• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 1,458 Views, 22 Comments

Lost Highway: love, loss, faith and dreams - Sorenthehero117

When you were a teenager, what dreams did you have? Did you ever wanna grow up to be famous, beloved and remebered? This is a story about two friends who shared a similar dreamed, but later learned that life had other plans for them.

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Memory of an old friend

[As the girl finishes her song on her cello, she sits down on her bed, barefoot as she began to write an entry on her journal]

September 7, 2006

I'll never forget when he first step foot into Canterlot High 7 years ago. I was starting out my sophomore year as many of my old friends have been transferred to different periods and I was all alone. I had no idea who Lewis was or what intentions he had, but something about him felt odd, to say the least. From what I heard, in class, he was always smiling, always laughing, always happy to raise his hand and answer whatever question the teacher asked, in a very polite manner I might add, but then out in the halls, he was very quiet and very sad looking.

From what I remember, he would always sit down on his locker and not talk to any of his friends. In fact, I don't even think he had any friends in Canterlot High. He was so quiet, nobody knew anything about him. I don't even know where he came from or what school did he transfer from. In class, he was this loud, happy worker, but outside its like he was a completely different boy. Needless to say, I was drawn away from him as I only focused on my music studies as well as my other responsibilities. I didn't have time to worry about this boy I barely knew.

After the first week, I got a little tired of seeing him mope around on his locker by himself. I admit I began to feel a little bad for him being all alone so I decided to sit with him one day and talk to him. I honestly thought he was gonna stay quiet and not even look at me, but when I sat down, he perked up and talked first. "Hello" he said to me. That same happy look on his face is the same look I saw back in class. "Sorry if I haven't properly introduced myself, I'm Lewis, Lewis Walker. And you are?" He didn't seem sad, depressed or anything. Its almost as if he were someone completely different. I didn't wanna be rude so I introduced myself as well. "My name is Octavia Brandis. Are you, feeling alright?", was all I said to him. "Me? Oh, you're wondering why I've been so quiet out here but not in class? Its nothing, I just don't belong here, is all", he said, which really puzzled me, because the way he's been doing in class proved otherwise.

Of course, I politely asked him why he felt he didn't belong, and I'll admit, his answer made me smile a little bit. "I'm a musician, this place looks like the breeding ground for engineers, pilots, and union workers, but nobody here seems to be as in love with music as I am. Thats another reason I've been so down; I get like this when I don't listen to music" is what he said. The minute he did, I wanted to give him a soft hug, but knew that would probably make me look a little foolish seeing how we just met, so I instead told him about how I was a musician as well, and played the cello in my spare time.

His face immediately lit up with excitement as he himself was actually an admirer of classical music as it served as a inspiration to his undying love of music. Granted, I thought it was very off and ill-advised that his musical fascination was "rock" music, but I was then astounded with what his view on rock music was. He viewed rock music as a form of storytelling and verbal protest, through an artistic, free spirited and, in his own words, "ingenious use of literal creativity". Its incredible how well groomed Lewis' vocabulary was, despite his appearance. I admit, something about his appearance threw me off balance. I'm normally not one to judge based on body language, but he just looked, surprisingly dangerous. Perhaps it was the fact that he always wore black with blue jeans. I immediately reminded myself never to judge a book by its cover, and this book, was one which I wanted to open up.

I wanted to talk to him more, but the bell rung as we needed to head back to class. He said we could talk more after school, and gave me his number. As embarrassing as it was, I had no phone nor any number to give back to him, but he didn't laugh nor did he crack a joke. He was a bit of a gentleman, despite his fashion sense, which he claims is "not fashionable when you just wanna disappear", or something. I was a little nervous to call him though. At 17 I felt a little out of place talking to a 13 year old, but the way he talks, the way he acts, the way he behaves, most 13 year olds in Canterlot High behave like ruffians. Always getting into trouble, always causing trouble, always being a nuisance to everyone. This boy was different, and that was why I was nervous. There was only one way to find out more about him, and calling him was the only way to do so.... So I did.

[As Octavia finished writing on her journal, she sat it down her bedside and grabbed her phone and began to make a call]

"Hello? I'd like to speak to Lewis please... Tell him... Octavia wants to talk to him"
... H-Hello? Lewis?
Melody? Is this really you?

[Octavia's face quickly blushed brightly as she recalled the nickname she loved, as well as the voice of the one who used to say it]