• Member Since 21st Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 26th, 2014

Sai Ketava


Octavio is a school kid who is accidentally dragged into equestria due to a portal spell that backfired. He then see's a mail mare that he instantly crushes on. Will he get her?

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 9 )

This was probably the shortest story ever. There was no real plot or anything. I'm pretty sure that most of the characters are out of sync. If this was your first story I'll admit you have a lot of work to do. Anyone else notice how rushed this was too? I mean the whole story is around 2k words. If it's a story man you gotta add more plot and more of the story. Not, Octavio is in love with Ditzy and Ditzy automatically loves him back the end. Nah man, add more to it. More character development, plot again, try to make it interesting! Also try spell checking too cause there are those grammar nazis (Like me) who go crazy on spelling. I think with some work this would be something good just try to give more to it man! You have a lot to learn, but everyone starts somewhere right?

I've seen several stories that are exactly 1000 words.
However most of those stories seem to focus on one small event,
And do not attempt to create a full story line.

3454008 True but when you post the epilogue it kinda makes it a story so you would want to add something to it. I'm pretty sure most one-shots, if this is one, have the epilogue embedded into the story not a separate chapter.

Perhaps he meant for it to be a one shot,
But did not understand how to format it as such.
I would like to hear his perspective on this matter.

3454123 Alright. Sounds good enough.

Like i said, first time, so Imma try better. :derpytongue2:

I was actually kinda planning on making it longer, less rushed as you said, but i just got like super giddy or something of the sort. I posted this as a start, but knowing now that its... well yea.:ajbemused:

I have to agree with muffy.

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