back around, facing her sister once more.

"Tell me where he is..." Celestia ordered in a calm, but stern voice. Though Luna didn't answer. "TELL ME!" She shouted. "TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK HE IS! NOW!"

"In the Canterlot Hospital, the password for the elevator to the secret room is, 'Lunar Republic'..." Luna admitted. "Please, have mercy sister..."

"When mother is back, I'll show mercy..." She said walking out of the room.

"What have I done...?" Luna asked herself, before passing out.

Author's Note:

Celestia's mad, and Luna is out cold in Celestia's wrath. Will the rest of the mane six arrive in time to explain how Tyzander can survive, or will Celesita kill him?