• Published 3rd Jan 2014
  • 5,237 Views, 29 Comments

More Than Just Fun - Dreamscape

After spending what seemed like ages at the dull Canterlot Castle for political reasons, Twilight is relieved when Pinkie comes to help liven the place up and spend some quality time with her.

  • ...

More Than Just Fun

The clacking of Twilight's hooves echoed as she walked down one of the many spotless, elegant, and empty halls of the Canterlot castle. Instead of looking ahead, she gazed intently at the pages of a large brown book that she hovered in front of her face. It was quiet that evening, just as it always was after dinner. The hall would have been completely devoid of any other pony life if it weren't for the two stoic, statuesque stallions standing guard at the passage's terminus.

Twilight's trustworthy assistant, Spike walked closely alongside her. His emerald eyes were pointed down at the shining floor, watching its checkered pattern pass under his feet as they moved along. "Twilight," he announced, turning his eyes up to the princess and breaking the almost eerie silence, "you've been busy all day. You should take a break from all that reading. I know I would."

"I need to finish this before tomorrow, Spike," Twilight stated, looking away from the small text on the worn pages in front of her. "I have a basic knowledge of how Equestrian politics work, but that's not enough to really know what's going on. I didn't understand half the things Celestia, Luna, and the others were talking about in our previous meetings. I think I was more of a nuisance than anything else considering the fact that I asked more questions than I answered. If I read this, maybe I can at least be somewhat helpful."

Spike sighed and nodded his head as the pony delved back into the book. "Are we up to anything else tonight?"

The lavender pony's flush bangs shimmered in the glowing light of the hallway as she shook her head. "Just heading back to the room." A loud groan came from the assistant's fanged mouth as he heard the reply. "I know, Spike," she said, looking away from her book again. "It feels like we've been cooped up here for ages, but we'll be heading back home to Ponyville and having fun with the girls in...another week," she sighed, her sentence trailing off into silence. Spike shook his head dismally and with nothing else to be said, the princess returned to her book once more.

"Twilight," Spike interrupted a few moments later. She rolled her eyes and attempted to ignore him, not even noticing his now upbeat tone of voice or the clambering of distant hooves rushing towards her. He repeated her name again in a louder tone, causing the pony's violet eyes to glare more intensely at the book. He repeated it one final time, poking a sharp claw into her side.

"Spike!" she yelled in a fit of frustration. "I'm trying to read!"

"I know, I know, but you have to look up! Trust me, you're gonna like what you see."

She shook her head heatedly and gazed up, the wonderfully bright pink sight before her causing all her pint up indignation to disperse. "Pinkie!" she exclaimed with a large grin as she was tackled to the ground by the bubbly, curly maned mare, her book flopping to the ground with a smack.

"I missed you so so sooo much, Twilight," she voiced lovingly before nuzzling her snout into the soft fur of the princess's chest.

Twilight wrapped her hooves around her friend's waist and squeezed gleefully. "I missed you too!"

A vast grin formed upon the pink pony's face as she pulled away from her chest, revealing her gleaming white teeth. "I would've told you I was coming sooner, but I wanted it to be a super duper surprise! Princess Celestia saw me when I first came in and she was gonna tell you, but I told her not to. She showed me to my room and I got to unpack all my things before you even noticed! Did I surprise you? Huh? Huh?"

Twilight let out a laugh, her small smile completely dwarfed by that of her friend. "You certainly did, Pinkie. What are you doing here anyways and why did you come in so late?"

"I know everypony else couldn't make it like we planned because they're all busy. Rarity with her big order of dresses, Dashie doing more Wonderbolts training, Applejack applebucking, and Fluttershy dealing with that silly bear again, but I wasn't busy! I missed you so much. I couldn't just not come because nopony else could! So, I packed up some things after work, caught the train, and here I am!" Sucking in some air, she blinked her bright, glinting, eyes down at the pony beneath her.

"Well, I'm really glad you did," Twilight sighed happily. "I don't think I could have survived another week without seeing one of you girls."

The bubbly mare easily hopped off of the princess and acquired her new target, Spike. "And I missed wittle Spikey Wikey too!" she exclaimed, taking the small dragon up in her hooves and pressing him tightly against her chest as she stood on her hind legs.

The air being squeezed from his lungs, Spike clasped his claws around the pony's shoulders and wriggled his scaly body in an attempt to escape. "I...missed you...too," he let out painfully. To his relief, he was set down after the statement and hunched himself over, taking in a deep breath.

"So, how was the train ride?" Twilight asked, rolling over onto her stomach and pushing herself up from the cool, hard floor.

"It was sooo boring! There was barely anpony on the train and they were all crabby crabs," Pinkie pouted. "None of them even wanted to talk! Oh, but they did have the most yummilicous pastries and treats ever!" She paused to let out a dreamy moan. "They got mad at me because I ate too many though. I guess just because they were free didn't mean I could have as many as I wanted."

Twilight shook her head and laughed lightly at the story. "Well, I'm glad you at least had a good meal."

"Oh, me too," Pinkie added, giving her friend another gleeful smile. "What are you up to, Twilight?"

Opening her mouth to speak, Twilight gingerly pressed her lips back together, forming a frown as she turned her head to look down at the open faced book on the floor. "I'm really sorry, Pinkie. I almost forgot, but I have to finish this book by tomorrow," she muttered, looking at her friend with shame. "We could go into town for breakfast in the morning if you'd like though," she added, levitating the book into the air and flipping through its pages to find where she had left off.

"Nope," her pink friend stated plainly, her curls bouncing back and forth as she shook her head. "You can't be serious all the time, Twilight. You have to have some fun too. Besides, I'm only here for a couple of days and I better, and I mean better get to spend as much of that time with you as possible! Aren't you bored? I know I am. Everypony here is all seriousy serious pants all THE time! I didn't see one pony smiling when I got here, not one. We're gonna change that, Twilight, starting with you!" She latched onto the floating book in an attempt to pull it away.

"Pinkie," Twilight asserted, increasing the power of her shimmering aura. The pink pony struggled with all her might and even wrapped her hind legs around the book so she too hovered in the air with it, but was unable to pull it away from the Alicorn's strong magic.

Giving up, Pinkie released her grip and fell to the floor with a smack. "Oh please, Twilight," she mumbled, her saturated eyes widening and a frown forming on her face.

Unable to see her giddy friend so sad, the princess rolled her eyes and gently closed the book before placing it in the claws of her faithful assistant. "Alright, you win," she sighed. "Besides, it'll be nice to take a break...and most likely not finish that book by tomorrow."

Pinkie shot upwards and wrapped her hooves around the lavender pony's neck. "Thanks, you're the bestest!"

"So, what is it you wanted to do?" Twilight asked, lightly patting a hoof against the mare's back.

"It's the perfect plan," she explained, excitedly pulling away from their embrace. "Not only are we gonna have fun, but everypony else will get a good laugh too!" She paused to give an affectionate and enthusiastic grin.

A small smile appeared on the princess's face as she played along. "You've certainly got me intrigued. How are we ever going to do that?"

"Chase each other up and down the halls!"

"Chase each other up and down the halls?" Twilight repeated questioningly.

"Duh, silly! We have fun and the ponies that see us get a good laugh too," the twitching mare explained, her brimming excitement bursting outwards in the form of hops.

"And of course running down the halls won't defy proper royal etiquette in even the slightest bit," the lavender pony teased, a smug look appearing on her face.

The excitable mare's tongue flopped out of her mouth. "Manners shmanners! Come on, it'll be fun!"

Thinking, Twilight's eyes moved away from the brilliant blue ones she stared into and down to the brown book in Spike's claws. "You know what, Pinkie? You're right," she asserted. "I haven't gotten any entertainment out of this entire trip and honestly, I'm tired of it....I'm going to regret this, aren't I?"

"Of course not," Pinkie assured her, placing a comforting hoof on her shoulder. "Oh by the way, tag, you're it!" she giggled, turning and rushing down the hall.

"Not for long!" the princess yelled after her. Her wings shot upward to balance herself as her hooves skidded across the polished floor in chase.

"Um girls, I'm not really sure you should be doing this," Spike suggested, briskly walking after them, the book still grasped tightly in his claws. Both of them gaining speed as Twilight drew nearer and nearer to her prey, the laughing mares paid no attention to the suggestion. The two guards at the end of the hall watched silently as the ponies rushed towards them at high speed, a look of confusion appearing on their seemingly unemotional faces. One guard turned to the other and shrugged before they quickly opened the door, laughing as the ponies and trailing dragon passed by seconds later.

Continuing the game, the ponies pressed down the many corridors of the castle and were followed by the panting purple dragon, his reptilian tongue dangling from his mouth. The odd, unthinkable, and unruly sight brought a smile and sometimes a laugh to the many dutiful guards and passing servants as it sped by.

"Gotcha!" Twilight yelled, just barely tapping a hoof against her friend's back and almost tumbling over in the process. She curved to the left and bolted through the nearest door before her gleeful chaser had time to turn around.

As Pinkie pranced hastily after the Alicorn, both of the ponies noticed a single apathetic warden patrolling the hall. Unlike the others, his stony face wouldn't crack into a smile. Coming to a halt in front of him, the two gave each other a nod, knowing just what to do.

"Oh, look at you! Mr. Toughy Tough, huh?" Pinkie teased, patting the gray stallion on his armored back. Without any response the pink pony clambered up onto the stallion. "Woo! We ride into battle!" she exclaimed with an amused snort, bouncing up and down on his back while laughing. Twilight chuckled at the sight and eventually made her way onto the stallion's back as well when Pinkie lent her a hoof. As if oblivious to their behavior, the stallion stood completely still and let the two mares go about their business.

"Well, at least we know he's strong," the princess laughed.

Pinkie nodded her head. "Yeppers, and really good at his job."

Finally catching up to the rowdy mares, a worn out Spike asked with his last bit of breath, "Umm...should you really be doing that? He's trying to work."

"I'm a princess, Spike and you know what?" Twilight announced. "I can have fun too...hmm and thinking about it, I can make you do whatever I want," she stated, turning to face the guard beneath her and petting a hoof against his head. "I could have you dance," she suggested, climbing off of him and motioning for Pinkie to do the same.

"Dance, Princess?" the guard questioned as the pink pony descended him.

"I'm waiting," Twilight said smugly. Unable to refuse, the gray stallion hesitantly moved his hooves back and forth in a failed attempt to complete his duty.

Shaking his head, a light pink hue tinged his cheeks and a glowing grin slowly formed on his face. "Okay Princess, you win," he laughed. Reveling in their accomplishment, the mares cheerfully laughed back.

"Wanna join us?" Pinkie giggled.

The stallion contemplated the suggestion for a moment and to both their surprise, nodded his head in agreement. "Sure, just for a bit though. I can't leave my post for too long," he announced with a shrug.

"We better make hay while the sun shines then!" Pinkie suggested "...or I guess it'd be moon in this case." She gave the stallion a quick poke on the side and the two mares sped away. "You're it by the way!" Pinkie yelled over her shoulder. Taking a moment to process what had just occurred, the stallion smiled warmly and charged off towards the prancing ponies.

"Not again," Spike sighed, lazily stumbling after them.

Although he was slowly gaining on them, the gray stallion was surprised by how fast the mares were going. He also couldn't help but notice a rather peculiar sight, one he had seldom ever seen in the castle. Tailing the mares through hall after hall, he realized how joyous, how carefree the atmosphere of the busy place had become.

Advancing around a corner, the chase came to a skidding halt as each of the ponies nearly crashed into the regal white princess before them, her magical mane flowing peacefully to and fro. The castle was silent once more as they all looked away in shame, including the trailing dragon.

"Sorry," Twilight muttered, peering up at the fellow princess.

"It's quite alright," Celestia responded calmly and smiled. "I've done it myself on occasion. I would love to join you if I weren't so busy." A look of relief and surprise came over Twilight and the guard along with another beaming grin from Pinkie. "I'm very glad you're here, Pinkie Pie. Not only are you keeping your friend entertained, but bringing some life to the castle as well. Twilight," she stated, turning her gaze to the lavender Alicorn, "I've been meaning to speak with you and Spike. I need some assistance for the next couple days and was wondering if he could help?"

"I would love to, Princess," Spike replied, raising a claw into the air, "but I am Twilight's assistant after all."

"Oh Spike, I appreciate your loyalty, but you've been bored out of your little dragon head since we got here. At least you can keep busy that way." Twilight gave her assistant a soft smile and winked. "I'm sure I'll be fine."

Spike glanced hesitantly at the two princesses unsure of how to react. Celestia craned her long neck down to his ear and whispered something unheard by the others, something that dramatically altered his decision. "Okay, Twilight," he said, handing her the book. "If that's what you want, I'll do it. See you later tonight."

"Sorry to ruin your fun," the benevolent princess stated turning to the guard as she left with Spike, "but you should be getting back to your duties. Maybe you could continue this game on your downtime?"

"Yes, Princess." He bowed and then turned to the other Alicorn and her friend. "I wanted to thank you, Princess Twilight and Miss Pie."

"For?" Twilight asked curiously.

"I've been a guard here for almost a year now and have never seen this place as happy as it is now, because of you two. I'm actually excited to see what happens next." He gave them both an elegant bow as well before returning to his post.

"It is true, Pinkie," Twilight said gleefully after the stallion had left. "I've never seen this place so happy...and I haven't been this happy since I left!" She gave her friend a warm smile before wrapping her hooves around her neck in an embrace.

"It's just me being me, silly," Pinkie responded, squeezing the princess tightly and nuzzling a soft cheek against hers. "I wonder what Spike's up to."

"I'm not sure," Twilight thought aloud, breaking away from the hug. "He must be doing something pretty important for Celestia though. That little guy's practically attached to my hip."

"I'm glad you two separated then. Being connected together like that wouldn't be fun for either of you," the pink mare mentioned, causing the princess to role her eyes and chuckle. "What? It wouldn't."

"I didn't mean literally."

"Oh...well anyways, I'm gonna go to my room. I know you need to finish that big old book!" the jubilant pony voiced. "I gotta do what I wanted, so why shouldn't you?"

Twilight eyeballed her friend sheepishly. "Well...I don't have to."

Pinkie shook her head in a scolding manor. "Yes you do. See you tomorrow for some tasty tasty breakfast!" she exclaimed, turning and hopping away before the mare could open her mouth.

Twilight let out a happy sigh and returned to her chamber, a noticeably gleeful bounce in her step. Closing the two worn wooden doors at its entrance, she flopped back onto the velvety sheets of her bed and opened the book to where she had left off. She rested her head against her hooves, her eyes darting quickly back and forth across the pages floating above her. It wasn't often that the diligent reader got distracted by other thoughts or even her own surroundings when she read, but tonight was different. The repeating play of rushing through the halls earlier and the imaginative constructions of what excitement tomorrow would bring persisted in her head, no matter how hard she tried to shake them away.

After what seemed like hours, the exhausted pony let out a lengthy yawn as she finished the last sentence. Placing the book on the nightstand beside her, she realized that the dragon had not yet returned. She laughed softly, imagining the dragon falling asleep standing up as he attempted to help the princess and his drool dripping down onto the floor in his slumber. With that final thought, she drifted off into a deep, satisfied sleep.


Her eyes shot open as the warm morning sun pierced through small expanses between the jagged, rocky mountains outside, its rays setting the room aglow as they entered through the windows. "Good morning, Spike!" she exclaimed, looking down at the lethargic dragon sitting up in his bed as she shoved her warm blankets away from her body.

"Jeez Twi, what are you all excited about?" He yawned and rubbed his eye, watching the pony hop out of her bed and quickly make it up using her magic.

"Breakfast with Pinkie!" she announced, rushing into the small but elegant bathroom attached to the quarters and combing her bedraggled mane in front of the mirror.

Spike unsteadily rose to his feet and lightly scratched his side. "Oh yeah, that's right," he stated, raising his arms above his head in a stretch.

The princess pulled a toothbrush from her mouth and spit a gob of bubbly mint green paste into basin in front of her. "You're more than welcome to come along, you know," she added, gazing up at the reflection of her assistant in the mirror.

He gave her a shrug. "I'm good. I have to go help Celestia some more anyways."

"What exactly are you doing for her?"

"Oh you know...I'll tell you later, you look like you're in a rush. Go have fun at breakfast," he said, smiling at the mare.

"You're right and thanks, Spike. You're the best," she declared. The hinge locking the doors clanked open as her magical aura wrapped around it and she breezily passed through the entrance before slamming it shut once more. Spike smirked and shook his head as the mare disappeared, taking the hasty morning with her and leaving the room still and noiseless.


"Our Princess," said a posh looking stallion in formal attire as he and his equally posh wife bowed down against the smooth cobblestone of the street in front of the lavender Alicorn.

Twilight motioned for them to stand and her cheeks flushed lightly with pink. "Good morning," she mumbled as they stood, nodded their heads silently, and continued on their way. "Well Pinkie, here we are," she said eagerly, pointing a hoof at a small table tucked snugly against the wall of a cafe. Although just as immaculate as every other edifice in Canterlot, this one was quite small compared to its towering white neighbors, the colorful flags atop their golden polls swishing gently in the morning breeze.

"Ohhh wowzers!" Pinkie proclaimed as she plopped down into the seat across from her friend and flipped open a black, golden trimmed menu. "So many delectable delights!" she moaned, causing a small amount of saliva to drip from the corners of her mouth. This gained the attention of a few passing aristocrats who turned away from their gossip to roll their eyes.

"I'm assuming that means you and our gracious Princess Twilight need more time?" asked a fancily dressed waiter with a superb and perfectly trimmed moustache, as he approached.

"Actually, I think we'll both have the strawberry pancakes and coffee," Twilight responded. "Trust me Pinkie, they're amazing."

She grinned enthusiastically. "Of course I trust ya! Strawberry pancakes it is."

"As you wish. I will return shortly with your meal," he stated, gracefully turning and entering the cafe.

"I’m not sure if I'm ever going to get used to this whole princess thing," Twilight sighed, a slight frown forming on her face. "It’s like I have to act professional all the time and never get to...well, be me."

Pinkie gazed at her affectionately, a glowing smile on her face. "Just because you're a princess now doesn't mean you can't be yourself. You should never ever not be yourself, no matter what! Being yourself is what made you a princess in the first place. Why would you change that now, silly?"

"You're right Pinkie, thanks," the pony concluded with a soft smile. "I'm so glad you're here and pretty excited about all the fun we're going to have."

"Ohhh! Fun is really important too, never ever not have any fun either!" the consoling friend added.

"I apologize for interrupting ladies, but here you are," the returning waiter announced, smoothly placing the extravagant stacks of strawberry and whipped cream topped cakes in front of them using his magic. "This meal of course is complementary, Princess," he added, placing two steaming cups of coffee, cream, and sugar in front of them.

Twilight smirked. "You know I'm still going to pay, right?"

"Of course m'lady, as you always do. That is why I have the bill already prepared for your departure," he stated, leaving them to their meal.

"It’s a beautiful day," the princess sighed, admiring the bright sun peaking over top of the buildings.

"And these are beautiful pancakes!" Pinkie added. "Dig in!"

The lavender Alicorn chuckled and delicately cut out a small portion of the treat before bringing it to her mouth. Pinkie gave her a wink, opened wide, and sloppily crammed the exquisite meal into the cavity before it. "Mmm! I knew I could trust you, Twilight. These are delecioso!" she blurted out after washing down a colossal bite with an equally large gulp of coffee.

Twilight nodded her head and smiled, swirling a white cloud of cream and sugar into her coffee before taking a sip. The fun loving mare on the other hand, carved away a small chunk of pancake and dropped it into her cup with a plop. “All aboard the SS Pancakia as we venture into the mysteriously bizarre Arabica Sea of blackness!” she giggled, toying at the soggy chunk with her tongue.

Chuckling, the princess grinned at the sight. “Pinkie, I’m really glad you’re here.”

“Well, duh! So am I. Who wouldn't want to spend time with their friend? That’s just loco...the bad kind of loco,” she added before slurping up the completely saturated chunk.

“Honestly, I was a bit worried at first when I realized it was just you who came to visit. We've never really spent time together, just you and me. Whenever I’m with you, the other girls are almost always there too and I never thought our personalities would click. I was completely wrong, this has been fantastic!” Twilight exclaimed, taking another bite of her meal.

“Oh wow, you’re totally right! We definitely need to hang out more!” A gleeful grin appeared on the pony’s face, but suddenly turned into a frown as her eyes grew wide and glinted with welling tears. “…but I already have to leave tomorrow.”

Her friend sighed and gazed at the busy cobblestone street, watching wealthy nobles strut up and down the thoroughfare. “At least we still have tonight and some of tomorrow, right? I’ll be coming home soon too.”

Pinkie shook her head and smiled softly. “Right, we’re gonna have a blasterrific time!” she exclaimed, nodding her head confidently and gobbling up the last of her cakes.

The princess smiled back, looking down at her meal which was still fairly intact compared to the empty plate across from her which was now being licked. “I have to go to a meeting after we’re done here and I have a feeling it’s going to last late into afternoon, but after that I’m free. What do you want to do?”

“I chose yesterday and I’m a pretty fair mare. You choose!”

Taking a sip from her cup, Twilight pondered the few choices she could think of. “I haven’t been stargazing in a while,” Twilight exhaled nostalgically after she swallowed. “Maybe we could do that out in the castle gardens tonight? Canterlot has quite the view.”

“Sounds funna fun fuuun!” the excitable mare responded.

“Really?” Twilight questioned. “I thought it might be a bit dull for you.”

“Of course not, silly filly! Me and you can make anything fun.”

The lavender pony’s brimming excitement caused her to let out a small squeal followed by an embarrassed blush. “Well, it’s settled then, stargazing tonight! Oh, I can’t wait!”

“There you are, ladies,” the waiter stated, placing a bill on the table after noticing the two had finished. “Remember, your meal is meant to be complimentary.”

“Thank you, sir!” Twilight exclaimed giddily, placing an extra-generous sum of gleaming golden bits on the table. “And have a fantastic day!”

The waiter grinned at her enthusiasm and bowed. “And you as well, Princess.”


After reading the large informational text the night before, Twilight was quite satisfied by how much better she comprehended what was being said at her and the princess's meeting. But, there was a problem. A bundle of joyous excitement in the form of one pink pony kept popping into her mind along with the realization of what a great friend she truly was. This would have been fine and even enjoyable if it hadn't caused her to lose all concentration on the task at hoof. Instead of listening in on the discussion and forming intelligent responses, the normally scrutinizing pony gazed off into the distance at nothing in particular as she dreamed of the night to come.

Shaking herself into consciousness as she heard the final sentences of the talk, an overwhelming sense of relief poured over her. She speedily pushed herself out of her chair, evacuated the room, and trotted off down the hall.

“Are you doing alright, Twilight?” asked a rather concerned midnight blue princess as she caught up to her. “You were very quiet in our meeting today, silent in fact.”

“Huh?” Twilight muttered, shaking herself out of another fantasy. “Oh yes, I’m fine... Luna…just a bit distracted.

“It is pleasing to hear that nothing serious has come upon you. We have all fallen victim to days like these. It is just another fact of life.”

Twilight smiled at the statement and nodded her head as the Princess of the Night slowed her pace and let her go on her way.

Both of them were headed to the same place as dinner was about to be served. On the average day, they would have dined with the other nobles and royalty. Instead, they opted to feast in a private extension of the main dining hall, a small room with a table large enough to seat six, because of the company they hosted. Although small, the room was quite extravagant like the rest of the castle and the meal laid out for them just as magnificent. The wall was lined with large windows gazing out upon the bright green, perfectly manicured, and well cared for castle grounds below.

Twilight let out a small, excited squeal, seeing that her friend had already arrived. “Pinkie!”

“I don’t think you've ever been that happy to see me,” grumbled her number one assistant as he entered with Celestia, followed close behind by Luna.

“Spike, I see you all the time. I haven’t seen Pinkie for ages.”

He crossed his arms and smirked. “You just saw her this morning.”

She rolled her violet eyes and gazed at him smugly as he took a seat. “You know what I meant, Spike.”

“Sure,” he teased before eyeballing the delicious spread in front of him. “Oh yeah, dinner’s gonna be good tonight!” he exclaimed, his stomach grumbling.

“It certainly is, Spikey!” Pinkie chimed in. “I think you better get eating. Your tummy’s growling like a…dragon!” she giggled.

“Heh, funny..." he paused, his emerald eyes expanding as they locked onto a large bowl of glinting red, blue, and green stones, contrasting greatly from the other dishes of various sautéed vegetables, breads, and hays. "There’s even gems tonight?"

Celestia smiled across the table at the salivating dragon licking his lips. “Just for you,” she stated, using her shimmering, golden magic to fill her and the others plates with delectables.

Receiving her dish, Twilight quickly dove into her meal, barely noticing the many delightful tastes rushing over her tongue.

"Uh Twilight, are you alright?" Spike asked, shattering a gem between his sharp teeth. She looked up at him, mumbled something incomprehensible, and continued shoving the meal into her mouth as she gazed out the windows. A table cloth levitated close by to wipe away the occasional bits of cuisine that splattered onto her stuffed cheeks.

Pinkie paused from an equally fast rate of food shoveling to speak. "Of course she's okay! She's actually eating like a normal pony should, unlike you slowly slow pokes over there!"

"I'm sure she's just excited about whatever the two have planned for this evening," Celestia added, chuckling lightly at the entertainment before her. Coming to the realization of how ridiculous she must have looked, Twilight sheepishly pulled away from her plate with flushed cheeks. "Its fine, Twilight. We don't mind."

"Thanks...but I'm actually already finished," she mumbled, peering down at her nearly empty plate before returning her gaze to the others. "And yes, the reason I'm acting so strange is because I'm looking forward to stargazing with Pinkie tonight."

"It is good to know that the two of you will be enjoying my night," Luna said with a warm, appreciative smile. "And of course spending time with one another. I'm sure it will be both beautiful and clear."

Twilight smiled back, her body slightly shaking and bobbing with anticipation. "Thank you too."

The dark blue princess smirked once she noticed Pinkie had finished her meal as well, then stood up. "This dinner was quite quick but enjoyable in all of your company. I fear I must be leaving for my tower though. The evening fast approaches and so too does the night," she stated, giving the two a wink before turning to leave.

Twilight turned to her friend as a wide grin appeared on her face. "You know what that means, don't you?"

"Woo, star party!" Pinkie exclaimed, hopping out of her chai. The two quickly trotted off to the garden, leaving Celestia and the dragon alone, shaking their heads.

Twilight watched the sun lower behind the great spires of the castle and then the moon along with a dazzling star-filled night rise up to take its place. While Pinkie set out a soft blanket upon the recently trimmed grass at their hooves. The princess then sighed contently as the two laid down and placed another blanket atop themselves to fight off the now cooling air.

As the two mares gazed up at glinting pinpoints and milky clusters of light scattered across the infinite expanse of absolute darkness, the astute princess couldn't help but point out the many constellations and explain what they were meant to resemble. Her friend listened intently to the entertaining tales and lore of the formations, wrapping a hoof around the orator and moving their bodies closer and closer together as the air chilled.

Finishing her last story, Twilight gazed up in admirable silence, only the lull of crickets and a gentle breeze to be heard. "It’s just amazing isn't it?" she asked in renewed awe. Her gaze turned up to one of the dark tower where a distant Luna stood watch over her night. "I wonder if there's princess's in each of those solar systems controlling the sun and the moon just like they do here. It’s incredible to think how many worlds...how many lives could exist out there and we don't even know it. All of our existences are just playing out without us ever knowing or seeing one another. There could be two ponies...or whatever sentient beings they might be doing exactly what we are. They could be looking right at us and not even know it.”

"Ohh! Or there could just be one...or five!" Pinkie added with a grin, her teeth vaguely glowing in the moonlight.

Her friend giggled softly. "Yes, that too."

"And just think about that other world you went into through the mirror and all the stars in that world and all the beings living their lives there on those stars and never ever knowing that others like them exist," she paused to suck in a deep breath of air, "and then there's probably a ton more portals to even more other worlds too!"

Twilight shook her head with surprise before drifting off into thought. "I...wow, I guess I never really thought of that. You make a really good point, Pinkie."

Pinkie nodded her head wholeheartedly. "Yepitty yep! I can be smart like you sometimes."

Smiling softly, the princess nuzzled her snout against her friend's neck. "I never said you weren't smart, just a bit silly," she whispered. "And I'm fine with silly."

"You know what, Twilight?" Pinkie stated. "There's probably tons and tons of totally strange and fun worlds out there, but I'm really glad I'm here looking up at the stars with you in this one."

A strong tingling sensation came over Twilight's body as it warmed from the thoughtful, loving statement and she noticed just how close they really were. Masked by the darkness, her cheeks filled with red as she realized just how joyous the mare could make everypony, including her and how much the two had bonded in the short time they spent together. She couldn't help stare up at the pony's face, shaded by the night but just as bright and cheerful as it always was.

"What are you doing, silly?" Pinkie questioned, noticing the pair of half shut, violet eyes gazing over at her. "We're supposed to be stargazing, not Pinkie-gazing!" she giggled. Her laughter came to a sudden halt as she observed her friend's stare more closely and realized exactly what she wanted.

With another small giggle she wrapped a hoof around the mare's head and brought their muzzles together. She closed her eyes and teased her soft pink nose against Twilight's before lightly pressing their lips together. The Alicorn's eyes widened in surprise, but closed soon after as she serenely enjoyed the incredible sensation of those soft lips touching hers. Twilight then rolled over onto her side, tilted her head as she deepened the kiss, and wrapped her hooves around Pinkie's waist. She let out a blissful sigh as she stroked a hoof against the mare's back and snuggled closely against her warm, velvety fur.

Pinkie was rather surprised by her friend's actions. She didn't seem like the type of pony who would want to partake in that kind of fun. She gladly obliged though, wanting to do anything to make her friend happy. She eventually decided on taking it a step further to please her even more and slid a hoof down to her flank, massaging it gently as she pushed her tongue into the startled pony's mouth. Twilight's eyes shot open, feeling the warm tongue twirling around in her mouth and the hoof caressing her flank. When their tongues met, the princess's eyes shut with euphoria once more and she let out a soft moan. Her wings partially unfurled in excitement and slightly lifted the blanket away from their bodies as she felt Pinkie's tongue coiling itself around hers.

Not wanting the enchanted moment to end, Twilight pressed their snout's back together as Pinkie attempted to pull away, locking them into another kiss. Delighted to have her friend playing along, Pinkie shrugged and happily dove back in, their tongues playfully tangling around one another. As minutes and minutes quickly flew past, the Alicorn finally gave way, delicately brushing her lips against Pinkie's as she moved her head down and rested it against her chest.

"Wowzers!" Pinkie gasped, stroking a hoof against the soft back of her friend's ear.

Twilight twitched her ear affectionately and pressed her snout deeper into the pony's furry chest. "I don't think I've ever had that much fun stargazing," she stated in a muffled voice and chuckled.

"Told you we could make anything fun!" her friend teased and bent down, giving her a light peck on the forehead.

Twilight sluggishly pulled away from her breast, expelling a yawn and idly blinking her eyes. "I'm really not used to this much excitement," she laughed. "It is getting pretty late after all...although we could stay out here longer if you wanted to?"

"Nah, you need your sleep! Come on snoozy butt, let's go!" Pinkie responded, sitting up and chucking the blanket away from them. With the barrier to the night air being gone, the cold engulfed the two mares and sent a chilling shiver down both of their spines, waking them from their dreamy state.


"So, how'd it go?" Spike asked with a smile, peering up from the comic stuffed in front of his face as he heard the click of the door as it opened. The smile quickly transformed into an awkward gape as he noticed the lavender pony staring back at him with an overly ecstatic grin. "I'm guessing that means good, right?"

"Spike!" she squealed and hopped around in circles, almost mimicking her pink friend. "She told me how she didn't want to be anywhere else in the world...or in this case worlds but with me! Then she kissed me, Spike! She kissed me!"

"Glad to hear it," he responded smugly. "Princess Celestia saw what you two had before you even knew it. That's why she wanted me to 'help' her. I was just giving you two some space."

Her gleeful jumps came to a halt and she shook her head in astonishment, a light blush tinging her cheeks. "You already knew?" The assistant nodded his head before leaning it back against his pillow and setting the comic aside. "I...I...well thank you. I'll have to thank Celestia too. Oh Spike, I think I'm in love!" The blush expanded across her cheeks and over the bridge of her muzzle. "But it’s a little early for that, isn't it?"

The dragon gave her a shrug as he nestled into his blankets, wrapping them snugly around his body. "Not really, it’s not like you two just met. You've known each other for quite a while now. You should tell her feelings. I'm sure she feels the same."

"You really think? She already leaves tomorrow though...maybe I should tell her tonight?"

"Sure," he mumbled, languidly rolling onto his side and shooing her away with his claw, "and turn the light off when you go."

As the lights were shut off with a slight burst from Twilight's horn, the room became even darker than the night outside, except a warm yellow glow pouring in from the hallway through the cracked door where she stood. An overwhelming sense of angst came over her as her imagination played out a variety of conclusions to her escapade. She gulped and whispered to herself. "Maybe I shouldn't do this yet. It has to be perfect. I have to get everything right. No, she's Pinkie Pie, the most random pony around. Why would she care? For once in your life, just don't plan it out. It'll be fine." With that final statement she stepped into the hall, closing the door with a soft clunk before steadily making her way down the many castle corridors towards her destination.

She met her friend just as she was about to enter the guest room. "Pinkie..." she mumbled, causing the mare to whip around.

The bubbly mare smiled warmly, seeing her friend's face once more. "I thought I told you to get some rest, silly. Whatcha doin?"

Twilight gazed down at the polished floor shyly, watching her cheeks flush red in the partial reflection staring back at her. "I…I've had such a wonderful time with you Pinkie," she mumbled, slowly moving her head up and locking eyes with her friend's. "I really wish it could last longer. I guess what I'm trying to say is, your talent of making everypony so happy is absolutely incredible and I've always sort of taken it for granted...until now. You've just made me so happy, happier than I've ever been before." She let out a heavy anxious breath as her eyes shot back down to the floor. The pink pony waited patiently for her to continue. "Pinkie...I-I love you."

The princess continued looking down, tightly squinting her hopeful eyes shut. Her wishes for a good response were quickly answered as Pinkie jumped at her, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"I love you too!" she declared, patting and rubbing her hooves against the pony's back. "You're one of the bestest friends ever!"

Twilight's body tensed as she heard the word, friend. A word that seemingly always brought her joy, except now. She pushed away from the embrace and stared at the mare in both bewilderment and pain, aiding Pinkie in discovering the true meaning of her words.

"Oh Twilight," she whispered with a frown, her ears drooping back. "Us kissing tonight, I thought it was just for fun. You know, just friends being friends. I never ever knew you felt that way about me." The princess looked up at her expectantly and she let out a hurting sigh, knowing she must continue. "I'm really really sorry Twilight, you're super great and all, but I just can't tie myself down like that. I have to make everypony happy, not just focus it all on one...but doing that is making one of my friends sad, isn’t it?"

The lavender pony speedily turned her head to the side, hiding the tears that trickled from her eyes and onto her wetting fur. "I understand. It's fine...I have to go now," she muttered before turning and galloping off down the hall, the loud smacks of her hooves echoing back to the hesitant mare she left behind.


A loud crash caused by the door slamming open shook Spike from his sleep. Startled, he tumbled over the basket weaved edge of his bed and onto the cold floor below. As he struggled to pull the blanket away from his head and untangle it from his feet, the sound of loud, trembling sobs along with another crash as the door slammed shut, forced their way into his ears. Tugging the blanket from his spiked head, his pupils constricted as the lights flicked back on, revealing the wreck of a pony standing before him. He stared in horror at the tears streaming down her soaked face, her faded eyes with deep red veins tracing across their glassy surface, and two lines of mucus trailing from her nostrils.

"Twilight!" he exclaimed, stumbling to his feet and rushing to her side. "What happened?" As he watched with concern, the princess slowly made her way to the bed and fell down upon it, burying her face into a pillow.

"She...told me it was just for fun," she whimpered brokenly, "and that she didn't want to get tied down with me...I'm such an idiot, Spike. I should have just waited. Oh who am I kidding! I should've never even assumed she liked me in the first place."

"You're not an idiot, Twilight," Spike asserted, climbing onto the bed and stroking a considerate claw against her back. "I just can't believe she said no," he shook his head and opened his fanged mouth, waiting for words that never came. "I just...I..."

"It’s okay. Let’s just forget about that for now. We both need our sleep." With her magic, she slid the blanket out from underneath their bodies and draped it over top of them. Within the warm sheath of the blanket, the faithful assistant pushed his head up between the pony's hooves as she rolled onto her side. Still sniffling, she pulled his small, warm body close against hers and all became silent as the two drifted off into sleep.

The dragon awoke with a shiver and realized his head no longer rested upon Twilight's hooves and her comfortable body was nowhere to be found. He rolled over onto his stomach and drug himself into the light. Blinking and squinting in the brightness, he looked over his shoulder and saw the princess exiting the room. "Where are you going?" he questioned, rolling onto his back.

"To help Pinkie pack her things," she said softly, turning her head.

"Even after what happened?"

"Yes, a ridiculous little thing like that isn't going to ruin our friendship," she responded, nodding her head and smiling warmly as she left the room. She felt as though she was repeating the events that had occurred last night, wandering down the same halls, passing through the same doors and taking the many same turns. Except this time the halls were bustling with lively morning activity as nobles scurried through the passageways to wherever their destinations may be and her mind was without fear or anxiety.

Reaching her destination, she gave the door three sharp knocks with her hoof and put a smile upon her face which quickly faltered as the door opened. She barely even noticed the pink mare in front of her, but instead the many unfilled balloons, streamers, and other Pinkie-esque items scattered across the room.

"You haven't even started?" she asked, quickly turning her gaze to the pony before her. "At this rate you might miss the train...no, you're going to miss it!" She shook her head hurriedly as she pushed passed her pink body and into the room.

"Yep!" Pinkie responded, closing the door before turning around to face her

"You want to miss the train?" the princess inquired.



She grinned. "I'm staying!"

"You're staying?" Twilight repeated with a slight tilt of her head.

"Yeppers! Wanna know why?" The Alicorn nodded her head in an 'of course I do' manor. "Because I love you, Twilight. I love, love you!"

"Y-you do?" the princess stuttered, her heart skipping a beat. The gleeful pony simply smiled and nodded her head, causing Twilight to pounce on her and make them fall back onto the bed behind them.

Pinkie giggled as they both slightly bounced upwards from the impact and gave her love a quick peck on the lips. "You make me super happy too and just because I wanna make everypony happy doesn't mean I can't make myself happy and have somepony I want to make the happiest of all."

Twilight gazed lovingly into her bright blue eyes and gave her a kiss back. "Trust me, I'm the happiest mare you'll ever meet right about now, but that still doesn't explain why you're staying."

"To keep you happy," she giggled. "I can't leave you all alone in this boring old castle and besides, you'd miss me too much!"

Relaxing her body, Twilight laid down on top of the amazing pink mare and rested her head upon her shoulder. "You're so sweet, Pinkie...but what about the Cakes and Sugarcube Corner? What about Gummy?"

Pinkie grinned and pressed her lips against Twilight's cheek before squeezing her tightly. "Keeping a princess in tip top shape for happiness is much more important than baking treats. I already sent a letter off to the Cakes and told them to take care of Gummy for a few more days. They'll understand," she responded, stroking a hoof against the smooth feathers of the Alicorn's wing.

Twilight let out a dreamy sigh and nestled herself deeper into the pony's fur. "I wish we could lay here together forever.”

"I don't think forever would really work out very well, but why don't you take the morning off. You deserve it after all that royal duty stuff."

The princess smiled blissfully. "You're right Pinkie, I do."

Comments ( 27 )

I was a little shocked by Pinkie's total 180 at the end. It seemed a little sudden for Pinkie to go from "Friends kissing" to "Declare my possibly undying love to Twilight"... I guess I was expecting more uncertainty at the end, and the way it wrapped up left me a little disappointed. But it was still a very nice story, overall. Thanks for sharing!

3724413 I felt the same way minus the disappointment. I can honestly say I seen it coming.

What if the end was all but a dream...

It is Pinkie though, and it's supposed to be cheesy. Just how I normally write any of my stories. Thanks for enjoying it anyways though. :twilightsmile:

I like the way you think! My writing is always up for reader interpretation. I'm glad you're not just taking it for what it seems to be.

Thanks! I'm glad you found it...because I totally forgot to tell you I posted it :twilightblush:

Apoc #7 · Jan 4th, 2014 · · 2 ·

I really did like this. Except the end I mean I wouldn't care if pinkie had turned twilight down or not but to have that whole turn around thing in there totally killed it for me apart from that though I loved the story

Why do you people always want sad endings? Should I just delete that last little section and leave it as a depressed Twi falling asleep or what?

I think the main problem isn't the event itself but how you wrote it and how it relates to the rest of the story.

Though I personally liked this as a whole, I can see people being disappointed with the resolution, not because of what happens but how quickly and abruptly it happens. It's like the end of the story goes into super fast-forward mode and it totally breaks the original pace of the story (which is; slow, peaceful and atmospheric). In short; the end feels 'slapped on'.

To me it was still both entertaining and cute, but I got that vibe that you dropped the ball at the end and just wrote the first thing you could think of because you wasn't sure how you wanted it to end and you didn't want it collecting dust.

In a sense then though; Don't use Pinkie's randomness as an excuse to form any ending you want and call it okay. It's too easy. Anyone can write; Pinkie did this and that and no one can question why? because the answer would always be the same:

Because she's Pinkie Pie. :pinkiehappy:

All in all, I thought this was lovely! :yay:

I think alternatively it could have had a longer ending, but to be honest I was pretty glad it did finally end (9000 words one-shot! Geez‼)

To give you some insight, here's a sample of the same ending you wrote but dragged out:

*Twilight helps Pinkie pack and explains she's okay, Pinkie shouldn't worry
*Twilight takes Pinkie to the station and they say their goodbyes, Twi mentioning she'll miss her, etc
*Pinkie's on the train and ponders recent events and realizes that stuff about her being allowed to be happy too, etc
*Pinkie impulsively jumps of the train and meets up with Twilight, telling her she needs to stay because of that thing she realized and how important Twilight's happiness is to her
*the end

All your end dialogue would fit in and the end would be pretty much the same, just slower paced.

Eh, its too late now, what has been seen cannot be unseen and it has already failed compared to my other stories...but you are my new idea man. You give me ideas when I need help, I write them down. Oh, and you don't want to say no because then I will find you, tie you up, and lock you in my closet until I need you.

3732367 only if you want to. Remember in the end this is your story not mine and not anyone else. Also I did say that you could still make it a happy ending but just make it less rushed. If you decide to make it a sad ending you may wish to put in a small epilogue or something at end of the chapter rather then just leaving it at Twilight falls asleep.

3732367 I think if you put more of an explanation as to WHY Pinkie suddenly was willing to accept and love Twilight back it would be better. Otherwise it just feels like Pinkie either had a random moment or a partial nervous breakdown before or during the night concerning what happened and gave in to the pressure of returning Twilight's love.

I just want to point out a tiny mistake

"Woo, star party!" Pinkie exclaimed, hopping out of her chai.

You forgot to give chair an r. Other then that I loved this story!

No, she was totally hopping out of a giant cup of chai tea at that point :pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

3802196 Mmm chai tea...love the stuff

I almost want to leave it as chai now haha. I think I might

Is there going to be a sequel? It's really hard to find a good TwiPie fic! This one was GREAT! :) Good job!

Thanks! And I'm not really sure...honestly I'm good at writing about a blooming romance but continuing from there is sort of hard for me.

I had a great time reading this, I love romance stories like this one... but hey, that's just my preference.:derpytongue2:

LOVED IT, i recently discover the amazing world of Twipie shipping, its been a new favorite of mine! This writing is a good example why! i loved the tease you did in the middle, made my heart drop, but you kicked it right back up. I don't think I've seen a lot of writers with the talent you have! Keep up the good work, and good job on this awesome piece of story-book art!

Your newest follower,
~OG :rainbowkiss::yay:

Thank you very much and I appreciate such a supportive comment. Without comments like yours, I don't think I'd still be writing.

I downloaded this story to my phone a while back, and just got around to reading it. All I can say is just wow. One of the best Twipie one-shots I've ever read, if not the best. I understand where you're coming from when it comes to writing the aftermath of starting a relationship, but if you do write a sequel, I'll definitely be there.

Now that is (my) Pinkie Pie! :pinkiehappy: It's around two o'clock now and I'm actually horribly tired, but this tale of yours... was worth it. It was yesterday, if my memory serves me right, that I started to search for fanfictions about TwiPie. I was willing to read some of them, trying to get a feeling for that couple, if it 'could work out' in my perspective, if someone out there could make me believe that they could share a good chemistry.
You've pulled that off as the second one - out of... how many stories did I already read? A dozen? Two dozen? A lot, anyway. So many writers seem to be intrigued by writing Pinkie but just don't seem to be able to catch her right. The most common mistake would be 'stupid Pinkie', followed close behind by 'annoying Pinkie'. The latter even ridiculous to the point where her antics hurt others and she doesn't give a s*** about it. But this tale here? Wonderful, she's just the adorable, sweet, innocent, caring furball of energy one simply has to adore.
Same goes for Twilight. She's undergone some major changes from season one to her current state and you managed to portray her quite well.
Pinkie reconsidering her answer to Twilight might feel a little bit rushed due to the fact that we, as the readers, don't participate in that process until the point where she explains her change of mind towards Twi - but I simply can't see that as an issue at all. In fact, it seems fitting. Much like Rainbow, if she thinks something over, she decides pretty fast for whatever she wants.
The way Celestia pulled Spike out of their manes was adorable, too. It's funny how Twilight, even with her improved social skills, could still be so oblivious to something going on right under her muzzle. And since I mentioned him: Good job with Spike, too. He's not her pet, not her slave, not the comic relief, not annoying at all. More like a caring, loving little brother.

This is just... great. I recommend it. Someone should read this. Anyone. Everyone.

Thank you.

There could be two ponies...or whatever sentient beings they might be doing exactly what we are. They could be looking right at us and not even know it.

I've always liked fics which included that little detail, because to me it adds the "it could happen" factor to MLP in regards to Equestria Girls and such.

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