• Published 5th Dec 2013
  • 24,319 Views, 1,187 Comments

Nigel M Chalmers, Emperor - Dropbear

Something made it to the returned Crystal Empire before Shining and Cadence, that something not being at all pleased with its current situation.

Comments ( 368 )

...disregard my previous comment, He's too bad ass for HELL.


Oh, trust me, there shall be rebelling... but that will be the least of their problems.

Nigel's been missing for some time after all, and someone's noticed...


I know, I'm naughty.

woooooo when's the sequel gonna come out?


Not for a few days, I have a big race over the weekend that I have to provide IT support for (Which means in IT person speak, 'Going to stay wasted for three days while yelling at passing racecars and bikes).

that was a horrible ending :facehoof: all so kill celesta

He better rip them a new asshole.

:pinkiegasp::pinkiecrazy: NEW STORY!!!!!


Well, someone's missed the point. You expect them to just go and forgive her?

Now officialy Nigel M Chalmers is most pissed off character, Kratos can't compete with him :D


Have you read the last chapter?

Good sweet Christ I need that sequel now.:flutterrage:
So Celestia thinks that an Emperor who saves them from a tyrant, brings peace and unity to changelings and ponies, and begins a new golden age for the Crystal Empire is a terrible monster and that they're better off with a military dictatorship, famine, freezing temperatures, and the hate and resentment of an entire nation.

It's interesting to see Celestias "I have the right to rule the world attitude". She overthrows a foreign nation and installs an oppressive police state government and is surprised when they resent her. I think Nigels going to get some sweet sweet vengeance soon when he marches on the Crystal Empire with an army of zebra.

You better not make the sequel a padded-as-fuck trip for Nigel to get back to the Crystal Empire, Dropbear. I'm gonna be even more fucking PISSED than I am right now if you do that. I don't want to see no fucking world trip, I want EXACTLY what this ending is promising.

BTW, I'm not sorry in the least to say that I skimmed EVERYTHING until Nigel's name was mentioned again. That's one hint for you to cut down on the filler.

Even Hell can't handle Nigel M. Chalmers.


To be fair, I understand her reaction. Consider this:

You get the word from your Captain that the Empire he's sstaying in is under attack.

You, hoping to help out a ruler that you have bad history with, gather your guards and go out to lend a hand.

Upon arrival, you encounter a battlefield littered with bodies, and a ruler covered with blood. He wants to kill all the enemy, despite your pleas for mercy. You haven't seen bloodshed on this scale in ages, and it sickens you.

However, you can see that he's too far gone, obsessed with only one thing in mind and that is killing.

You could kill him. but a part of you shies away from killing someone you've talked to, and who you know is adored by his subjects. The only other option is to banish him, and you do so hoping that one day he'll regain his senses.

Anyway, that's how I see Celestia.

Tulip #15 · Jun 5th, 2014 · · 1 ·



Oh, if only you knew what I had planned. I'll tell you one thing:

When I told another user, Kabar, about my plans for the sequel and what it entailed, he said:

"That is the most fucking craziest thing, do it."

4500615 ... this is sounding exactly as padded and filled with filler as I'm thinking. I don't like it already.


Actually, I don't remember you telling me that this was how it was going to end.


She didn't expect that all to happen. keep in mind that she's been plonked down into the middle of the situation, she maes one mistake and it's set off a chain reaction of events.

It's interesting to see Celestias "I have the right to rule the world attitude". She overthrows a foreign nation and installs an oppressive police state government and is surprised when they resent her.

I wouldn't call it oppressive, Cadence did try to rule nicely but the crystal ponies tried to bring her down. It's good intentions that turn sour, she does want the best for them...

But her best is not what they want.


Skype chat during the Collab remember? When you quizzed me on all of the plots.


Yes, but you didn't entail me about the tartar bit. You told me something similar for something else, but this fic had a different ending when you told me it.

There is difference in killing and banish ideal example is Napoleon, he wasn't killed he was banished, if he was killed he will be martyr and that is worst to do for invader


Eh, I plan to have him in the Empire by the first chapter. I don't want to spoil anything, but he'll have help...

And he is not going to be nice, in fact I expect some Cadence lovers will give me a few downvotes.

On a related note, HS0003, you will get your wish...


Nope, same ending. I'll refresh you in a PM so it doesn't spoil it.


Alright, but I could swear you never mentioned the tartar bit.

4500640 Well shit. For now, I take the resentment back. Just don't make it so it comes back up.

Now if I may make a request: I want references to the Solar Tyrant in the sequel. That's EXACTLY what Celestia is, good intentions or not, moreso because the road to Hell is paved with them.


I've always seen the 'Tyrant Celestia' character as meaning well, but with a twisted view. Celestia is going to be eaten up by guilt, and suffice to say Nigel is not going to be happy with her.

This entire fic? This is him on 'happy' mode. He can get utterly sadistic, hints of which can already be seen in other fics with him.

Those who work for the ISA are never normal, and they tend to lack mercy.

Ok ... That was badass. Gonna be hard to top it but if anyone can do it, it's you.

4500671 Every moment you keep talking to me in such long answers is more time where you're not writing the damn sequel, Bear. GET TO IT!

So, right now I want to do this to Celestia. Seriously, I keep coming back to the mental image of it.

4500625 I'd like to see how her good intentions go even more sour.
I'd imagine that the equestrian soldiers still resent the changelings and that there will be a lot of brutality and violence towards them by the guards.
When the changelings run out of love a few might fall back on old habits and then cadence might start separating them from the ponies and put them in camps.
And when Nigel returns there's gonna be hell to pay. I expected him to conquer Tartarus and march on equestrian with an army of demons but I guess zebras work to if they have the mad Kung fu skills they're rumored to have.

Oh my god, Nigel, I LOVE YOU!

I swear, if he wasn't a gary sue before, he definitely is one now.

Nigel is so awsome even hell ccan't stop him.

This fic is like a drug: I just want more of this.



No. But you say the word zigger and they have to ability to randomly produce a large amount of family members to beat the ever living shit out of you.

So all Nigel has to do is get the Equestrian army to say zigger in synchronization and there will be a bloodbath! Yay! :yay:

Well, would you look at that. Celestia's gonna have her ass handed to her when Nigel is done with his revenge. Good job, your story is literally the best in this whole site. Hope you start the sequel soon, because i love reading your stories.

You really hate Celestia, do you?:applejackunsure:

Oh boy, Celestia really fucked up. I can't wait for the look on her face when she finds out Nigel has been tossed out of Tartarus and he's bound for revenge. Makes me wonder if he'll kill both of them and become the Emperor of Equestria.

Well celestia you no longer have to worry where your god is anymore. Because he's right here!!
...and he's fresh outta mercy

Oh yes, oh yesss...

right now, I am more interested in how Cadence and Shining Armor (Cadence in particular) are dealing with ruling an empire with absolutely zero approval rate. Cadence got her empire back but she is a ruler in name only. The only thing keeping her in the throne is the royal guards that are keeping the peace.

What make this so interesting is my assumption on Cadence's upbringing as the supposed princess of the Crystal Empire. She is probably taught that being a princess is all about being benevolent, kind ruler that does everything she can for her subjects and other crap like that with Celestia as the prime example.

Those lessons are quickly thrown out of the window the moment she was proclaim ruler by Celestia in what is basically a hostile takeover. Those lessons ain't gonna do squat when virtually every citizen in the empire hates her guts. Maybe she can win them over by improving their lives? wrong. I mean, just look at their number one problem. The crystal heart is a bust.

without it, the empire is subjected to the never ending winter, leading to crop failure and other winter related disasters. Crystal heart is powered with the love and happiness from the its citizens but that can't happen when they are basically under martial law with the royal guards and Cadence, whom they last saw beating up one of their own citizens, is in charge. In fact, one could even argue that their continued presence is detrimental to the survival of the empire seeing as they are the source of their hate.

There is also the problems with the changeling and how they are gonna deal with them when they finally ran out of love gems. Not to mention, relations between crystal empire and Equestria have hit rock bottom and started digging their way to Tartarus.

These are the things that Cadence have to deal with when she was made ruler via hostile takeover....and she knows it. I would like to think that she knows that the crown she holds now is only possible because the royal guards are there to keep the peace. without them, she would be booted out of the empire by a mob of angry crystal ponies. the sudden happiness to overthrow her might even reactivate the Crystal heart to add insult to injury.

She knows all this and she is going crazy trying to make it all work out somehow. maybe she will get crazy enough to blame Celestia. this is, in a way, her fault after all. She did banish their emperor to Tartarus then gave the crown to Cadence. She may have her place as ruler back at last but its been done in such a way that the citizens will never accept her as their ruler now and forever.

The busted Crystal heart say so.

She knows it, and she's gonna go crazy about it. What do you do when your the princess of love and all you get is nothing but hate in your way?

maybe we'll have a mental breakdown worthy of lesson zero? Hope we will get how she's doing from time to time in the sequel. I will enjoy seeing her suffer.

Way to go dropbear Ill take a gander at this and see you around the forums


I don't think he's hungry...

Oh and don't act like such a self-entitled arsehole, it's unbecoming.

I bet author already takes notes for sequel from all this comments.

I eagerly await Warhammer levels of zenos purging in the immediate future.

Ok I died laughing, perfect ending, oh my thank you for this story! :moustache:

He's voting to unite the zebras into a 2nd empire isn't he?!

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