• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 1,458 Views, 22 Comments

Lost Highway: love, loss, faith and dreams - Sorenthehero117

When you were a teenager, what dreams did you have? Did you ever wanna grow up to be famous, beloved and remebered? This is a story about two friends who shared a similar dreamed, but later learned that life had other plans for them.

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Perchance to Dream

[Octavia dreamt of one day becoming a famous cellist, being able to play in front a live audience as her music lit up the room and her confidence and soul gave her music great panache. She always dreamt of one day wowing the audience so greatly that they would cheer for her loudly as she proudly bowed and smiled. She didn't dream of becoming famous, having lots of money, getting fans or becoming a sensational overnight hit; Octavia simply wanted to have that moment of pride when everyone cheers for you after you've shown them what you're capable of musically. She dreamt of just for once having the spotlight shinning upon her as her music wowed the audience and made their hearts sing. As she dreamt happily, she received a phone call which forced her to wake up and answer]

She woke up groggy and exhausted as it was only 6:15 in the morning when she received the call. "Ughhh Hello?", she answered rather rudely as she was aching to get back to sleep. "Melody? Its Lewis. Sorry for calling so early, but I wanted to let you know that I'm getting on a plane now and will be headed home in a few hours", he said as he tried to talk fast before being asked to shut off his phone. "Uhhh y-yeah sure. I'll see you in a few hours then. Now if you excuse me, I need to get back to sleep. I have to work in 3 hours. Bye Lewis", she said before hanging up and drifting back to sleep, not hearing the last thing Lewis said before he shut off his phone.

"Goodnight Melody", he whispered before an annoying flight attendant told him to shut off his phone. She looked at him with a weird smile and a crooked grin, no doubt painfully forcing herself to look happy and cheerful when really, she's so frustrated she could scream. "Ohhhh I'm sorry sir. Were about to take off now. I'm afraid I have to ask you to put away your cellular phone", she said as Lewis replied. "Ma'am, I was shutting my phone off right now. I was just finishing a call", he said calmly, but annoyed. "Yeah, sure, this isn't a private Jet sir. You can't talk here whenever you want. So please, put it away, or I'm gonna have to escort you out", she started speaking in a very rude manner that started to irritate Lewis. "Look, I just put my phone away, now get off my back and leave me alone", he said as people were hearing the commotion, no doubt angry with the same flight attendant as well as annoyed by her rude behavior.

"Why sir, I'm simply trying to ensure you that this is a transportation vehicle, not a party bus for drugs, booze and hookers. So please, respect the rules", she said still smiling creepily. "Wait what-", he said before she quickly interrupted him. "I SAID please", she said shrieking softly as he finally got up and angrily pushed her aside. "LOOK DAMN IT!!! I don't know where the hell you learned how to be a flight attendant, and I'm sure you're a nice woman and all, have a nice house, punched out a few kids, get paid handsomely with a handsome husband at home, but you are the rudest, lousy, most annoying BITCH BUCKET I've ever seen. I may be a rocker, but even I have manners. Now, I politely escort myself OUT of this flight, and catching another one at a different time.

Cause I'm not gonna spend 5 hours with that godawful smile of yours that makes you look like a goddamn serial killer. LEARN TO BE POLITE", he said before grabbing his duffle bag and walking away as the entire crowd started cheering and applauding, some of them even following him behind. The flight attendant got up and sat down as she remained silent as the flight began to leave while Lewis and several other passengers stayed behind. "Hmmph, bitch", he muttered angrily as he walked away to book another flight, before one of the passengers put his hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, you need a ride back home, right?", he asked while wearing a trucker hat. "Well yeah, thats why I'm going to find another flight", he said, getting caught a little off guard by the man's appearance as he looked kinda awkward. The man asked him where he was headed off to as he originally planned to fly down to his destination, but also thought about driving the way there. "Well why didn't you just drive there instead?", he asked wondering a very legitimate question. "I don't know.

I don't think much of things like this. I just go for it", he said, which to Lewis, it made absolutely no sense whatsoever, but he still needed a ride, and he knew he couldn't afford another plane ticket so he took the offer and said yes. As nervous as Lewis was, he was just determined to get home back to his best friend and his mother, whom he hasn't spoken with in over 4 years. So he was really excited to see her as well as meeting back with Octavia whom he also hasn't seen in over 7 years.

[Meanwhile, 9 hours later, Octavia is finishing a class while giving out an exam for next week. As her whole class groans in displeasure, she chuckles as she knows how "happy" they get whenever she assigns an exam. As she gave out the details, her class annoyingly wrote it down and started to walk out of class for dismissal. Octavia picked her stuff up as she really wanted to get home and relax, since it was Friday night and she could finally relax. She finally drove home only to be stopped by traffic that was backing down the whole rest of the street. This really got her upset as she was really hoping to make some food and practice on her cello.

The most she could do at the moment is sit in her car and wait for traffic to lower down. After what felt to her like an eternity, she finally got home and, exhausted from all the waiting, heated up a plate of fried rice while playing a little music on her radio as she sat on her couch and relaxed. She was curious as Lewis hasn't arrived yet as he said he would. All she could do was wait and eat. As soon as she finished however, she found herself writing on her journal again while feeling satisfied after eating]

September 24, 2006

Over a week has passed since Lewis and I became friends, and things could not have been greater. I as soon as we started talking, he's been very social and talking to a lot of people, becoming more confident and secure around everyone in school. People started to like him, others started to hate him. Those that hated him beat him up and insulted him every single day, or rather "they tried". Cause every time one of them tried to poke fun at him, he'd always have something clever, offensive or witty to talk back with. However, what nobody knew is, Lewis actually loved being insulted by everybody. Why? Because he always found their insults funny to him.

He saw them as satirical shock humor by "dumb inbreds with no sense of intelligence" as he often called all who bullied him. He really did like the insults, and often repeated them to himself to have a laugh or two. I personally thought it was vile of everyone to male fun of him for no reason. The worst though were the jocks who often liked to pick on him in gym class. Lewis was a very weak looking boy, having no muscles, and no way of defending himself. Strangely enough, he always came out without a scratch or a bruise. In fact, some of the jocks claimed they were too injured to practice because of what he did to THEM when they tried to pick on him.

Nobody believed them, and everyone just thought they were being silly. I personally believed Lewis, because I know that he would never lie to me about anything, no matter how ridiculous it was. He always knew how to fight, despite his physical disadvantage. Plus, as he always stated, "kick a man where it hurts and he'll fall on his ass because of it", which is kind of true, but usually only in comedic writing and not real life. Maybe he just wanted to show how much of an underdog he was in Canterlot High, or maybe he was just lucky. Whatever the reason, Lewis let nothing in school hurt him, and I was astounded by it, because he was the first one to rise up out of nowhere and become beloved for his bravery.

He truly was a brave boy. It really didn't surprise me that after two weeks, Lewis suddenly became a popular person in school, having everyone talk about him, all the boys jealous, all the girls infatuated, Lewis became an icon almost overnight. Me? I thought it was a pointless thing to worry about, and strangely enough, Lewis hated the idea of being popular. Its probably obvious that he didn't want ignorant people to consider him a high school stereotype, and he did nothing to get the attention of the school socially speaking. In fact, I was the only one he ever actually talked to. I was his only friend in Canterlot High, because to him, I was the only one that was genuine, kind hearted and sweet. Everyone else was just copies of other people trying to make it through high school.

No originality, no passion, just the same old schtick day after day, week after week as he often said. To him, I was the only original in school, and he sensed that the minute I said "Hi" to him the first day. He was always a bit of a charmer, always knowing what to say, always knowing how to say it, its probably no wonder so many girls liked him. Though he claims he didn't like anybody in school. THAT I couldn't believe, and to this day I still don't. Behind that philosophical tongue of his was a boy crushing madly on somebody, and he didn't tell me anything. I don't know who it was, but I knew he was hiding something. Still, I didn't bring it up, or ever even talked about it, and frankly, I don't really care anymore. It wasn't my business, so I didn't bother him about it.

After the week had pass, it was finally friday night and I could finally go home and relax. Only this time, I wasn't alone. I was going up to my room to practice my cello, the same I do almost every day now, and Lewis was knocking on my window. He actually climbed a tree all the way up to my room just to say hi to me. I was a little spooked, but calmed down rather quickly and actually let him come inside. "Miss me? Of course you did", he said joking around as he slowly entered my room. "Wow, nice room you got here-", he said before I quickly shut his mouth up. "Mmm nmm mmm", he muffled trying to speak as I kept my hand on his mouth.

"Shhh my mother doesn't allow visitors", I tried to tell him. As my fears erupted, I heard my door knock and didn't think twice before I hid him under my bed. As he got finally hid, my mother entered the door asking why she heard noises up here. I told her that I fell down accidentally and she of course, didn't ask how or what I was doing that made me fall and left my room, without suspecting a thing. "Ughh you're room may be neat and tidy, but its like a dust jungle under your bed", he said before sneezing and laying on my bed trying to cover his face. I giggled softly as he tried not to look silly while sneezing. He was a tad shy around me, which I thought was unbelievably adorable. Even more adorable was that he was blushing as I was giggling at the way he sneezed. I laid next to him and hugged him softly as he kept covering his face.

"Lewis don't be shy around me. You know I trust you and that you can trust me", I said to him sweetly as I held him softly. He must have gotten shy from the because of the first week we met where he complimented me and I kissed his face. He was such a sweetheart, and I couldn't help, but hug him as much as I could. Before I knew, he wrapped his arms around me and his face on my shoulder again. "Why are you so perfect Octavia?", he said to me softly as I myself ended up blushing without him seeing. "Octavia... Beautiful name... I don't know if I told you that already", he kept telling me as I bit my lip trying not to squeal. What he didn't know though was that I really didn't like my name so much, and almost didn't believe me when I told him. "Really? Why? Its beautiful and fits you perf- wait... Hehe I have a good name", he said which got me nervous for a second. He stood up and looked at me closely while I looked back. "Hmmm... You know what?... I know the perfect name for you", he said to my displeasure. "With your incredible musical talent, everlasting beautiful, and enchanting personality... I think you're perfect name should be... Melody", he said as I opened my eyes smiling.

[She kept on writing as she suddenly heard her door knock. As she got downstairs and opened the door, her heart nearly skipped a beat]

"Hey Melody... Sorry I'm late"