• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 403 Views, 16 Comments

Lucky Seven or Triple Six? - New Lunar

I come from the Crystal Kingdom, but not a crystal pony... Yep outcast all the way here. So when some unicorn asked me if she could try a spell on me, why not? So I hear the screams of teleporting and poof I'm here. So lets start new!

  • ...

Live life to the... Part 1

"Look I just think that the Wounderbolts could have done better."

"What do you mean 'better' the did just fine."

"Just like every other show they do! Theres nothing new. Thats why I stoped going."

"WHAT!? Are you saying you hate the Wounderbolts?"

"No. Now you putting words in my muzzle."

"Thats not what I just heard."

"Want to take this out side?"

"NO! You win every single time!"

"Thats what I thought."

Who knew two stallions bickered like a couple of fillies in school. Plus who fights over the Wounderbolts anyways?

"Hey doc! His heart rate increased!" He dosen't sound a bit worried.

"Did he move?"

"Nope, just his heart rate. *thunk* OW! What was that for?!"

"I said don't yell UNLESS he moves! You... You... Ga never mind." That sounded like the famus Doctor.

'How come I can't open my eyes? Why can't I move?'

'Rest easy my little pony.' Even though my eyes are closed, the left one twitched.

'W-Whos in my head?'

'You sound angry.'

'Nope, nope, nope! I'm out of here.'

I focused a healing spell on me. Drawing all my energy I felt that I just ran 16 miles.

"Did he have a horn before?"

"Y-YES!" My voice was weak but powerful. I snapped my eyes open to a bright light above me. Sitting stright up I was met with two shocked royal guards. Both the famus white coat with blue mane. There eyes was wide open with reallity. The wall behind them was a dim white with a brown wooden door behind them.


"Stay put sir. Its for your own good."

"H-heard that before." Still weak I worked my way out of the warm soft white bed. The pepperd white tile floor was cold under my clean hoofs. Closing my eyes I rolled my neck and spread my wings hearing pops coming from my joints.


"Yep thats another reason the crystal ponys disliked me." Casting a sleeping spell on all three, all falling with a thump and metal clinging.

Looking at the open door I smiled and started my way out. Stepping into the long white hallway I noticed that all the doors was closed. The lighting out here was amazing, not a single shadow. Walking to the left, the only sounds were coming from my hoofs. The air was cold and smelled matalic. The steady beating of a heart moniter closed in on my path. Looking into the white room laid the biggest stallion I've ever seen. He was red with a orange mane an tail. On his flank was a large half of a green apple as a cutie mark. Turning back from the sleeping stallion I kept on my walk to freedom. Everything went back to normal, only hearing my self and a cough here and there. Soon I was to a brown wooden door in front of me. Slowly opening it, I was shown the waitting room. With a smile on my face I ran stright for the doors. Busting through the doors I shelded my eyes from the bright noon sun.

"Nice job Celestia." Uncovering my eyes I saw a place of long ago, Maybe 6-9 years. I'm still pretty young for a alicorn, but I'm not royalty. I used a vanishing spell on my horn so I will be less hated or feard. Now who cares from what I saw I'm far away from the Crystal Kingdom.

"Your a ALICORN!" Turning I was met with a fellow alicorn.

"Twilight Sparkle well now princess. But I knew you when you first came to Ponyville."


"Yep." The purple alicorn wore a golden crown with the shape of a six pointed star rested on her purple mane with a pink stripe with to darker purple stripes. Her purple eyes was filled with confustion and wounder.

"How come I never seen you before? Plus your the only pony I have ever see to look like you."

"What? Two tone? Army green and black not go to gather?" I stepped closer to intimedate her. Which in resault she stepped back.

"Well." She is sheepishly smiling. "Your mane don't match your tail." She was in fear, my move.

"Lets walk shall we?" Stepping past the scared alicorn princess.

The green grass was soft under my hoofs. The bright sun shined on every thing making things..... prettier. The town of Ponyville was only a short walk away but I don't remember the hospital being so far. Anyways Ponyville was to my left. In front off me and to me right was the park. Filled with big trees offering shade to tired fillies and colts. Looking a little more I could see three fillies trying to do random things. 'Must be blank flanks... I feel for ya'll.'

"Did you even hear me?"

"Nope." I kept walking but I could hear no hoof steps next to me. Smiling at her reaction, caring less what she does.


Now Ponyville still looked the same. Ponys, buildings, stalls, every thing. I stoped in front of a ginger bread house.

"Ah. Sugercube Corner. Wounder how the Cakes are doing?" Walking in the smell of all kinds of sweets hit my nose. Closing my eyes I took another breath through my nose. 'Cupcakes, cakes, fudge, icecream, and.... and' "CIDDER!" Shotting my eyes open I worked my way past the ponys to the glass counter filled with pastres.

"HEY! Theres a line here!"


All kinds of ponys were yelling at me. Finally at the front of the counter I was met with a wore down orange stallion.

"Mr. Cake how has it been all these years?"

"Wait is that? IT IS! How have you been?!"

"Good." I was ripped over the counter into a bear hug. I had to spread my wings a little for beathing room. "Looks like your over ran with ponys."

"HA now kinding! You do know I got to of my own, don't you?"

"What?! You finally got some!?" I loved messing with this stallion hes like a brother to me, a litte brother.

"HA, HA." Opps hes mad.

"I'm just bucking with ya. But your one of the reasons for me coming here."

"Let me guess you smelled my cidder?"

"Bingo! Living in the Crystal Kingdom kinda sucks."

"I can tell."



"I got this." Turning to the crowd I opened my army green wings and flippng my blond mane off my horn. "You shall wait." I said it in the softest voice but everypony was on the ground bowing to me.

"Wow. Never knew you was a alicorn. Where do you rule?"

"Shut up." I whispered threw my teeth. "You all shall rise." Turning to face Mr. Cake. "Got some where I can crash for a while?"

"Pinkie Pie's room is top floor. She won't mind."

"Thanks. I need to catch up with her anyways."

Hoping over the glass counter I took a left through the quite crowd. The dinning room was large with wood trim with white walls. Party ballons was here and there with random sreamers. Smiling I worked my way up a flite of brown stairs with white walls. At the top was a hall way with three doors. Not wanting to wake the 'kids' I tunded 180 and went up the next set of stairs. At the top was a lone door with three party ballons on it. The two outter ones was blue and the center was yellow. Opening the door with my dark green magic was a clean room with a large window and a single large pink bed. the hard wood floors was shiny under the sun light coming threw the thin white curtains. In the middle of the large circle room was a lone pink rug with the same three ballons.

"Will do." Making my way to the rug I flopped down. Unfloding my wings I soon found my self fast asleep.

Author's Note:

Alright I'm needing OC's people. Shot me a PM with there info and I'll slap them in.


OC's are needed. Any ideas questions or comments PM me or leave your words below. THANKS!