• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 4,858 Views, 172 Comments

A Trip to Remember - Gallifrey

Twilight, Luna, AJ and Rainbow take a camping trip, but what adventures lie for them on the way?

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A Trip to Remember

by Gallifrey

Chapter Five

Twilight woke up naturally after one of the best night’s sleep she’d had in a long time. She felt so relaxed in the soft embrace of the bed. She eventually sat up and stretched, feeling her sleepiness leave her and alertness return.

“What time is it?” she asked herself, drawing the covers off herself and looking out of the window; the Sun was high in the sky.

“Oh goodness, I’ve overslept!”

Okay Twilight: don’t panic, I’m sure the Princess won’t mind.
But what if she does? Came a niggly little voice in the back of her mind, What if she wanted to share breakfast with you and you never showed up - think of how disappointed she would be.

“Oh no no no no, this is not good!” squeaked Twilight.

She bolted down the stairs and out of the room, making her way down to the Great Hall. Once she got there however, Celestia was nowhere to be seen, but she saw a piece of parchment on the throne. She trotted over to read it, and recognised the familiar wavy hoofwriting immediately.

Out for lunch, Court shall resume at half past one. Twilight, if you are reading this, meet me in the Gardens.

Twilight reread the paper again for good measure, then made for the Gardens - or rather, the bit of the Gardens that was private and not open to the public. She opened a door, and walked down an open corridor with no glass in the arched windows, and ivy growing up the pillars in between. About halfway down the corridor she turned right, to a large balcony with a lawn in the middle, and a plethora of blooming flowers all around the edges. There was a white, round table on the lawn, and Princess Celestia was sitting at it. Twilight looked for signs of disapproval on the alicorn’s face, but her fears were unfounded, as usual.

“Ah, good afternoon Twilight! You got up eventually I see.”

“Heh, yeah, I guess I needed that sleep,” said Twilight, taking her seat opposite Celestia

“You did my dear, you work much too hard. Would you care for some tea? And some sandwiches? I saved some for you in case you turned up.”

“Yes please Princess.”

Celestia poured out two cups of tea, putting milk in both, but sugar only in Twilight’s: she knew how the unicorn took her tea from the many times they had shared it before. Celestia sipped from her cup. They sat in silence for a short while, enjoying the pleasant weather. The balcony gave a good view of the Palace grounds below, including the maze that Twilight avoided nowadays. The sound of chirping birds, buzzing bees and the perfume of flowers drifted in on a gentle breeze. Celestia was just about to ask Twilight something when her ears perked up; she could her hoofsteps. She looked up to see Luna trotting towards them.

“Luna, you’re up early aren’t you?” said Celestia, puzzled.

“Yes I am,” said Luna, with the irritable air of somepony who just wanted to be asleep, “we were trying to make up for the sleep we missed yesterday,” she playfully narrowed her eyes at her sister, “but we were awoken by a blue-grey pegasus knocking at my window with a letter. She seemed confused and thought my window was Twilight’s, so she gave it to me and flew away. Anyway, here is your letter Twilight Sparkle.”

“Thank you Luna,” said Twilight.

“I would also like to apologise for last night, my behaviour was not appropriate in your presence.”

“Oh it’s fine Luna, really,” said Twilight, opening her letter.

Luna yawned widely.

“Excellent, but forgive me, I must return to bed - Celly, I’ll see you at dinner. Twilight, I’ll visit you at some point soon.”

“Sounds good to me, goodnight Luna.”

“Night Lunes.”

“Night.” She trudged off back to bed.

Twilight took her letter out of the envelope and read it. Celestia looked out over the grounds, thinking of nothing in particular.

“Rainbow Dash has injured her wing and can’t fly!” exclaimed Twilight. Celestia’s attention came back to the unicorn.

“But doesn’t she live in the sky? How will she get home?”

“She says she’s going to ask Applejack if she can stay at Sweet Apple Acres.”

A gear shifted in Celestia’s mind. She had been meaning to ask Twilight this for a while.

“Twilight, do you know if Rainbow Dash and Applejack are together or not?”


Celestia smiled at the unicorn’s naïvety.

“Yes, as in a relationship.”

“Oh! Oh no! At least, as far as I know they’re not, but then again, I’m not much good at noticing these kind of things. But I don’t think they are…”

Celestia chuckled as Twilight continually stumbled over her words.

“And I’m not sure AJ is even like that, but then again—”

“Twilight, it’s fine if you don’t know, I was only curious,” said Celestia lightly.

Twilight stopped in her rambling and coughed.

“Heh, sorry. Oh, she also asked me to bring her down from Cloudsdale with my balloon, so I guess I’ll be heading back soon so I can get it done before the end of the day.”

“That’s perfectly fine Twilight. I wouldn’t want to keep you here when your friend is stranded in Cloudsdale - especially when she seems so eager to reach the ground.” Celestia chuckled again. Then a mischievous idea struck her.

“How about you Twilight? Is there a special somepony in your life?”

Twilight spluttered on her tea and blushed.

“Oh, no, there’s no-one in my life, I just keep to myself most of the time with my studies.” She traced a hoof in small circles on the table as she said this.

“Nopony at all? Not even anypony who you find attractive?”

“Not really, I just don’t mind being single is all.”

“I see, you always were a wise mare Twilight, sometimes relationships are more trouble than they’re worth. Not that I would know,” she added with a little resentment. Then she brightened back up. She closed her eyes for a moment, so she could work out the time from the Sun’s position. “It’s time for me to get back to work. Twilight, you can do whatever you wish, when would you like to leave?”

“Is three o’clock okay?”

“Of course it is Twilight.”


Three o’clock came, and Twilight was at the gates of the Palace with Celestia.

“It was lovely to see you again,” said Celestia as she bowed her head to nuzzle her protégé lovingly.

“Thank you Princess, it was nice seeing you again too. Thank you for the meals and accommodation too.”

“It was my pleasure; now hurry, doesn’t your train leave at half past?”

“Yes it does,” said Twilight, picking up her saddlebags. “Tell Luna I said bye too.”

“I will, goodbye Twilight, have a safe trip home.”

“Goodbye Princess!” called Twilight as she made her way downhill to Canterlot town. Celestia watched as her most faithful student became smaller and smaller, to eventually turn a corner and disappear entirely.