• Published 4th Nov 2013
  • 800 Views, 10 Comments

Dragon Stone - Rain-Flash

Meet Joseph, He's home schooled, plays games, and like most people, bored, most of the time, but something happened that changed his life.

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Chapter 4

Luna began her walk from Twiligh's library back to Sugar Cube Corner. 'What is sister thinking?' She asked herself. Earlier that day Luna and her sister, Celestia got into an argument about the safety of Equestria again, and again her sister told her she'll take care of it, 'What kind of princess am I to her?' Luna asked no one in particular. The rant continued on in her head untill she heard what she thought was one, but found out there were two, voices she recognized, they both were coming toward Sugar Cube Corner. Luna ducked behind the wall of a house to conceal herself as she peaked around the corner at the two voices. The owner of the first voice, Luna recognized as Apple Jack, but who was she talking to? Did her sister send a royal guard to check on her? She wondered. It wasn't long before the owner of the second voice came out frombehind the building that was blocking her view of him. The boy had dirty blond hair, he wore a plain green shirt and a pair of jeens. His hazle eyes were looking at Apple Jack as they were heading into the candy house building, containing a party.

Apple jack said something to the boy, then his head looked down for a bit, as it came up from looking at the ground with what looked like renewed determination, replied then they both walked in together.

"Haven't we seen that boy before?" Luna asked herself. She followed the boy and Applejack inside Surger Cube Corner, she had to go in to talk to her sister anyway so why not, she thought. As she walked in, Luna looked to her right and saw DJ-Pon3 in her DJ stand playing music, with people on a flashing floor doing what looked like dancing. Luna thought if anyone came in to the candy house, they wouldn't recognise it, and (to Luna's surprise) her sister was in the DJ stand with DJ-Pon3 mixing music and dancing. Luna rolled her eyes, "The strange habits my sister has" she said with a sigh as she began her walk towards her sister.


Joseph entered the candied building and followed Apple Jack unconsciously through the crowd, music filled his ears whether he liked it or not, the room was dark except for the flashing lights of the dance floor, and the ball above it, there were two people in the DJ stand, and one was visibly taller then the other, but it was easy to tell that the shorter one was running the show. Joseph was paying so much attention to his surroundings, he ran into Apple Jack when she stopped, she turned and looked at him, "sorry." He said plainly, she turned back around adressing the person in front of her, Joseph looked around Apple Jack at the person. The man was huge, with muscles rippling through his body, the man had blond hair, an earing in his left ear, and a tattoo of a dumbbell on both shoulders, he wore a white tank top, with plane blue jeens and boots. "Do y'all know where I can find Princess Twilight?" Apple Jack asked.

The man though for a moment then yelled "YEAH!" And pointed in the direction behind the counter and though the double doors, that looked like the entrance to a saloon in the western days.

Apple Jack regarded the man again, "Thank you, and can ya tell Rainbow that our re-match will have to wait?"

"YEAH!" Joseph jumped this time, he didn't expect the man to yell his response, 'just a nod or something, but yelling?' He thought.

Joseph followed Apple Jack to the back, they went through the double doors, and entered the kitchen of the establishment. As they entered the room the woman began to face the newcomers who stepped into the room, the woman was shorter than Apple Jack by an inch, her hair was multiple colors of purple that reached down to the middle of her back, her eyes were maroon, and she wore a purple, long sleeved, shirt with a magenta colored star in the middle, which had many smaller white stars around it, she was wearing capris. "Hello Apple Jack, what can I do for you." The woman asked with a smile.

"Good'ay Twilight, " Apple Jack said with a bow, "Have you seen princess Luna today?" Apple Jack asked. The woman, whose name was apparently Twilight was about to answer Apple Jack, when a voice came up from behind her.

"Were you looking for me?" Everyone turned around to see Luna in the doorway to the kitchen, with someone else behind her.


Luna walked up on stage to her sister, who was in the DJ booth and pull her a side, she returned to the mic for a minute, "My sister shal be right back" Luna said, and went off the stage again. Her sister was still partying, no surprise though, she had a lamp shade on her head, and the music was still going. "Sister," Luna began, "I mu-" her sister held her hand up.

"Hold up," Luna's sister began to touch Luna's face, "this is... umm," she was still touching Lunas face as Luna rolled her eyes.

"CELESTIA!" Luna yelled

Her sister jumped, "Jeez, you don't have to be so loud," her sister said in a whiney voice. Her attitude didn't seem like her, and now that Luna thought of it she didn't recall being four inches taller than her sister. The lamp shade was raised, and under was certainly NOT Celestia, "if you're looking for the princess, she is talking with princess Twilight in the kitchen, and asked me to fill in for her."

"And you have done well," a voice from behind Luna said, she turned around and saw the real Celestia, "I have been looking all over for you Luna, we need to discuss something, Twilight is waiting for us." Celestia motioned her arm toward the other room, as Luna took the lead stomping, she was a little upset that her sister was bringing Twilight into this, the poor girl has already been through so much and needed a break.

They walked through the double doors, and to Luna's surprise, she found the boy from earlier in the room with Apple Jack.

"Well we found her" Apple Jack said with a smile.


Luna looked at Joseph for what felt like hours, she probably wasn't to happy to see him, "I just have to ask him something real quick," Luna took Joseph aside, "Who are you?" She asked, "you follow me to this party, and now to a meeting my sister sets up!"

It was clear to Joseph that Luna hadn't slept in a while, and she seemed very paranoid, "I'm Joseph, don't you remember me?" He asked, "I have been trying to find you to return this." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the bracelet.

Luna's face softened as she looked from Joseph to the bracelet, then she realized what she was doing. She had accused the boy, of something she only assumed was the truth. And the last time she did that, she was banished to the moon.

Twilight and Celestia began to approach them, "If you don't mind Luna, we have some things we must talk about." Celestia said.

Joseph took that as he cue to get going, but he remembered he was no where near home, Joseph faced Luna "How do I get home from here?" He asked her, "I don't know where I am, and I don't live in this land."

Celestia looked at Joseph questioningly, then she replied to his question instead of her sister, "I'll have my guards escort you to a place you can stay until we can get you home." She smiled at him, as a couple of guards came in and took him out of the gingerbread looking building.

It wasn't that bad of a walk, 'it actually was a nice town' Joseph thought, he was now able to enjoy the sights because he did what he came to do, and he took comfort in the fact that he was going to be going home sometime. He then saw a shadow move out of the corner of his eye, but when he looked nothing was there, so he shrugged it off as nothing and kept on going.