• Published 29th Dec 2013
  • 4,001 Views, 131 Comments

The Mechanic - Clintr

Torrent Braddock, a mechanic ends up in Equestria.

  • ...

Sisterly bonding in the strangest of ways

Author's Note:

Colored song

Discord - Grey

Golden Oaks Library 9:00AM

I soon got up from bed, even though it was light out I saw that the mysterious key was still glowing dimly from my pocket I soon walked downstairs to Twilight anxiously waiting for something.

I was about to asked until Spike opened the door.

"Mail's here!" he said.

Twilight soon took the mail by her magic causing Spike to fall over I soon walked over to him and helped him up "Please be a yes, please be a yes, please be a yes..." Twilight said as she shuffled the mail she soon opened the last one and began to skim the scroll "Yes! She can make it, she can make it!" Twilight soon wrapped both me and Spike in magical aura and all three of soon began twirling.

"Going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing that Princess Cadance said she can come this weekend!" Spike said.

Twilight soon released us from her magic, I tried to stop my head from spinning as Spike was breathing through a paper bag.

"I'm finally gonna get to spend some quality time with my sister-in-law! This is the best news ever!"

"Princess Cadence? She's your Big Brother's Fiancé right?" I asked.

"Yeah! How'd you know that?" Twilight questioned.

"Spike told me."

We soon heard knocking at the door, it soon opened to reveal Fluttershy.

Fluttershy soon spoke "Um, so sorry for barging in like this... but I'm so excited, I just couldn't wait to tell somepony!" she soon took out a scroll then Twilight held it with her magic "The Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures have given me permission to observe the rarest, tiniest, most adorable magical creatures in all of Equestria – the Breezies!"

"Wow, Fluttershy, that's fantastic!" Twilight exclaimed.

"I'll say." I said.

"Oh, it's not just fantastic; it just might be the best news ever!" Fluttershy corrected.

All of a sudden the door crashed on top of me and Spike by Pinkie and soon collided with Fluttershy.

"I just got the most incredible mail anypony's ever received in all of recorded pony postal history! It's a flyer about a one-day sale on used patio furniture!" she soon held the flyer by her tail "Aah! Could this day get any better? Woo-hoo!"

"Oy." I said.


Ponyville Train station 9:30AM

The Ponyville Train soon stopped at the station.

Rarity soon packed a scarf in Fluttershy's bag "Here's a wrap, in case it gets cold."

Applejack soon handed a basket of apples "And I packed you a basket of nice fresh apples in case you get hungry."

"Have a great time!" Twilight said.

"Oh, I will. And I hope you have fun with Cadance." Fluttershy responded.

"Here." I soon handed a miniature metal butterfly sculpture to her. "It's for good luck."

"Thank you Torrent."

The train whistle soon blew.

"All aboard!" the Conductor exclaimed.

Fluttershy soon entered the train, the train soon then started moving.

"Goodbye! Goodbye, everypony!" Fluttershy called out to us.

Pinkie soon then started chasing the train "Fluttershy! I'll never forget youuuuuuu!" she soon then stop chasing the train then a red balloon soon passed by her "Ooh, something floaty! La-la-la-la-la!" she soon started following the ballon back to us.

Twilight soon started worrying "Oh, I'm a bit nervous about Cadance's visit!"

"What could you be nervous about, Twilight? Cadance just loves you to pieces!" AppleJack said.

"I know, but I really want her visit to go without a hitch!"

"Oh, why wouldn't it?" Pinkie questioned but accidentally let go of the balloon.

"Well, the last three times we've seen each other haven't exactly been worry-free." Twilight answered.

"The fate of Equestria has hung in the balance during most of your visits with her." Rarity added.

"Exactly. Cadance and I haven't really had a chance to just enjoy being friends again. Which is why it is so important that this visit be about the two of us having some real quality time together."

Applejack soon then spoke "I'm guessin' you've got a plan that'll keep it that way."

"The timing couldn't be more perfect. For one day only, right here in Ponyville, the Star Swirl the Bearded Traveling Museum! Cadance and I can spend the whole day looking at Star Swirl the Bearded artifacts!"

"Sounds like a perfect drama-free way to spend the day with Cadance." Rarity said.

"Not counting the drama surrounding which of the bells from his cloak they've chosen to put on display. Spoiler alert: it's this one!" Twilight added.

Rainbow soon started hacking then Rarity looked at her sternly "Uh, sorry. Something in my throat... like a big ball of 'lame'!"

"I think it sounds delightful." Rarity complimented.

"Yup, definitely sounds like you two will have some real quality time together." AppleJack added.

"Exactly. Just quiet time. And she's able to finally meet you Torrent." Twilight said.

"Can't wait."

All of a sudden a train made entirely of crystal soon sped down the track. It soon put on the brakes, all of us cringed on how loud the screeching was when it came to a stop.

Trumpets soon done a fanfare as a door of the passenger car opened. Two guards came out, one being an pegasus stallion with an orange coat in armor and the other being an earth stallion but his coat was purple, wearing platinum armor and had like a crystal sheen surrounding him. A red carpet soon rolled from the door, a light soon appeared to reveal an alicorn. She wasn't as tall as Celestia, more nearly around Luna's height, her coat along with her horn and wings were light pink, the feathers on the end of the wings turned to a purple hue, her iris color was a little more lighter shade than Twilight's. Her mane and tail had streaks of violet, purple and yellow. she was wearing royal attire as Celestia and Luna.

'So she must be Princess Cadance.'

Twilight soon smiled then walked up to her.

"Your Highness." Cadance greeted Twilight then bowed.

"Your Highness." Twilight replied then bowed back, and so did the others.

Cadance soon chuckled "I'm teasing, Twilight. We're sisters-in-law. We don't have to be so formal."

Cadence soon looked at me then smiled. As she walked towards me, I knelt down as of I were honorable knight before their ruler.

"It is an honor to meet you, milady of the Crystal Empire."

Cadance chuckled "Rise up fair knight."

I soon rose back to my feet.

"So you must be Torrent James Braddock." Cadance asked me.

"The one and only."

"You have quite the reputation; saving Equestria and I must say my sisters-in-law was right."

"Right about what?"

"You're quite the handsome human."

"Cadance!" we heard Twilight shout.

I turned to Twilight, to see her cheeks puffed up and flushing with both embarrassment and sort of anger. I will admit even my cheeks flushed a little.

After the train left, Twilight and Cadance soon began walked off.

"Knowing you, you've made some plans." Cadance said.

"Boy, have I. Hang on just one second." Twilight soon quickly back to the rest of us "You guys-"

Rarity soon interrupted her "Now, now, don't you worry about a thing! We will make sure that nothing – but nothing – interferes with your visit."

"Go on, have a hootenanny with your kinfolk." Applejack agreed.

"You really are the best friends a pony could ever have." Twilight soon turned towards me flushing then whispered to me "Promise me to not tell anypony else?"

"Your secret safe with me." I whisper back.

"Thank you. Coming, Cadance!" Twilight soon caught up with Cadance.

I soon looked back at the others. Who had smirks on their faces.

"Promise me that you guys can keep a secret?" I asked them.

The rest soon looked at Pinkie then began to speak in unison "Cross our hearts, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in our eyes." as they did a small routine.

"What the heck was that?

"My signature 'Pinkie Promise'." Pinkie said with glee.

"'Pinkie Promise'?"

"Just don't even dare of breaking it!" Pinkie said in a serious tone.

"Noted, I'll see you guys later.

I soon left the station.


In a field outside of Ponyville 10:30am

"Test run #10 on compressed air jetpack." I said as I jotted it down in my journal.

I soon strapped the jetpack on then lightly press the button on the handle. It soon lifted me off a few feet from the ground, then I let go then landed on my feet. I soon spotted a boulder that stretched at least ten feet from the ground. I soon ran towards it then with a quick hard push of the button the jetpack soon rocketed me over it. I soon pressed it again to slow down my falling, landing me on my feet. I soon took out my journal and pencil.

"Test run successful, proven ready for real time when comes." I said as I written it down.

"Hey Torrent!" I heard someone call my name.

I turn to see Twilight and Cadance walking to me, I was going to ask 'em why they're here but a blue creature shuffling behind them caught my attention.

Twilight soon then cleared her throat. "Torrent I would like you to meet Discord."

I soon look at the one named Discord the Draconequus, he soon had a smirk on his face the in a flash he was in front of me.

"You must be Torrent that I've been hearing about-" he soon teleported and reappeared wearing a Sherlock Holmes hat and holding a magnifying glass.

"And you must be Discord former god of chaos." I said.

"Ding! you're right on the mark my boy."

"But that fails to explain the blue hue on yourself."

"Oh it's simply horrible, it appears that I've came down with a nasty disease the blue flu."

'I can see why he calls it that.'

"Oh this is just disa- ah...ah..." Discord didn't get to finish as he was going to sneeze.

Cadance soon encased me in magic.

Discord soon sneezed but the germs never came in contact with me.

"Magic Health Bubble" Cadance said.

"Thanks Cadance."

Suddenly Discord soon appeared above me then I caught him with my arms.

"You seem to be a strong fellow so will you please carry me?"

I soon looked at him sternly.

"Maybe this will change your mind."

Discord soon snapped his finger and in a flash of light he turned into a female version of himself. He looks nearly the same as if he were male but he (or she) was a bit shorter and slimmer, she had puffy white hair and then she gave me a sly grin.

"Well can you please carry me?" Discord (or Eris) said in an octave voice while she ran her claw against my cheek.

"Let's just go before this gets too weird." I said to Twilight and Cadance.

"Agreed" they both said in unison.


Golden Oaks Library 11:30AM

It took a lot longer than we expected due to Eris being over dramatic during our walk.

But thankfully Discord changed back to his original self once we reached the library. Cadance soon fluff his pillow then Discord laid in Twilight's bed then she pulled the covers over him.

"Need anything else?" Twilight asked.

"Just knowing that I have a good friends like you to take care of me has made me feel better already. I'll be fine here on my own." Discord replied.

The three was just about to walk away until...

"Oh, just before you go, just a little small request." Discord said.

Twilight sighed in disappointment.

"It's going to be fine. We'll just get him what he wants and be back to the exhibit in no time." Cadance reassured Twilight.

We soon turned back to Discord.

"What was it that you needed?" Cadance asked.

Discord soon started singing.

A little glass of water please
A fresh pressed hanky if I sneeze
Some tea with honey from the bees
Whenever you can brew it

"I'll get your tea." Cadance said.

And while I get a little rest
A teeny tiny small request
Some codfish oil for my chest
Poured from a crystal cruet

"A crystal cruet?" Twilight questioned.

My goodness, I'm a nincompoop
Because I fear I've got the croup
I need a vat of pumpkin soup
And scarves made out of zinnias
Did I say zinnias? I meant silk
Or something shiny of that ilk
And then I'll need some nice warm milk
And pastries from Abyssinia
And since my stomach's feeling crummy
Why not give my aching tummy
Something soothing, something yummy
Piled up with noodles?
Add a slice of homemade rye
With stacks of Swiss way up high
Served with sides of sweet mince pie
More basil; I need oodles!

Me and Twilight soon came in I was wearing a chefs outfit and Twilight was in a waitress uniform "Anything else?" we said in unison.

Discord soon started doing the waltz with Twilight.

I'll be grateful for your charity
Until the bitter end
Because I've heard that tenderness
Is what you lend an ailing friend
Tenderness, isn't that right, friend?

"Right, but—" Twilight was soon cut off by Discord.

"So, who's ready for my big reprise?"

I'd like that glass of water please
Some magic spell to cure disease
A firm "gesundhoof" when I sneeze
A fresh bouquet of roses
Some lozenges will soon appease
My wheezing when I start to sneeze
A wig to keep me from the breeze
And blankets for my toes-es
Take tweezers out of my valise
And then massage my knobby knees
A bowl of peas, some extra cheese
A cuddle with a Pekingese
A singing harp who's named Louise
A goat on skis, a new trapeze
And more and more and more and more of these
And just because I oughta...
Make sure I'm drinking in the right
Amount of fluids day and night
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have just one little thing
Oh, would you please finally bring
Me that tiny glass
Of water?!!

Discord soon coughs.

Cadance soon levitates a a glass of water to him but as he was going to drink it he purposely made it slipped from his hand.

"Oops. Sorry. Wait where's Torrent?"

"I'm down here." I replied.

Twilight and Cadance looked over the ledge and saw me laying on the floor.

"Oh." Discord said then sneezed.

Twilight soon spoke "Alright, this is ridiculous!"

"How did you even catch this flu?" Cadance asked Discord.

"Inadequate hoof and claw washing?" he answered as he cleaned the bubble.

"There must be some way to just cure you! There has to be a spell or remedy in one of my books!" Twilight said as she searched through her books.

"There is one way..." Discord suggested.

"And you didn't think to mention it earlier?" Cadance questioned.

"Slipped my mind." Discord soon conjured a thought bubble "On a hill at the very edge of Equestria, there grows an exquisite magic flower. Pick the flower as it drops its petals at sunset. Then you can make a magical soothing elixir to cure the blue flu."

"I suppose you have a good reason you didn't bother to get this flower as soon as you realized you were sick?" Twilight asked Discord.

"Well, I couldn't travel that far in my condition. By the time I got there, I'd be too weak to even attempt to retrieve the flower.

"So where exactly are Cadance and I headed?" Twilight asked.

Discord appeared next to Twilight wearing a tourist attire "Well," he then cleared his throat "You'll want to head north, turn left, th— Oh... You know, it'd be much easier if I took you there myself."

"I thought you were in no condition to travel." Cadance reminded.

"I'm not. We'll need to make some arrangements." Discord chuckled.

"I'm coming too." I said.

Discord soon smiled then disappeared then reappeared right next to me in his female form.

"Oh thank you so much!" "she" said as "she" hugged me tightly.

'Seriously, don't you know how awkward it is when you do that.' I mentally said unamused.


At the edge of Equestria 5:00pm

All four of us were now nearing the edge of Equestria, Discord was resting on top of the throne type carriage I was sitting on the stairway making some last minute modifications to my jetpack.

Cadance soon then started straining.

"Doing okay there?" Twilight asked her.

"To be honest, I'm a little out of practice when it comes to flying."

"Well, then lucky for you. We're here." Discord said.

The carriage then landed with a thud.

"It's just at the top of that hill." Discord said as he pointed to the hill that touched the clouds.

Me, Twilight and Cadance soon made our way up the hill.

"I'm really sorry about this. All I wanted was to have some peaceful quality time together." Twilight apologized to Cadance.

"I know, I was looking forward to it too."

"Sorry that we made you come along Torrent." Twilight said to me.

"Ahh no biggie, I'm always here to help out a friend."

The three of us soon reached the top to see nothing but a big plant.

Twilight soon spoke "This is the top. But where is that flower?" A flower petal soon covered Twilight, she soon looked up to see that the plant was actually the flower. "Oh. Come on, if we hurry, we can still have some time together. Torrent," Twilight then shot a beam of magic from her horn, marking the ground with an 'X' "You can help us lift it from the ground."

"Roger." I replied then got into position.

Twilight and Cadance then encased the flower with their magic then I dug my hands into the ground then we all started lifting.

The ground started cracking as the three of us were lifting it from the earth.

"One... last... pull!" Cadance strained.

Cadance and Twilight soon started straining but we manage to pull the flower out. I soon flew next to them with my jetpack.

"Phew!" Twilight exclaimed "Let's get Discord and this flower back home, then all our problems are solved-" Twilight was soon cut off by rumbling.

"What in Equestria?!" Cadance exclaimed.

Suddenly, a Tatzlwurm shot from the hole that we pulled the flower from. It soon at us then it then roared causing Cadance and Twilight to scream.

We soon dodged the creature's then flew up, but the Tatzlwurm shot up from the hole toward us. It soon caught Cadance with it's coils.

"Twilight! Help!"

"Get your coils off my sister-in-law!" Twilight said then shot a beam of magic at the Tatzlwurm causing it to crash to the ground.

The Tatzlwurm soon then ensnared Twilight causing her to scream.

Cadance soon started shooting the Tatzlwurm with her magic.

"Let go of my sister-in-law!" she exclaimed as she shot the Tatzlwurm again, releasing Twilight.

Twilight flew to Cadance "Thanks!"

"Don't thank me yet!"

The Tatzlwurm soon roared then caught both Twilight and Cadance within its jaws. I soon turned off my jetpack and began free falling towards the creature.

"YOU THINK I'LL TAKE THAT SITTING DOWN?!?!" I soon impacted the creature's head. "Let go of my friend and her sister-in-law!" I soon began to pry open the creature's jaw.

Twilight and Cadance soon shot their magic with the Tatzlwurm's mouth, thus releasing them.

We soon continued battling the Tatzlwurm, making it retreat back into it's hole.

"Just... a little... more!" Twilight said.

We soon managed to make the Tatzlwurm fully retreat into the hole.

"And for good measure...!" Cadance then levitated a couple of boulders over the hole then blocked it off. The Tatzlwurm tried to break through but it soon gave up then retreated deeper into the hole.

The three up us soon touched down panting.

"Are you two okay?" Twilight asked us.

"Yes. Better than okay actually." Cadance replied.

"Nothing's broken on my end either." I said.

"Then let's get Discord back to Ponyville, make that elixir, and finally get a chance to spend some quality time together." Twilight said.


But as we were going back.

"To the ends of Equestria! To face such great danger! And she did it for me! She did it all for me, for me, for me!" Discord then laughs as he unknowingly slides towards us wearing some kind of MJ smooth criminal outfit. However, he looks at us as he tilted his shades up.

Twilight soon got in his face "You... were... faking?!"

"I was! But I had a very good reason."

"We're listening." me and Twilight said simultaneously.

"Well, I was in my thinking tree – that's where I do most of my really deep thinking – I was there, and I said to myself, I said, "Discord, your friend Twilight says that she's your pal, but she never writes and she never pops in for a visit.""

"I don't even know where you li-" Discord then shushed Twilight.

Discord: "Now that she's a princess, maybe she's decided that she's too good for you."

"I have never considered myself t-"

"But how was I supposed to know for sure that I'm truly still friends with one of the most important ponies around?"

"I'm not more-"

"By seeing if you would go to the ends of Equestria for me, of course. Which you did, literally. Congratulations, Twilight, you passed my friendship test!"

Discord then placed half a pendant around Twilight's neck Discord then placed his other half together. However, Twilight looked at him sternly.

Discord soon noticed "Why the angry eyes? You love passing tests. It's not because my little exam put a damper on your visit with Princess Cadance, is it? Made it so that there was no time for you two to focus on your friendship?"

"You didn't put a damper on our visit at all." Cadance said.

Twilight and Discord then spoke simultaneously.

"He didn't?!"

"I didn't?!"

"Spending the day at the Star Swirl the Bearded exhibit would've been more relaxing, but to be honest, relaxation is the last thing I need." Cadance said to Twilight.

"It is?"

"Don't get me wrong. Life in the Crystal Empire is wonderful, but it's become a little... predictable. I enjoy a little excitement now and then. Getting to face all these challenges today was just what I needed. And facing them with you just made me realize even more how lucky I am to have somepony like you as a friend. We may not see each other very often, but I know you'll always be there when I need you. Just like she was there for you, Discord."

"Yes, she's a real sweetheart. We're all so lucky to have her in our lives." he said in an unamused tone.

All of a sudden, the four of us felt rumbling and the Tatzlwurm erupted from behind Discord, Discord soon took hold of me in a scooby doo fashion.

"What in the world?!" Discord exclaimed.

The Tatzlwurm then spat some kind of green fluid on us but thankfully the health bubble was still active but Discord wasn't so lucky, his body turned a shade of green then developed spots.


Ponyville Train station 8:30pm.

The train to the Crystal Empire soon arrived.

"I would like to thank you both for such a rather fun time." Cadance said.

"I guess this means goodbye for now huh?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, but don't worry I'll be sure to come back when I have some free time on my hooves and I'll try to bring Shinning here too."

"But can we do our little handshake just one more time?" Twilight requested.

"Okay." Cadance agreed.

"Handshake? What Handshake" I asked.

Twilight and Cadance then did this.

Once they were finished, they soon looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You do it with us this time." Cadance said.

"Uhh, Do I have to d-"

"Please Torrent." Twilight begged giving me the puppy dog eyes.

I sighed in defeat. "Oh alright."

We soon got in a triangle position and did the handshake.


Fluttershy's Cottage the next day.

Twilight was saying her words as Spike wrote them in the journal.

"I think it's pretty clear that my visit with Cadance didn't go quite the way I expected. But in the end, I realized that when you're with a good friend, even the most chaotic day can end up being a great experience that brings you closer. Wouldn't you agree, Discord?"

Me and Twilight looked to see Discord in an anti-allergenic health bubble.

Discord soon snorts "Yes, Twilight."

Applejack soon walked toward Discord "I don't wanna go sayin' you got what you deserved..."

Rarity soon spoke next "Well, I have no trouble saying it. You got what you deserved!"

Fluttershy then stepped in "Now, now, he's learned his lesson. Isn't that right, my little patient?"

Discord then spoke "I'm so glad that you're back from your trip, Fluttershy. Just your presence here is making me feel so much better. I was just wondering, could I trouble you for just one more thing?"

"No!" me and Twilight exclaimed in unison.

"What? I was simply going to ask for a teeny, tiny glass of water."