• Member Since 26th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Comments ( 169 )

From the description, I'm thinking Gentleman for Mares.

3512477 Similar, yeah, but different as well. I knew that connection would be made, which is why I made sure to clarify it in both descriptions.

3512495 Give me ten minutes so I can work on the Brewing Storm, then I'll come tear this to bits for you.

3512567 An 'adult' party. Or was it something else?

I gave a muffled moan around the cock in my mouth as the other one pounded away at my ass.

Damn, you're just jumping right in, ain't ya?

And then I felt a set of lips form a seal on my own cock, recognising the soft touch of the butter-cream furred pegasus mare, Fluttershy.

Never begin a sentence with "and". Motherfucker.

The lubed up rubber shaft slid between my cheeks, making my cock twitch slightly.

I had no idea the anus was sensitive enough to determine material through touch.

If it did, she didn't mind, and I gave another muffled moan as Rarity and the pegasus began to work faster, my cock straining harder all the more.

Multiple errors here: the beginning should be "If she minded, she didn't say anything" and it should say "She and Rarity began to work faster" to avoid confusion.

And then my tip flared, releasing my seed into Fluttershy's throat. Rarity then slipped out from me, running her hands over my cheeks.

You started another sentence with and. Also, human penises don't really flare, so much as the glans expands slightly when the pelvic floor muscles contract in orgasm (Or, you know, when you contract them while erect to see what happens), but enough about the evolutionary function of the human penis. Unless, of course, the main character because an anthro pony... again.

I tilted her head up and kissed the tip of her muzzle...
...then followed by slamming the bathroom door shut in her face and locking it, walking back to the shower with a chuckle as I heard pounding on the wood.

Something about this irks me, and I have no idea why.

3512637 Yes I am just jumping right in.

I was taught that you never start a paragraph with 'and', but a sentence is allowed.

Most of them are made from a form of rubber or silicone, and it is more than likely they only have rubber to use, so that is what she has.

Hmm, I'll change those bits when I've had some sleep. And no, he's going to stay human this time. And he didn't stay anthro, making the transformation to full pony just before the epilogue.

That last bit... sorry, can't help you there.

Today… was her eighteenth birthday, and her present from Nashita, her mother, was me. “Hush now, Tasnim, he may be nearby!”

You misused ellipses.

I didn’t tell him that the amount would probably give Twilight Sparkle and orgasm just from seeing them.

"an orgasm"

“How I ended up on your world… firstly, there is one thing you need to understand. What I was doing that day is something called ‘airsoft’, running through an old quarry and some woods, trying to shoot others with plastic ball bearings, whilst trying not to get shot. It was the last scenario of the day, and I was off playing lone wolf…”

Another self-insert?

The appendage started to glow, so I just followed my instinct. Instead of one shot, I used the grenade that fired a hundred and twenty pellets in one go, the creature closing its eyes with a scream as they hit it.

Right, more of a nit-picking thing than anything else, but when Stephen King pulled something like this, I threw the book across the room. Odds are the common reader doesn't care about the workings of an airsoft grenade, so telling them how many pellets it fires isn't appealing, and in some cases, downright off-putting.

“That thing attacked me with magic!”

Do you mean to tell me that ponies don't understand the concept of ranged weaponry? Because it seems like something any civilization figures out at some point or another, usually after building a granary, if Civ V is anything to go by.

The glow got slightly brighter, until I squeezed the trigger on my rifle and shot him in the chest, making him grunt. “And now he has attacked me!”

Cadence didn't restrain his weapon? Shining Armor took a hit to a sensitive part of the body without swearing?

“Oh come on… Tia.”

This line made me consider suicide as a viable career choice, if only because of how overdone the concept is. It opens up a lot of overdone conversations, maybe an existential crisis or two, then gets swept under the rug like everyone is fine with it. Personally, if I found out I was in some Truman Show style program, I would flip my shit.

“Tell you what, it has been wonderful meeting you, so I shall have a word with your father on your behalf. I’m sure he will understand.”

That shit gets peoples' heads cut off.

I couldnt read the first sentence without having to look at a mirror to question my life as to how I got here.

3512736 Okay, let's begin. 1)

Another self-insert?

Even though it may seem like it, I just used that scenario to get him there. I never explicitly said it was a self insert, so it's up to the readers to make up their minds.
2), 3) & 4)

many pellets it fires isn't appealing, and in some cases, downright off-putting.

Do you mean to tell me that ponies don't understand the concept of ranged weaponry

Cadence didn't restrain his weapon

At that range, it hurts like a bitch with one shot, so telling you how many went off shows how much that will hurt. Yes, they know of ranged weaponry, but not like this. not this time around. Hence why the guards are armed with spears and swords. Cadence had never seen anything like him, so wouldn't know that it's not a 'part' of him.
5) That line... that's just him being sarcastic/cheeky.


That shit gets peoples' heads cut off.

Maybe on our world, but not in their's.

3514212 I wish I could tell you. I'm guessing that's a no to this story from you then?

Not perfect... work in progress...

It has potential. We`ll see.

3514407 I know, that was just for mares. This isn't, but I knew someone would make that connection.

That's not the only difference. I know it's a bit unfair to compare you to this, since you've just started out, but Gentlemen for Mares has a such a wealth of worldbuilding and story that makes it so much more than simply "men who are contracted to sleep with ponies". In fact, that aspect is only a relatively small part of that world.

3514421 Got you. Well, this is six months after he arrived. We will be seeing his interactions with the ponies in a series of flashbacks, the main six being the first few chapters. Like he said when talking to Tasnim, he did have another job, so we will be seeing that as well.

3515476 Then my job here is... well, it's not done yet... but it works so far!

Next chapter (hopefully) in a few hours.

3515478 Good. I'm squirming just waiting to see who our nameless hero ends up with next......

3515481 You won't even see it coming as to who! But his chat (not with the main six:trollestia:) comes first.

3515520 *nods* I wanna see him with Chrysalis

3515526 Maybe at some point... think she is one of the recurring characters throughout my stories that I haven't written a clop scene with... yet.

3515537 Yes...... *nods* You must write a Chrysalis clop scene...... the Queen demands it!:flutterrage:

3515580 Well... plenty of holes to chose from!

That's a heck of a pony if you ask me... :trixieshiftright:


No you didn't just..... WANT MORE. It just got very interesting (not that it wasn't already but the ending.... ooooooo)

She glanced up at me and then turned her muzzle to the ground. I slowly raised it back up with a hand.
Her gaze kept darting from me to her friends, until I pressed forward, watching her close her eyes as I kissed her passionately.

This may be assault.

“Ah hope yer ain’t trying to talk mah sister inta bed.”

"I hope you are are not"? It should be "I hope you ain't".

back in a mo

This contraction does not seem intentional, and unnatural. I cannot envision someone saying this.

Only shandy…

Congrats, you've found a word that stumped me! Shandy, noun, beer mixed with a nonalcoholic drink, most typically lemonade. Also this seems strange; I get that limiting their intake will prevent any unpleasant side-effects the next morning, but I was raised under the rule that if one drinks, one drinks as much as one wishes, and faces the consequences if they are underage. Over 21 but still living at home? Stay home. Underage and in school? Guess who's going to class. The system encourages moderation and self-discipline, because teachers around here look for hungover kids to torment.

The queue for the cafe was ridiculous, nearly thirty ponies in front of me

I think you dropped a "with" there.

paper back up

Bag, unless this guys eats books.

“Heh, most likely, miss, I’m working as a courier at the moment.”

Should be a semicolon after the miss.

“I would be what is called a human, Miss?”

If I'm reading this correctly, there should be ellipses after the miss to indicate he held the word in an attempt to get her to reveal her name.

“Firstly, remove that fluff on your chin! There is a bathroom through that door.”

Fluff? Unless this guy is twelve or something, scruff seems a bit better, or he has the thinnest facial hair I have ever seen on a man.

I stepped back out about fifteen minutes later, having only cut myself twice.


“Your hands are smooth as well, considering the fur.”

Fur on the inside of the hand? That seems like it'd get messy very quickly.

“Wait… tells us about your first time with my sister.” The unicorn leant forward slightly, but I just turned towards Rarity. She seemed to think for a moment, and then gave me a nod.

The only time my brother and I mention sex around one another is when I'm trying to embarrass him, so this seems very strange, because I don't think either of us want to here about who the other happens to be fucking.


What is this supposed to be?

“Look, I’m trying to find myself a new job after my boss got arrested for tax swindling. You are not helping me.”

We talking evasion or misrepresentation here?

Would’ve kept Durex in business for a looong time.

I'm not sure if he means he himself would keep Durex in business, or the whole of Equestria, because even as hyperbole, this seems like an enormous stretch. Do you have any idea how much money Durex makes a week? How about in a day?

My answer came in the form of a slight growl and her teeth gently biting down on me.

So she bit, albeit gently, into his penis, which had a condom wrapped around it. A light bite won't damage a penis, but that latex barrier is more fragile than most people believe.

Twilight had told me, back when we talked about our anatomy, that they evolved from that about a millenium and a half ago

Ignoring that "millennium" has two n's, that is amazingly recent on an evolutionary timeline, and what's more, it's a change that can be definitely measured. I have no idea if you're aware of this, but a sapient species recording a change in their species is fucking incredible, and there's no other word I can think of that describes it. You know what changed about humans in the past 1500 years? We got taller and developed the ability to read silently, and ponies got a more efficient reproductive cycle.

3521826 They know who he is, and what he does. This is why they were staring at him.


They're not living at home, and are in a bar. Plus they're only sixteen, so not legally allowed to drink full alcohol, whereas shandy is normally accepted over here.

I based it on the rate at which my own hair grows, which isn't that fast.

The [he] is supposed to be a

. No idea what kind of tax swindling, just knew he got arrested. I know they are, but her teeth were at his base when she did that. Not so much as recorded the specific change, but noted that things with the mares started getting different. And that Durex bit was just a joke.

3521323 Who?

3521519 Yes. Yes I did.

3522428 ...maybe.:trollestia::trollestia:

3521826 Oh, and I've never used a cutthroat razor, and would probably kill myself if I tired to.

Also, it does specifically state that she felt his chin with the back of her hand, not her palm.

Little Miss Rarity. :raritywink:
I wish I had those looks... :moustache:


At least it didn't jump straight into the sex, until about 3 - 10 Minutes of reading, but good

3535365 The next few chapters follow that theme, being him meeting the mane six and the sex coming afterwards.

Only one pony had sex with him the first time... and she might be after this one.:trollestia:

the within 10 seconds of reading, porn REALLY RUSTLES MY JIMMIES #Jimmies

3545391 Well, it is a clop fic. What else did you seriuosly expect?

This is going to get even more interesting...


3546210 My editor has buggered off to a concert tonight, so I should have two chapters up tomorrow.

So... last thee of the mane six.... :pinkiesmile::ajsmug::rainbowwild: ...which one should be last? I have an idea for all, so it won't be too long between chapters.

Maybe RD should be last, because she seems to be the type to go for multiple rounds, but that is just our opinion.With Pinkie you can be very creative with what you choose to make of her chapter. If you were to choose Aj you could find an interesting setting for it to all go down, like: The barn loft or the CMC Treehouse. :raritywink:
Other than that you can do what you want. :twilightblush:


3546263 AJ will be in the barn, yes.

And a slight teaser, the title for Rainbow's chapter? A Dash Of Cleaning

Sounds like a good title to me... So many thoughts. :pinkiesick:


PS: Stay out of ma' shed..
{Get the reference?}

I think I'd have rather seen him do Twilight in her librarian outfit.

Also, why not do the Crusaders? He's weird.

3564165 Just wait... he has some fun with them!! And who says he hasn't?

The bar scenes are a good few months after the others.

Good to know. And I do enjoy the story. Can't wait to see what happens next.

But...the Kinky Shy link isn't loading.

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