• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 1,457 Views, 22 Comments

Lost Highway: love, loss, faith and dreams - Sorenthehero117

When you were a teenager, what dreams did you have? Did you ever wanna grow up to be famous, beloved and remebered? This is a story about two friends who shared a similar dreamed, but later learned that life had other plans for them.

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Sunny Day, Cloudy Weather

[It was Sunday morning and Lewis was up bright and early to make breakfast while Octavia was still asleep. He knew his way around the kitchen very well as he learned how to cook while he was on tour with his friends. He was hoping Octavia would still be asleep by the minute he woke up to cook, as he wanted to surprise her on a Sunday morning with breakfast in bed]

"Alright, just add a pinch of cinnamon and... Done! Haha, 5 years of cooking for those pricks and I finally got good use for cooking for somebody else", he laughed as he sighed looking down and frowning softly and sighing again. "I hope your last few minutes were very well enjoyed you guys. I hope I can make the best of life as well as you guys did. Maybe... We both can... I hope...”

[Lewis poured a glass full of juice and places it on a tray along with a plate full of eggs, sausage and hash browns. He walked upstairs holding the plate carefully as he slowly got into her room quietly, not wanting to wake her up and sits down next to her, placing tray in her bedside table. He slowly waited for the sweet smell wake her up]

Octavia slowly woke up and gave a small whiff as she opened her beautiful purple eyes and saw the plate in front of her and looked up seeing Lewis smiling. "Good morning Melody", he said as she slowly got up on the bed, still a little groggy, but smiling. "Good morning Lewis. Um, what is all this?", she said not knowing why she had that plate next to her. "Remember when we were young and you told me you always wanted to wake up with breakfast in bed one day. Better late than never am I right?", he said smiling as she smelled her small banquet and looked at him. "Lewis, did you make all this yourself?", she said confused as she looked at the delicious tray with hungry eyes.

"Impressed? Hehe enjoy it Melody. I'm going to take a quick shower, then come back", he said as she grabbed his arm. "No don't. Come here and sit next to me. I want to talk to you, and don't want to eat alone", she said as she looked at him and he smiled and laid next to her as she picked up the tray and smiled smelling the hot plate of eggs and sausage. She took a bite and chewed as her face gleamed with joy as she swallowed and looked at him. "Lewis, my God, this is so good. It’s incredible, w-where did you-", she talked as he started laughing at her overblown complimenting. "It’s just eggs and sausage Melody. It’s nothing big. Hehe and to answer your question, I learned to cook on tour, trying to provide for myself. Usually when me and the guys, when we stayed in hotels, they provided us with a kitchen where one of my friends Rob gave me a how-to on what to do and how to do it when it came to cooking", he said as he told her about his friends in the band, believing she didn't know.

"Rob was the oldest of us, he was like 23, he played guitar and wrote the majority of our songs. Then there was Doug, Rob's brother, who played Bass and sang backup", he continued talking as Octavia kept on eating. "Mmm, hey, wasn't there a girl in your band? That girl with the flashy glasses who played on a turntable, what was her name? I know she had a stage name, but I don't remember her name. We used to take classes together", she said while still eating from her plate, trying to keep up with his conversation. "You mean Irene? Haha she called herself Vinyl on stage, said it made her look unique and original- Wait a minute, you followed along with what me and the band did? As in, you know about what we did or sung?” he asked curiously as he never expected her to be a fan of rock music. "Oh Lewis, don't think that just because I don't listen to rock music that I hate it enough to not listen to it when a dear friend is the one playing", she said which really surprised Lewis as he never expected her to respond so greatly towards rock music.

"Believe it or not, I have all you're music on my car and on my stereo here in my house. I listen to you whenever I have a bad day. Somehow your music is the only thing that can calm me down at that point. When I'm at my worse, when I just feel like breaking down and giving up on everything, I play one of your CDs, I listen to that powerful voice of yours, those lyrics, that tune, your message... It makes me feel like", she said as he looked at her not wanting to say a damn thing. "It makes me feel like you're always here with me. Always here to wipe my tears, hug me, and comfort me whenever I'm all alone. It’s like you never left Canterlot High, like you stayed and we remained friends even after my graduation. It’s like... Listening to your music... Is the closest I ever had to feeling you here with me, when you were out there living your dream and I stood here lonely and missing you every single day", she looked at him as he couldn't believe what she just said to him.

"Melody... I-I'm sorry... I'm sorry I left, but you know I had no choice after what those bastards in Canterlot High did to me. You know they crossed the line and went too far with what they did to me", he said much to her confusion. "What are you talking about Lewis?” she asked not knowing what he was talking about. "Melody, they wanted to kick me out. As soon as they found out about the incident with my father, they got paranoid about how that story would affect them publicly and how they're lack of support or help towards children who had problems would make people avoid enrolling their kids inside. They saw what happened to me, know they did absolutely nothing, assumed I was going to complain or some shit, and told me I was expelled", her eyes were widened with shock and disbelief as she heard what he said.

"They came to me, sat me down, and told me everything from why this was happening to what was going to happen. They burnt my records, unregistered my name from their files, and they all said exactly the same thing: Publicity means everything, and you're incident, while tragic, means nothing to us, but very bad publicity and we can't afford this kind of controversy in Canterlot High. Those bastards looked at a boy who was brought down by his abusive parent, and instead of helping him up, they kicked him down even more and executed him point blank", he said, angry at what they did to him. "B-But Lewis, you left because you wanted to pursue your dream of being a musician. I thought-", she said trying to make sense of what he was saying, before he interrupted her and tried to explain to her what truly happen.

"I left because I had no choice Melody. I left because they gave up on me without ever even trying to help me. They abandoned me for their own selfish purposes, and left me to choose my own path with no tools and no advice on how", he said angrily while remembering how they ultimately screwed him over completely. “I was doing great in school, I got great marks, and I was at the top of the class, but the minute word got out that I was assaulted in my own goddamn house, they took no chance and decided to get rid of me without any thought of helping me. They saw me as a fucking tumor that needed to be removed; otherwise everything they held dear to financially wise would die off. HOW??? IT’S MY GODDAMN LIFE! THEY HAD NO RIGHT TO GET INVOLVED!” he said nearly scaring her as he raised his voice. “I had no idea. Lewis, why didn’t you ever tell me? I could have help-”, she said before he interrupted her. “You did enough for me already, and I was already dead on arrival. Nothing could save me at that point”, he said frowning softly when she placed her tray on her bedside and hugged him softly.

“Oh Lewis, you’re never too late to fight back, no matter who the authority is or how high they are. You’re strong, you can handle anything. I mean, you handled the abuse of your father as tough as any person could. I still remember that day you’re father tied you up. You immediately smiled in pain, and told me how nothing could bring you down and you just… you were so brave, despite being in such a terrible condition at the time”, she blushed as she talked remembering the kiss they shared that day. “That day we became much closer to each other than we could ever possibly could. Almost like… Like we were…” she choked as Lewis laid his head on her shoulder and smiled. “You saved my life that day. I still haven’t forgotten that and never will, no matter what”, he said as he lay with her and they both held each other. “Nothing can come between what we formed that day. No matter what, you and I still remained friends no matter what”, he said as he smiled happily and she let a single tear drop and he wiped it out.

Octavia sniffed as she hugged him as tightly as she could, and she laid her head on his chest. She felt his heart beat fast as he blushed while she smiled and sat on top of him looking into his eyes, while she pulled down her robe slightly simply to only reveal her shoulders. Lewis’ face was reddened for a short bit, but immediately it went down as he looked at her tattoos which made him giggle. “I’ll never forget when you talked me into getting these. Believe it or not, I love them. They’re like a mark of identity that represents who I am professionally. Hehehe mother was angry and forbade me from seeing you again. Like Hell”, she said laughing as he smiled.

“I told you they would be perfect for you. Sorry about the pain though”, he said really apologizing as she places her hand on his chest and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and wrapped her arms around him. “You held my hand during the entire time. You never let me alone during that whole entire time”, she said softly as he blushed softly and hugged her back softly. “You know I would never leave you, no matter what Melody”, he smiled as they looked into each other’s eyes while she looked at him sweetly and smiled. “You never did tell me how we both got into that place without them asking YOU for ID. I was already 18 at the time. How did you get pass them if minors weren’t allowed?” she said smirking as he laughed.

“The morons weren’t able to spot a shitty looking fake ID I had”, he said as she laughed as well almost not believing him. Both of them talked for a while longer as Lewis took her tray and got ready to go downstairs and wash her plates. “Well you rest up some more. I’m gonna go wash these downstairs”, he said smiling as she laid in bed as it was still very early and tried to go to sleep again. “Mmmmm thank you Lewis” As she drifted off to sleep. Lewis spoke before closing the door. “Oh wait! Is it okay if maybe you can drive me to my Mother’s house today? I know you have work tomorrow, and didn’t want you to miss out because of me”, he said in a very pleading manner which got her incredibly nervous and scared. “S-Sure Lewis, later in the afternoon. Is that alright?” she said to him sleepily. “Of course, thank you Melody. Have a nice nap” he said smiling as he closed the door and she slowly drifted off to sleep.

[The very next hour, Octavia woke up after having a horrible nightmare. She woke up sweaty and scared at the request of having to bring Lewis to his mother's house. There was an aching feeling in her stomach that prevented her from even smiling about this situation. Octavia knew about the incident that he had with his mother 3 years ago, and felt incredibly distraught over it. As Octavia woke up, she saw that it was already the afternoon and the sun arrived already. Knowing she couldn’t go back to sleep, and still shaken from the nightmare she just had, she instead grabbed her journal and started to write in order to calm herself down]

November 18, 2006

It’s been 2 weeks since the incident with Lewis' father. Lewis decided to let him get away with it, which to me I thought was a horrible idea, but he wasn't at the mood to be disagreed with. From what I understood, his mother had to go away on business while she let his father take care of him after just getting out of prison. Lewis never told me why she didn't just say no, but from he did tell me, apparently he threatened to hurt her if she said no to him again. Basically, she left him alone with an abusive man who most likely just wanted to beat him up more, all so that she herself could avoid getting beaten by the abusive man in question.

That was the vilest thing I've ever heard off. What kind of sick woman would do this to their own son just to save their own life? That was beyond ungodly selfish; that was simply unforgivable. She knew this kind of thing would happen and didn't wanna risk hurting herself when she could just use poor Lewis as a bloody decoy. That really got me in a hateful and violent manner from which I've never felt before. I wanted to meet this woman and actually give her a piece of my mind.

Maybe it was my imagination, maybe she didn't know what happened, but my God, I needed to know what really happened, because as far as I'm concerned, she subtly helped Lewis get assaulted by his own father, and she needed to understand that. I asked Lewis if he could introduce me to her so I could ask her what happened, and maybe get to know more about her as well. I expected the worse from her, I'm not gonna lie, but I had to keep my head on right and think straight about the situation. There was something about that time when Lewis got assaulted that didn't make any sense to me.

Throughout his whole body, there were cuts all over his arms, legs and stomach, cuts that look like they were there before the beatings started. When I found Lewis in the shower, there were only signs of punching and kicking, but there weren’t any cuts anywhere that were fresh, and there was no knife either. This didn't make any sense to me and it got me very frightened to think of the possibilities as to where they came from. My initial thought was that his father made them a while before Lewis and his mother moved here, but I've been wrong before, and at a moment like this, I needed to know the truth if it kills me. Lewis refused to talk about the incident and I refused to make him, but I needed to know where those cuts came from. I had to know who hurt my best friend and why.

When Lewis finally introduced me to his mother, she looked surprisingly normal from what I expected. She was young, around her mid-30s, her hair was long and beautiful, and she was wearing a suit. Not to sound ridiculous or anything, but seeing how his father was, I kind of expected her to be a little battered down, wearing a tank top and having short hair and bruises all over her. My judgmental mind at the time didn't know better. She was kind and sweet, but I still got that feeling I got when I saw Lewis for the first time. This time, I felt kind of scared to be around her. Like she was going to hurt me or yell at me. She hugged Lewis and gave him a nice kiss on the head, but when I tried to shake her hand, she gave me a deadpan stare and said "whatever business you have, you keep it to yourself and leave my son alone!". Where did the sudden hostility come from?

I meant nothing but love and kindness towards him as a friend. I want to help him however I can. My guess is Lewis hasn't told her about me, which makes sort of sense, because he introduced me like if he has mentioned me for the first time to her. Was Lewis embarrassed of me? Why wouldn't he tell her about me? Surprisingly, that was the least of my worries. I still focused on wanting to find out about those cuts Lewis had on his body. Then a thought came to mind: She doesn't know about the cuts. She's completely unaware of those cuts on his body and most likely even thinks he's perfectly fine. Does she even know what happened with him and his father? The beating? The blood? THE ARREST? WAS SHE HONEST TO GOD UNAWARE WHEN HER OWN FUCKING SON WAS BEING ABUSED BY HIS OWN FATHER-

[Octavia snapped her pencil as she wrote angrily and sighed as she sharpened it. She found herself sitting down unaware of what to do or what to say. She knew something that could devastate Lewis if he were to find out. She couldn't tell him, no matter what. She vowed to let this secret die with her in time, no matter how much it would hurt Lewis. In her heart she knew that secret would destroy emotionally]

"Oh Lewis... If only you knew what really happened to your mother... Oh God Lewis I'm so sorry... It was all my fault", she said beginning to cry. "I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to make her do it... If it weren't for me... Your mother would still be alive... I'm so sorry."

[As Octavia cried her eyes out, hoping not to wake Lewis up, she grabbed a small box from under her bedside table. She opened it and pulled out a small razor blade and pulled up the sleeve on her right arm and laid it down as she placed the blade against her skin]

"I'm sorry about this too."

[Suddenly the door opens as Lewis walks in to wake her up surprisingly. Her eyes widened as she felt her heart suddenly stop as he looked at her in utter shock and horror. Lewis felt part of him go numb as he stared at her arm and kneeled down on the floor. Octavia, about to continue crying her eyes out, dropped her blade down and lay on the floor finally breaking down into uncontrollable sobbing as outside, a heavy rain starts to form]
“Melody… W-What are you doing? Are you fucking crazy? PUT THOSE BLADES DOWN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????”

“Lewis… T-There’s something I have to tell you… Y-Y-Your Mother… Your Mother committed suicide several years ago”

“W-What the hell are you talking about Melody?”

“Remember that incident you had with her? Your last phone call with her after you left to pursue your dream? I got angry with her about that, as well as the incident with your Father where she just let you alone with him to save her own life… I yelled, and told her things, terrible things… Then I angrily slapped her in the face and pushed her onto the floor and ran away like Hell freezing over just finally getting all that anger out… Then the very next day, an ambulance pulled out of her driveway, and they declared her dead on the scene. She slit her throat with the very same knife I held the day your Father beat you. I… I was told that you knew already, that you were informed, which is why I got scared when you acted like nothing happened. I’m sorry Lewis… this was my entire fucking fault and I’m sorry”

[As Octavia cried her eyes out, heartbroken for having to tell him the secret she vowed never to reveal to him, Lewis’ heart was officially shattered as he started crying and screaming and ran out of the room. He ran outside into the rain and started running West as Octavia got scared and tried to go find him with her car. Octavia searched for about an hour in the dead of the heavy rain until she saw a ghostly figure running into a graveyard and she parked near the gate and saw Lewis frantically looking for his mother’s grave. After 15 minutes, Lewis finally found the grave that read “Here lies Jennifer Walker, beloved dreamer and mother” as Lewis finally broke down in an agonizing sob and cried in his mother’s grave, feeling totally alone, totally hopeless and totally betrayed and abandoned. Octavia saw him and before getting out, she decided to leave him here for a while, while she went home to get clothed. Lewis wasn’t going anywhere, and she knew it. The truth at the end, didn’t set anyone free, it just broke hearts and destroyed trust and bonding between friends]

Author's Note:

Lewis' expelling from high school is based on a similar incident that happened with me when I got kicked out of high school for fighting bullying, racism and being in favor of gay rights. Now i'm in college and studying to be a screenwriter and writing this kick ass fanfic. so who's the loser now?