• Published 9th Dec 2013
  • 982 Views, 6 Comments

Welcome to the Foundation - darkuri

Short stories from the Equestrian version of the Foundation.

  • ...

Everything is Certainly Fine

Morning in Ponyville shimmers...

Although, Dr. Rights couldn't tell if it was either morning or night, this was because she was currently situated several meters below the ground where the only light available were from fixtures.

Dr. Rights sighed and bowed her head into her hooves. It had been a long night (she presumed) and the numerous cups of coffee were starting to wear off. She forced her eyes to focus on the parchment in front of her, re-reading the lines:

"Item #: SCP - 2102
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:"

Rights sighed again; it had taken the recon team hours to verify the new SCP and days to even come up with a plan to contain it. Ultimately, the honor of capturing it went to Dr. Clef, who had somehow managed to find a way to contain it while keeping deaths and damage to the SCP at a minimum. That, however, was where his responsibility ended and now Dr. Rights was left to write up a set of containment protocols.

"SCP-2102 is currently located within Site 19. Subject is to be kept in a soundproof 6m x 6m furnished with a single bed. An anti-magic field must be maintained around the subject's room at all times and strengthened on a daily basis. At all times is SCP-2102 to have at least two (2) level 3 unicorn guards stationed outside the room with constant surveillance. Guards and monitoring staff are to be stationed by the living area and all activity deviating from the daily norm is to be recorded.”

Rights decided that now was the time to an excellent time to grab another cup of coffee as she lowered the quill. Her writing was starting to become illegible and she figured that seeing blue spots wasn't the best sign of progress. Maybe I’ll pick up a sandwich while I'm there she thought idly as she levitated her "World's Best Mom" mug off the desk and walked out of her office.


"Good morning Dr. Rights. Come for some breakfast?" said Dr. Glass greeting Rights as she walked into the cafeteria. Rights looked at the brown nondescript earth pony.

"Morning Dr. Glass" Rights replied wearily "I'm mainly here for the coffee."

"Up all night again?" Rights nodded as she walked over to the coffee machine,

"Containment protocols don't write themselves..." Rights thought for a moment "...with a few exceptions." she added as she grabbed a sandwich and made her way over to where Glass was sitting.

"Is that for the new SCP that Clef brought in?" Glass inquired starting to munch on some toast.

"Yeah..." Rights sighed as she took a sip of the lukewarm drink, Rights made a face.

"Ah, yes. The coffee today is especially invigorating." Glass laughed,

"Invigorating, now that is a word that I would not use." Rights made another face as she took another drink of the brown muck.

"Well, what do we have here?" a familiar voice asked, Rights looked over to see a dog walk over to where Glass and her were currently seated.

"Hello Kain." Glass smiled, Rights just sighed, this was more interaction than she was used to in the mornings.

"What are we talking about?"

"The new SCP."

"Ah, that." Dr. Crow nodded knowingly, "I hear it gave Clef quite a bit of trouble."

"It’s still proving to be a headache, exposing itself to that many ponies..." Rights sighed and shook her head "Speaking of headaches, I have to go write up that containment." motioned to leave nearly bumping into the pony in front of her.

"Ah, Dr. Rights, are you having a pleasant morning?" Rights looked down to see the short grey colt that had addressed her,

"Good morning Dr. Gears." Gears cocked an eyebrow

"Is it?"

"Come sit with us Gears." Glass offered before Rights could respond,

"Unfortunately I must decline, I am merely here to grab a cup of coffee before checking on SCP-2003. Yesterday it exhibited a previously unrecorded reaction to the word 'fishy' and I was hoping to test a few more piscine words."

"Well, good luck with that Gears, oh, and your thing too Rights." Glass yelled as Rights walked off, she just mumbled in response.


Rights was almost at her office when the last pony she ever wanted to see walked around the corner. "Why, hello Rights!" Dr. Alto Clef smiled. She mentally recoiled at the thought of more polite conversing and even worse it was with Clef.

"Hello, Clef." She sighed, knowing that she would never get away from the brown pony with a ukulele on his back and the musical cutie mark no matter how hard she tried.

"How are you this fine Equestria morning? Enjoying my present?" Rights just sighed in response, "You sure? It injured half the task force before I got to have a go at it." Clef mimed punching the air for added effect.

"After I captured it I thought," - Clef tapped his hoof on his chin in mock thought - " 'Who would appreciate this the most?' and that’s when I figured that you would." Clef had now wrapped a hoof around Rights' shoulder "So, it’s all yours beautiful." Rights pulled away from the pony with the crazy smile a look of disdain on her face,

"And thanks to that exploit, I now have a report to file and protocols to write so goodbye." Clef pretended to look heartbroken,

"Alas, my mauve bunny, we are parted too soon." Rights just gave him a look as she stomped off to her office. "Ah mares, they’re so hard to please. Now who else can I have fun with while Kondraki is away?" Clef lamented.

Spotting Dr. Iceburg walking down the other end of the hall Clef's face lit up and he bounded towards the poor colt.


Rights shut the door behind her set the (now cold) cup of coffee on her desk glad to be away from that annoying colt.

She looked around her office enjoying the familiarity, it was small but homely, containing a bookcase of reference books (and a few romance novels for good measure), a couch and, of course, her desk. Her desk, where that damned parchment lay, incomplete, she sighed.

That small piece of parchment was the only thing standing between her and her family.

She thought that for once it would be nice to finish on time and spend some time with them. Every time Rights came home her daughter seemed to be just ‘that’ much older, it seemed like only a year ago that she was just a baby foal, now she was a filly and was on her way to earning her cutie mark.

While Rights didn't get much time off she at least had the luxury of going home at the end of the week which was better than a few others she knew. She levitated the quill and, filled with the thoughts of her family greeting her when she came home, proceeded to write:

"Subject is to remain restricted at all times. SCP-2102 is to be fed three (3) times a day at regular intervals. Any items SCP-2102 requests are to be granted pending O5 approval. Staff wishing to observe or utilize SCP-2102 for testing may only do so with prior approval from the site director and a member of the O5 council. Any attempt to engage with SCP-2102 without prior approval will be subject to disciplinary measures up to transfer to a new site."

Rights' eyes were starting to glaze over as the parchment and quill fell onto the desk, 2 days of sleeplessness were catching up to her. The sofa in the corner was looking better and better.

She held fast, she just had to complete this last piece of paperwork and then she could finally sleep. Even better, it would be in her own house, in her own bed.

In an effort to keep sleep away she took a sip of coffee, suddenly remembering that it had gone cold she gagged but managed to force the cold disgusting liquid down her throat, she needed all the help caffeine could offer. Finishing what was left of the wretched stuff, she turned her attention back where it was needed. In a final burst of pure coffee-driven will power she once more levitated the quill:

" Description:

SCP-2102 appears to be a violet alicorn responding to the name 'Twilight Sparkle'…"

Morning in Ponyville shines...