• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 403 Views, 16 Comments

Lucky Seven or Triple Six? - New Lunar

I come from the Crystal Kingdom, but not a crystal pony... Yep outcast all the way here. So when some unicorn asked me if she could try a spell on me, why not? So I hear the screams of teleporting and poof I'm here. So lets start new!

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Live life to the... Part 2

The smell of death was strong in the night sky. Looking at the. Blood stained grass, bodys were every where. One figure stood though. He had mashed body parts from what the moon light showed. I started to walk over the limp decaying bodys of ripped and shaviged ponys. The sky was completely void of stars, only smoke and the large bright full red moon.

"Well how are we doing today Discord?" He didn't even look at me.

"Besides being a good guy? Just great! Plus I see your not showing your true colors."

"Yes, so Celestia can find me. All I want to do is listen to her."

"How come only me and you get along?"

"Two outcasts? I don't know. Why?" Sounding really sarcastic.


"I'm a alicorn.... not a mule."

"Always one to turn it into a joke huh."

"And every one thought you was a joker." I chuckled slightly. "Anyways, Luna has brung up the moon I. Time for me to wake up and see whats in this small town. Enjoy my chaos" Giving a mad mans smile I turned back to the moon.

The moon in the black sky had a mushroom cloud grow on it. Large cracks formed around the craters untill it slowly fell apart. The black sky went bright white in a millisecond blinding me.


I could feel the floor under me bounce with the thuds of loud music. Opening my eyes was a small green alligater, that had lightish purple eyes. It opened its mouth reviling only pink gums.

"Don't even think about it." It closed it mouth and waldled away. Picking my self off of the rug, rolling my neck. In return I was met with many pops. Now fully awake only one thought came to my head.

'Discord is right. Lets show my true colors.'

Focusing my magic I could feel my fur heating up. I started to get a slight pain at the base of my horn. My mane grew a inch and so did my tail. My wings relesed a few pops and cracks. I closed my eyes to help focus more, fighting back wanting to scream in pain. I felt like I was being stretched longer and taller.

"Is every thing ok in here?" A female voice came from the door but I could not brake my focuse. One long scream and some blood loss later, I opened my eyes to see my black hoofs and pale tan fore legs with the tip of my bloody snout. My dirty blond mane cut out my upper vision. Blinking hard I could feel my magic levels increase past Twilights, easly.

"Man do I feel good!" Lifting my head towards the frightend mare. "Can I help ya beaut?" The blue mare just stood there. "Wait I know you. Your Cakes girl airn't ya." She gave my a slow shaky nod. "Do ya'll really got kids?" Another scared nod was givin. "Good for ya'll. Well you probly don't know me looking like this but I'm known as the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Ask your local princess, she can tell ya." Ms. Cakes just backed from the door letting my pass into the dark hallway. The trip down the stairs were uneventful, no ponys were on them.

The once clean pony filled dinning room was now filled with lasers, fog, deep bass from large speakers, and dancing ponys. Easily seeing over the crowd, one pink made caught my eye. 'Ms. Pie, long time no see.' Walking through the dancing points was the only problem in my path. Taking my first step into the group was like pushing a domino, I bumped into one pony making it gasp than bump into the one behind it and so on. Soon eveypony was looking at me with mouths agap followed with the record scratching to a stop. The only pony that wasn't bowing was Pinkie and a large red stallion with a piece of hay in his mouth.

"Respect has been gained for you stallion." I hate talking like a royal.

"MACNITOSH APPLE! Bow before a royal!" Some purple/pink mare scolded him.

"That is where you are wrong ma'am. I'm not a royal, just something else." Everypony stood up slowly not wanting to disrespect me.

"Ohmygosh.! Ohmygosh! Omygosh!"

"Yes Pinkamena, its me." The pink mare vanished out of sight, but leaving my back with added wight. "How have we been?"

"GREAT!" With a slight SQEE! noise showing me a toothy grin.

"Thats good. And I see your still parting hard as your uncle wished?"

"AS ALL WAYS!" Levitating my young nease off of my back with a black color dust onto the floor.

"Good, and how is the family?"

"Still moving rocks....." Her mane deflatted. That depresson and easy anger is from me. "But I party with them all the time!"

"Very nicly done Pinkamena. Well I need to go talk with the adults." In result I got a frown from the hyper mare.

"But remember what you promised me?" I looked at all of the suprized ponys around us.

"Its been to long Pinkamena. Please tell me what I promised." Looking back down was the empty spot where Pinkie was.

"You would stop calling me that!" Confetie fell over my eyes.

"Your right, You wanted to be called Pinkie Pie." Grabbing Pinkie from thin air we shared a tight hug. "I shall see you later alligater." Letting her go I walked in the open path of ponys to the front door. "And please tell Cake of my corent state Pinkie." Looking back I was gave a open salute from the mare that ran off in dust.

Opening the door I was met with a cool breeze. Closing my eyes I took in a deep breath through my nose. The smell of fall filled it, leafs, damp dirt, camp fires, and a stong perfume? Slowly opening my eyes I was confronted with a overjoyed moon princess. When I stepped back I was met with a large hug.

"Yes princess Luna?" Looking into her night sky for a mane. "Sweet Celestia your beautiful." She shot back with a deep blush on her happy face.

"How are you a alicorn?!" Smiling to my self I chuckled. "But how are you... more powerful!?"

"Because here I can show my true form. Do you even know my story or just remember the dream?" She cocked her head losing the smile.

"What story?" My smile only grew.

"Ask Twilight or your sister. Maybe even Cadince, I don't know many more. Well Shinning wouldn't know any more though." Her look of bewilderment only got larger.

"W-what? How come you don't refer to them as princess's or prince?"

"No need when I'm something of greater statice." Her jaw was wide open.

"Stop and say hi to my nease Pinkie." With that said I started on to the cold dirt path into the town.

After walking for a few minutes I felt a sharp pain in my horn. Falling onto my front hoofs the pain grew. I could feel tears running down my face with no sign of stopping. I could feel everything I had part of.

Good: Love, Happiness, Joy, Peace, Life.
Bad: War, Stavation, Pain, Loss, Death.
And The
Ugly: Sadness, Hurt, Seperation, Hate, Your pick.

"You ok sir?" Looking up was a orange earth colt with a brown fohawk mane.

"Just fine. Why are you out so late little one?" He was startled alittle when I stood to my full hight.

"U-uh dreaming s-sir." Rasing a brow to the little guy for dreaming is not the greatest thing.

"What is your name?" He bowed slightly.

"Names Dreamer sir, I'm hon..." I placed a hoof over his mouth.

"I'm not a royal Dreamer, just a alicorn." He gave me a odd look but was respectful to not ask why. "I shall see you later little one." Easly stepping over him not wanting to look at the little fella. Wish I knew what my colt-hood was like.

The town was empty and somewhat quite besides the party. The dirt path was cool under my every hoof step. The peacfulness is nice for once, well until Celestia finds out.

Author's Note:

Look ______ ________ is my favorete actor so yea.

Hope ya'll liked it. Plus Pinkamena Diane Pie kinda feels like a family member to me so she is.

Thanks to Hammer for the OC! "Dreamer" I will use him later if thats ok. But I wantmore from you guys! More OC, comments, questons, EVEN hate! Bring it in any way to me and I will use it!