• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 4,857 Views, 172 Comments

A Trip to Remember - Gallifrey

Twilight, Luna, AJ and Rainbow take a camping trip, but what adventures lie for them on the way?

  • ...

Hopes and Dreams

A Trip to Remember

by Gallifrey

Chapter Thirteen
Hopes and Dreams

“A walk?” asked Rainbow.

“Yeah, a walk. Jus’ you an’ me.”

“Uh, sure!” said Rainbow excitedly, as Applejack wrapped her harmonica up and rose to her hooves.

Don’t leap to conclusions Dash, she only asked for a walk after all.

“C’mon, follow me, ah know a purdy place not far from here.”

They both left the clearing, Twilight saw their tails fade into the darkness and giggled lightly.

Rainbow Dash followed Applejack through the shadows of the trees, occasionally tripping on hidden roots. Applejack however had no such problems.

“AJ, how are you not tripping over anything? Umph!” she said as she toppled over again.

Applejack chuckled at her.

“Ah have good night vision ah guess,” she replied, “don’t have no distractions in front of me neither.”

Rainbow stopped dead in her tracks.

Whoa! Did she seriously just say that?

“C’mon Rainbow, nearly there,” said Applejack, as though she hadn’t said anything at all.

Applejack led her up a small bank to another clearing, above the trees, so that they could see the woodland beneath them and the plains beyond.
Luna’s Moon just peeked over the tops of the mountains to illuminate them in cool, ethereal light. The stars shone brilliantly from the celestial depths and the planet Venus blazed brightly in the western sky.
Applejack sat down on the soft grass at the top of the small hill, Rainbow swiftly following suit and sitting next to her. They sat in silence for a while, each to her own thoughts. Applejack was the first to speak.

“So… how long have ya wanted to take this pony fer a ride?” she asked bluntly.

“What?!” said Rainbow, stunned.

“Yer know, how long have ya liked me? You do like me righ’?” she said, worried she’d made a big mistake.

“I didn’t expect to hear you ask it like that, but um… yeah… I guess I do.”

“You guess?”

“Alright, I do—Hey, how do you know all of a sudden?”

“There was a moment earlier on where a lot of things became clear to me, certain things ya say an’ do, an’ how much you care about me.” Applejack put a hoof around Rainbow. “Thank you again for bein’ there fer me.”

“Heh, no sweat,” said Rainbow.

“Can I ask ya something?”

“Sure, AJ.”

“Um, why?”

Rainbow paused, thinking about the reasons she liked Applejack.

“Well… boy, this is gonna sound real cheesy, but you’re kind, funny, honest, the loyalist of friends and the most dependable of ponies, you’re also strong, athletic and the only one of my friends who can challenge my abilities in competition- I like that. And... you're beautiful AJ,” she finished, somewhat awkwardly, she disliked being sappy.

Applejack was touched at the kind words, especially when they came from Rainbow, who rarely, if ever, spoke about anypony like that. They sat for a few moments more, watching the sparkling stars continue their eternal dance. They both saw a blazing blue shooting star slash across the sky.

“Make a wish sugar cube,” said Applejack, smirking as she suddenly gripped Rainbow by her side and pinned her to the soft ground.

“I think it’s just come true,” said a surprised pegasus to see the earth pony on top of her. “Bleh, did I seriously just say that?
Applejack smiled and put a hoof over Rainbow’s mouth.

“Hush now, no more words.”

Rainbow’s heart was hammering in her chest, the earth pony’s half-lidded emerald eyes stared into her own, she barely dared to believe this was happening.
Applejack looked at the wide magenta eyes of the pegasus, the Moon and stars reflected inside them, giving them added depth and profound beauty. She lowered herself so that their warm bodies touched and their faces were but inches apart, Applejack’s mane brushed over Rainbow’s snout, tickling it. The earth pony could feel Rainbow’s shallow breath on her muzzle and rapid heartbeat through her chest.

What is she waiting for? Thought Rainbow impatiently, then a grin crept over her face as an idea struck her. As quick as lightning, she twisted and pulled Applejack onto her back, giving Rainbow the higher ground.

“Oh no ya don’t!” said Applejack playfully, retaliating. The two wrestled together until they became tired, Rainbow Dash claiming victory, having trapped Applejack under her hooves, both panting at the exertion.

“Rainbow Dash… I—”

The pegasus just couldn’t restrain herself any longer. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips hard to the earth pony’s.

Applejack’s eyes widened for a moment, then she closed her eyes too and felt the world melt away, all that was left was Rainbow Dash above her, and nothing else mattered.
Rainbow’s right wing flared up, and she shifted slightly above Applejack, and, feeling bold, pushed her tongue against Applejack’s mouth. The orange pony chuckled, breaking the kiss.

“Eager aren’t ‘cha?” she said huskily. She then saw Rainbow’s wing. “Very eager!”

Rainbow only replied by kissing her again, but the earth pony could feel her smiling. Applejack opened her mouth to let their tongues touch, as the earth pony dragged a hoof through Rainbow’s thick mane, to the apparent delight of the sighing pegasus.

“When do ya want to go back?” asked Rainbow.

“Not for a while yet,” replied Applejack, twirling some of the pegasus’ rainbow hair in a hoof.

“Exactly what I wanted to hear.”

Rainbow lay herself next to Applejack, and they watched the stars together, and talked of many things, both enjoying the serenity that had descended over them.


Back at the camp, Twilight’s mind was deep in thought. She was meticulously forming a plan to try and have answers to two questions that had been bothering her for a while. She looked across the crimson flames to see the warped image of Luna gazing at the Moon.

But how to ask without sounding suspicious? Or hurting her feelings?

“Luna, um, may I ask you something?”

Luna remained silent for a little while, the crackling of the flames the only interruption to the surrounding quiet. She slowly turned to look at Twilight.

“But of course Twilight Sparkle,” she said placidly, “what would you like to know?”

“About… dreams.”

Luna suddenly felt very tense.

Oh no, she suspects me!

Adopting her masterful poker face she continued:

“Of course Twilight, we are very knowledgeable on the subject after all.”

She patted the ground next to her, and Twilight walked round the fire to sit next to her. The unicorn hoped this plan worked.

“I’ve been having dreams about certain ponies recently,” she began awkwardly, “and I was wondering if what I dream about is linked to my daylight, conscious thoughts?”

“Well, what exactly do you dream about?” asked Luna.

“Amongst other things, you, Luna.”

“Well… what types of dreams are these, exactly?” she asked, nonchalantly.

“Um…” Twilight’s cheeks flushed. She considered her next words carefully. “They- they are of a less than innocent nature.”

Her face turned brick red, enhanced by the ruddy glow of the fire.

They? Thought Luna. They as in plural? But I only visited one dream. “Well Twilight,” said Luna, inching a little closer, “dreams are indeed often related to one’s conscious thoughts- they can also be completely unrelated too- but can also be related to many unconscious thoughts and desires.”

Twilight sat silently, her mind a haze of myriad thoughts and possibilities.

“Lu-Luna, I er, um,” she stammered, “I’m not sure—”

“Oh? Well, I am,” she said softly.

Twilight was stunned into silence as Luna gave her a deliberate lick on her cheek.

“Luna… I…”

“Hmmm?” asked Luna, looking at the lavender mare.

Twilight swallowed painfully and continued.

“Luna, I-I’m not like that…”

“Like what?”

“I’m not into mares…”

Luna felt her heart plummet inside her body. Twilight could have sworn she felt her surroundings actually become colder.

“You’re not?”

Luna’s pain must have shown on her face because Twilight’s eyes were full of sympathy for the alicorn.

“No, I’m not. I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry Luna. Please don’t be mad at me.”

“Mad? Oh, Twilight Sparkle, I could never be mad at you.” A faint smile graced her face, though it was forced with effort on Luna’s part. “Though tell me one thing, why were you having ‘less than innocent’ dreams if you’re not like that?”

“You said yourself, that not all dreams are related to my conscious or my subconscious, there must be some other reason for them.”

Luna shifted slightly in her place, trying not to look guilty.

“Dreams are extremely fickle things, and incredibly difficult to interpret,” said Luna, with much less enthusiasm than she would normally.

Twilight leaned closer to the unhappy alicorn.

“Are you alright Princess?”

“I’ve been worse Twilight, believe me. Though might I be able to ask a hug from you?”

“You don’t have to ask permission from me Luna!” said Twilight as she wrapped her hooves around her.

Twilight felt her shudder ever so slightly as she fought back tears. Twilight ran a comforting hoof through Luna’s long mane, feeling incredibly guilty.

At least I know what Luna’s feelings are for me, and I have a better idea of where in Equestria those dreams came from in the first place.

Twilight lost track of how long they were in that position, but eventually Applejack and Rainbow Dash returned to the camp.

“Ohhhh, we aren’t interrupting anything are we?” asked Rainbow.

“No, Rainbow Dash,” said Luna, breaking the hug, “quite the opposite if anything,” she added dryly.

Luna’s words stung Twilight’s already guilty conscience.

“What does that mea—” Rainbow began, only to be stopped by Applejack placing a hoof on her shoulder and shaking her head slightly in indication that she should not ask questions right now.

The orange pony then looked straight at Luna and gave her a look that clearly said: ‘Are you alright sugar cube?’ Luna just looked dolefully at Applejack and the earth pony tilted her head to the right, inviting Luna to come with her as she left the camp again. Luna trotted wearily after her. Rainbow looked on, confused. She approached Twilight and sat next to her.

“Twilight, um, can I ask what’s going on?”

Twilight sighed and looked at the pegasus.

“Yes, yes I suppose you can.”

Twilight then stared at the fire. Rainbow shifted impatiently, she didn’t like waiting. The unicorn eventually spoke, still gazing at the fire.

“Luna asked me out,” she said, simply.

“And you said no?!” said Rainbow, incredulously. “Are you mad Twilight? She’s, she’s—” She’s pretty, but she’s nothing compared to AJ, still, Twilight must be nuts.

“Rainbow,” said Twilight patiently, “I’m only into stallions.”

“Only into… wha?”

The thought was odd to Rainbow, she had liked both genders for as long as she could remember. She tried to imagine what it must be like but just couldn’t.

“So, yeah, I unfortunately had to hurt Luna’s feelings tonight.”

“That’s too bad, Twilight,” said Rainbow sympathetically, “but Luna is made of strong stuff, she’ll be alright.”

“Yeah, I just don’t want this to taint our friendship.”

“Oh it won’t, you’ll be fine,” said Rainbow, striking Twilight’s shoulders playfully, “and I can talk from experience with that.”

“Really?” asked Twilight, interested, “who?”

“Oh, you won’t know them, there were a few colts years ago when I lived in Cloudsdale who I liked but they were never interested.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“I never really mentioned it before, heh. D’you wanna sleep in my tent tonight? It won’t be best for you two to be stuck next to each other.”

“Yes please Rainbow.”

Rainbow felt a little disappointed that she wouldn’t be sleeping near Applejack, but being the Element of Loyalty she wasn’t about to be selfish when her friends needed her, she knew Applejack would agree.


Luna walked gloomily through the undergrowth, following Applejack. The earth pony stopped next to a small stream and turned to the alicorn.

“You okay?”

“No,” said Luna swiftly, looking Applejack straight in the eyes. “No, we are not okay.”

She started pacing agitatedly.

“Sorry to bring it up like this, but what did she say?”

“She said she’s only interested in stallions.”

“So ah guess her barn door don’t swing that way then?”

“Not at all, which is just my luck!” Luna shouted, trying not to dissolve into the Royal Canterlot Voice. “Or maybe I’m just not good enough for anypony.”

She slumped on the ground and bowed her head.

“Hey now,” said Applejack, moving closer to her, “ya know tha’s not true.”

“Oh really? Can you prove me otherwise?”

Applejack was stumped by this question.

“Well… I don’t know a great deal about your life Princess, but ah dare say that in all your long years there’s been at least one pony.”

“Well, there was, long ago, but he betrayed me, and it’s been over three thousand years now, and during that time, I have been repeatedly trying to find somepony to love me- is that too much to ask?! Just one!”

She got up and started pacing again. Applejack observed warily.

“Twilight is the first pony I’ve had feelings for since my… absence. I-I can’t believe this is all happening again! Twilight means the world to me, she has done so much for me and I wanted to have the chance to repay her. IT’S NOT FAIR!” she yelled to the night, stomping her hoof down with a resounding crack.

A gust of icy wind whipped through the trees, sending shivers down Applejack’s spine. The orange mare, daunted, but determined, slowly approached Luna from behind. The alicorn’s breath was shallow, her teeth bared. Applejack placed a hoof round her back; and Luna looked at her. Tears that had been held back for so long began to well up in her eyes.

“S’okay sugar cube, let it all out, you’ll feel better afterwards.”

Luna hugged Applejack tightly, hot tears spilling down her cheeks onto the earth pony’s back.

“Why does everything go wrong? Do I not deserve a break?” she choked.

“Ah have no answer fer the first one, but for the second? You do Princess, of course you do. Do you think your sis might be able to help ya with that?”

“She might…” said Luna thoughtfully, drying her eyes “I might ask her for advice when we get back.”

“There ya go, positive thinking! Do ya feel any better?”

“We do feel a bit better yes. Thank you Applejack, I don’t know what I would’ve done without you."

“Glad t’be of help, now let’s get back to camp eh? It’s mighty late.”


They arrived at camp to see a solitary Rainbow Dash staring blankly into the dying embers of the fire. She looked up at their arrival, happy to see them at last.

“Where have you been? I was sooo bored there!” she whispered loudly.

“We were jus’ talkin, how’s Twi?”

“She’s in bed,” Rainbow jerked her head to her tent, “doubt she’s asleep though, she’s got a lot on her mind.”

Luna inwardly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Twilight was sleeping in a different tent tonight. The alicorn silently walked to the other tent and slipped into it, eager to get some rest and brief solitude.

Rainbow Dash looked at the tents in turn.

“Do you think they’ll be alright?” she asked.

“They will be,” replied Applejack, “Give ‘em a few days.”

“Also, do you mind sleeping apart tonight?”

“I'd very much like to be with you tonight, but their need is greater righ’ now.”

Rainbow nodded in agreement.

“See you in the morning then I guess,” said Rainbow.

“Yup, I doubt anypony’ll be getting’ up early though.”

“I know I won’t!”

Applejack chuckled and leaned close and they briefly kissed.

“G’night sugar cube.”


They entered their respective tents, Applejack carefully snuck into her sleeping bag next to Luna, who was already asleep, eager to escape reality for a few hours. Applejack looked at the surprisingly calm expression on the alicorn’s face.

Aye, they’ll be mighty fine again in a few days.


Rainbow snuggled into her sleeping bag, snorting slightly in impatience as she got her wing caught halfway. She spent the next few minutes trying to find a comfortable position.

“Twilight, you awake?” Rainbow asked once she was cosy.

There was no answer from the unicorn.

In truth Twilight was still awake, unable to get to sleep: her mind refused to shut down, instead deciding to torment her with guilty feelings. She suddenly felt a hoof on her side. Rainbow was hugging Twilight lightly.

“I can tell when you’re not asleep Twilight,” she whispered, amusement in her voice.

“Thanks Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight, smiling as she felt her guilt dissipate and sleep finally descend upon her tired mind.