• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 402 Views, 16 Comments

Lucky Seven or Triple Six? - New Lunar

I come from the Crystal Kingdom, but not a crystal pony... Yep outcast all the way here. So when some unicorn asked me if she could try a spell on me, why not? So I hear the screams of teleporting and poof I'm here. So lets start new!

  • ...

True evil

Screaming I gripped my right eye trying to lessen the pain in any way I could the evil laughter filled the air. Pushing away a little bit of the pain I scanned the bloody grass for my teacher. "Come out and face me!" The laughter got stronger.

"I can't risk having you kill me." Sharp pains ripped threw my left side dropping me to my front knees.

"AAAHHHH! You cowered!" The grass was slowly fading away along with the day light.

"NO! Stay asleep!" Smiling I was forcing myself awake. "NO!" Everything went bright when I shoot my eyes open with a scream.

"By the gods!" Gripping my left side I rolled right off of the cloud into a free fall. "AH!" Hitting the ground with dust flying into the air I couldn't breath and the pain was unbearable. Working my way to my hoofs I looked down to see a large pool of blood. Gritting my teeth I lowered my wing over my bloody hole filled side and gimped my way to town.


"Help." I weakly said with blood dripping down my chin at a high rate. I saw no pony in sight I knowing what I do Sombra could kill me and he might just have. It was still really early and ponies might still be asleep. Mustering up what energy I had left I charged up my magic and tried to cast a sound spell but only for it to recoil and blowing out my hearing making me scream. Slamming my head into the dirt road trying to get the pain in my head and ears to go away was doing nothing. Pushing myself out of the dirt with blurry vision I looked down to the hole I made filled with blood. "help..." Falling on my side everything went black.


"....are y.... HEY!?" Slowly opening my left eye to see everything was spinning but a purple blob was in my sight. "You ok?" I could barely hear her but I could.

"N-no." My eye was slowly shutting.

"Stay with m...." Everything went back to black.


".....heavy even in my magic!" The voice of Twilight was there but everything was black. "What even happened to him?"

"I'm not sure but his right eye and left side was filled with black crystals that I couldn't even take out with magic, I had to open him up from his hip to his neck to get everything out of him!" This had to be Doctor Stables talking.

"What that sounds like dark magic... Sombra! Was he fighting Sombra?" Her voice was filled with confusion.

"I.... must..... kill him...." I didn't know I had that in me.

"What? Wait." I could feel all eyes on me.

"Have.... to... kill, Sombra."

"How?" Asked Stables.

"magic." Working open my left eye I could see Twilight and Stables next to my bed. "I was... wrong. I must set, things right."

"Why now?" Twilight asked.

"I'm not just evil... Now I'm good." Feeling my magic levels rise quickly I casted a high powered healing spell but it didn't heal everything. "Great I'm down a eye and I still hurt." My voice was back to normal and so was my strength. Getting out of the soft bed with my hoofs making a clicking sound hitting the marble floor. "I must go do what your teacher couldn't do, tell her this will be the last time she will hear of me or Sombra besides in books and stories." Walking to the window onto the sunny town of Ponyvile. "This will only be a story with in the next sun rise." Sighing I closed my eyes thinking of the frozen kingdom of crystal. The screams filled my ears as the cold winds battered my fur. Opening my good eye right in front of me was the dark ridden crystal heart. Placing my horn onto the ice cold rock good peaceful thought flooded my mind. I could feel the magic rush to the heart as the spinning knock my horn from it. "Now he can't leave without dying." A evil smile filled my face. "Now I must turn to the dark side." My eye turned black as the winds grew stronger, the pain I caused so many was now fueling my magic as my body sightly grew. The air around me went still as I watched my mane fall from my head. Looking at my flank my tail was also gone but my cutie mark was just black and green smoke. My fur has turned to a dark sickly yellow and my tail that laid on the ground bursted into a green fire just to leave a black scorch mark on the crystal road. "Now we are both stuck in here." My voice was deep and filled with evil. Opening my wings was to easy, looking at each wing showed a few sickly looking feathers that couldn't stand flight. "Magic is left, even battle field." Thinking of the thrown room I could feel myself faze out and standing in calm air.

"Who are you?" The dark voice asked.

"Your end." My voice was darker.

"Impossible!" I looked right at Sombra. He sat straight in the black thrown with out his battle armor on.

"No, while you was gone I gained power you would never dream of." Taking a step closer to him the crystal floor cracked under my hoof with black spreading with in them. "I'm going to do what Celestia wouldn't." Each step Sombra got tenser.

"You can't kill me. You're to young to kill!"

"I wish you was right." The magic flowing to my horn was seen by him, the black and green smoke leaving my horn was from it burning. "Good bye." Standing strong I shot a beam of pure evil right at him. The power behind it was pushing me backwards but my hoofs drove into the crystal floor. When with dust a smoke cleared nothing was left where my beam hit, even the floor under it was carved from it.

"That was a good try young one but not good enough." I was launched into the air making a once nice wall rubble.

"Good hit." Getting up I looked around the now black crystal room for the stallion I once called my teacher.

"I made you live this long I can take it away." He laughed.

"Wrong, its here to stay till I say I'm done." Getting hit in my right side I flew into another wall.

"Are you sure?" He was pushing on to my chest with great power. "The shot I hit you with earlier should be kicking in." I just chuckled.

"I'm pure evil, you're dark crystals won't work now." Sending out a magical pulse knocking him off of me I jumped onto him binding him in magic chains to the floor. "Now your magic is useless." Stomping onto his horn breaking it into dust made the air filled with screams. "The time I spent in Ponyvile I learned in what now is Twilight's castle once library that if you shatter the horn of a unicorn you stop its magic completely, and you are now just a earth pony with a stub on the head."

"What are you going to do now?!" He screamed at me.

"Kill us both in one go." Smiling I just powered my horn with every little bit of magic and energy I could. "I'll see you in Tartarus." Making a small black shield around us I just gave a evil laugh. "Bye teacher."


There was a bright flash and now everything was black and still. I know we didn't live from that, only thing left is ashes if that.

Author's Note:

OH MY GOD HE'S DEAD! :raritystarry:

No I'm not but thanks for caring -_- :fluttercry: Anyways I know it has been for ever but I just finally got off my lazy ass and did it. I'll be gone for 5 1/2 months starting January 8th for military school. Before or after I get back there will be one more chapter about the first time in Ponyvile and how he knew the main six before but till than here ya go, a chap full of bad grammer and bullshit. MARRY CHRISTMAS BUCKERS!