• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 4,920 Views, 4 Comments

A New Life - bonejar69

A human is sent to Equestria and the residents offer him a new home among them

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World Changer

The past few years of my life have been really weird. Now when I say weird I don't mean that I have had little odd ball occurrences. No I have literally had full blown world changers. I guess to really explain it I'll have to start from the beginning of mine starting with how I got to this new world. This all started about 5 years back. I had been having a great time with my friends. We were partying and just being crazy the whole night. We all go our separate ways and as I'm walking home this hooded person stops me.

“Are you happy with the way the world is now” the hooded figure asked.

“Yeah” I replied quickly while holding back a chuckle.

“Are you happy with the way the world is now” the hooded figure asked again but with more emphasis on each of the words. I decided to play along with their question, curious as to what would happen if I said no.

“No” I replied.

“Then you shall have a new world to explore and a new life to live” the hooded figure said. The words sent a chill down my spine, but for what reason I was not sure of yet. They walked off and I was left standing there thinking on what they had said. I chose to ignore it and went home. Before I fell asleep, I heard a voice whisper what the hooded figure had said earlier. Then there was the darkness of sleep. Then there were voices.

“Voices?” I thought “There isn't supposed to be anyone else here for two more days” As I listened I realized the voices did not belong to anyone I knew. I opened my eyes in shock at this realization. My shock only grew as I surveyed the scene around me. I was surrounded by ponies! And they were talking! I immediately thought that I was still asleep and dreaming until a purple pony introduced themselves and extended a hoof towards me cautiously as to initiate a handshake.

“Hi my name is Twilight Sparkle. And you are?” the purple pony asked.

“Convinced that I am still asleep” I responded. “I assure you that you are awake. Now what is your name?” she asked.

“Oh I'm...... Gerald” I said as I finally accepted her handshake.

“Well Gerald I have a question. I hope I'm not being rude but what exactly are you?” she asked as she cocked her head to one side.

“I'm a human” I said.

“A..... human?” one of the other ponies said in a soft voice “Not sure I've ever heard of anything called a human before.” I turned to discover the source of the voice. It came from a yellow pony that immediately started to back up as I looked at it.

I turned back towards Twilight and asked “Am I scary or something?”

“No that's just Fluttershy. She is pretty shy around others so don't take offense to it” she reassured.

“Well where do we go from here?” I asked.

“Well I'm going to head back to my library to see if I can find any book that has information on humans. You are welcome to come along if you want” she said.

I followed her to the library and on the way she introduced me to her assistant Spike, a purple and green baby dragon. Once we got to the library, I watched as she levitated and sped read through what seemed to be a thousand books. Finally, she had gone through each of them when she said “I just can't seem to find anything pertaining to humans. Spike?”

“Yes Twilight?” he said as he stepped forward.

“Send a letter to Princess Celestia explaining the situation about Gerald here” she said and turned towards me “I have a few questions I want to ask you.”

“Fine by me” I replied. She asked me all sorts of questions ranging from my age, to where I came from, and the other people from my world.

“Your world sounds kind of hectic” she said.

“Well when most of us hate each other it's not exactly going to be happy times” I replied.

“I can't exactly say everything is always peaceful here in Equestria” she said. I raised an eyebrow questioningly. “Oh I'm sorry. I've spent all this time asking you questions that you haven't been able to ask any of your own” she said apologetically.

“That's perfectly fine. I understand your curiosity about me. I'm just so incredibly interesting” I said throwing in a terrible British accent to increase the sarcasm of the last sentence.

Twilight giggled “Well you seem to be different from how you described the rest of the humans from your world” she said happily.

“Well I've always been a 'make everything a joke' kind of guy” I said.

“Good. Now enough about your world. What do you want to know about this one?” she asked.

“Well I'm guessing it's called Equestria from what you said earlier” I said. She nodded as to say that I was right. “What I really want to know is who is this Princess Celestia you mentioned earlier? Where I come from there is no longer a true royalty thing going on.” I said. Just then Spike came in holding a letter. He handed it to Twilight and she read it.

“Well lucky you. You get to have your question answered from the source” she said “Princess Celestia is coming here to question you” she said.

“How long until she gets here?” I asked.

“Not long. Perhaps a half hour or so. Why do you ask?” she questioned.

“Well I was kind of hoping to get something to eat. I haven't had breakfast yet and it is starting to torture me not having food in my stomach.” I said as I grasped my stomach.

“Well we have oats and grass or if you are feeling like having something sugary we could head over to Sugar Cube Corner” she suggested.

“Let's go to Sugar Cube Corner” I said.

I wasn't hungry enough to settle for grass and oats quite yet. I chuckled to myself as I pictured myself eating grass. As we headed over to Sugar Cube Corner, we met up with some of Twilight's other friends who I recognized as the ones that had found me when I woke up. There was Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack. They all stared at me, studying me. I don't blame them. I looked as weird to them as they did to me. The one that seemed the most enthusiastic about meeting was Pinkie Pie who couldn't stop jumping around or talking for that matter. It was like she had swallowed the damn Energizer bunny. Even though they might have been ponies, they acted extraordinarily human like. The most interesting one had to have been Rainbow Dash who seemed to think that she needed to prove herself to me even though we had just met. She was a pegasus, a pony that had wings, and boasted that she was an extremely talented flier and then promptly proved it as she did a multitude of tricks in the sky. The other pegasus, Fluttershy, was the exact opposite. Heck, I don't think she even talked and if she did it was an extremely soft whisper. Rarity, a unicorn, was very interested in my clothing. She wasn't exactly impressed by it but she found it interesting nonetheless. The last pony, Applejack, had to have been the most perfectly balanced out of the group as she didn't seem to obsess over anything about me and even took on the role of trying to introduce me to everybody. She got about halfway through it before Pinkie Pie started naming off everyone she saw to me. Luckily that was short-lived as we got to Sugar Cube Corner. It had only been about ten minutes for the walk and they already tired me out.

“Wait here” Pinkie Pie Said as she dashed into the bakery. She came out a minute later carrying a pan full of cupcakes. “Figured we should all eat since we're all here” she said as she handed out cupcakes. I took a bite of it and immediately wanted more. Pinkie noticed the look on my face and beamed with happiness.

“Are these yours?” I asked.

“Sure are. They're my secret recipe” she replied.

“Well they are delicious” I said smiling. She beamed even brighter at that response and took to bouncing around everywhere as we waited in front of the bakery.

Author's Note:

This my first fic. Sorry if it's not exactly good. I am currently working on a way more developed human in equestria story that I'm having my friends look over and give me major pointers as how to improve it so I promise much higher quality compared to this one