> The Mechanic > by Clintr > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > It's just one problem after the other (Corrected) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun rose high into the sky, it's radiant beams shined through a window followed by an alarm going off. *beep* *beep* *beep* The radio clicks on. "Gooooooood Morning people!!! This is your local anchorman and talk show host Kevin coming you live from the radio station." *groan* "Boy is it beautiful out there am I right-course I am, but don't let the weather fool you my friends there's suppose to be a BIG rainstorm approaching later on at night so be safe when driving back from where you were. Weather aside, hey I have another personal message to shout out to my old friend Greentits." "Kevin I don't think we'll have time for another one of your 'Special Message to Greentits' sorry Torrent." said his partner. "No this is a good one." he clears his throat "How's life being a lowly Mechanic Greentits? It must have been years hasn't it, since we seen each other? I gotta say, I feel sooooo sorry for you, what with all you the only one running that run down 'Wrench O-Rama' of yours, ha, hey remember that time I paid you a visit? I feel bad that your workshop that's going under and you getting paid little by little from your customers that's if you have any, while I-" *WHAM* The clock was smashed by a sledgehammer. "Shut it, shithead." Yep, that's me, Torrent, age 17, height at eight foot-seven, my occupation, I'ma mechanic and let's just say that I'm not really a sociable guy, both my parents are passed away, both died in a car crash. I walked to the door with my vest on then I grabbed my Duct tape then placed it around my wrist. Opening the door, the sun was bright, bright enough that I had to shield my eyes for a second for them to adjust to the light. As I walk to my motorcycle I heard laughter from the people next door. I decided to ignore it because he was listening to my so called friend's 'Special Message' so I stated up my bike and drove off. - Wrench O-Rama 5:30 pm "Another day of no customers in sight." During my "slow" day I decided to finish the works on a few side projects I've been doing. "Okay…Let's take this then duct tape to the back of here and~… done" As I started to put my projects and anything that would prove useful away in my bag I heard knocking on the door. 'That's odd, why would come by when I am about to close up shop? The knocking then turned into ferocious pounding. “Alright, Alright hold your horses I’m coming.” As I opened the door I was greeted by a figure that looks feminine in a black suit and face was covered a black mask. Said woman then looked at a clipboard that was in her hand, her eyes shifted towards whatever was on the clipboard then back at me, then repeated it for a few more seconds then spoke. “Are you Torrent James Braddock?” “Yeah, who wants to know?” “This envelope is for you.” she said pulling out an envelope and handing it to me. “What's inside?” “Open it for yourself, I must be off now, you have a safe drive home, suppose to get nasty.” she finished then she walked to her car then drove off. I shut the door then looked at the clock. 'It's only 5:50 I still have ten minutes...' With that, I grabbed a piece of shrapnel then open the envelope. I reached in pulled out a small scroll the was tied with a ribbon into a bow and at the base of the knot it had a small pin with a horseshoe engraved on it. 'This better not be another prank from that dickhead of an anchorman.' I mentally said. I prepared myself for another of that guy's prank, I untied the ribbon then set it aside, then I slowly unraveled the scroll. To my surprise, when I caught a glimpse of the first sentence the handwriting on it looked like it was done with a quill and ink bottle. I soon then unrolled the rest of the paper and it reads: 'Dear Mr. Braddock, We do apologize for this sudden inconvenience upon you, but what this letter has to say is that you've been personally invited by both me and my sister to attend the 'Summer Sun Celebration' in Canterlot. Not only will you witness my little sister lowering the moon and me raising the sun, but are newly crowned Princess Twilight will be taking part in this celebration. It will begin early before the dawn of tomorrow we hope for you to attend Mr. Braddock. Sincerely, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna' “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna” I finished. I then stared at this letter but then I crumbled it up then threw it away. “Ha, that was the dumbest prank that anchorman has ever pulled. I mean really this whole princess gig and celebration, I even remember back when he sent me that fake winning lottery ticket.” I looked back at the clock it was now 6:00 pm. “Well, time to close up shop.” as I threw the envelope away but there was a loud clunk as it hit the trash can. I picked it back up from the trash then took what looked like a key. It was a golden key with a weird looking emblem at the base. I then put the mysterious looking key in my pocket, place my sling duffel bag around my shoulder then close up shop. - On the road 9:30 pm 'Just what was that letter for? It surely didn't that anchorman's handwriting.' My thoughts on that letter were soon interrupted as felt raindrops on me. “Goddammit.” I cursed. And to make my situation worse, as I drove down the road to my house, I was soon stopped by a construction sign saying: Road in need of repairs, Please take the detour path. The bottom of the sign then showed an arrow curved to the left. “This is odd, why is this road close when it was just fine this morning? I questioned then look past the sign. I couldn't see any heavy machinery, let alone any work was done beyond the blockade, then I looked to my left the road leading to a tunnel, but what was not right was there wasn't even a tunnel there, to begin with. I hesitated for a few moments then said: “Well, I guess I don't have any other options now do I?” 'I hope this isn't an optical illusion.' I then turned left then slowed down my engine towards the “tunnel”. As soon as I was a mere 2 feet from it I soon then stopped my bike, picked up a random stone then threw it at the tunnel. To my surprise, instead of it bouncing off, it went right through. I sighed in relief knowing that the tunnel is real. “Well, maybe this will take me to alternate route to my house.” I soon then turned my engine back on then head down the tunnel. - In the tunnel. 10:30 pm “Man this tunnel seems to go on forever,” I said As I continue to drive down this never ending tunnel the thoughts about my past came back into my mind. Flashback 12 years ago “Hey dad, what does being a mechanic mean?” “Well son, people always say that being a mechanic means you can only just fix machines right?” “Yea.” “But there's an old saying: ' We were born in a time when if something was broken, we would fix it, not throw it away'.” “What does that mean?” “It means, is that a mechanic can not only fix machinery, but they can fix anything.” “How can one do that?” he soon then placed his hand on my shoulder. “You'll find out soon it time son.” Present I soon then stopped my train of thought when I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. “Finally...” I said. But I then noticed that there was a cliff side that guarded by a rail. All of a sudden, my bike started to speed up. “What the hell?” I tried to use my brakes but it wasn't working, it just makes it go even faster. “Why in the hell is it doing this?” my voice becoming more anxious. I soon then tried to turn around, but the steering was locked in place. I soon then looked back up, I was at 90 mph and it was still increasing. I soon looked ahead, with my speed still increasing and my steering rendered useless I had only but one thing to do. “I'll drive over the cliff.” Then, immediately after I said that, I was soon airborne, as I flew through the air I soon then got a good view of my surroundings. But what was not right was everything around me was brightly colored and it was day and night split in half. Before I could fully grasp the situation the forest beneath me caught my attention. It had shades of green with some kind of blackness moving within it. I soon then felt a wind current beneath my legs, it was a sure sign that I was starting to fall. I tilted my bike forward, waiting for the impact. I soon then hit the ground with a loud thud but it wasn't enough to keep my bike from stopping. As I continued to swerve pass tree after tree with strange looking black colored vines covered in thorns on them I was soon catapulted off my bike then I slammed face first into a tree. “Ugh...” I groaned from the impact. I lifted myself up off the ground then brushed some leaves and twigs off my clothes, I then checked for any damage. “Only a couple scratches on the arm.” I took some medical bandages from my bag then wrapped it around my left arm, then looked at my bike. “I think that bike is still able to start.” As I was starting to walk back, something then coiled around my ankle, causing me to trip. “Oof!!!” I landed on my hands, managing to cushion my impact. I looked back then saw those weird looking vines wrapped around my ankle. What was even more bizarre the vine slowly tugging me upwards until I was suspended upside down. “What in the living hell kind of vines are these!!!” I shouted. The vine that held me up soon then threw me making me hit another tree. I then picked myself off the ground then saw those vines coming towards me. “I don't know how I can explain this...” I soon reached into my bag then pulled out the Sledgesaw then turned it on. “BUT I'LL BE DAMMED IF I DONE IN BY WEEDS!!!” - In the forest “Damn these things just keep coming!!” it's been well over 2 hours, chopping vine after vine after vine, only to be replaced with a lot more. “AHH SCREW IT!!!” I then slid the weapon down my hand until it touched the head of the hammer end. I soon started to spin in a complete circle, with the weight of the saw increasing my momentum I then let go of the weapon, causing it to fly forward, chopping down a pathway for me to get through, it soon stopped when it came in contact with a far tree. I soon then took off in a full sprint down the path before more of those vines blocked it up. I narrowly made it through, grabbing my weapon from the tree from the process then continued sprinting. As I ran for a good 5 minutes I came to a sudden halt as I was nearing a cliff. I removed the bag from my shoulder then I fell flat on my back from fatigue. “My heart feels like a machine gun off.” I said while inhaling deeply. All of a sudden I heard a feminine voice screaming. “A cragadile! Run for your lives!” I shot up then looked over the cliff and saw a huge gator like creature made of rock and it appeared to be cornering something. I then look directly below me and I saw two figures, I couldn't make out what they looked like because those vines were blocking my view. Regardless, I had to do something, I then reached into my bag then pulled out the Grenade Launcher. “HEY UGLY!!!” I shouted. The creature then looked up, its eyes fixated on me now. “Let's dance.” I soon then shot a few rounds of grenades which made the creature fall back to retreat. I soon then jumped down then landed on my knees. I then soon then turned around to see who I saved and then my jaw felt like it hit the ground. One was a female looking winged unicorn horse, she had purple fur, purple eyes, she had hands similar to hands but she had a finger missing, she had hooves for feet, she a crown that rested on top of her head and she was wearing a mixture on what seemed to be royal attire mixed with casual clothing. I looked to my right and saw a male dragon with purple scales, green spines, emerald eyes, unlike the girl the wasn't wearing any clothes. Both their faces had a mixture of shock and surprise, both of them remained silent, myself included, after what seemed a few minutes of awkward silence the girl then spoke. “Thank you for saving us.” I felt sweat trickling down my face, I tried to hold back my outburst, trying not to freak out in considering that a talking human-like female horse just thanked me for saving them. I took a deep breath to calm myself down then said “I-It was nothing...” "Oh… you speak Equestrian." "Equestrian, who and what are you?" I questioned. "Oh! Where are my matters," she then cleared her throat "I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, but you can call me Twilight. And this one here on my left," she then patted her hand on the dragon's head "is my number 1 assistance, Spike the dragon." "Hey there." Spike greeted. "It's nice to meet you both, my name is Torrent." "Maybe you can tell me what's going on here? You got any Intel on the situation happening right now?" I asked. Twilight soon told me what was going on up till this point. About she was preparing for the Summer Sun Celebration, the princesses mysterious disappearance, the day and night being cut in half and these vine things growing out of control. "So tell me why is it that you and your friends are in this forest anyway?" "Because there is something wrong with the 'Tree of Harmony'." "Tree of Harmony?" "There must be something wrong with the tree, maybe it's the reason why the Everfree forest is invading." "I see, well I still don't get why would this forest be invading just for some kind of powerful gems, but one thing for sure is that we have to find this Tree of Harmony and see what's up?" "We?" Twilight questioned. "I wish to help you if it's alright though." “Are you sure your up to it? It's pretty dangerous out here.” Spike questioned. "If I can survive a nearly 100-foot drop and these weird looking thorn vines, I'm sure that I can handle anything that this forest can throw at me." All of a sudden a vine that was knotted into a lasso was wrapped around my waist, and then I heard a woman's voice in a heavy southern drawl. "WATCH OUT TWILIGHT!!!" Before I had time to react I was jerked back to the ground. “Twilight dearie are you all right?” I heard another female in a sorta snobbish type voice. “Yeah! When we got separated by that huuuuuuuuge cragadile we were like “Oh no Twilight's in danger!” but then all of a sudden we heard multiple stuff go BOOM we soon then followed the sound of the noise to find out when you were about to be attacked by this...” I then saw a pink looking horse girl that didn't have any wings or a horn, talking at least a mile an hour looking straight at me. “Weird looking stallion and then we were like “Oh no Twilight's going to be eaten by this thing” so Applejack took a vine and-” She was soon silenced by Twilight's hand over her mouth. “Girls there's no reason to be alarmed, Torrent is going to help us to find the Tree of Harmony.” said Twilight. “Torrent?” They all said simultaneously. “That's his name. Now Applejack, can you untie him please?” I turned around to see an orange horse wearing a Stetson cowboy hat, a checkered pattern gingham shirt that was tied into knot making her belly partly visible and jean shorts. What was odd though is when I caught a glimpse of her hip there was a picture of what looks like three apples. She soon untied the knot of the vine then I let myself then brush off some dirt. “Torrent,” Twilight started “these are my friends.” “This is Applejack.” “Howdy.” she greeted “Rarity.” “Charmed I'm sure.” “Pinki-” she was soon cut off by pink blur that zoomed right pass her then the next thing I knew, my vision became pink. Pink then blue, her eyes were locked on mine and to make things more awkward her eyes were bugging out. She kept bug eyeing me for a good thirty more seconds then spoke. “Meh, I got nothing.” she then hopped backwards towards her friends. As I was saying,” Twilight continued “This is Pinkie Pie.” “HI!!!!” “This here is Rainbow Dash.” “What's up?” 'The sky.' I mentally joke. “And lastly Fluttershy.” Her friend who she called Fluttershy surely lives up to her name, I can see her hiding behind Twilight's back and I swear that I can hear some slight whimpering from her, and in complete honesty, I found it kinda cute. “You have to forgive Fluttershy she's-” “Painfully shy around newcomers.” I said, finishing Twilight's sentence. “Yes.” “Well, since that we're acquainted with each other, we got a tree to find.” I said As I soon turned around, Rainbow landed right in front of me. “Woah, woah, woah just where do you think you're going?” “He's going to help us find Tree of harmony Dash.” answered Twilight. “You sure that we can trust him Twilight? He doesn’t look like any stallion that we've seen before.” “Then if he was evil, then how would you explain he saved both me and Spike from that creature?” “Good point, welcome to the club dude.” Rainbow said as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. As we ventured further into the forest I soon notice Applejack with a concerned look on her face. “Hey Applejack, is something wrong?” I questioned. “Well now that you mention it... Twilight has been having an awful lot of trouble with those things. And, well, who knows what else is gonna come after us? You know, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea for Twilight to go back to Ponyville and let us look for the Tree of Harmony without her." Twilight then turned around facing us. “What? Why?” she questioned. “Well for starters, you just about got eaten by a cragadilly.” “We all did. He wasn't after just me.” “Sure, but... well, the rest of us aren't princesses.” “What's that got to do with anything?” “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are gone. If something happened to you, I-I just don't think Equestria can risk losing another princess.” “Applejack does make a valid point. Even if we manage to save the Tree of Harmony, it won't necessarily mean Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will return. Equestria will need somepony to lead in their absence.” Rarity added. “But the Tree of Harmony! I'm the only one who has seen it and knows what it looks like.” Twilight argued. “Huge tree, cutie marks on the trunk, probably being attacked by something hideously awful? Yeah, I'm pretty sure we'll know it when we see it.” said Rainbow Dash. “All of you feel this way? Feel like I shouldn't be here?” Twilight said as she began to tear up. “It is probably for the best.” said Fluttershy. Twilight then looked towards me. “What do you think?” she questioned. “I've been here for...” I looked at my watch but the arrows were spiraling. 'Dammit, my watch is screwing with me, time must run differently here.' “...for not so long but judging from the way your friends are acting right now, I'd it's for the best.” Twilight just said nothing then continued to walk back, as her friends departed the other way leaving only me and Spike. Spike soon then started to catch up with Twilight but was stopped by my hand colliding with his shoulder. “Hey Spike, aside from Twilight being a princess and all tell me, what is it that makes her special?” He then slid my hand off his shoulder then looked at me straight in the eyes. "Twilight has done many brave things here in Equestria. Back then, she never really thought that friendship would solve anything, that is until Princess Celestia gave Twilight a task to go to Ponyville and make friends. She really came along way, but she wouldn't be where she is now with the help of her friends, they'd vanquished Nightmare Moon and in doing so reunited Celestia's little sister Princess Luna, they defeated the god of chaos Discord not to mentioned she helped Fluttershy reformed him and they also save the crystal empire along with my help and saved her BBBFF's wedding and Twilight help saved her friends destines." "BBBFF?" "It stands for 'Big Brother Best Friend Forever'." "Oh..." "Point being, Twilight's friends will soon know that they'll need her as much as she needs them." "Heh." I chuckled. “What's so funny?” Spike questioned. “I gotta say, that girl and her friends got guts to go through hell like that, including you, point blank, Friends stick together to the end.” “Right, but that won't happen unless I convince Twilight to come back.” “One more question for you Spike.” “Yeah?” “Can you wield a weapon?” - I was walking with the rest of Twilight's friends deeper into the forest. "Excuse me, Mr. Torrent" Fluttershy asked. "Yes?" "I've been wanting to ask, but why are you helping us find the tree of harmony?" "I have to say, I'm also curious as well?" Rarity added. "Me too." said Rainbow Dash. "Me three." AppleJack said. "Me fourth!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Well, to be honest, I really don't know myself." I answered. "Then why are you willing to help if you don't really have a reason?" Rainbow Dash questioned. "I don't need a reason to help pe-ponies that is in need of help." With that, we continued our walk through the forest. "Anypony else starting to think this is a lost cause?" Rainbow started "We're almost at Celestia and Luna's old castle. Maybe whatever Twilight saw when she took that crazy potion wasn't real. Maybe there is no Tree of Harmony. Maybe–" "Maybe it's right down there." AppleJack said cutting off Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash then gasped. "It can't be!" I looked over to the far end of the canyon, there was a cave giving off a bright glow. "How are we supposed to get to it?" Rarity questioned. "Whoa!" I heard Pinkie. We all turned our heads to the right to see Pinkie falling down some stairway. "Oof! Ugh! Take the stairs, silly!" she said making her voice echoed through the canyon. "Does she always seem to do this?" I questioned towards Rainbow Dash. "Yea." - Tree of Harmony. I followed Twilight's friends into the cave to see what looked like the tree with those thorn vines wrapping around it like a snake. Fluttershy then gasped, “I think it's dying!” “So let's save it already!” exclaimed Applejack then soon started yanking the vines, only to follow of her yanking too hard causing her to fall backwards. Rainbow soon then followed, only to be smacked another vine. As Rainbow got up she looked over at me sitting on a boulder, in this pose. Rainbow soon then flew up to my face with a confuse her face. "Hey?" she asked. I remained silent. She soon waved her hand in front of my face, but my eyes were shut. The rest then walked over to my position while Rainbow was trying to get my attention. "Hellooo! Anypony home?" Still silent. "Alright man, just what in the hay are you doing are you going to help us or n-" I interrupted her by raising my hand in front of her face. "If you want to know what I'm thinking of our next move." I answered. "Then what's with the pose then?" she questioned. "This pose is called "The Thinker"." "The Thinker?" Rainbow questioned "I'll explain later, no-" I then heard the sound of Spike's voice. I shot up from the boulder, then rushed outside to see Spike falling down the stairs. I then ran over to him then picked him up. "Are you all right Spike? SPEAK TO ME DAMMIT!!!!" I screamed. Spike soon then clenched my shirt "Twilight! Trouble! Help!" then he blacked out. I let him back on the ground then turned towards the group. "All of you, see if you can tend to any injuries that he's got." I demanded. "What about you?" Fluttershy asked. "I'm going to get Twilight." "We're going with you." Rainbow Dash said. "Alright." We all then ran back up the stairway then within the bushes near Twilight's position. I peaked through the the bush to see Twilight barely conscious and being bombarded by some kind of knockout gas being sprayed from a spider-like plant. I turned towards the group then said as I took out my Rocket Punch. "Alright guys, here's the plan; on the count of three, I will go and create a diversion while I'm doing so, I want the rest of you to get Twilight outta there. Sound like a plan?" They all nodded their heads. I then face back to the opening then held my left fist out ready to fire, then I started to count. "1." The plants crept closer to Twilight. "2." One of the plants soon let out a screech as it dove down on Twilight. "3!!!" then immediately after I said three my glove shot off a projectile, hitting the plant that was nearly about to attack Twilight dead center. The other plants looked over to the direction on where the shot came from, I then sprang from bushes in a full sprint towards the rest of the plants. As I was nearing the first plant it charges towards me, as soon I was within striking distance I leap from the ground then perform a Superman punch with my left, it hit with enough force for my glove to go through the head. I then saw the last plant right behind me ready to hit me with that gas. It soon then sprayed the gas, but I countered it by using the plant that was still lodged in my glove as a makeshift shield. I then flung the plant that was in my fist then I charged up my right. As the plant neared me, I then pulled an uppercut with my right then screamed. "SHORYUKEN!!!" It landed just below the head, the impact caused it to ascend a few feet in the air, then made it unconscious when it landed. I then look over towards Twilight's friends who were still in the process of getting Twilight out, had an impression of shock and amazement. "What?" I asked innocently. "What in the hay was that?" Applejack questioned. "What is what?" "Those moves man! Just where did you learn those AWESOME moves?" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "That's not important right now, what is important is that we need to see if she's okay." I said pointing at Twilight beginning to stir. I placed her arm behind my shoulders to help her up. "I sure am glad you came looking for us." Applejack said in relief. "Not as glad as I am that you found me." Twilight answered. Rarity then walks towards us then said, "The truth of it is, Twilight, we're simply lost without you." "Yeah." agreed Rainbow dash "Equestria may need its princess..." "... But we need our friend." Fluttershy finished. It soon then followed by all of them embracing each other in a big group hug, I didn't know if they have noticed that I was within the embrace due to me still holding Twilight up. - Tree of Harmony. We soon then made our way back to the Tree of Harmony, Twilight then flew up closer to the tree but then a vine grabbed her hand but she cut it with a beam with her horn. She soon then hover there with a few seconds then came back down. "I know how we can save the tree. We have to give it the Elements of Harmony." she said "Whoa, whoa, whoa, heh." Rainbow said, "How are we supposed to protect Equestria?" "How are we meant to rein Discord in if we can't use the Elements to turn him back to stone?" Rarity added. Applejack then stepped in "Twilight... The Elements of Harmony... They're what keep us connected no matter what." "You're right about one thing, Applejack. The Elements of Harmony did bring us together. But it isn't the Elements that will keep us connected. It's our friendship. And it's more important and more powerful than any magic. My new role in Equestria may mean I have to take on new responsibilities, and our friendships may be tested, but it will never, ever be broken." 'That has got to be the cheesiest and yet moving speech I have ever hear in my life.' I mentally stated. "There's no time to lose. Everypony ready?" Twilight questioned. "Ready!" they agreed. Twilight then Illuminated then took the gems that were within the necklaces of her friends then she took the gem that was within her crown. Those vines then took hold of Twilight but then I soon cut them off. "What are you waiting for? Put'em in the tree!" I said She then put the gems in a specific order with the gem that was in her crown in the center. The gaps in where they were placed in closed then unleashed a bright light. I shielded my eyes with my arm considering how bright it was, I then notice the vines starting to disintegrate. I then noticed two peculiar mounds of those vines next to the tree starting to disappear, on the right side of the tree it revealed snow white colored winged unicorn with rainbow colored hair that was swaying in the non-existent wind. The one on the left also revealed a winged unicorn but was a tad smaller, with dark blue colors and had a starry night-colored hair and like the first one it too was swaying the non-existent wind. Twilight then ran up towards them, then wrapped both her arms around there necks. "We know how difficult it must have been for you to give up the Elements. It took great courage to relinquish them." the white one spoke on who I'm thinking is Celestia. But the hug was soon cut off by the centerpiece of the tree glowing, the color's of each gem on tree's branches traveled towards the center, then down the trunk coloring in a sun and a moon, then the root of the tree. A flower then grew from it, the bulb then opened revealing a box with six keyholes. "What's inside it? How am I supposed to open it?" Twilight questioned. "Six locks, six keys." the other princess said on who I assumed is Luna. Twilight then look at Celestia. "I do not know where they are. But I do know that it is a mystery you will not be solving alone." she said. "Excuse me?" They turned around including Twilight and her friends and looked at me. Celestia and Luna then smiled then walk towards me. "Ahh yes," Celestia started "You must be Torrent James Braddock, It's a pleasure to meet you." "Likewise, and you must be Princess Celestia correct?" "Yes, and this here is-" "Your little sister Princess Luna." I finished her sentence. "A smart one he is sister." Luna said to Celestia. "I agree, since that you are here Mr. Braddock I'm assuming you received our letter we have sent to you." "Both of you sent that letter?" I questioned. "Why yes, who else could have sent a royal message?" Luna questioned. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." With that, the princesses took their leave, they told me that I will be partaking within the event as well. - Timeskip Canterlot I stood behind the stage with Twilight while the royal guards blew the trumpets Celestia and Luna walk ahead of us, Celestia then looked back towards me. "After Twilight dose her part I will then announce you to come forth to introduce you to Equestria" she said. They then walk a little further for them to be seen by the huge crowd, Celestia then spoke. "Citizens of Equestria, it is no longer with a heavy heart but with great joy that I raise the summer sun. For this celebration now represents not the defeat of Nightmare Moon, but the return of my sister, Princess Luna." The crowd then started cheering as Luna flew into the air, her serrated horn then glowed an aqua blue hue, I looked behind me and I saw the moon began to set. I turned around to see that Celestia was aligned with her sister in the air, her horn giving off a yellow hue. I notice my shadow was starting to form, I looked up to see that the sun was rising. When the sun and the moon were aligned in the sky Twilight's horn glowed then took off. When she went through the sun and moon an explosion happened revealing an image of a purple star, then the sun rose higher into the sky. Both the Princesses and Twilight landed right next to each other. "Now then..." Celestia started "...Citizens of Equestria, it also with great pleasure that I introduce a new face here in Equestria. Do not be warned my subject this man is nothing for you to be afraid of. To what Twilight has informed us, this man has helped save Equestria during its time of great peril so without further ado: I humbly introduce Mr. Torrent James Braddock!" That was a signal for me to present myself. I walked forward until I was in full view, the crowd then cheered but I remained silent. Twilight then nudged my arm. "Go on say something." she said as she levitated a microphone in front of me. I hesitated for a few seconds but then I cleared my throat then said. "...Glad to be here..." > Question and Answer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight's Library/House "I CAN'T BELIEVE THE PRINCESSES PUT YOU MY CHARGE!!!" exclaimed Twilight as she hopped around me. "Shocker." I dully replied. Flashback a few hours before "Wait, what did you just say?" I questioned Celestia. "I said you will be taking residents in Ponyville with Twilight"Celestia answered. "REALLY PRINCESS!?!?!" said Twilight acting a happy schoolgirl. "Don't I get a say in this." I objected. "Given the current situation that you are in, do you think it would be wise in considering second thoughts." Luna said. "I guess not." I answered. "Then it's settled, we will inform the Mayor of Ponyville about your arrival soon after you get acquainted with Twilight. I officially welcome you to Equestria Torrent James Braddock." Celestia said. "I appreciate the formality Princess Celestia, but "Torrent" will be just fine." "As you wish." With that Celestia lit up her horn, and then within a bright flash of light we were in what seems to be Twilight's house. Present Luna did bring up a valid point, with me being this new world I never really thought of where I was going to stay. I gotta say, it was very generous of the Princesses giving me a place to stay. But Twilight seems to be enjoying this even more than I am. "Excuse me." I said snapping Twilight out of her happiness. "Oh, right..." she said with slight blush of embarrassment. "Shall I start with some questions about you?" she asked. "Some question & answers huh? Alright fire away." With that, her horn glowed, levitating a quill and scroll in front of her, she then signaled me to sit down on a stool, which I did. She then started asking. "What is your full name?" "Torrent James Braddock." "When's your birthday?" "July 5th." "Do you have any hobbies?" "I have a lot of hobbies." "Name a few." "Building and making Blueprints." "Can you tell me more about you kind?" "Geez where to even begin... well, humans or Homo-sapiens for a scientific term are related to the primate family, but that began to change when the humans began to evolve. During the prehistoric time's humans during that era were called cave people, they had to use their brains to scavenge any resources that they can get their hands on, they then use the resources to build weapons for hunting then they invented fire. I wasn't so long when the human brain began to develop even further, then humans then left the old lives of living cave then soon began to make small huts and tents, which soon let to making villages. Villages became small communities and small communities became town... bigger if the not same size as yours. And on a side note: as the brain began to evolve, so did technology, humans began to build cars, airplanes, we even made advance medicine that practically cure any types of disease. And even considering of all we've accomplished all those years ego some humans tend to be stubborn and want to increase the technological prowess to lord knows where and so on and so forth.” “Wow...” is all Twilight could say. “You can say that again, but unfortunately humans take it for granted." "What do you mean?" "With technology advancing, it will make people think even the most smallest of task could be a chore." "So it can be a good or bad thing?" "It all depends on how the user uses it, technology aside do you have anymore questions for me." "I have one more..." "What is it?" "Tell me about your family." I got an uneasy feeling within the pit of my gut by that question, Twilight soon then realized it. "I-I apologize I didn't know that would be a very personal." I took a deep breath, "Don't apologize it's not your fault." Twilight looked at me with concern. I then smiled. "Hey, hey there's not need to be depress." Twilight's ears perked up then she smiled, "Your right, hey I got an idea how about I give a tour of Ponyville?" "I don't see why not? Sure I'm game." "Great! Let's go!!" Twilight exclaimed as she went out the door. i soon then followed after her. 'I think she's a little to excited.' > The grand tour of Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville "So since your giving me the tour Twilight, where do you think we should go first?" I asked as I caught up with her. "Well, since we're heading into the middle of Ponyville how about I show you the market?" "Lead the way." We continued walking a few more blocks until we came in full view of the Ponyvillie market. Despite it being a small town, their were sure a lot of ponies here. As me and Twilight casually walk through the market, I saw various vendors selling soap, vegetables, candy and fruits. I was receiving some stares from countless ponies, despite from the hustle and bustle of the marketplace I can nearly make out some barely audible whispers from them. "That must be the human that the Princesses invited." "Haven't you heard? I heard he help Princess Twilight save Equestria." "I think he's kinda cute." "He looks kinda weird." "Oh my Celestia, he's handsome." I kept a good job in maintaining my poker face, however as I looked at Twilight I saw that her face was flushed and giggling. "It appears that some mares are giving you the look." she teased. I sighed, "Ham it up Twilight." "Sorry, I couldn't help it." I then wanted to change the subject, "Well since that I've seen the marketplace, where to now?" "Well, I say we sho-" "Twilight? Torrent?" Twilight was cut off by the sound of Rarity's voice. We both turned around to see Rarity walking towards us. "Well, what are you two doing on this gorgeous day?" she questioned. "I'm giving Torrent a tour of Ponyville." Twilight answered. "Well you two couldn't have such good timing. It just so happens that I have made reservations to the spa today. Would you two like to join me? I'm sure that I can squeeze you both in." "I don't know Rarity, I'm not a huge fan of spas" I said. Within a blink of eye, I soon found Rarity arms wrapped my left arm, pulling on it and Twilight pushing against my back. "Oh come now darling, don't be like that. You must be tired on what has happen yesterday and I swear to you, the Spa Twins will help you to relax your body." "She's right Torrent you must be exhausted and look on the bright side, you'll get to explore more of Ponyville." While they were talking they failed to notice that my feet have been skidding the ground. _ Ponyville Spa Twilight and Rarity continued dragging to this building. We went through the half doors to be greeted by the mare at the counter. "Hello Miss Rarity, are you here for your reservation?" she asked. "Yes, and I would like to add two more people to my reservation." "Alright then, just tell me their names." "Twilight and Torrent." "Twilight and Tor-" she stopped talking when she looked at my face. "H-How is he?" she questioned. "This is Torrent." both Twilight and Rarity answered. I saw her face began to flush and pupils turn to pinpoint, but then she shook her head rapidly. "Do you think that you can squeeze them both in?" Rarity questioned. "Yes that can be arranged. Would they like the same thing you're having?" the mare said. "I don't know? Twilight?" Rarity questioned Twilight. "Sure." Twilight answered. "Torrent?" she questioned towards me. "It depends on what it is that you requested." I answered. "Oh, just the "The Usual"." Rarity answered. "I don't know what "The Usual" is Rarity." "You won't know unless you try it." "I guess." The mare then exited the counter then told us to follow her. We soon entered the back room that had lots of stations that one would find in a spa,a hot tube, salon, hair dryers, reclining and massage tables. We were soon then greeted by two ponies that look like twins but with different color schemes. "Welcome." they both said in unison. "I'm Aloe." said the pony with blue hair and pink fur. "And I'm Lotus." the other one said with pink hair and blue fur. "Are you here for your appointment Miss Rarity?" Aloe questioned. "Yes, and would you mind if I added these two here." Rarity gestured her hand towards me and Twilight. "Is all right?" Rarity questioned. "Of course." the spa twins said in unison. Lotus then grabbed my hand then led me towards a changing booth, she then handed me a bath robe and swim shorts. "You want me to put these on?" I questioned. "Well, you don't want your clothes to be ruined now, do you?" she questioned. "Good point." With that, I entered the room, and I soon came out with the shorts and bath robe on and my clothes folded. "Where should I go and where can I put my clothes?" I questioned Lotus. "Just hand me your clothes and for where you should go, just enter the steam room over there on your left behind the curtain, the girls are waiting for you." Lotus answered. "Thanks." I then headed towards the steam room. But as I entered the room I felt my face going red when I caught a glimpse of Twilight and Rarity. They both had the same bath robe as mine though smaller, but what made my face go red is that both their bosoms were partly expose, thankfully not much. But I had to admit, both Rarity and Twilight are beautiful. But I failed to realized that within awe of their beauty, they were both looking at me in confusion. "Are you alright Torrent?" Twilight said. I soon snapped out my trans by her question. "Yea I'm fine." "Well, what are you waiting for?" Rarity questioned, "Come, sit next to us." she said as her hand patted the spot next to her. I soon then sat right next to her. "I suddenly have a craving for steamed dumplings right now" I said to myself. "Did you say something?" Twilight questioned. "No." I answered. "Alright then." Twilight replied. After of about 20 minuets of basking with the steam, Aloe then told us to move to the next part of the treatment. We soon exited the steam room, she then led us to some cushioned tables. I look over at Twilight and Rarity to see that they were lay on their front side. 'What the heck.' I mentally replied nonchalantly. I hosted myself over the table, then adjusted to a comfortable position. Aloe and Lotus and another spa pony came out with baskets containing nail files, facial cream and cucumber slices. The Twins decided to work on Twilight and Rarity while the new spa pony walk towards me. "Glad to meet your acquaintance." she greeted. "Likewise, the names Torrent." I greeted as I stuck out my hand. "Vera." she then grasp my hand and shook it. "So what's this part of the treatment?" I questioned. "Well, I'm going to place this cream over your face, then place these cucumber slices over your eyes and lastly I'll file your horn." 'A piece of my soul is gonna die when all this is over.' "I don't have a horn." "You don't?" Vera questioned. "Noooo~" I replied, pointing to my hornless forehead. Vera then blushed with embarrassment of not noticing something so obvious. "I guess we can skip the horn filing then." she placed the "Horn-file" back in the basket, then she got out the cream and brush. Vera then dipped the the brush in the cream, then she shimmed the brush over to my face. As the brush came in contact with my face, the coolness of the cream gave me a slight tingle but then brush started to move across my face. As soon as the cream cover my entire face she then proceeded to place the cucumbers over my eyes. 'I gotta feeling that this is going to be one long reservation.' - 'Mud baths, Seaweed wraps, Massages, foot pools just how much stations did Rarity reserve?' It was just one station of the spa after the other just how much dose Rarity needs just for looks. We soon followed the three spa twins to the final station of Rarity's reservation. "What's the last stop on the list?" I questioned Rarity. "Just wait and find out darling." We continued walking until we stopped at a pair of curtains. The twins then unveiled the curtains, revealing a huge wooden tube. "The hot tub." Rarity said happily. Rarity and Twilight then undid the knots on their robes, revealing their swimwear. Both of them wore Bikinis but they were in different styles. Twilight's was the same color as her body but it had a picture of a purple star that was being surrounded by smaller white stars that mark on her hip. Rarity's was similar except her picture was three aqua blue colored gems the same goes for her hip. They soon then stepped in the tub and began to be swallowed up within the warm water, however they soon look over to me. They stared at me. "What?" I questioned. "Don't be shy Torrent, join us." said Twilight gesturing me to come in. I hesitated, considering that I'll be the only guy in there but I soon then untied the knot on my robe. I took off the robe then look back at Twilight and Rarity, in which I saw saw their whole bodies go red, but then I got in the tub. "Say Twilight," I asked. "Yes." "Somethings been bugging me, but what's with those tattoos on your hip?" "Tattoos? Oh you must mean our Cutie Marks." "'Cutie Marks?'." "I guess Humans don't have them, don't they?" "Nope." "Well..." Twilight then stood up then turned to reveal her Cutie Mark, "A Cutie Mark is a magical symbol that appears on a pony's flank. The symbol represents somepony's special talent, for example, my Cutie Mark represents my vast skill in magic, Rarity's Cutie Mark represents her expertise in dress making." "Fill free to stop by my Boutique sometime." Rarity added. "How dose one find their special talent?" I questioned. "It only appears when somepony find their special talent." Twilight answered. "I see."'Even though I don't get it.' - Ponyville "Thank you come again!" The Spa ponies called out to us. 'I feel masculinity dying...dying...DEAD.' "Well, I did enjoy our time together, but I really must tend to my dresses. See you two later!" Rarity said as she waved goodbye. "Well Torrent, where do you want to go now?" Twilight asked me. "Do you guys have a hospital?" "Why do you want to go to the hospital?" "Because I want to go see it." "Well, okay." "Lead the way Twilight." - Ponyville Hospital It too quite a walk be we soon reached this building. I whistled in awe, "This seems quaint." "Shall we head inside?" Twilight questioned. "Mares first." We soon entered the Hospital, to end up being greeted by the mare at the front counter. "Welcome to the Ponyville Hospital, do you have a appointment?" she said. "No," Twilight answered "But can you give my friend Torrent a tour of the Hospital?" "Torrent?" she questioned. She looked up at me. "You must be that human that the Princesses invited aren't you?" "Eeyup." I simply replied. "Well, I guess we'll try to give you a tour, I'll just get Nurse Redheart You two just wait here." she said then she went inside the door behind counter. About a few minuets later, she soon came back out. "Nurse Redheart will be here in a few minutes, please fill free sit down as you two wait for her." I decided to take a load off in the chair and scan through one of the magazines they had out. 'This is the weirdest magazine I've ever laid eyes on.' I mentally thought. Every title of the articles within this magazine had some kind of horse or any other of equine pun within it. A few minutes passed, the door then open. A mare wearing a white nurse outfit, pink hair tied into a bun, a pink tail and she was wearing a nurses cap. In short she looked like this. She walked towards me and Twilight. "Well hello Twilight, it's nice to see you again." "It's nice to see you too, will you give Torrent a tour?" The mare on who I assume is Nurse Redheart looked at me, then greeted me with a smile. "You must be Torrent, it's a pleasure to meet you." Nurse Redheart greeted me as she extended her hand. "It's nice to meet you too, I'm guessing you must be Nurse Redheart?" I asked as I took hold of her hand and shook it. "That I am, well let me give you a tour of the hospital." she said as she walk to the door. I look over at Twilight. "You better get a move on." she said. "You're not coming with me this time?" "I could, but I don't the Hospital very well." Twilight answered as she placed her hand behind her head. I decided to shrug it off then catch up to Nurse Redheart. - Ponyville Hospital Hallway "As you can see here on your left are the patient's room." Nurse Redheart said. 'I think I'm going to master the art of "Sleep Walking".' It's only been a few hours of walking up and down the hallways of the Hospital. As soon as I was on the brink of sleeping I heard the sounds of rapid clicking of high heel shoes. I look pass Nurse Redheart to see another nurse who had her hair in a bun as well but her hair and tail color were an aqua color with a lighter shade of blue. "NURSE REDHEART!!!" she screamed. "What is it Nurse Coldheart?" "I-It's Screw Loose she escaped from her room again!" "WHAAAT!!!!!" Nurse Redheart screamed. "Excuse me but, who is this Screw Loose?" I asked. Nurse Coldheart handed me this picture. "What's wrong with her?" I asked. "She acts like a dog." Nurse Coldheart answered. "We need to split up." Nurse Redheart said. "Me and Nurse Coldheart will take the right, you Torrent take to the left." "Roger." I answered. - Ponyville Hospital Left side I head to the left side of the Hospital but I couldn't find this Screw Loose anywhere. "Why am I thinking that this a lost-cause." But then I heard some rattling at the far end of the the hallway. I turned around to see a door of the room wide open, I saw numerous objects being flung out. I crept closer towards the room. Closer analysis, I saw that the stuff that was on the ground was numerous broken jars and one dog biscuit. I peeped inside, everything look like a war zone. Cupboards and drawers open, every item in said cupboards and drawers was scattered all across the floor of the room. And in the middle of the room was Screw Loose. She looks like she eating the dog biscuits that she found in the room. 'Yeesh, dose she really to eat like one?' I mentally asked myself. I decided to go and tell both Nurse Red and Coldheart but as I took my first step I didn't know where I was stepping at and I ended up stepping on broken glass, the cracking sound gave away my position. I heard sniffing sounds from the room. I pushed myself against the wall and remained deathly still. My heart was pounding, her sniffing sounds came closer and closer towards the door. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the tip of her muzzle, but then she turned and walked back into the room. "Whew, that was close, too close." I decided to take another peek inside to see what she was doing now but has I craned my neck to look inside I saw that she wasn't in there anymore. "What the, where'd she go?" "Arf!" I heard barking from behind me. I turned around to see Screw Loose, sitting doggy style on the floor right in front of me, her lollipop sized eye staring at me. She stared at me for a few seconds then her eyes glanced at the floor. I looked down to see the discarded dog biscuit, I kneeled down, picked up the biscuit, then put my hand forward with the biscuit in my open hand. "Ya want it?" I asked. She responded by sniffing my hand then eating the biscuit. "Good huh?" I smirked. She then leaned in closer, getting way too close into my personal space. She then started sniffing parts of my face. 'Getting to close.' I mentally said. She took a few back then got into a stance that know all to well. She was going to pounce on me. I had one option. Run. She then launched herself at me. "Hit the deck!" I exclaimed. I belly flopped the floor, causing her to crash into the room. I then sprang up from the floor then slammed the door shut. I took to the left as I neared the end of the hallway I heard a loud bang. I turned around the see the door blown off it's hinges, and Screw Loose walking out of it, her eyes were now locked on me. "Shit." - Ponyville Hospital Hallways I soon found myself running through the tile-plated hallways, being chased by a patient. I continued sprinting through the hallway till I found a sharp turn. I neared the corner then planted my right hand to the ground and drifted in a 180 degree turn, then continued going. However, Screw Loose wasn't so lucky, I turned around to see her skid into the wall. She shook her head rapidly then look at me with fire in her eyes, we soon continued the chase. I ran and ran and kept on running only to see a nurse on a collision course with me. "LOOK OUT!!!" I screamed. But instead of moving to the side she held up a clipboard to her face and braced for impact. 'You've got to be kidding me.' I mentally said in slight annoyance. As I neared the terrified nurse I jumped towards the wall then wall-jumped over her, preforming a roll land then continued on. But Screw Loose just rammed into her after words then continued on pursuing me. "OK this is getting old" I dully said. I swerved another corner and ahead of me was Nurse Red and Coldheart. "Hey!" I exclaimed. They turned towards me. I went to a complete stop as I neared them, taking in deep amounts of air. "What's wrong you you?" Nurse Redheart questioned. I responded by collapsing to the floor. - *beep* *beep* *beep* I slowly opened my eyes, my vision was pretty hazy. As my vision began to focus, I found myself in a hospital room. "Oh good your awake." I heard a female voice. I turned around to see Nurse Redheart. "How'd I manage to get here?" I questioned. "Nurse Coldheart brought you here after you collapsed, you shouldn't really push yourself Torrent." "Well' when your trying to get away from a love-struck patient I'm sure that you would run to. And speaking of patients, what happen to Screw Loose after I passed out?" "We managed to sedate her and get her back to her room." "How long I've been out?" "Only 20 minutes. But you should really try not to over exert yourself next time." "Noted." I replied. "Now come on, Twilight's waiting for you." I hopped out of bed then followed Nurse Redheart. - Ponyville Hospital Entrance. "Did you enjoy your tour of the hospital?" Twilight asked me. "It sure kept me on my feet." Twilight then chuckled, "I'm sure it did. Well with the Hospital out of the way where should we go now?" A low grumble came from my stomach. "I take it that you must be hungry?" "The sound of my stomach tells it all." "Then let's get going to Sugarcube Corner." - Sugarcube Corner "Geez this looks like the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel"." I said. "Hansel and Gretel?" Twilight questioned. "It's a fairy tale from my world." "Interesting, shall we head inside?" "Let's." We walked up to the dutch door, we were then greeted by two ponies. One being a male with a yellow colored fur, carrot colored mane and tail, a orange and white striped bow-tie and he had a carrot cake cutie mark. The other being a female with blue colored fur, her mane and tail had the color of frosting and she had cupcakes for a cutie mark. "Welcome to Sugarcube Corner." said the male. "Hello Carrot Cake." greeted Twilight. "Why hello to you too Twilight, who's your friend?" "I would like you to meet Torrent Mr. Cake." "Well it's quite an honor to meet you Mr. Braddock." Carrot Cake extended his hand. I shook his hand, "How'd you know my last name?" "News of you from Canterlot got here, and I must say it's an honor to meet you." Cupcake added. "Well since that you two are here, shall we get you something?" Carrot Cake questioned. "We'll take the mixed pastry pack, please?" asked Twilight. "The mixed pastry pack it is. Will that be here or to go?" questioned Cupcake. "For here." Twilight answered. "Very well, just take a seat and we will call you when your order is ready." said Carrot Cake. With that the couple when to the kitchen and me and Twilight took a seat. ... "This is odd." "What's odd Torrent?" Twilight asked. "Usually Pinkie would be in our faces and talking in one breath right now, I wonder where she is?" Twilight gave me a sly smirk. "What's with the smirk Twilight, do you know where Pinkie is?" I asked. "I don't have the slightest idea on where she is." 'Liar.' We soon then heard the sounds of a diner bell. "One mixed pastry pack." announced Carrot Cake. "That must be us." said Twilight. "I'll get it for us Twilight." I said. I walked up to the counter to get our order but as soon as I went to grab it the door slammed opened and something big hit the floor. I turned around to see a mare faced-first on the hardwood floor, I knelt down. "Hey, are you alright?" I asked. The mare looked up at me and I was surprise when I looked at her eyes, they were a tad "off". One eye was focused on me while the other drifted to the right. She had grey colored fur, blond hair and tail and she had a mail bag around my shoulder. "Ow." she responded. "Ah Mrs. Hooves, you here for your muffins?" asked Cupcake. By the time Cupcake first said the word "muffins" the one named "Mrs. Hooves" sprang up from the floor as if the little spill from a few seconds ago never happened. "Yes!" she exclaimed. "Here's your muffins." said Cupcake as she handed an open faced box of muffins. As she was about to leave she soon tripped over her feet, causing her to toss her muffins into the air. "I got you!" I exclaimed as I caught her. "My Muffins!" she said in a depressed tone. 'Think-think-think-think-thi-, AHA!' "Excuse me miss, need your bag for a moment!" I quickly said as I took her bag from her shoulder. I started to catch the muffins with the bag, each one managing to land in the bag. However one muffin was nearing the ground. Without thinking, I gripped the leather strap of the bag then swung it, catching it before it hit the ground. I then presented her bag of muffins. "There you go miss, a bag of freshly tossed muffins." I said. The ponies in the bakery, including the Cakes and Twilight started to applaud for my stunt. The girl said nothing, but was soon follow her taking the bag and placing it over her shoulder, then embracing me in a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you mister! You saved my Muffins!" she exclaimed. "Can't...breath." I struggled to say. She soon released me from her strong grip. "Derpy." "What?" I questioned. "My name is Derpy." she said. "It's a nice name, my name is Torrent." "'To-rent'?" "It's Torrent with two R's" I corrected. "Thank's again Muffin Man!" Derpy exclaimed. "'Muffin Man'? It's To- Oh forget it, Muffin Man it is." "I have to go now, the mail is calling my name and I must heed it's call." Derpy said as she ran pass me. Only afterwords she ran into the jamb. "You OK?" I asked. "I'm OK." she said slightly dazed but soon exited Sugarcube Corner. I then turn towards Mr. Cake. "We'll take are pack please?" He handed me the box, then walked over to the table were me and Twilight are sitting at. "You sure are something." said Twilight. "What do you mean by that?" "Nothing." "... You know what? Forget it let's just have a pastries." - One box of Pastries later "Well that was good." I said "Well with are stomachs full shall we head out?" Twilight asked. "Sure thing." - Ponyville "Where to now?" I asked. "We shall head to Sweet Apple Acres." said Twilight. "I'm gonna go out on a limb that's where will meet Applejack?" "Bingo." - Sweet Apple Acres Six words: "Rows and rows of Apple trees." "Is this your first time seeing an apple farm?" Twilight asked. "No, I've been to an apple farm at least once before." I answered. "YEE-HAW!!" Me and Twilight turned to the sound of the voice to see Applejack bucking an apple tree with her hip causing the apples to fall into buckets. "Looks like we already found her." I said. Applejack soon notice of are presence, "Well howdy there, what brings you two to the farm?" "Twilight here is giving me a tour." I answered. "Well, since you two are here, do you think that Torrent would like to meet the family?" Applejack asked. "Sure I don't mind." I said. "Alright then you two just let me get these apples to the barn then will all set." - A few minutes later. After Applejack put the apples in the barn we soon entered the house, to find an elderly green mare sleeping in a rocking chair. "Up'n'attem, Granny Smith, we got guests." said Applejack. The elderly mare who Applejack called "Granny Smith" soon then woke up from her nap. "Huh, who's there? Oh, it's you two." Granny Smith immediately notice my presence. "Who's your new friend?" "I'd like you to meet Torrent." Applejack introduced. "It's nice to meet you." I greeted. "My you sure are handsome sonny." "Thanks Ms. Smith." "No need to be so fancy there youngin you can just call me Granny." "OK Granny." I answered. "Say Granny where's Big Mac?" questioned Applejack. "He's working in the orchard right now, he'll be back in a moment." "Big Mac?" I questioned. "He's Applejack's big brother. His full name is "Big Macintoch"." Twilight answered. 'Kinda funny to have a nickname of a fast food cheeseburger.' I mentally added. I soon heard the door opened. I turned to see a large earth pony. He had red fur, orang mane and tail, from the look of his frame he looks like he's kicking apples off the trees all his life. His green eyes we're focused on me, like if it moved his eyes would mimic my movement. After what seemed like seconds of silence, AppleJack broke the ice. "Big Mac there you are!" "Eeyup." he responded. AppleJack soon took hold of my arm then walk me towards Big Mac. "This is the human I've been telling about, this is Torrent." I said nothing as Big Macintosh continued to stare at me, then AppleJack prodded my arm. "Go on, say something." she whispered. "So, it's nice to meet you Big Macintosh." I greeted then extended my arm. "Eeyup." he responded then he shook my hand. 'A man of few words huh?' I mentally said. Big Macintosh still remained silent then just walked pass me. I then whispered to AppleJack. "He doesn't talk much dose he?" "He's how you say laconic." "So I've notice." "Say Granny, where's Applebloom?" AppleJack questioned. "She's out crusading with her friends." Granny Smith answered. "I'd take it she's your little sister." I questioned towards AppleJack. "Yea." "And dose Granny mean by "crusading"?" "Her, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo do this to earn their cutie marks." AppleJack answered. "I see." Me and Twilight spend a few more hours at the house. As Granny Smith continued with her stories of the Apple Family history and so on, I found it both boring and entertaining. - Sweet Apple Acres gate "Y'all come back now ya hear!" exclaimed AppleJack. "Sure thing!" I called back. - Road to Ponyville "So Torrent, where do you want to go now?" Twilight asked. As I tried to think on where to go next, I soon spotted a cottage down the hill near the everfree forest. "Say Twilight who lives in that cottage down there?" I questioned as I pointed towards the cottage. "Fluttershy lives down there, would you like to go and say hi?" "Sure." I answered. "Then follow me." she said. - Fluttershy's Cottage It took quite a walk from AppleJack's farm to get here, but we finally made it to Fluttershy's home. There were lots of animals both big and small. "Geez, I'd take it that Fluttershy's special talent is taking care of creatures?" I asked. "You're right on the mark." Twilight answered. We walked up to the door, Twilight then knocked on the door. A few minuets passed the door then opened, only to be greeted by a Snow White fur colored rabbit. He smiled when it saw Twilight but it's smile disappeared when it looked over towards me. "Why hello there Angel." Twilight greeted. "Angel?" I repeated. "This is Fluttershy's pet bunny." "I see." I then looked back towards Angel, who still was looking at me very sternly. 'Dose he always look like this when new people come by?' I mentally questioned. "Angel I'd like you to meet Torrent." Twilight introduced me. Angel's expression soon then lighten up when he heard my name. "May me and Twilight come in Angel?" I asked. Angel then opened the door wider then gestured his paw to come in. The inside almost looks like if we were still standing outside. There were bird houses suspended from the celling also little walkways, mouse doors in the wall frame and various climbable structures. "Dose she own her personal zoo or something?" I asked to myself. "Oh…my." said a female voice. Me and Twilight turned around to see Fluttershy coming from her kitchen. "I wasn't expecting any company." she said. "Sorry Fluttershy, but I'm here giving Torrent a tour of Ponyville. I hope we didn't intrude on something important." Twilight explained. "No it's alright I don't mind at all. So how are you enjoy Ponyville Torrent?" Fluttershy asked. "I think this place is pretty lively for such a small town." I answered. "Good." I scanned around Fluttershy's cottage surveying the bird houses, animal toys etc. "You must really like taking care of animals do you?" I asked towards Fluttershy. "Why yes, it's my talent after all." she answered. A few minutes passed by, until Twilight got a smirk on her face and broke the silence. "I just remembered something important to do, Torrent do you mind staying here for 30 minutes?" "I-" "Great!" Twilight cut me off then rushed out the door. "Wait!" I exclaimed. I soon looked back at Fluttershy who's cheeks are starting to getting very flushed, mine as well. "Um...?" I started. "Your cheeks are red." she said. "Yours as well." I added. Fluttershy then put her hands to her cheeks then turned away from me in embarrassment, I could've sworn I felt my heart throbbed. A few more minuets of awkward quietness Fluttershy turned around, her left eye only visible through her long pink hair. "Would you like to meet my animal friends? I mean if it's okay?" she asked. "Sure." I answered. With that, Fluttershy shy led me towards the back door of her cottage. She then opened it and I was surprised by how many animal she was taking care of. Big, small even animals that wouldn't be considered pets on my world. As the animals looked at Fluttershy, they soon rushed over to her, making an assortment of chattering noises. "Now, now little ones, we have a guest. I would like you to meet Torrent." Fluttershy introduced me. The animals looked at me with slight confusion. Course I don't really know. "Don't worry, he's friendly." Fluttershy reassured. Then soon after Fluttershy said that a butterfly flew in front of me. It was soon hovering in front of me, I then stuck out of finger then placed it below the butterfly. It was soon perched on my index finger. "It appears that the animals are warming up to you Torrent." Fluttershy said. "Yea." I replied. - 30 minutes later We soon sat down in the kitchen while Fluttershy was brewing some tea. 'Man she's beautiful.' I mentally said. "Here you go, be careful it's a little hot." Fluttershy said as she presented me the tea. "Thanks Fluttershy." I took a sip of the tea and I was surprised on what it taste like. "Blue Raspberry?" I questioned. "Why yes, it's a Blue Raspberry tea-" "Sweetened with honey." I finished Fluttershy's sentence. "How'd you know that I was going to say that?" "My mother used to make the same exact tea every time." "Your mother must be really nice." she said. 'You have no idea.' On cue, we heard a knock at the front door, Fluttershy then answered it, only to be greeted by Twilight once again. "I'm back." she said. "Did you manage to get done with the something that you had to do?" I asked. "Yes did you and Fluttershy have fun?" "Well shall we head out now Torrent?" Twilight asked. "I guess." I answered. I looked over at Fluttershy, who had a disappointing look on her face. I placed my arm on her shoulder. "Hey don't worry I'll visit some other time." I said to Fluttershy. Fluttershy's emotion then lighten up, we soon then said our good byes then head off. - Ponyville 6:30pm. I was surprised on how long the day lasted, usually my watch would've read 9:00pm. "I must say..." Twilight said. "Hm?" "I never thought we've managed to accomplished so many things today." "What do you mean by 'accomplished so many things today'?" I questioned. "What I mean is how we've manage to visit all these places." 'I don't know if I would really call that an accomplishment.' We soon looked over the horizon to see the setting sun. "It's getting late, how's about we head home now?" Twilight asked. - Twilight's Library/House "What, a, day." I sighed in relief. "I'm sure it was, let's get ready for bed." - A few minutes later I got into my night clothes and waited for Twilight while Spike was already asleep within his basket. Twilight soon came up the stairs, she was wearing a scattered star pajama shirt, pants and night cap. "So Twilight where will I'll be sleeping?" I asked, "You'll be sleeping on the guest bed over there." she answered then pointed to the bed that was facing hers. However, when I got into the bed, my feet were partly over the frame. which made Twilight chuckled. She soon got into her bed, then grasped the switch of her lamp. "Get some rest Torrent, we've got a big day ahead of us." "Sure thing." I replied. "Good night." she said. "Good night. I called back. Twilight then clicked off the light then went to sleep. However, I couldn't sleep yet, I took the key out that I received in the mail the day before. "Something tells that this key is more than meets the eye." > A Castle of Hazards > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The light of Celestia's sun shined through the window I began to to wake up. I lifted myself up from the bed then let out a yawn. I rubbed my eyes to regain my vision, but as soon as my vision came into focus Twilight wasn't in her bed. I soon heard a frustrated groan from the first floor, I got up from bed then looked from the overhead to see a numerous stack of books and Twilight reading from one. Spike then came up from the basement wearing an apron and holding a feather duster, only to follow Twilight throwing the book to the wall, and the duster. "What's wrong, Twilight?" Spike asked. "I Like to know too." I added. "Ugh, I've gone through every book in Ponyville, you guys, and there isn't a single mention of the mysterious chest that came from the Tree of Harmony, nor anything about keys to unlock it! But something tells me that opening it is pretty important. I hope Princess Celestia has some ideas. If the library in Canterlot doesn't have anything, I-I don't know where else to look!" "You do have a point Twilight," I added "I too would like to know more about that chest." 'And maybe it will tell me answers about that key.' The tower of books that Twilight stacked up soon toppled on Spike. I soon leaped down to the first floor then head to the book pile. "You OK Spike?" I asked. Twilight lifted a book up by her horn, Spike then popped up then belched out a scroll. Twilight then unfurled it than began to read out loud. "My dearest Twilight, while it would be perfectly lovely to have you in Canterlot once more, I have another option in mind much closer to Ponyville." - Everfree Forest Me, Twilight and Spike headed through the forest, on our way to the Princesses old castle. Celestia's voice over 'As you know, the ancient castle that I once shared with Princess Luna lies mostly in ruins, deep in the Everfree Forest. But if you look carefully, you may find a book that could prove helpful to your research, hidden somewhere in what's left of the castle library.' The three us soon entered the castle library, I was astounded that these books managed to last this long without any wear and tear in them. But Twilight seemed to be more of the bookworm than any other people I've ever met. "Wow! Look at all these ancient books! It's a veritable goldmine of information! I can't believe it! Woo-hoo!" Twilight exclaimed. "You've seem a little more happy than you were 30 minuets ago." I said. However, Spike didn't seemed so excited. He soon got a web caught on him then he fell to the floor. As he opened his eyes he was facing a statue, making him gasp in surprise. "Uh, heh-heh. So, uh, Twilight. Uh, ready to head home?" he said. But Twilight was to busy being in awe of the number of information, let alone the number of books. "Are you kidding? This place is perfect!" Twilight exclaimed as she indulge herself in the books of the library. Spike cradled himself, an obvious sign that he's terrified. I soon placed my hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry dude if anything goes wrong, I'll be sure to protect both you and Twilight." Spike's expression soon let up, then he sighed in relief. "Thanks Torrent, that makes me feel better." - The Castle of the two Sisters 7:30pm Me and Twilight were carrying a couple of candles to the library with Spike right behind us. "I don't think I'll need all these candles, guys. I was really only scared for a second." he said. "Oh, these aren't for you, Spike. We're gonna be studying late into the night, and we're gonna need all the light we can get." Twilight replied. "Oh, great." "Don't worry Spike." I reassured him. Spike then gave me a nod then continued on. "Hey Twilight?" I asked. "Yes?" "What you suppose could be in that chest? Ya think it's something really important?" "I don't know Torrent. But something tells me that it's really important, also I have a theory that you must help us uncover the mysteries of the chest as well." "What makes you think that?" "I don't really know, it's just a hunch." "Well hunch or not, I'll be glad to help you guys." "Thank you Torrent." - The Castle Library 7:45pm Me, Twilight and Spike sat at the table reading the books to see if they would say anything about the chest, but we couldn't find any so far. Twilight then put her book down. "Find anything, guys?" she asked. "Uh, nope. Nothing yet." Spike answered. "Same here." I replied. I looked down then saw a book heading over towards us. The book then hopped on the table, making Spike gasped and causing his chair to fall back. But the book fell over to reveal Angel. "Angel? What are you doing here?" Twilight asked. A small gust of wind blew pass us, and we heard clanking noises. The shelf from behind us opened up to reveal a secret room. We soon walked closer to the entrance, making Twilight gasp in surprise. "Whoa!" she exclaimed. "'Whoa' is right." I agreed We walked into the room, but a book on the pedestal caught me and Twilight caught are attention. Me and Twilight walked to the pedestal and the book read. "The Journal of-" Twilight started. "-the Two Sisters." I finished. Twilight once again gasped. "Maybe this is the book Princess Celestia was talking about!" she said as she flew back to the pillows then land on one. "Maybe it is." I said. "Hey Twilight, I'm gonna go exploring ok?" I asked. "Sure thing Torrent." Twilight answered - The Castle Hallways 8:00pm I was walking through the hallways of the castle. "I gotta say, this castle can be great to give people scares." As I continued down the hallway I was caught off guard by sudden screaming by numerous people. "What the-" I was soon interrupted by the sound of a pipe organ, but immediate afterwords the floor then opened from beneath my feet and I found myself sliding downward. I was tumbling down grunting every time as my head impacted the slide, but I soon landed in a windowless concrete room. "Aww my head." I groaned. I looked around. "Maybe there's a switch somewhere." I padded all the four corners of the walls but nothing happened. "Ok, plan B." I leaned up against the wall, then launched off towards the other wall, but I soon bounced off the wall, fell to the floor and I ended up with sore shoulder. I got up from the floor. "Okay~ not one of the smartest I've done." I soon then took out the Pummel Blast. "Alright Castle, if your not gonna give me an exit, I'll just have to make one!" I hit the wall, causing a small explosion, I hit it again, and again, and again… then one more time then the wall started to crumble. I walked through the hole to see Twilight, Spike and Angel. But what I never expected to see Rainbow, AppleJack and Rarity frozen in place. "Twilight? Torrent?" AppleJack said. "Must... save... Ange—! ...Oh." Fluttershy stammered as her hands were holding a column but then saw Angel. "Fluttershy? What are you doing here?" Rainbow asked "She's with me..." Rarity answered. The magic soon was released. Rarity so then gasped. "Thank you." she said. "Have you all spent the whole night running around, scaring each other?" Twilight asked. "I too would like an answer." I added. "Well, that depends." said AppleJack. "On what?" Twilight asked. "On whether or not you or Torrent is the Pony of Shadows." Rainbow answered. "What's... the Pony of Shadows?" Spike asked. "Oh, that's just an old ponies' tale." Twilight reassured him But then we heard organ music playing then everyone huddled up close to me and Twilight. "Then who's playing... that?" Spike asked. "We're going to find out." said Twilight. We soon walked deeper down into the castle while the ominous organ music continued playing. We soon looked in the room that housed the organ in then we all gasped in unison. "The Pony of Shadows!" Twilight whispered. I got into a batting stance as me and Twilight crept closer to the organ player. Twilight then used her magic to lift the cloak up, only to reveal Pinkie Pie. "Hey, you guys! Did you know I can totally play the organ? Because I didn't!" she said happily? "Pinkie?!" we exclaimed at the same time. "Check it out!" Pinkie then played the sports "Charge!" theme. "You're the Pony of Shadows?" Rainbow asked. "The pony of what?" she asked as she continued playing light melody. "See? What'd I tell ya?" Twilight said confidently. "I thought you went to ring the school bell all week!" AppleJack said. "Oh, yeah! I only had to ring it for, like, five minutes! They said that was good enough! Eh, can't imagine why..." Flashback "So then, I decided to throw a "finish ringing the school bell" party! But I didn't have any bluebells, and you can't throw a "finish ringing the school bell" party without bluebells, so I went to Everfree Forest to pick some, but it started to get so chilly." Pinkie then played happy organ music. "I had to wrap myself up in the tarp I was gonna use to gather flowers, and then I saw Fluttershy and Rarity. But they went into the castle before I could invite them to my party. Luckily, I followed them inside so I could help you all with your party!" she continued." Pinkie then stopped playing. "What party is that?" Rarity asked. "Uh, the "everypony come to the scary old castle and hide from each other while I play the organ" party?" Pinkie answered then played a note, causing me and Spike to be launched up to the air then fall back to the floor. "Duh!" "Augh!" me and Spike grunted as soon as we hit the floor. - The Castle room 8:30pm "I swear, this is going right back where I found it just as soon as I've returned it to its former glory." Rarity said as she was sewing a piece of tapestry. "Now don't go running off again! Oh, I can't believe I was so frightened. Guess I let my imagination get the best of me." Fluttershy said. "I think we all did." AppleJack agreed. "I always let my imagination run away from me! Then it comes back... with cake!" Pinkie Pie added. "Well, it's good to know that whenever your imagination is getting away from you, a good friend can help you rein it in. And even though I didn't find anything out about the mysterious chest, I'm glad I was here to help all of you." Twilight said. "You certainly did that, Twilight." Rarity said. "Yeah! Why weren't you scared?" Rainbow asked "Reading Celestia's diary made it hard to be afraid, because I knew what it was like when she and Luna lived here. Knowing something about the past made it easier to deal with my problems in the present, even the scary ones." Twilight answered. Everyone remarked in agreement. "I've just thought of a great idea! Why don't we keep a journal, just like the royal pony sisters?" Twilight asked. "All of us?" Fluttershy asked. "Sure! That way we can learn from each other! And maybe some day, other ponies will read it and learn something, too!" "What a splendid idea!" Rarity agreed. "I know what my first entry will be! "Dear Diary, I'm glad Granny Smith's legend wasn't true." AppleJack said. "Me too!" Rainbow added. "Me three! Because that means you two are still tied for Most Daring Pony!" Pinkie added. "Heh, Shadow Ponies... How ridiculous is that?" Spike said. "Well, I hope you guys will have some words of wisdom to write down" I said. "What are you talking about Torrent? You'll write in this book as well." Twilight said. "You sure? Cause I don't really think that I can write anything that has a moral." "Don't worry, maybe someday you'll find your words and let the future ponies of Equestria learn from it." > Fiction to Reality > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It been a few days since I arrived here in Equestria and I gotten pretty much used to it. There are times when I assist Twilight along with Spike with her studies, and other times I make modifications to my inventory. Ponyville park 9:00am The sun was high the breeze is nice, who wouldn't have ask for a nice stroll through the park. I continued down the pathway until I saw Fluttershy. She was in a tree but on the branch she was perched on had like a diagram of a bird flapping it's wings and it also had two baby birds in their nest. Fluttershy then flapped her wings to lift her slightly off the branch, the birds then flapped as well causing them to lift off the ground. But then the silence broke by the sound of Rainbow Dash. "Four more months, four more months, four more months! I bet you're excited, huh?" "Oh, my. I, uh, I could be excited. I don't really know. I wasn't really think—" Fluttershy tried to answered but was cut off by Rainbow Dash. "Come on, you gotta be excited!" "Oh, well, I guess maybe I'm a little kinda sort of excited." "I thought so!" "Yeah... So, um, why am I excited?" Fluttershy asked. "I too want to know why." I added. "Hey Torrent!" Rainbow greeted. "Hey and hello to you too Fluttershy. Now what's got all excited Dash?" "Because the next Daring Do book is coming out exactly four months from today! That's how exciting it is! So what amazing, incredible, awesome adventure do you think Daring Do will have in her next book, huh?" Rainbow Dash voice over 'Will she at long last stalk the Fortress of Talicon? Only to be forced to contend with its dreaded and impenetrable arrow defense? And if so, could her skill, quick wits, and courage possibly carry the day? Or will her next adventure bring her face to face with the vast and horrible Ahuizotl himself?!' The creature for whom was called Ahuizotl roared then started chucking weapons at her. 'Would she cower, turn tail and run? Or would she fly at him, full bore, knowing full well against all odds that the greatest challenge she ever faced was still surely no match for—' "Look out!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "Hit the deck." I said. We both got out of the way but Dash soon crashed into the tree with the birds flying overhead. "Oh, I'm not so sure she's gonna last another four months..." Fluttershy said in a concerned tone. "I second that." I added. - Twilight's Library 9:00am (5 day timeskip) Rainbow Dash soon then opened the door. "Heya, Twilight! Aren't you excited that—" She was soon interrupted by a party horn. "So glad you've finally made it!" Twilight said. "What's everypony doing here?" Rainbow asked. "We're having a holiday party!" Pinkie answered then blows a horn. "National Random Holiday Party Day! Woo-hoo!" "I've never heard of it either." Rarity said as she sips the punch. "But the punch is quite tasty." "You might say the secret ingredient is... a secret!" Pinkie whispered loudly. "How come nopony bothered to invite me?" Rainbow questioned. "Me and Torrent came to invite you personally, but it seems you were a speck too busy reading the last Daring Do book for the twelfth time." Applejack answered. "Yeah, well, in three months and twenty six more days, I'll be able to read the next one." Rainbow said as she took a punch glass. "Oh, haven't you heard? The release of the next book got pushed another two months." Rainbow soon then spat the punch in Twilight's face. "Two more months?! I've been waiting so long already! I don't think I can take another two months! I'll never make it!" she panicked and flopped to the floor. "Yeah. I can vouch for that..." Fluttershy said. "Me too." I said. "Did they give a reason?" Rainbow asked. "The publisher just said author A.K. Yearling won't be able to finish the book for another two months." Twilight answered. "Cupcakes?" Pinkie soon then chomped down on one. But Rainbow gave a slight growl. "How could you possibly know that before me? I'm the series' biggest fan!" "I'm just as big a fan as you! In fact, I'm the one who first introduced you to the books, remember?" Twilight protested. "Oh. Right" Twilight soon continued. "A.K. Yearling just might be my favorite author. I know everything about her. Where she grew up, where she studied literature, where she wrote the first Daring Do book..." "Where she lives?" Rainbow asked Twilight. "Uh... no, though I could probably find out somehow. Why?" "Don't you get it? The new book is obviously delayed because she needs help dealing with whatever everyday nonsense is distracting her from spending her every living breathing second writing! So I– I mean, fans like me, can get to read the new book ASAP! Think about it! We could help her with her laundry, buy her groceries, cooking her meals, whatever! Now, who wouldn't appreciate that?" "Hmm, I don't know... What she probably wants most of all is respect for her privacy." Twilight replied. "She can always just say no." Rainbow Dash answered. "Mmh... I suppose you're right..." "Of course I am. So... how's about getting that address?" Remote part of Equestria 1 hour later Me and the mane six were walking through the forest while Pinkie on the other hand had a paint can and brush and was making a trail from when we left Ponyville. "Pinkie is that really necessary?" I asked. She turn her head towards me than nodded. Twilight soon then spoke. "You see what I mean? Why would she live in this remote part of Equestria except to keep folks from intruding on her privacy? We should respec—" "I think I spotted the house! We're super close! This way!" Rainbow interrupted her. "Wait!" Twilight called out. But as we approached A.K. Yearling house, it has been ransacked. "Oh no. What happened?” "Apparently somepony has intruded on her privacy pretty hard already..." Rainbow answered. Rainbow knocked on A.K. Yearling door, only it to end up crashing. We all peeked inside to see that it was the same as the outside. "Hoo-wee, somepony really trashed this place." AppleJack said. "That maybe a possibility." I said. "Hmm... Maybe... or maybe A.K. Yearling's just a terrible, horrible, unbelievable slob!" Pinkie added. "Well, that too." I replied. "I hope A.K. Yearling's alright!" Rarity said. "Oh no! What if something terrible happened to her?" Twilight asked. "I know! There might be no more books!" Rainbow said frantically. But received an unamused look me and Twilight. "Uh... But, of course, I'd be worried about her, too. Heh." "What are you all doing here?" said a female voice. We all turned around to see A.K. Yearling. "Uh... A... K-K... Yearling...?" Rainbow said with a squee and made this face. "We didn't do this! We swear!" Twilight said. "What have you done to my house?" A.K. Yearling asked. "We didn't do this, Ms. Yearling— whoa!" AppleJack said but was tripped over when A.K. Yearling pulled the rug. "We're awfully glad to see you're alright." Twilight said with relief Rainbow was looking at some of the papers that were near A.K. Yearling desk but started whistling when she neared it. "Okay, clearly this isn't the best time, but I've just gotta say how much we all really love your books..." Rainbow said as she laughed nervously. But A.K. Yearling then pulled the book that she was standing on. She soon started clicking the binds of the book, which opened up to reveal a golden ring. A.K. Yearling then sighed in relief. "It's safe." "Great!" Rainbow exclaimed "Maybe now would be a good time for me to ask her how we can help move the new book along a little faster. Chop chop!" Twilight soon took hold of Rainbow by her magic. "Rainbow Dash, a minute please!" she said sternly. We all soon walked out except for A.K. Yearling. "A.K. Yearling has made it pretty clear that she wants to be left alone. We need to respect her wishes!" Pinkie Pie soon popped up in between us. "You should tell that to those guys." she said as she pointed her hoof to the roof. We all turned to see three stallions entered through the opened window. We look through the floor window to dee the three stallions creeping behind A.K. Yearling. She soon threw her cloak, her hat and her glasses at each one of them, but it revealed non other than Daring Do herself. "A.K. Yearling is Daring Do!" both Rainbow and Twilight said at the same time. "A.K. Yearling and Daring Do are one and the same! My mind is officially blown!" Twilight exclaimed. "Aw, come on, I knew it all along." Rainbow replied. As one of the stallions took the ring took it from her hand, Daring Do kick it out of his. "Amazing!" AppleJack said She then caught the ring then kicked the stallion that was behind her. "Incredible!" Rarity said. Two of the stallions then dog piled on Daring Do but during the tussle, the ring was launched into the air, spun off the chandelier, then landed in the fireplace. The middle stallion then prodded the first stallion to go grab it but Daring Do's whip caught it first. She flung towards the table which it was cooled by the pitcher of liquid. "Wow! So much action! Whee!" Pinkie exclaimed. Daring Do held up a chair as the stallions cornered her. "Daring Do!" Rainbow called out. But before Daring Do could react the stallions then caught her off guard then started beating her. The ring then landed towards the door where another stallion picked it up. "Many thanks, Daring Do." he said. "As you've probably surmised, our earlier search for this treasure was... unsuccessful. So kind of you to find it for us." "Give it back, Caballeron!" Daring Do said as she grunted. "That's Doctor Caballeron to you." he corrected her. Rainbow Dash soon then spoke to Twilight in a hushed tone. "He's from book four: Daring Do and the Razor of Dreams. He wanted to partner with Daring Do on her adventures." "I know, but she refused! I can't believe it! The real Daring Do and the real Caballeron! Wait, where's Torrent?" Daring Do soon then continued speaking to Caballeron. "So let me guess: Ahuizotl has put you up to this? You're stealing the ring to give to him so his hold on the Fortress of Talicon will be good for eight centuries as foretold by prophecy!" "Close, but... no. I'm going to sell this to him, make a bundle, and retire from archaeology in splendor." he answered. "Caballeron, you fool! You're dooming the valley to eight centuries of unrelenting heat!" "To market, henchponies!" but as Caballeron was just about to exit the door, his face met with my fist, causing him to fall back. He soon than groaned then got back up. "Who are you?" he questioned. I soon then emerged from the doorway. Caballeron then got a surprised look on his face, along with the henchponies and Daring Do. "Wait a minute, I know you. Your that human that everypony been going on about." he said. "That's right." I answered. "Hmph, well let me ask you this. What is a human doing interfering with another pony's business?" "I have my own reasons, but due to your little stunt I've seen you and your henchponies did, I simply can't let you take the ring that easily." "HENCHPONIES TAKE CARE OF THIS OBSTACLE!!!" Caballeron demanded. The henchponies then ran over towards me than circled around me. The one wearing the shades lunched at me first, as he tried to land a punch on me I counterattack by blocking his swing with my right forearm then slugged him in the face with my left fist. The other one that was wearing a hat took hold of me as the burly one was cracking his fist. I soon then step on the foot of the stallion that was holding me, causing him to loose his grip then I threw him to the side. But the burly one's fist impacted on my chest causing me to skid a few inches. "You hit like a weakling." I replied. But as soon as he was about to make his next move, I took hold of his vest and with my strength I threw him out the door. But as I soon turned back to Caballeron, he soon hit me across the face with a chair, causing me to fly off to the side. "Torrent!" the mane 6 called out. "As I was saying," Caballeron then spoke "To market, henchponies!" Caballeron and his henchponies soon took their leave along with the ring. While the mane 6 were dumfounded by the events, Fluttershy broke the silence. "Uh... should we go in and help her, maybe?" "Oh, right." they answered. As Daring Do was tying a splint around her injured leg the mane 6 soon approached her. Rainbow soon then gasped, "Are you okay?" she asked as she stuck her hoof out. "I got this." she answered as she slapped her hoof away. "Um, she was just trying to help, Ms. Do." Fluttershy said. "Daring Do doesn't need help. She handles her business herself. And as for him," she pointed towards me "tell him I said thank you." Daring Do than flew off. They soon hustled over towards to my position. "Torrent are you alright?" Twilight asked. "Yea, I'm fine. Just a bruise." Rainbow then flew out the house to see Daring Do flying in the distance. "We've gotta go help!" Rainbow exclaimed. "You heard her! She says she works alone!" Twilight protested. Twilight and Rainbow Dash soon got into a quarrel on Daring Do's past adventures. "How can we just stand by and do nothing? You know what's at stake here! Ahuizotl has sought control of the Tenochtitlan Basin since book three!" "True, but in book four, she defeated Ahuizotl and secured control of the Amulet of Atonement, dispelling the dark magic of the Quetzalcóatl Empress, and thus protecting the basin with the Radiant Shield of Rasdon!" "But the Radiant Shield of Rasdon is vulnerable to the dark enchantment of the Rings of Scorcherro!" "But are you forgetting that the Rings were scattered to the four corners of Tenochtitlan, thus rendering the dark enchantment powerless?" "Only if you assume that the Rings have yet to be retrieved, and the ring Caballeron just stole isn't the last to completely restore the dark tower and its cruel hold on Tenochtitlan! Did you ever think of that?!" "You gotta admit, Rainbow Dash makes a pretty good point." Pinkie agreed. "Say what?" I asked. "We gotta help Daring Do retrieve the ring for safekeeping before it's too late!" Rainbow said in anxiety. Twilight Soon then let out a sigh "Okay, but sounds to me like we're in way, way, way over our heads. We're going to need a carefully thought out plan..." However, Rainbow Dash just zoomed of to catch up to Daring Do. "I'm coming, Daring Do!" she exclaimed. "That's not a plan!" Twilight called out an annoyance. "It always the "Act first, ask questions later" routine with her." I dully said. I soon walk past the rest of them. "Come on, let's go find her." I said. - Timeskip the next day As the rest of us continued are trek through the forest, we soon spot Rainbow Dash sitting in a small clearing with a depressed look on her face. "I figured we've find you here." I said as we neared her. Rarity soon then gasped in relief "Thank goodness you're alright!" "Quick, where does it hurt?"Twilight asked. "In here." she placed her hoofs on her chest, "Daring Do and the ring have been captured by the dreaded Ahuizotl, and it's all my fault." The rest of her friends gasped in shock except for myself. "Dash, I'm sure whatever you did was an honest mistake." Twilight tried to ease her. "Whatever. Let's just go home." Rainbow said as she started walking in the other direction. "We can't go back now! Looks a mite like she needs our help more than ever!" AppleJack said. "Trying to help is how I got in this mess in the first place. You were right, Twilight. We should've stayed out of this." I soon crossed my arms then stepped in front of Dash's way. "Look, there is more going on here than meets the eye. In every Daring Do book, there always is! We can't turn our backs on her!" Twilight replied. "She doesn't want my help, Twilight." "Perhaps. But she might need it anyway." "No. My hero's way better off without me." "This don't sound like you." AppleJack protested. "Where's the Rainbow Dash who would help anypony at the drop of a hat?" Pinkie asked. "Or pith helmet, as the case may be." Rarity corrected. "She's here where she's got no business being. She should be at home." Rainbow answered. "It's fine to look up to Daring Do, but you've put her so high up on a pedestal, you can't even see your own worth anymore! She's in the fortress, and we're here, and we wouldn't be who we are if we didn't go in after her! And neither would you! So, are you with us, or not?" Twilight asked. Rainbow soon looked at me. "You can sit and mope here all you want Dash, but Twilight is right. If you turn your back on Daring Do now you'll not be only be putting her life in danger, but ours as well. So, are you going to step up to the plate and go back there or are you going to give up and let down your hero for sure." - Fortress of Talicon trap I soon helped Rainbow Dash hoist Daring Do to the ledge. Daring Do then cracked the restraints off her hoofs. "I was just about to save myself, y'know." she said. "Of course. I just thought you might need this." Rainbow said as she slid Daring Do's helmet. "Have I mentioned yet that I work alone?" she replied. "Have I mentioned yet that you're lucky I don't?" Rainbow answered. Daring Do then sighed in defeat then smiled. "Hey girls?" I asked. They both looked at me in confusion. "You think that you can hand me those chains?" I asked as I pointed to the chains that was suspended from the pole. Both Dash and Daring Do flew up then grabbed them. Judging from the way they were straining to bring it here they seem pretty heavy. They soon dropped in front of me. "What do you need them for Torrent?" Rainbow asked. "I was thinking of the same question." Daring Do added. "Let's just say that I have something brewing in my head." I answered as I threw it around my shoulder. "Let's go." I said. - Fortress of Talicon main room As we made our way to the main room we heard rhythmic thudding of the stallion's spears. But just as soon as Ahuizotl was just about to place the final ring, he was interrupted by AppleJack. "Drop the ring, Ahui... whatever your name is!" "Hmph, place the ring, quickly!" But then Pinkie then caught it then spun it like a hula hoop, then launched it off her arm. "Get it!" said Ahuizotl. AppleJack soon then caught it, but was soon tripped over by a stallion's spear. He soon tossed it to Ahuizotl but Fluttershy than caught it. As Ahuizotl gave chase to her, Twilight then took it from Fluttershy then disappeared just when two stallions just about pounced on her. "Torrent! Catch!" Twilight exclaimed as she threw the ring at me. I soon caught it but as I turned around the stallions cornered me against the wall. I placed my back against the wall. I looked around then saw a War-hammer sitting on the same wall. "Yes just what I need." I took the hammer from the wall, took out the chain, then started combo building. The stallions look at me in confusion, but one was hit by the head of the hammer then retracted to the handle. I twirled the hammer then firmly grasped it in my hand. "Come on." I replied. I swung the hammer but the head separated to knock all them back I soon tossed the ring back to Twilight but Ahuizotl then caught it. He looked back to see Daring Do and Rainbow Dash lifting the final ring. "Stop her!" he screamed. I looked over to them then groan. I brought back the hammer then ran to the pedestal. "Rainbow! Daring Do! Keep the ring suspended!" "Wait a minute, what's he up to?" Daring Do asked Rainbow Dash. "I think I have a good idea on what he's going to do." With the hammer in my left hand, I swat it against the pole casing it to shatter, along with the temple. "Ponies! Run! This place is goin' down!" Rainbow Dash said as she was straining. The Wilhelm screams of the stallions was heard as the temple was crumbling. "Daring Do! I will have my revenge!" Ahuizotl screamed. Daring Do and Rainbow Dash held both my arms as they flew out of the collapsing temple. Then threw the ring away which cracked. "Could never have done this without you, Rainbow Dash." Rainbow soon then hugged Daring Do after she said that. "And Torrent, thank you. Now I've got a book to finish!" Rainbow Dash's house Rainbow Dash voice over 'Just had the coolest adventure with the coolest pony ever. Came this close to blowing it because I got so wrapped up in how awesome she was, I almost forgot about how awesome I was. Good thing I didn't, 'cause it gave me a chance to show her how important it is to put your trust in somepony else.' There was a knock on Rainbow door. She opened it to reveal the messenger pony. "Package from A.K. Yearling." he said. "Sweet! The new book a week before anypony else gets it!" "Let's see what she made." I said. We soon opened are parcels, then Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" she exclaimed. I soon tun the cover. "Hey Dash?" "Yea?" "Look." I held this picture up from the book. > Flag carriers. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville Schoolhouse 9:00am "Today, we have three special guests with a very special announcement! Everypony, welcome the head of the Equestria Games, Ms. Harshwhinny!" exclaimed Mrs. Cheerilee. Mrs. Harshwinny then walked into the classroom. "Thank you. Now, I'm sure you all know about the Equestria Games, where ponies from all over the land compete for glory in various athletic pursuits. Well, now you littlest ones will have the chance to compete for a weighty responsibility of your very own." "Oh, come on! Tell 'em the fun part!" exclaimed Rainbow dash in the distance. She soon flew in through the window then landed next to Mrs Harshwinny. "That's right! All you gotta do is show Ms. Harshwhinny the coolest, most spectacular, most rocking routine and you're going to the Games! So who's going to be the lucky ponies?!" "It's gotta be me!" said Diamond Tiara. "Maybe it's me!" said Aura. "Maybe it's us!" said Scootaloo gesturing to Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. "Maybe it's us!" said Snips and Snails in unison. "Hey! It could happen!" Snips said. "So, the winning team gets to carry the Ponyville flag at the Equestria Games! Oh, you are gonna love this!" Rainbow Dash said with excitement. However Ms. Harshwhinny didn't find Rainbow's enthusiasm very amusing. "Ms. Dash, will you please curb your over-enthusiastic outbursts? Now then, let me be clear on the rules. You ponies will form teams. Each team will create their own flag carrying routine. Everypony will be judged on grace, style and originality. There's a most complicated scoring system, which I will elaborate upon now. Firstly--" Rainbow dash soon interrupted Mrs. Harshwinny. "Aw, get to the nitty-gritty later. Tell 'em the important stuff! Like who's the coach!" Rainbow soon took out a referees cap and blew a whistle "That's right! Me! And you know why I'm qualified to coach you? Guess who carried the Cloudsdale flag in the Games when she was a little filly? Me! I'll never forget it –- I burst into the stadium, spreading my wings, the flag flapping in the breeze. I did tricks with that flag the likes of which nopony saw before and nopony's seen since!" Rainbow soon started flinging a small flag in circles until Mrs. Harshwinng took it from her and grounded her. She then threw the flag to the floor. "Professionalism, Ms. Dash. I must insist. If you want to keep your job as coach of these ponies, you must maintain a professional attitude and keep your emotions in check! Am I making myself absolutely, one hundred percent crystal clear?" Rainbow Dash soon git up then cleared her throat, "Yes, Ms. Harshwhinny. Y'know, "professionalism" is my middle name. Rainbow Professionalism Dash." "Hmph! Well, in three days time, Ms. Dash will accompany anypony competing to the Crystal Empire, where you will demonstrate your routines for me and the other judges, who will judge you very professionally." "Ahem. Yes. Quite, quite correct. In the meantime, get ready to train, and train hard, because I know this opening ceremony is the single most important thing that will ever happen in your young lives! But, I know you're up for the challenge. And so am I! Wooho--" Rainbow then almost pulled a back-flip but saw Mrs. Harshwinny giving her a stern look she then reversed back to the floor "Ahem... Meet me after school tomorrow at 1500 hours. Sharp. And show me your flag carrying skills. I am outta here. Professionally. See how professionally?" "Ugh. Ponies, the most important thing is this: Your routine needs to show what your town means to you. So, do Ponyville proud. Work hard, be bold, wow me. That is all!" Mrs. Harshwinny soon walked out other classroom then Mrs. Cheerilee spoke again. "Now class I'm sure you all know about the human named Torrent by now am I correct? The class nodded their heads. "Well, I'm happy to introduce Torrent J. Braddock!" With that I soon walked into the schoolhouse, then stood in front of the class. Some of the students expressions were a mix of amazement, confused and happiness. "It's a pleasure to be here Now, as Mrs Harshwinny pointed out the upcoming Equestria Games 'I guess that's their way of saying Olympic Games' flag carrying contest. Be prepared little ones, cause' what Mrs Harshwinny didn't mention to you is that I will be partaking within this event as well." The filly wearing a bow-tie raised her hand. "Yes, Uhh... Applebloom?" "How'd you know my name?" "Your'e sister Applejack told me about you but that's another story. Right now what is your question?" "When you said that your going to partake in the event, dose that mean that you'll be entering in the contest too?" "No, nothing like that. How I'll do my part in this contest, is that I will assistant coach with Rainbow Dash, and I will also stand in as one of the judges who will judging you. And besides, a human entering a contest that will only have ponies wouldn't be a fair advantage." The purple and pink haired filly soon raised her hand. "Yes, Sweetie Belle?" "How'd you-?" "-Your sister Rarity. What's your question?" "How is it that your qualified with those responsibilities?" "To be honest, Mrs. Harshwinny just gave me the job or jobs." Sweetie Belle then lowered her arm. "Are their any other questions? No? Well then, I'll be looking forward to the routine you fillies present. See you all later." Road away from the school 10:00am "Yeesh. Having to be assistant coach is one thing, but a judge? I don't know why Harshwinny gave me these. But on the bright side, I I get to venture a little father into Equestria." As I soon as I continued on the thought, I noticed the Cutie Mark Crusaders discussing about something. With new found curiosity I decided to do a little spying. Scootaloo soon then began speaking. "Alright, the winning routine needs to show what's important about Ponyville, right?" "Right!" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle agreed. "So... what's special about Ponyville? It's... It's... I got it! It's a place where different kinds of ponies live together as friends!" "Earth ponies like me!" "Unicorns like me!" "And Pegasi like me! So somehow we got to figure out a way to show that in our act." "We're gonna need a plan." "And a lot of hard work!" "And a whole bunch of practice! But take it from me; we may just be little ponies, but we have hearts as strong as horses!" As soon as Scootaloo said that. I've could of sworn I heard music. We're the toughest little ponies in town Got the moves, got the mojo no harder working ponies around We are a trio, work as a team We'll be the first ponies out on the flag-waving scene We get going when the going gets tough We know our very best is just never enough We're kinda short, but so what? We don't get defeated We could take a little break, but we don't need it We've got hearts as strong as horses We've got hearts as strong as horses We've got hearts as strong as horses We've got hea-a-a-arts, hearts strong as horses When we put our minds together, we can achieve We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and you should believe We've got determination to represent the nation For the win We've got hearts as strong as horses We've got hearts as strong as horses We've got hearts as strong as horses And we're playing to win as we gallop to glory We can conquer any challenge we're in We've got hea-a-a-arts, hearts strong as horses Hearts strong as horses 'Something tells me that there will be an act of sabotage' I mentally said then left. - Flag Tryouts 10:30am ""Show me what you got, Cutie Mark Crusaders, and make it good!" Rainbow said with excitement. "You heard the girl. Show us what you got." I added. "Don't worry, we will!" Scootaloo said as she went back behind the curtains. "Now, this is just a little something we threw together. It's not perfect yet, not even close." Sweetie Belle said. I soon heard rustling within the bush. I looked back to see a both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Even though we were a distant away I was able to comprehend their conversation. "Let's watch the Cutie Mark "Goof-saders" do their saddle routine." said Diamond Tiara. "They're gonna be a hot mess!" added Silver Spoon. Both of them soon started giggling. 'Something tells me that those two are trouble.' I mentally said then turned my attention back to the stage. Me and Dash soon heard Scootaloo's voice. "Since the dawn of recorded time, in one town of amazing amazingness, three types of ponies coexist!" The curtain soon then opened and Applebloom walked out first. "We are Earth ponies!" Sweetie Belle hopped out second. "We are unicorns!" Scootaloo then appeared last. "We are Pegasi! And the town where friendship reigns is our home. Now, welcome to the stadium, the flag of the place we love best..." They soon placed up a hoop then Scootaloo burst through it with her scooter with the flag attached to the back. She soon made a sharp turn to the left then jumped off then landed in the spotlight. The rest of them got on each of her hoof then shouted. "Ponyville forever! Yay!" Streamers soon then followed after. Rainbow's mouth soon then opened in surprise, along with the two fillies, but I kept my cool. The Cutie Mark Crusaders then ran up to us. "It's kind of a work in progress. So? What did you think?" "That was ama--" Rainbow Dash soon stopped herself 'Wait. 'Hold on now. Gotta stay calm, cool and collected.' she began to talk out loud "To give a calm, clear analysis-- Wait. You whipped that act together just yesterday?! That is--" she stopped herself again 'Professionalism, Dash, keep those emotions in check!' the back out loud "Overall, it was... kinda, sorta..." "Overall, it was okay. Keep working hard. Who knows? You might have a shot. Gotta go!" Rainbow Dash soon then speed off. They looked at me next awaiting my answer. "It's great girls. Keep up the good work." I answered then walked off. "Do y'all think they liked it?" Applebloom asked. "I'm not really sure." Sweet Belle answered. "You heard them! If we keep working hard, we might have a shot! So let's keep working! Trot to it, ponies!" Scootaloo exclaimed. As soon as I continued to walk away, I heard those fillies in the bush again. "Did you see that?! I can't believe I'm saying this. They could win!" said Diamond Tiara in shock. "But how do we stop them? We already called them blank flanks!" Silver Spoon added. "Then we need to find a new way to get under their skin." she then looked back at the Cutie Mark Crusaders "Or maybe... get under their wings." Judging from the position she was looking, she was staring at Scootaloo's wings. - Ponyville schoolhouse 3:30pm I'd decided to stick around a bit longer to see what those two troublemakers have planed. As the Cutie Mark Crusaders were setting up their props then Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon soon then appeared then Diamond Tiara said. "Girls, we just wanted to say your act is quite impressive!" "Wait... What?" Sweetie Belle questioned. "Um... Thanks?" said Applebloom questionaly. "Oh, but of course. As a matter of fact, we think you're very brave." said Silver Spoon. "Brave? Why?" Scootaloo questioned. Diamond Tiara then answered "Isn't it obvious? It is to us. In fact, it's obvious to everypony. You're showing all three types of Ponyville ponies, yet you have a Pegasus pony..." "...who can't even fly!" Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon said at the same time. "What in tarnation does that have to do with anything?" Applebloom questioned. "I'd say not even being able to fly has everything to do with everything. Doesn't it?" Silver Spoon questioned. "I mean, a Pegasus pony at your age? You should've been flying long ago." Diamond Tiara added. "So what if my wings can't get me off the ground?" Scootaloo questioned. "Your career as a flag carrier isn't getting off the ground either." Diamond Tiara added. "Ms. Harshwhinny will never pick a Pegasus pony who can't fly to represent Ponyville in front of all of Equestria." Silver Spoon added. "Ms. Harshwhinny never said anything about that!" Sweetie Belle objected. "I would've thought that was obvious." Silver Spoon said back. "Well, have fun practicing anyway, even if your routine will never—how shall I say—take off!" Diamond Tiara finished as they both walked off. Sweetie Belle soon then spoke "Don't listen to them, Scootaloo. Scootaloo? You okay?" "This routine isn't working how it is. We've gotta rethink my part in the whole thing." said Scootaloo. "What?" Sweetie Belle questioned. "Why?" Applebloom asked. "If we wanna win, I'm gonna have to fly!" Scootaloo answered. "Is that even possible?" Sweetie Belle questioned. "And by tomorrow?" Applebloom questioned again. "Maybe I can win if I work twice as hard. See? Oof! Maybe... three times as hard." Scootaloo said as she tried to get aloft. "Golly, I don't know, Scootaloo, I don't think that's the problem." Applebloom said. "Well, I know this for sure – flying is the only way we're gonna win, so it's back to practice!" Scootaloo then started flapping her wings once more. "Is this a good idea?" Sweetie Belle asked Applebloom. "Whoaaaaa!" Scootaloo wailed as she fell to the ground. "I'll just work four times as hard!" "Probably not." As the day went on the Cutie Mark Crusaders tried to rehearse their new version of their flag carrying routine Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were starting to get tired from the continuous practice. 'Something tells me that their final run through won't be so very good.' I mentally said then walked away. - Ponyville Schoolhouse (time-skip next day) "Okay, Cutie Mark Crusaders, this is your final run before you show it at the stadium tomorrow. I know you're gonna absolutely, positively-- have a lot of fun, heheh. Okay, go!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she blew her whistle. The curtain then opened, we saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders were tired. "Ponyville! Home of the, um..." Scootaloo stammered. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle then whispered "Friendship!" "Ah, friendship, right! Uh, there are four-- no, three kinds of ponies." Apple Bloom then let out a yawn. "Left, left!" Sweetie Belle whispered to Applebloom. "I'm sorry! I'm just tired! And then I dip, and then we turn, and-- Sorry!" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle then struggled to hold up the hoop. But Scootaloo just bounced off it then it fell over "Ta-da! Oof! So? What'cha think?" Rainbow Dash paused for a moment then spoke "That's... y'know... good and all, heheh... I just thought... maybe possibly you might wanna go back to, say, the first version of the act, which was, I dunno, what's the word, better? Just do the routine as it was! Don't mess with success, right? Seriously. Now I need to... go coach these other ponies! And don't forget, we've got to catch the early train for the Crystal Empire. See you in the morning!" "Rainbow Dash is right girls, if also want my opinion, I suggest that you stick with the old routine." I said then walked off. - A few hours later "So your gonna be a little late coming to the Crystal Empire tomorrow?" Rainbow asked me. "Yep, but I think that I'll be completely finished with it by tomorrow." "Well, try to get it finished as early as you can. You are acting in as the judge though." "Don't worry Dash I'll get it finished, Well, I'll see you at the Crystal Empire tomorrow. See ya" "See ya later Torrent!" Rainbow called back. - The next Day Scootaloo's House. The scene that I saw with the Cutie Mark Crusaders at the train station, I decided to make my way to Scootaloo's House. As soon as I was making my to her room I heard the sound of paper ripping and the sound of a heavy bang. I soon then opened the door. Scootaloo soon took notice. "Oh, hey Torrent." she said. "I heard that your not going to compete for the flag carrying anymore. Why is that?" "It's just I can't fly, and I'm honestly the dead weight." "Well that's not what I think and neither do they." "Who's they?" "Throwing away your scooter?!" Rainbow questioned. Scootaloo look pass me to see Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash?" she questioned. "Yup, but not just me." Rainbow kicked the door all the way opened to reveal Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. They smiled as well as Scootaloo but her smile faded quickly. "I don't wanna see them. And what are they doing here, anyway? They're supposed to be on the train." Scootaloo said sternly. "We're not goin'." Apple Bloom answered. "Not without you, Scootaloo." Sweetie Belle added. "What's gotten into you, Scootaloo?" Rainbow Dash questioned. "I didn't want to ruin their chance to win just because I couldn't fly." she answered. "And who said you had to?" "But flying's what Pegasus ponies are supposed to do! You flew when you carried the flag in the games!" "But that was me! You're you! And it just doesn't matter if you can fly or not. Your routine was amazing 'cause it represented exactly what makes Ponyville special." "Rainbow Dash is right Scootaloo." I said "When you girls showed us the first routine, we can immediately that you guys knew what Ponyville is all about." "You do still know what that is, right?" Rainbow questioned. Sweetie Belle soon then answered "Friendship." Applebloom the spoke next. "Three kinds of ponies livin' together as friends. Just like us. Earth ponies..." "...unicorns..." "...and Pegasi. But Rainbow Dash... what if... what if my wings never grow? What if I never fly?" Scootaloo asked Rainbow. "Listen, Scootaloo. Maybe you'll fly someday, or maybe you won't. You're all kinds of awesome anyway." "And besides, who's the toughest little pony in town?" I asked. Got the moves, got the mojo... No harder working pony around. We are a trio, work as a team. We'll be the first ponies out on the flag-waving scene. "So let's get to the Crystal Empire and let's do the routine as it was! And let's win this thing!" "What do you say we have a friendly race Scootaloo?" I asked. "You're on Torrent!" I got on my project: Rainbow soon flew open the door . Me and Scootaloo along with the rest of the Crusaders launched out the door. We've got hearts as strong as horses We've got hearts as strong as horses We've got hearts as strong as horses And we're playing to win as we gallop to glory We can conquer any challenge we're in We've got hea-a-a-arts, hearts strong as horses Hearts strong as horses "Ponyville forever! Yay!" the Crusaders exclaimed. - Ms. Harshwhinny soon spoke through microphone "In the Equestria Games, the Ponyville flag will be carried by... 'Cutie Mark Crusaders'!" The Crusaders along with the crowd started cheering. However, Diamond Tiara and Sliver Spoon just let out a groan. Rainbow Dash and myself soon walked up to them. "Ahem. Look. What you three did was... acceptable." she said. "Acceptable? Acceptable?! Why, it was totally stupendously the single most amazing thing I've ever seen!" Harshwhinny exclaimed then laughed. "Contain your excitement, Ms. Harshwhinny." Rainbow started. "Remember – professionalism." I finished. Ms. Harshwhinny soon maintained her composure "Ahem. Y-Yes, well, I-" she then laughed nervously, then ran off. Me, Rainbow Dash and the Crusaders started laughing. "You know what this means, right?" Scootaloo said. "What?" Applebloom asked. "We are totally gonna get cutie marks in flag-carrying!" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle then exclaimed "Yeah!" The Crusaders then started laughing. I soon chuckled. "Fillies, what can ya with em'." > Fictional Heros > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle's house middle of the night. I was sound asleep, but I was soon disturbed by Twilight. "Spike, you really need to go to sleep!" she said. "Aw, two more minutes, Twilight! I'm just getting to the really good part! The Mane-iac is about to—" Spike begged but Twilight cut him off. ""The Mane-iac"?" she questioned. "What's this talk about psychos?" I asked. "Oh, hey Torrent." Spike said. Spike then held out his comic then spoke. "The Power Ponies' most evil nemesis! She was the power-mad owner of a hair-care product company. A tragic accident at her shampoo factory in Maretropolis not only gave her mane strange new powers, but also caused her to go completely insane! She and her henchponies are planning to break into the Maretropolis Museum and steal the Electro-Orb, so she can use it to power up her doomsday device! Of course, the Mane-iac wouldn't have even known if Hum Drum hadn't slipped up and told her all about it." "Hum Drum?" me and Twilight asked in the same time. "Nah, the guy in the blue boots and pointless red cape. The Power Ponies' bumbling and totally useless sidekick. The Power Ponies have to stop the Mane-iac or Maretropolis is doo-hoo-hoo-hoomed!" "Believe me, Spike. If anypony understands what it's like to get caught up in a really good book, it's me. But if we're going to make any progress fixing up Luna and Celestia's old castle tomorrow, we all have to do our part. We don't want to be too tired to lend a hoof... or claw." "Or Hand." I added. "Right." Twilight replied. "Okay, okay, I'm going to bed. Goodnight." Spike got into his bed then clicked off his light. I soon got into bed as well, but as soon as I tucked myself in I saw Spike's claw patting the floor for his comic book. As soon as he was about to reach it Twilight lifted it up by her horn. Spike soon popped his head from his covers then gave Twilight the puppy dog eyes. "Two more minutes." she offered. "Yes!" Spike then turned on his lamp then continued reading. Celestia and Luna's old castle 9:00am "Looking good, everypony! Let's keep this magical makeover moving!" Twilight exclaimed. "You got it!" Rainbow Dash replied. I was reconstructing the walls of the castle, that's when Spike came into the room. "Good old Spike is here, ready to do his part!" AppleJack then tilted a picture to the left. "A little more to the left!" Pinkie called out. She then tilted it more to the left. "No, the other left!" She tilt it to the right. "Awesome! That's perfect right where it is! On to the next painting!" Pinkie said quickly. "You sure you don't need any help?" Spike asked AppleJack. "Nah, that's okay." "We have everything under control!" Pinkie added. "Dash?" "I'm good!" "Isn't there anything I can help you with, Twilight?" "Don't worry about it, Spike! It's all good!" Pinkie said. Twilight Sparkle soon agreed with Pinkie, "I think she's right. It looks like we've got it, Spike. Looking great, everypony! Why don't you find a quiet spot and finish reading your comic? Aren't you right at the part where Hum Drum was about to stop the villain?" "Hum Drum never stops the villain. He's just there for comic relief." Spike soon then stepped in to a bucket then struggled to get it off. "Rarity, lemme give you a hoof with that!" Twilight said. "I could do it!" Spike said. "That's okay, Spike." "Pony power! Weehee!!" Pinkie exclaimed as she was scrubbing the floor with her head. Spike then sighed in disappointment then the bucket fell on his head. Celestia and Luna's study 9:30am. I soon found Spike in the study. "Hey Spike." I said. "Oh hey Torrent, what are you doing here? Aren't you busy helping the others restoring the castle?" "Nah, they said that they got everything under control. So with nothing else to do I decided to find you and find out more about this comic of yours." "Well pull up a cushion then." I soon pulled up a cushion then sat next to Spike. Spike then searched for the panel he left off at, "Mane-iac breaks into the museum... Okay, here we go." I leaned closer to have a better look. "...Ugh, what a surprise! Hum Drum is in the way again while the Power Ponies do all the work! I guess I know what that feels like..." Spike said. "Uh, Spike?" I asked. "Yea?" I pointed to the blank page causing Spike to gasps, "Wait. What? How can that be the end?! What's... that? "You can... retr-" What? "You can... return..." Urgh! Hey Torrent do you have a magnifying glass?" "Let me check." I replied as I salvage through my bag. I rummaged through my bag until I found the item. "Here we go." I pull the magnifying glass then handed it to Spike, he then held it over the text and began reading. ""You can return to the place you started when the Mane-iac is... defeated." Huh?" he look towards me. I shrugged my shoulders. I then finished the sentence. ""Take a closer look to join the adventure in this book"?" "What does that even mean?" Spike questioned. "I don't know?" All if a sudden, a bright flash appeared on the blank page of the comic book. "Whoa! Cool!" Spike exclaimed. Twilight Sparkle and the rest came into the room "Guys! What are you—" The comic soon started sucking Spike in first. "Heeeeeelp!" he screamed. I soon wrapped my arms around his waist, then placed my left foot against the pedestal. "I got ya!" I said as I started pulling, but the force was too strong and pulled me in as well. "Guys!" Twilight screamed then took hold of my foot. Twilight then got pulled into the comic but then Rainbow Dash got her waist but got pulled in. Then Applejack got Rainbow's tail then started pulling, then got sucked closer to the book. Fluttershy and Rarity took hold of Applejack but they all got sucked into the comic book. However Pinkie Pie just jumped in the comic book. "Weehee!" The comic book soon closed. - Maretropolis on the rooftop night time. Spike soon regain conscious then took a look at his surroundings. "Is this... Maretropolis?" "Somepony wanna tell me what the hay is goin' on?" Applejack questioned. Spike soon pulled a 1970's Batman and Robin catchphrase "Holy new personas, ponies!" He soon looked at Twilight "You're the... Masked Matter-Horn!" Then at Pinkie Pie "Fili-Second!" Rainbow Dash "Zapp!" Rarity "R-Radiance!" Applejack "Mistress Mare-velous!" Then finally Fluttershy "Saddle Rager! You're the... Power Ponies! But wait, where's Torrent?" - Maretropolis the other side of town. "Ugh." I groaned. I soon got to my feet and tried to open my eyes. I placed my hand on my head to rub it but something wasn't right my hand felt cold and hard. My vision regained it self and I was shock on what I saw, I soon looked in front of me and saw my reflection within a closed department. Both my forearms were completely made of a Coltan and I examined it a little further I saw that it was also infused with graphene based metal. My arms were not metal at all but I've seemed to have gain some muscle mass. My clothing has also changed as well; I was sporting an orange muscle shirt, heavy duty chain suspenders, blue jeans that has been stained with motor oil and steel-toed combat boots. But what was odd is that I felt this strange source of power flowing through my body. I felt something bulging from my left pocket. I placed my left hand in my pocket, only to find that I was in possession of a Tf2 Soldiers hero hachimaki. "Jesus Christ. But I have no time to be in awe on what I've been turn into I gotta find Spike and the others and get out of here. Now if I were in Spike's shoes where would I go?" ... ... ... "That's it!" I exclaimed as I pounded my fist in my hand, but I felt nothing. "They must be heading towards Mane-iac's top secret headquarters. And I think I'm pretty sure on where it is." But then there was something I'd just realized. "I need to get there as soon as possible." I looked around but saw no means of transportation, only skyscrapers. 'I can't believe I'm gonna do this.' I soon walked to the nearest Skyscraper, there was no light on it so I was considering that it was closed. I placed my hand up against the tower, then dug my fingers into the tower. "I guess this how freakishly huge my strength it." I look up the comically (pun intended) tall tower that stretches miles up the sky. "Well, better get climbing." Climbing the Building (414.9m up) I look down and saw that the ground was almost covered by clouds, then back up to see that I'd had a lot climbing to do. "Damn." - Atop of the tower 829.8m up. "I'M KING OF THE MOUNTAIN!!!!!" I scream and it echoed for a few seconds. "Well, let's find that headquarters." I held on to the spike of the building then started spinning 360 degrees, scanning the area. "There it is, 5 miles north of here." I look down to see the ground partially covered with thin clouds. "Time to test this body." I soon tied the blindfold over my eyes then jumped off the ledge then spread out my arms and legs. I soon then preformed a flip then placed my feet together. "Moonwalk." I soon kicked against the air. I soon proceeded north. 'Hang on guys I'm coming.'  - 4.9 miles later. "Dose this guy know the 6 powers of One Piece?" I questioned as I kicked again. All of a sudden I heard a scream of a female voice. I look to my right to see a burly stallion chasing a mare through an alley. I twisted my body 180 degrees, then intersected my movement by kicking my left foot then started kicking towards the thug. As soon as I neared the brute I can hear him shouting.   "GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!!!" However the mare kept running. I soon then landed on a rooftop then proceeded on foot. The mare soon made a sharp turn to the left, but the mare ended up at a dead end. The brute then closed in on defenseless mare. "P-Please don't hurt me." she said with fear in her voice. How ever he just chuckled then proceeded closer to her. 'Not if I have anything to say about it.' I soon leapt from the ledge then landed a few feet behind them. "Hey asshole!" I screamed. That immediately caught his attention. "Who the buck are you!?!?" "I'm the one who's gonna kick you ass!" He soon took out two hunting knifes then charged towards me. He neared me then he was about to strike me. "Look out!" screamed the mare. "Paper Art." I soon began dodging his swings then I kicked his knifes out of his hands. He soon made a fist then planted it in my face. But what was odd, I didn't feel anything. "Argh!" the stallion grunted in pain has he griped his hand. He soon recovered then he charged at me, our hands then locked together. As we pushed against each other I look pass him to see the mare dumbfounded by what is happening. "You, move!" I exclaimed at the mare. The mare complied and moved out of the way. I soon head-butted the guy against his head then place my fist in front of him. "SIX KING GUN!!!" A tremendous amount of pressure released from my fist causing to fly back and go through the wall.  I walk towards the mare, upon examining her close she had a horn making her a unicorn, her fur color was the color of cream, her mane and tail color was black tied into a ponytail, she was wearing a navy blue business secretary uniform, her skirt may have been a little too short but I was able to figure out her cutie mark. Her cutie mark seem to be a picture of a telephone taken off its receiver with the symbol of sound coming from the hearing end. She also wore red high-heels which if I may add the heel end was broken on both of the shoes from her running. Her eye color was a emerald green. As I came closer to her she started trembling. "It's ok, I ain't gonna hurt you." I reassured her and held out my metallic hand. She hesitated then placed her hand on mine. "What is your name?" I asked her. "Amy." "Where do you live?" "I live near that abandon shampoo factory." "Here, let me escort you home. Come on, get up." She tried to get up but she fell on her knees. "I'm sorry, I must have tired my legs from running away from that stallion." "Then let me help you." I soon lifted her up then held her in a bridal pose. She blushed as I embraced her. - Amy's apartment. "Is this where you live?" I asked. She nodded her head, then I put her down. "I have to go." "Wait!" she then griped my hand. "Will I ever see you again?" "Maybe someday." "Then may I at least have your name?" "It's Torrent." She then pressed her lips on my cheek, "Thank you Torrent." "You're welcome. Shave." I soon teleport away. "Thank you Torrent." Amy said as a tear fell from her eye. - Mane-iac's Headquarters. I reappeared on the roof only to find that mane 6 missing and Spike opening a vent duct and he began crawling through it. "Maybe he'll need some help. Shave." I disappeared then reappeared on the streets. I soon walked up to a door that read "Authorized Personnel Only", I soon clenched my left fist. 'We'll see about that.' I brung my left fist back, then with one heavy blow I bust the door down. I soon walked in then up the stairway then came to another door. I gently opened it then it I was soon on the upper walkways of the main room of the factory. I soon saw Spike at the other end, as I was about to head towards his position I heard the sound of a kitchen timer going off then that over-sized hairspray can hissing. Then me and Spike heard Mane-iac "Congratulations, Power Ponies! You shall live just long enough to see me fire..." she then pulled a huge sheet away to reveal the hairspray ray of doom "The instrument of your destruction!" she then cackles "Once the Electro-Orb has powered it up completely, this cannon will amplify the power of my mane one million times, expelling an energy blast that will cause everypony in Maretropolis's mane to grow wild!" she laughs once more "You will be my weapon's first victims, and there is nopony who can save you from this fate!" she exclaimed with a evil laugh. Fluttershy soon then spoke to Mane-iac "Ahem. I don't mean to interrupt, but aren't you forgetting about somepony?" "Hum Drum? Little guy? No superpowers whatsoever?" she laughs again "He's utterly useless!" The timer stated ringing again which the hairspray was hissing again. "Puh-lease. Everypony knows you just keep him around because you" Mane-iac soon started speaking in a condescending tone "feel sowwy for him. Wah. Wah." Twilight soon objected. "Maybe in your world. But in our world, Spike— uh, Hum Drum always comes through when we need him! Always!" The rest of Power Ponies agreed making Spike shed a tear. Spike soon stood up with new found determination "I'm not like Hum Drum! When my friends really need me, I do come through! And they need me now!" "You think that you'll need some help?" I asked. "Torrent. There you are. Where were you?" "Now's not the time worry about that. What's the plan for them not having to end up with a bad hair day?" While Mane-iac was speaking me and Spike set his plan into action. "I see dementia must be a side-effect of prolonged exposure to the Hairspray Ray of Doom. Tonight, we stand upon the brink of immortality, for we collectively – though, mostly me – have finally defeated our most hated nemeses! We have hurled the brush of badness into the now fearful face of goodness, and have struck a blow for freedom in the name of oppression! And nothing will stop us!" she exclaimed then laughs Me and Spike soon then heaved a large wooden crate over the railing. Which triggered a mechanism causing the henchponies to be swooped up by the curtain then be suspended by the chain. The henchpony heard the timer ring but as he was about to press the hairspray again he soon looked back at me and Spike riding an aerial hook towards him. Spike soon kicked him off causing the Hairspray Ray of Doom to topple over, freezing the henchponies in place. "Way to go, guys!" Twilight exclaimed. The Hairspray Ray of Doom's effect soon began to wear off. Rarity soon constructed a huge nail file then broke the bars of the cage. "Get mad!" Rainbow Dash demanded towards Fluttershy. "I'm trying!" Fluttershy said straining. They all soon exit the cage. Pinkie Pie began playing tag with the henchponies "Tag you're it! Tag you're it! Tag you're it! Tag you're it!" Mane-iac began shouting. "Over there! There! There! Idiots!" Twilight soon shot a freeze ray from her horn, freezing the floor. While Rainbow dash used her charm to summon a tornado. "Need a place to put these guys!" she said. Rarity was doing some Ice skating then she constructed some cages. As some of the henchponies tried to escape, Applejack soon then lassoed them together. "Hold it right there, partner!" As me and Spike were surveying one power pony was missing. We soon spot Fluttershy heading towards the exit. "Fluttershy, where are you going?" I questioned. "You seem to have everything under control." she answered. Spike soon then spoke "Fluttershy, we need you! You have to power up!" "I'm sorry, it's just that nothing is making me mad." As the Mane-iac was about to fire the cannon she swat a small firefly causing it to crash to the wall. Fluttershy soon came to the injured creature. "Oh, goodness! Are you okay?" she soon turned to Mane-iac "Are you kidding me? I mean, I know you're evil and everything, but" she was getting frustrated "you hurt a teensy, little, harmless firefly?! Really?! Well you're just a great, big, meanie!" her voice started getting deeper "There! I said it! What makes you think you're so special?! Like the rules of common courtesy don't apply to you?!" her voice was getting even deeper" "Why don't you pick on somepony your own size?!" Fluttershy (or Flutterhulk) soon let out a roar. The Mane-iac soon input the directions to fire but the beam had no effect on Flutterhulk. It just bounced right off her and redirect it towards the Mane-iac, but she narrowly escaped. Flutterhulk soon then jumped on doomsday device then began smashing it to pieces. As Spike and the rest stood in dumbstruck of Flutterhulk's rage she soon tear a sheet of metal with her teeth. She soon came to her senses she spat the metal plate out of her mouth then made a slight embarrassed expression. I look towards the Mane-iac getting ready to fire another weapon. "Guys look out, Shave!" I disappeared then reappeared in front of Mane-iac's shot. I acted as a human shield and the blow struck me straight in the chest causing me to skid close to them. "Torrent!" Twilight exclaimed. As she neared me I placed my hand in front of her. "Iron Body." I said. The Mane-iac was struck with shock on what happened. "How could you be still standing? That shot should of did you in!" As the Power Ponies were about to step in Spike stood in front of their. "Spike what are you doing?" Twilight questioned. "Trust me on this guys." he answered. They reluctantly agree then continued to watch the stare down. "Tell me, what's a handsome creature such as yourself taking the side of these weak Power Ponies." Mane-iac questioned. 'I think I lost track on how many mares compliment my looks.' "I have my own reasons. But my guts telling me to kick your hairy plot." "Your'e tongue is as sharp as your looks my mysterious colt.But let's see if you can back up that claim of yours." "Let's." Ours eyes soon lock to each other. "Shave." I soon disappeared. I soon reappeared behind her but she blocked my blow with her hair. She wrapped her hair around my arm then threw me upwards. "Moonwalk." I kicked against the air then flew downwards. "Iron Body Smash!" I harden my body then soon crashed to the floor but the Mane-iac. She soon made her hair into fists then began pounding the crater I made. As she continuously pounded the crater she soon heard a voice. "Just what are you trying to smash?" She turned towards me holding the Electro-Orb in my left hand. "Just what are you planing to do with Electro-Orb?" she questioned. "This!" I soon tossed the Electro-Orb in the air, then as soon as it nearly hit the floor I smashed it with both my fist. ... ... ... "EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" they all exclaimed including Mane-iac. The electricity of the Electro-Orb traveled through my metallic arms and chains. I soon got into a half-kneel position then preformed these hand signs. All of the electricity soon traveled to my left fist. I soon launched towards Mane-iac. As soon as I neared her I collided my fist to her face. The illusion of a larger phantom fist appeared behind her. Similar to this: "PLASMIC BARRAGE!!!" My punch had enough force behind it to make fly back to the other end of the factory. As I looked back at Mane-iac I saw that her maine was going out of control. "My mane!" her mane soon tied her together "My maaaaaane!" she exclaimed as she laughed insanely. "Torrent are you alright?" Twilight asked. "Yea, I'm alri-" I was soon cut off by two muscular arms of Flutterhulk and my cheek rubbing up against hers. "Yes, I'm glad that you care that I'm OK Fluttershy but- AAAAAAUUUUGGGGH!!!" she hug me even tighter causing some of my bones to crack. "AUGH!!!" I moaned. Rarity soon constructed a big rolled up news paper then conked Fluttershy on the head. "Fluttershy dearie, please put him down." Flutterhulk soon put me down thin I took a deep breath. We all struck a heroic pose. "Once again, the day is saved by—" Spike was soon cut off by the vortex sucking us all back up then we all soon reappeared in the study. Rainbow Dash soon spoke "Awesome!" Applejack soon agreed "Whoo-ee!" "Did you see how I was raining down a storm of justice at the end there?!" "You catch how I was wieldin' that lasso?" "Cupcakes?" Pinkie offered. Rarity soon then asked "How did you—" "Eh, we had a good half second before we got sucked back out of the comic, and the Maretropolis bakery was only sixty-five blocks away!" "I'm just glad to be back." Spike said in relief. "Me too." I added. "We wouldn't have made it without you, guys." Twilight thanked. "Aww don't just thank me, it was all Spike's plan. He's the real hero." "Indeed he is. And I hope you realize that just because we don't always need your help, it doesn't mean that we don't think you're helpful." "And that you don't have to have superpowers to be a super friend." Spike added. The rest soon agreed with Spike. "But I do have one question. Where exactly did you get that comic book?" Twilight questioned Spike. "This one I got in Canterlot at the House of Enchanted Comics. Well, I didn't know it meant they were literally enchanted!" The rest just replied nonchalantly. "I thought it just meant, like, the comics they sold there had really enchanting storylines! Hey, wait up! I'm an important part of this team, remember?!" 'Of course you are Spike.' All of a sudden then comic book disappeared in a flash of light. > The human and the Bat-pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The road to Sweet Apple Acres. 9:00AM We all soon rushed to Sweet Apple Acres by the sound of an alarm bell. "Attention! This is a Sweet Apple Acres code red! I need all hooves, claws and hands on deck!" Applejack exclaimed. "Calm down, Applejack." said Rarity. "Calm down?! How can I calm down at a time like this?! Vampire fruit bats are attackin' Sweet Apple Acres!" "Vampire fruit bats?" I questioned. "But I thought the fruit bats usually stayed put in the west orchard." Twilight said. "The fruit bats do, but these aren't just your everyday ordinary fruit bats. They're vampire fruit bats! I'll be darned if they think they're gonna sink their fangs into my blue ribbon apple." Applejack soon removed a tarp to reveal a huge apple. Big enough for the tree to bend. The rest were in awe I for one was shock as well. "God damn Applejack, what's this huge apple for anyway?" I asked. "This here's our entry into the Appleloosa State Fair's produce competition." she then polished it "You know how much TLC goes into getting an apple to grow like this?" "Applejack! When you go big, you really go big!" Rarity said as she looked at her reflection. "Them vampire bats want to shrivel it up like a raisin!" Fluttershy soon spoke. "Oh, I'm sure if we just let them know how special that particular apple is to you, they'll leave it alone." "Yeah, right. Be my guest." We soon came to a apple tree that was infested with Vampire fruit bats. Fluttershy soon walk forth. "Um, excuse me, Mr. Vampire Bat--" A rotted apple soon was tossed in front of her. "We were just wondering if maybe you wouldn't mind leaving that really big apple alone?" However, the bats responded by hammering Fluttershy with apple seeds. Fluttershy soon rushed back towards are position. "Well? What'd he say?" Apple jack asked. "Um... yes." "Huh?!" Applejack gasped in excitement. "But... it could've been a no." "Oh." Applejack groaned. "This is the first vampire fruit bat I've ever met and, well, it might take some time for me to really understand their language." "Uh-huh. And in the meantime, this pest and his vermin friends are gonna go after my prized apple! And while they're at it, every other apple in the orchard! These vampire bats are nothin' but a bunch of monsters!" "Monsters?!" Fluttershy gasped. "Oh, that's a bit harsh, don't you think?" "No, I do not." http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=djw7dvrWYtc Those vampire bats will give you a fright Eating apples both day and night. They rest for a minute, maybe three. Then they're eatin' every apple in your apple tree. They don't care about nada, not zilch, no, nothin.' 'Cept bringin' about an orchard's destruction! Now wait just a minute, there's another side to this. And if I did not defend them, then I would be remiss. These bats are mamas and papas too. They care for their young just like we ponies do. Oh, give me a break, you're bein' too kind. These creatures have a one-track mind. The orchard is not their restaurant. But do they ever think what others may want? No! They don't! And that is just a fact These bats, they simply don't know how to act. That's where I have to disagree. They're loyal to their family..Spreading seeds both far and wide- You see one comin', you'd better run and hide! They're big and ugly and mean as sin. Will ya look at the state my trees are in? They help your trees, they'll grow stronger faster- They've turned my life to a total disaster! Well, I for one don't have a doubt. These vermin must be stamped right out! I second that, they've got to go! These bats, they've got to hit the road! It comes down to just one simple fact. They've crossed the line, it's time to fight them back! They all started circling both me and Fluttershy. Stop the bats! Stop the bats! Make them go and not come back! Stop the bats! Stop the bats! Make them go and not come back! Stop the bats! Stop the bats! Make them go and not come back! Yes, it comes down to just one simple fact. They've crossed the line, it's time that we attack! I soon help Fluttershy off the ground then Rarity spoke "I'm sorry, Fluttershy, but I believe Applejack has made the better argument. These vampire fruit bats sound downright dreadful." "So let's get to roundin' them up so they don't destroy the rest of my orchard." Applejack demanded as she walked pass Fluttershy. "Fruit bat round-up, fruit bat round-up!" Pinkie Pie sung. However Fluttershy suggested a different way "Um, excuse me, but, um, what if instead of rounding them up, we... let them have part of the orchard?" "Have you lost your pest-lovin' mind?!" AppleJack whined. "They're only here because they're hungry! If we build a sanctuary for them, they could have their own apples to enjoy! After a while, they could even help the rest of your orchard! The vampire bats don't eat the seeds of the apples, and when they spit them out, they grow into even more productive apple trees!" "Listen, Fluttershy. That sounds real nice 'n all, but every second we spend buildin' this so-called 'sanctuary' is a second they'll spend destroyin' orchards! You don't know what it was like the last time there was an infestation! But Granny Smith has told me enough stories about it that just the thought of it gives me nightmares!" Flashback "Granny says we lost a huge section of orchard that year. They had to ration out apples all winter!" Present "What about the cider? There was still cider, right?" Rainbow questioned AppleJack. "Not. A. Drop." "No cider?! No cider?! We need to round up these monsters, and we need to do it now! Torrent you build stuff right, don't you have anything that could get rid of them?" "Well, I have been working on something ever since I moved to Ponyville, but the problem is that I don't think that it will help in this matter." "If Granny Smith wasn't with Apple Bloom an' Big Mac checkin' out our produce competition in Appleloosa, she'd be here tellin' us to do just that!" AppleJack said. Twilight soon walked towards Fluttershy "I'm sorry, Fluttershy, but I think Applejack is right. I just wish there was another way we could convince them not to eat them in the first place..." Twilight soon made an expression as if a lightbulb clicked on above her head "Maybe there is!" Golden Oaks Library 10:00am "So, there's good news and bad news. The good news is that I found a spell that can get the vampire fruit bats to stop wanting to suck the juice from the apples. But in order for the spell to work, I need the bats' full and complete attention." Twilight said. Fluttershy soon then gasped "Oh no." "What's the matter Fluttershy?" I questioned. Twilight walked up to Fluttershy "Fluttershy, I need you to do your Stare on the bats." "Oh, gosh, I don't know." "What's the problem? You've used the Stare plenty of times before!" Rainbow questioned Fluttershy. "Yes, but it's not something I take lightly. I've made a vow not to use it except in dire circumstances." "This circumstance is plenty dire to me!" AppleJack added. "Me too!" Rainbow added "Think of the cider! Won't somepony please think of the cider?!" I soon groaned then face palmed. "I'm sorry. I just don't like the idea of taking away the thing that really makes the vampire fruit bats" Fluttershy soon took a deep breath "vampire fruit bats! It just feels wrong!" "But if we don't do this, there won't be any apples left for anypony here in Ponyville. Doesn't that feel wrong, too?" Twilight asked. Fluttershy soon then hesitated. "We'll leave you alone for you to decide, come on everypony." Twilight said then they left, leaving me and Fluttershy. "I should go too." I said then head to the door. I soon gripped the door I was soon stopped by Fluttershy's voice. "What do you think that I should do Torrent?" "What I think that you should do is, do what you think is right Fluttershy." I soon left. Sweet Apple Acres 30min later. Fluttershy soon walked towards us. "So what's it gonna be, Fluttershy? Will you do your Stare on the bats or not?" AppleJack questioned. "Um... Um... Okay, I'll do it." "Good choice. I knew you wouldn't side with those icky bats!" Rarity said then whimpered. "They're not icky." Fluttershy protested. "First round of cider's on me!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Hold it right there!" AppleJack said to Rainbow "We've gotta round up these beasts with wings first. Time's a-wastin'!" We soon headed out into the orchard to catch the bats. I've decided to go old school with a wooden crate, a stick, rope, and a bucket of apples. It didn't take long for a group of bats to take the bait. I soon pulled the rope, trapping the vampire fruit bats. I soon lug the crate to the tree that the others have set their catch. I soon released the bats from the crate then the perched themselves on the tree. "Good work, everypony! I think we got 'em all! " AppleJack exclaimed then turned to Fluttershy "Now all we need is for you do to your Stare." "Oh, um, are you sure I really need--" Fluttershy was cut off by the rest nodding their heads "Okay. I really, really, really hate to do this to you... I just hope you can forgive me..." Fluttershy's eyes soon widen causing the bats to hiss but soon stopped when they looked at Fluttershy. Applejack soon smiled. "Good... Now you go, Twilight!" "Alright." Twilight soon lit up her horn, encasing the bats in a magical aura, a pink sheen of light soon revealed but something was telling that something wasn't right. The light soon faded. "You can stop staring, Fluttershy." Twilight said to Fluttershy. Fluttershy's eyes soon stopped then she landed back on the ground. "Did it work?" Spike questioned. "Only one way to find out for sure." Applejack soon signaled Dash to give an apple. The bat soon rejected it then flew off. "Ye-he-heah, whoo!" Rainbow cheered. "My crop is saved! Yee-haw!" Applejack exclaimed. "We'll be drinking cider all winter long!" "I wanna thank you for your help. I couldn't have done it without you." "Aw, don't mention it, Applejack. It was my pleasure! Really!" Spike said. I soon then groaned again. "Now all we gotta do is sweep up these cores so I can start buckin' fresh tomorrow mornin'!" Applejack said then the others followed her. I soon followed them but I was stopped by sniffing noises. I soon looked back and saw Fluttershy looking at an apple. "Hey, you ok Fluttershy?" I asked. Fluttershy soon tuned towards me "Huh? Oh yes, I'm feeling ok thank you very much." "Then come on we're fallin' behind." - That Night Golden Oaks Library. I soon let a sigh of uneasiness on what has happen today as I laid on the bed. Twilight soon noticed my expression. "What's wrong Torrent?" she asked. "It's just a theory, but my gut's telling me that the spell will not work somehow." "What do you mean?" "What I mean is, oh nevermind." Twilight soon said nothing then turn off the light. - Sweet Apple Acres The next day. We all soon found ourselves back at Sweet Apple Acres standing over an apple husk. Twilight Sparkle spoke in shock "The spell didn't work!" "You're darn tootin' the spell didn't work!" Applejack said in agitated tone "I think we're gonna have to take more extreme measures!" Rainbow Dash soon agreed "I hear ya, Applejack! C'mon, everypony! Let's track down those vampire bats!" We all soon rushed towards the vampire bats location. Rainbow soon offered a bat who was reading a book, but the swat it away the it landed on Rarity's horn. I soon took the apple from her horn than tossed it aside. "Thank you darling." "No problem." Applejack soon got suspicious "Wait a minute... I don't think these bats are the ones that sucked my apples dry." "But if the vampire bats aren't eating your apples..." Rarity started. Twilight soon finished her sentence "Who is? Fluttershy, you're our animal expert. Do you know of any other creature that might be capable of this?" "I'm sorry. I don't." "Well, there's only one way to find out. We'll have to catch whoever it is in the act." "And how do you propose we do that?" Rarity questioned Twilight. "A stakeout!" - Sweet Apple Acres that night. We were all walking through the fields to try and find the culprit. "The witching hour..." Rainbow said in a spooky tone. Fluttershy soon spoke next "Maybe we should just call this off. Not sure about the rest of you guys," she soon entered in an entrance-like state when she looked at the apple on a far tree "but I'm really hungry..." saliva soon began to drip from her mouth but she the swallowed it. "Oh, Fluttershy, it'll be okay. Don't forget, darling, we're all in this together." Rarity consoled her. "That's right. Nopony leaves this orchard until we've solved this mystery. Agreed?" Twilight said. The rest of us soon agreed. "Does everypony have their pony signals?" AppleJack asked. Twilight and Rarity lit up their horns like spotlights with a shadow of their cutie marks however Pinkie Pie pulled a flashlight from her man then held it by the curls. It too casted a shadow of her cutie mark. "What about you Torrent?" AppleJack asked me. "I'll signal you guys with this." I answered then pulled this out of my bag. "What in the hay is that?" "A 37mm launcher." "That thing won't hurt anyopony will it?" Fluttershy questioned. "Relax, I've made custom bullets for this operation, it won't fatally wound anything, but I'll just be using flare rounds." "Alright, now remember, Pinkie Pie, only use the signal if you see somethin' suspicious." AppleJack said to Pinkie. "I got it. Something suspicious..." Pinkie Pie soon spot Fluttershy sniffing an apple. "Whatcha doin'?!" Pinkie Pie questioned catch Fluttershy off guard. We all soon walked to the entrance of the orchard. Applejack soon spoke "Alright, now everypony split up. We'll each patrol our own row of the orchard. Whoever or whatever's destroyin' my apples has gotta be here somewhere." Row of the orchard A few hours later. "Yeesh I've gone up and down this orchard and I haven't seen anything that's suspicious. Might as well take a breather." I soon leaned up against a tree. I soon spotted an apple on a low hanging branch, I soon took it off. "Well, Bottoms up." I soon brought my teeth down onto the apple, but bit nothing. I looked at my hand and saw that the apple had disappeared. "The hell." I soon heard a splatting sound, I turned to the direction on where it came from only to find a silhouette hanging from a tree and judging on the position, it was hanging upside-down. I soon got the launcher then attached a tactical light "So you must be the one destroying the orchard, cease this now or I'll have to use force!" I shined the light upon the creature but I was shocked on what I have seen. Her body color was yellow her hair was pink and messy just as was her tail (which was keeping her suspended) she soon unfurled her bat-like wings to reveal the clothing she was wearing were tattered, she soon opened her eyes to reveal a blood colored iris she soon let out a screech. I immediately recognized her. "Fluttershy!?!" She soon dropped from the branch then landed on her feet then started walking towards me. Which I soon started to backup. "Fluttershy what happen to you?" I questioned. She said nothing but continued walking. "Say something!" She soon launched at me. "Crap!" I dodged to the left, loaded a flare round then shot it to the sky. The flare gave off this light. However, Fluttershy (or Flutterbat) soon took hold of me. I found myself pinned against a tree by a Bat-pony. She just stared at me, not moving a muscle. About another minute of silence she then leaned in closer till her muzzle touched nose. 'Getting too close.' I mentally said uneasy. "TORRENT!!!" I heard someone screamed causing Flutterbat to fly off. I looked to see the others coming my way. "Are you ok Torrent?" Twilight asked. "Yea, but the question is that how did Fluttershy became like this?" "I think this was actually our fault." "Our fault?" Rainbow repeated. "And how'd you figure that?" Applejack questioned. Twilight soon lit up her horn then created a holographic diagram on what happened. Twilight soon spoke "Okay, so this is me, these are the bats, and this is Fluttershy doing her Stare. The spell was supposed to go right onto the bats like this, but somehow the spell must have backfired. It took the vampire fruit bats' desire to be vampire fruit bats and transferred that desire into Fluttershy. C'mon! We'll reverse the spell and make it right!" Pinkie soon emerged from the ground "Then what are we waiting for? Let's save Fluttershy before that thing eats us all!" Flutterbat soon charged at us. "Hit the deck!" Rainbow said then ducked. "Follow that bat!" Pinkie said as we race in the direction on where she flew but lost her. "I can't believe we lost her!" Rarity said. "Oh, Fluttershy, where are you?" Twilight questioned. Flutterbat soon charged at us, Spike took off running then tripping over an apple. She soon took the apple then started spitting seeds at us. "Look out! Whoa!" AppleJack exclaimed. "If she keeps this up, your whole crop will be gone in no time!" Rainbow said. "That's the least of my worries. I just want my friend back." AppleJack said. "We'll never get her back unless we corner her and catch her so I can reverse the spell!" Twilight said then we rushed to find her. We walked for a good five minutes until we spotted Fluttershy in the distance. Twilight soon spoke in a hushed tone "There she is!" Fluttershy soon spotted us then flew away. "There she goes!" AppleJack said. "Oh, this is no use. I think the only way we're gonna catch her is if we find a way to lure her closer to us." "But even if we can lure her to us, how're we gonna get her to stay still long enough for you to do your reverse spell?" AppleJack questioned Twilight. "Aww, if only we had Fluttershy to do her Stare on the Flutterbat." Pinkie added. Twilight soon gasped "That's it!" - Orchard entrance 10 minutes later. Twilight soon levitated the big apple to the entrance then Rainbow Dash removed the tarp. "Okay, let's get our friend back. Action stations!" 'I think you mean battle stations.' I mentally corrected Twilight. Me and AppleJack held up our knives. "So much for having the winning apple in the Appleloosa State Fair, huh?." Rainbow asked. Applejack soon let out a sigh. "Dash your not helping." I said. "Heh, sorry." We soon cut each end of the apple, allowing the juice to leak out. Fluttershy soon caught the scent of the apple then started heading towards us. Rainbow soon spoke in a hushed tone "She's coming!" As Fluttershy neared us AppleJack kicked the apple aside to reveal Spike holding a mirror. Fluttershy soon cover her eyes then try to fly away but she then flew towards another mirror with Pinkie standing behind it. She tried flying away again but towards another mirror that was held by Rarity. Twilight soon lit up her horn then encased Fluttershy in magic, reversing the transformation, Fluttershy soon regain her senses. "Oh... where am I?" Fluttershy asked. But the rest of us respond by cheering. "Thank goodness you're okay!" Applejack said in relief. "But... what happened to me?" Fluttershy questioned. Pinkie soon landed in the middle of Applejack and Fluttershy "You turned into a vampire pony!" Fluttershy soon let out a gasps "I tried to eat ponies?!" "Of course not!" "So I wasn't a vampire?" "Yes!" "Yes I was, or yes I wasn't?" "Yes, you were!" "But I didn't try and eat ponies?" "Yes!" "I did?!" "No!" "I'm confused..." "Me too... and I was there!" Rarity added. - Sweet Apple Acres the next day 9:00am I was hammering a sign down on in front of the orchard. Applejack soon spoke "Fluttershy, I'm real sorry I didn't take your suggestion in the first place." "And don't forget, now you'll get seeds that will grow into even bigger and better apple trees." Fluttershy said. "Does that mean what I think it means?" Rainbow asked. Applejack knew the answer "Yup! More cider too." "Yea-he-heah, whoo!" Rainbow hollered' - Fluttershy's cottage. 9:30am Spike was writing in the journal "Okay, got the part about the spell, Fluttershy turning into a bat, building a sanctuary..." "Be sure to put in there that I came to see that my short-term solution was a little short-sighted." Applejack reminded. "And that you shouldn't let anypony pressure you into doing something that you don't think is right. Sometimes you have to tell even your closest friends 'no'." Fluttershy added. The rest then nodded in agreement. "Now how about we celebrate our stronger than ever friendship with a nice, ripe, juicy apple?" Applejack asked as she held a red apple in front of Fluttershy. But then, Pinkie appeared wearing fake vampire teeth and stated speaking in a fake accent "Stand back! I vant to suck its juuuice!" Pinkie then bit down on the apple but the teeth got stuck in it, she then smiled. We all responded by laughing. > Manehattan Adventure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville train station 9:00am Spike soon pushed a cart of Rarity's luggage to her. "There you are, Rarity! That's the last of your bags." "Actually, Spike, I've got one last pile of bags, over there." Rarity said as she pointed to another pile of luggage. "Won't you be a dear?" "Sure... I'll be a dear..." he said as he strained. "Uhh, do you need any help Spike?" I asked. "I'm good." he answered back. Rarity soon spoke "An entire week in the fabulous city of Manehattan! Plus, all of my very best friends there with me!" 'Why am I starting to think that this is a ponified version of my world.' I mentally asked in myself. "Of course we'd all come along to support you during Fashion Week, Rarity!" said Twilight. "Not that you'll need it. We're sure you'll win." Fluttershy added. "Why am I going to?" I questioned. "We've figured that this would a great opportunity for you darling." Rarity answered. "'An opportunity'" I repeated. "She's right Torrent." Twilight agreed. "It's an opportunity for you to explore for of Equestria. Recently until now you've only seen Canterlot and Ponyville correct?" I nodded my head. "Well, this is an opportunity for you to go beyond the boundaries of both Ponyville and Canterlot ." "I guess your right if you put it that way. Well, How can I say no to a trip with my friends." Rarity soon squealed in excitement. "I can't begin to tell you how excited I am that you'll all be there with me! However... Perhaps I can show you..." Rarity soon took out something from her bag, she soon held out eight tickets in a fan formation. "What's that?" Twilight asked. "Ooh, ooh, ooh, I know! A paper fan!" Pinkie guessed. "No, it's—" Rarity said but was cut off by Pinkie. "A magic trick! You know, where I pick a card and remember what it is and then you put it back in the deck so you can't look at it and—" "These are tickets to the hottest musical on Bridleway!" 'Broadway.' "You couldn't mean Hinny of the Hills... because that show's been sold out for months! Or could you?!" Twilight said. "I could. I do." Rarity answered. Twilight soon let out a gasp "Oh, Rarity, you didn't have to do that, but... since you did..." The rest including Rarity started cheering "This trip is fun already! I love jumping up and down! Whee-hee!" Pinkie exclaimed. However, as they were all cheering I felt as though I had that anime sweat-drop emoticon. (Similar to this.) 'Hinny of the Hills? that sounds like a parody of The Maid of the Mountains.' I said in my head. - Manehatten 10:30am While Spike was behind us carrying the luggage (which I'd offer to help carry but refuse) we followed Rarity out of the train station. "Come along, ponies! I found us a place to stay only a block from the train station in the very heart of this glorious metropolis!" Rarity said. We continued walking down the street until Applejack spotted something. "Hey, look! That's the theatre where Hinny of the Hills is playin'!" The rest responded by oohing. "Wow, Rarity! How'd you manage to get us seats for tomorrow night?" Twilight asked. "Oh, I gave some designs to the costume designer, so he pulled a few strings" . "Cool!" Applejack, Pinkie and Rainbow said in unison. Rarity soon continued speaking. "That is what makes Manehattan so splendid and amazing. You do something nice for somepony, and then you never know when they'll do something nice for you!" "So then you can do something nice for us!" Applejack said. "Like get us in to see Hinny of the Hills!" Fluttershy added. "Which is only the best musical in all of Equestria!" Rainbow said. "It must be good if Rainbow Dash is impressed. Normally she doesn't even like musicals." said Applejack. "I know. Ponies just bursting into song in random places at the drop of a hat? Who does that?" Rainbow questioned. Rarity soon started singing. Oh, Manehattan, what you do to me Such a huge bustling community And there's always opportunity To do the friendly thing If some are grouchy, pay no mind Surprise instead with something kind Lo and behold, you may just find A smile is what you bring We soon stopped at the hotel then we were greeted by a bellhop "Welcome to the Mane Fair Hotel! Please allow me to take those bags to your room for you!" "Only if you'll accept this gratuity first." Rarity said as she levitated a gem to him. "Oh-ho-ho! I'll get your change!" "Do keep it all. I insist!" - On a ship. Generosity, I'm here to show all that I can give Generosity, I'm here to set the bar Just sit back and watch how I live "After you." said Rarity to the Tourist. "Why, thank you." he said "Please, take mine." Rarity soon unfurled her scarf and gave to another Tourist. "Wow, okay." Some may say, "Rarity, Don't be so big-hearted and bold Treating strangers like they're friends This town's too big and cold" But this is how I play my cards I'm not about to fold Where I see a frown, I go to town Call me the smile patrol Oh, Manehattan, what you do to us What if you find a Gloomy Gus? It's no intimidatin' thing Just be kind without a fuss Generosity, I'm here to show all that I can do Generosity, you are the key Manehattan, I'm here just for you Just for you Rarity was soon looking at a display window of a dress shop, she soon let out a sigh "To think my dresses could soon be displayed on the most glamorous shopping thoroughfare of the most glamorous city in Equestria! Oh, it would be my dream come true!" "Is there anything left to do we can help you with?" Twilight asked Rarity. "Hm, nothing I can think of. The dresses are all completely finished, all made from a fabulous new fabric I've been developing for months. Stretchy, but not clingy. Shimmery, but not showy." "Sounds amazing." said Fluttershy. "I'll say." I added. I soon looked at clock-tower, it was my cue to go. I soon started jogging. "Where are you going Torrent?" Rarity called out. "I'm heading back to the hotel, I'll meet you guys there." I called back. - "Oh well. There's nothing left for me to do but check in at the runway with my dresses by two this afternoon." Rarity said. "Oh, that's funny. Because that clock over there that Torrent was looking at makes it seem like that's only ten minutes from now!" Pinkie said as she pointed to the clock. - Mane Fair Hotel 1:55PM. I was walking down the hallway with the Bellhop Pony pushing the cart of dresses. "It's a good thing that you managed to get here when you did. How'd you know the dresses were still here?" he asked. "Even though I haven't been here for so long I could easily tell that Rarity's the type of pony that goes out on a tangent." "You seem smart, but your outfit seems to be a different occupation than what I expected." "Well, as you can tell by my outfit I'ma Mechanic and to what you are thinking it's a stallion that works with heavy equipment." He nodded his head. "Well, I follow a saying that was pass down from my dad." "And what would it be if you don't mind me asking?" "'We were born in a time when if something was broken, we would fix it, not throw it away'. Meaning, a mechanic can fix anything, if something is broken, ranging from a wheel a carriage to personal problems with friends, it's my duty to try and fix it." "Wow." he said in awe. "You can say that again." As we neared the door we soon managed to hear Rarity's voice. "Good afternoon, I'm here for Fashion Week!" she said in a quick, out of breath tone. "Everypony's gathered in front of the runway and about to start, so you'll just have to bring your dresses along with you and store them backstage later." the Receptionist mare said. Rarity soon started to panic "My– My dresses! How could I possibly forget them?!" she soon let out three gasps "I'm dooooomed!" Me and the Bellhop soon walked into the room "Got 'em right here, ma'am! Your friend here told me you need these in a hurry, so I offered to race 'em over myself. "Anything for that nice mare," I told him!" Rarity soon took the cart and levitated a gem over to him "You're a lifesaver, Come along Torrent!" "Right!" I said then tried to catch up to her. - The Runway with seconds to spare. Me and Rarity rushed into the runway, Rarity soon sighed "We made it! And with seconds to spare! Hello, everypony. Pleased to meet you all. And this here is my friend Torrent the human." she said has she gestured her hoof towards me. I soon wave towards the competitors not saying a word. "Aww... Is he shy?" said the mare wearing the shades in a slightly teasing tone. "No, well yes, I don't know honestly?" Rarity said. I soon chuckled at Rarity's answer, but the she just stared at me with a smug smile on her face. "Rarity, I presume." said a mare. We both look to see the mare. She was an earth pony, her coat was the color grey but a much darker tone than Derpy's, her mane and tail color were pink, her mane was combed back, she was dressed in a pink puffed collar shirt and jeans hand was wearing high heels. "You must be Prim Hemline, the host of this grand event. How do you—?" Rarity was cut off by Prim Hemline. "Miss Rarity, how is it that all your competitors are here half an hour early, and yet you arrive seconds before we begin?" she said as she walked towards us. "Uhhhh..." Rarity started, trying to think of an answer. she soon chuckled nervously "Just... lucky, I guess." she said then smiled. Prim Hemline's eyes soon shifted over to me. "Ah yes, you must be the human that I've been hearing about. I'm assuming that you must have a name?" she questioned. "First or full?" I questioned. "Full name if you'd be so bold." "Torrent James Braddock Mrs. Hemline." Prim Hemline soon stared at us for a few more seconds but soon turn away then started talking "Once we're done here, you're to finish setting up backstage, so you'll be ready for your run-through appointment. You show your designs last." she said towards Rarity "We keep to a precise schedule, so let's try to be more than a few seconds early, hmm? Tomorrow is the contest to see which one of you gets to stay to meet top designers all across the city. The rest of you must go home early. So sad. Dismissed!" Prim Hemline soon pointed towards me. "And as for you..." she said. "Me?" "Please, do something about your ensemble." I felt that sweat drop again. Prim Hemline soon exited as soon did the other contestants, leaving me, Rarity and the mare with the curls. The mare soon chuckled than walked up to us. "I'm so glad you made it, Rarity!" she said. "Me too, but everything just seems to keep working out!" "Don't you remember me? Suri Polomare from the Ponyville Knitters League?" "Oh, yes, of course, of course! I– I thought you looked familiar, but I couldn't place it. You haven't been back in years!" "Because I moved here to make it in the big city." Suri soon laughed "okay?" "Oh, good for you, Sur—" Rarity was soon cut off by Suri soon embracing her, her cheek touching Rarity's cheek. "Ooh, it's so good to see you! And now here we are, competing!" Suri laughs once more "okay?" "Yes, yes. Well, good luck!" "Oh, I don't need luck. Would you like a hoof with your things?" Suri offered. "Why, thank you so much!" Rarity thanked then turn towards me. "Torrent, would you be a dear and assist me as well?" "Sure thing Rarity." - Backstage 5 min later. Suri Polomare was soon browsing Rarity's fashion line. "My, your collection is gorgeous!" she said. "Oh now, I'm sure your collection is equally lovely, if not more so!" I soon came in with a roll of the fabric that Rarity was using. "It's alright, but nothing like this! Take my culottes, for example – they are simply crying out for just the right accent, but I haven't the slightest notion where I—" Suri soon gasped "Actually... just a touch of this fabric could be perfect with it. W– Oh, hey, would you mind terribly if I took a swatch?" "Oh, not at all! Torrent would you be so kind to give Suri the fabric? I have loads extra." Rarity said. I was hesitant for a moment, 'cause I felt a negative vibe coming from Suri Polomare. However, as to not make Rarity upset, I handed Suri the fabric. "You're sure?" Suri asked Rarity. "Positive! Oh, well, it's been wonderful getting caught up, and I don't wish to be rude, but I must finish my preparations and I am a bit late as it... is?" as Rarity finished her sentence, Suri Polomare was already gone. I soon sat in one the chairs rubbing my temples. "Do you really think that it was a good idea for you to give Suri Polomare that fabric, I mean what if she uses it for her whole line instead of accent?" I question towards Rarity. "Oh hush now Torrent, I'm sure that Suri would do anything like that." 'Something's telling me that I'm going to be right.' - Mane Fair Hotel Lobby. 2:30pm Me and Rarity soon managed to be at the run-through appointment at the designated time. "Hello! I'm here half an hour early for my run-through appointment, just the way Prim likes!" "Get in line over there." the Receptionist said. But soon looked at the fabric "Oh my, that fabric's gorgeous, did you make that yourself?" she asked Rarity. "Oh, why, yes. It's stretchy, but not clingy. Shimmery—" At that exact moment we heard Suri Polomare saying the exact same thing "Shimmery, but not showy." We soon walked up to see that Suri's fashion line was made with the same fabric as Rarity. "And the entire line is in the same adorable pattern. It works on everything from skirts to tops to shoes and,..." Suri Polomare soon chuckled. Prim Hemline soon clapped her hooves "Oh, bravo! I've never seen anything like it!" As Suri Polomare exited, I stomped in front of her path then Rarity got close to her face. "You stole my fabric!" Suri Polomare soon laughed "I didn't steal it, okay? You gave it to me, 'member?" she said as she walked pass us. "I gave you the fabric for accents! Not for your whole line! And how could you possibly make all of those outfits out of it so fast?!" "Fast? Hah! Coco Pommel here took practically forever. Nearly got me completely disqualified." she said as she pointed to the mare. The mare, as Suri said who was named Coco Pommel was a creme color earth mare, her mane and tail were two shades of sky-blue and a translucent white color, her iris color was light blue, she had some kind of floral decoration pined in her mane she was sporting a secretary outfit with some type of neck piece attached to it. (similar to this.) Coco Pommel soon spoke "Well, I wanted to make sure you'd win, so I took the extra time to—" but was soon interrupted by Suri. "Quiet! I pay an assistant to sew and get coffee, not talk. 'Kay?" Rarity soon gasped "How could this happen?" Suri Polomare soon walked up to Rarity then placed her arm around Rarity's shoulder "Aw, sweetie, don't blame yourself. It takes some small-town fillies a while to learn it's everypony for herself in the big city, m'kay?" Rarity soon started crying then she ran out the door. "Rarity wait!" I called out but no avail. "Hope you realize how fortunate you are to have me as a mentor. Now get me some coffee!" she demanded Coco Pommel. Coco Pommel soon ran to get coffee leaving only me and Suri. I tighten my fist, I felt my anger rising. Suri than looked at me with a smug and yet seductive smirk. "Taking advantage at one's generosity and using it for your own..." I started "That's low." "Well it's just like I told little miss drama queen there that it's everypony for herself in the big city, m'kay?" "So your basically telling me is that you knew that if your fashion design went up against Rarity's, you knew that she would be the winner." Suri nodded her head. "You're a sharp one aren't you? Not only that, but a physique to boot." she said as she walk towards me. "You know, now that I get a good look at you, the rumors on what I heard mares were talking about were true." "What rumors?" I questioned. "I've heard through the grapevine that a handsome looking alien has save Equestria from when it was in peril. I was skeptical at first but now since that I have the opportunity," "Just exactly what are you really trying to say?" I questioned. "Why not leave Rarity and join me, I could use a handsome secretary such as yourself. What do you say-?" "Forget it." I said without a second of hesitation. I soon took off to catch up to Rarity. - Mane Fair Hotel hallway 3:00pm I soon managed to catch up to Rarity, her eyes still filled with tears. As we neared the room we soon heard the others. "Oh, my gosh, what a great afternoon! That was almost too much fun!" said Twilight. "Better pace yourself, 'cause the rest of the day is jam-packed!" said Rainbow. "First there's the salon appointment to get our manes done." said Applejack. "Then our fancy dinner at the Far-Afield Tavern!" said Pinkie. Fluttershy soon came in last "And after that..." "Hinny of the Hills!" they all said excluding Spike who was carrying the girls souvenirs. But as they were all laughing, I soon came in with Rarity with tears still in her eyes. Rainbow was the first one to notice "Is... everything okay?" "You got the dresses the bellhop brought you and everything, right?" Pinkie asked as she hoped towards us. But Rarity walked past her towards the bed then started bawling as she collapsed on it. "But he said he brought them." Rainbow said. "And then Suri stole them!" Rarity said through her crying. She soon sat up then started hyperventilating "I let one of the other contestants use some of my one-of-a-kind fabric" hyperventilating "and then she turned it into a wardrobe just like mine," hyperventilating "only now it looks like I'm the one copying her! My generosity has ruined me, I tell you! Ruined!" she screamed then continued bawling. "Now, Rarity, whatever went wrong, we're all here to help you get through it, no matter what it takes." said Twilight trying to console her. The rest of us agreed with Twilight. Applejack soon spoke "Come on, Rarity, buck up! All we need is some fabric and you'll be back in business!" Rarity soon scanned around the room look at the curtains, the rug, and the bed sheets. Rarity soon gasped "This new line is going to be marvelous! Perhaps even better than the last! It's daring, it's bold! Perhaps I still have a chance after all!" - That Night. We all soon found ourselves sewing dresses, while the rest were working on machines, I soon found myself knitting. Even though I had very little to no experience for when it come to knitting, I can easily tell that everyone had limited experience too. 'And their working with machines.' Ooooh, the dress-making irony. Rarity soon walked over to Twilight levitating a basket of fabric "Twilight! Sew these pieces together according to that pattern there!" "You said if we skipped dinner at the Far-Afield Tavern, you'd order a meal for us while we keep working." she said. "Don't fret. It'll be here in an hour. That's not going to be a problem, is it?" Rarity asked everyone. Rainbow soon spoke up "Well, we're supposed to be watching Hinny of the Hills by then..." At that moment, I felt as if Rarity's ticking time bomb of rage just went off. "Oh! I see! I go out of my way to get you tickets for a show, and this is how you repay me? By abandoning me in my hour of need? " Twilight, along with her friends (excluding myself) hung their heads down "Oh, oh, oh! Fine! Go and see Hinny of the Hills tonight! And then tomorrow morning when you come to see my fashion show without any fashion to show, you can have more entertainment!" Rarity soon wrapped her arms around Pinkie and Rainbow's shoulders ""Oh, why look, there's our friend Rarity going down in flames! Isn't friendship magic?!"" Pinkie nodded her head. "Rarity, calm down. What's gotten into you?" Twilight asked trying to calm her down, but to no avail. "What's gotten into you?!" Rarity snapped back "Oh, go ahead! See your little show! Congratu-pony-lations, fillies! Sounds like you've all figured out already it's everypony for herself in this town!" Rarity soon ran out the door and slammed it shut. I soon got done with my pieces for Rarity's new line. I soon set the knitting needles down then ran out the door to find Rarity. - Outside the Mane Fair Hotel 10:00pm I soon found Rarity in the alleyway with her head against the wall of the building. "Rarity..." I started in a serious tone. She didn't answer back. "We need to talk." Still no answer. "Listen, I know that this is hard for you but don't take it out on your friends. Even though they don't have the dress making experience like you do, they're, including me, are trying our hardest to make sure that you win tomorrow's fashion show an-" "JUST LEAVE AND ABANDON ME AND WATCH HINNY OF THE HILLS!!!" she scream with her head still facing the wall. "Rarity I'm not going to aban-" "YES YOU ARE YOU ALL ARE GOING TO JUST STOP AND GO SEE THE MUSICAL!!! AND JUST LEAVE M-" I interrupted her by forcefully turning her around, gripping the collar of her shirt with both my hands then pinning her back forcefully to the wall of the next building. "LISTEN TO YOURSELF RARITY THIS ISN'T YOU!!!!!!!" I screamed in her face. She was stun by my action she couldn't say anything. "This all happen cause you told me to give Suri your fabric! I understand that it was wrong of Suri to take advantage of your generosity and use your fabric for her whole line, but being rude to your friends including me has nothing to do with it!" I huffed a few times, but then let out a groan then released my grip on her. "Fine, be stubborn, if you wanna think that it's everypony for herself in this town, then fine by me." I said as I walked out of the alleyway. Now in complete honesty that the was one thing I'd really wished I wouldn't resort to. As I walked back up to the room, I felt a tear escape my left eye. "I'd wished I didn't had to resort to that method." - The next day. We all soon the finishing touches on the final dress. "There. That's the last of them." said Twilight. Rarity soon gasped when took the dress "Finally!" she said as she ran out the door. "You're welcome!" Twilight called out. - The fashion show 9:00am I was watching from behind the bleachers, even though I was able to see how the show will unfold I wasn't able to be detected from other ponies. Suri Polomare soon got finished with her "Original" dress collection. Prim Hemline soon stood beside Suri Polomare and spoke "Let's have another round of applause for Suri Polomare's amazing collection." The ponies soon started cheering. "That fabric! So original!" Prim Hemline commented. Rarity soon sighed, I groaned then rolled my eyes. Suri Polomare soon walked up to Rarity then chuckled "Well look who's here. Here to show off your copycat collection, mm? Heh." I clenched my fist even tighter 'I swear if it wasn't for my chivalry, I'd give her a coffee that would make her brain buzz all the way to the clinic!' Prim Hemline soon spoke "And now, Rarity from Ponyville with her brand new line – and I mean "brand new" – Hotel Chic." With that, the curtains soon unveiled to see Rarity's collection. Despite the rest of us having limited knowledge on making dresses, ponies were talking in an excited manner, then the sound of clicking cameras soon followed. Rarity soon perked up with joy "Oh! They're liking it! I think I may have just won this thing! Oh, I can't wait to celebrate with..." she soon looked out towards the bleachers but only found a big empty space "My friends. They didn't come. What have I done?" Ponies continued cheering, and cameras kept clicking. Prim Hemline soon walked up to Rarity "Rarity, they all adore you! Aren't you going to tell them about your fabulous pieces?" On what I saw next was something was I that couldn't make out. Rarity looked at the center velvet rope that separated the audience from the stage. A rainbow trail soon traveled across the rope, but when I looked back at Rarity this is what I saw. "I have to go." she said then hurried out of the room. Prim Hemline soon gasped "Come back at once!" The audience gasped as Rarity pushed aside one of the models, leaped off the stage, then ran out the door. "This is unheard of!" Prim Hemline said. "I think she realized her mistake." I said then started following her. - Outside the Mane Fair Hotel 10:30am I soon followed Rarity even though I was 15 steps behind her, it appears she hasn't notice me yet. Rarity soon turned right then was greeted by the Bellhop. "How do you do, ma'am? Contest going well?" he asked. "No time to talk. I have to find my friends!" she said. "Oh, uh, they're gone already. I saw them headed out this morning." "Oh, no! Back to Ponyville, I imagine. Oh, they worked so hard on my behalf! And I repaid them with unkindness. What have I done?! Oh... here you are." she said and levitated two gems to the Bellhop then ran off. "But miss, I– I didn't do anything!" he called out. I soon turn right the stopped at the Bellhop. "Hey have you seen the mare with the purple curled mane?" I asked. And the reason on why I said it like that is because I don't think he knows Rarity's name. "Yes, she just ran that way." he said then pointed on where she headed. "Thanks a bunch." I said then ran off. "Wait!" he called out stopping me. I turned around then caught an umbrella and two gemstones. "It's gonna rain, and you can give those gems back to her, I didn't do anything." "Thanks again!" I said. I soon placed the gems in my pocket, unfurled the umbrella then went off to find Rarity. - Manehatten Streets 11:00am It soon started raining as soon when I manage to spot Rarity. Rarity soon started singing. Oh, Manehattan, what have I done? The thought of Fashion Week was fun But I went way too far My friends gave to me in ways so kind And I gave them nothing but a hard time And now alone I stand And now alone I stand She soon hugged herself and shivered a bit from the cold. I soon walked up to her then loomed the umbrella over her head. She soon shot her head up then looked towards me. "You'll catch a cold if let yourself get drenched by the rain." I smiled. But when I looked back at Rarity, I saw tears running down her face, her tears also making her mascara run too. She immediately tackled me causing me to stumble slightly but I managed to still keep my footing, threw her arms around my shoulders then started weeping in my shirt. I soon handed her a tissue for her to blow her muzzle on. As she was done blowing her muzzle I threw the tissue as she continued weeping in my shirt. "Hey, there, there Rarity. Come on, lets go." I said then patted her soaked head. As we were walking back to the hotel the rain was starting fade while Rarity continued holding my left arm with both her arms wrapped around it. "Hey Rarity," I said. She soon looked at me. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that to you yesterd-" Rarity soon interrupted me. "No, I'm the one who should I'm the one who should be apologizing Torrent." I looked at her questioningly. "I'd pretty much deserved it on how rudely I treated you and the rest who went home." "'Went home'? Rarity they di-" I soon didn't finished my sentence again as Rarity soon released her hold on my arm but grasped my hand then quicken her pace. - Mane Fair Hotel lobby 12:00pm. Me and Rarity soon rushed in and Rarity soon spoke to the Receptionist. "I need a moment with Prim Hemline. I have to rush back to Ponyville, but I just wanted to thank her first for—" However, Rarity was cut off by Suri Polomare. "Uh-uh-uh, you'd best steer clear of Prim for a while. She's pretty furious. Isn't that right?" she asked towards Coco Pommel. "Um... yes." Coco Pommel answered. As soon as Coco Pommel answered the res of the mane six, including Spike walked through the doors. Pinkie then put on a smile and a squee was heard. "There you all are! I can't believe it, I thought you went back home!" Rarity exclaimed. "We missed the show because we overslept, but Torrent managed to make it. Suri told us you lost. I'm really sorry." I soon looked at Suri who had a smirk on her face, but Coco Pommel had an expression of guilt. 'Like hell she lost!' I was about to say something but Rarity beat me to it. "I lost? You know what? I don't even care. I'm just happy you're all still here after how I treated you. Taking advantage of your friendship the way I did. How could you ever see past it?" "Yeah, you were pretty rotten." Applejack said. *sound effect* "Ouch." I said Rainbow soon spoke after me "Wow, Applejack. I know your thing is honesty, but come on!" Twilight soon walked up to Rarity "Last night we may not have seen you at your best, but we know you. And we would never let one thing like that change how we feel about you." The all soon got in a group hug while I stood beside them with my arms crossed, giving them a smile. Rarity soon spoke "Oh, thank you! You really are the most wonderful friends a pony could have!" we soon exited the hotel "You know, I already arranged to make it up to you this afternoon! Hope you're all available for an exclusive performance of Hinny of the Hills!" The rest of them soon responded by cheering. I trailed behind them then I heard Suri Polomare voice. "And that is how it's done. Pretty clever how I convinced her to stay away from Prim, wasn't it? [chuckles] Wouldn't have wanted her to find out the truth now, would we?" - Bridleway theater 1:00pm And I'm a dancing pony! While the rest were cheering loudly me and Spike just clapped. 'Yea, definitely a ponified version of The Maid of the Mountains.' I thought. "Wow! That was even better than I imagined!" Applejack exclaimed. Rainbow Dash soon flew into the air "I loved it!" but then she flew back down then spoke in beat tone "Uh, I mean, it was a'ight." Applejack and Pinkie Pie soon started laughing. "How did you ever get them to agree to do an extra performance just for us?" Twilight asked Rarity. "Remember my costume designer friend who got me the tickets? Well, I offered to make all the costumes for his next show!" "Um, here in Manehattan?" Fluttershy questioned. "Well, um... yes... it will keep me away from Ponyville for a while." The rest of them soon sighed in disappointment while I just sat with my hands on knees just staring. "But I so wanted you to see this show! And working for this designer is such a great opportunity!" Rarity said. "We know. We're happy for you, Rarity. We're just sad for us." Applejack replied "Mind if I join you?" said a mare. We all turned to see Coco Pommel. Rarity soon spoke "Sure. Come on down." as Coco Pommel walked down me and Rarity soon walked up to her. Coco Pommel soon reached into her bag then pulled out a golden trophy "This is the first place trophy for Fashion Week." Rarity said then immediately gasped "With my name on it! But I thought I lost!" "You didn't." Coco Pommel said "You won. Suri was hoping that if you didn't claim your prize, the judges would consider it a forfeit and first place would go to her. So she lied to make you and your friends go away, and, well, I lied too. I've worked for Suri for so long, I started to believe that it really is everypony for herself in this town. Until I saw how generous you were with your friends and with Torrent, and how generous they were with you. It made me start believing there was something better for me out there. So, I– I quit. I brought you something to say thank you." Coco Pommel soon reached into her bag again and pulled out a small gift box. "Hey Rarity," I said. Rarity soon looked at me questioningly. I soon whispered an Idea in her ear. Rarity soon smirked then spoke Coco Pommel "Hm. I suppose you'll need a job now that you're no longer with Suri. How would you like to work for my friend making all the costumes for his next show?" Coco Pommel soon smiled. - Manehattan Train station 2:00pm As the rest of the gang boarded the train, I turned back to Coco Pommel then stuck my hand out towards her. "It's was a pleasure meeting you Coco Pommel." I said. She soon clasped my hand with both her hands. "Torrent, I must thank you to." "Thank me? For what?" "When I came back getting Suri her coffee I overheard her offering you to be a secretary. But when you refused without any moment of hesitation it also made me realized that that you can't turn back on your friends." "Yea, I guess it did." Without any warning, Coco Pommel soon threw her arms around me and embrace tightly. "Torrent, next time we meet will call me Coco?" I soon blushed "Uhh... Sure thing Coco." The train blew the warning whistle. Coco soon let me go. "Dammit! See ya Coco!" We both soon waved goodbye. - Carousel Boutique few hours later Rarity's voice over Manehattan was simply grand. It was in this magnificent metropolis that I learned that, while there are ponies who will take advantage of your generosity, you should never, ever let that cause you to abandon your generous spirit. Nothing feels worse than taking advantage of the giving nature of your friends. Rarity soon opened Coco Pommel's gift it was a spool of rainbow thread. She soon placed it with her other threads then gestured her hoof for me to come with her. I soon looked back at the spool then saw this. "Something tells me that this is only the beginning of something big." I said to myself. > Intertwine of a distance ancestor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been nearly over a month since my arrival here in Equestria, and the past few weeks were... "Lively". I still continued living with Twilight, I also have time to myself. But thanks to a certain pink mare, every time I walk pass Sugarcube Corner I have to remain on my toes. - Golden Oaks Library 9:00am. Me, Twilight and Spike were reading books about Genealogy. Twilight soon book the book she was reading on a stack and went to get another. But when she pulled the book Pinkie soon appeared from within the shelf. "Whatcha doin'?" Pinkie asked Twilight. "Aaagh!" ""Aaagh" yourself! But that doesn't answer my question, silly." Pinkie said then giggled. "Pinkie?" I questioned. 'How the hell did she get in there.' "Just some genealogical research." Twilight answered. "Here, let me help you outta there Pinkie." I said then tried to help her off the shelf. "Ohhh." Pinkie responded. But soon fell on top of me. She soon sat up (while she still straddled me) then whispered to Spike "I don't know what that is." "Genealogy is the study of family history. Y'know, where ponies come from and who they're related to." Spike explained then stacked more scrolls in a cris-cross formation. "Ooh, fascinating." "Pinkie can you get off me now?" I asked. "Oh, sorry Torrent." Pinkie soon got off of me then took a scroll second from the bottom. "Maybe you should pick one from the... top?" Twilight said then the scroll tower didn't topple. 'Wow, it's like Jenga.' I mentally said. Pinkie soon rolled out the comically long scroll then began "scrolling" down. (Pun intended.) "Uh-huh... Interesting... I see... Hmm, that makes sense... Not much of a surprise there..." Pinkie soon went to the basement "WHAT?!?" Twilight soon opened the window and Pinkie was outside "This is the most amazing thing ever!" 'Yeah, How'd the heck did you get out there?' I said in my head. Pinkie continued talking. "Why didn't you tell me how amazing this is?! Genealogy is better than cotton candy on top of a fountain of chocolate!" Pinkie exclaimed then fell to the ground "You'll never believe who it says I'm related to!" "Who?" I asked. "No time to explain, come cousin!" Pinkie said quickly then took hold of my arm. "Say wha-?" I didn't get to finish because I soon found myself being dragged by Pinkie. - Sweet Apple Acres 9:15am Pinkie soon started knocking on AppleJack's door then AppleJack soon answered it. "Hey, cousin!" Pinkie greeted then hugged AppleJack. - Sweet Apple Acres 9:30am Me and Pinkie soon sat on the guest couch while AppleJack was elated upon hearing the news. "This is just so excitin', I can hardly believe it!" she said. "I know! Isn't it the best?" Pinkie added. Apple Bloom soon hopped forward then on the couch "I have another brother and sister! I have another brother and sister!" "Well, you actually have a fourth cousin twice removed by a fifth cousin and a long lost cousin twice removed by a second cousin, but that's like exactly like a brother and sister!" Pinkie explained. 'There are a lot of things wrong here. I mentally said with an uneasy expression. But no one hasn't notice it because they were all too focused on the whole new family member topic. Applejack soon spoke "I'd try to tone it down a little around non-family members, because I don't want to make them jealous, but..." However, Apple Bloom didn't tone down at all "This is the best family ever!" she exclaimed as she jumped up and down on the couch. Soon then the spring of the cushion gave way in which caused said spring to launch Apple bloom to the celling. Applejack soon covered the spring with a pillow "It really is. You two are gonna love bein' Apples." Apple bloom soon fell to the floor. "I mean, you've got the playful one..." Apple bloom soon the came out on top of a big ball but crashed into something else. Pinkie soon started clapping her hoofs. "The strong one..." "Eeyup." Big Mac replied as he was holding a kitchen stove with one arm. But soon a pie soon splat on his face. "Easy there Big Mac, here I'll take it off your hands or hoofs." I said as I took the stove with two hands. Now being a mechanic has it's perks, the times when the lifter in my shop would break down I had to resort to some heavy duty chains and raw manpower. To compare my strength towards the long years of heavy lifting with my arms (plus having the blood of a heavyweight boxer) my level of strength would be equal to Simon Garth. After I placed the stove back in the kitchen I walked back to the living room then sat back down on the couch. Applejack continued "And of course, there's Granny Smith, who knows everythin' about everythin'!" she soon pointed to Granny who was siting in her rocker. "A Ponyville snail can hibernate for up to forty-eight moons!" she said. "Who knew?" Pinkie said. Applejack soon walked towards the door "And then there's me." she soon sniffs the air then exhaled "Do you smell that sweet apple air, you two?" I didn't respond, knowing that was a rhetorical question. But Pinkie on the other hand soon took a big whiff of the air. She was about to say something till Applejack plugged Pinkie's mouth with her hoof. "That was rhetorical. Of course you smell it. You're both Apples now!" Apple Bloom soon ran out the door "And Applejack is the one responsible for it!" "Aw, Apple Bloom, that is sweet, but--" Applejack was cut off by Apple Bloom. "It's true! I mean she keeps us all organized and on schedule and does her own part on top of it all!" "Mm-hmm." Big Mac and Granny Smith agreed, causing Applejack to blush. Pinkie soon took hold of my hand then hopped forward "I was already super happy as a Pie! And now I get to be a part of this amazing family too along with coolest human Torrent?" "Pinkie I know your happy and all 'a little too happy' but how is it th-" I was cut off by Apple bloom. "It's even more amazin' now that you and Torrent are in it!" she started speaking rhythmically tone "We're family, we're family, you an' me are family!" Apple bloom soon twirled Pinkie then kept twirling. "Best family twirl everrrrrrr!" she exclaimed. But soon crashed into something. "Huh, I just can't believe we've never heard anythin' about this before! Hmm..." Applejack said as she looked at the scroll. "What's wrong, sis?" Apple Bloom asked. "I'm not seein' where exactly it says we're family." she answered. Pinkie soon took the scroll then lay it out "It's riiiiiiiii-" Pinkie soon took a deep breath "-iiiiiight here!" she pointed to the very bottom of the scroll, at the other end of the barn. "It... is?" Applejack questioned. "Uh-huh. Applesauce of the Apple family lineage is a fourth cousin twice removed of the Pie family and Apple clobber of the Apple family lineage had long lost cousin of the Braddock family!" "I see the part about our great, great auntie Applesauce, the fourth cousin twice removed part, and the part of our great , great uncle Apple clobber but those last bit's awful smudged. Are you sure it says 'Pie' and 'Braddock'?" Pinkie soon looked back at the scroll "I guess it is a little smudged, but I see most of it there, and when I read it, I knew in my heart it was true!" "Well, ain't that just the sweetest thing!" Granny Smith said. Big Mac, Granny Smith an Apple bloom gave Pinkie and myself a group hug considering that she still held my arm. Applejack soon walked up to us "It is, it is. I'd just hate for us to get all excited before we found out for sure." "So how are we supposed to find out for sure?" Apple bloom asked as she kicked up some dirt. They all soon started thinking until Granny Smith had an idea. "Ehhhh... Oh! Cousin Goldie Delicious! Her cabin's practically an Apple family history museum! If anypony has the records to back up Pinkie's theory, it's her!" Applejack soon spoke up. "Huh, I suppose we could always... I mean, Goldie Delicious doesn't live that far away, and we haven't been on one as a family in a real long time... " she soon looked at us and excluding myself were giving toothy smiles "Are y'all thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Soon the Apple family exclaimed in unison "Family road trip!" - Golden Oaks Library 10:15am. "You're doing what now?" Twilight questioned. "Me, Pinkie along with Applejack, Granny Smith, Apple bloom and Big Mac are going to Goldie Delicious cabin to see if she can help backup Pinkie's theory of whether or not if she and myself are apart of the Apple family." I said as I packed any necessary weaponry in my shoulder bag. "But isn't that impossible in considering that you're-" "That I'm a human from a different dimension." I finished Twilight's sentence. Twilight soon nodded her head in agreement. "Ether way, I already betting that I'm not blood-related to the family, but I'll go along with this trip into seeing how will it turn out." "Well, you and the others be carful okay." As I neared the door, I just remembered something. "By the way, Where's Spike?" I asked. The snoring soon immediately followed after my question. "He's sleeping?" I said questionably. "Today is his day off, so he normally spends it sleeping." Twilight answered. "Ahh." With that question out of the way, I soon went out the door then towards Sweet Apple Acres. - Road to Sweet Apple Acres 10:30am I soon met back up with Pinkie as I walked pass Sugarcube Corner who then handed me a bag. Said something that it would come in handy during the trip she said. - Sweet Apple Acres 10:45am As we walked pass the gate (well, I walked, Pinkie just did her default hopping while trailing confetti behind her.) we soon meet with the Apple Family with an over packed Jalopy. Pinkie soon spoke as we approached "Are y'all ready to go? Because I'm ready to go-go-go!" "I'm ready too." I said. Big Mac soon gesture his hoof to put our stuff into the Jalopy. Pinkie soon tossed her bag in it, but Big Mac looked towards me. "I'm ok with carrying my stuff Big Mac." I said. Applejack soon looked towards the Jalopy "Er, Big Mac? Are you sure we really need all that stuff?" "Eeyup." "Are you sure you're strong enough to really pull all that stuff?" Applejack asked again. "Eeyup." "Are you sure the wagon's strong enough to hold it all?" Big Mac soon groaned "Eeyup!" Applejack soon frowned at him but quickly looked towards me and Pinkie "Then lets get this show on the road!" - On the road to Goldie Delicious 11:00am. I wanted to help Big Mac pull the cart but he politely refused, so I soon found myself walking along side the Jalopy. The rocks on the dirt road made the Jalopy bump but soon I started hearing music. C'mon, Apples, y'all know this one! Hot-diggity! Yee-haw! Eeyup. We travel the road of generations Joined by a common bond We sing our song 'cross the pony nation From Equestria and beyond We're Apples forever, Apples together We're family, but so much more No matter what comes, we will face the weather We're Apples to the core Eeyup I don't what was I thinking, but I soon took out a pair of drumsticks (instruments not chicken) then began drumming to the beat against the Jalopy. There's no place that I'd rather be Than travelin' with my family Friends all around come to join and see As we sing out across the land We're Apples forever, Apples together We're family, but so much more No matter what comes, we will face the weather We're Apples to the core Eeyup We're peas in a pod, we're thick as thieves Any cliché you can throw at me We're here for each other, through thick and thin You're always welcome with your Apple kin Wheeeeee! You're more fun than the color pink Or balloons flying over your favorite drink The love I feel here is swim, not sink As we party across this land All right! We're Apples forever, Apples together We're family, but so much more No matter what comes, we will face the weather We're Apples to the core! Eeyup! The Jalopy soon fell apart. 'I knew that it would fall apart. I thought - Jalopy crash site 11:15am Applejack came up to Big Mac "Big Mac! I thought you said–" Pinkie soon appeared beside Applejack "Uh, I thought–" she stammered "I mean, not that I'm blamin' you, because we don't blame in this family, but I thought you said all this stuff wasn't gonna be too heavy." Big Mac soon looked at Applejack sternly. I can easily tell that their trying to hold back their arguments. "How're we supposed to get to Goldie Delicious now?" Apple Bloom question. Granny Smith soon spoke up "I don't know, but I don't see how we can go back now either. We're closer to cousin Goldie's that we are to home. Torrent don't you got any of your fancy mechanical doohickeys with ya?" "The only things I have with me are my projects. I had some building supplies but Pinkie said otherwise." "What's she do with it?" Apple bloom questioned. "She soaked them in bleach and smashed them with a mallet." Pinkie soon then gasped "I have the best... idea... ever! Family river trip!" she exclaimed. "Heh." Applejack nervously chuckled "Just one problem. We haven't got a raft." she soon spoke under her breath "'Bout the only thing that didn't get packed." In soon responded by Big Mac glaring at Applejack. "Well, back in the old days, we used to use the sap from a sugar pine tree to glue things together." Granny Smith said as she stuck her hoof towards a sap filled tree." "That is, uh, fascinatin'... Don't know that it's helpful, but it is fascinatin'..." Applejack said. "Pfft! 'Not helpful', my patootie! We're gonna build ourselves a raft out of these here jalopy parts and keep it held together with sugar pine sap!" "Hm, worth a shot!" Applejack said. "Woo-hoo!" Pinkie exclaimed. - The riverbank 30 minuets later. Me and Applejack soon finished fastening the makeshift raft with vines. Applejack soon spoke "Could be worse, I guess. Now remember, this time we're only packin' the necessities." Pinkie soon popped out of the luggage "Wait a second!" then took a photo. "This one is for the scrapbook!" she said with a giggle. "Pinkie Pie, when did you have time to make this?" Applejack asked Pinkie. Pinkie soon put the scrapbook away "Applejack, when you're family, you make the time." Big mac soon pushed the raft off the riverbank. "Woo-hoo! We did it!" Applejack exclaimed. "Say 'soaked'!" Pinkie said to the apple family. They raised a brow until they got splashed by a big wave. - On the River 11:45am While Applejack was taking the helm, Granny and Apple bloom were playing checkers while I just rested on the stern of the raft listing in on Pinkie and Big Mac's conversation. "So what you're saying is, if I have the courage to jump, the parachute will open." Pinkie said to Big Mac. "Eeyup." "Whoa! That is deep!" "Eeyup." Applejack soon looked ahead of us to see the river splits into three paths "Uh-oh... All right, y'all. Please tell me that the map didn' get wet. 'Cuz it looks like I'm gonna need it right about now." Apple Bloom soon rummaged through the cargo till she found the map "Found it!" Apple bloom soon started singing. Who's got the map? I got the map! M to the A to the yeah, that's right, P Ain't no other pony found a map like me I'm Applel— Uh-oh. Applejack soon gasped. As everyone tried to grab the map, it soon went overboard soon a fish caught it then said fish got swooped by a eagle, along with the map, Pinkie soon took a picture. Apple Bloom soon laughed nervously. Applejack soon walked up to Apple Bloom "All you had to do was bring it to me. No singin', no dancin', no games. Just walk it over!" she said through gritted teeth. "Eeyup." Big Mac replied through gritted teeth. "Say 'best siblings ever'!" Pinkie exclaimed as they tried to put convincing smiles on. then clicked her camera "Ooh, that's another keeper!" Granny Smith soon spoke up "It's okay, y'all! I travelled down this river as a filly and I know it like the back of my hoof!" "Are you sure you know which way to go?" Applejack questioned Granny Smith. "Does a June bug like to hide in a tree?" 'Yes.' I mentally said. "Uh... I don't know." "Well, I do know! And I also know we wanna head southeast! Now step aside, young'un!" Granny smith soon took the wheel and head to the far right. "Um, Granny?" Applejack asked. "Myuh-huh?" "Are we supposed to go through a cave?" Applejack asked as we spotted a cave in the distance. "Ah, don't worry, child! The scariest cave in Equestria was down that other way!" "The scariest cave in Equestria?" Apple Bloom said as she gripped onto Big Mac. "Oh, it's a fright all right! Filled with creatures that'll eat ya soon as look at ya!" Pinkie soon appeared beside Granny Smith "Ooh, sounds scary. Tell us more!" I was still laying on the side of the raft but I was still able to listen on the conversation. "Ponies go in... but they never come out!" Granny Smith said. "And you're sure it's not that cave? The one we're headin' straight for?" Applejack asked. "Now, Applejack, I taught you better than to question your elder ponies!" Granny Smith said. They soon glared at each other but soon looked at Pinkie who gave a squee. "Heh... you sure did." Applejack said to Granny Smith. "Alrighty then. Now everypony just sit on back an' leave the steerin' to your old Granny Smith." she said as we headed towards the cave. I soon unzipped my bag then pulled out the Bulletstorm Chaingun with unlimited energy and soon revved it up. Applejack soon gulped as we entered the cave. "See now? Told ya th--" Granny Smith was soon interrupted by roaring sounds and gunshots. Screams of the Apple family soon followed. Pinkie soon clicked her camera "Got it!" screaming continues "Best scary unidentifiable creature and best Torrent action moment ever!" continuing screaming "Say 'terrified'!" The screaming still continued and Pinkie took another snapshot. As we exited the cave Pinkie began humming while I extinguished my gun in the water. I looked towards the Apple family to see Apple Bloom and Applejack clinging on to Big mac, While Granny Smith had a shocked expression on her face. "Guess that was the scariest cave in Equestria." Granny smith said but soon received glares from the rest of the family. "Uh, of course I meant to take us through it! Unexpected adventure is good for the soul!" "Best granny wisdom ever!" Pinkie said as I put back my Minigun. Applejack soon walked up to the wheel "Uh-huh. Why don't you just scooch on over there, Granny? Think I'll take it from here on out." "Huh! Is that how I taught you to treat your elder ponies?" she said as she tugged the other end of the wheel. "Ooh! Ooh! Is it?" Pinkie questioned. "You taught me to trust my common sense. And my common sense says we should get to Goldie Delicious's cabin in one piece." Applejack answered as she tugged her end of the wheel. Granny Smith soon tugged the wheel back to her "And that is exactly what I'm gonna do!" Tugged the wheel back "That is mighty generous of you, but I think you've done enough for one day." Granny Smith tugged it back "And how exactly are you gonna know which way to go?" "Hmmmmmmm?" Pinkie replied. "It would be easier if the map hadn't gone overboard!" Applejack gesturing over to Apple Bloom. "Hey! There wouldn't have been an overboard if Big Mac hadn't overpacked the jalopy!" "Eeyu- hey!" I can easily that this family was near it's breaking point. "Exactly! So I think we can all agree that from here on out, I should be in charge of everythin'." The Apple family soon arguing and yanking the wheel in all directions. 'This won't end well.' Soon enough I was right, the wheel flew out of their hooves then landed in the river then a duck soon caught it the said duck got swooped by an eagle. The family soon glared at Applejack causing her to laugh nervously. Pinkie soon popped up next to Applejack. "I just wanna say... that I think you're all super duper, and I can't wait to make a page in my scrapbook about the amazing waterfall we went down!" We all soon looked ahead of us to see that we were about to go over the waterfall. "Holy shit. I said to myself. I soon hooked some chains to the handles of the raft then held them in each arms. The Apple family soon began panicking, then started screaming when we went down the fall. "Wheeeee!" Pinkie exclaimed. Pinkie soon took some pictues then the raft soon hit bottom then popped back up. "Huh! Told you that sugar pine sap would hold this thing together." Granny Smith said as she re-furled an umbrella. "Wait where's Pinkie and Torrent?" Applejack asked. "We're up here." I called out. The look up to see me with a deployed Para-glider with Pinkie in the secondary strap. I soon dropped Pinkie on to the raft but it soon fell apart causing both the Apples and Pinkie to yelp. "To hell with it." I said as I unstrapped myself then fell into the water, - Goldie Delicious's Cabin An hour later. The Apple family soon started groaning as we headed towards Goldie Delicious's Cabin. "We're here! We're here! We made it to Goldie Delicious's's's's's!" Pinkie said "You guys! There's a note!" she exclaimed as she took the note off the door then began skimming through it, then started giggling. "Uh, Pinkie Pie? Maybe you could read that one out loud?" Applejack asked. "Oh, right, sorry! I haven't even read it yet. I was just looking at how pretty the paper is. Okay, it says that she ran off to run some errands but will be home soon! Oh, that's perfect!" "Why is that perfect?" Apple Bloom questioned. "Because it'll give me enough time to get more scrapbook paper! Come along Torrent! See ya!" "Coming!" I called out then followed her. - Sometime later. As we came back from the scrapbook shop we soon heard Applejack's voice. "Everypony, I think we have to let Pinkie Pie and Torrent know that even if they do discover that their Apples, they does not have to feel obliged to consider themselves one." "Sure as applesauce." Granny Smith replied. "Are you kidding me?!" Pinkie called out. "You guys are the best family ever!" "How can you say that?" Applejack questioned "We started out as one big unit, and now look at us." "Yeah! Now look at you! You're all here still in one big unit, loving each other and owning up to what went wrong! You never gave up, even when things got tough!" "She's right you guys, I mean sure we had a bumpy road and raging water path in the middle, but as Pinkie stated, it all matters on the pathway can be accomplished." I added. 'I can't believe I said something so cheesy.' "They do make a pretty good point." Apple Bloom spoke. "You aren't just family, you're best friends!" Pinkie soon dog-piled Applejack" And I wanna be an Apple more than ever!" "I too would like to see if I'm related." I said. "And we want you two be one too!" Apple Bloom said. "Yippee!" Pinkie exclaimed then giggled. "Now that's how you run an errand." said a mare in an elderly voice. We all turned to see an elderly peach colored mare whit he saddlebags full of cats walking towards us. "Hello!" Pinkie greeted. "Hello yourself!" The mare greeted back. Applejack soon spoke up "You must be Goldie Delicious. So nice to meet you." "Uh-huh. And who exactly are you?" "We're Apples!" Pinkie exclaimed as she put both her arms around our shoulder. "Well, we think we're all Apples. But we need your help finding out if Pinkie Pie here is our fourth cousin twice removed and Torrent her is a long lost cousin." Applejack explained. "Well why didn't you say so? If anypony can help solve this genealogy mystery, it's me!" Goldie Delicious said. She soon started trying to open the door. Goldie Delicious soon started straining "Oh, I am sorry about this. I wasn't exactly expectin' company. Lemme try to squeeze in here..." she soon started straining again as the cats soon started complaining. "Uh, Mrs. Goldie, do you need any help?" I asked. "No thank you youngin'... Gotta... get some oil... for the hinges..." Goldie Delicious soon managed to slip inside but soon started throwing numerous items and cats out the door. "Alrighty then, just have to move a few things out of the way of the door. Ooh! Ah! Get off of that, Mr. Fluffy... Come on, Pooples... Come here, sweetheart... Come on in! Sorry about the mess!" We all soon walked in to see that there was even more items and cats inside than there was outside. "Whoa!" Applejack exclaimed as she stepped on some horseshoes. "Oh, careful now. Those belonged to your great-great-great-great uncle Apple Tart!" Goldie Delicious said. "Well, whose was this?" Apple Bloom asked about the gingerbread house. "Well, that was my lunch. A couple of weeks ago." Goldie Delicious soon walked up to a stack of books and blew a kitten made of dust then pulled a thick book the bottom. 'I've heard of dust bunnies, but dust kitties? That's just ridiculous.' I thought. The book must've been pretty heavy and thick considering on how Goldie Delicious was straining "This here is a complete record of, of our family tree!" she began flipping through the pages "It's not here, or here, or, or here, or it certainly isn't here, is, is it...? Oh, here it is! ...Oh, dear." "'Oh, dear'? What is it?" Granny Smith asked. "Are me and Torrent not Apples after all?" Pinkie asked Goldie Delicious. "Well, that's just it. I don't know. The page is all smudged. I sure am sorry, but I don't think I can help you out after all." "Don't be sorry, it's okay. I'm just a little disappointed that I'll never know for sure if I'm a part of this family." "That's a shame." I said "Well, I know for sure!" Applejack spoke up. "What do you mean? You can't know!" Pinkie said. "I can know for sure that it doesn't matter what the book says or doesn't say. After all you two been through with us and all the both of you put up with, it's obvious your both Apples to the core!" The rest soon agreed. "Darn tootin'!" "Yes siree!" "Eeyup!" "Ooh! Say 'best family hug ever'!" Pinkie said. "Best family hug e-" "Wait a minute!" Pinkie interrupted the family then look towards me standing off to the side. "What?" I asked. "Quit ya stallin' and get in the picture with us! You're apart of the family too!" said Applejack "Yea but I'm a hu-" "Human shmuman just get in the picture sonny." Granny Smith said "Their right Torrent, you're apart of the family along with Pinkie." said Apple Bloom "Big Mac?" "Eeyup." I soon let out a sigh "Looks like ya shanghaied me." I soon got in and stood right next to Big Mac. Alrighty then!" Pinkie said as she held the camera in front of us with her tail "Say 'best family hug ever'!" " "Best family hug ever!" we all said then the camera clicked. - Departure 2:00pm "Thanks again for the wagon, Goldie! We'll see you soon!" Applejack said. " Y'all sure you don't want to take any of these Apple family heirlooms home with you?" On cue, a mountain of memorabilia came crashing down. "Nnope." Big Mac answered. "Wise choice my friend." I said. We're Apples forever, Apples together We're family, but so much more No matter what comes, we will face the weather We're Apples to the core! Eeyup! Sweet Apple Acres 3:00pm Applejack soon spoke "Twilight agreed this was definitely an experience worth puttin' in the journal. Think I'll write about how bein' a good family isn't about bein' perfect as much as it is about bein' able to get through the rough patches together. About bein' able to forgive each other for mistakes." "Don't forget to mention how really good friends can also feel like your family." Apple Bloom added as she hugged both me and Pinkie. "Eeyup." Big Mac agreed. Applejack soon reached for the quill but Apple Bloom stepped in front of her "You know what? Maybe I should write it. I'm good at makin' things sound excitin'." Granny Smith soon spoke next "I have a history of excellent storytellin'. I should probably do it—" Big Mac soon grabbed the pen "Hey! Where in the haystack do you think you're goin' with that there pen?!" "I'm goin' to do-" Big Mac's voice soon got drowned out by the others. They all soon got into another argument. Pinkie Pie soon spoke up "Look at me! I'm part of the Apple family too! I'm arguing! Argue, argue, argue! Bicker, bicker!" she soon started laughs. - Golden Oaks Library 10:00pm Both Twilight and Spike were out like a light but I was still awake. With a lit candle as my only source of light I looked at the picture of me with the Apple family along with Pinkie and Goldie Delicious. "Part of the family huh?" I soon place the photo in my wallet, blew out the candle and went to sleep. > Qualification > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville Train 9:00am Me the mane 6 along with Bulk Biceps (a stallion who I just met during the briefing period with Rainbow) were on our way to rainbow falls for the Aerial Relay Tryouts for the Equestria Games. As Rainbow was looking out the window two pegasi came up to us, one being a stallion with black fur and a Mohawk style bluish mane and the other a mare in a light blue coat and two-toned yellow mane. The Mare soon spoke "Good luck, Rainbow Dash! Sorry we couldn't fly with you on the Aerial Relay, but the air sprinters needed us too." The stallion soon spoke next "Too bad we can only compete in one event." he soon let out a sigh "But, rules are rules." They both soon turned towards me. "You must be Torrent the Human." said the mare. "Yea that's me." "It's nice to meet you, my name is Helia" Helia soon extended her hoof. "And I'm Thunderlane" Thunderlane soon extended his hoofs I crisscrossed my hands and shook theirs. They soon entered the train cart in front of ours. "Good luck!" Twilight called out then turned to Rainbow Dash "It was nice of you to be part of the team that doesn't have... uh... the strongest flyers." she said while looking at Bulk Biceps small wings. "Nothing nice about it. I know that I can pick up the slack for anypony. With me on the team, we'll qualify. I'm sure of it." Rainbow said. "Ponyville is very lucky to have you." "Yeah, I'm pretty awesome." Fluttershy soon started straining and gasping as she tried to get out of Bulk Bicep's bulk "I am so proud to be representing Ponyville." she soon started straining again "Oh, it's such an honor to even try out for the Games. I just hope I don't let anypony down." "We'll make them proud!" Bulk Biceps exclaimed. Pinkie soon appeared under Bulk Biceps, launching him from his seat wearing a cheerleaders outfit "'P' is for 'proud'! We're gonna be the best fans anypony has ever seen!" "Ooh. Can't wait to see what everypony else is wearing, even though I am absolutely sure they won't be better than the Ponyville uniforms I'm designing for the Equestria Games." Rarity said. "And we will make it to the Games once everypony carbo-loads on my apple brown bettys." Applejack said as she held out a pastry. "And not to mention that we also have Torrent." Rainbow said. "What is it that you'll need me for Dash?" I asked. "You'll help us succeed in the tryouts right?" "If by cheering you on then yes." "You're awesome man." Rainbow soon gave me a noogie. "I can't wait!" Pinkie exclaimed. The train soon then pulled to the station at Rainbow falls. As we all exited the train I whistled in awe on seeing how rainbows are a liquefied substance here in Equestria. We soon made it down to the training field and saw various ponies and a group of griffins warming up for the tryouts. As we entered the field, we soon heard chattering. "There's Rainbow Dash! She's an awesome flyer!" Crescent Moon said. "I heard that she's flying the last third of the relay, which means everypony else is gonna have to be way ahead to beat her!" Dizzy Twister added. We soon set up our spot to train I soon began to hear conversations involving me from the other teams. "That must be the human that everypony's talking about." "I know right, he's like a celebrity to this point." As the conversations continued we all soon heard a distant boom, we looked up and saw the Wonderbolts. "Oh, the Wonderbolts!" Crescent Moon exclaimed. "I hear they're flying for Cloudsdale." Sprinkle Medley replied. "Then Cloudsdale will definitely qualify. They're the best flyers ever." Dizzy Twister added. The Wonderbolts soon landed towards me and Dash. "And the game is on!" said the mare with the orange mane. "Hah, nice to see there's some real competition here!" the stallion said. "Two more days of practice, then we'll see you in the air, Rainbow Dash! If you're lucky." said the mare in the white mane. The mare with the orange mane soon looked towards me then smiled. "It's nice to see the handsome human here at the tryouts." she said. I've already lost track on how many mares complimented me.' "Yes it is, my name is Torrent." "I'm Spitfire." the mare in the middle soon began pointing to her partners. "This is Soarin'." she pointed to her left. "Sup" he replied. "And Fleetfoot" Spitfire pointed to the mare on her right. "Hi there." she replied. With introductions aside, the soon walked off. But Fleetfoot soon turned around then waved back to me. I soon then waved back but Rainbow wasn't attention, which I found favorable. Rainbow Dash soon sighed as Twilight walked up to us. "The Wonderbolts know a winner when they see one, and we'll be winners just as soon as we practice! Right team?" "Right." Fluttershy replied. "Yeah!" Bulk Biceps exclaimed. "Hooray!" Pinkie exclaimed then blew a party hooter. They all soon looked at me and Twilight. "And, um, I'm with her! Hooray!"Twilight said. "Huzzah!" I said as I fist pump the air. We soon began to hear cheering from the cloudsdale team. "Give us some clouds! Give us some dale! And what do you get? Cloudsdale! Woo-hoo!" Pinkie soon then gasped "Where can I get pompoms like those?!" I soon facepalmed as me, Fluttershy and Twilight looked a Pinkie smiling. - Training field 11:00am I soon sat up against tree surveying the other teams all of which are doing what looks like workouts that looks similar but their doing it with their wings. I soon look back to our team with Rainbow briefing the others. "So, do I need to remind you of what our goal is here?" Rainbow questioned. "Uh, maybe?" Bulk Biceps asked. Rainbow soon answered "We want to qualify! We need to be one of the first four teams to cross the finish line! Bulk Biceps, you're the first flyer, so let me see you flap it!" Bulk Biceps soon started grunting as his tiny wings managed to lift him off the ground. But soon was hit by a pastry. Rainbow soon flew over to see Applejack launching pasties into the air with her tail. "What the?" "Sorry! Got the idea from them, but..." Applejack said as she looked over to the cloudsdale team. Rainbowshine and Sprinkle Medley soon spoke in unison "Hooves down! Cakes up!" They soon launched cakes into the air where Fleetfoot and Spitfire caught in the air with their mouths. Applejack soon spoke "...It looks like they got better aim." Rainbow soon continued briefing "Okay, the passing of the baton needs to be seamless. You shouldn't miss a wing beat or drop a hair in altitude! And whatever you do, don't let go of it!" She soon handed the baton to Bulk biceps. Fluttershy soon flew up next to him "Are you really, really, really sure you're ready? I mean, I don't want to take it if you're not super sure." "Ready!" Bulk Biceps replied. He soon then passed the horseshoe to Fluttershy but she soon dropped it. Rarity soon picked it up "Ponyville could do so much better. I'll be back with a freshly painted one in no time!" "We were using that!" Rainbow called out "And it's not like anypony else has color-coordinated horseshoes or anything!" However, she soon looked at the Wonderbolts team whose horseshoe was painted gold and silver. Rainbow soon let out a sigh then hovered to the ground "I guess some ponies do." "Some ponies do what?" Twilight asked. Rainbow soon sighed again "Have a better chance of qualifying and going to the Equestria Games than others." - A few minutes later. Rainbow and the team soon went over to the Cloudsdale team. Rainbow soon spoke "Watch and learn. The Cloudsdales are Wonderbolts, and Wonderbolts are the best flyers there are. And my personal heroes. So, maybe you can learn something." Soarin' soon flew overhead, passing through the hoops. "Please learn something?" Rainbow asked to Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps. "C'mon, Soarin', pick up the pace! You can do better than that!" Fleetfoot called out. "I sure hope so." Spitfire replied. Cloudsdale cheerleaders soon continued cheering "Practice, practice, yay, practice!" Soarin' soon got distracted and his wing hit the hoop "Whoa!" Soarin' soon starting plummeting to the ground. "Aaaaah! Help!" Soarin' screamed. "RAINBOW!" I called out then extended my left arm. She soon gripped my hand and like a discus, I launched her towards Sorin'. Rainbow soon caught him "Gotcha!" Rainbow soon landed on the ground. The Wonderbolts and Ponyville team started cheering. "Awe-some!" Fleetfoot exclaimed. "As good as any Wonderbolt!" Spitfire complemented. Fluttershy soon walked up to Rainbow and me "Oh, I'm just so proud of you two. Torrent you launched Rainbow through the air with ease. And Rainbow you scooped Soarin' out of the sky and brought him down to the ground and now, now he's okay. At least, I hope he's okay." she turned to Soarin' "Are you okay?" "Uh, my wing hurts," Soarin' replied causing Spitfire and Fleetfoot to have a shocked expression "but I-I'm sure it'll be okay by the competition." We soon heard sirens wailing and a medic pony soon brought a stretcher chariot, soon Soarin' hoist himself up on it. "You're the best, Rainbow Dash. Thank you too Torrent." he said then groaned. "Ah, it was nothin'. But, if you feel like talking about how great I am, don't let me stop you!" Rainbow said. I simply shook my head then smirked at Rainbow. Siren soon started wailing as then medic hauled Soarin' to medical treatment. Bulk Biceps soon came up to me and Rainbow "'P' is for Torrent and Rainbow Dash!" he exclaimed. Fluttershy soon whispered "Um, 'Rainbow Dash' actually starts with an 'R'. And 'Torrent' starts with a 'T'. "Never mind!" Rainbow soon spoke to the Wonderbolts "Tough break to lose a teammate right before the tryouts." Fleetfoot and Spitfire soon looked at each other and smirked as they put back on their shades. 'I don't like the look on their faces' I mentally said. Fleetfoot soon spoke "You know, you grew up in Cloudsdale." "So that means you could fly with us." Spitfire added. "Fly?" Rainbow questioned. Fleetfoot soon stammered "Uh, we mean practice. You could practice with us until Soarin's better." "What do you say? Wanna be our third?" Spitfire asked. Rainbow soon was have second thoughts "Uh, I don't know. My team really needs me to be at my best in order to qualify. Don't wanna be too worn out by the time the race comes around." "We put you through some pretty intense workouts at the Wonderbolt Academy and you handled those just fine." Spitfire said. "Heh, I did kick some major tail at the Academy... but I don't know how my teammates will feel about me practicing with the competition." "Who says they need to know?" Fleetfoot soon took hold of Rainbow's face "Think about it, Rainbow Dash! This is your chance to fly with the winners!" Rainbow soon looked towards the goal then to her home team while I just stranded a few feet away from the side. "Alright, I'll do it." Rainbow agreed. "Heh. Wise decision Rainbow Dash" Spitfire said. Throughout the day, I've seen Rainbow Dash secretly switching teams for training. I soon walked up to Twilight who was still examining the Pompoms. "Twilight." I said. "Yeah Torrent?" "We've got a situation." - Training field 12:30pm Rainbow soon unzipped her training suit then wen to the pond for some water. As she was drinking me an Twilight walk up to her. Twilight soon spoke "It's not easy practicing with two teams, is it?" Rainbow soon spat the water out then looked towards us "You... know? Does anypony else?" "No only me and Twilight do." I answered "They're too busy practicing to wonder why you keep disappearing." "Well, I've seen the other teams practicing and we're still gonna qualify. I can fly fast enough to make up the distance." "It just seems like one of the teams you're practicing with needs a little more help than the other one." Twilight inquired. "But it's so much more fun working out with the winners than... um... the non-winners. Besides, Ponyville will still qualify." "But, do you even know if that's true or not?" I questioned. Rainbow was about to answer but Spitfire interrupted us. "Rainbow Dash, you got a minute?" "Uh, sure." "You could really be an asset to our team, so... we want you to join the Cloudsdale team. Permanently." Fleetfoot offered. Rainbow Dash soon gasped. "It looks like Soarin's wing won't heal in time for the trials. We want you to fly with us." Spitfire said. Fleetfoot soon added "Of course, this means you won't be able to fly for Ponyville, but let's face it. Even with you on their team, their chances of qualifying for the Games-" "Ow!" Bulk Biceps said as him and Fluttershy were passing the horseshoe. "-are pretty slim." "So, what's it gonna be?" Spitfire asked. "Well, I..." Rainbow stammered. "Take some time to think about it." Spitfire said then she and Fleetfoot flew off. "They want me to fly with them! It's like a dream come true!" Rainbow said with excitement. "If you fly for Cloudsdale, Pinkie Pie won't have anypony to cheer for. Rarity's uniforms will never be seen. And Applejack will have slaved over those apple brown bettys for nothing." Twilight said. "Oh, but I really wanna fly with the best team!" Rainbow said then flew towards Twilight "What would you do?" "I think this is a decision you have to make on your own. The race is tomorrow, so you'd better make it soon." Twilight soon walked off. Rainbow soon looked at me. "I'm with Twilight on this Dash, this isn't for us to make but yourself. We just hope that you'll make the right decision." I soon walked off. - 30 minutes later. As the the day of training went on we soon heard Rainbow Dash exaggerating groaning "Woe is me! Oooh!" she soon came in a wheelchair covered in bandages and casts. The crowd soon chattering in a concerned tone as we walked up to her. "What's happened?" Fluttershy asked Rainbow. "Urgh, I've hurt my hoof..." she answered as Pinkie and Rarity gasped. But me and Twilight gave her a stern look. "All of them?" Spitfire asked as she look at her lower hoofs. Rainbow Dash soon tried to come up with a convincing lie "I, uh, tripped on a-a foam hoof and landed on a..." she soon mumbles something that was near unintelligible "pokey stick coming out of the ground..." Pinkie soon then growled "If I get my hooves on that" she soon matched the unintelligible gibberish, "it'll be in big trouble!" "There is no way I can fly now." Rainbow said. "Do you think you'll be better by tryouts?" Fluttershy asked. Rainbow Dash soon continued her exaggerated groaning "I'll be lucky if I ever fly again!" she soon sighs "I just need a little rest." Fluttershy soon then spoke "Oh, don't worry, Rainbow Dash. We'll take care of you... or, at least, somepony will. Like, a medic or-or a doctor, or a nurse." 'I'm gonna have a serious talk with you Dash.' - Medic building 2:00pm I was soon walking down the hallway towards Rainbow's room as the rest of the mane 6, Biceps and Derpy just walked out of. I soon then opened the door to see Rainbow Dash with a feeling of guilt on her face. She soon looked at me then chuckled nervously as I had my arms crossed. "Heh, hey Torrent." she greeted. "Tsk, Tsk. I'm disappointed in you Dash." She hung her face in shame. "I've may have not known you for a long time but I know you well enough then you're the type of mare that doesn't give up so easily." "Did you just came here just to make me feel even worse?" "No, I've came here to give you this." I soon flipped a dollar-coin to her. She soon caught it and began to read it. "Good luck at the race today, from your friend Torrent." she soon turned it over to see something that almost made her tear up. She saw an engraved picture of me and her in a headshot with us smiling and giving the thumbs up. "I wanted to wait and give it to you before for race for good luck, but now seemed to be a good time. I hope that you'll make the right decision, see you at the race tomorrow." I soon went my way. - The next day. As the day of the race was about to start all of us began to hear hoofbeats. "Is that Rainbow Dash... walking?" Twilight questioned. We turned to see Rainbow Dash walking towards the Wonderbolts as Soarin' caught up with her Spitfire dropped her water bottle. "Does... this mean you're feeling better?" Fleetfoot asked Rainbow. "I-I feel great, because... I was never hurt in the first place." she answered earning a collective gasp from the Wonderbolts, Bulk Biceps, Fluttershy and Derpy. Rainbow soon explained as she took off her fake bandages "I faked my injury so that I wouldn't have to choose between flying for Ponyville or Cloudsdale. I wanted to fly with you both, and the decision was too hard!" "Oh, Rainbow Dash, you don't have to choose us. I know you love to win, and you should go with the team that surely will." Fluttershy said. "I know now who I should've been loyal to." Spitfire soon smiled "Good choice. Always stick with the winners." "Ponyville." Rainbow answered "Because it's not just where I live, but it's where my friends are. The ponies who really care about me, whether I can help them win a race or not." The rest of us, including Derpy started cheering. "Are you sure that's the right decision?" Spitfire asked. "You lied to me about Soarin's wing just so you could get a better flyer!" Soarin' soon looked at Spitfire and Fleetfoot sternly "You may be a winning team, but you're still not the kind of team I wanna be a part of." Rainbow answered. Spitfire soon smiled "Huh. Rainbow Dash, you are something. Saw it at the Academy, seeing it again here. We could learn a lot from a competitor like you." "Think we already have." Fleetfoot added. Spitfire soon walked towards Soarin' "Ready to fly?" "Really?" he questioned. "Never should've lied and tried to replace you to begin with." Spitfire said. Soarin' soon gasped "Go, Cloudsdale!" "Come on, Ponyville relay team! We've got a race to get ready for!" Rainbow Dash said. "Yeah!" Bulk Biceps exclaimed as they flew to the relay. - Equestria Games Aerial Relay Tryouts 11:00am The Wonderbolts soon completed their trial. "Come on, Ponyville! You can do it!" Soarin' exclaimed. Bulk Biceps managed to complete his course he soon handed the baton to Fluttershy. He soon collapsed the ground. "Go, Fluttershy! Woo-hoo!" Twilight cheered. "Let's go, flap those wings like you want it!" I cheered. Fluttershy soon handed the baton to Rainbow Dash who tried to make up the distance. "Qualify, Ponyville! Qualify, Ponyville!" cheered the Cloudsdale cheerleaders. The Cloudsdale cheerleaders soon caught Pinkie Pie. "Woo-hoo! Go, Rainbow Dash!" she exclaimed. Rainbow Dash soon began to speed up then blast through the goal, stopping the timer exactly on the last second before the red. "Ponyville qualifies!" the Official announced. All of us began cheering knowing that the 4 teams including Ponyville are qualified for the Equestria Games. - Medal handouts 12:00pm. The Official soon handed out medals to the teams then lastly Ponyville. Spitfire soon tapped on Rainbow's shoulder. She soon pinned a Wonderbolt's badge on her shirt. "Yeah!" Bulk Biceps exclaimed. "Yeah!" the rest of us cheered. "Woo-hoo!" Pinkie exclaimed. We all soon got in front of the camera. Twilight soon spoke "Equestria Games, here we come!" Derpy soon appeared in the shot from behind Bulk Biceps then the camera went off. - Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library 1:30PM Rainbow Dash soon wrote in the Journal. Rainbow Dash voice over "Oh, I can't deny it. I love to win! But if I ever gotta choose between winning and being loyal to my friends, I'm always gonna choose my friends. 'Cause as much as I love winning, I love them waaaaay more." Rainbow Dash soon gestured her hoof to come with her as she flew out the door. I soon followed but looked back at the badge. - That night. "Good night Torrent." Twilight and Spike said. "Night guys." I said back. Twilight soon blew out the candle and she and Spike went to sleep. But as I was about to sleep too I noticed something glowing from the pocket of my pants. I reached into the pocket and pulled out the mysterious key, but what was odd about it I looked at the base and saw that two of the gems that was embedded into the emblem were glowing. One was glowing a dark purple hue and the other was glowing a red hue. "What could this mean?" I said. > Sisterly bonding in the strangest of ways > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golden Oaks Library 9:00AM I soon got up from bed, even though it was light out I saw that the mysterious key was still glowing dimly from my pocket I soon walked downstairs to Twilight anxiously waiting for something. I was about to asked until Spike opened the door. "Mail's here!" he said. Twilight soon took the mail by her magic causing Spike to fall over I soon walked over to him and helped him up "Please be a yes, please be a yes, please be a yes..." Twilight said as she shuffled the mail she soon opened the last one and began to skim the scroll "Yes! She can make it, she can make it!" Twilight soon wrapped both me and Spike in magical aura and all three of soon began twirling. "Going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing that Princess Cadance said she can come this weekend!" Spike said. Twilight soon released us from her magic, I tried to stop my head from spinning as Spike was breathing through a paper bag. "I'm finally gonna get to spend some quality time with my sister-in-law! This is the best news ever!" "Princess Cadence? She's your Big Brother's Fiancé right?" I asked. "Yeah! How'd you know that?" Twilight questioned. "Spike told me." We soon heard knocking at the door, it soon opened to reveal Fluttershy. Fluttershy soon spoke "Um, so sorry for barging in like this... but I'm so excited, I just couldn't wait to tell somepony!" she soon took out a scroll then Twilight held it with her magic "The Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures have given me permission to observe the rarest, tiniest, most adorable magical creatures in all of Equestria – the Breezies!" "Wow, Fluttershy, that's fantastic!" Twilight exclaimed. "I'll say." I said. "Oh, it's not just fantastic; it just might be the best news ever!" Fluttershy corrected. All of a sudden the door crashed on top of me and Spike by Pinkie and soon collided with Fluttershy. "I just got the most incredible mail anypony's ever received in all of recorded pony postal history! It's a flyer about a one-day sale on used patio furniture!" she soon held the flyer by her tail "Aah! Could this day get any better? Woo-hoo!" "Oy." I said. - Ponyville Train station 9:30AM The Ponyville Train soon stopped at the station. Rarity soon packed a scarf in Fluttershy's bag "Here's a wrap, in case it gets cold." Applejack soon handed a basket of apples "And I packed you a basket of nice fresh apples in case you get hungry." "Have a great time!" Twilight said. "Oh, I will. And I hope you have fun with Cadance." Fluttershy responded. "Here." I soon handed a miniature metal butterfly sculpture to her. "It's for good luck." "Thank you Torrent." The train whistle soon blew. "All aboard!" the Conductor exclaimed. Fluttershy soon entered the train, the train soon then started moving. "Goodbye! Goodbye, everypony!" Fluttershy called out to us. Pinkie soon then started chasing the train "Fluttershy! I'll never forget youuuuuuu!" she soon then stop chasing the train then a red balloon soon passed by her "Ooh, something floaty! La-la-la-la-la!" she soon started following the ballon back to us. Twilight soon started worrying "Oh, I'm a bit nervous about Cadance's visit!" "What could you be nervous about, Twilight? Cadance just loves you to pieces!" AppleJack said. "I know, but I really want her visit to go without a hitch!" "Oh, why wouldn't it?" Pinkie questioned but accidentally let go of the balloon. "Well, the last three times we've seen each other haven't exactly been worry-free." Twilight answered. "The fate of Equestria has hung in the balance during most of your visits with her." Rarity added. "Exactly. Cadance and I haven't really had a chance to just enjoy being friends again. Which is why it is so important that this visit be about the two of us having some real quality time together." Applejack soon then spoke "I'm guessin' you've got a plan that'll keep it that way." "The timing couldn't be more perfect. For one day only, right here in Ponyville, the Star Swirl the Bearded Traveling Museum! Cadance and I can spend the whole day looking at Star Swirl the Bearded artifacts!" "Sounds like a perfect drama-free way to spend the day with Cadance." Rarity said. "Not counting the drama surrounding which of the bells from his cloak they've chosen to put on display. Spoiler alert: it's this one!" Twilight added. Rainbow soon started hacking then Rarity looked at her sternly "Uh, sorry. Something in my throat... like a big ball of 'lame'!" "I think it sounds delightful." Rarity complimented. "Yup, definitely sounds like you two will have some real quality time together." AppleJack added. "Exactly. Just quiet time. And she's able to finally meet you Torrent." Twilight said. "Can't wait." All of a sudden a train made entirely of crystal soon sped down the track. It soon put on the brakes, all of us cringed on how loud the screeching was when it came to a stop. Trumpets soon done a fanfare as a door of the passenger car opened. Two guards came out, one being an pegasus stallion with an orange coat in armor and the other being an earth stallion but his coat was purple, wearing platinum armor and had like a crystal sheen surrounding him. A red carpet soon rolled from the door, a light soon appeared to reveal an alicorn. She wasn't as tall as Celestia, more nearly around Luna's height, her coat along with her horn and wings were light pink, the feathers on the end of the wings turned to a purple hue, her iris color was a little more lighter shade than Twilight's. Her mane and tail had streaks of violet, purple and yellow. she was wearing royal attire as Celestia and Luna. 'So she must be Princess Cadance.' Twilight soon smiled then walked up to her. "Your Highness." Cadance greeted Twilight then bowed. "Your Highness." Twilight replied then bowed back, and so did the others. Cadance soon chuckled "I'm teasing, Twilight. We're sisters-in-law. We don't have to be so formal." Cadence soon looked at me then smiled. As she walked towards me, I knelt down as of I were honorable knight before their ruler. "It is an honor to meet you, milady of the Crystal Empire." Cadance chuckled "Rise up fair knight." I soon rose back to my feet. "So you must be Torrent James Braddock." Cadance asked me. "The one and only." "You have quite the reputation; saving Equestria and I must say my sisters-in-law was right." "Right about what?" "You're quite the handsome human." "Cadance!" we heard Twilight shout. I turned to Twilight, to see her cheeks puffed up and flushing with both embarrassment and sort of anger. I will admit even my cheeks flushed a little. After the train left, Twilight and Cadance soon began walked off. "Knowing you, you've made some plans." Cadance said. "Boy, have I. Hang on just one second." Twilight soon quickly back to the rest of us "You guys-" Rarity soon interrupted her "Now, now, don't you worry about a thing! We will make sure that nothing – but nothing – interferes with your visit." "Go on, have a hootenanny with your kinfolk." Applejack agreed. "You really are the best friends a pony could ever have." Twilight soon turned towards me flushing then whispered to me "Promise me to not tell anypony else?" "Your secret safe with me." I whisper back. "Thank you. Coming, Cadance!" Twilight soon caught up with Cadance. I soon looked back at the others. Who had smirks on their faces. "Promise me that you guys can keep a secret?" I asked them. The rest soon looked at Pinkie then began to speak in unison "Cross our hearts, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in our eyes." as they did a small routine. "What the heck was that? "My signature 'Pinkie Promise'." Pinkie said with glee. "'Pinkie Promise'?" "Just don't even dare of breaking it!" Pinkie said in a serious tone. "Noted, I'll see you guys later. I soon left the station. - In a field outside of Ponyville 10:30am "Test run #10 on compressed air jetpack." I said as I jotted it down in my journal. I soon strapped the jetpack on then lightly press the button on the handle. It soon lifted me off a few feet from the ground, then I let go then landed on my feet. I soon spotted a boulder that stretched at least ten feet from the ground. I soon ran towards it then with a quick hard push of the button the jetpack soon rocketed me over it. I soon pressed it again to slow down my falling, landing me on my feet. I soon took out my journal and pencil. "Test run successful, proven ready for real time when comes." I said as I written it down. "Hey Torrent!" I heard someone call my name. I turn to see Twilight and Cadance walking to me, I was going to ask 'em why they're here but a blue creature shuffling behind them caught my attention. Twilight soon then cleared her throat. "Torrent I would like you to meet Discord." I soon look at the one named Discord the Draconequus, he soon had a smirk on his face the in a flash he was in front of me. "You must be Torrent that I've been hearing about-" he soon teleported and reappeared wearing a Sherlock Holmes hat and holding a magnifying glass. "And you must be Discord former god of chaos." I said. "Ding! you're right on the mark my boy." "But that fails to explain the blue hue on yourself." "Oh it's simply horrible, it appears that I've came down with a nasty disease the blue flu." 'I can see why he calls it that.' "Oh this is just disa- ah...ah..." Discord didn't get to finish as he was going to sneeze. Cadance soon encased me in magic. Discord soon sneezed but the germs never came in contact with me. "Magic Health Bubble" Cadance said. "Thanks Cadance." Suddenly Discord soon appeared above me then I caught him with my arms. "You seem to be a strong fellow so will you please carry me?" I soon looked at him sternly. "Maybe this will change your mind." Discord soon snapped his finger and in a flash of light he turned into a female version of himself. He looks nearly the same as if he were male but he (or she) was a bit shorter and slimmer, she had puffy white hair and then she gave me a sly grin. "Well can you please carry me?" Discord (or Eris) said in an octave voice while she ran her claw against my cheek. "Let's just go before this gets too weird." I said to Twilight and Cadance. "Agreed" they both said in unison. - Golden Oaks Library 11:30AM It took a lot longer than we expected due to Eris being over dramatic during our walk. But thankfully Discord changed back to his original self once we reached the library. Cadance soon fluff his pillow then Discord laid in Twilight's bed then she pulled the covers over him. "Need anything else?" Twilight asked. "Just knowing that I have a good friends like you to take care of me has made me feel better already. I'll be fine here on my own." Discord replied. The three was just about to walk away until... "Oh, just before you go, just a little small request." Discord said. Twilight sighed in disappointment. "It's going to be fine. We'll just get him what he wants and be back to the exhibit in no time." Cadance reassured Twilight. We soon turned back to Discord. "What was it that you needed?" Cadance asked. Discord soon started singing. A little glass of water please A fresh pressed hanky if I sneeze Some tea with honey from the bees Whenever you can brew it "I'll get your tea." Cadance said. And while I get a little rest A teeny tiny small request Some codfish oil for my chest Poured from a crystal cruet "A crystal cruet?" Twilight questioned. My goodness, I'm a nincompoop Because I fear I've got the croup I need a vat of pumpkin soup And scarves made out of zinnias Did I say zinnias? I meant silk Or something shiny of that ilk And then I'll need some nice warm milk And pastries from Abyssinia And since my stomach's feeling crummy Why not give my aching tummy Something soothing, something yummy Piled up with noodles? Add a slice of homemade rye With stacks of Swiss way up high Served with sides of sweet mince pie More basil; I need oodles! Me and Twilight soon came in I was wearing a chefs outfit and Twilight was in a waitress uniform "Anything else?" we said in unison. Discord soon started doing the waltz with Twilight. I'll be grateful for your charity Until the bitter end Because I've heard that tenderness Is what you lend an ailing friend Tenderness, isn't that right, friend? "Right, but—" Twilight was soon cut off by Discord. "So, who's ready for my big reprise?" I'd like that glass of water please Some magic spell to cure disease A firm "gesundhoof" when I sneeze A fresh bouquet of roses Some lozenges will soon appease My wheezing when I start to sneeze A wig to keep me from the breeze And blankets for my toes-es Take tweezers out of my valise And then massage my knobby knees A bowl of peas, some extra cheese A cuddle with a Pekingese A singing harp who's named Louise A goat on skis, a new trapeze And more and more and more and more of these And just because I oughta... Make sure I'm drinking in the right Amount of fluids day and night I wish I may, I wish I might Have just one little thing Oh, would you please finally bring Me that tiny glass Of water?!! Discord soon coughs. Cadance soon levitates a a glass of water to him but as he was going to drink it he purposely made it slipped from his hand. "Oops. Sorry. Wait where's Torrent?" "I'm down here." I replied. Twilight and Cadance looked over the ledge and saw me laying on the floor. "Oh." Discord said then sneezed. Twilight soon spoke "Alright, this is ridiculous!" "How did you even catch this flu?" Cadance asked Discord. "Inadequate hoof and claw washing?" he answered as he cleaned the bubble. "There must be some way to just cure you! There has to be a spell or remedy in one of my books!" Twilight said as she searched through her books. "There is one way..." Discord suggested. "And you didn't think to mention it earlier?" Cadance questioned. "Slipped my mind." Discord soon conjured a thought bubble "On a hill at the very edge of Equestria, there grows an exquisite magic flower. Pick the flower as it drops its petals at sunset. Then you can make a magical soothing elixir to cure the blue flu." "I suppose you have a good reason you didn't bother to get this flower as soon as you realized you were sick?" Twilight asked Discord. "Well, I couldn't travel that far in my condition. By the time I got there, I'd be too weak to even attempt to retrieve the flower. "So where exactly are Cadance and I headed?" Twilight asked. Discord appeared next to Twilight wearing a tourist attire "Well," he then cleared his throat "You'll want to head north, turn left, th— Oh... You know, it'd be much easier if I took you there myself." "I thought you were in no condition to travel." Cadance reminded. "I'm not. We'll need to make some arrangements." Discord chuckled. "I'm coming too." I said. Discord soon smiled then disappeared then reappeared right next to me in his female form. "Oh thank you so much!" "she" said as "she" hugged me tightly. 'Seriously, don't you know how awkward it is when you do that.' I mentally said unamused. - At the edge of Equestria 5:00pm All four of us were now nearing the edge of Equestria, Discord was resting on top of the throne type carriage I was sitting on the stairway making some last minute modifications to my jetpack. Cadance soon then started straining. "Doing okay there?" Twilight asked her. "To be honest, I'm a little out of practice when it comes to flying." "Well, then lucky for you. We're here." Discord said. The carriage then landed with a thud. "It's just at the top of that hill." Discord said as he pointed to the hill that touched the clouds. Me, Twilight and Cadance soon made our way up the hill. "I'm really sorry about this. All I wanted was to have some peaceful quality time together." Twilight apologized to Cadance. "I know, I was looking forward to it too." "Sorry that we made you come along Torrent." Twilight said to me. "Ahh no biggie, I'm always here to help out a friend." The three of us soon reached the top to see nothing but a big plant. Twilight soon spoke "This is the top. But where is that flower?" A flower petal soon covered Twilight, she soon looked up to see that the plant was actually the flower. "Oh. Come on, if we hurry, we can still have some time together. Torrent," Twilight then shot a beam of magic from her horn, marking the ground with an 'X' "You can help us lift it from the ground." "Roger." I replied then got into position. Twilight and Cadance then encased the flower with their magic then I dug my hands into the ground then we all started lifting. The ground started cracking as the three of us were lifting it from the earth. "One... last... pull!" Cadance strained. Cadance and Twilight soon started straining but we manage to pull the flower out. I soon flew next to them with my jetpack. "Phew!" Twilight exclaimed "Let's get Discord and this flower back home, then all our problems are solved-" Twilight was soon cut off by rumbling. "What in Equestria?!" Cadance exclaimed. Suddenly, a Tatzlwurm shot from the hole that we pulled the flower from. It soon at us then it then roared causing Cadance and Twilight to scream. We soon dodged the creature's then flew up, but the Tatzlwurm shot up from the hole toward us. It soon caught Cadance with it's coils. "Twilight! Help!" "Get your coils off my sister-in-law!" Twilight said then shot a beam of magic at the Tatzlwurm causing it to crash to the ground. The Tatzlwurm soon then ensnared Twilight causing her to scream. Cadance soon started shooting the Tatzlwurm with her magic. "Let go of my sister-in-law!" she exclaimed as she shot the Tatzlwurm again, releasing Twilight. Twilight flew to Cadance "Thanks!" "Don't thank me yet!" The Tatzlwurm soon roared then caught both Twilight and Cadance within its jaws. I soon turned off my jetpack and began free falling towards the creature. "YOU THINK I'LL TAKE THAT SITTING DOWN?!?!" I soon impacted the creature's head. "Let go of my friend and her sister-in-law!" I soon began to pry open the creature's jaw. Twilight and Cadance soon shot their magic with the Tatzlwurm's mouth, thus releasing them. We soon continued battling the Tatzlwurm, making it retreat back into it's hole. "Just... a little... more!" Twilight said. We soon managed to make the Tatzlwurm fully retreat into the hole. "And for good measure...!" Cadance then levitated a couple of boulders over the hole then blocked it off. The Tatzlwurm tried to break through but it soon gave up then retreated deeper into the hole. The three up us soon touched down panting. "Are you two okay?" Twilight asked us. "Yes. Better than okay actually." Cadance replied. "Nothing's broken on my end either." I said. "Then let's get Discord back to Ponyville, make that elixir, and finally get a chance to spend some quality time together." Twilight said. - But as we were going back. "To the ends of Equestria! To face such great danger! And she did it for me! She did it all for me, for me, for me!" Discord then laughs as he unknowingly slides towards us wearing some kind of MJ smooth criminal outfit. However, he looks at us as he tilted his shades up. Twilight soon got in his face "You... were... faking?!" "I was! But I had a very good reason." "We're listening." me and Twilight said simultaneously. "Well, I was in my thinking tree – that's where I do most of my really deep thinking – I was there, and I said to myself, I said, "Discord, your friend Twilight says that she's your pal, but she never writes and she never pops in for a visit."" "I don't even know where you li-" Discord then shushed Twilight. Discord: "Now that she's a princess, maybe she's decided that she's too good for you." "I have never considered myself t-" "But how was I supposed to know for sure that I'm truly still friends with one of the most important ponies around?" "I'm not more-" "By seeing if you would go to the ends of Equestria for me, of course. Which you did, literally. Congratulations, Twilight, you passed my friendship test!" Discord then placed half a pendant around Twilight's neck Discord then placed his other half together. However, Twilight looked at him sternly. Discord soon noticed "Why the angry eyes? You love passing tests. It's not because my little exam put a damper on your visit with Princess Cadance, is it? Made it so that there was no time for you two to focus on your friendship?" "You didn't put a damper on our visit at all." Cadance said. Twilight and Discord then spoke simultaneously. "He didn't?!" "I didn't?!" "Spending the day at the Star Swirl the Bearded exhibit would've been more relaxing, but to be honest, relaxation is the last thing I need." Cadance said to Twilight. "It is?" "Don't get me wrong. Life in the Crystal Empire is wonderful, but it's become a little... predictable. I enjoy a little excitement now and then. Getting to face all these challenges today was just what I needed. And facing them with you just made me realize even more how lucky I am to have somepony like you as a friend. We may not see each other very often, but I know you'll always be there when I need you. Just like she was there for you, Discord." "Yes, she's a real sweetheart. We're all so lucky to have her in our lives." he said in an unamused tone. All of a sudden, the four of us felt rumbling and the Tatzlwurm erupted from behind Discord, Discord soon took hold of me in a scooby doo fashion. "What in the world?!" Discord exclaimed. The Tatzlwurm then spat some kind of green fluid on us but thankfully the health bubble was still active but Discord wasn't so lucky, his body turned a shade of green then developed spots. - Ponyville Train station 8:30pm. The train to the Crystal Empire soon arrived. "I would like to thank you both for such a rather fun time." Cadance said. "I guess this means goodbye for now huh?" Twilight asked. "Yes, but don't worry I'll be sure to come back when I have some free time on my hooves and I'll try to bring Shinning here too." "But can we do our little handshake just one more time?" Twilight requested. "Okay." Cadance agreed. "Handshake? What Handshake" I asked. Twilight and Cadance then did this. Once they were finished, they soon looked at me. "What?" I asked. "You do it with us this time." Cadance said. "Uhh, Do I have to d-" "Please Torrent." Twilight begged giving me the puppy dog eyes. I sighed in defeat. "Oh alright." We soon got in a triangle position and did the handshake. - Fluttershy's Cottage the next day. Twilight was saying her words as Spike wrote them in the journal. "I think it's pretty clear that my visit with Cadance didn't go quite the way I expected. But in the end, I realized that when you're with a good friend, even the most chaotic day can end up being a great experience that brings you closer. Wouldn't you agree, Discord?" Me and Twilight looked to see Discord in an anti-allergenic health bubble. Discord soon snorts "Yes, Twilight." Applejack soon walked toward Discord "I don't wanna go sayin' you got what you deserved..." Rarity soon spoke next "Well, I have no trouble saying it. You got what you deserved!" Fluttershy then stepped in "Now, now, he's learned his lesson. Isn't that right, my little patient?" Discord then spoke "I'm so glad that you're back from your trip, Fluttershy. Just your presence here is making me feel so much better. I was just wondering, could I trouble you for just one more thing?" "No!" me and Twilight exclaimed in unison. "What? I was simply going to ask for a teeny, tiny glass of water." > The Party of a Lifetime. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golden Oaks Library 7:54am I soon rose out of bed then stretched my arms to get the blood flowing I soon yawned. "Morning Twilight, Spike." I said but they didn't replied. "Guys?" I turned to see that both Twilight and Spike were gone. - 6 minuets later. I soon put my clothes on and was about to walk out the door I soon began to hear music, I opened the door and was dumbfounded on what was outside. There were balloons and confetti all over the place nearly everyb- "pony" in Ponyville was outside fillies and colts had a balloon in hand I soon saw Pinkie walking into town and she started singing. Every single day there's something new you can plan for Every single day there's something wonderful to do But nothing makes me happy like a day that I can say "Today I planned a party, and it's just for you!" Pinkie then walked towards a vendor. "How's it going today, Pinkie?" he asked. "Great, thanks! Got any streamers today?" He then chuckled "You betcha! Big party planned?" "Don't you know it!" He then gave Pinkie an over-sized spool of streamer. Don't have much time to gather all the things I need If I'm really gonna make this party fly For today's another day that all of Ponyville will say There goes the super party pony Pinkie Pie! She planned our first foal shower where we played all sorts of games Having so much fun as we chose Pound and Pumpkin's names She planned my cute-ceañera my dad made me, I won't lie I demanded all the best, I suppose she passed the test Sure it was pretty good all thanks to Pinkie Pie "Thanks, I guess? " "What color paints do you need?" the Art Vendor asked Pinkie. "I'm gonna need the full rainbow!" "A paintbrush too?" he suggested. "Yes, if you please!" "And what from me?" Peachy Pitt asked. "Your biggest banner! This party's gonna be the best!" "Haha I don't doubt it!" Every single day there's something new we can plan for Every single day there's something wonderful to try But nothing makes us happy like a day that we can say "Today there'll be a party planned by Pinkie Pie!" I soon followed Pinkie to Sugarcube Corner and saw the rest of them and Pinkie was splattering the rainbow paint on the banner she bought. "I don't know how she does it." Rairty said. "Wow, look at her go!" Twilight spoke next. "Oh, boy! This is gonna be good!" Applejack said. "Go, Pinkie, go!" Fluttershy cheered. There's no other pony like her, no pony that could be As great! (As great!) As fun! (As fun!) As our super party pony Pinkie! "Ooh, I am so, so, SO excited because today I'm planning the birthday bash of... Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie said with happiness. "Yeah! " Rainbow exclaimed. "Rainbow Dash." Pinkie said seriously. "Yes, Pinkie?" "You realize that, by enlisting me as your party planner, I guarantee that this is going to be the funnest, most fantabulous, superbial party in Ponyville?" " Uh...yeah? I guess." Pinkie plugged Rainbow's mouth with her hoof "No guesses! Parties are no picnic." "Oh, I like a nice picnic party." Fluttershy said but then received a growl from Pinkie "Oh!" "Parties. Are. Serious! And you have my certified Pinkie Party Promise that you will have the best birthday party ever!" "Okay." "Hey Guys!" I called out. "Torrent!" they all exclaimed. "What's going on?" "I'm hosting a Super Fantastical Birthday Bash for Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Well aren't you happy as a clam." I said then Pinkie grasped my hands. "But not only that I'm putting Dashie birthday together but I'm also putting a late Welcome to Ponyville party for you." "Welcome to Ponyville party?" I asked. "Yes! Oh I feel so guilty for not throwing you one when you first arrived here, but don't you worry I'll make it up to you in one Super Ultra mega Party Bonanza!" "Thanks Pinkie, I really appreciate that." "Great! Now, who's ready to join this super duper party pony to plan this super duper pa-rty?" "I am." said a stallion. The girls gasped as we saw a stallion wearing a poncho, a hat and he had a boneless chicken strapped to his back, said stallion then blew a party horn. "Who are you, stranger?" Pinkie asked. The stallion then spat out the party blower "Name's Cheese Sandwich. I plan parties." "What an amazing coincidence! I'm Pinkie Pie, and I'm planning a party!" "Oh, it's no coincidence, my little pony. My cheesy sense was a-tingling, telling me a party was in the works." "A cheesy sense? Ah! Double amazing! I have a Pinkie Sense!" "Yes. I sensed you did. And I happen to be the premiere party planner in all of Equestria. If there's a party in need, there I'll be. Be it wingding, hoedown, hootenanny, or shindig, I'm your pony." "A pair of party pony planners in Ponyville?! What can be more perfect?!" Rainbow then spoke up "I'll tell you what -- making this party epic! 'Cause this isn't just any birthday. It's also the anniversary of when I moved to Ponyville!" "Good heavens, Rainbow Dash. It's your "birth-iversary"!" Rarity exclaimed. "Exactly! So what do you say, party planners?" "Oh, I think we can do it!" Pinkie agreed. "Oh, I don't think so." Cheese sandwich said causing Rainbow and Pinkie to gasps. "I know so! After all..." The super-duper party pony–that pony is me I always knew that was the kind of pony I would be "Me too!" Pinkie agreed. "Come on, ponies! Who here likes to party? Ha-ha! You do! I can tell!" When I was but a little colt, I just wanted to play "Like me!" But everypony told me, "Cheese, that fun just wastes the day" "As if!" But when I threw a party and I busted out some moves "Uh-huh!" The ponies finally saw the light and got into the groove "You know it!" The super-duper party pony–that pony is me "And me!" You'll never meet another party pony quite like Cheese! "Uh, Pinkie?" "Hey, good-lookin', want some mayonnaise?" My parties are all off the hook I never plan them by the book I start out fun, then whoopsie-daisy Everybody just gets crazy! Bored of snacks made by your mom? How about a giant party bomb? Huge piñatas filled with cake Or dive into my fruit punch lake! "Geronimo!" Goldengrape exclaimed. The super-duper party pony–that pony is me You'll never meet another party pony quite like Cheese "C'mon, kid, take it for a spin!" "Golly! Thanks, mister!" the colt thanked. Oh, when I throw a Cheese party, be sure to not be lame And miss my pie fights, wacky kites, and streamers in your mane Fizzy drinks, Hawaiian shirts, and brie fondue delight You know that with Cheese Sandwich, you'll be partying all night! "C'mon, everypony! Let's party down with Cheese!" Rainbow said. "You're really a certified party pony?" Fluttershy asked. "That's right! That's my guarantee!" The super-duper party pony–that pony is me-e-e-e-e But what about the super party pony named Pinkie...? As the towns-ponies carried Cheese I stayed a bit and saw Pinkie with a sad look on her I was about to go near her until Spike grabbed my hand. "Come on Torrent Your falling behind." he said. I didn't get a chance to say anything else as he pulled me towards the group. "Yeah! Hah, now that's what I'm talking about! I'm so stoked you're here, Cheese Sandwich!" "Yeah. You sure did come on the right day." Applejack agreed. Rarity then sighed "Your party sounds simply divine." "We're so lucky to have you here." Twilight said. "Just doing my job, little fillies." Cheese Sandwich said. Cheese Sandwich then looked at me then smiled. "You're that human I've heard so much." he said. "You'd heard right." "Wow, you're a little taller than I'd expected." Cheese's comment made some of the townsfolk giggle, but I saw Pinkie a little ways behind the crowd. Rainbow Dash soon continued talking "I mean, Pinkie Pie's parties are fun and sweet and all, but now this party's gonna be--" "Epic?" Cheese Sandwich suggested. "You said it! Oh, yeah!" "Feels gouda!" Rainbow soon faced Pinkie "Uh, heh, no offense, Pinkie." I saw that Pinkie had tears in her eyes for a few seconds then she liked them away "Uh, n-none taken." she said with a squee. Rainbow soon turned back, but I saw Pinkie stopped then she brought back her sad expression. Then walked away with her hair partially deflated. - The Birth-iversary's Location 10:00 am Cheese directing Twilight and Rarity on placing Rainbow's birth-iversary banner. Me and the construction ponies were working on well, construction. Rainbow Dash soon flown towards the stage "My birth-iversary's already looking way cooler! You are my kind of party pony, Cheese Sandwich." Cheese Sandwich soon chuckled then but heads with Dash "You got that right, Rainbow Dash. All right, party ponies, I've got some planning to do!" The rest then cheered. 'I sure hope Pinkie's OK.' I mentally said. - Sugarcube Corner 10:30am "Pinkie!" Twilight called out. We soon saw Pinkie tilting a watering can but it wasn't watering the flowers. "Aren't you gonna help Cheese Sandwich plan the party?" Twilight asked Pinkie. "That's okay." she said as she chuckled nervously "He obviously has what it takes to do it all by himself. Heh." "Really?" "Yes, indeedy!" she chuckles nervously as she tried to force a smile. Twilight soon left but I stayed. Pinkie still "smiled" even while the can was empty. "Something's troubling Pinkie." I said. "Wh-What makes you think that Torrent? Nothing's troubling m-" I soon interrupted her by raising my hand signaling her to stop. "You aren't telling me the truth Pinkie." She then chuckled nervously "After all, if Cheese really is the super duperiest partying-est pony of them all, maybe that means... I'm... not." "Come on let's take a walk." - Me and Pinkie were walking down Ponyville then she started singing For all my life, all I've wanted to do Was make my friends want to smile true But maybe I was wrong And Pinkie Pie shouldn't plan parties at all I'll try to get up on my hooves And try a different task I'll find something new to do There's gotta be more to me than planning a party or two I put away my party cannon, I deflated all my balloons The bubbles all burst, now what is next for you? For you... Pinkie began looking at the photos "Oh, I remember this one: my first party ever. My whole family was there." "Cute" I complimented. "And that's Twilight's welcome-to-Ponyville party. She didn't even expect that one." she giggled. "Bet she didn't." Oh, look at Gummy! He just looks so excited for this birthday party!" 'He does'? "Hmm. Shining Armor and Cadance's wedding sure was special, especially once I got a hold of the music." Pinkie soon grabbed my arm. Oh, look at those happy faces All the parties that I had thrown I made them laugh, had such a blast A smile that's all their own They loved seeing me, the real Pinkie Show them the time of their life like they've never known Like they've never kno-o-own I've got to get back out there, have to show them that I've tried For there's only one great party pony -- that is Pinkie Pie Won't let Cheese Sandwich beat me, won't let him get me down For I am Pinkie, the bestest party pony around! - Ponyville 2:55pm "I must say I marvel at your superior party planning expertise, Cheese Sandwich." Rarity said then giggled. "Well, they don't call him the super duper party planner for nothin'." Applejack added. Me and Pinkie watch from a distance "That's it! This pony has gotta get her title back! And I know just what to do!" - Birth-iversary location 3:00pm "Totally awesome!" Rainbow exclaimed. Applejack soon lit up a spotlight shining Dash's cutie mark "Huh. Best I've ever seen." "I can't believe it!" Twilight said. The ponies began awing at an ice sculpture of Dash's cutie mark but their awing was short lived by Pinkie. "Freeze, Cheese! I challenge you... to a goof off!" Pinkie's challenge caused Twilight and the others to gasp. "Oh, no! Not a goof off!" Fluttershy said. "What's a goof off?" Applejack whispered to her. "I have no idea, hehe." "This Cheese has stood alone a long time, Pinkie Pie." Cheese soon put on an over-sized fez "You think you can out-goof me?" "Oh, I don't think so. I know so!" Pinkie challenged "And the stakes are high, Cheese Sandwich. Whoever wins will be dubbed the ultimate super duper party pony and headline the Rainbow Dash birth-iversary bash, and Torrent's welcoming party!" "And the loser?" Twilight questioned. "Doesn't!" Rainbow plus the others gasped. Pinkie got up to Cheese "So, are you in, Cheese? Or are you... boneless?" "Nopony calls me boneless. Right, Boneless?" Cheese said to his boneless companion. "Then the goof off is on for high noon!" "Um, Pinkie? It's already 3 o'clock." Twilight said as she pointed to the clock tower. "Oh. Oh, well then. Make it 3:10 to goof off!" - Center of Ponyville 3:10pm The clock now ticked to 3:10 exact, both Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich walked to the center of town in an old west showdown fashion. Pinkie sported cowboy with spurs and she also wore what look like Yosemite Sam's with an arrow shot through it. Cheese was squeaky elephant shoes, different patterned socks and an Eskimo cap with a fish on top of it. As the two stop and faced each other and made faces at one another Twilight soon came in the middle. "All right, everypony. According to my official goof off rulebook..." "She actually has a goof off rulebook?" Rainbow questioned. Are you kidding? Twilight can find a rulebook for everything!?" Spike answered. Matilda soon shushed him. Twilight then continued "The two competitors have free range to goof about -- be it by singing, dancing, playing, prancing, joking, or performing -- to make the judge chortle, chuckle, giggle, guffaw, hoot and holler, whoop it up, and party down. The funnier, sillier, wilder, and goofier, the better. Rainbow Dash and Torrent, since the winner will be headlining both your parties, you two are the judges." "Heh. Big tense competition on my birth-iversary. What could be better?" Rainbow said nervously. "I'm notoriously Stoned-face for when it comes to events like these 'thanks to that dickhead Anchorman' but hey, that just give you both a good time to hit me with your funniest shots." I said. "Cheese Sandwich, Pinkie Pie, are you ready?" Twilight said. "I was born ready!" Pinkie said. "I was ready before I was born!" Cheese Sandwich retorted. "Then... Let the goofing begin!" Twilight soon flew off. Both combatants came close to each other Cheese soon started playing his accordion but Pinkie began to sing. It's your birthday party, a very special day I've got a song, it won't take long, I just wanted to say Happy, happy, happy, happy Happy, happy, happy, happy Happy, happy, happy, happy birthday to yous! If you wanna be the life of the party But you're feeling just a little uptight Call the doctor, beg and plead "Doctor, tell me what I need" Try to put a little cheese in your knees! Bubbles and balloons, bubbles and balloons What's a birthday party without bubbles and balloons? Star-shaped or trapezoid, look what I can do Only Pinkie Pie can make a bubble shaped like yous! Just let yourself go floppy, for now this is your chance Pretend you have no bones and do the rubber chicken dance! Hit it, Boneless! Cooler than a rubber chicken and tastier than cake Come on, you, let's party down and do the Gummy shake! Hit it, Gummy! Uh-huh! You know it! Shake it! 'Cause I like to make you smile, smile, smile Yes I do It fills my heart with sunshine all the while Yes it does 'Cause all I really need's a smile, smile, smile From these happy friends of mine Pinkie emerged from the flooring "That's my song!" "What do you mean? I have no idea what you're talking about." "THAT'S IT!" Pinkie soon pulled her party cannon. Roll out the party cannon When you hear the party cannon song Ka-BOOM! Why should you compromise? Try this one on for size 'Cause nothing quite says cheer like the ringing in your ear Of the cheese supreme cannonball surprise! ¡Dale, dale, dale No pierdas el tino! Porque si lo pierdes ¡Pierdes el camino! The huge Pinata soon came down on both me and dash. While she landed with her head sticking out, my face was under the structure. (Much like the wizard of Oz.) As I lifted the over-sized Papier-mâché (paper mache) off of us, I looked into Pinkie's eyes. Pinkie soon gasped "Rainbow and Torrent's not having the best party ever! I... I broke the Pinkie Party Promise!" "Stop! The goof off is off!" Pinkie shouted making the ponies confused. "But me and Torrent haven't named a winner." Rainbow said. "You don't have to. I forfeit. Which means... Cheese Sandwich wins." Cheese Sandwich then laughs, then sighs "...I do?" he questioned. "Yes. You get to headline Torrent and Rainbow Dash's party." "But, what about you, Pinkie?" Twilight questioned "I..." she soon then sniffles "I don't." - Edge of Ponyville Sometime later As Pinkie thew her Trombone on top of her cart we soon caught up with her. "Pinkie, wait! I'm sorry I got all swept away by Cheese Sandwich." Rainbow Dash apologized. "We all are." Twilight added. The rest of them agreed. Spike then sighed "Sorry, Pinkie." Pinkie then said "No. I'm sorry I let my pride get in the way of you having the best birth-iversary ever. Cheese Sandwich really is a super duper party planner, and he'll be a terrific headliner. I should've been a big enough pony to admit that and let you have your day." Rainbow soon got in front of Pinkie "But don't you get it? You're both super duper party ponies. Sure, Cheese Sandwich is a great guest party pony, but you're Ponyville's permanent party pony. Nopony could ever take your place, and we could never have a party without you." "She's Right Pinkie, you're Ponyville's #1 Super Duper Party Pony." I said. We soon got in a group hug. "They're both right." Cheese Sandwich said "I never meant to take your place in Ponyville. I just wanted to show you what a great party pony I am, Pinkie." "Why me??" she asked. "Well..." I fear I told a little fib about my pony past I hope that when you hear the truth, you will not be aghast I wasn't quite the super party pony like I claim The fact is that I was so shy, nopony knew my name I stumbled into Ponyville one afternoon by chance And found the biggest ever celebration party dance Everything was perfect, cheer was filling up the place And I saw that everypony had a smile upon their face I vowed that day to change my life, the past I did set free For now Cheese Sandwich was a party pony full of glee A super duper party pony -- that's what I became I traveled all Equestria, and all did know my name But that never would have happened on my own, I'll tell you why For the one who threw that party, it was you, Pinkie Pie. "Me?" Pinkie asked. "Yes!" Cheese Sandwich answered. "Hah, really?!" "Really!" "So I was the pony that threw the awesomely spectacular party that inspired you to become an awesome spectacular party thrower?" "Swear on Camembert!" Rainbow soon interrupted them. "Enough with the warm fuzzy stuff, you two. It's my birth-iversary,-" "And my welcoming party." I added. "-and you gotta throw us a bash!" Rainbow finished. "Yeah!" Pinkie added. "Let's go!" Cheese Sandwich said. Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich soon stated singing in unison. Super duper party ponies -- that is me and you A party thrown by one is good, but not as great as two Come on and let's join forces, have twice the expertise Now let's all go to the party planned by Pinkie Pie and Cheese! - That evening. I must say, if you have two Over-the-top Party planners in this equation you know your answer will be always be something crazy. there were numerous party favors and so many of- let's just say Cheese Sandwich soon spoke "All right, everypony! We are here to celebrate the birthday..." "...and anniversary..." Pinkie added. "... and welcoming party fusion of Torrent James Braddock and Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie Pie and Cheese finished together. Rainbow Dash and myself soon emerged from a present. "Hey, everypony! Who's ready to get their party on?!" Rainbow asked. "I am!" I answered "Kick it!" Get your hooves up, party's starting out right now Everypony, everypony get down Time to make a wish, better make it right now It's been a year and today is your birthday party Make a wish, it's your birthday Make a wish, it's your birthday party Make a wish, it's your birthday Make a wish, it's your birthday party Rainbow Dash soon flew to Cheese Sandwich "Cheese Sandwich! Oh, I gotta tell ya, you and Pinkie have totally made this the best birthday/anniversary and welcome party super combo ever! Hah, it's totally--" "Epic?" "Yeah, it is!" "That's all I needed to hear, little filly." As I sat with Pinkie as she wrote in the journal Cheese Sandwich soon slid a case towards her. "Just a little memento of my visit." he said. Pinkie soon opened the case. "You're giving me your special rubber chicken friend?" she asked. As Pinkie said that I saw that shine again. "Oh, he's not the only one." Cheese Sandwich soon pulled the same boneless chicken but it had the #2 "Well, Boneless Two, another job well done. But it's time we mosey along. Another town, another party." Cheese Sandwich soon walked away into the sunset. As we all watched him walk away, Pinkie said "I never did get that pony's name." "Cheese Sandwich!" we all said. Pinkie soon giggled "Oh, yeah!" - Nearing the end of the party. I sat at the far table as I watched everyone else had fun, Pinkie soon got on stage and tapped the microphone. "Alright everypony, it's time for the closing dance show!" They all responded by cheering. Pinkie soon continued, "Now how this goes, I shall pick a random name from this tinted fish bowl and whomever I choose he or she must dance here on stage! Drum roll please... and the Winner is... TORRENT!!!" The spotlight soon shined on me, and I was surrounded by magic and levitated to the stage. "Congratulations Torrent! You're our lucky winner." Pinkie said with excitement. "Pinkie I'm not sure about this I haven't danced in years." "Don't be silly, beside your name was fairly drawn from the fish bowl." "Let me see that..." I looked in the bowl "Pinkie, all of these slips have my name on it!" "I know, cut a rug!" The crow went silent as Pinkie sat in her seat. "O-Oh alright!" I then ripped my black T-shirt open like superman but, instead of the "S" it was my bare chest. The song that Pinkie chose was a song I knew well. During the chorus, I decided to pull some moves I'd learn. The Windmill And the 1.5 Airflare As the song nearly came to the end, I soon finished it off in this pose. - Golden Oaks Library 9:00pm As much fun as it was to dance again it was a real headache afterwards, I got off the stage and I was swarmed by all the party-goers giving autographs, taking pictures and I saw a few mares had some bloody noses. Thanks to Twilight and her magic she teleported me back to the library so that I can sleep, however she embarrassingly asked me to sign her book called "The Big Book of Assorted Dance moves Encyclopedia" Why they'd named a book like that, I don't know. I signed the Encyclopedia and with one last flashing smile she was gone. As I laid down on the bed, I saw that the key I have changed now. The blue one was lit and it along the previous glowing light changed shape. The purple light turned into a gem, the red into a lighting bolt and the newly lit one turned into a balloon. As much as I would've like to assess it more, I was too tired to do it. So then, I placed the key under the pillow, and went to sleep. > Swaped > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (After so many months of procrastination I finally posted this chapter) As the days passed since my arrival, I found my curiosity wandering toward that key I have. When Twilight went out to run errands and Spike was sawing logs, I rummaged through the books of the library and even through some of the textbooks we got from the ancient castle. In the end I couldn't find anything and I was back to square one! I guess I'll have to dig more to find out anything. -Town hall 9:00 A.M.- Every resident in Ponyville crowded to the town hall. Twilight and the others informed me that it was the election for the "Ponyville Day's pony of ceremonies." I decided to tag along, (though, they would've begged me to come if I didn't) but whatever. We soon reached the Town hall and with a sound equivalent to a F/A-18 with afterburners, Rainbow flew overhead exclaiming, "Wow! I can't believe how many ponies showed up!" "I can! I mean, finding out who the Ponyville Day's pony of ceremonies is, is a pretty big deal!" Pinkie smiled. Twilight's gaze met the selection committee and locked on to Granny Smith. "I didn't know Granny Smith was on the selection committee." She said, shocked. "Of course she is." Applejack grinned. "Ponyville Day's celebrates the founding of Ponyville, and she was right there." "I'm glad the committee didn't automatically pick me, so everypony gets a chance to see how great being me actually is! Even though the festival's basically a party and the pony of ceremonies gets to organize the whole thing! So it'd totally make sense if they did pick me." Pinkie started, speaking as fast as possible before being shushed by everypony around her. We soon heard microphone feedback and saw Mayor Mare on the stage. "Citizens of Ponyville, this year's applicants were all exceptional, but there can only be one Ponyville Days pony of ceremonies. And that pony is..." The Mayor paused for a dramatic effect. Everyone began to talk amongst themselves in the pause. Granny smith soon handed a paper to the Mayor, and Mayor Mare continued with, "Rarity!" The town cheered as one of the helpers gave Rarity a bouquet of flowers. Twilight walked up to Rarity to congratulate. "Congratulations, Rarity! Do you know what you're going to do first?" We all heard Spike's grunting and straining as he pushed a table that had a miniature of Ponyville with various decorations on it. "Oh, I might have a few ideas." Rarity answered with a smug smile. -Carousel Boutique 9:30 A.M.- Twilight and the others were placed on the other side of a fashion runway awaiting for what Rarity has plan for the festival. Pinkie stood on her tip-toes and blurted, "I'm so excited for the festival, I can hardly stand up straight!" She then toppled over. "Me too." Twilight agreed "I'm glad Rarity was picked. I know she'll add a touch of elegance to the whole thing!" "Probably more than a touch!" Applejack added, snidely. The main lights dimmed and the spotlights shot to life with a quiet buzzing. Spike and I emerged from the curtains in Three Piece Suits. I cranked the gramophone for music and the floodlight beams found their way to us. Spike then cleared his throat and began reading his flashcards. "This year's Ponyville Days festival, designed by Rarity, will feature various high-class events such as..." I flipped a canvas to reveal the first event. "A silent cider auction and tasting." Spike continued. "Ooooh!" Exclaimed the others in awe as I flipped next event. "A Ponyville gala in town square." Spike read and I flipped to the final event. "And, of course, a Ponyville fashion show." "Ooooh!" Everyone exclaimed in tandem. Spike then concluded with, "This year's Ponyville Day's festival pony of ceremonies creates shimmering couture of her own design." Rarity soon emerged from the curtains in flowing, elegant dress. "And the theme is... "Small Town Chic!" "Wow, Rarity." Twilight said "You really have put a lot of effort into this." "I'll say." Applejack agreed. "Oh, I think it's going to be magical." Fluttershy complimented. "Do you really think so?" Rarity gasped. "Are you kidding? I can't wait!" Pinkie said with excitement. "Oh, that's such a relief. But of course, I couldn't possibly do it all on my own. The festival is in three days!" Rarity grinned, "Pinkie Pie and I can hang lights and decorations in the town square!" Rainbow Dash deducted. "And ah can get Sweet Apple Acres all ready for the cider tastin." Applejack added. "And I can help with the construction and mechanical work." I nodded. "Oh, that's just perfect!" Rarity squealed with glee. "And now, Twilight, if you and Fluttershy wouldn't mind helping with the fashion show..." "Of course!" Twilight agreed. "I'd be honored." Fluttershy followed. "I can focus on the thing I'm worried about most of all." Rarity said. "What?" We all asked in tandem. "Creating a Ponyville Days festival fantastic enough to impress... Trenderhoof!" Silence filled the room to a point that you can hear a pin drop. Applejack broke the silence. "Uh, who's Trenderhoof?" Rarity then turned back towards us and gasped in shock "What?! How can you not know who Trenderhoof is?" She tugged on a rope, revealing a shrine. "Trenderhoof is only the most amazing, handsomest travel writer to have ever traveled or written! Before Las Pegasus became an Equestria travel destination, he wrote about it! Before the culinary revolution in Trottingham, he discovered it! He knows what's going to be hot even before it's tepid!" "Sounds like somepony has a little bit of a crush." Twilight teased. "Oh, Twilight," Rarity said then fell into her arms "A 'Crush' doesn't even begin to describe it. He's practically divine. I can't believe he's coming!" She swooned, prodding Trenderhoof's poster with her hoof. - Ponyville Train Station 10:15 A.M.- "Do you think Rarity will be alright?" I asked Twilight. "Of course she will." We both looked towards Rarity who was nervously shaking and holding a folding fan as the train slowed up. "Okay, maybe not." Twilight concluded, turning back to me. "As much as I'd love to stay here with you, I'll need to build the stage for the fashion show." I said. "I'll be done momentarily, you go on." Twilight said, nodding. "See ya." -Fashion Runway location 12:00 P.M.- "Okay that should be durable enough to support the stage" I said shutting off my torch. As I placed my tools back in my toolbox I saw Ambrosia along with other workers unloading seemingly heavy crates from a wagon. As the worker unloaded the crates in teams of two, Ambrosia was the only on left with one large crate. I walked over to her. "Hey Ambrosia." "Oh hey Torrent, say can you give me a hoof with this last crate?" she asked. "Sure." "Great! Give me a boost." With that, I cupped my hands together, she then stepped into it then heaved her on to the cart. She'd then began to push the crate to the edge of the cart "Okay Torrent, on my three." "Check." I replied. "One... Two... Three!" With one push, Ambrosia shoved the crate off the wagon. I managed to catch the falling crate, Ambrosia the hopped off the wagon then took hold of the other end. "Say what's in these crates anyway?" I asked Ambrosia. "Various decorations for the runway." "I see." After a few minute walk we set down the crate next to the stage, "Whew, this spot seems good enough." Ambrosia sighed. "Anything else that I can do around here?" "Nah, I think we can take care of the rest. Why don't you check around Ponyville?" -Ponyville 12:30pm- As I walk through the streets I saw Applejack at an intersection with a blond mane, brown-coated male unicorn in sorta a mixture of business and tourist attire following her who I suspected to be Trenderhoof. I then began to follow them and listen in on his conversation. "You know, I have such respect for the work ethic of Earth ponies." "Uh, gee, thanks." Applejack said uneasily "Granny Smith always said, "Pick an apple a day and keep trouble away."." "How many varieties of apples do you think there are?" "Uh, on the farm or in all of Equestria? 'Cause—" Trenderhoof then cut Applejack off as he levitated an apple from Aj's basket. "I once had an apple so rare, they thought it was extinct. I ate four of them." He then took a bite from the apple but the juices splattered on Applejack. "Is that a fact?" she questioned. "That's my thing. I take the mundane, the simple, the unappreciated, and I make it relatable." "Well, I hope you can relate to Ponyville." Applejack said as she walked away. However Trenderhoof appeared in front of her "Me too. But enough about me. I wanna know about you! What do apples mean to Applejack?" "Look, I'm glad you're interested in Ponyville 'n' all, but I'm kinda busy with my chores. And if I can't get 'em done, there won't be a Ponyville Days festival for you to write about." "Well, that will never do!" Rarity's voice called out. Applejack along with myself were surprised to see what Rarity was wearing. She wore an over-sized western hat that covered her horn, the hat itself hat gems embedded into it. She had a pink and white checkered buttoned shirt along with a pink vest, tattered jeans, pink cowboy boots and had a basket around her arm "Rarity, what are you wearin'?" Applejack asked surprisingly. "I would like to know why myself too." I said in a barely audible tone. "What, this old thing?" "Aren't you too busy plannin' the festival to keep makin' new outfits for it?" Applejack question while Trenderhoof stared lovingly at her. "I am. But the thought of hauling apples inspired me, and I just couldn't stop myself!" "Really?" Applejack said in a suspicious tone. "If there's one thing I love, it's hauling apples!" "I'm growing fond of it myself." Trenderhoof said dreamily. "Maybe you two should try it sometime." Applejack said under her breath. Trenderhoof then began to recite a poem. "I'm feeling a tad inspired. Without farm life, there'd be such disparity These thoughts I think with great clarity Apples high to the sky She's the one of my eye That fruit-hauling pony named... Applejack!" I could've sworn that I heard a mule bray as Rarity dawned the look of a broken heart. 'Is this guy really that big of an idiot?!' I mentally shout. -Sweet Apple Acres some time later- Me, Spike and Rarity were out in the field standing next to a plow. "Rarity, why do you want to plow a field?" Spike asked. Rarity then expected the plow "Is it me, or could this use a splash of color? And maybe a wash!" "Don't we need to check on the gala decorations?" I said as Spike nodded in agreement. "Yes, yes, of course, but Trend obviously has a thing for farm life. If I can't convince him that I'm just as much of a farm hoof as Applejack, I'll never get him interested in the festival." "The festival. Right." said Spike. 'Your not fooling anyone Rarity.' "And I do appreciate your help ever so much. I couldn't do a thing without you, Spikey-poo." Rarity said as she snuggled Spike. "Well, that's what friends are for!" Spike said with a blush. "Right, so." Rarity then whipped the reins "Come on!" she said with grunts "Farm... thing!" As Rarity tried to figure out how to work a farm plow,Spike then looked at me witch I had my arms crossed. "Twitterpated." was all I can say to him. "What does that mean?" "Oh, nothing." Rarity then sighs and wipes the sweat from her forehead "Oh, how does Applejack do it?" "Well, it would help if the harness was on right!" she answered "What are you doin'?" "I am simply lending a hoof with the chores, which I love doing ever so much." Applejack had the look of uneasiness "Well if you're still interested after the festival I can teach you all about it. But right now, I need to get the plowin' done," she'd then strapped the harness on to herself "if you don't mind." Rarity was then catapulted off the plow but was caught by Trenderhoof "Not at all." but he soon dropped her "Ugh! Oh!" Trenderhoof then walked towards Spike "She makes it look so easy." Spike said. Trenderhoof then spoke dreamily again "I know. Isn't she fantastic?" I then helped Rarity to her feet. - -More minutes later- Applejack soon grunted as she kicked the apple tree causing to apples to fall into the last wooden bucket, Trenderhoof then clapped in astonishment. "I really don't see what the fuss is all about." Rarity said then tapped a nearby tree. "Now, Rarity, you be careful." Applejack warned "If you don't get the buckin' just right, you could sprain a hoof." "I am perfectly familiar with the apple-bucking process, thank you very much. But while you seem to rely on raw power, I believe a certain amount of style is required. It's really more of a dance, if you ask me". Rarity then preformed a little dance while making happy 'hm'ing noises. She then gave the tree a good kick causing an apple to fall in her basket "Et voilà!" "Well, your way is definitely long on style." Applejack commented uneasily. "I'll say." I said. "Thank you." "Now, if you'll all excuse me, I have some more chores to do. Inside!" Applejack said clearly trying to get away from Trenderhoof, then went into the chicken coop. "Rarity?" Trenderhoof asked. "Can I ask you something?" "Oh, why, Trend, you can ask me anything." ""I've been meaning to ask for a while, and frankly I'm sort of embarrassed. Rarity... do you think... Applejack would be my date for the festival?" "Why don't you go ask her yourself?!" she screamed causing Trenderhoof to cringed "Hmph!" 'What a dumbass.' - In the Barn. Applejack rushed in and slammed the door shut in avoiding Trenderhoof "Whew! Well, that was close." "If you've come to apologize, there's really no need." Rarity said with her back turned. "What are you talkin' about?" "Let's dispense with the charade, shall we?" "Listen, I know you really want Trend to like you—" "And he does! Despite somepony's best efforts!" "I swear I don't know why he's payin' so much attention to me. And I don't know anypony who's that interested in farmin'. Not even me!" "Well, maybe it's time Trend met a real country pony." "Shouldn't you be workin' on the festival instead of comin' up with new ways to impress Trend?" "I agree with Applejack Rarity." I said "Oh, I'm sure you'd love that. Well, I have a new vision for the festival," she then started to speak in a country accent "and it's gonna be more country than the whole Apple family put together!" I then followed Rarity. I the walked backwards facing her. "Now Rarity can you please pause for at least ten seconds and think on how irrational and may I say stupid this plan is." "Now what y'all talkin' 'bout?" she questioned while still in that country accent "I simply want to show Trendy-hoof that Ponyville can be as country if not more." 'Okay now I'm agitated!' "I hate to rain on hay plastered parade you heart-smitten dressmaker but none of this won't win any of Trenderhoof's satisfaction! " I said in a raised voice. "What y'all sayin'?" "What I'm sayin' is that not only completely changing the theme of the festival which I may add will be in a few days tops and also changing your overall lifestyle into something that you're clearly in opposite is not only foolish but it'd be a complete waste of time." I was soon levitated and tossed into the cart. "Don't worry I'm sure this new theme will be a hootenanny! And I'd also picked the right outfit for you." 'Why is it that I have a feeling that I will not enjoy these.' - -Carousel Boutique 2 day timeskip 10:00 A.M.- "Um, isn't it a little late to be changing the theme?" Fluttershy questioned. Applejack soon walked in. "Applejack, what's going on?" Twilight asked. "I'm too scared to guess." The lights went out then the stage lights beamed up. Rarity then spoke in her country accent "Firstly, I just want to thank you all for comin', and second, I know y'all will all adore my new festival theme!" Spike then walked out of the curtains in a straw har playing the banjo and myself wearing overalls and a straw hat blowing in a jug. The curtains then unfurled revealing Rarity in a pair tattered overalls with a grey shirt covering her chest her hair is now messy tangled, she too wore a straw hat "'Simple Ways'!" The rest look confused, but Applejack responded by laughing. "Well? What's so funny?" "Rarity, that is the silliest getup I have ever seen!" "It is a little funny." Fluttershy agreed. "It is rather humorous." I said to myself. "Fun-nay?" Twilight then chuckled as well "Rarity, you aren't serious, are you?" Rarity then spoke in her normal voice "Well of course I'm serious–" but she'd cleared throat then went back to her country accent "Why wouldn't I be?" "Because you would never dress like that. You like fashion and high society and fancy things." Applejack answered. "And I can like plowin' fields and haulin' apples just as much." "But you don't!" she retorted. "How do you know what I like?" "Because I know you." "Wail, maybe you don't know me as well as you thank." "And I suppose it's just a coincidence that Trenderhoof seemed so interested in country life, too?" Applejack asked. "I don't know what you're gittin' at!" Rarity said playing dumb. "Well then, I guess I'll just have to show you!" "Be my guest! Now, if you all will excuse me, I have a hootenanny of a festival to put on." Rarity then left the Boutique making Applejack growl. -Sweet Apple Acres 12:00 P.M- Behind the stage. "Jeez I don't know how people can stand wearing just overalls man this is itchy." I said while scratching myself. "Psst! Torrent!" I faintly heard Applejack. I looked to see her sticking out of the the doorway, gesturing me to come inside. But when I came inside I was surprise on what she was wearing but yet knew why she was. "Is this what I think it is?" I asked her. "You think right you wouldn't mind helping would you?" "If it can stop this nonsense and getting me out of these itchy overalls, then count me in." Applejack then giggled "Perfect!" - "Now, y'all go off and make yourselves look just like that." Rarity turned to Spike "Who's our next model for the fashion show?" "Um... Apple... Jewel?" "Who the hay is that?" The lights then turned off, tango music began playing. The curtains opened to revealed Applejack and myself; Applejack wore an elegant dress with her hair and tail perfectly combed and styled, myself, was wearing a classic tuxedo. We both walked across the stage, arms hooked together, Applejack then struck a pose. Rarity then looked a little distraught "Is this some kind of joke?" Applejack then spoke in an upper-class accent "Why, Rarity, whatever would make you think I was joking?" Rarity then spoke in her normal voice "Because you would never wear an ensemble like that. You like plowing fields and hauling apples—" "And I can like fashion just as much." "Applejewel" interrupted her. She then switched back to her country accent "But you don't!" "Well, maybe you do not know me as well as you think." Applejewel retorted. "Fine. But I got a whole festival to plan, so if you're goin' to start modelin', just get on with it!" "Life is a festival, and you should celebrate it by looking just like me! Because I'm a trend-setting fashionista!" I then grabbed a camera and snapped several pictures of her. Rarity then switched to her normal voice "You're a trend-setting fashionista?! Why, that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever– I mean..." then switched back to her country accent "Good for you. I, on the other hoof, couldn't care less how I look, long as I get the chores done." she said as she put her hoof to her muzzle. "Oh, is that so?" "Yes, indeedy-doodle!" Applejewel then gasped "Not me! My mane needs to be perfectly coiffed at all times." "Well, my mane is full of dust and split ends." "My hooves are so polished, you can see your reflection in them." "My hooves are cracked and dry from working in the fields!" "I'm so fashion-forward." "I wear droopy drawers!" "I smell like rosebuds." "I love being covered in mud!" Rarity then faced planted in a mud puddle, but never took into account the splash radius. In which a clog of mud landed on Applejack's dress. Rarity then panicked then spoke in her normal voice "Goodness! Your couture! Ooh, it's bad." she said while trying to wipe the mud off, only to smear more onto it "Will somepony bring me a towel to wipe this repulsive filth from my hooves?!" Applejack the spoke in her normal voice "There's the Rarity I know!" "Oh, Applejack, I'm sorry I said all those things. You're a true friend who probably knows me better than I know myself. I don't know what I was thinking wearing this ridiculous outfit." "I kinda know how you feel." "Oh, but you and Torrent were just trying to help me see how silly I was being. And you both were right." "It's alright Rarity." I said. Rarity then sighed "And besides, that gown looks just gorgeous on you. I wish I hadn't ruined it." "Thanks!" Applejack replied "It's nice, ain't it?" "It's magnificent! Wherever did you get it?" "Oh, it's, uh, one of yours." At that point, Rarity's pupils then shrank. She then grabbed Spike's shoulders. "I'll need three gallons of boiling water and one ounce of detergent, stat!" As Spike ran out of the barn, Trenderhoof then appeared in overalls and a straw hat. "Oh lord." I said in a sotto tone. He'd then cleared his throat "I'm moving to Ponyville! Being the most interesting pony in Equestria is exhausting. I want to leave my exotic, exciting life behind and live on a farm!" "What?!" me, Applejack and Rarity exclaimed simultaneously. "Well, that's real nice, but I sure hope you weren't thinkin' of Sweet Apple Acres." Applejack said. "Oh." Trenderhoof replied rather disappointed. "Uh, look, you're a fine pony, but, uh, well, I'm, uh..." Rarity then interrupted Applejack "I think what Applejack is trying to say is that there's something unappealing about a pony who'd change themselves so much just to impress somepony else. If somepony doesn't like you for who you are, it's their loss." "Well, this is awkward." "Not at all. In fact, I think I know just how you feel." "What do you think, Rarity?" Applejack asked "Is it too late to go back to "Small Town Chic"?" "Not if I can help it! Care to lend me a hoof Torrent?" "I'd be happy to do that." I answered. - Despite the rough patches that happen these last two days, "Small Town Chic" came back better than ever. -Rarity voice over- Organizing the Ponyville Day celebration was one of the hardest things I've ever done. But I learned an important lesson. Real friends will like you for who you are, and changing yourself to impress them is no way to make new ones. And when you're as fabulous as I am, it's practically a crime! > I ain't dead/answers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To those who still keep tabs on my story "The mechanic" I would like to extent an apology for such procrastination on the story and and I know that some of you have questions regarding to my OC so allow me to answer them. 1. Why is Torrent so tall? To be brief; he does not have gigantism It's a form of genetic alteration on which I will discuss more thoroughly in the moment. 2. How tall is he compared to the ponies/EQQ? Since the setting is obviously taken place in another universe he's considered average height excluding Princess Celestia who is slightly taller excluding her horn. However in EQQ he will be taller but not too extreme. More general info: To not spoil anything further in the story (which I will try to dedicate this month on continuing it) Torrent is highly considered to be an abnormal human being. And to close this update this story is not dead in the water as I will try my best to get more chapters you were waiting for. > Sorry Folks... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To all people who like the fanfic, I'm sorry to say that this story officially dead now, due to intense procrastination and loss of drive to continue it. And as it pains me to say it I've grown away a bit from the show, now before you come at me with pitchforks and torches (Figuratively speaking) let me explain; I've gotten caught up with outside matters that needed my full attention and as one came after another and another so on and so forth it just became more time consuming with very little time to work on this piece, it soon came to the point that I've completely diverted focus away from the story to the point of forgetting. I also want to point out that while I said I've grown away a bit from the show, this does not include the fandom involving the show. I still love the characters and appreciate the support people give to the overall community and though I mentioned the story is dead, people are free to pick up where I dropped the bomb, put their own spin on it and vice versa. I just ask that if you plan to use Torrent J. Braddock in any story just mention me and send me a link. Finally, this isn't the end of me making stories I will just be making stories that fall in the MLP universe in general as well as the IDW Comic-verse, again I wish to extend an utmost apology to all who've read the story. Sincerely, Clintr.