• Published 9th Dec 2013
  • 983 Views, 6 Comments

Welcome to the Foundation - darkuri

Short stories from the Equestrian version of the Foundation.

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"Alright, welcome to orientation. I'm Right Order and I'm your orientation leader for today. First, let me congratulate you on being the chosen few to join us here at the Foundation. The reason you're here is because you chose to protect the world from what it doesn't know and because what we do interests you. Now, many (if not all) of you think you can solve everything, fix all of SCP-191's problems, make SCP-198 disappear, etc. You can't, deal with it. The real reason you're here is because you're smart and as long as you have a working head on your shoulders you just might be around long enough to get to enjoy retirement.

Now all of you are here are considered 'junior researchers'. That means you are the lowest rung on the ladder. There are hundreds of experiments that need to be run and you lucky folks are going to be the ones to run them. For an unlucky few, you will be working as assistants to other researchers. They will outline your tasks in a way that doesn't require you to go through tons of theory. Carry out the experiments, write down the findings carefully and if anything unexpected happens, write that down even more carefully. That's pretty much it.

Now, being a junior researcher means you are classified as level 1, this means you have very limited access and will have to live on site. You will be assigned dorms and-

Huh? What? No. No you can't swap dorm rooms and trust me; you do not want to be caught. Relationships are strongly discouraged. As I was saying we have state-of-the-art facilities including the library, a staff lounge, a recreation room that you will likely never see and one of the best cafeterias in Equestria. For those of you assigned to other sites I hear theirs are just as good.

And yes - before any of you decide to interrupt - yes many of you will be assigned to other sites. This is to ensure that no site is under staffed, over staffed or lacking in resources. For those stationed at other sites, particularly Site 113, this is not a form of punishment - despite what others say. It just means that it has been determined that your skills are required at those sites. Again, Site 113 is not a punishment.

What's that? When was The Foundation established? That's a good question, one I would have answered anyway if you had been patient. Well...

The establishment of The Foundation dates back to the end of Discord's reign. The Founder saw that the end of Discord did not mean the end of chaos or his influence. Various anomalies were left behind. Wanting to do his part to create an era of harmony, the Founder gathered together a group of like-minded ponies and set to establish a means to secure and contain these oddities. After the rise of Nightmare Moon it was decided that several of the 'SO's, as they were then called, couldn't just be contained but some needed to be destroyed for the sake of protecting the now fragile peace.

The ultimate goal now is to protect Equestria from anomalous objects and/or events. This is accomplished by securing, containing and protecting these anomalous. Securing - by capturing the object or removing it from public knowledge. Containing - by studying it. Learning why it does what it does and how it might be destroyed. And Protecting - by ensuring that those that could and would do harm cannot, either by eliminating it or by making sure it never sees the light of day.

We exist under the veil of secrecy for a reason, to keep the status quo. Even the princesses have little-to-no idea that we exist, and we like it that way, it lets us get away with more...ambiguous styles of testing.

No! No more! Questions can be asked at the end of the orientation.

Now that we've got that out of the way, here is the fundamental basics of what you need to know; Just because an SCP is labeled as 'Safe' does not mean it is safe. I cannot stress this enough, a 'Safe' SCP just means that we knows what it does and how to deal with 98% of what it throws at us. Just remember that if you do something one hundred times, it’s the hundred and first time that will get you.

Next, your job as junior researchers is to observe and take notes, not to try and "figure the SCP out", that is the job of the actual researchers. Follow what your given, don't deviate and who knows, maybe you'll come out the other end in one piece.

Now, SCPs come in all shapes and sizes, these include some that will exhibit sapience or provoke an emotional response. No matter what, SCPs are here for a reason. Just because an SCP looks like a crying filly does not mean that it won't suddenly turn around and separate your upper from your lower. SCPs are dangerous, treat them with caution.

Finally, despite all the doom and gloom, working here you get to see some of the most amazing, wonderful and mind blowing things ever to exist. Some open windows to other worlds, some will change others can warp the fabric of the universe. All in all, you get to experience nothing like you have or will ever see in your life. So just remember that while you're running for all you hold dear, you get a front row seat to the best show the universe has to offer.

Alright, now you can ask all those burning questions you guys seem to have.

What was that? Why do you have to stay on site? Probation period really. It's only for six-or-so months and then you'll get your level 1 permanent clearances, and will be able to spend their time off wherever...if you get any...After about a year you have the option of leaving or continuing. Those that choose to leave will have Class A amnesiacs administered and released back into the world none the worse.

Next. Yes? What? Who is the 'Founder'? That's an easy one, the Founder is the Founder. He came along, saw a problem, came up with a solution and we moved on. No sense getting all caught up in the past...unless you're Dr. Turner that is...anyway, the Foundation must move forward and so must we.

Oh, I'm sorry? That wasn't a good enough answer? *sigh* Ok, no one knows officially who the Founder is. He was obviously someone with enough pull to set this entire operation up but no-one really knows who he is. Oh, sure you'll hear rumors and the like but they're just that, rumors, and if anyone says 'within every rumor is a grain of truth' then you have my permission to tell Dr. Kondraki exactly when that person goes to sleep.

Yes? Who is Dr. Kondraki? Well, if you're lucky and smart you'll never find out. And no, I'm not going to expand on that other than to say stay away from most senior staff if you want to survive.

Ok, last question. Yes? Holidays? You really want that to be the last question? *sigh* Ok, the only 'official' holiday is Hearth's Warming. That said there are no actual holidays. Five-thirty-two does not take a break just because it's Hearts and Hooves day or something like that. In fact, some of them become more dangerous during those times of the year. Since you are junior researches, on top of all that 'free time' and 'holidays' might as well be removed from your vocabulary.

Ok, that's the end of the orientation. Soon security personnel will come and debrief you, supply you with your assignment details and escort you to whichever researcher you'll be working for. In the meantime help yourself to some water and graham crackers, I'm sorry about that, we used to offer coffee and donuts but these are easier to see if they've been tampered with - you can thank a certain agent for that- so help yourself.