• Published 6th Nov 2013
  • 1,310 Views, 23 Comments

Day and Night: Love Story - Vocalmaker

Golden Sun is an average pegasus with a job a the local coffee shop. However, his life will change forever on one fateful morning when he meets the love of his life, Night Star. Will their love conquer the world?(M/M shipping)

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One White Mocha, Please

-One White Mocha Please-

It was a normal day in the country of Equestria; the birds were singing, the sun of our Princess Celestia was shining as brightly as always, and the beautiful city of Canterlot was looking over the start of a simple Monday.

Well, it was beautiful for all but one lone pegasus, who zipped through the city as fast as he could manage, muttering “Shit, shit, shit!” as he flew. He could feel the breeze flowing through his golden mane and dancing across his sky blue eyes, flapping his wings as fast as he could to keep a punishment far away from him, he was tired, he had played video games and watched internet videos all night long, no small amount of them being… slightly pornographic.

It was ten in the morning, and “Buck, I’m already late” were the only words that came out of the pegasus’ mouth as he glanced at his watch before walking into the coffee shop, trying to avoid anypony’s attention so his boss could not suspect that he was indeed late. Alas, it was to no avail; his boss, Black Coffee, was facing him, his brow folded over his dark grey eyes in a way that suggested nothing but pure anger.

“Where were you, Golden Sun?! You’re late! AGAIN!!” Black Coffee yelled at Golden, causing the pegasus to shuffle his hooves and blush in embarrassment.

“My alarm didn’t ring again this morning, sir… I’m really sorry for being late again. I swear I won’t happen again!” Golden Sun’s little voice could only be heard if you focused on it, the 16 year old pegasus being very insecure about himself, not to mention being incredibly shy.

“I really don’t care about your personal life!” Black Coffee shouted at Golden Sun, “Just go and take your shift on the cash register and really, REALLY, NEVER BE LATE AGAIN!!! I SWEAR TO CELESTIA I’LL FIRE YOUR FLANK IF IT HAPPENS AGAIN!! UNDERSTOOD?!”

“Y-YES SIR!” was all Golden could manage to say as he trotted as fast as he could to the “Employees Only” area.

Golden entered the back room to get ready for cashier duty today. He hated
the job, but he needed to keep the income. He sighed loudly.

“Well; another day, another penny, the rent isn’t going to pay itself... And I should really stop complaining so much. The job isn’t really THAT bad, I just need to be a bit more timely so that the boss isn’t jumping down my throat all the time.”

Golden stood in front of the cash register, bored as hell as he attended all the costumers with a fake smile, circles under his eyes showing that he had not slept very much lately. He switched into his fake, cheery voice while he served the long line of customers. One voice in the line, though, broke him out of his routine.

“Man, you look tired! Did you play video games and watch porn on the net all night long again?” The stark white coated unicorn, Luke Diamond, said as he was doing at what he is best, making coffee.

“You know me so well, Luke,” the golden maned pony said sarcastically, “Is telling me bad jokes about my own terrible life all you can do?” Golden took the order of a client currently at the cash register.

“Well maybe you would look better today if you hadn’t been jacking off to gay porn all night!” Luke whispered into Golden’s ear.

“S-shut up!” mumbled Golden, his face as red as a tomato.

“Oh, come on! I know you like it! And... I love even more what you did to me the other night... Oh, I still can remember your monster inside me!” The words of Luke made the shy pony to lift his tail in embarrassment

“L-Luke! that was two weeks ago, can you get over it?” Golden whispered to Luke with the most shy voice ever heard coming out of a adolescent’s mouth.

“But how? How will I get over the hung pony that made my ass stretch like no pony has?!” Luke was starting to make a drama out of this.

Golden sighed. “I’m sorry, but I have to do this Luke.”

Luke could only respond with a simple “What?” before he felt the punch and fell to the floor, out cold.

Golden relaxed at the silence and the peace of the place now that Luke was out of the game. Unfortunately for him now that the coffee maker was just lying on the floor he needed to make all the coffees AND attend to all the customers, what he bucking needed, more unnecessary work.

As the hours passed Golden seemed to be more and more bored, almost like every customer he attended made his patience disappear further into the void. He was getting pissed, and he just wanted his shift to be over. He couldn’t wait to return home to play some more video games. 4:15, read the clock, 15 more minutes and this torture would be over, at least for today.

“Just a few more minutes and I will be free... free from this torment” Golden mumbled as he cleaned his work area.

Then, it happened... HE entered the coffee shop; a tall, midnight blue coated stallion with teal eyes, and a light blue tail and mane. He wore a scarf and some bracelets on his knee, elbow and ankle. He was not only good looking, he was REALLY handsome, all the mares at the coffee looked at him with desiring eyes as he approached the cashier. Golden could see how handsome he was, but at the same time, he put two and two together, realizing that he was about to serve a bucking model!.

“Um... Hi, can I get a cup of coffee please?”

There was a pause.

“Uh... excuse me?”

Still no answer from the dumbfounded pegasus.

“Hello? Cute one? Are you there, kid?”

Golden was frozen by the simple presence of the handsome stallion in front of him. He couldn't believe what he was seeing; one of the most good-looking guys he had ever seen was ordering where he works and… wait... HE HAD JUST CALLED HIM CUTE!!!!

Golden shook himself from his daydream.

“Ah.. um… I’m sorry sir, I was... just... distracted. I’m sorry, welcome to Ponybucks, how can I help you?” He spoke with a voice that was quiet and shy.

“Thanks, um… I would like a white mocha with some chocolate chips, please.” The blue coated stallion stated while he looked at Golden with his beautiful teal eyes.

"Um .... immediately sir! That will be 2 bits please.” Golden tried to avoid visual contact with the unicorn so he didn’t notice his flushed face… obviously failing.

“Here you go," The stallion said as he put the bits in Golden's hoof, and in doing so noticed the blush spreading across Golden's face.

“A-Are you okay? You look a little sick… maybe you should take a rest?” The unicorn said as he touched Golden forehead, causing Golden to turn an even deeper shade of red.

“I-I-I… I’m alright sir.. I-Its just that I'm a-a l-little tired that's all" Golden stated while trotting to the bar and trying to hide the fainted body of his friend Luke so the unicorn didn’t see it… again failing.

As Luke was literally out of service, Golden had to prepare the coffee, so he start trotting to the bar to prepare the beverage that the mysterious (but good looking) stallion had bought. He just thanked Celestia that he wouldn't need to make visual contact with the gorgeous stallion while he worked and he would be able to avoid further embarrassment. Unfortunately for him, though, the unicorn decided to strike up a conversation.

“Aren’t you a little too young to work in an establishment like this? How old are you... like 17 or 18?” the stallion on the other side of the bar asked, raising an eyebrow.

“T-To be precise sir, I t-turned 16 last week, s-so yeah I’m a little young for this work... but the pay’s not that bad and it’s a part time job so…. I-It’s not that bad, you know...” the yellow coated pegasus stuttered, struggling to make the coffee while so distracted.

“Damn it, Luke makes it look much easier than what really is... and with that handsome piece of meat looking at me, I can’t really concentrate at all!” Golden thought to himself.

“Uh…. kiddo, are you ok?” the blue pony asked.

“Y-Yeah sir, why the question?” the flushing pegasus answered.

“Well, um… first of all, your face is as red as a tomato every time you look at me... second, I can see the body you’re trying to hide under the counter, and I’m going to hope that he’s just unconscious… and third, you're throwing milk all over the floor...” The pony said while pointing a hoof to the puddle under Golden’s hooves.

“W-what?!… I… Gh, Celestia!... I’m sorry… this is s-so e-embarrassing... sorry you had to s-see that... I will clean it, I swear! P-please don’t tell my boss or he’ll fire me!!” Golden shook at the prospect of losing his job, he’d already come too close that morning.

“Boy, kiddo don’t worry! I won’t tell your boss! Not to mention I don’t even know who your boss is… relax, take it easy! Thinking about it… I don’t know your name! I’m Night Star, nice to meet you.” Night Star smiled, and Golden felt a strange sensation... a sensation he was used to. He had a crush on the unicorn. Night ruffled Golden’s mane with a hoof.

“U-Um… my n-name is G-Golden Sun… nice to meet you t-too, N-Night...” The gilded pony’s voice was really low, so the only one who could hear it was Night. The pegasus’ cheeks as flushed red as a strawberry.

“H-Here’s your coffee Night, a white mocha with some chocolate chips, and thanks for coming to Ponybucks, Night.” Golden said with a REAL smile; a smile that felt real, not like the smiles that he gave to any other customer.

“Thank you Golden... Hey, uhm… are you free later today?” the nice blue pony asked.

“W-Well, I don’t have anything else to do today so… yeah… I’m free... and my job ends in fifteen minutes so… you can wait for me outside… I-I mean if you want, of course.” Golden stammered, his heart pounding.

“So… I’ll wait for you out front… Don’t take so long, boy, I got a tight schedule!” at the end of that remark, Night winked, causing Golden to blush even deeper than before.

“O-O-Okay… see you in a few m-m-minutes…. hehe...” Golden answered, though he was not really all there. He had gone into shock at the wink.

“Got it! See you in a few minutes!” Said Night as he left the building, levitating his coffee before him.

Golden sighed… he felt something… something that make his body so incredibly happy inside that even his ears were flushed, his tail was flicking about like a happy dog, and, though he didn’t realize it, his wings had stretched themselves out at his sides. Just a few more minutes… a few short minutes and his “date”, as he really wanted to call it, would start.

Suddenly, Luke stirred under the counter, mumbling, “Huh? W-What happened?” The other pony stood up and shook his aching head.

Golden was just lost in love.

“W-What did I miss? Wait... Golden? Golden are you alright?” Luke said, taking hold of Golden and shaking him from his reverie.

“He… was… just so... handsome,” the pegasus managed.

“What the…? Did you just met a new guy?!” asked Luke.

Golden just nodded; his body was on Cloud Nine! Then, in a move that surprised even himself, he decided to keel over, toppling into an unconscious heap on the floor, overcome with all that had happened.

“G-Golden are you alright? Golden!” Luke shouted, poking his friend in the head.

“Did you get his number at least?” Luke asked.

Golden just giggled, his eyes glazed over with a stupid grin on his face. Luke took one look, then said the only word that he could come up with:


Author's Note:

Here it is guys, the first chapter of this new adventure of Golden the shy pegasus (Where would I have hear that before) so please enjoy this chapter and it will come more soon.

Comments ( 22 )
Comment posted by Mr Pones deleted Nov 6th, 2013

Oh damn.

I don't mean this offensively at all, but you did a perfect job of using pony creator to make two homosexual-looking OC's. I didn't even know that was possible.

I don't know if take that as a complement or not.... but thanks XD :twilightsheepish:

“But how? How will I get over the hung pony that made my ass stretch like no pony has?!”


This was pretty ok aside from the alicorn part. I could read this without killing myself. Didn't even notice that fact about the cover image until now.


haha thank you... I hope you like it... :pinkiesmile:

3449966 wow bro me and my colt friend have been working on this for a while nice to know you can read it with out killing your self bye the way im the co arthour

It aint looking to be on the right track, but I'll give til ch. 3.

3450148 kind of the whole point

3450112what is the matter with it

Comment posted by benjamin deleted Nov 6th, 2013


>Alicorn OC
"“But how? How will I get over the hung pony that made my ass stretch like no pony has?!” Luke was starting to make a drama out of this." This whole scene escalated rather quickly.
And it doesn't quite fit the MO of the group it was submitted for.

But like I said, I'll give to 2 or 3 more chapters before I write it off.

3450305whats wrong with alicorn oc:applejackconfused:


Well Alicorns are portrayed in the series as rare with power beyond that of what anypony else can do, have wings and horns, and have one "Super talent", I suppose is a good name for them. Only Luna and Celestia can move the moon and sun by themself, Only Cadence has complete control over love and Twilights uberness has yet to be fully explored but she was already one of the most powerful mages in history.

TL;DR, Alicorn is short hand for Mary Sue in OCs.

3450318 3450342
I will change Night to be an Unicorn so please stop all the fighting please...

3450342 but now just go with me on this but what if luna made night in to an alicorn?


But the story looks promising, I look forward to see the next chapter :ajsmug:

Let's see where this goes.

When will u add more? :fluttercry: please hurry

Im really really sorry..... but right now I dont have enough free time even for breath I will update the story the most fastest I can... please forgive me guys... Im really sorry... :fluttercry::raritydespair::applecry:

will you continue this story i'd really love to see a new chapter :twilightsmile:

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