• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 4,858 Views, 172 Comments

A Trip to Remember - Gallifrey

Twilight, Luna, AJ and Rainbow take a camping trip, but what adventures lie for them on the way?

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Running Late

A Trip to Remember

by Gallifrey

Edited by Reevsie and Alex

Chapter One
Running Late

Twilight Sparkle was running as fast as she could through Ponyville in the rain, which proved difficult, for the purple unicorn was laden down with bags that were heaving with books, notes and rolls of parchment. Her hooves splattered mud all over the underside of her body as she ran as fast as her legs would carry her - but that was the least of her worries right now. She was running late for the one o’clock afternoon train to Canterlot, and was panicking.

Nonononononononononononono, this is not good! She thought wildly. I’m never late for Princess Celestia!

She hurtled round a corner, almost colliding head on with a surprised Big Macintosh, who was making his way back to Sweet Apple Acres after delivering some apples for Fluttershy.

“Sorry Big Mac!” called Twilight over her shoulder as she continued on her way.

“’S’alright Miss Twilight!” he called to the mare’s retreating back. “Just be carefu--” but she was already gone. He shook his head and carried plodding on his way back home.

Twilight was close to the station now, hoping the train hadn’t left yet. Her legs were protesting in pain, but she didn’t win fifth place in the Running of the Leaves for nothing. She forced herself to keep going. When she was about five hundred yards away, her horn lit up as she teleported the last little distance. She reappeared on the station platform, slightly disorientated.

“Quick, madam, if you want this train, it’s leaving in less than a minute,” said the station controller, with a whistle buried in his silver moustache as he prepared to blow it.

“Tha-thank you!” Twilight gasped, completely breathless. She got on the train towards its rear; where there were fewer ponies to see what a state she was in. Her mane was plastered to her body, steadily dripping water onto the train’s floor, and her legs were muddy and aching painfully. She set her bags down on a luggage rack, though not before checking inside to make sure her papers and books were alright. There were smudges where the ink had run, but they were still perfectly legible.
Twilight groaned as she looked down at her mud splattered hooves.

I can hardly sit down like this can I?

She resigned herself to several uncomfortable hours standing up.


A very irritable and tired Twilight left the train when it reached Canterlot at ten past three.

At least it’s not raining here, she thought, looking up. The sky was overcast, though it didn’t look like it was going to rain any time soon.

She left the station, making her way through Canterlot’s many streets up to the Palace. She kept her head down as ponies turned her way: most of the residents of Canterlot had never seen such a messy pony before - some had never even seen mud unless it was out of a bottle. There were whispers and muttering all around her so she picked up her pace, even though she was afraid of what Celestia would think of her in this state.
When she reached the gates of the Palace she was stopped by the Palace Guards as usual.

“Halt!” one of them barked, “Name?” said the other, even though they knew who Twilight was, it was royal protocol.

“Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia is expecting me.”

“That she is, you are free to enter Miss Sparkle. Have a good day.”

“Thank you; you too,” she said as the gates swung open for her and she trotted to the Palace doors.

One of the guards looked over his shoulder to make sure Twilight was out of earshot.

“Surely she's not going to present herself to the Princess looking like that?”

Twilight ascended the steps to the huge marble doors of the Great Hall, which were open. A few important looking ponies were inside the hall itself. There was a short queue before the throne, which had a very grumpy looking Luna sat upon it.
Twilight waited patiently at the bottom of the steps to the throne while Luna finished talking to a blue stallion, then bypassed the queue, to the faint annoyance of the ponies there to greet Luna.

“Good afternoon, Princess Luna,” said Twilight, bowing.

“Is it?” she grunted, “We should be asleep right now, but Celly woke me up and insisted that I take the reins of Day Court until dinner this evening.” She snorted irritably. Then her face softened. “Sorry Twilight Sparkle; how are you? And pray tell, why are you such a mess?”

“I’m pretty tired to tell the truth, but I’m happy to be here and see you two. And this--”she looked down at her legs and behind at her untidy mane and tail, “this is what comes of running late in the rain.”

“Ah, I see. At least you are well. If you want Celly, she’s up in her study.”

“Thank you Luna,” said Twilight, bowing again and walking down the steps.

“Oh, and Twilight?” Luna called. “You don’t have to bow to me; we are friends after all are we not?”

Twilight nodded and smiled and Luna returned it in kind, waving Twilight goodbye as she opened a side door which led to the Princess’ study.

Twilight eventually reached the top of the spiral staircase leading to the study that was situated in one of the Palace’s towers. The purple unicorn stood before the handsome oak doors of Celestia’s study. Not wanting to dirty the doors with a hoof, she gently tapped it with her horn three times.

“Enter,” came a serene voice from behind the wood.

Twilight opened a door with magic and stepped into the study. It was a large round room, with many bookshelves around the walls in between the six windows that surrounded the room, and Philomena the phoenix was perched on top of an unoccupied wing-backed chair. Twilight, however, only had eyes for the heavy mahogany desk in the centre of the room - or more accurately, the pony sitting behind it. Princess Celestia was wearing gold rimmed half-moon glasses and looked up from a long piece of parchment that she had been reading, beaming as she saw who her visitor was. Her beam turned into a mischievous grin as she saw Twilight’s current condition.

“Twilight!” she said in false shock, “Why are you so dirty?” She stared down at Twilight over her glasses in apparent disapproval.

“I-- Um, I-I didn’t mean to—"

Then Celestia started laughing, taking off her glasses and standing up from behind her desk.

“My faithful student, don’t worry, you’re not in any trouble, though you need a bath before we can talk. I believe you came on account of having new magic to show me?”

Twilight breathed a great sigh of relief. She should’ve known her Princess would play a trick like that on her.

“Yes, yes I do, and a bath sounds so good right now. I’ve been like this for hours.”

“May I ask how you got like this?” asked Celestia opening a door as she began to lead Twilight to a bathroom.

“I ran late this morning: I had library returns to sort out, make Spike’s breakfast and dinner, check all my notes for today, run an errand for Fluttershy because she leaves with Rarity and Pinkie today for Manehattan to help Rarity promote her latest fashion line…”

Twilight continued reeling off reasons why she was late until they reached Celestia’s bathroom. The whole room seemed to be coated with enamel and their hooves clattered and echoed loudly as Celestia walked over to a great hollow, oval shaped depression in the floor that was her bath. It was big enough to be a small swimming pool and Celestia turned on a big tap and steaming hot water cascaded into it. The alicorn magicked a bottle from a shelf and poured a generous amount into the water, bubbles started forming. She finished by adding some cold water so Twilight didn’t scald herself.

“The towels are in that cupboard there.” Celestia nodded towards the back of the bathroom. “Take as long as you need, I’ll be in my study.”

“Thank you, Princess.” She was very grateful for Celestia to have run her a bath.

“It is no trouble Twilight,” said Celestia placidly as she closed the doors and left Twilight alone.

The purple mare walked to the bath’s edge and slowly lowered herself in. She sighed contentedly as she felt the heat of the water soak into her aching muscles, tension unravelling. She drew a breath and submerged her head beneath the water, to wash her mane. After a little relaxation, she swam around the sea of bubbles, splashing the water playfully to create more. Twilight was surprised when she noticed all the mud from her legs seemed to have simply vanished, so she levitated the bottle Celestia had used and read that it simply dissolved dirt into nothing.

How clever, she mused, as she hauled herself out of the bath, water dripping off her entire body. She got a fluffy white towel from the cupboard and a hair brush too. Once she was satisfied with her appearance, the now squeaky clean Twilight magically pulled the plug on the bathtub and left. She still felt tired, though her limbs weren’t aching, and she felt weary as she trotted back up the spiral stairs to Celestia’s study.