• Published 28th Dec 2013
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Wanted: The Last Babylonian - DJ-Photonix

Last of his kind, sick, and hurt, the last babylonian pony fights for his safety so he can live on. How long will he be able to last while he stumbles into Equestria which happens to have a bounty on his head. Over Six billion bits...

  • ...

Chapter 2

"Mommy? How come everypony hates us?"

"Because my dear, us Babylonians have something that everypony doesn't."

"What is it?"

"You know what every race has right?" The mother asked the colt.

"Not all of them. Can you tell me again pretty please mommy?!"

"Of course sweaty.Bat ponies have higher senses, Equestrians have harmony, the Griffons have stamina, the Deer of Heltan have wisdom, the Zeborians have the knowlage over nature itself, and we Babylonians have the power to kill an alicorn."

"Have we ever mommy? Have we ever hurt an alicorn?" The colt asked getting close to his mother.

"I'm afraid we've more then hurt an alicorn, and because of it, we are being punished by the sun goddess...

Slowly slipping away from his dream, the unicorn could feel that he was in a different place. Not like in the cold, dark forest like he was before, but in a house. He opened his eyes, and he was a soft light fill the room. There were two windows, and a bed. Next to the bed was a night stand with a small little note on it that said, 'If you wake up, please come down stairs.'

"Please?" He asked himself aloud. Ponies looking for bits don't request for them to come down stairs, let alone let him sleep in a ... Oh what was it called again?...Right! A bed... He thought.

The infection on his left foreleg stopped hurting, but it was clearly still there. Puss slowly oozed from the infected cut, and it nearly made him throw up again. He shook then nausea away, and got out of the bed as his hooves made a clopping sound when they touched the oak wood floor. Now the only thing that kept him from moving was a crutch that sat next to the door. Again another note was placed on it, and said, 'This was the largest I have. It's meant for a bear, but you seem large enough to use it.' Whomever wrote the note was right.

When he got the crutch to fit under his body, it fit nicely, and made a perfect temporary leg. He opened the door, and made his way down the small, curving steps into a living area. In it sat a butter yellow pegasus as she feed a small snow-white bunny.

When the bunny was done eating a carrot the pegasus was feeding him, she looked up to see the unicorn standing on three hooves, and a crutch.

"Oh! Here sit here." She said, but the bunny pulled her mane lightly. "Come now Angel Bunny dear, you must let this hurt pony sit here. I promise I'll give you two carrots later, okay?"

The bunny frowned with a nod before it hopped out a small door, attached to the front door. The pegasus squeed with a smile.

"Sorry about Angel, he can be mean to other animals sometimes." She said.

The unicorn stood there, and nodded without saying anything. Trying his hardest not to speak, and give away his accent.

"OH! Sorry for not saying my name first. I'm Fluttershy! What's your name?"

He frowned at the pegasus, and walked to a note pad.

"Oh you're mute? Okay, here!" She said giving him a quill to write with.

He smiled with a nod, before writing.

"So, can you tell me your name?"


"Tyzander? That sounds like a cool name to me. Where do you come from?"

I can't tell you.

"Why?" Fluttershy asked looking Tyzander with a heart felt look of sadness.

I just can't! He wrote with is magic, and stomped his hoof on the ground. Then wrote again, Ask me something else, but never ask me where I'm from again He wrote making his origin wanting to be unknown to the pegasus that stood in front of him.

"Sorry!" She cried out. "So... how come you won't tell me where your from?"

I'm in trouble, but it's not my fault. He wrote.

"What happened?"

He pointed the quill to what he wrote before.I can't tell you.

"Really?" She asked, and Tyzander nodded with a serious look on his face.

Then Tyzander started to write a question. Why did you save me? He asked,

"Because you looked hurt, and Twilight helped me bring you here."

Who's Twilight?! He wrote franticly.

"Oh she's my best friend, and a princess."

When Fluttershy said "princess" Tyzander tried to run out the door, but was stopped by a knock at it. He lashed back as it opened, and put the crutch to the Fluttershy's neck. The purple alicorn's jaw nearly dropped, but she shook it off.

"What in the name of Celesita?!" She screamed, using her magic to pull the crutch away from the panicing unicorn.

He jumped over the alicorn, but was stopped by a wall of magic. Quickly he rocketed back to the pegasus, and a sword made of magic appeared right under Fluttershy's neck. Using more magic, Tyzander wrote something down, and shot the note as a ball over to the lavender alicorn.

She unraveled it still looking at the unicorn that was holding her friend with a sword to her neck. "Alright, calm down." Twilight said trying not to panic herself. Her best friend in the whole world was about to get her throat cut open by a unusually large unicorn. Then she read the note aloud. "Leave, forget that you've ever seen me, and let me run away." "Run away?" She asked. "Why would you need to run away?"

"BECAUSE YOUR KIND IS NOT DYING!" Tyzander shouted, as he fell to the floor, over come by a large amout of sadness.

"You're not from around here are you?" Twilight asked. "Your accent sounds different from even the Arabian ponies."

"Please, let me go!"

"Not until you explain why you tried running away from me!" Twilight asked. "And tried to kill my friend."

"He says he's in trouble, look see...?" Fluttershy said, hoofing over the note pad that had all the small little notes on it.

After a few minutes, Twilight looked at Tyzander with a confused expression on her face.

"I think you need to explain to me what's going on, and why you are saying your race is 'dying'."

"As you already noticed, I'm not from around here, in fact, I'm from a place that is long been sense destroyed." Tyzander explained. "I am the very last of my kind, and I am a Babylonian, the last Babylonian."

"Maybe we should talk more..." Twilight said

In Canterlot, Celestia, the princess of the sun, was pacing around in her room. She had felt a surdge of magic that felt firmiular to her. She couldn't be anymore afriad at the moment, and she needed to speak to her sister.

Lulu! Where are you!?

"If you could wait sister, I would be earlier then I am."

"Nice to hear that your modern speak is catching up to you." Celesita complemented. "But there's a matter at hand that we should deal with."

"Discord has broken free again?" Luna asked. "Or is it that pittiful Queen of the changelings? OH can it be Somber?"

"Sorry, but your guesses are wrong sister. I-I've felt a type of magic that I thought I had destroyed many years ago."


"B-Babylonian magic..."

Luna's eyes grew in shock, and disbelief. "WHAT!?"


"I see, so you don't know what actually happened to the alicorn that they killed?"

"I don't see how anypony would kill somepony."

Tyzander nodded. "Now you know why I tried running, and Fluttershy I am truly sorry for doing that to you?"

"It's okay, its like you were a frightened animal."

"So, you're Twilight, and you're Fluttershy?" Tyzander asked, and the mares nodded in responce. "Anypony else I should know?"

"There's Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy said. "You'll know who she is when you see her."

"There's also Rarity, Apple Jack, and Pinkie Pie."

"I would say your names are a bit weird for me, but I shouldn't be talking about your home like that." Tyzander said leaning back on the couch.

"So were all Babylonians as tall as you are?"

"From what I can remember what my dad teaching me before he died was that we were the tallest out of all of the Babylonians there."

"So, how come you are running?"

"I thought it was clear. The last town I was in marked Babylonians wanted in case of any remain, and now... My very ass is worth over 90,000,000,000 bits."

"Well, I need to go to my library, and I need to write down a few things. By the way, you're the first Babylonian I've ever seen."

With a flash, Twilight teleported out, leaving the other two alone.


"We must hurry sister!" Luna shouted flying out the window.

Celestia bolted out to catch up, and stop her younger sister from doing anything.

"Wait Lulu, we need to wait for the Babylonian to use another high level magic spell again. The last time it was only a blip of energy."

"Fine, then we should at least start sending guards to send word to the ponies of Equestria that the bits are ready?!"

"Go ahead, I'll stay here to wait for the the Babylonian to use his or her magic again." with that Luna shot off down into Canterlot. "Swift hooves my sister, we shall avenge our dear mother."

Author's Note:

Things aren't looking so well for Tyzander... Wait until next time for Chapter 3 were things start to happen.