• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 4,858 Views, 172 Comments

A Trip to Remember - Gallifrey

Twilight, Luna, AJ and Rainbow take a camping trip, but what adventures lie for them on the way?

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Slip of the Tongue

A Trip to Remember

by Gallifrey

Chapter Two
Slip of the Tongue

Twilight entered Celestia’s study after knocking on the door.

“Ah, Twilight, good to see you looking so lovely again.”

Twilight’s cheeks turned slightly pink at the compliment.

“What is this new magic you’d like to show me?” Celestia continued.

“Well, um, it’s been very complex, but I’ve found a way of communicating over any distance, implementing both visual and audial aspects, provided there is a flat reflective surface for both parties.”

“I see, this could be very useful; do both participants need to have the ability to use magic?”

“Not at all, only one has to.”

“It would make it easier for me to talk to you at least, and could be crucial in an emergency.”

“Indeed, would you like me to show you?”

“Yes please, Twilight.”

Twilight opened her bags, quickly ran over her notes with her hooves and then pulled out two shallow bowls and filled them from Celestia’s water jug, though not before asking her permission. She then muttered almost silently as she concentrated hard to make the spell work. Celestia looked at her bowl of water to see Twilight’s face swim into view on its surface.

“I think it worked!” said Twilight excitedly, her voice sounding strange as it came both from the bowl and from across the room.

“This is very impressive Twilight, are you going to further investigate the mechanics of this magic?”

“Oh yes, I have already started in fact, would you like to hear what I’ve got so far?”

“Certainly, Twilight,” she said, smilingly inwardly at her student’s enthusiasm.

It was time for dinner once Twilight and Celestia had finished their talk together.

“We had better get going Twilight: it’s dinner time and Luna won’t be pleased if she has to wait.”

They made their way to the Great Hall, where Luna was shooing ponies from it.

“No, no more meetings from me,” she said firmly as a blonde-maned stallion tried to argue with her.

“But Your Highness--”

“But nothing, I’m hungry!” she snapped, closing the doors on his face. She slumped to the floor, back against the door and sighed. She looked up to see Twilight and Celestia approaching her.

“Perfect timing!” she said, “I’m so hungry!”

They made their way together to the dining hall, where their meals awaited them. Luna dove into her spaghetti with much eagerness, listening to Celestia as she recounted Twilight’s magical discovery. Twilight meanwhile stared vacantly into space as she ate her quiche. She was thinking of bed and how nice it would be to just sleep.

“Twilight dear? Are you alright?” asked Celestia.

“Huh? Oh yes, I just kind of spaced out there is all.”

“You do look tired Twilight, would you like some rest?”

“Oh no, I can’t do that, I have more work to do and I--”

“Twilight, I insist, you need a little rest.”

Twilight slumped in defeat.

“Alright, where will I be staying?”

“Your old quarters, is that alright with you?”

“Yes, that sounds delightful,” said Twilight.

“Twilight,” said Luna, her voice slightly muffled by a mouth full of pasta. “How fare your other friends these days? I haven’t seen them since Celly’s birthday, which was over two months ago now.”

“Well, Applejack is very busy preparing for apple bucking season, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are in Manehattan, and Rainbow Dash is working extra hours after Starshine accidentally got struck by lightning, so he can’t head the Weather Committee anymore. He’s alright though,” she added, looking at the concerned looks on both Princesses’ faces.

“You all sound very busy to me,” said Luna.

“Yes, we are, but we all do what we must.”

Celestia’s eyes brightened as an idea occurred to her.

“It sounds to me like you could all do with a holiday,” she said.

“A holiday?”

“Yes, a holiday - everypony should have a break now and then.”

“A break would certainly be nice,” said Twilight thoughtfully.

“Can I come?” asked Luna hopefully.

Celestia considered her for a moment, then nodded.

“Yes Luna, it’ll do you good, I know how you dislike being cooped up here.”

“Thank you sister! Will you be alright running everything yourself?”

“Of course, I ran Equestria alone for a thousand years after all.”

Luna spluttered on her food and looked at her sister.

“I thought we agreed not to mention that ever again, Celestia,”

“Well, I… sorry Lunes…” said Celestia.

Luna went back to her dinner silently, whilst Twilight sat awkwardly in the midst of the sudden change in atmosphere. Celestia gave Twilight a look that clearly told her that now would be a good time to leave. Twilight hurriedly fabricated an excuse as to why she had to go and she took her leave, with Celestia and Luna resuming their bickering. Twilight walked wearily back to her room.

“Luna, we have a guest.”

“That is not an excuse.”

“I know it isn’t, I am sorry Luna, it was insensitive of me.”

Luna looked at her sister and her eyes softened.

“I am sorry too, I know I can be somewhat… mercurial at times.”

“You don’t need to tell me,” said Celestia grinning as Luna laughed. “Would you care for some pudding?”

Luna’s eyes lit up.

“Pudding?! Yes please!”


Twilight opened the familiar door, only to be hit by a sudden wave of nostalgia: it hadn’t even been two years since she left Canterlot for Ponyville, but it felt like decades to the unicorn as she looked around the large blue room, which clearly hadn’t been used since Twilight had left. The bookshelves were empty, there were loose scraps of parchment on the floor and there was a thin layer of dust on almost every surface. Twilight ascended the stairs to her bed, the only part of the room that looked like it had been disturbed recently, with very comfy looking blankets and pillows. She looked at a clock that was on a bedside table, but it was broken. Looking out of the huge glass windows the room had, she couldn’t tell what time it was by the position of the Sun either, as it was still overcast. Twilight looked back at the bed, which seemed to be calling her name. She got into it, and just as she was getting comfortable, there was a knock at her door.

“Twilight? Are you in there?” asked Celestia. Twilight called for her to come in and she heard the door creak and then hoofsteps as Celestia walked up the stairs. The Sun Princess sat herself at the end of Twilight’s bed. Twilight felt the mattress sink under her weight.

“I apologise for my, ah, slip of tongue there,” said Celestia, “Luna is understandably a little sensitive about that.”

Twilight nodded in understanding.

“Is she alright?”

“Luna? Of course, we’ve made up - it takes a lot more than that for us to fall out.”

“Well, that’s good,” said Twilight.

“I also brought some pudding up for you, if you would like it?”

“What is it?”

“Apple pie.”

“Oooh, yes please.”

Celestia’s long horn glowed as she levitated a dish that she had hidden from Twilight’s sight.

“Princess, what time is it?” she asked as ate her pie.

Celestia closed her eyes for a second, feeling for the Sun’s presence in the sky and where its position was.

“Quarter past eight Twilight dear, why?”

“I was just wondering whether I should go to sleep yet,” murmured Twilight, stifling a yawn. Celestia smiled.

“It looks like now would be a good time.”

Twilight happily agreed and snuggled into her pillow. Celestia chuckled and tucked Twilight into bed, just like she did when she was a filly. Both of them enjoyed the nostalgia of the moment. Finally, Celestia kissed the unicorn gently on the cheek and whispered:

“Goodnight, my faithful student.”

“Goodnight Princess,” murmured Twilight contentedly as Celestia quietly rose to leave the tired purple mare in peace.