• Published 20th Nov 2013
  • 7,172 Views, 108 Comments

Godzilla: Equestria S.O.S. - Pony Vegeta

Soldiers attempt to destroy Godzilla once and for all with a man made black hole. The king of all monsters ends up in Equestria just as Nightmare Moon is returning from her one thousand year imprisonment on the moon...

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:

The beginning of this chapter may feel a bit rushed. This is because it is the verbatim ending to 'Godzilla vs Megaguirus'. If you are already familiar with the ending of the movie, then skip down to where the setting shifts from Tokyo to Equestria, and to where the real story begins.


It’s mid afternoon. A large portion of the city of Tokyo has been leveled from the battle between the two enormous monsters. One was an enormous black dragonfly, it's body covered in thick armor plating and lines of rigid yellow spines along its back. Using its large clawed forelimbs rub the trickling blood from its last bite off its chin, the beast Megaguirus hissed as it glared forward, it's solid red eyes locked onto its opponent.

The other creature was one that had been terrorizing the Country of Japan for years. The massive monster stood over thirty stories tall in height, its dark green body covered in a thick plating of scales strong enough to repel the strongest of missiles. Long sharp claws tipped the end of its hands and enormous feet, clenching in anticipation for the continuing of fighting. Perhaps the strangest part of the creature were the rows of jagged purple spines that ran along its back from its head all the way down to the base of its long, powerful tail. Finally topping off the beast was its large head, its jaws lined with razor sharp teeth. This was the creature that was far more powerful than any known creature that was ever known to inhabit the Earth.


Godzilla and his opponent, Megaguirus, had made the great city of Tokyo a place of destruction in their death match. The only weapon that could end the conflict for good, the Dimension Tide, has malfunctioned. The scientists who created it work feverishly to correct the problem before the entire city becomes a sea of flames. The G-Graspers special fighter jet, the Griffon, lies partially damaged on top of a building that’s not far from the conflict. Its three occupants watch helplessly from inside, and try to quickly repair their aircraft before the battle draws closer to them.

Godzilla lets out a bellowing roar, and begins walking toward his opponent. Megaguirus loudly screeches, and its wings and tail begin to glow an eerie shade of red. The glow quickly grows to cover its entire body, and then it launches a ball of red energy the size of its body at Godzilla. He is unable to avoid the attack, and the energy ball hits its target. It impacts and creates a large explosion, and the king of monster falls to the ground with a thunderous crash.

Megaguirus screeches, and flies towards Godzilla as he tries to stand up. Just as Godzilla makes it to his feet, his massive foe clubs his head with its large tail as it flies by, knocking him back to the ground. Megaguirus doesn’t wait for Godzilla to stand up again. It turns around, and flies toward its grounded opponent. It clubs Godzilla with its tail once more, sending him skidding across the ground.

The massive insect circles its prey, and waits for an opportunity to strike the killing blow. The king of all monsters slowly works his way up to his feet. As Godzilla stands up, Megaguirus screeches and drives at his face with the stinger of his tail. Right as the stinger would make contact with its target, Godzilla growls, opens his mouth, and bites down on Megaguirus’ stinger! It screeches loudly in pain as the sudden counterattack rips off its stinger!

Megaguirus flaps its enormous wings, and flies backwards away from Godzilla, trying to create enough distance to escape the battle. Godzilla’s spines begin to glow a familiar shade of red, and then he lets loose a powerful blast of his atomic breath at his target. Megaguirus is unable to evade the attack, and is blasted by his opponent. Its entire body bursts into bright flames, and what wasn’t destroyed begins falling from the sky! Godzilla’s spines light up once more, and he blasts what’s left of Megaguirus, leaving only flames and ashes to fall to the ground.


“Telemetry alert!”, yells out a scientist that’s looking at a radar screen of Earth’s atmosphere.

“It can’t be!”, another one yells. “The Dimension Tide is changing its orbit!”

“Orbit decreasing rapidly!”

“Damn! I think we’re too late!”, swears Kudo, one of the Dimension Tide’s lead developers.

“I’ll try and adjust it.”, says one of his partners, and begins to rapidly type on his keyboard.


After killing Megaguirus, Godzilla ventures deeper into the heart of Tokyo. Major Kiriko, the main pilot of the Griffon, and her two co-pilots, watch as Godzilla destroys everything in his way. “We’re totally helpless...”, she says with a hint of anger as she watches more of the city be destroyed.


Motohiko Sugiura, the head of the G-Graspers, watches Godzilla’s rampage on a video monitor at their headquarters. “Get me a chopper!”, he demands. “I’m going out there myself!” He turns to walk away, looks back at everyone, and says, “Keep trying!”

Professor Yoshizawa, another of the Dimension Tide’s lead developers stops him. “Mr. Sugiura.”

Sugiura stops and responds, sounding very agitated. “What?”

“Tell me something. What are you hiding from us?”, she questions. “We all deserve an answer!”

The room grows eerily silent for a moment as everyone turns around to look at him, waiting to see what his response will be. He ignores her question, and continues to leave. Refusing to leave things as they are, Yoshizawa pursues him.


“Godzilla is heading for Shibuya.”, a helicopter following him radios in.

“Roger.”, Major Kiriko responds.

One of her co-pilots that is attempting to fix their damaged craft suddenly calls out, “That’s it!”, and then climbs into one of the seats. “Major, we can’t use the photon gun, but we’re airworthy.” He adjusts several switches, and takes the controls. “Prepare for takeoff.” The Griffon then takes to the sky in pursuit of Godzilla.


“Activate subcontrol system!”

“Damn it! There’s no more fuel! The orbit’s not holding! It’s gonna fall!”

The entire team working on the Dimension Tide watches their screens in horror as their one chance for the world to be truly safe begins descending towards the Earth, where it could be destroyed before they get to even use it.


Sugiura’s helicopter lands on top of a building in Shibuya, and he and Professor Yoshizawa exit it. They watch as Godzilla seems to be heading to a specific building, destroying everything else in his way. “The Science Institute!”, Sugiura says in shock as Godzilla swings his arm at the building, knocking a large chuck from its side.

The Griffon soon appears, hovers over the same building Sugiura and Yoshizawa are on, and slowly descends until it safely lands. Its three occupants exit their craft, and join their two allies in watching Godzilla intentionally destroy the science institute building.

“What is it doing there?”, asks Kiriko, perplexed by what’s happening. “What does Godzilla want in the science institute?”

“It wants plasma energy.”, Professor Yoshizawa responds.

More confused than before, Kiriko looks back at Sugiura, who is facing away from her. “Plasma? But they dropped the plan, didn’t they? In case it attracted Godzilla back again.”

“The development of plasma energy will bring tremendous wealth to our country in the future.”, Sugiura sternly responds.

“And also guarantee you a high position.”, Yoshizawa adds.

“I cannot deny that.”, Sugiura replies hesitantly. “But every country must have its secret research projects.” He turns back to watching Godzilla, himself looking just as confused as the others. “We did shut down the generator. I don’t get it. How did it know the lab existed?”

Major Kiriko’s face bears a mixture of anger and sadness. “But it came all the same, all because of your gross stupidity. Do you realize just how many people have died?”

Sugiura turns around, and looks at his subordinate angrily. “Don’t you lecture me, major! I organized the G-Grasper section. And look what a mess they made of everything.”

Kiriko’s temper gets the better of her, and she drives a right hook into Sugiura’s jaw, knocking him to the floor. She tries to go for more, but Yoshizawa grabs hold of her and stops her. “Kiriko. Take it easy.”

“Bastard!”, Kiriko cries out in anger. “You sent hundreds to their deaths!” Before she can speak another word, Godzilla draws everyone’s attention when he lets out a bellowing roar. All they can do is watch as he continues his destruction. Just then, Kiriko’s radio beeps, telling her someone is trying to contact her. “Yes?”, she answers.

“Hi, Kudo here. Thought you might like to listen to this.”

A computerized voice plays over her radio. “Three hundred seconds to firing. Continuing countdown.”

Her eyes widen in surprise. “You managed to fix it?”

“Yes.”, he replies. “But it’s still falling out of orbit. We’d better hurry.” Kiriko pockets her radio, and quickly hurries towards the Griffon.

Far out in space, the Dimension Tide enters Earth’s atmosphere, and its solar panels break off from the sudden change in pressure. “Auto-sensing system, partial failure”, the computer chirps.

“Damn it! We won’t be able to lock on to target!”

“Are you sure? Is the operating system still active?”, Kiriko hurriedly asks.

“It’s still active.”, Kudo responds. “If we can lock on, then we can still fire the Dimension Tide!”

“All right then. Let’s try it.”

“What are you gonna do?”, Kudo asks with concern.

“Lock onto me. It’ll be easier.”, she says as she climbs into the Griffon. “I’ll try to get above Godzilla, then you fire.”

“You’re out of your mind. It’s too dangerous!”

Kiriko dons her pilot helmet, and activates its radio system. “It’s what I’m trained for.”

Her subordinates rush to the Griffon, worried for her safety. “Major!”

“It’s my show.”, she says to them. She smiles at them, salutes, and then takes to the air.

“Countdown continuing.”

“What are the coordinates?”, she asks over the radio.

“Three five four - one three nine four six eight two zero.”

“One hundred fifty seconds to firing.”

“Only one hundred and fifty seconds! Get a move on!”

“Roger, that ought to be enough.”, Kiriko states. Meanwhile, the Dimension Tide continues its rapid descent towards earth, and more of it breaks off from the extreme pressure and heat. Kiriko flies the Griffon to the coordinates she was given. “In position.”

The Griffon appears on their search monitor over the area Godzilla is in, and they manage to get the locking system properly lined up. “I’ve got her!”, one of the team yells out. “We’re locked on! We made it!”

Yoshizawa, Sugiura, and Kiriko’s subordinates have boarded the helicopter, and moved away from the area. “Listen, major…,” Yoshizawa calls over a radio. “... You be careful!” Everyone watches the scene unfold from their respective locations. They were only going to get one shot at this, and it’s going to be a very close call.

Kiriko reaches into her right sleeve, and pulls out a set of dog tags that belonged to her former commanding officer who had been killed in a Godzilla attack years earlier. She hangs the tags on a switch in front of her, and salutes it. The incident that drove her on the path she was on was about to be rectified. The lives of hundreds of thousands of people over the past few decades were about to be avenged. Everything was now riding on her. It was now or never, all or nothing. She tightens her grip on the control stick, and adjusts her flight path to take her directly down on Godzilla.

“The Dimension Tide is starting to melt down!”

“Just one minute to go now, major!”

“Roger,”, she replies.

“Temperature overload.”, the computer alerts as only the main body of the Dimension Tide now remains.

“Are you ready?”, Kiriko asks over the radio. “Here we go!”

“Let’s do it!”, the man watching the lock mechanism says as he reaches for the firing button.

“System cannot be maintained.”

Kudo reaches his hand over, and stops him. Giving him an intense look, he says, “Please, let me fire it. Her life is at stake here. Don’t forget.” The man removes his hand, and allows Kudo to do the honors. Kudo flips open the cover of the button, and readies himself.

The Griffon is directly on top of Godzilla now, and will crash into him in a few more seconds. “Dimension tide… Fire!”, calls out Kiriko.

“Firing!”, yells Kudo as he presses the firing switch. The Dimension gathers the last of its plasma energy, fires a miniature black hole at the locked location, and then explodes! With only a moment to spare, Kiriko pulls the ejection switch of the Griffon, and she’s launched away from her craft just before it crashes into Godzilla!

Godzilla can feel it. The pressure in the air is changing drastically. He looks up to see the clouds above swirling and gathering into a single small point. The ground and buildings around him begin to break away and get pulled towards this same area. He is unsure as to what is happening, but his instincts are telling him one thing: He’s being attacked by something from above. His spines begin to brightly glow, and he lets loose a powerful blast of his atomic breath directly above him.

Instead of destroying his unknown target, the blast causes the black hole do to what it was designed for, and it expands to cover a large area. A bright light quickly grows to encompass an area several miles wide, and then shrinks away just as quickly. Smoke rises from the ground of the area hit by the black hole. Miles of buildings and ground simply vanished into the void. And, as of now, there were no signs of Godzilla.

“Kudo here! Do you read? Answer me!”, he calls over the radio, desperately trying to contact Major Kiriko.

She struggles to climb out of a swimming pool she had landed in that was just outside of the blast radius. Soaking wet, she sling some water off of herself before sarcastically responding. “Why’d you want to talk to me so badly? You got a crush on me or something?” Kudo simply smiles hearing that she’s safe. Kiriko then asks, “What happened to Godzilla?”

“It’s gone. I think we’ve finally won.”, he replies with certainty.

Other people around the room begin use their monitors to confirm everything.

“No sign of activity.”

“Godzilla destroyed. Operation successful.”

Kudo is the first one to break composure. He throws a fist into the air and loudly cheers. “Yeah! We did it!” Everyone around him begins following suit. Clapping, throwing high fives and congratulating each other. All of their hard work had finally paid off. After decades of being a living natural disaster that seemed to be an unstoppable force, Godzilla had finally been beaten.

Hours later, evening light had fallen on Shibuya. Major Kiriko stands on the edge of a roof of a building that overlooks the blast area of the black hole. After all the lives Godzilla had taken, putting hers at risk to stop him once and for all had paid off in the end. She smiles, allowing herself a single moment of peace. But, her peaceful moment is interrupted by a single thought… Megaguirus. The wormhole left behind by the initial testing of the Dimension Tide emanated strong waves of plasma energy.

The G-Graspers top scientists believe that energy mutated a dragonfly, and ultimately spawned the giant insect that was a threat to even Godzilla. But… what if it wasn’t? It’s theorized that wormholes are links to other worlds. If this were the case, did the dragonfly come from some other world? And what if each time they used the Dimension Tide, it linked to a different world? If so, what if Godzilla didn’t become trapped in an endless void, but… what if they’ve made him someone else’s problem?

Kiriko quickly dismisses the thought, as there is no real evidence to support any of it, only theories. The important thing is they had finally stopped Godzilla.

If only she knew… She was much closer to the truth of the matter than she realized…



Twilight Sparkle laid awake in her bed, annoyed by the sound of the party bouncing in the other room of the library. The unicorn grunted in frustration to even having to be here. 'Its five in the morning. Why can't these ponies just go to sleep!?' She shouted at herself.

The door to the room suddenly opened, allowing a wave of pulsing music to pour into her somewhat shielded room. Walking inside was her young dragon assistant Spike, his head covered with a streamer covered lamp shade. "Hey Twilight! Pinkie Pie's starting "pin the tail on the pony"! Wanna play?"

Twilight just sat up and frowned down at him. "No! All the ponies in this town are crazy! Do you know what time it is?!"

"It's the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration. Everypony has to stay up, or they'll miss the Princess raise the sun!" Spike responded as he turned back to join the party again. Before he did he glanced back up to his buzz kill of a mentor. "You really should lighten up, Twilight. It's a party!"

As he walked out and closed the door behind him, Twilight rolled her eyes and fell back onto the bed. "Ugh, here I thought I'd have time to learn about the Elements of Harmony but, silly me, all this ridiculous friend-making has kept me from it!"

Taking a deep breath, Twilight shut her eyes as she thought about everything she went through today; after being sent by the princess to prepare for the summer sun celebration, she came across several very... Interesting ponies to say the least. First there was Applejack, the farm pony in charge of the food. She wasn't too bad, except for when her entire family began piling plate after plate in front of her. Then there was Rainbow Dash, the cocky Pegasus that messed her mane up after body slamming into the mud. After getting cleaned up at the celebration designers place, the white unicorn known as Rarity began bombarding her with questions about Canterlot. She didn't care too much about having to meet the, at first quiet, music leader Fluttershy, who never once stopped asking Spike about everything in his life. And to top everything off, this one crazy pink mare, coincidentally named Pinkie Pie, decided to throw the party that was going on downstairs.

"Why did princess Celestia send me here when I could be researching about how Nightmare Moon will escape?" Twilight groaned out loud as she stood up. Since she wasn't able to sleep, she was growing restless laying on the bed. Looking out of her window allowed her a perfect view of the moon high in the sky. "Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about everlasting night."

After reading about the legend of the mare in the moon, Twilight did notice that the dark shading on the surface did somewhat resemble the face of a pony looking back down onto the land. The more she read in the books, the more concerned she grew about the chance that the legend was true. She tried to warn her mentor about the threat, but the only response she got was to quit reading legends so much and enjoy making friends.

"I hope the Princess was right... I hope it really is just an old ponytale..."

Moments later, the door to her room burst open again, Spike wearing a large smile across his face. "C'mon, Twilight, it's time to watch the sunrise!"

As she watched him disappear back into the main library, Twilight sighed and followed after him.


The crowd of ponies all wait anxiously in the town hall of Ponyville for the arrival of the princess. Twilight, however, is one of the few inside that doesn't seem so hyped about the celebration. She looks back at Spike who is perched on her back with a large smile on his face. 'He’s obviously not as worried as I am about the possible end of daylight!' Twilight shouts inside of her head. Her thoughts are cut off as Pinkie Pie hops up next to her.

"Isn't this exciting? Are you excited, 'cause I'm excited, I've never been so excited-- well, except for the time that I saw you walking into town and I went "gah!" but I mean really, who can top that?"

As Pinkie Pie keeps rambling on, Twilight just rolls her eyes in annoyance and looks back up to the stage. The yellow pegasus, Fluttershy, is conducting the choir of birds that are chirping along the tune for the entrance of the mayor of the town. As it quiets down, the gray haired mare waves to the crowd. "Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!"

The crowd bursts out in a loud cheer as their excitement grows. After waiting for it to settle down, Mayor Mare continues on. "In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year!"

Hearing those last words makes Twilight instinctively look up to the sky. To her shock, four different stars simultaneously move behind the moon, followed by a small flash of light on the surface. After it fades, the dark shape of the mare’s face is gone from the moon. 'Oh no, something bad is going to happen,' she thinks to herself as she looks back to the stage. As she does, she thinks she sees a swirling vortex appear high in the sky, but she thinks she was just seeing things.

"...And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria..." Mayor Mare says as she moves out of the way of the curtain behind her. "...Princess Celestia!"

As soon as the curtain opens, though, silence falls over the room. Their princess, the one who raised the sun and the moon every day and night, was missing!

A midst the silence, a lone pony speaks. “This can’t be good.”

As Twilight Sparkle finishes what would prove to be a prophetic statement, grim laughter echoes throughout the room, sending chills down everypony’s spines. “If feels so great to be right, doesn’t it? Well, maybe not in your case, but in mine…”

“What did you do with our princess?!” yells out Rainbow Dash, the first pony Twilight had met upon arriving in Ponyville. Well, the first that wasn’t an insane ball of pink fur.

“Why? Am I not royal enough for you? Don’t you know who I am? Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?”

“I did,” speaks up Twilight, “and I know who you are. You’re the mare in the moon: Nightmare Moon!”

“Well well well,” Nightmare responds with a smirk, “somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I’m here.”

“You’re here to-- to…”

“Hahaha, remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night, will last, fore--”

Suddenly, Nightmare Moon is cut off by a blinding flash of light which floods the windows of the building. Ponies scream out in fright from the intense brightness, covering their eyes to help block out some of the rays. Just as fast as it came, the light vanishes from the windows, leaving only outside light to enter from the moon. Turning around, the dark alicorn sits quiet as she focuses her gaze to outside. “Wh-what was was that?” she asks in confusion.

“I-- I don’t know,” responds Twilight to herself, stunned, “I’ve never seen anything like it…”

The crowd of ponies below her begin to whisper among themselves; fearful from the strange chain of events that have transpired since gathering at town hall. Nightmare Moon stares out the window to see a massive cloud of smoke several miles outside of town, and what looks like large chunks of stone and metal falling within and around it. She narrows her eyes at what she sees before her. “Whatever is responsible for interrupting my grand return had best be prepared to answer for their crimes. I will not allow this transgression to go unpunished!”

With those words, Nightmare Moon transformed into a transparent wisp of smoke, and quickly worked her way through the crowd of ponies below her. She passed through the door without having to open it, and made her way through the sky to the edge of the massive smoke cloud. After a few minutes she reached the cloud of dust, materializing into her normal form as she stared in shock to what she saw. Dozens of buildings lay in piles of rubble across the landscape. By this time, all the debris has stopped falling from the sky, laying in broken pieces on the ground.

Nightmare stared in disbelief at the destruction before her of a city which seemed to come out of nowhere. “What could have cause th-”,

Her words are cut short by the sound of a roar so deafeningly loud, it feels like the very air around her is shaking. Dropping to the ground, Nightmare clutches her hooves to her ears to try and block some of the intense sound from the feeling of rupturing her own eardrums. The alicorn felt the ground beneath her vibrate at the sheer volume erupting from whatever was causing this. “What is this!?” she screamed out as the roar didn't seem to end.

Back in Ponyville, many of the ponies inside the town hall huddled in fear at the incredibly loud roar. “Fluttershy, you’re the animal expert here. What is that!?”, asks Rainbow Dash in a panic.

The meek pegasus is barely able to squeak out an answer. “I-I-I don’t know. I… I’ve never heard anything like it before.”

The windows of the building begin to crack under the intense pressure from the sound wave racing across the land, before shattering and sending pieces towards the crowd of terrified ponies. Reacting on instinct, Twilight caught as much of the glass shards as she could with her magic, nearly catching every piece before they could hit the crowd below.

Back near the edge of the dust cloud Nightmare continued to cover her ears as the roar seemed never ending. Clenching her eyes shut, she tried to fight through the pain. After a few more seconds, the deafening roar finally subsided leaving an almost perfect silence in its wake. Nightmare slowly pulled her hooves away from her head, still stunned from the intense volume that had come out of the cloud of smoke and debris. Standing back up, she shook her head to clear out the ringing that was still floating around inside her head. “What kind of beast could cause that kind of roar?” she questioned herself.

The massive cloud of smoke finally began to thin out, and she could now somewhat see inside. In the middle of the thinning cloud, she could see something enormous, both tall and wide. “Did a building make it through this unphased?”, she asks for no pony to hear. But, as more of the smoke dissipates, her eyes go wide in shock as she sees the building beginning to move. Then it hits her; this is the source of the loud roar.

From what she can see, this is a creature far larger than anything she has ever seen before. Towering high above her, it must be at least two… no, three hundred feet at minimum. The tall body covered in what seemed to be a green scale coat riddled with thick bumps. behind on its back were enormous spines that seemed to stick out in a mix of odd shapes and sizes.

Godzilla looks over its new surroundings, confused by what happened. It was suddenly attacked from above, and its attacker was destroyed. But then it was blinded by strong light. Now its surroundings have changed. It was light out, but now it is dark. Everything looks different. Everything smells different.

Everypony in town hall could see it, but none could believe it. No pony had ever heard of a creature this size, not even in story and legend. For a moment, the air was completely still. No pony made a sound; completely awestruck by what they saw. And then, without warning… panic. Many began to scream in fear, and fled town hall. Some were too terrified to even move. A stark few dared to hope that this massive creature was friendly.

Nightmare Moon could hear the faint screams of terror coming from the center of town. “This creature is what interrupted my speech, and now it causes my… subjects… to run in fear? It is time they learn that I am the only thing should truly be afraid of.” She looks up to glare at her target. She then unfurls her black wings, and with a few gentle flaps, lifts from the ground. For now the creature stands still. She takes advantage of this by flying in a circle around it to get a strong idea of exactly what she could be dealing with, while advancing up towards its head.

She brings herself to a halt in front of its face, and hovers there. It seemed completely oblivious to her presence, perhaps due to the extreme difference in size. “I do not know where you have come from, strange beast, but you are now in the land of Equestria, ruled by the all powerful Nightmare Moon!”, she yells. The monster before her pays no mind to her words, almost like it’s ignoring her. “You… You dare to ignore the queen of the night!? You already bear numerous sins against me. Perhaps I should make an example of you, and teach my subjects that my wrath is the only thing they should fear.”

Nightmare Moon’s eyes and horn begin to glow with an eerie dark magic. The glow slowly grows to encompass the entire length of her body. “Despite your transgressions, monster, I am feeling gracious. If you willfully kneel before me, you may yet live to see the next hour.”, she boasts; unaware that it is unable to understand her.

Godzilla still pays her no heed. Instead he slightly elevates his head, and takes in more of the scent of his new surroundings. He needed something. He needed a familiar setting. He needed… water.

Nightmare Moon glares angrily. “You still choose to ignore me!? So be it! If you will not willfully submit to me, then you shall be forced to! You shall be made to kneel before your queen!”, she shouts in frustration. She quickly descends back to the ground. Her magical aura spreads across the ground, taking the appearance of a large shadow. It leeches across the ground towards Godzilla’s legs, and soon spreads up to surround his entire lower half. The glow of her horn intensifies greatly. “Now… KNEEL!” she yells as she attempts to use her magic to drag Godzilla to his knees.

She pulls down as hard as she can with her magical grip, but her foe remains standing. She struggles with everything she has to force Godzilla to his knees, but he is seemingly an immovable object. “Tchhh… Why can’t I budge you!?”, she screams in frustration. Her eyes then go wide in shock at what she sees. Her magical aura surrounding his legs is dispersing. “Wha- But that’s impossible! I have not willed this to happen!” As she watches the last of her aura vanish, she grits her teeth in pure rage. She loudly screams as she makes another attempt, and surrounds his legs in the same aura as before.

Godzilla feels it. That strange sensation in his lower half... for the second time. But just as before, it quickly disappears. He does not feel threatened, so the sensation is ignored. Now he can smell it. He smells a faint trace of what he’s searching for. He knows where he must go. He lets out another deafeningly loud roar, and then begins to move.

Nightmare Moon is completely dumbfounded. How could her magic be completely ineffective? Now the beast was walking over her like she isn’t even there. Despite her threats, despite her attempted assault, she was being treated like she wasn’t even worth acknowledging. She watches as it passes right over her, unable to do anything to stop it. Its thunderous footsteps cause the ground to quake with each step.

Twilight Sparkle and those that chose to remain in town hall watch in horror as the monster walks toward Ponyville. Buildings not even close to its massive feet begin to crack and break apart from its massive size. She takes a step back in fear, and steps on an ever enlarging crack in the floor. Then she realizes it. “Everypony! Get out of here! This building is going to collapse!”, she shouts. They begin to file out of the building as quickly as possible, and just as the last one makes it out, town hall comes crashing to the ground.

“Whoo wee,” Applejack says in relief. “That was a close ‘un. Good call, Twili-” She cuts her words short as she sees the shadow practically on top of them. She looks up to see a massive foot coming down on the spot they were all standing in. “SCATTER!”, she yells in a panic. They all attempt to dive out of the way to avoid being stepped on. Most of the group are able to get out of the way in time. Several others… are not so lucky.

Nightmare Moon watches the devastation happening right in front of her. Her anger continues to steadily build at the events that have unfolded today. This was supposed to be her day. This was supposed to be a day for her to celebrate her grand return to power. How… How could her magic have been so ineffective? “My… My power must not have fully returned. That has to be it. Yes. That’s it! My magic must still be weak! In a few hours, I’ll be back to full strength, and then I will make this overgrown lizard pay for its sins against me! This is far from over!”

Twilight watches Godzilla depart from Ponyville, heading southeast. She looks around her to see most of the town completely leveled, ponies that weren't able to avoid being crushed underfoot, some that were trapped by collapsing homes, and even more that huddle together and cry in fear. Tears begin to well up in her eyes as she looks back towards the monster that caused this destruction. “What… What’s going on? The prophecy didn’t mention this… P-Princess Celestia… Where are you? We need you…”

Comments ( 105 )


Care to explain how you got 7 thumbs up with 2 views?

Run! It's Gojira! I so want a random tourist to yell that out

3513699:pinkiecrazy: don't argue with the ways of life!!!

Glad this is up Vegeta. You did a great job writing most of this story

@Pony Vegeta...

Just a quick side-note: you may want to add the Alternate Universe tag as well, since you are setting this off right at the MLP:FiM pilot-episode, and have already diverged.

DAMN! This is a really great story! Please continue! Also what could he be searching for in the center of the country?

Well, I guess this means that I'll have something to read tomorrow

3513699 My only guess is that some people upvoted before even reading it.

3513737 Hmm. Good idea. Thank you.

This better have Spikezilla vs Godzilla.


All hail the king of monsters!

(Hums godzilla's theme)

Faved for Godzilla.

Well it's really nice pic

3513699 The view counter only refreshes every 30 minutes or so, but the vote counter refreshes instantaneously. You probably visited this page during the 30-minute lull in which the view counter hadn't refreshed.

As to the story itself: Definitely on my Read Later list.

This fic looks promising but you made one particular error that to any G-Fan stands out:

The tall body covered in what seemed to be a green scale coat riddled with thick bumps.

While in a select few of the newer millenium based films he was given a slight tint of green, the majority (and often canon attributed series, aka Godzilla, Godzilla 1985, vs biolante, mothra [with battra], King Ghidorah, Mecha-Godzilla II [Super Mecha-Godzilla],Space Godzilla, and Destroyah) of his films have him as more of a grey /.charcoal / black color. It's his signature, the green is usually a misconception.

3514660 No. In all but perhaps one of the movies Godzilla is referred to as being male. How they came to this conclusion I have no idea. In one of the movies that I've only seen once they may have had Godzilla be female.

3514818 I know what you mean. The particular version of Godzilla we're using in this story (vs Megaguirus) has the green tint that you mention. At first glance he does appear to be green, which is why we chose to just say he's green. But perhaps we should go in and add a little something extra in there for the bigger G fans. And since you were able to call on that, what was your favorite movie?

Okay so you are using the Godzilla 2000 one. That's a good choice:twilightsmile:

Silly Nightmare Moon, a King does not kneel to a Princess:rainbowwild:

I think this story has promise and I'm curious where you're going to take it:pinkiehappy:


Technically he was capable of asexual reproduction meaning he was a hermaphrodite, kind of like how alligators work. Just one big angry mostly male alligator with atomic breath and unstoppable destructive capabilities as the king of all monsters.

Ah, yes… the King of Monsters… the KAT 6 Kaiju… the Monster of Justice… the Beast from Below… OH MY GAWD THIS IS SO AWESOME!

3514568 I know, right?


King of the Monsters vs. Queen of the Night...I think we know who would win.

That's a lot of fish.

Glad this is up too. Though I can't hep write it, it's great to see an awesome Godzilla story like this.

3514941 speaking of kaiju what if he was in Pacific rim?


My Favorite would have to be Godzilla Vs Destroyah (Destoroyah). It had everything from epic fights to truly moving scenes and music scores. Also it's slightly debatable but I believe at the very end before he melted down he was at the pinnacle of his power considering all his breath attacks became meltdown versions of his Red Spiral Ray. He had Destroyah attempting to flee from him because it realized it could no longer have a chance at victory (in-fact, the original script had Godzilla fighting Destroyah even as he melted down, but it was changed to a victory for the Super X3 because they didn't want to take away from the event.).

But yeah, that was just an amazing movie in all aspects, felt so awesome. Akira Ifukube really knows how to write music scores.

3515162 Oh yeah, That one is definitely up in my list of favorites, too. And I LOVE Akira Ifukube's scores. I own the soundtrack from the original Gojira, and listen to it quite frequently. God knows the ending theme during Raymond Burr's speech from Godzilla 1985 (still haven't had a chance to see the original Return of Godzilla yet) makes me shed manly tears.


I'll admit Godzillas Death in Vs Destroyah had me tear up a bit. Even to men, between the music score, the scene, and just how much in love with Godzilla one can become as a fan over so many movies and so many years, can cause tears. I was truly happy when I saw that Godzilla Jr. had absorbed all that radiation to revive and transform into a full grown Godzilla.


Possibly, possibly not. The two times an infant of the same species was found, particularly in the case of Jr., it was in a spot the Big G wouldn't have been recently enough to have laid the egg. It has been stated for years both by Toho and fans that the 'sons' of Godzilla were adopted (now you could take this literally or figuratively, but you get the point).

Also, herpetology and paleontology student here, no known Archosaurids [Birds, Dinosaurs, Crocodilians, Pterosaurs, and relation] are hermaphroditic. No modern birds or crocodilians can change their sex like some fish and lower reptiles can, and since dinosaurs are cousins of crocodilians and ancestors of birds; it's far more likely than not that the had a fixed gender too. All archosaurids are more closely related to eachother than to other reptiles, so one couldn't even get away with saying Godzilla is a hermaphrodite like some lizards. Toho's official origin puts him as a modern day dinosaur, and dinosaurs can't change their sex. All Toho material refers to the big guy as a 'he', so I'd think its safe to say Godzilla is a male


Don't jump the gun just yet. The start of the story is Godzilla vs. Megaguirus, one of the few films the Big Guy WAS green

Once again we are graced with his amazing stories


Yet the mondern day Dinosaur is always crawling out of the sea all the time meaning he's at least amphibious.

Look who got featured! Good for you!:twilightsmile:
And I faaaved it fiiiirst!:pinkiehappy:
...:ajbemused: You're done?
Ahem, yes...:twilightblush:

Anyhow. Captivating start, give us more!
Keep up the good work!:twilightsmile:


Indeed. But being amphibious and being an actual amphibian are two very different things. Crocodiles spend up to 90% of their life in the water yet they are clearly not amphibians. Heck, some turtles can breath underwater but no one doubts they are reptiles, closer to crocodiles and snakes than to frogs.

As for Godzilla's case, Kaiju biology is a huge mixed bag that is still not very well described, so fan theories based on real world science and their actions in the films can give some ideas. It's a generally accepted part that Godzilla, along with a neigh indestructible hide and nuclear beams, doesn't need to breath. Not breathing water, not holding his breath. Just not breathing period. If we go by your idea of he breathing water, then that's not valid because he spent several years under magma between G'1985 and Godzilla vs. BIollante (1989).

3515756 thank you for the praise. While it was a group idea and project, Pony Vegeta definitely put the most work into it, deserving the most credit. He's a talented author I'd gladly work with anyday

Oh, I know. I probably could have worded that better since I was referring to all three of you.
Outstanding job. And I'm not even that big fan of Godzilla. I might have seen a movie or three but that's the extent of it.
Not that you really need to know much except that Godzilla is the lost child of unmovable object and unstoppable force.:rainbowwild:

3513699 Tis what I did, I came back to read it just now.


Well that is interesting, he could possibly fire his atomic breathe endlessly and survive in any environment and practically nothing done to him actually hurts him. I'm starting to actually think he's the worlds biggest zombie now... that is if he didn't feel any pain. (Trying to remember the monsters that actually damaged his regenerating hide)

I'd wonder if he could fly around in vacuum amusingly by firing his atomic breathe as a thrusting mechanism. Goodness knows he'd survive multiple planet falls and explosions.

The difference of Reptile and Amphibians is lungs and gills, Godzilla needs neither. As stated Kaizu biology works in strange ways, as such he could still reproduce asexually despite being primarily male and a dinosaur.

Fun discussion though.

Well, they're fucked.

3515792>>3515781 I second this. I'm glad Pony Vegeta finally got the feature he's deserved for so long.

Godzilla would crush an adult-sized dragon underfoot.

With artwork by Bob Eggleton.

For those wondering, Godzilla's smallest size was around 160 feet. Even an adult dragon is dwarfed by comparison.

So, I guess I'm gonna have to read this, since I grew up with the Big G...

3515047 The Jaegar program wouldn't even be necessary. Instead, they'd have an 'alarm clock for Godzilla' project.

A Godzilla x MLP crossover that actually got featured? Well fuck me, this is going to be awesome.

I love Godzilla i can't wait to read more. :rainbowdetermined2:

oh the possibilities of this story:raritystarry: at least you used the old Godzilla and not the newer version, more brain cells in old school


A story... featuring the King of Monsters... in Equestria... ... ... ... ... AWESOME!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

Instant fave!!! :yay:

Looking forward to more!

And... cue the Godzilla cult-worshippers!

lol i thought it was space Godzilla cuz of the purple scales, i grew up with blue spine Godzilla but who cares any way, its Godzilla! :pinkiehappy:

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