• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 402 Views, 16 Comments

Lucky Seven or Triple Six? - New Lunar

I come from the Crystal Kingdom, but not a crystal pony... Yep outcast all the way here. So when some unicorn asked me if she could try a spell on me, why not? So I hear the screams of teleporting and poof I'm here. So lets start new!

  • ...

A lovely night out

"Life is what you make it. You can live happy and die happy, or live angry and die with regrets. Your pick, not mine."

Lighting filled the rainy air. The darkness was at every corner. I can't get away from it, it knows my every move. Running faster will make problems, but slowing down means failer.

The ground under my hoofs was giving out under every step. Looking over the edge was letting me see nothing but darkness. The rain fell harder on my already wet mane and feathers. The only light was the lightning hitting the side of the mountian. The wind was strong, to strong to fly. Cursing at myself I could only push onward.

'I'm thousands of feet from sea level and couldn't make a single wrong step. If I do that ment a one way trip to my death. I figured a nice flight would be nice, but when some mare asks for help with a spell comes in say no. Because I'm some where in changling territory on the side of a freaking mountian! I'll probly lose my job cause I'm not showing up and I get to fight changlings! Just what I needed.'

I only closed my eyes to get rain out and when I opened them I'm in a complete free fall. Some how I saw this coming, I always had problems with luck. The wet wind pushed my mane out my face. I was now at the same speed as the falling rain. The wind was ripping my feathers out of my wings. Gritting my teeth I angled my head stright down.

'Now if I do this right I shouldn't die. Only wined up with a couple of broken bones or something.'

I could fell the ground coming closer. Lightning lit the ground far below me.

'Three...... Two...... ONE!'

I flared my wings out shotting my only inches from the ground I had to be going pretty fast but all soon ended with me hitting a tree, blacking out.


"Well... I never thought death would be so nice."

I was in the middle of a open field with the sun shining down on me. The light wind in my mane felt good, beside it being in my eyes. The bright blue sky was above me. No pony was in my line of sight.

"I can live with this."

"Well don't get use to it."

Turning 360 I couldn't see any pony. Only never ending green soft grass.

"Who said that?" Still no pony was in sight.

"Princess Luna."

"I've heard storys about you."

"Good or bad?"

"Well not such good. Sorry."

"Oh... Its quite fine." She sound sadden to my responce.

"But I do like your beautiful nights though. Thats one of the reasons the crystal ponys disliked me."

"I have been watching your dreams and they seem quite, um..."


"Well, yes. You don't dream often doring the night."

"Like I said not a day stallion."

"Right." I sat on my hunches looking at the blue sky.

"Why don't you speak in olden tounge?"

"HA, Thats only because my sister wanted me to sound proper after turning back from Nightmare Moon."

"I see. Um could you make it night here?"

"Sure!" The sun got bigger and bigger till it popped and stars replaced the blue sky with purple and black.

"Can we talk muzzle to muzzle?"

"As you wish." I watched in aw as Luna sailed from the sky with her large night blue wings. Her free flowing mane and tail matched the sky above me.

"Wow you do look beautiful." She landed next to me with a deep blush below her dark blue eyes.

"Thank you. Not many ponys say that, unless they are trying to get in my bed."

"Thats kinda crappy if I say so my self. Please join me, the grass feels nice." Sitting down next to me, she join looking up at her work.

"Not very many ponys like the night."

"Lies.... Sorry but thats not true. Your nights are peaceful and that helps ponys rest. But you get them few that look apon your night with great thanks."

We sat there with no comments after my last one. The night sky was down right breath taking. Every star shimmered above us. Once in a while you would see one fly by.

I tensed up at Luna laying her head on my shoulder.

"You don't mind do you?" Looking over to see Luna's beautiful eyes looking up at me.

"Not at all my princess." She turned her head to look back apon the night, but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Her mane had hundreds of little stars shinning in it. I woundered to myself how does that work?

"Is every thing ok?" Snapping out of my train of thought to be met with her eyes once more.

"Sorry I got cought in your beauty." The blushing Luna stood up making me having to compensate for the lost wight.

"I must go help other dreams, but I will be sending for help."

"Thank you." Smiling Luna took off into the night sky leaving me alone. "Well time to wake up anyways." Standing up I flipped my mane out of my face. Letting the night stars flicker and the grass disapear.


"Ah my head!" Drunkenly standing up trying to get a grip on where I was.

"GRRRR!" Not even looking behind me. I stiffend up.

"Buck me." I started to run, ignoring the pain running threw my body. I could hear them getting closer and closer. If I was to look back I'm screwed. My breath became ragged and deep. My vison was slowly fading from my sight.

"No, no, nononononono!" Everything was black around me. But I could hear magic being shot sround me with screams and yelps. Only if I could see my death.

"WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU! STAY WITH US! We're losing him!........"

Author's Note:

Here is my new story guys.... and girls, thought I forgot bout ya'll didn't ya.

Well no worrys this story will hopfully be ran by ya'll! OCs are wanted, just send me its info in a PM and I'll work my magic.