• Published 4th Nov 2013
  • 800 Views, 10 Comments

Dragon Stone - Rain-Flash

Meet Joseph, He's home schooled, plays games, and like most people, bored, most of the time, but something happened that changed his life.

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Chapter 5

Author's Note:

Here is Chapter five of the story, I can't believe I was able to put it out this fast. Must be the air around here.

Anyway, enjoy this new chapter, and I'll get around to changing the 'On hiatus' singh... Whenever I remember to do it :pinkiehappy.

Celestia's guards took Joseph to a house that was outside of the small town known as ponyville, the house was surrounded by evergreen trees, that for some reason grew carrots, the house had a roof made of sticks, straw and brick, the windows had water in place of glass in them.

Outside the house there was a cotton candy cloud raining down a brown liquid, and a man was running around under the cloud splashing in the puddles it was making. He leapt around like a child, he was wearing one long, brown sleeve on his right arm that wasn't attached to anything, his left arm had a short, green sleeve on it, and he was wearing a yellow tank top, his right foot had a sandal, while the left had a running shoe on it, and the closest thing the man had to trousers was a mix between pants, shorts, and swim wear.

Joseph looked around, desperate to find something that actually made a smidgen of sense, "What is this place?" He asked.

One of the guards gave a small laugh, and it wasn't the friendly kind either, as he answered Joseph, "This is the house of Discord, the spirit of chaos." Just as he said 'chaos' his armor turned into a half butterfly, half bee thing.

"That's MISTER Discord to you my good sir." Discord floated down, snapped his fingers and sat down in the chair he created, sipping a cup of tea.

"Well MISTER Dis-" The second guard began before being interrupted.

"I don't like that tone in your voice when you say mister," Discord said as he crossed his arms and looked away, "It sounds like you guys aren't happy to see me, and quite frankly that hurts my feelings." He gave a fake frown and looked away poutingly

"We don't have time for this!" The first guard yelled, "Princess Celestia-" the first guard was interrupted by Discord's jabbering this time.

"Oh Celestia, how is the old lady?" Discord asked, "honestly it's been such a long time since I've seen her, maybe I should pay her a visit some time, tell me does she still live in that run down place she and her sister call a castle?"

Joseph didn't know if he should laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation, or keep silent so Discord wouldn't notice him. He found out that the latter was useless when Discord waved at him and mouthed something to him. "Don't worry, I'll babby sit for Celestia today," Discord snapped his fingers, then the next thing Joseph knew, he was standing next to Discord. "But let her know, I charge fifteen bits an hour." He smiled at his comment as the guards rolled their eyes and walked away. He waved in their direction, "Tata make sure no one steals a honey bun!" He then focused on Joseph, "I have to apologise for their behavior, they aren't very hospitable you know, but down to business, how are you doing buddy?" He gave Joseph a pat on the back. "I haven't seen you in ages!"

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Joseph asked.

"Well I could be mistaken for someone else, but that's all up to you to decide now isn't it." Discord materialized matching necklaces that said 'Friends Forever' on them, he then landed on the ground and put one around Joseph's neck, "My, don't you look adorable in that necklace!" He gave a fake squeal.

Joseph stood there confused, "What's going on?" He tried to take the necklace off, but when he went to touch it, it hissed at him. He quickly pulled his hand back. "Did this necklace just try to bite me!?"

"What's going on is sun butt is going to owe me a lot of money," Discord grinned with delight, "and yes it did, you have to be very careful with how you handle it, didn't your mother ever tell you that necklaces have feelings to? But that's not important, what is important is I need to get ready for a picnic with my good friend Fluttershy," he formed a wardrobe and started throwing clothes out of it making a huge pile, "as a friend you would surely know how much this means to me right?" He stopped throwing clothes for a moment, "What do you think of this one?" He took out a suit and slapped it on as if it was tape, "Not enough, or is it to fancy?" Joseph kept staring at Discord without so much as a word, he walked around the wood closet, knocking on the back. The wardrobe turned to him and began rubbing against him purring, "And there it goes again, it just can't get enough of these people." Discord slapped his face, "Oh bother," something that sounded like thunder echoed in the distance, Discord looked in the direction it came from, there was a huge rain cloud headed for a larg mountain with a city on the side of it, "No one told me about a rain storm, must have slipped their mind," He gave a shrug, "well come now old friend, I don't know your new name, but you can tell me that inside where we won't get sprayed on by fruit cakes." He turned to the mismatched house and walked up to a wall where the door would be.

Joseph, once finished with his wardrobe fascination, ran up behind Discord, "What do you mean new name?" Discord made the wardrobe disappear then shushed Joseph, looked around to make sure no one was looking, and threw him at the wall where the door would be, Joseph covered his head with his hands instinctively, not like it would help any, but instead of the pain of hitting the wall with his head, he felt the pain of hitting the floor with his back, Joseph got up and looked at his new surroundings.

The inside looked decent enough, nothing out of the ordinary or weird looking, the couch sat to the left of him, if it had been set a few paces to the right then he would have landed in it instead of on the floor, their was a circular staircase heading up to the second floor, through the archway infront of him was a kitchen, or what looked like one, behind him the door that he was thrown at hung open with a wall in its way. Discord walked through the wall with a smile, then he saw where the couch was and frouned. He rushed over and pushed Joseph aside, moved the couch infront of the door, and threw Joseph onto it. "There much better," he smiled and pushed the couch back into the living room, "now what is your new name?" Discord asked, the door closed behind him with the flick of his wrist, "Is it that name you've always wanted? Archipelago or something like that?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Joseph's words were muffled by the couch. "I've never changed my name."

The couch was finally in the living room, "Well don't keep me guessing, you know your old pal doesn't like that sort of thing."

"What pal?" Joseph got his head out of the couch, "My name is Joseph, and I don't even know you! How can you say we're old buddies and expect me to know your likes and dislikes?"

Discord looked at the window with a blank expression, "You really don't know me then, do you?" Joseph shook his head slowly, Discord laughed under his breath, "She told me not to get too excited, said you wouldn't remember me, that the person I knew died a long time ago." A knock sounded at the door, and Discord became chipper again, "now who could that be?" He opened the door, "Well hello there Fluttershy, what a delightful surprise," he smiled at his new company, "come in, come in!"

Fluttershy walked into the weird house and looked around, "I like what you did with your house." Her voice was soft, so soft in fact, that you could make a blanket out of it.

"You really like it?"

Fluttershy nodded, "it's nice." She smiled at Discord.

"Thank you," Discord slithered to the couch where Joseph sat, "Fluttershy, I'd like you to meat my new friend, Joseph." He circled his arm around Joseph's face.

Fluttershy tried to hide behind her hair, "Hello," she said as she rubbed her arm, her voice was so quiet that Joseph couldn't hear her name.

"I'm sorry what was that?" Joseph asked, "I couldn't hear you."

"Her name is Fluttershy, she is a bit shy for a first impression, but once she gets to know you she won't be as shy anymore," Discord walked over to the kitchen, There was a sound of clattering in the kitchen for a minute, then he reappeared in the room with a plate with sandwiches and a vegetable Joseph had never seen on it. "Are you ready for our party?" Discord asked.

They walked out the door, then Discord popped his head in the house again, "I'll be home later, if you leave the house then leave the door open, or you will never find your way back in, TA!" His head disappeared behind the fake wall leaving Joseph alone in the house.

Hours passed and the sun began to set, Joseph was still trying to soak everything in, and it took all the willpower he had to keep from losing his sanity, he found that laying upside down on the couch didn't help either, "Discord has been gone a really long time." He thought. He made the decision to try and see what's around since he had nothing better to do, and he doesn't have to chase a supposed princess to another world. He got up from his blood rushing position and went over to the door.

Joseph put his hand on the knob and was about to turn it when he heard the sound of pebbles hitting something outside, he quickly looked at the water filled window, but instead of water, it was turning to ice! There was a shadow behind the ice, and when it noticed Joseph had saw it the thing ran. "HEY!" Joseph yelled, and ran after it, flinging open the door and running out. He so easily forgot Discord's warning that he didn't make sure the door stayed open upon exiting.

Outside the house the sun was down and the moon was beginning to rise, Joseph ran out of the tree area that surrounded Discord's house chasing the figure, he stopped when he reached the top of a hill, and standing at the top was the figure. "Hello there.. Joseph" the things voice was deep, and it sounded like it was gargling marbles. It was wearing a hood, and from the hood came a larg, white, toothy smile. There where no eyes that Joseph could see.

"Who are you? Why are you following me? And how do you know my name?"

The thing raised its hand, "patients boy, I will only answer one question at a time," the smile on the things face, or where the face should be, grew wider, "we have as much time as there is moon light, who I am is none of your concern, all that you need to know is that I am a friend,"

"If you are my friend then why do you hide under that cloke?"

"The pice of cloth you see around me keeps me hidden from things I don't want seeing me," he put his hand on the cloth and rubbed it as if it was a good luck charm. "Besides, do you really have to see someone face to face to be their friend? Take Discord for example, you have never seen him, but he claims to be your friend."

Joseph thought about it for a moment, "I guess that's true," Joseph thought for a moment, "why you have been following me?" He finally asked.

"you have the mark," the thing pointed to Joseph's hands. Joseph looked at them, and in the palm of his hands was a picture of some fangs sinking itself into a half moon.

"What did you do to my hands!?" Joseph began to freak out, and tried getting the picture off his hands.

"Nothing my dear boy, that is just a seal for anyone who enters this land, a seal that allows them to unlock their true power, given to them by the gods themselves." He gave a bow at their mention, "And who says I have been following you?"

Joseph tried to calm down, but didn't stop messing with his hands, "I've been seeing you out of the corner of my eye, but when ever I look, you would disappear."

The things eyes shown now through the blackness in the hood, they were a solid red and looked menacing, but they were filled with fear instead of the intention of harm. "They have found you, I must go!"

"Wait, whats wrong?"

"Do you remember the gods I was talking about?"Joseph nodded, "one of them rebelled against the rest killing them all and tried to take the world by force, but for years the only thing keeping him from taking over equestria is the princesses," A rumble sounded again in the distance, "you defeated him once, and you can do it again, good luck!"

The figure ran off down the hill out of Joseph's sight
"Wait!" He yelled after it, he sprinted to where he last saw the figure, but it was gone, Joseph looked around when a loud BOOM went off, he turned around to see that the side of the mountain was on fire, with little beings flying around it.

Discord floated down, "What are you doing down here?" He asked Joseph, he looked in the direction of the burning mountian, "Oh that," he faced Joseph again and pointed his thumb behind him, "its no problem the princesses can't handle," a larg piece of the mountain fell off and landed on the ground, Discord groaned and yelled in the direction of the fire as if someone was listening, "we're coming to help!" He gestured for Joseph to follow, "come one, we need to get the water, and it would be faster if we flew."

Joseph began laughing sarcastically at Discord, "What am I going to do, sprout wings and fly?"

Discord didn't look amused, he pointed his finger at Joseph, and used his magic to tug on something behind the boy's back, he was obviously in denial, "That is an idea don't you think? But instead of sprouting them, I think you should spread them." They began to fly to help put out the fire.

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