• Published 9th Dec 2013
  • 983 Views, 6 Comments

Welcome to the Foundation - darkuri

Short stories from the Equestrian version of the Foundation.

  • ...

Day One

Lime Research walked through the library doors and flashed her badge at the pony behind the desk. Without looking up from her magazine the pony motioned Research to proceed to the room behind the counter. Research nodded in confirmation and continued to the small room where she selected a book from a nearby shelf and pulled it hard. The shelf swung around depositing her at the top of a long staircase. Research walked gingerly down the stairs, carefully placing one hoof in front of the other so as not to trip in the dim light. She hated this part, being a pegasus she had a natural affinity for flying, the small cramped stairs hindered this by not having enough room to spread her wings. She had the suspicion that this was intentional. Research breathed a sigh of relief when she reached the bottom, she had managed to make it all the way down without tripping, she was still recovering from the bruises she got a few days ago during orientation. She braced herself and used the badge to open the door in front of her.


"So where is this new pony I've been hearing about?" Clef asked the short gray pony in front of him,

"Her shift has yet to commence and, being as she is new, I am currently unacquainted with her rituals." Dr. Gears responded in his usual deadpan voice. Clef sighed, it was always difficult speaking with Gears, he swore one day that he would prove that Gears was a robot. However, he had a new toy at the moment.

"If you don't know, just say. Do you know anyone who might know where she is?"

"I believe that she is assigned to be assisting Dr. Rights today. Dr. Rights, I believe, is currently in her office." Gears replied preempting Clef's next question. After all, Gears was busy and taking time to indulge in Dr. Clef's flights of fancy could be time consuming and, if you weren't prepared, could result in the loss of a limb. However, before Clef could respond a scream pierced the corridor.

"And I believe we have just found the location of our latest recruit" Clef smiled as he galloped towards where the scream had come from. Gears just shook his head and proceeded down the corridor.


The cafeteria was Research's first stop. She had been eager to begin work and had subsequently forgotten to eat breakfast, that and the orientation leader had mentioned that the cafeteria was one of the best in Equestria. She was still in awe at how large it was, able to hold (according to the orientation leader anyway) all personnel stationed on site. A large blackboard situated at the entrance clearly mentioned the lunch and dinner specials while inside a number of chairs and long tables had been laid out. There were hundreds of dishes laid out on a bench along one wall, containing everything from toast and sandwiches to hashed browns, there were even some cupcakes at the far end. There was coffee, tea and biscuits set out on another table.

Research was standing there, mouth agape, for a while, caught up in her own world. It wasn't until a hand tapped her on the shoulder that she snapped out of her trance. Research turned to apologize to the pony only to come face-to-face with a monkey, it smiled and waved. The sudden shock of being pulled from her thoughts to face a monkey wearing a laboratory coat, one that smiled and waved, caused her body to react in the most rational way it knew how...she screamed.


"You called for me, my damsel?" Dr. Clef proclaimed striking what he believed to be a 'noble' pose. Dr. Bright just rolled his eyes and pointed to the cafeteria’s ceiling. Looking up Clef managed to see a small light green blob with a spot of brown plastered to the ceiling of the cafeteria.

"Oooh, a pegasus." Clef grinned to himself; he was going to have fun.

"What's up? I heard a scream." Dr. Glass inquired, as he stuck his head into the cafeteria. A quick glance at a smiling Dr. Clef, an amused Dr. Bright and what appeared to be a green pegasus stuck - quite firmly - to the ceiling gave him enough information to piece together what had happened. Glass groaned,

"Couldn't you have waited until she settled in first?"

"Where's the fun in that? Plus I just got here."

"And all I did was say 'Hello'" Dr. Bright wrote on his board.

"It's alright, you can come down now." Glass shouted up at the frightened pony.

"What is that?" Research managed to shout down.

"I'm not a ‘that’." Dr. Clef huffed. Glass placed a hoof in between his closed eyes and rubbed.

"Not you, she's talking about Bright." Glass sighed,

"Well she could have made it clearer." Glass chose to ignore Clef and shouted out to the frightened pegasus,

"This is Dr. Bright. He was just saying 'hello'. Come down and I promise he won't hurt you." Slowly Research detached herself from the ceiling and lowered herself down until he was in front of Dr. Glass, never taking her eyes off Dr. Bright.

"Hello, I am Dr. Glass. I'm the head of Psychology and this - "

"I'm the amazing and wonderful Dr. Clef," Clef boasted sticking out a hoof; Research shook it with some trepidation.

"It's nice to have a pretty young mare around here; it gets dull looking only at colts every day." Researched blushed at the compliment, suddenly a board was pushed past Clef and into her line of sight,

"I'm sorry I startled you. My name is Dr. Bright. A pleasure to meet you." it read.

"Um, likewise." Research said quietly,

"I'm Lime Research."

"A lovely name, for a lovely mare." Bright wrote back. Glass sighed; he could see that Bright's non-stop big toothed grin was starting to unnerve the poor pegasus. That and his colleagues hitting on the new comer were highly inappropriate.

"Come Ms. Research, I believe you've been assigned to Dr. Rights." Glass herded Research out of the cafeteria and into the corridor, away from the two grinning senior staff members.

"Well she sure is an interesting one. Nice body too." Bright wrote. Clef looked at his fellow staff member.
"You scared her deliberately." Clef accused, Bright just gave him an innocent look.

"Well, you're right. She does have a nice body." The two men continued staring at where Research had exited the cafeteria, lost in their own thoughts, before turning to each other, nodding and leaving to do what they deemed to be 'more important'.


"So...Dr. Blight is a monkey?"

"Bright," Glass corrected,
"And not quite." Glass internally struggled with how to explain Bright and his 'predicament' to the fresh faced Junior Researcher. He settled on the diplomatic approach.

"Dr. Bright is a brilliant researcher. His current state is the result of an accident tying him to an SCP; he has since proven to be a loyal and useful asset to the Foundation." Glass explained.

"And Dr. Clef?" Glass balked, he didn't like speaking ill of his colleagues but Clef, over the years, had made it hard.

"Dr. Clef is...a valuable and unique pony." Glass coughed as if to signal the end of the discussion about Clef,

"Moving on, you will be working under Dr. Rights. Your job will be simple, you will help with her research projects and anything else she requires - basically, you will stick to her like glue. In addition to those duties you will be running tests on various SCP objects as set by your supervisor. Any questions, queries and complaints are made to them as well. Any questions?"

"Yeah, what's Dr. Rights like? Is she like the other two?" Glass just smiled and knocked on the door in front of him. There was a muffled thump followed by a squeak in response.

"Why don't you find out?"


Junior Researcher Lime Research's first impression of Dr. Rights wasn't wholly unflattering, just not very flattering. Dr. Rights lay on her couch, her haunches high in the air, one leg on either side of the couch allowing Research, and in effect Glass as well, to get a full unobstructed view of her behind. The rest of the poor mauve doctor was face-first on the ground with her forelegs out in front of her as if holding something down, her mane was a mess. Glass' face instantly turned red as his brain finally recognized the scene before him. Glass coughed and turned his head. The pony, that Research guessed was Dr. Rights, twitched and slowly and carefully lifted her head, turning it towards the door where a shocked Research and a rather embarrassed Glass stood. An irritated look crossed her face,

"Well? Don't just stand there, make yourself useful. Grab the bottle on my desk." Research just stood there dumbfounded as Glass slowly and carefully, so as not to look at the uncompromising scene, walked around Dr. Rights and grabbed a bottle of pills on her desk.

"You too," Research jumped as the incapacitated doctor addressed her, she looked around wildly as she tried to figure how best to help. Rights sighed,

"Come over here," Research complied,

"Now, put your hooves on top of mine. I'm going to move mine and I want you to press down firmly, but not hard, just enough to keep him in place. Alight, now!" Quickly but carefully, Rights pulled her hooves from under Research's, underneath them Research could feel something squirming, trying to escape. She tried her best not to recoil at what could be under her hooves.

"Good." Dr. Rights said as she righted herself, using a hoof to straighten a bit of her mane,

"Glass, pass that here and you," Rights pointed at Research,

"Keep him still." Rights wrapped the bottle in Glass' hoof in a light green aura and used magic to open the lid, pulling out one dark brown pill and placing it in her hoof. Slowly she walked up to Research and bent down, placing the hoof with the pill in between Research's hooves.

"Alright, let go now." Research slowly lifted her hooves, allowing a small brown animal to speed out and land on Rights' back.

"Thank you for your help. I always have trouble giving Pterry his pill."

"Terry?" Research gawked at the small brown thing that looked like a cross between a hummingbird and a bat.

"SCP-346; otherwise known as ‘Pterry’. The name comes from what we've named the species, Pterodactylus; it means 'winged fingers'." Glass explained, Research just stood there marvelling at the creature that appeared to be aware of the attention and was now puffing up its chest and thrusting it forward in an effort to seem important.

"I am Dr. Rights and you are?"

"Research! Lime Research." Research jumped at the sudden question, snapping her out of daze, Glass chuckled at her reaction.

"First time seeing an SCP?"

"Yes...in a way..." Rights raised an eyebrow,

"Ms. Research here is going to be working under you, helping you amongst other things." Rights just looked at Glass who held up a hoof,

"This was decided by the 'Powers That Be', so don't bite the messenger. I shall see you, Ms. Research, early tomorrow for your evaluation." He nodded to both of them and left. Rights sighed, and walked back to her desk, Pterry by now had flown to a small swing near Rights' desk. Using magic, Rights levitated some sheets of paper and began to go through them; Research stood awkwardly where she had been when she let go of Pterry. Rights' sighed again and put down the papers,

"As my 'assistant' you will be expected to help me conduct a variety of tests on a number of SCPs, you will be expected to write reports and deliver them to me, unless told explicitly by me or your supervisor, you are to stick to me at all times. You are to ignore anything Bright or Clef tells you, ok?"

"Yes, ma'am" Rights glared at Research,

"Yes, doctor." Research tried again, this time Rights seemed to accept it as she turned her head back to the papers on the desk and continued shuffling through them.


"Pardon me Dr. Rights, but I do believe that Junior Researcher Research is currently assigned to you and should be here. Oh good." Right Order clapped his hooves together looking at Research, who was standing in the middle of the room feeling awkward. It had been several minutes and Dr. Rights had yet to speak to or even acknowledge Research since telling her to ignore Clef and Bright. She still couldn't understand why, sure they seemed off and one was a monkey but they seemed harmless enough.

"Dr. Rights as Junior Researcher Research is under your purview, I am required that you sign this," Order pulled a form out from his lab coat and passed it to Rights. After a quick scan Rights levitated a quill, dipped it in and signed the form, passing it back to Order.

"Thank you, Dr. Rights. Junior Researcher Research, come." Order turned around and walked out of Rights' office, Research looked at Rights, who waved a dismissive hoof, and turned to follow Order out of the office.


"You will be conducting a small experiment utilising SCP-447. The outlines for the experiment are in that folder," Order said passing a manila folder across his desk to Research. Carefully, Research used a wingtip to flick the folder open and view the contents.

"SCP-447 is a green sphere approximately 5 cm in diameter which constantly excretes a viscous slime at a rate of approximately 10 cc/hour," I know, I can read Research thought as she skimmed the files,

"The experiment is simple, you are to test SCP-447's effects on plant matter, specifically that of a Bonsai tree. You are to observe and take notes based on the outcomes and then submit your results to Dr. Rights, Dr. Clef and myself."

"Dr. Clef?"

"Is there something wrong, Junior Researcher Research?"

"No, nothing." Looks like I get to see what Dr. Clef is like, Research thought to herself. Dr. Glass had been elusive and Dr. Rights had flat out warned her not to listen to him, so it looked like she finally got to see what was so special about him.

"Good, I should hope not. Dr. Clef is a well respected member of the Foundation. As your superior for this experiment you are to listen and follow his direction to. the. letter." Order hit one hoof on the other to emphasize his point. Research merely nodded,

"The experiment will take place in Testing Lab W-37455,"

"Uh, Dr. Order..."

"Since you are new, I shall escort you. Please pay close attention to the coloured lines on the floor, they will help you." Order maneuvered himself from behind his desk and walked out of his small office. Flipping the manila folder shut, Research tucked it under her wing and followed the brown earth pony out of the office.


Once again Research found herself staring at the brown earth pony with a giant grin and a ukulele on his back. Right Order had left not too long ago and now Research and Clef were staring at each other. While she didn't voice it, she had a sneaking suspicion that the reason why Dr. Clef was here and why she was working on SCP-447, which - coincidentally - was under Dr. Clef's supervision, was because he had somehow managed to arrange it.

"Hello again Ms. Research, are you ready to do some science?" The way Clef asked made it seem as if they were preparing to do something perverse. Research just nodded, she took a quick glance around the room. There were a number of apparatus around the room which seemed to be constantly measuring something, looking after them was a yellow unicorn and a purple earth pony. The most eye-catching part of the room was the large window taking up roughly three-quarters of the far wall, beyond it lay another room, only this room contained nothing other than a large plastic tub and a table with a single Bonsai tree on it.

"Now before you enter, you need to go through decon to make sure you haven't had any contact with dead bodies. Have you?" Clef looked at Research with a serious expression on his face, one she didn't expect from the constantly smiling pony.

"No and 'decon'?"

"Decontamination. Now once you get in there I will relay instructions to you through and you will carry out the experiment." Clef explained as he steered Research out of the room and down the hallway towards another entrance,

"I? As in by myself?"

"No, of course not. The O-5 won't let me do that anymore. Rough Analysis will be there taking notes as well." Clef smiled as he pushed Research through the open doorway and shut the glass door behind her.

"Good Luck!"


Research stepped out of decontamination shivering. Decontamination seemed to be nothing more than a cold shower, leaving Research wet and fairly annoyed.

"He could have warned me." She muttered under her breath, luckily there were towels off to the side. After a quick dry, she turned around to see a yellow unicorn come out of decontamination, without a word she offered him the towel. The unicorn, Research presumed it was Rough Analysis, just shook his head and indicated for her to throw the towel into a bin near the decontamination exit. Using his magic he levitated a towel towards himself and proceeded to dry himself off. Having both deposited their towels in the laundry bin; they turned their attention towards the plant on the table in the middle of the room.

"Testing, can you hear me?" Dr. Clef's voice crackled over the radio. Rough nodded and Research replied with a 'yes'.

"Good, now Lime I want you to take the tree and place half of it into the tub containing 447-2 and then remove it." Research flinched at the mention of her given name, it made her feel uncomfortable to have someone she didn't know call her with that kind of intimacy, and she liked to keep things professional. Despite that, she complied, picking up the Bonsai off the table with her hooves placing half into the tub before pulling it out again.

"Describe whatever happens, thoughts, feelings, smells, how attractive you find me, tastes, if the tree has grown, etc." Research furrowed her brow, Wait, what was that middle one? She looked at Rough for a reaction, however, he just stood there, stoic, waiting for her to describe anything unusual. Research looked down and proceeded to list off anything she thought was important, which, other than a faint smell of mint and a green hue, didn’t amount to much.


This proceeded for a while, with various tests carried out on the poor tree, all the while with Clef delivering instructions through the radio embedded in the wall and with the occasional inappropriate comment made to Research. She was beginning to see why other ponies were so 'general' in their praises of Dr. Clef, after two and a half hours of being hit on by Clef she was just about to smack him, all the while Rough stood there impassively taking notes. Finally, they had reached the final test,

"Dunk the tree completely into the solution, my salt-lick." Research just about dropped the plant in embarrassment, but proceeded to do as Clef had said, he was clearly enjoying this. Research proceeded to list off any changes to the plant and placed it back on the table. Rough Analysis nodded to her and then turned to the window where she could see Dr. Clef looking back at them, Rough then nodded to Clef as well.

"Good, we're done here, place the tree back on the table and proceed to decon." There was a brief sound of static as the microphone was switched off. Rough turned back to Research and indicated that they were to leave. As Rough placed his front hoof on the floor, he slipped on some green tinted slime, causing him to fall forwards and his haunches to fly up and proceed to keep his original forward momentum. In short, Rough did, for all intents and purposes, a decent roll right into the tub containing SCP-447-2 causing it to land on Research. Time appeared to stand still for a moment. Rough Analysis, lying on his back on the floor, Research covered head-to-hoof in 447's slimy run-off, the other researchers stood still gaping at what had just happened. The silence was only broken by Dr. Clef's roars of laughter which could be heard quite clearly without the use of a microphone. Rough slowly stood up,

"Sorry," he uttered rather sheepishly. Research just stared straight ahead, not moving or blinking. Slowly and with purpose she moved towards decontamination, aware of every pony’s eyes on her. She stepped into the decontamination cubicle and waited for the blast of cold water. She had read up on SCP-447 while Right Order escorted her to the testing lab, so she was aware of the protocols for something like this but, this on her first day, she closed her eyes as the showers started up, this is just too embarrassing she thought.


Clef was waiting for her with a towel when she finally got out of decontamination. He was still sniggering as she took the towel from him with one of her wings, Ugh, they feel all gummy, she stretched the other wing to see if it felt the same, and it did. She sighed and started to dry herself off, it was as she was drying herself off that Clef's expression changed and his smile grew wider, ...I didn't think that was possible, Clef leaned in close and whispered,

"You smell delightful, minty." He then proceeded to laugh raucously, Research froze, lifted a hoof and sniffed, Clef was right, I do smell minty but why would he...? Then it hit her, her coat. A lime-green, mint smelling pony, she was, essentially, a walking, talking joke. Clef still hadn't stopped laughing,

"Junior Researcher Research, I came to retrieve you so we might proceed with your debriefing..." Right Order stopped when he saw Clef leaning against the wall in an effort to keep himself upright,

"Junior Researcher Research, what happen-" Order stopped mid-sentence and his face hardened when he caught a whiff of Research. He didn't smile, snigger or anything, he just looked Research, narrowed his eyes and in a stern voice that left no room for questions said,

"Follow me." Research meekly lowered her head and followed, leaving a slightly puzzled Rough Analysis and the sound of a hyperventilating Clef behind them.


We need to be calm, it's her first day. Right Order reminded himself, She's new and it was an accident, granted one that shouldn't have happened, but an accident none the less. Right Order glared at the mare in front of him, she had her head down so most of her face was hidden behind her brown locks. He sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Clearly the experiment was too much to handle." Research didn't say anything,

"It was simple, follow Dr. Clef's instructions and then report to me for a debriefing." Research's head went lower, Order sighed again,

"While it was a small transgression it is one that could have had disastrous consequences, if you had come in contact with a cadaver..." Order shuddered.

"However, as it is your first time and your first day, I am willing to have some leniency." Ah, that got her to raise her head a bit.

"In addition to your regular duties to Dr. Rights you will be demoted to level 0 until further notice." Research's ears visibly picked up,

"Should Dr. Rights require you to handle or have any contact with an SCP, I am to be informed and should I allow it, you will be granted temporary access only to that SCP. Only Dr. Rights shall have that privilege and no-one else. Now I expect a report on SCP-447, a description of what transpired and a daily report to be delivered to both Dr. Rights and I. You may go." Order watched as Research got up and left, with her head a little higher than when she had entered. After she had gone Right Order smiled and a small giggle left his mouth,

"Minty. "


Despite the lenient punishment from Right Order, Lime Research's day had got progressively worse. Everywhere she went Research could hear stifled sniggers as she walked past, a few Researchers had even got it into their heads that her name was Minty. Dr. Clef had done nothing to discourage it; even Dr. Rights had caught herself occasionally calling Research 'Minty'. Research had spent several hours trying to get the mint smell off her coat in the hopes that it might stop what was now becoming a nickname; unfortunately it was still there several hours later. The only one who appeared to be even vaguely compassionate was Dr. Bright, however, Research still felt uncomfortable around him, especially with the way he kept grinning at her. Research sighed as she sat down at a cafeteria table with her garden salad. It had been a long day, she put her head in her hooves, Will I ever get rid of this smell? She lifted her head when she heard the sound of a tray being placed opposite her. A small grey pony sat down and nodded at Research, acknowledging her existence before starting to eat his sandwich.

"Hello?" Research felt that it would be impolite to not at least attempt to converse,

"Hello Ms. Research." The grey pony replied. Research felt a little put off as this pony clearly knew her name but she had no idea who he was.

"I am Dr. Gears. I heard about your unfortunate accident and wish to assure you that the residual effect of SCP-447-1 has been known to dissipate after a few days." Research didn't quite know what to think; somehow this small pony had not only delivered the best news of today, but had done so in the most unemotional way possible, as if he was reading a manual. She realised she was staring at Gears with her mouth open, she quickly closed it.

"Th-Thank you."

"You're welcome." Gears continued eating his sandwich. Research didn't know why, but it was somewhat comforting as they sat in silence eating their meals. It allowed her to reflect on her day, which had quite definitely been full of surprises. Dr. Rights will probably be wondering where I am now, as she got up to leave Dr. Gears looked up from his meal.

"Congratulations on your first day." Research just smiled.