• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 4,921 Views, 4 Comments

A New Life - bonejar69

A human is sent to Equestria and the residents offer him a new home among them

  • ...

Complications of the Mind and Body

I woke up with the feeling of something warm and soft in my arms. I quickly remembered that it was Twilight and smiled.

“So are you up finally?” I heard her ask.

“Were you watching me sleep?” I asked as I opened my eyes.

“Yes… is that creepy?” She sounded very worried.

“It’s fine. If we weren’t…. well I guess we aren’t technically…..” I trailed off.

“Do you mean dating?” she asked as a blush appeared on her face. I rubbed the back of my head and smiled.

“Well, yeah.” I said with the brightest smile I could manage.

“Well I’d like to think that we are. I mean, we did share a bed together last night” she pointed out.

“And right now too” I said with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. “Yes and now too.”

She gave me a friendly nudge which evolved into a wrestling match between us. Seeing as how she had superior leg strength (damn Applejack training her), she won. I made her work for that win though. She kept me pinned down for a few minutes and just stared at me. She had a sort of waiting expression on her face. Taking the hint, I leaned up and kissed her. She smiled and let me up.

“Winner always gets a prize, huh?” I asked with a smirk. She blushed and nodded. “Good to know. Now I have a reason to put some effort in. Time for round two,” I say with what was left of my strength. And then the adrenaline kicked in. And then I found myself waking up in a bed that was definitely not mine.

“Will he be ok Nurse Redheart?” I heard someone ask.

“He’ll be fine. He just had a stress induced blackout. He just needs to calm down and take it easy for a couple of days and he’ll be back on his feet in no time,” I heard someone respond who I assumed was Nurse Redheart.

I opened my eyes and slowly leaned up to the sight of all my friends in a hospital room standing around the bed I was laying in. They all looked at me at once and breathed a collective sigh of relief.

“Anyone mind telling me what happened?” I asked.

“Well you passed out,” Nurse Redheart responded.

“Yeah, I realized that. I meant more along the lines of why” I said as I rubbed the back of my head. It felt kind of sore. Maybe I fell and hit it my head or something.

“Well, as I just told Twilight, you had a stress induced blackout. We can’t tell for certain, but it seems as though under large amounts of extended stress your heart slows immensely causing the flow of blood to your brain to practically become non-existent,“ Nurse Redheart explained.

This news was frightening to me. This had never happened to me before and, in my opinion, I had been in more stressful situations than what had happened in the last week.

“Now for the big question. Will I be ok?” I asked as my anxiety rose.

“You’ll be fine. You just need to relax and get some bed rest for a few days,” she reassured me.

I laid back and sighed in relief. Twilight trotted up to me and put her hoof on my hand.

“So how do you feel?” Twilight asked as she stared at me worriedly.

“Well I am extremely relieved now that I know that I’m not going to die because of this. Other than that, the worst thing is this soreness that I have in the back of my head.” I rubbed the back of my head softly and winced when I found the pain center.

“Well you did fall backwards onto your bedpost. You’re just lucky that you didn’t hurt yourself too badly,” she said.

“Wait how do you know what happened?” someone asked.

Rainbow Dash came forward and gave Twilight a skeptical look.

“Yeah, how DO you know?” Rarity also questioned.

Twilight started to back up and was getting very nervous as everyone started throwing questions at her… everyone except for Pinkie Pie that is. She came over to me and started to study me. She looked me up and down, then a mischievous smile spread across her face. “Oh you know how she knows don’t you?” she whispered to me. I blushed darkly and hid my face under a pillow so that no one saw how I was acting. “So how was she?” Pinkie asked brashly.

“PINKIE!” I whispered harshly.

“What? It’s a legitimate question,” she defended.

“No. It’s nowhere near a legitimate question,” I responded, embarrassed.

“Oh fine. You’re no fun.”

“I’m a lot of fun when I’m not being asked personal questions.”

“Excuses, excuses.”

“You know, you aren’t being that much of a help for my medical situation.”

“You’re too easily stressed out. Maybe you and Twilight really should..”

“PINKIE!” I took the pillow off of my face and went wide-eyed. “Not. Appropriate.”

“I’m just trying to look out for you. Safeguard your well-being and all that,” Pinkie Pie said as she waved a hoof in the air.

“You should leave my well-being in the hooves of Nurse Redheart over there. So, please Pinkie, don’t stress me out anymore. And don’t mention any of this to anyone else, please?” I pleaded.

“You have my word. I will tell no one,” she promised with a large grin.

“Tell no one what?” Fluttershy questioned as she walked up.

“That Twilight and Gerald are dating,” Pinkie Pie said enthusiastically.

“WHAT?” everyone yelled in unison.

“I… I… I hate you Pinkie Pie,” I mumbled under my breath. And then I fell back into the bed as I lost consciousness again. I awoke some time later to find my room empty and a letter on my stomach. I opened it up and read it.

“Dear Gerald, I’m sorry I made you pass out. I didn’t mean for that to happen. I hope you don’t hate me. Yours truly, Pinkie Pie”

“Well at least she apologized,” I thought to myself.

At that moment, Nurse Redheart walked in carrying a tray of food in her mouth.

She set it down next to me and said “Looks like you’re awake again. I had everyone leave… indefinitely.”

“Thanks. Any more of that and I’m not sure I’d be willing to get back up,” I said as I smiled.

“I figured as much. You might have been unconscious but you were still blushing a shade of red that I only see on the worst of days,” she said as she started flipping through my chart.

“Oh great. Well how long until I leave the safety of the hospital?” I asked.

“Today. In a couple of hours to be more precise,” she responded as she finished looking through the chart.

“How long was I asleep?” I asked, shocked.

“Two days. You were conscious for about a minute yesterday, but then you fell right back asleep. I guess your body just decided to shut down for a while,” she said somewhat absent mindedly.

“Well at least I got some rest,” I shook my head, “Am I allowed to walk around a bit?”

“I see no problem with it. Just don’t leave the hospital until you get my say-so,” she responded with a shrug.

I stretched and felt about thirty cracks as I twisted my back. I slowly got out of bed and stretched every muscle I could. Finding everything to be in order, I proceeded on a slow jog around the hospital. I came back to the room with a huge smile on my face. Nurse Redheart was straightening my bed up and gave me a gentle smile as she noticed me.

“A visitor came for you and seeing as how you were going to be let out in an hour anyway…” she trailed off as she looked towards her right.

I looked over to see Twilight as she was flipping through a book that I assume that she had brought with her.

“How long have you been waiting?” I asked, fearing that I had made her wait for me for a long time.

“Not too long. Around ten minutes or so. Nothing you should worry about,” she said with a smile.

“Ok, but I still don’t feel right about making you wait for any amount of time. I mean, you are the only one who I wouldn’t run from as soon as I saw them at this point,” I said with shrug and a smile.

“Well that’s good. Since we’re somewhat on the topic of the rest of our friends I feel as though I should warn you. They are supposed to be waiting outside for you, me too now, for when you are released from the hospital. And they are ready with a million questions about us, so be ready,” she finished.

I turned to Nurse Redheart “Is that window breakable?” I asked as nonchalantly as possible.

“Well yes but why would you…” She was cut off as I ran full speed at the window. I never reached it as Twilight’s magic enveloped me and stopped me mid-run.

“Now exactly where do you think you are going?” Twilight asked in an irritated tone.

“Out the window. It’s a reasonable reaction,” I defended as I was floated back towards Twilight.

“You are not going to jump out of a window. You are going to come outside with me, using the front door, and we are going to tell them all that we are dating. Is that understood?” she growled at me.

“Yes ma’am!” I saluted her.

She blushed, “Was I really that commanding?” she asked.

“Kind of. It was actually exciting having you shout orders at me. Most likely due to the fact that I haven’t had anything to do the past few days except be unconscious,” I responded with a smirk.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” she said with a wink.

I shook my head, “So are we going to go out there or did you decide to consider my window exit strategy?”

“We’re going but I wanted to do this before we got out there,” and then she kissed me. Very passionately.

She left me catching my breath and saying “Remind me how to get that to happen more often.”

We were barely outside the hospital for a split second before Pinkie Pie’s voice let out a thunderous “THERE THEY ARE!” and then we were surrounded by all of our friends and bombarded with questions.

“One at a time, one at a time,” I tried to say but was drowned out by their rising voices.

“I can handle this,” Twilight said reassuringly and let out a loud and bright explosion from her horn that instantly deafened and blinded me. It had the same effect on everyone else too, including those that were just innocent bystanders. “Now will you all be quiet and patient so we can answer your questions one by one?” Twilight asked, agitated. They all nodded their heads.

My vision returned and I looked over at Twilight. “A little more warning next time, maybe? I can barely tell where I am anymore,” I rubbed my eyes and looked at our waiting group of friends. “Now let’s get this over with.”

Author's Note:

My mind will not let me leave this fic alone. So here's some more for you. Most likely going to be more to come.

Comments ( 2 )

>mfw human is taken from home and dumped in Equestria by mysterious hooded figure
>mfw human has no reaction beyond "lolwat"
>mfw romance tag
>mfw complete in 5k words

No. No no no no NO!. I'm sorry good sir, I usually try to refrain from being rude when commenting, but this shit right here? No. Infinite quantities of no. Unless you are the God of Literature, you can't write a believable romance in so few words.

The MC shows not even the bear minimum of a personality (the soulless automaton must be vanquished!). He isn't the least bit bothered by some dude in a hood asking about how he felt about the world. Hell, if someone told me they were sending me to another one, I'd easily mistake that as some euphemism for killing me. In other words, I'd flip the fuck out.

The first contact (which is one of my favorite parts in HiEs) is so rushed I gave myself whiplash while reading. Neither Twilight nor our protagonist show any of surprise or fear towards this mysterious being before them. They just accept it. Like, what the fuck even? Very unbecoming of a scientist, Twi. I am disappoint.

Sorry, I'd go into more details on why this story pisses in my cereal in seven different flavors (do you even know what that tastes like? Seven different kinds of piss?), but I have class in about thirty-minutes. My advice? Read. Either it's fanfiction, or published novels, read some quality stuff. Take pointers and whatnot, and try again.

I usually take offense at criticism but seeing as how I expected this to be, oh how shall I say it? TOTAL CRAP! I can sit back, laugh, and be like "lol I needs better writing skills" and then put the lessons I learned into the next one and the next one and the next one until I finally make something that makes people 'round the world smile. I thank you for criticism and I do promise to apply it in future stories and possibly rewrite this one

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