• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 1,454 Views, 22 Comments

Lost Highway: love, loss, faith and dreams - Sorenthehero117

When you were a teenager, what dreams did you have? Did you ever wanna grow up to be famous, beloved and remebered? This is a story about two friends who shared a similar dreamed, but later learned that life had other plans for them.

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[Octavia looked at Lewis with pain in her heart and Lewis looked back wanting to scream at her as loud as humanly possible. Octavia remained silent waiting for him to unleash his anger upon her and tried to hold up her tears]

“You had my number… you had it for years now… you had my number all these years and could have told me what happened to her. Instead you kept quiet for 7 until some act of God forced me to find out what happened to my mom? What would happen if I never came back? How long were you planning to keep this away from me?” he said angrily trying to find some answers but Octavia stood still as her lip quivered. “I might have been angry at her, but she was still my mother, and I had no way of knowing what happened to her. You knew what happened to her and you kept it to yourself and you never thought about telling me? Why? Well? Are you just going to stand there looking like a sad little girl? Answer me… ANSWER ME!! HOW LONG WERE YOU PLANNING TO KEEP THIS AWAY FROM ME GODDAMMIT?” he finally said as he screamed at her from a distance.

Octavia kneeled down on the floor as she started to cry softly while Lewis walked in front of her. “How could you do this to me Octavia? How could you keep this away from me for so long? WHAT WERE YOU FUCKING THINKING? I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND”, he screamed as he looked at her with absolutely no pity or remorse. He stood in front of her as he looked at her bloody sleeves and kneeled down. “Octavia what happened to your arm?” Lewis said he grabbed her arm and looked at her bloody sleeve. Octavia’s teary eyes widened as she pulled her arm away and got up and backed away slowly. “Octavia?” he said as he noticed her trying to back away. “D-Don’t look at me like that… please Lewis… its nothing you need to concern yourself with”, she said in absolute fear as Lewis got closer to her. “Octavia… where did those cuts come from?” he asked as Octavia stood against a wall covering her arms and kneeling down as he looked at her anxious that she isn’t answering any of his questions. “OCTAVIA, WHERE DID THOSE CUTS COME FROM?” he yelled as she finally snapped. “WHERE DID THOSE CUTS COME FROM LEWIS? WHERE DID YOUR CUTS COME FROM?” she yelled at him as she stood up and pushed him onto the floor.


“Lewis, we based our friendship on a foundation of trust despite our differences, and believe me; nobody could believe you and I were friends. They all looked at us like we weren’t meant to be friends and made fun of us. I already lost all my friends before you came into my life, but the minute we became friends, I lost all the respect from everyone I knew in Canterlot High. People ridiculed me and I took it politely and without a care in the world, no matter how much it hurt-”, she said as Lewis interrupted her curious as to what her point was. “What does this have to do with my cuts? You’re not making any sense”, he said asking a legitimate point. “My point is, you probably didn’t care about what anyone in school thought about you, and that’s okay, but it wasn’t easy for me. I put up with a hell of lot so that we can remain friends, and it while I don’t regret any of that, I think it’s unbelievably unfair that we kept this friendship going for so long and yet you haven’t told me where those cuts came from. I told you everything, and you kept many important things away from me. So before I tell you anything… you owe me an explanation: where did those cuts come from?” she said as she looked at him with a serious expression as the rain finally began to die off, but the clouds kept darkening the sky.

Lewis got up and as he stared at her, he took a deep breath and began to spill everything. “You really want to know? You honest to God want to know how I got these cuts?” he said and before she knew, he started to talk frantically as he tried to explain exactly how he got his cuts. “It was either me, or him. I could either slice off my bastard father and become a blood hungry psychotic or keep what little fucking sanity I have left and instead find some way to take out all that painful aggression. Hehehehe nobody suspected that the quiet, calm little Lewis was actually slicing himself day after day after day knowing I could have stopped my mother from getting raped, but had absolutely no chance of doing it. I kept quiet because at night, when my mother was too busy whimpering and sobbing about what happened to us, I had nowhere else to turn to and had no way of relieving myself to the pain he put me through… you want to know why I act so brave? Because I don’t talk about my problems; I found a more destructive way of making me forget about my problems whether it’s healthy or not. I stayed sane and happy, because I kept my suffering to myself and cried it all at night while I cut it all away with a small knife. The reason I'm "brave" as you think I am, is because I suffered so much abuse, so many beatings, and so many moments that scarred me as a child, that upon losing my childhood at the age of 7, I grew up to be numb and emotionless. It’s because of this that I fear nothing and have a quick sense of recovery towards things like bullying: I suffered so much and have so many scars because of it, that I don't have any care in the world about what happens to me determining whether or not I'll live or die" he said as he slowly felt his voice begin to break.

"I'm nothing in this world Octavia... My mother herself said it, and now that she's dead, I can't tell her the great news: LEWIS WALKER FAILED TO MAKE IT IN THIS WORLD AND BECAME A NOBODY! Just a wannabe rock star with scars throughout his body, who ran away from home and lost 4 of his friends because of this stupid dream of his. She was right Octavia... She was right all along", he said as his voice quivered and he kneeled down in front of his mother's grave tearing up as he finally broke down. "She knew I would never become the musician I wanted to become and tried everything to keep me from doing it... I know she hired Dad to beat me up so he could hurt me enough to put me out of commission. I wanted to run away earlier, but... S-She obviously had other plans about what I needed to become as supposed to what I wanted to become... She went as far as to get a man to hurt me so I can live under her roof longer and never fulfill my dreams" he said finally crying as Octavia stayed behind him and got near him.

"You know what? Don't worry about not telling me about my mother. I don't care... I was so blinded by my pain that I forgot about what a traitorous monster she was. I hate her... I HATE HER!!!! IT’S ALL HER FAULT!! MOTHERFUCKER, IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT! IF IT WASN'T FOR YOUR FEAR AND PARANOIA, NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED! YOU WANTED TO PROVE TO ME WHAT A PATHETIC LOSER I WAS FOR WANTING TO BE A MUSICIAN THAT YOU KILLED YOURSELF JUST SO YOU CAN LAUGH AT MY FACE WHEN I FELL ON MY ASS FAILING! WELL CONGRATULATIONS MOMMY FUCKING DEAREST! YOUR SON FAILED! AND YOU KNOW WHAT?? FUCK.... YOOOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs as Octavia turned him around and slapped him right in the face and as she cried over the words he was saying, she hugged him tightly and didn't let go. She needed to snap him back to reality as he had officially gone insane and felt his inner hatred and anger begin to take over.

"Stop it Lewis, please stop this right now. You have no idea what you're talking about because-" she said before Lewis screamed interrupting her. "WHAT? Because WHAT Octavia?" he said angrily as she cried into his arms and started talking. "Because you're mother left me a letter before she committed suicide 6 years ago", she said as she let go and pulled out the crumpled piece of paper she held years ago and handed it to him. Lewis held the piece of paper and began to read, and as he read, he slowly began to feel shame flow through his body as he read the part where it says "He’s 14 years old now, and it’s about time he got up and chased his dreams, whether he fails or not, I have faith in him, now and forever. If you ever see him again, tell him I love him and that I’m sorry I failed him as miserably. I will always love him, no matter what", and immediately began to kneel down as Octavia started to speak.

"That's why I never called you to inform you about her death. How could I? It was my entire fault for getting in the way. If I didn't say anything to her, she might still be here and you could still have a mother and..." Octavia choked as she felt her heart sink as she let go of him and began to tear up. "It was me... I made those cuts to myself as well, because I couldn't handle the guilt. I took her away from you... And needed to cut myself in order to make up for what I did", said Octavia as she whimpered on the floor. "Not a day goes by where I don't regret ever screaming to her face, even though she pushed me to the edge, I still didn't mean for her to die. I wish I could go back and stop her from doing that, but I can't... My recklessness cost the life of your mother, and now... It's time I paid the price for it", she said as she got up wiping her tears away and Lewis looked at her with a puzzled look. "What do you mean Octavia?” he asked as he looked at a frightened Octavia turn around and run away. "Octavia, where are you going? MELODY COME BACK!!” he screamed as he followed her and saw her run to her car and drive away. Lewis ran behind her, but quickly lost her as she drove off back to her home and Lewis began to panic.

"Oh Jesus, Melody what are you doing?” he said to himself as he ran as fast as he could to her house before the worst he feared could happen. Lewis recognized Octavia's sudden behavior as he had experienced the same thing before when his father was around. Even though she didn't say it, it was very clear that she was not well in the head and was experiencing hopelessness and guilt to an extreme measure. He knew what she meant when she said "pay the price" and rushed as fast as he could to her house to stop her from committing the biggest mistake of her life.

[Octavia barely parked her car well as she rushed into her house crying uncontrollably and ran up to her kitchen and pulled a knife out of her table. She went up to her room, gripping onto that knife as tightly as the one she held the day Lewis got assaulted and stood in front of her mirror in the drawer and cried as her hand shook and she held the knife close to her neck. Desperate and scared, Octavia saw her journal on the drawer and decided to put the knife down and write a final goodbye. As Octavia grabbed her pen, she opened up her journal and wrote as her hand shook the pen with fear and sadness]

{Dear Lewis, by the time you read this, I'll already be gone. I'm sorry I failed to be the friend you wanted me to be, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you about your mother when you really needed to. We shared many happy moments together, and not once had we ever shared a fight. You were very special and meant a lot to me. You mean the entire world to me Lewis, and when we first met, I knew from the bottom of my heart, that I wanted to be with you. All these years, I thought it was friendship that made our relationship work so well... But the truth is that I never wanted to just be your friend. Even though my life is over, I want you to know the real reason I was there for you the day your father assaulted you... The real secret I've been hiding from MYSELF for 7 years... Lewis... I love you... My heart beats for you every time we talk, and every time we see one another. I've been in love with you since the day we first met... But it was until the day we kissed that I was a hundred percent sure... It breaks my heart doing this, not knowing whether or not you ever felt the same way, but don’t worry. You can live without me in your life; find someone who will love you back who isn't mentally insane. Goodbye Lewis... My hero... I will always love you... Forever yours, Octavia "Melody" Brandis.}

[Octavia cried as she ripped off the letter and kissed it while taping it to the drawer. She took hold back of the knife and held it close to her neck before giving a silent prayer and as she readied to do it, Lewis barged in, breaking the door and grabbed her arm and pulled her knife away and hugged her from behind. He held her tightly and cried as he held his beloved friend in his arms]

"Melody... D-Don't leave me... I suffered so much over these years, and you're the only person who ever got in my life that brought the happiness back into my heart and soul", he said pouring his heart into his words. Octavia felt numb and didn't move as he continued talking, feeling his voice break slowly with every sentence. "Going on tour with Doug, Rob, Vinyl and Paul was some of the best moments any kid could ever experience but being with you, for just that one year was without any shred of doubt, the greatest moments of my whole entire life. Melody..." he said as he helped her stand up and looked directly into her purple eyes, now red from the crying and anxiety. "... That day when I said goodbye was the stupidest fucking thing I've ever done in my entire goddamn life. I never should have left you. I didn't know what to do during the times we spent away. I felt like I lost a very important part of my soul that I can never ever live without. I-I seriously don't know what I was feeling over those years, but my cutting increased as the days went by... But they stopped completely during the year we became friends", he said as Octavia suddenly snapped back into reality and felt her heart warm as she heard his words sweep her off her feet. "Melody you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me, and I honest to Santa Christ cannot stress that enough. Melody... I don't want you to die... I... I... I love you", he said as he finally began to break.

"That’s what it is... I love you. I love you Octavia Brandis... Melody... I've been in love with you since-", he said before she finished his line for him, "-the day we first met?" "No. I've been in love with you since I first step foot in Canterlot High and heard you playing a piece by Amadeus on your cello. No girl could have played a piece that beautifully without syncing her soul with the so.... Wait.... How did you know I was going to-", suddenly Octavia handed him the letter she wrote to him before committing suicide as she began to tear up smiling waiting for him to read it. Lewis' tears suddenly stopped as he felt his heart skip multiple beats and suddenly dropped the note looking at her. "M-Melody... All this time... You felt this way about-", he said barely able to finish his sentence before Octavia hugged him tightly and placed her face on his neck. "You are my everything Lewis Walker. When we met, you taught me to have faith in myself and in the future and never to abandon my dreams. I... Never really was honest about my dream", she said as Lewis blushed and looked at her as he wrapped his arms around her. "W-What is your dream Melody?" he said as he looked into the eyes of the love of his life and she said, "My dream is to live my life, happy, freely... But with you, in my life, forever", she said looking into his eyes back as she began to tear up happily and Lewis as well.

[Suddenly, their whole world went quiet as Lewis and Octavia shared their very first real kiss after the incident with Lewis' father 7 years ago. Octavia's heart began to melt as she finally got the chance to properly kiss the love of her life as well as Lewis whose entire life was waiting for this moment and now both of them were free. Free to express their eternal love for one another in the comfort and safety of their house. As the kissing continued and their love and passion burned even further, both made their way onto bed as Lewis and Octavia began to take their clothes off in front of one another]

[Lewis' POV]

I couldn't believe my eyes. I never in a million years expected Melody to ever be as in love with me as I was with her. All these years I’ve been keeping my love for her a secret, and now it turns out we both had the same feelings for one another. Now, we were both in bed together and our clothes were on the floor. Holy shit! This escalated fast. Her body is just as beautiful as her eyes and personality. I don’t deserve her, not one fucking bit. FUCK!!! I honest to God have no idea what to do at this situation. I’ve never been with any girl except for her back when we kissed 7 years ago. Oh God, she looks even more beautiful as years went by. I don’t know what to do. I’m completely inexperienced in this. FUCK! I’m so scared and nervous. I don’t want her to laugh at me. WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO? I’M 20 FUCKING YEARS OLD! I SHOULD KNOW WHAT TO DO HERE! Okay, I got to calm the fuck down. I’m too nervous to even look at her though. Oh Jesus, I’m such a fucking mess.

[Octavia’s POV]

Oh dear God, Lewis literally aged like wine. He’s still scrawny and skinny as he was 7 years ago, but my God, he looks unbelievably beautiful. No muscle, no ridiculous “six-pack”, no bullshit, his body is as real as the kind heart that he has. He never wanted to be athletic or strong because he was afraid that he would end up looking like a “playgirl calendar” as he always says, which to me I thought was just a joke, but he definitely wasn’t kidding when he said he would never grow up looking like a musclebound jock. Honestly, I don’t think he could look anymore perfect than he already does. Lewis is without any doubt, the bravest, the strongest, the sweetest and the most beautiful boy I’ve ever met in my entire life. He’s not looking at me though, and I think I can see why. Lewis is just as scared as I was, because he had never done anything like this… and neither have I. I wasn’t too scared though, because I trusted him with my life, and to be honest… I love him so much and I want this moment to be my first time. I don’t want to think about anything else but him. He may be scared, but maybe I can calm him down.

[As Lewis kept his back turned, he remained frightened and nervous as Octavia kindly wrapped her arms around him and hugged him softly, pressing her body against his back and letting out a sweet little sigh as his body trembled a little. Octavia rubbed his chest softly as he closed his eyes and opened his mouth letting out a soft moan which made Octavia blush and giggle and turned him around so she can pull him close to her body and placed her hands on his face and saw how red he had become. Lewis felt less nervous as he looked into Octavia’s beautiful eyes and smiled while wrapping his arms around her waist and both of them closed their eyes as they found themselves kissing each other and immediately relit that passionate fire in their hearts and bodies until they found themselves lying in bed, passionately making out and Lewis rubbed her body softly enjoying the sweet and soothing sound of Octavia’s moaning.

Lewis got on top of her blushing madly, as his heart kept beating rapidly and Octavia was blushing, but for the first time in a long time, she felt happy and free and kissed Lewis as he slowly found herself, penetrating her softly, hoping not to hurt her as she moaned softly trying to avoid any screaming from the pain. The feel of Lewis’ soft lips made Octavia completely forget about the pain of losing her virginity and closed her eyes as Lewis kissed her deeply and began thrusting softly into her, moaning with each kiss and with each soft thrust. Octavia found herself in a huge amount of bliss and joy as she happily wrapped her arms around Lewis’ waist as he moaned loudly with each thrust. As things began to heat up even further, Lewis began to kiss her neck and started to thrust harder as Octavia felt herself gripping on her bed sheets as firmly as possible while Lewis rubbed his arm against hers and both felt each of their scars scratch against one another as both scream and began to climax. Suddenly, for them, the whole world grew silent as the only sounds they could hear were those coming from their own panting as Lewis collapsed in her arms and Octavia held him close to her not letting go no matter what and both looked into each other’s eyes with small tears falling and smiled]

Octavia panted heavily as Lewis looked at her, all sweaty, red and exhausted, as she placed her hands on his back and began to slowly speak. “When you left, my mother abandoned me after she found out about my cutting. She’s living out there somewhere with another husband and new children… I lived alone in this world until you came back into my life Lewis”, she said as she smiled and Lewis looked at her, wiping away her tears and whispering softly, “We both lost our families, but we have each other and we’ll never be alone” before they kissed softly and fell asleep in each other’s arms.