• Published 29th Dec 2013
  • 4,001 Views, 131 Comments

The Mechanic - Clintr

Torrent Braddock, a mechanic ends up in Equestria.

  • ...

A Castle of Hazards

The light of Celestia's sun shined through the window I began to to wake up. I lifted myself up from the bed then let out a yawn. I rubbed my eyes to regain my vision, but as soon as my vision came into focus Twilight wasn't in her bed. I soon heard a frustrated groan from the first floor, I got up from bed then looked from the overhead to see a numerous stack of books and Twilight reading from one. Spike then came up from the basement wearing an apron and holding a feather duster, only to follow Twilight throwing the book to the wall, and the duster.

"What's wrong, Twilight?" Spike asked.

"I Like to know too." I added.

"Ugh, I've gone through every book in Ponyville, you guys, and there isn't a single mention of the mysterious chest that came from the Tree of Harmony, nor anything about keys to unlock it! But something tells me that opening it is pretty important. I hope Princess Celestia has some ideas. If the library in Canterlot doesn't have anything, I-I don't know where else to look!"

"You do have a point Twilight," I added "I too would like to know more about that chest." 'And maybe it will tell me answers about that key.'

The tower of books that Twilight stacked up soon toppled on Spike. I soon leaped down to the first floor then head to the book pile.

"You OK Spike?" I asked.

Twilight lifted a book up by her horn, Spike then popped up then belched out a scroll. Twilight then unfurled it than began to read out loud.

"My dearest Twilight, while it would be perfectly lovely to have you in Canterlot once more, I have another option in mind much closer to Ponyville."


Everfree Forest

Me, Twilight and Spike headed through the forest, on our way to the Princesses old castle.

Celestia's voice over

'As you know, the ancient castle that I once shared with Princess Luna lies mostly in ruins, deep in the Everfree Forest. But if you look carefully, you may find a book that could prove helpful to your research, hidden somewhere in what's left of the castle library.'

The three us soon entered the castle library, I was astounded that these books managed to last this long without any wear and tear in them. But Twilight seemed to be more of the bookworm than any other people I've ever met.

"Wow! Look at all these ancient books! It's a veritable goldmine of information! I can't believe it! Woo-hoo!" Twilight exclaimed.

"You've seem a little more happy than you were 30 minuets ago." I said.

However, Spike didn't seemed so excited. He soon got a web caught on him then he fell to the floor. As he opened his eyes he was facing a statue, making him gasp in surprise.

"Uh, heh-heh. So, uh, Twilight. Uh, ready to head home?" he said.

But Twilight was to busy being in awe of the number of information, let alone the number of books.

"Are you kidding? This place is perfect!" Twilight exclaimed as she indulge herself in the books of the library.

Spike cradled himself, an obvious sign that he's terrified. I soon placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry dude if anything goes wrong, I'll be sure to protect both you and Twilight."

Spike's expression soon let up, then he sighed in relief.

"Thanks Torrent, that makes me feel better."


The Castle of the two Sisters 7:30pm

Me and Twilight were carrying a couple of candles to the library with Spike right behind us.

"I don't think I'll need all these candles, guys. I was really only scared for a second." he said.

"Oh, these aren't for you, Spike. We're gonna be studying late into the night, and we're gonna need all the light we can get." Twilight replied.

"Oh, great."

"Don't worry Spike." I reassured him.

Spike then gave me a nod then continued on.

"Hey Twilight?" I asked.


"What you suppose could be in that chest? Ya think it's something really important?"

"I don't know Torrent. But something tells me that it's really important, also I have a theory that you must help us uncover the mysteries of the chest as well."

"What makes you think that?"

"I don't really know, it's just a hunch."

"Well hunch or not, I'll be glad to help you guys."

"Thank you Torrent."


The Castle Library 7:45pm

Me, Twilight and Spike sat at the table reading the books to see if they would say anything about the chest, but we couldn't find any so far.

Twilight then put her book down.

"Find anything, guys?" she asked.

"Uh, nope. Nothing yet." Spike answered.

"Same here." I replied.

I looked down then saw a book heading over towards us. The book then hopped on the table, making Spike gasped and causing his chair to fall back. But the book fell over to reveal Angel.

"Angel? What are you doing here?" Twilight asked.

A small gust of wind blew pass us, and we heard clanking noises. The shelf from behind us opened up to reveal a secret room.

We soon walked closer to the entrance, making Twilight gasp in surprise.

"Whoa!" she exclaimed.

"'Whoa' is right." I agreed

We walked into the room, but a book on the pedestal caught me and Twilight caught are attention.

Me and Twilight walked to the pedestal and the book read.

"The Journal of-" Twilight started.

"-the Two Sisters." I finished.

Twilight once again gasped.

"Maybe this is the book Princess Celestia was talking about!" she said as she flew back to the pillows then land on one.

"Maybe it is." I said.

"Hey Twilight, I'm gonna go exploring ok?" I asked.

"Sure thing Torrent." Twilight answered


The Castle Hallways 8:00pm

I was walking through the hallways of the castle.

"I gotta say, this castle can be great to give people scares."

As I continued down the hallway I was caught off guard by sudden screaming by numerous people.

"What the-" I was soon interrupted by the sound of a pipe organ, but immediate afterwords the floor then opened from beneath my feet and I found myself sliding downward.

I was tumbling down grunting every time as my head impacted the slide, but I soon landed in a windowless concrete room.

"Aww my head." I groaned.

I looked around.

"Maybe there's a switch somewhere."

I padded all the four corners of the walls but nothing happened.

"Ok, plan B." I leaned up against the wall, then launched off towards the other wall, but I soon bounced off the wall, fell to the floor and I ended up with sore shoulder.

I got up from the floor.

"Okay~ not one of the smartest I've done."

I soon then took out the Pummel Blast.

"Alright Castle, if your not gonna give me an exit, I'll just have to make one!"

I hit the wall, causing a small explosion, I hit it again, and again, and again… then one more time then the wall started to crumble.

I walked through the hole to see Twilight, Spike and Angel. But what I never expected to see Rainbow, AppleJack and Rarity frozen in place.

"Twilight? Torrent?" AppleJack said.

"Must... save... Ange—! ...Oh." Fluttershy stammered as her hands were holding a column but then saw Angel.

"Fluttershy? What are you doing here?" Rainbow asked

"She's with me..." Rarity answered.

The magic soon was released.

Rarity so then gasped.

"Thank you." she said.

"Have you all spent the whole night running around, scaring each other?" Twilight asked.

"I too would like an answer." I added.

"Well, that depends." said AppleJack.

"On what?" Twilight asked.

"On whether or not you or Torrent is the Pony of Shadows." Rainbow answered.

"What's... the Pony of Shadows?" Spike asked.

"Oh, that's just an old ponies' tale." Twilight reassured him

But then we heard organ music playing then everyone huddled up close to me and Twilight.

"Then who's playing... that?" Spike asked.

"We're going to find out." said Twilight.

We soon walked deeper down into the castle while the ominous organ music continued playing.

We soon looked in the room that housed the organ in then we all gasped in unison.

"The Pony of Shadows!" Twilight whispered.

I got into a batting stance as me and Twilight crept closer to the organ player. Twilight then used her magic to lift the cloak up, only to reveal Pinkie Pie.

"Hey, you guys! Did you know I can totally play the organ? Because I didn't!" she said happily?

"Pinkie?!" we exclaimed at the same time.

"Check it out!" Pinkie then played the sports "Charge!" theme.

"You're the Pony of Shadows?" Rainbow asked.

"The pony of what?" she asked as she continued playing light melody.

"See? What'd I tell ya?" Twilight said confidently.

"I thought you went to ring the school bell all week!" AppleJack said.

"Oh, yeah! I only had to ring it for, like, five minutes! They said that was good enough! Eh, can't imagine why..."


"So then, I decided to throw a "finish ringing the school bell" party! But I didn't have any bluebells, and you can't throw a "finish ringing the school bell" party without bluebells, so I went to Everfree Forest to pick some, but it started to get so chilly."

Pinkie then played happy organ music. "I had to wrap myself up in the tarp I was gonna use to gather flowers, and then I saw Fluttershy and Rarity. But they went into the castle before I could invite them to my party. Luckily, I followed them inside so I could help you all with your party!" she continued."

Pinkie then stopped playing.

"What party is that?" Rarity asked.

"Uh, the "everypony come to the scary old castle and hide from each other while I play the organ" party?" Pinkie answered then played a note, causing me and Spike to be launched up to the air then fall back to the floor. "Duh!"

"Augh!" me and Spike grunted as soon as we hit the floor.


The Castle room 8:30pm

"I swear, this is going right back where I found it just as soon as I've returned it to its former glory." Rarity said as she was sewing a piece of tapestry.

"Now don't go running off again! Oh, I can't believe I was so frightened. Guess I let my imagination get the best of me." Fluttershy said.

"I think we all did." AppleJack agreed.

"I always let my imagination run away from me! Then it comes back... with cake!" Pinkie Pie added.

"Well, it's good to know that whenever your imagination is getting away from you, a good friend can help you rein it in. And even though I didn't find anything out about the mysterious chest, I'm glad I was here to help all of you." Twilight said.

"You certainly did that, Twilight." Rarity said.

"Yeah! Why weren't you scared?" Rainbow asked

"Reading Celestia's diary made it hard to be afraid, because I knew what it was like when she and Luna lived here. Knowing something about the past made it easier to deal with my problems in the present, even the scary ones." Twilight answered.

Everyone remarked in agreement.

"I've just thought of a great idea! Why don't we keep a journal, just like the royal pony sisters?" Twilight asked.

"All of us?" Fluttershy asked.

"Sure! That way we can learn from each other! And maybe some day, other ponies will read it and learn something, too!"

"What a splendid idea!" Rarity agreed.

"I know what my first entry will be! "Dear Diary, I'm glad Granny Smith's legend wasn't true." AppleJack said.

"Me too!" Rainbow added.

"Me three! Because that means you two are still tied for Most Daring Pony!" Pinkie added.

"Heh, Shadow Ponies... How ridiculous is that?" Spike said.

"Well, I hope you guys will have some words of wisdom to write down" I said.

"What are you talking about Torrent? You'll write in this book as well." Twilight said.

"You sure? Cause I don't really think that I can write anything that has a moral."

"Don't worry, maybe someday you'll find your words and let the future ponies of Equestria learn from it."