> Wanted: The Last Babylonian > by DJ-Photonix > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once long ago, there was once a peaceful kingdom, one in the sky, but it wasn't Cloudsdale. It was called, Babylon. The whole kingdom was on one island that floated miles into the sky. It was held up by a stone called, "The Pettra Aer Stone". On the island was only one building that was far more vast then Equestria itself, but not in Equestria. The building was a large castle that housed farmers, blacksmiths, and the unicorns that lived there. They lived in one place, because they thought that they could never be hurt if they stayed with each other. Oh were they so, so wrong. After a small attack on Babylon from Equestria, they started a deadly war. One that would rage on for eight years. Why only eight years? As powerful as the Babylonians were, they were weak. They almost died off, if it wasn't for two ponies who were in love with each other. They ran down a hallway that led to a room that was used for teleporting to other kingdoms. It was for trading, but they were closed off during the war. Somehow the two ponies opened the door, and teleported out. After the war died down, their island was destroyed by Princess Celestia, and the two ponies went into hiding. As young as the ponies were, they had only one colt, before they died. And now this colt has grown up. Now, he romes the planet, unable to sleep in any town, or kingdom alike. Over the years however he's grown I'll, and is near death. He now walks through a dark forest, after crossing a over mountains. The sounds of branches snapping, as a young adult stallion makes his way though the dark, magical forest. He walks on three hooves, keeping his infected leg from touching the ground as little as possable. His ears had been damaged, them having small holes in the top of them from a pony who nearly shot his head off with a bolt of magic. His coat was a light brown color, but it was now a dirty brownish color, with a small green spot on his right hoof, the uninfected front hoof. The green spot was throw up. His mane was a light shade of yellow, but after a few years of being unable to wash it became a mess. He was tall as a horse, but was a unicorn. He looked to his infected hoof, then looked behind from where he was at, after stopping to take a brake. He sighed looking to his left, then right. Now he felt tired, and regretted ever sitting down. His bones ached as much as his muscles, and his silver eyes had large bags under them. He knew it wouldn't be much longer before he would caught, then be killed. His parents made it known he was in trouble for being a Babylonian. He knew why they ran, and accepted that. Although he could never understand why Equestria attacked Babylon. They were peaceful, and helped them for many years in developing magic that could heal ponies. He always asked himself why did the sun goddess just decide to murder nearly an entire race of ponies? The wind started to blow through the dense forest, and it got cold. He used some magic to get enough sticks to start a fire infront of him. Once it started to burn, he sat back. No...more. He thought as he closed his eyes. _______________________________ The sun was starting to set on the town of Ponyville as a shy pegasus, along with her princess friend, Twilight, walked to her cottage that sat a short distance from the Everfree forest. It had been a long day of working on her animals, so Fluttershy wanted to thank Twilight by making a cup of tea. "I would like to thank you again for this Fluttershy." Twilight smiled at the shy pegasus. Fluttershy nodded back. "Oh, no, its okay. I love it when I have company, I mean you deserve it after helping me out Princess Twilight." "You know you can still call me Twilight, Fluttershy. Just because I'm a princess doesn't mean I'm not your best friend." Twilight replied. Fluttershy, and Twilight looked to their left, after smelling smoke. As if something was burning inside the forest. "Fluttershy, are you cooking anything?" She shook her head slowly, as she walked backwards towards her home. "N-no, but why don't we go get that tea?" "Hang on, tea may haft to wait!" Twilight shouted as she ran into the forest. "Ah! Wait for me!!!" Fluttershy yelled back trying her best to catch up with the fitter alicorn pony. As they entered the forest, Twilight, and Fluttershy saw a dim burning fire. They nodded lightly as they moved closer. They could only see at first a campfire, but as they got closer they saw a pony who looked in bad shape. They could easily tell it was a stallion, by his size, but it was unnatural to their normal unicorn sizes. They was the infected leg, and were shocked that he was even breathing. The bags under his eyes told the two mares that he hadn't slept in a few days. A green spot was all it took to tell them that he needed help in a bad way. "Oh my Celestia!" Twilight said under her own breath. "I think we should help him! He looks like he could die if we don't." Twilight made a good case in Fluttershy's eyes. She had cared for living creatures ever since she got her cutie mark, but that made something catch her attention. "Um, Twilight, this pony doesn't have a cutie mark." "Huh? What!? Your right! He's markless!" Twilight said after she inspected the stallion's flank. "Come on, lets take him to your place for the night! It's too late to get to a hospital. All of them won't allow anypony in after eight." "Wait,why?" Fluttershy asked. "Remember what Rainbow Dash did about a year ago?" "Oh, yeah... Okay help me lift him up." "I'll just carry him with my magic. Now come on, it's getting late." > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mommy? How come everypony hates us?" "Because my dear, us Babylonians have something that everypony doesn't." "What is it?" "You know what every race has right?" The mother asked the colt. "Not all of them. Can you tell me again pretty please mommy?!" "Of course sweaty.Bat ponies have higher senses, Equestrians have harmony, the Griffons have stamina, the Deer of Heltan have wisdom, the Zeborians have the knowlage over nature itself, and we Babylonians have the power to kill an alicorn." "Have we ever mommy? Have we ever hurt an alicorn?" The colt asked getting close to his mother. "I'm afraid we've more then hurt an alicorn, and because of it, we are being punished by the sun goddess... Slowly slipping away from his dream, the unicorn could feel that he was in a different place. Not like in the cold, dark forest like he was before, but in a house. He opened his eyes, and he was a soft light fill the room. There were two windows, and a bed. Next to the bed was a night stand with a small little note on it that said, 'If you wake up, please come down stairs.' "Please?" He asked himself aloud. Ponies looking for bits don't request for them to come down stairs, let alone let him sleep in a ... Oh what was it called again?...Right! A bed... He thought. The infection on his left foreleg stopped hurting, but it was clearly still there. Puss slowly oozed from the infected cut, and it nearly made him throw up again. He shook then nausea away, and got out of the bed as his hooves made a clopping sound when they touched the oak wood floor. Now the only thing that kept him from moving was a crutch that sat next to the door. Again another note was placed on it, and said, 'This was the largest I have. It's meant for a bear, but you seem large enough to use it.' Whomever wrote the note was right. When he got the crutch to fit under his body, it fit nicely, and made a perfect temporary leg. He opened the door, and made his way down the small, curving steps into a living area. In it sat a butter yellow pegasus as she feed a small snow-white bunny. When the bunny was done eating a carrot the pegasus was feeding him, she looked up to see the unicorn standing on three hooves, and a crutch. "Oh! Here sit here." She said, but the bunny pulled her mane lightly. "Come now Angel Bunny dear, you must let this hurt pony sit here. I promise I'll give you two carrots later, okay?" The bunny frowned with a nod before it hopped out a small door, attached to the front door. The pegasus squeed with a smile. "Sorry about Angel, he can be mean to other animals sometimes." She said. The unicorn stood there, and nodded without saying anything. Trying his hardest not to speak, and give away his accent. "OH! Sorry for not saying my name first. I'm Fluttershy! What's your name?" He frowned at the pegasus, and walked to a note pad. "Oh you're mute? Okay, here!" She said giving him a quill to write with. He smiled with a nod, before writing. "So, can you tell me your name?" Tyzander "Tyzander? That sounds like a cool name to me. Where do you come from?" I can't tell you. "Why?" Fluttershy asked looking Tyzander with a heart felt look of sadness. I just can't! He wrote with is magic, and stomped his hoof on the ground. Then wrote again, Ask me something else, but never ask me where I'm from again He wrote making his origin wanting to be unknown to the pegasus that stood in front of him. "Sorry!" She cried out. "So... how come you won't tell me where your from?" I'm in trouble, but it's not my fault. He wrote. "What happened?" He pointed the quill to what he wrote before.I can't tell you. "Really?" She asked, and Tyzander nodded with a serious look on his face. Then Tyzander started to write a question. Why did you save me? He asked, "Because you looked hurt, and Twilight helped me bring you here." Who's Twilight?! He wrote franticly. "Oh she's my best friend, and a princess." When Fluttershy said "princess" Tyzander tried to run out the door, but was stopped by a knock at it. He lashed back as it opened, and put the crutch to the Fluttershy's neck. The purple alicorn's jaw nearly dropped, but she shook it off. "What in the name of Celesita?!" She screamed, using her magic to pull the crutch away from the panicing unicorn. He jumped over the alicorn, but was stopped by a wall of magic. Quickly he rocketed back to the pegasus, and a sword made of magic appeared right under Fluttershy's neck. Using more magic, Tyzander wrote something down, and shot the note as a ball over to the lavender alicorn. She unraveled it still looking at the unicorn that was holding her friend with a sword to her neck. "Alright, calm down." Twilight said trying not to panic herself. Her best friend in the whole world was about to get her throat cut open by a unusually large unicorn. Then she read the note aloud. "Leave, forget that you've ever seen me, and let me run away." "Run away?" She asked. "Why would you need to run away?" "BECAUSE YOUR KIND IS NOT DYING!" Tyzander shouted, as he fell to the floor, over come by a large amout of sadness. "You're not from around here are you?" Twilight asked. "Your accent sounds different from even the Arabian ponies." "Please, let me go!" "Not until you explain why you tried running away from me!" Twilight asked. "And tried to kill my friend." "He says he's in trouble, look see...?" Fluttershy said, hoofing over the note pad that had all the small little notes on it. After a few minutes, Twilight looked at Tyzander with a confused expression on her face. "I think you need to explain to me what's going on, and why you are saying your race is 'dying'." "As you already noticed, I'm not from around here, in fact, I'm from a place that is long been sense destroyed." Tyzander explained. "I am the very last of my kind, and I am a Babylonian, the last Babylonian." "Maybe we should talk more..." Twilight said _______________________________________ In Canterlot, Celestia, the princess of the sun, was pacing around in her room. She had felt a surdge of magic that felt firmiular to her. She couldn't be anymore afriad at the moment, and she needed to speak to her sister. Lulu! Where are you!? "If you could wait sister, I would be earlier then I am." "Nice to hear that your modern speak is catching up to you." Celesita complemented. "But there's a matter at hand that we should deal with." "Discord has broken free again?" Luna asked. "Or is it that pittiful Queen of the changelings? OH can it be Somber?" "Sorry, but your guesses are wrong sister. I-I've felt a type of magic that I thought I had destroyed many years ago." "What?" "B-Babylonian magic..." Luna's eyes grew in shock, and disbelief. "WHAT!?" _______________________________________ "I see, so you don't know what actually happened to the alicorn that they killed?" "I don't see how anypony would kill somepony." Tyzander nodded. "Now you know why I tried running, and Fluttershy I am truly sorry for doing that to you?" "It's okay, its like you were a frightened animal." "So, you're Twilight, and you're Fluttershy?" Tyzander asked, and the mares nodded in responce. "Anypony else I should know?" "There's Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy said. "You'll know who she is when you see her." "There's also Rarity, Apple Jack, and Pinkie Pie." "I would say your names are a bit weird for me, but I shouldn't be talking about your home like that." Tyzander said leaning back on the couch. "So were all Babylonians as tall as you are?" "From what I can remember what my dad teaching me before he died was that we were the tallest out of all of the Babylonians there." "So, how come you are running?" "I thought it was clear. The last town I was in marked Babylonians wanted in case of any remain, and now... My very ass is worth over 90,000,000,000 bits." "Well, I need to go to my library, and I need to write down a few things. By the way, you're the first Babylonian I've ever seen." With a flash, Twilight teleported out, leaving the other two alone. _____________________________________________ "We must hurry sister!" Luna shouted flying out the window. Celestia bolted out to catch up, and stop her younger sister from doing anything. "Wait Lulu, we need to wait for the Babylonian to use another high level magic spell again. The last time it was only a blip of energy." "Fine, then we should at least start sending guards to send word to the ponies of Equestria that the bits are ready?!" "Go ahead, I'll stay here to wait for the the Babylonian to use his or her magic again." with that Luna shot off down into Canterlot. "Swift hooves my sister, we shall avenge our dear mother." > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It came lunch time, and Twilight hasn't returned. This made Tyzander extremely nervous in so many ways. Could Twilight be informing Celestia, or was she just taking her time. This was something that he didn't know the answer too. All he could do was sit in a tree house with a pegasus that he almost killed to get away. Is there enough time to escape? Is there any way he could get out of this without any problems? So many questions filled his head, it made him angry. Not knowing what was ahead of him was something that he hated more then always running for his life. But knowing he had feelings, it made him truly feel alive. Living through his parents' death, getting shot, twice, stabbed in the leg, starved, and dehydrated he had lived though all of it. A slight feeling of pride started to fill his heart, but was stopped when there was a knock at the door. Once again Tyzander jumped out of the couch, and bolted behind a chair. Trying his best to be out of sight. Fluttershy, got to the door, and opened it. "Oh, it's just you Luna." Fluttershy said. "Good afternoon dearest Fluttershy, but have you seen a unicorn around here?" "N-no... why do you...a-ask?" "Doest you know something Fluttershy? We are looking for a unicorn without a cutie mark." "I'm sorry...p-princess, b-b-but I don't know what you're talking about." "Fluttershy, we see the lie your are covering, where is the Babylonian?" "What's a 'Baby-lion-an'?" "Ugh! Doest thou try to anger us? Tell us!" Fluttershy curled up into a ball shaking rapidly. Rolling his eyes, he used a bit of magic to add a small picture to his flank. It looked like a face with a mask covering it partially. Slowly he stood up revealing himself. "H-hello." He said weakly. He didn't know he used a lot of magic doing what he just did, and shrinking himself. "And who is this dear Fluttershy? A stallion for your kind heart?" Luna asked. "OH! He's built well." She winked at Tyzander. "Is this what you were hiding?" "Yeah, we've met just yesterday. She's taking care of a cut that got infected." He said showing his infected leg. Luna winced at the gross looking leg, and nearly threw up. Luckily she was able to swallow it back down, "We..." Luna paused trying to regain herself. "We hope you get better, please look for a unicorn without a cutie mark." With that Luna bolted off leaving the door open for another pony to walk in. Tyzander couldn't keep his magic up for much longer so he had to make it quick. "Sorry, but Fluttershy is currently having a moment to herself. Why don't you come later?" He asked, with strain in his voice. "Oh, sorry then. Just want'n to know if Fluttershy is commin to Apple Bloom's party tomorrow? She's supposed to bring her animals so they can play with my dog." "I-I'll make sure that I tell her. GOOD BYE!" He shouted closing the door. He turned around seeing Fluttershy had gotten up just in time to catch him in time. He felt weak after using a ass load of magic. More then he was used to. Slowly though he was able to stand. "Thank you for catching me." "I didn't know you could do that to princess Luna." "The goddess of the moon? Oh, y-ye..." Tyzander said,hitting the ground falling unconscious. ____________________________ Landing on her balcony, Luna had a smirk on her face that could speak a million words. She felt the magical surge like her elder sister had, but this time it was right next to her. She couldn't help but laugh lightly, but she stopped when Celestia walked out to meet her. "There was another one, but I couldn't pick up where it was. A more powerful magic blocked its location." Celestia said. "Damn...so close." Luna chuckled. "Something funny Lulu?" Celestia asked. "Its nothing Tia. See, I think we need to wait a bit longer before we catch this one." "Why?" Celestia asked looking at her sister, and showed a great look of confusion. "Don't you re-" "I do sister, but something...I don't know what, but something good may come out of us waiting for his capture." "What makes you think it is a stallion?" "I don't know," Luna said. "I just think that male unicorns have more power then female unicorns." "I suppose you're right there Lulu." "How about we go eat?" Luna asked her sister with a smile. "Good idea, we've spent half the day looking for the Babylonian." "And may we spend more of these days," Luna said with a smile wanting to end the sentence there, but didn't want her sister to grow suspicious. "together." Celestia nodded with a warm smile. "Yes, together..." _____________________________________________ "Are you sure?" Asked Twilight as she put her ear against Tyzander's chest. "He just fell over, and passed out after talking to princess Luna? How did she not see though his disguise?" "Yes, he was talking, then just fell over. Poor Angel, he nearly got crushed by him." Fluttershy said feeding her bunny a couple of carrots. Twilight knew what happened. Tyzander had completely used up any magic he had in order to hide its true form. Changelings could do this, but would still have a great deal of energy left in their bodies. It was a gift they had. "He's alright, but it's going to be a good while. He used alot of magic, so he's resting it off." Twilight explained. "It's a good thing I got here in time." "Wait why?" Fluttershy asked. "Was he in danger or something?" "Well he's in danger nontheless, but he's not anywhere close to dying by using too much magic." The mares looked at him, but Twilight stopped to grab her scroll with a quill. "I'm going to take a few notes." She said writing something down on her scroll. In Fluttershy's eyes, Tyzander looked peaceful while he slept, and she sort of enjoyed watching animals sleep. Watching them breath in then out slowly over and over again until she herself fell asleep along side the animal she would watch. It caused her to spend many summer nights with small squarels. Twilight was feeling guilty for the moment. Lying to her best friends was the worst thing she could ever do to them. She scanned his whole body. He was running a 104.5° fever, and sweating severely. His infection was starting to move to the rest of his body. Luckily, however, she was able to slowly heal it at best. But it stopped the spread nonetheless, and she knew it more or less taking pride that she was helping. Still though she felt terrible for lying, but it was supposed to be helpful. Maybe the shy pegasus knew he was ill beyond compare. Twilight stopped writing, and set the things on a desk nearby. She then stood up, and walked out. Though she was stopped before she was all the way out. "Wait, where are you going?" "I've found a way to help Tyzander. Just stay here, and watch him okay?" Twilight asked, as she have a look of dread in he eyes, and Fluttershy saw it. The pegasus nodded, and walked back to her home. Stopping before she got back in. "If I gets to it, I'll make the princesses help..." "Fluttershy you kn-" "For once Twilight!" The pegasus shot back. "I think I'm in love! And....and I want to help him!" Twilight looked at her friend with a look that wanted for her too, but not tell the princesses. "Wait for me to make the call first. If I can't find help, go fly with Rainbow Dash to Canterlot as fast as if you were trying to save her from Discord corrupting her more." "I'll give you until dinner, so four hours!" Fluttershy said. "Four hours, and I flying to Canterlot." Twilight nodded, and ran down the path that led back to Ponyville. "Help... I don't fell well..." "Please... Wait Tyzander..." Fluttershy begged. "Please Twilight.....hurry." > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A small purple dragon woke from his nap, to the sounds of his "sister". Could she be upset about that pony she met, did they go out, then he dumped her, or she was angry that he didn't want to work today. He have a long yawn, before stretching. He climbed out of his tiny bed, and climbed down stairs. And when he got there he saw Twilight, and she looked like a big mess. Her mane was splitting, but her tail stayed normal. It was just a stress attack. He walked over to a shelf, and pulled a small book. It was a secret lever that opened a hole in the tree. The small dragon made sure that Twilight wasn't looking, then stuck his arm in, and grabbed a large box that had a leaf with a moon on it. This could even Galaxia hit the floor... He looked at Twilight once again, and stuck the box back in the hole. She's not THAT stressed is she? He thought. "Twilight?" The lavender alicorn looked at the dragon, and noticed he was worried. She took a deep breath to calm down. "I'm okay, I'm just worried..." "About that unicorn?" Twilight nodded. "Yes, he's close to death, and....I have an hour to find something that will save him." "That bad huh?" "Yeah, and the worst part about this is that Fluttershy is in love with him." Spike slapped his face, as he reached for the box once more. Maybe...ugh... "Spike, smoking your last rare blunt, bu-" "Its the last Tummy Changa's rare Omega strand! Not just any blunt Twilight!" "Whatever we're wasting time..." Twilight said moving the books back. "Come on, we need to get the others. We'll need to stop out best friend for killing a pony out of love..." ________________ "Angle get more water please." Fluttershy ordered. "I think his fever is rising." She looked at the clock, and Rainbow Dash walked in. "Okay I'm here. Twi told me what's up." "She has a few more minuets." Fluttershy said, staying true to her word. "Can you help me?" "He doesn't look to heavy." The rainbow named pegasus stated with a sigh. "I'd say we have an hour long flight. You think you are up for it?" "Yes!" Fluttershy said, stern with her choice. It was her duty to help living creatures get better, and ponies counted. He lied so that she could calm down, such an action to her was like saving her life. So now if was for her to return the favor. About a minuet later, and the bell on her clock rang. "Five 'o clock...time to... go.." Fluttershy said picking up the large unicorn with her rainbow maned pegasus friend. __________________ "Prepare Cantlot hospital of an important matter!" Luna said over her phone that sat in the center of her room. "What would you like for us to prepare for princess Luna?" The doctor asked over the phone. "Something very rare is very, very sick. I need you to prepare the... 'Dark Room'." "What state is this matter in princess?!" The doctor whispered over the phone. "Magical Sands, level five emergency." Luna responded. "Make sure your aren't visible when you pick him up." "Right away!" The doctor said as she hung up. "Fluttershy sent me this note, does she have a Motasdraco too?" She asked herself. Dear Fluttershy, I hope you know this will only end with his death...I pray that doesn't happen. Luna put down the phone, and looked outside. She was worried things would get out of hoof if Celestia found out about the Babylonian in Canterlot Hospital. Fluttershy had sent a note that a certain unicorn she had asked for, and met, was very ill. She also wrote that he needed urgent medical attention. One thing still brought her to question. Why did the pony, who was most scared of her, ask for help? It would haft to be something that must of made her act this way. What could it be? It had to be an emotional trigger, or something, but could it be? She pondered for a moment, then sighed. "Dearest pony I hope you know what you are doing..." ___________________ In fact she had wrote a note asking for help, trying to find some way out of all of this. There could of been. They must have some sort of royal thingy they can do right? If he's the last, doesn't it make him king? She hoped as they landed on a rocky cliff side. "What now Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I don't know Rainbow Dash...I" "Hey!" Called a stallion. "Elements! This way! Luna told us to help so don't worry!" He explained. "Hail the Lunar Republic!" "Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked looking at her best friend. She was wondering what he meant by "Hail the Lunar Republic!". "Are you?" "I'll explain later..." Fluttershy hissed. "Right now Tyzander needs our help." She said to her friend. "Coming!" When they got to the night guards, they picked him up. "We'll take him from he-" "We're coming with!" Fluttershy demanded. "To make sure he gets better." "Fly quickly then Kindness!" The night guard said, then he bolted off. "Come on Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash called. "Yes!" __________________________________ "WHAT!" Twilight shouted looking at a note Fluttershy left for her. "She must already be there by now!" "What does the note say Twi?" Apple Jack asked, concern in her voice over her friend's safety. She had only a brief moment of utter dread, but she locked that part away. "It says she left to Canterlot, and wants us to find out a way to save Tyzander's life..." "Then lets try darling!" Rarity said. "OH! OH! I KNOW! I KNOW!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "He's royal!" "What on earth do you mean Pinkie?" Rarity asked. "Well surely the Babylonians had rulers like us, and the other kingdoms so if he's the last of his kind wouldn't that make him king by default?" "Twilight?" Rarity asked looking at her with confusion. "She's right, and if my memory servers... In the book of International Kingdom Government Rules or the IKGR, If any wanted creature enter's a different kingdom, in that kingdom he must fight to the death to stop the bounty as well as his or her arrest." Twilight Explained. "So can't we ask for one of those?" Apple Jack asked. "He'll die, because the one he needs to fight is the ruler of the land." The other three ponies in the room gasped, knowing full and well who their new friend had to face, Celestia. "See... This is going to get worse then it already is." "Well shouldn't it be up to him if he wants to fight or not?" Rarity asked, making a good point. Twilight couldn't answer, but it didn't stop Pinkie Pie from speaking. "Lets go tell! We can take my Superduper Flying Air Balloon!" "I'm with Rarity on this Twi, sorry, but what if he wins?" "He can decide if Celestia should be killed by Tyzander, step down off the throne and let him rule, or he can mercy her." Twilight said. "Although knowing who killed his entire kingdom except his parents, which is in fact Celestia. He would kill her to avenge his kingdom's death." The room went quite for a moment, allowing the ponies to think on what Twilight had just explained to him. The complete dread of Celesita, who raises the sun every day up into the sky, being murdered by Tyzander in rage over his kingdom's death. "We'll just haft to hope girls!" Rarity said. "If I'm right, it was us who helped him get better, he may have mercy." Twilight nodded. "Pinkie!?" "Yes!?" Pinkie Pie asked, saluting to her friend. "Show us the way!" "COME WITH ME!" She shouted running out of the cottage. "ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL!" _______________________________ "LUNA!" Celestia shouted in rage. "I HEARD EVERY WORD!" Luna's ears perked up, then tried flying out of her room, but she was stopped by her sister's magic wall. "Sister...I-I-I" "YOU WHAT?!" She asked, yelling in her royal voice. "Can explain!" She answered. "I can explain!" "THEN TELL ME!" She ordered. "TELL ME WHY YOU DEFILE MY WISHES FOR THEIR DESTRUCTION!" "Sister please! I think we should wait!" "WAIT FOR WHAT LUNA!?" She asked, getting close to her sister's face. Blood was starting to flow out of Celestia's nose from both sides. The blood vesicles must of exploded due to her stress levels. "FOR HIM TO KILL US!?" "Sister, If I remember you saying to me, it took their entire race's magic to kill our dear mother?" Luna asked, tears flowing down her eyes. "Shalt we not have pitty on the last. Can't we let him life, knowing his race's actions, and living with out another?!" Celestia backed up, and shot a bolt of magic at a telescope that sat inside the room. She turned back around, facing her sister once more. "Tell me where he is..." Celestia ordered in a calm, but stern voice. Though Luna didn't answer. "TELL ME!" She shouted. "TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK HE IS! NOW!" "In the Canterlot Hospital, the password for the elevator to the secret room is, 'Lunar Republic'..." Luna admitted. "Please, have mercy sister..." "When mother is back, I'll show mercy..." She said walking out of the room. "What have I done...?" Luna asked herself, before passing out. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyzander felt lost, and he could feel nothing. He opened hityes, and found himself in a dark place. Stars shone from above, and he felt stone under his hooves. Something felt odd about the stone, as it vibrated under his hooves. He used a spell to make a light glow off of his horn, and it showed a stone pathway. He stepped off his right hoof, then his left, but he didn't feel the pain it had while it was infected. Tyzander looked at his leg, and saw it was completely healed, without a scar in its place. Then he continued on down the path made of stone. The area was dark, but the stars were easily seen from were he was. The stones under him vibrated with out stopping for a second. It was like the area he was in was moving. It was easy to tell that he was, because the wind blew swiftly. It blew hard enough to pull his yellow mane. Just as he was about to stop, he heard somebody's hoof steps. "Hello!?" He called out. "A-anypony there?" There was no answer, but the hoof steps seemed to trail off from in front of him. He started to run towards the steps, but they too seemed like they were running as fast as he was. Angered now, he started to teleport forward, a few feet at a time. Again the other unvisible pony started to teleport as well, but it was flashless. It wasn't long before he started to feel tired. The constant teleporting started to put a strain on his magic. He stopped, and so did the other pony. "Where am I?" He asked. "You finally ask a question that I may answer..." A deep voice replied. "Though you will see me as a shadow, use more magic, and light the whole area up. I know you can do it, we all can." Tyzander started to feel energy flow from the stones under him, up through his body, This energy his body welcomed, and he used this new energy to make the area around him show itself. When he opened his eyes after a flash of light from his spell, he saw something extremely beautiful. As if he had died, and went to the Summerland. He saw a huge castle rise high above the clouds. Around him were shadow ponies that looked like unicorns. "Where, am I?" "You don't know do you?" The shadow in front of him. It wore a small crown atop its head. "This is Babylon, your home." "Wow..." Bystander said in awe. "But, I thought it was destroyed by the sun goddess?" "What you are looking at now is a mear reflection of the past, and the same day it was destroyed." "Why am I here?" He asked, still tying to take in his parent's destroyed home. "Well..." the king said. "We wish to give you a gift of knowledge." "We don't want to be destroyed you see." Said another shadow pony, this time it was another one wearing a crown, and had a light female voice. "Our kind has been known to kill an Alicorn of great power, with great power." The king said. "But we never really did." Finished the queen. "So wait? We were destroyed for no reason?" "That's not... entirely true..." The queen said. "Do you know how this island floats?" "No, my parents never got to tell me." "You feel the energy beneath your hooves correct?" The king asked. "Yes, I do, but what does this haft to do with the Island?" "Everything!" They both said, then chuckled noticing they said it at the same time. "You see, it was the mother of all who's energy that now flows through you. She battled our kind for three days before she was stopped by a small baby Babylonian." The king explained. "She was given a gift that touched her deeply. When she set her hooves on our island in the sea she saw then how poor we were. She had destroyed our other two islands, and nearly destroyed our last." "What was the gift?" Tyzander asked. "Her life..." the queen said. "The filly gave her life," "And then mother of all cried. She cried, and raised the sea to the mountains. After she cried, she looked at the mother, and father then spoke to them." The king finished. "She said, 'Her life was scared to you two, and she gave her life to end all of this? What have I done?'. After that she swore she would return by ending her life as well, and blessing the island with her power. It stayed in one place as the seas dropped." "So, life is the most powerful magic of all?" The king shook his head. "No, the true nature of magic has no limits when a mind can unlock it's full potential, and that is why my son...you are here." "We are dead, but being dead doesn't mean we can't tell you what your new friends have in store for you." "So, I am a prince? All this time I had been a prince?!" Tyzander asked in complete shock. "Yes, so about your small friends." "They are trying to help protect you as we speak. Once you wake up you have six seconds to turn the situation to your advantage. Challenge Celestia, goddess the sun to a battle to end this." "Kill her, and our kind will be restored. Then you may rule as king!" The queen said. "Once you've killed her, her magic will fly out of her body. It's enough magic to bring back one thousand! Go my son! Kill her who's killed us, and tortured you for years!" "Now wake!" In an instant Tyzander flew off the table his wounded body had laid on, just as celestial guards started to storm the room, killing off the doctors. "One!" He shouted shooting a bolt of magic at the guards. "Two, three!" He yelled running out the door running into more guards. "Four! FIVE!" He shot more magic bolts. Then stopped as Celestia walked into the room calmly. "Six..." He hissed. "Well done!" She said. "You've not only got the elements of Harmony to work with you, but surprises me the most is that you even got my sister to protect you." She chuckled as she walked around him. "Look at you... You've grown quite a bit...It's a shame that you're the last...I think I should let you live...to torture you till the end of your pathetic life." "Celestia!" Celestia gasped, "You know it is a sin to your culture to call me by my name!" She giggled. "Who's here to care eh? No pony is here to save you. The elements are peacefully sleeping in their beds, and I wiped their memories of your existence." "Shut up!" Tyzander shouted this time surprised at the sound in which his voice echoed. "Celestia! I challenge you to a duel to the death!" Celestia's eyes shrunk to his request to a duel. Quickly she regained herself. "I grant your final wish before you die. Shall the battle be private, or public?" She asked. "Public, so that your kingdom can cry when they see me cut your throat open!" He said. But deep down something inside of him, felt like he shouldn't kill her. He shook the thought away, getting even angrier. Celestia nodded. "If you win, inform my sister to end any search for you. If I win, just to let you know, your race will be wiped out...completely." "Deal..." _______________ Slowly recovering herself, Luna found herself still in her room. Her head hurt badly, but that didn't stop her from getting up. Her door was completely broken off it's hinges, and splinters of wood were scattered all over her bed room. Some of her Windows were broken, and small droplets of blood were on the floor. She checked if anything was broken, but nothing else was. Just then she felt a wave of energy that made her a bit dizzy. No! She thought. I must get the elements! With that she bolted off. ____________ Celestia smiled as her guards armored her up with her solar crest armor. It was embedded with crystals, and enchanted to slowly repair itself as long as the sun shone on it. "Princess, your set up is complete." "Good, is the Babylonian ready?" "We gave him armor, but he said he was given something other then armor." "What did he mean by that?" "He siad he didn't want any armor princess." The guard answered. "Would you like us to prepare a feast in honor of your victory in destroying the last Babylonian?" "Why not Shining Cluster, and see if my sister is in her room." "Will do princess..." Shining Cluster walked off as the gate infront of Celestia opened slowly. Tyzander was already standing out in the area as a large crowd shouted Celestia's name, while they threw food at him. Luckily he shielded himself from the food. Then the crowd stopped throwing food as Celestia walked out. They cheered even louder. Then they stopped after a guard standing at a microphone tapped on it to cause a high pitched noise. "Attention, and welcome to the Canterlot area! Today only we have a duel to the death. To my right we have the last of his kind, Tyzander, the Babylonian Prince. On my left we have our righteous ruler, and bringer of the sun, Celestia! The battle ends once either Tyzander, or Celestia stops breathing." He called, and waited a moment before speaking to allow the crowd to chear in excitement. "Any last words?" "Celestia! I will avenge my kind!" "And I shall avenge my mother!" "Fight!" > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As she flew at incredible speeds, Luna had felt a sharp pain shoot down her horn, as if she had received a slap to her face when the pain reached it.She became dazed, and spun around. She was able to fix her flight pattern, and there was only one thought that ran into her head. SDammit! She's draining my magic! I need to get to Twilight! She did what she could blocking her sister from her magic, but still had a hold on her. Celestia's power was fire based, and as such would be her magic celestial body that she mastered to move. Luna herself was water based, and moved the moon with a bit of trouble. They caused longer nights then normal, but the ponies of their kingdom hadn't minded. Luna was more accepted after the time in Ponyville. They even apologized for freaking out so easily. With all the changes over the last few years with the elements in new bodies, and with it gave her more time to spend. This helped the ponies of Canterlot accept her gaining part control, instead of just Celestia ruling them. It really caused quite a fuss, and she was glad it was mostly over. The older ponies refused to agree with Celestia's ruling. Ponyville came into view as she flew, and Luna saw that there were ponies surrounding a pony with light pink mane. She was shouting loudly asking where a pony was. "Where is he?!" She yelled. Luna landed, and quelled the pony with her magic by lifting her up into the air. "Who are you looking for?" Luna asked her. "Tyzander!" The pony sighed, and when she looked up, Luna noticed it was Fluttershy. "Fluttershy..." Luna said. "He's fighting for his life as we speak." "I thought he was in his bed, but when I passed out on the floor, he might of too." "What are you talking about Fluttershy? I just landed." Luna said, then a feeling grew inside of her. "What is the last thing you remember Fluttershy?" "I remember waking up on the floor after you left...or...maybe...Wait did you come over..." "We must see Twilight!" "Wait, who's Twilight? Infact...who are you anyways? Oh aren't you a princess?" "Poor Fluttershy...you've been hit with a memory spell gone wrong..." Luna cried hugging the pegasus. "I'll just haft to find her myself." Luna placed Fluttershy on her back, and started to run. She was slower though, her sister had mannaged to drain even more power then she remembered her taking, and the pegasus on her back was starting to feel heavier. Fluttershy was a nimble pegasus, and was so light, Luna had to hurry. She slammed the door causing Spike to drop a lit joint. "P-princess Luna, what are you doing here?" He asked trying to put the lit joint out. "Where's Twilight?!" She asked back. "Fluttershy was hit by a memory spell gone wrong." "What!? Hold on!" Spike said running as fast as his small legs could carry him. Only a minute later until she heard Twilight scream what, then teleported into her living room. "Why haven't you done it yet!?" Twilight asked. "My power's are limited. My sister is taking as much as she can to kill Tyzander." "Who's he?" Twilight asked. "Oh! Was I hit too? I'll use one on-" "You know you can't Twilight. It only works on another pony. That shares the moments with you that can restore them." Luna explained. "Fluttershy was hit by a spell gone wrong, and it seems you got the right end of the stick. Luckily there is a spell to remove spells that go wrong." "And it was the first spell Celestia herself taught me!" Twilight said with a smile on her face. "Use it then!" She ordered Twilight. Twilight's horn started to glow brightly, spews of magic trickled out of her horn as liquid, but evaporated as it hit the ground. She walked up to Fluttershy who was looking at the glowing horn intensely. Then her horn touched Fluttershy's head, and then the pegasus dropped to the ground. A few moments later she opened her eyes, and looked around the room. "Fluttershy...?" Luna asked. "What's the last thing you remember?" "Oh, um... I remember I was walking home with Twilight, but why are we here?" "Good.."Luna sighed. "Princess Luna, you never explained who Tyzander was." Twilight said. "You've heard of the Babylonians right? Well there's one left, and he's in trouble." "Were we friends?" Fluttershy asked. Luna nodded with a smile. "The way you reacted when you too him to the hospital in Canterlot...It was like you...you cared about him a lot." She said. "Then lets get the girls, and rescue him!" Twilight said. "Dear Princess Celestia, You never ever mess with the mane six!" They giggled, and ran out the door. ______ However, it was a different situation in Canterlot as ponies started to evacuate the area as large miniature nuclear explosions went off in a shield that seemed to hold for the moment. "Why are you wasting energy? Teleporting takes a lot out of a pony if one is unpracticed." Celestia laughed rapidly shooting bolts of super heated magic. Tyzander grunted as he teleported. "You-fool-wasting-energy-heating magic-like this!" He said teleporting behind Celestia, then bucked her. "Your old Celestia, let's start counting the years!" Celestia shot back at the Babylonian running her horn into his face, meeting his long horn, eye to eye. She held her body in place, not allowing Tyzander to flip her on her back. She charged her horn with a smile on her face. "Didn't your parents tell you not to mess with FIRE!" She shouted blasting him back to the edge of the sheild. She laughed walking over to him. "Look at you! Fighting this infection, and ME! How does this feel?" She asked rubbing her hoof into his cut. "Does this burn!? Does this match the pain of your race dying! I can remember those screams. Oh how I loved to hear you scream mommy. Scream for you mommy. SCREAM!" She yelled in his face rubbing down harder on his infected leg. "Stop!" He cried out. Celestia smiled getting close to his ear. "I'll kill you when I wish. A kingdom wasn't destroyed in a day. It took three!" She laughed, jumping off of his body. "Get up! Fight me! You aren't going to lose to a mare are you? Oh the last thing you'll remember when you go to hell is me laughing at your brown face!" Tyzander felt a growing hate in his chest. "Shut up!" He shouted firing a bolt of magic into Celestia's face, causing her to fly the other way. He got close firing more, and more bolts of magic until it was a beam of free energy firing on her. She teleported before she grew more wounded, and sent Tyzander flying into the air with her magic. "I'll kill you!" She yelled. "Just how I killed your kind!" Tyzander felt the escape from his lungs as he hit the ground, landing on his side. For a moment he saw the island again. That's when he remembered what his parents told him while they were alive. "Okay Typically, today we'll teach you about the power of Babylon's Island. You ever notice how it looked like a pony curled up?" "I guess, but why does it?" "Because Ty, Babyloina is an ancient weapon during the Balance War. If royal blood shows that his kingdom is in danger of extinction, the Pettra Aer Stone will move to the core, and then teleport to where the royal Is. It will destroy anything you ask it two, but it must see it as a threat." Before Celestia impaled him in the chest, Tyzander rolled backwards. Then he jumped up smiling. "Looks like somepony has somepony up his hoof? Let's see what you've got!" _________ "Hurrry!" Luna shouted. "I feel a very intense magical surge of energy." "I do too!" Twilight said. "Now that you mention it, I feel like something is up..." Rarity said sitting in the hot air balloon. "Wait, what's that on the mountains over there?" Rainbow Dash asked pointing to a large structure moving over the mountains. It walked on four legs, and looked like a pony without mane, or a tail. "Oh no...Rainbow Dash! Make like the wind! The ancient weapon of Babylon has been activated!" "I've only read of it's power. It was designed by an Alicorn that knew how to kill." "Who was that?" "My mother..." Luna said. "Allow me to explain on our way. My mother built it because she would kill anything that got near us with out permission. So she built that to kill the king of the very creatures that Discord is. It is powered by an Alicorn heart, but is fueled by an Alicorn soul." "It can only be controlled by a royal however!" Twilight shouted. "Wait is this Babylonian royal?" "It seems like it maybe so Twilight!" Luna said as they arrived in Canterlot, but the large pony was just reaching Ponyville. "Look there they are! And it looks like Celestia is freaking out." Apple Jack said. __________ "You've destroyed everything I ever loved, or respected in my life. I've ran around this planet hoping somepony would help me. But you! You had to make my life a living hell! I think real hell would be kinder!" Tyzander shouted as he slammed his hooves into Celestia's chest. He pushed her aside, and bucked her, hearing a snap comming from her back. She screamed in pain as her left wing had snapped out of place from the forcive impact. "You made my parents run, leaving their loved kingdom! I had to run from Alicorns, Earth Ponies, Griffins, Unicorns, Zebras, and from trained assassins all my life. I lived my entire life, in pain, broken of any possible home, but when Fluttershy, and her friends came...I felt safe for once. I plan to return the favor! I made a vow dragon's make to those who save their lives to Fluttershy, and Twilight! And you know what Celestia, princess of Equestria, and bring of life death?" He asked looking her in her eyes as a large pony stood over them both. "I plan to keep it." He answered looking to the structure above them. "Look at you!" He laughed in disbelief. "You're huge! And you know what? I command you to kill Celestia!" "No!" Luna screamed flying right into the sheild. "No! Please no!" Tyzander looked at Luna as she cried. Then the pony started moving its mouth. "Tyzander, you have ordered Galaxia, Queen of Equestria, bringer of world's, and the very soul that fuels the Pettra Aer Stone, for me to kill my daughter?" "M-mother?" Celestia, and Luna asked. "Tia, what have you done to deserve Tyzander's ruling?" "Mother of all!" Tyzander shouted at the large pony. "She has killed all but me!" "Is this true Tia?" She asked. "Yes, but they killed you!" "Wrong!" Galaxia said. "They gave me a second chance!" "I don't understand mother!" Celestia said. "If you remember my love, that I was the one who nearly killed them off. The King and Queen unknowingly had their daughter kill herself to end it. It was a gift that touched me deeply. I gave my life to them so that they may have grown stronger to aid Equestria if there was another war!" "Kill her!" Tyzander ordered. "Quiet! Don't you see Tyzander? Look around...If I remember, your parents are dead, and as the dead their minds died with them. They became evil spirits brain washing you into thinking you could bring back your race. That is not how!" "Are you saying I can bring them back?" "Yes, and if you should decide to kill my daughter, I will still kill her. But if you don't either way, I shall bring them back." Tyzander looked at the ponies who flew around, or stood around them. The area sheild was now gone, and Luna stood next to Celestia, trying not to cry. Then he started to walk to Celestia. "I suppose a treaty is in order?" Tyzander asked with a kind smile. "I think I should of not listened to my parents, and maybe you didn't know the whole story, so you got mad." He shrugged. "Not that I'll ever truely forgive you for what you did to me, and I know that you know this is true." He said looking up to Galaxia. "She lives, but those who have died by her actions shall never be forgotten, even my sister." "Thank you brother, I've watched you your whole life. I gave my own to protect you." Said a voice that came from the pony. Tyzander felt a tear run down his face as the large pony teleported away. He turned around to see Celestia walk up next to him, looking at the destruction. "I don't suppose you can make a spell to fix this..." Celestia chuckled. "Sure..." "Sorry...about everything that I've did, or said." "It's alright, and we both get to live." He said. "And I still get to keep my promises." ___________Two Years Later_____ "Ho-ld still!" Twilight said to Fluttershy as she zipped up her wedding dress. She sighed in relief when it was completely zipped up to her neck. "I would to thank you girls." Fluttershy said. "It means a lot to me that you're here." "Think nothing of it dear." Rarity said. "Who knew he had a thing for wings?" Pinkie Pie said as music started to play. "Can't believe he got Octavia to play for your wedding." "Let's go!"