• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 5,183 Views, 507 Comments

My Little Pony: Isk is Magic - keyan88

A capsuleer exploring wormhole space finds himself trapped in an unknown system. After discovering the only other sentient species, other than humans, are ponies, adventures ensue. He soon learns there are more important things in the galaxy than Isk

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Chapter 9

Keyan leaned back in his captains chair, ruminating over the recently finished conversation with the ponies.

The one thing he made a mental note to remember is that ponies did not have a capsuleer’s sense of humor. His crack about the wings being expensive had met with mixed results. Rainbow Dash immediately went on a tirade about how “she never leaves a debt unpaid”, Rarity scoffed at his “ungentlecolty” behavior. The rest of them had mixed results. The only pony to get it was Pinkie Pie, and thankfully she explained to the rest of the ponies it was all in good humor.

He then had to explain to the rest of the ponies what exactly he did to Rainbow’s body. According to her, being a cyborg quote unquote “made her 20% cooler”. Keyan supposed that there were worse ways she could take it. Twilight had immediately started grilling him for more information on the mechanics behind the wings but Keyan waved her off saying “Even I don’t get it. Just accept it and be happy”. Twilight was warded off for the moment but Keyan was sure she would come back to haunt him at some point.

His thoughts then drifted to Scootaloo, he hoped she was okay. He had extracted promises from the ponies to lay off her, he hoped they kept them. Keyan, while not usually one to see people face to face, nonetheless found the fillies presence to bring a warming aura to the, now rather obviously, bleak corridors of his ship.

He had also promised Luna a trip back up here, one day she would cash in on it, but Keyan hoped it would slip her mind. He leaned back farther in the chair and sighed deeply, he needed to go blow some things up.

“Aura, boot up a combat simulation for me, I gotta shoot something.”

“Very well sir”


“Come on Twilight! Let me fly!” Cried Rainbow Dash. Who was being levitated a few feet off the ground by Twilight’s magic.

“No Rainbow. You just had an 8 hour surgery, you have to rest! I’m taking you back to the library where you’re going to do so!” Twilight declared vehemently.

They were currently walking down main street, flanked by the others. Nopony else was out, save for a few choice shopkeepers, due to it still being rather early in the morning. Celestia and Luna had left, having royal duties to take care of in Canterlot.

“She does have a point Darling. You really should rest a bit to make sure you’re in tip top shape for flying.” Rarity added.

“But Keyan said I was fine!” Rainbow Interjected.

“”Listen Sugarcube, we all know keyan's a pretty smart feller. But it's never a bad thing to be careful, ya hear?”

“You guys don’t understand!” Rainbow cried, her voice starting to fill with emotion.

“I do under--” Twilight tried to say but was cut off by Fluttershy.

“You don’t girls.” Everypony else stopped and stared at her, the timid mare rarely, if ever, interrupted a friend while they were speaking.

“She lost her wings girls! And we’re lucky Keyan was able to help her! If you girls call yourselves Rainbow’s friend you’ll give her this.” Her voice was filled with conviction. Well it was till she added her customary, “well if thats okay with you that is.”

Twilight looked at her floating friend,

“Are you sure Rainbow?”

Rainbow Dash nodded in response,

“I know Keyan said I’ll be fine, but I need this Twi’”

Twilight gave a slight nod as her magic dissipated. Rainbow landed on her hooves with a soft thump.

Rainbow drew in a ragged breath as the 5 other mares watched in silence. Rainbow Dash shakily extended her wings. As her feathers caught the early morning song they could see the fake ones, they glinted more than the others in the sunlight. They were made out of some special metal that Keyan hadn’t elaborated on.

Her wings were fully extended now, poised for the downstroke. Taking a final breath Rainbow looked at her friend and gave them a small smile,

“Let's do this.”

Contrary to what the ponies thought she would do Rainbow didn’t immediately shoot of the ground, blazing at ludicrous speeds into the sky. Instead she flapped lightly a few times, causing small clouds of dust to bellow out from below her.

After a few experimental flaps Rainbow increased their intensity. Slowly but surely her hooves began to lift off the ground. The ponies watched with expressions frozen between awe and glee as Rainbow started to float higher and higher. Rainbow’s own expression was one of shock. As if she thought this was a dream, one that could burst in a moments notice.

She leaned forward slightly, picking up a trace amount of forward speed. Slowly she made her way down the empty main street, increasing her speed a tad every second. She turned around in a leisurely bank, turning back to her friends.

Twilight watched in rapt fascination as her friend flew slowly over her head. Her brow furrowed in confusion as Rainbow winked at her. Her perplexity was quickly stomped as Rainbow surged forward with a sudden burst of speed. A fairly sizable dust cloud burst from the ground behind her.

A cry of pure unadulterated joy emanated from Rainbow’s lips in the form of an awe inspiring,

“AWWWWW YYYYEEEEAAA!” as she soared down the street.

Rarity jumped up and down in glee, her forehooves shaking in delight as she watched her friend. Applejack and Fluttershy had matching smiles. Pinkie Pie was much less bouncing and more teleporting from place to place.

“Rainbows better! Yay!” a new voice said next to them. They all jumped to see Derpy sitting there with them, none of them had any idea how she snuck up on them.

“Yeah, she is.” Twilight said, a single tear in her eye.

“That means I have to say thank you!” Derpy said, her voice turning serious. Twilight tried to say something else but the mailmare had already started a wobbly flight down the street.

Twilight shrugged and looked back up at Rainbow, who was currently in the middle of some impressive loops and twirls. Her exclamations of joy still rang through the morning air.

The 5 ponies watched in confusion as Rainbow suddenly dove towards the ground, leveling off no more than a few feet above the ground. She shot down main street homing in on her target.

Twilight’s eyes opened wide when she realized it was her.

She looked towards her friends for help but then realized they had already vacated her immediate area. They stood on the side of the road, smiling as Twilight’s fate dawned on her.

“No no no no no” Twilight said as she started bolting in the opposite direction of Rainbow. Her panicked mind not realizing that she was just making things easy for the prismatic mare.

Twilight screamed as she felt strong legs snatch her off her hooves. She instinctually wrapped her hooves around the nearest solid thing, namely Rainbow’s muscular neck.

“A little looser Twi’ getting choked isn’t really my thing.”

Despite Twilight's blush she barely loosened her grip. The wind was screaming in her ears as Rainbow accelerated higher and higher.

“Put me down Rainbow! I could fall!”

Rainbow was offended,

“You’d be crazy to think I’d leave one of my friends hanging like that. I’d never drop you Twi’”

Despite the mares comforting words Twilight clenched her eyes shut as they reached the apex of their ascent.

“You’re gonna want to keep your eyes open for this Twi’. Trust me” Rainbow said. Her only warning before she suddenly shot downwards. Gravity augmenting her wings their speed increased exponentially, as did Twilight’s scream.

It quickly died off though as a mach cone began to form in front of them.

‘No way’ Twilight thought, ‘She isn’t going to-’ Her thoughts were quite literally destroyed as her field of view suddenly disappeared. For a brief moment her entire view was of white, and her ears were deafened by an explosion. And then everything was silent.

Twilight looked over her shoulder at the multi-hued soundless explosion and the matching trail behind them. Even more amazing was the sight of the ground below, blurring at the speeds they were traveling. While those two things were amazing, the thing that was truly spectacular was the mare that was currently cradling Twilight in her hooves.

Twilight stared in undisguised awe at Rainbow Dash. Her face was frozen in her trademark smirk as she looked back at Twilight.

“Amazing huh?” Rainbow said to her as they slowed back down to (relatively) normal speeds.

“Yeah” Twilight responded, not sure if she was talking about the rainboom or the mare.


“Look what he gave me!” Scootaloo exclaimed. Showing off her brand new dog tags to her friends in the comfort of their clubhouse.

Both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom had matching looks of awe on their faces.

“That's so cool!” Apple Bloom exclaimed.

“Did you get anything for us?” Sweetie Belle asked with her trademark pout.

“Well, Key did give me two extra, just in case I lost this one.” She replied sarcastically.

Her response were flat glares from the other two crusaders.

“Fine Fine, these two are for you. The scribbles on them are your names in the “normal galactic” language or something like that.”

The two fillies let out identical squeals of delight as they accepted the gifts. They cradled them in their hooves.

“Keyan said not to show them to anypony, because he “doesn’t exist” technically.”

The two fillies nodded their agreement.

“But, we can wear them when it's just us right?”

Scootaloo showed the two of them the chain attaching hers to her neck,

“uh huh”

The two of them swiftly placed the dog tags around their necks.

“Hey Scootaloo? what was Keyan like?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yea, you told us about all about his ship, but we wanna know about him!” Apple Bloom added.

Scootaloo nervously scraped her hoof on the floor,

“Well, he was cool. I mean he's an alien! how could he not be!” Scootaloo said

Apple Bloom motioned for her to continue.

“He's really nice too. When he talks to the princesses or Twilight, or anypony else really, he acts like he doesn’t want friends or something. And he sometimes makes stupid jokes that annoy everypony.”

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow,

“And he acts all tough and cocky sometimes, like Rainbow Dash. But he's just a pony on the inside, he’s just… just a nice guy. You guys know I’m not good at this mushy stuff.”

Apple Bloom put a hoof around Scootaloo’s shoulder,

“Don’t worry about it, Next time you visit him you’ll just have to take us too.”

Scootaloo chuckled,

“I bet I could convince him to do that.”

The fillies conversation soon turned into other topics. Namely what space-based cutie mark they could get. Eventually Scootaloo let out a huge yawn,

“I’m sorry girls, I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

“Don’t ya worry none Scoots. We understand.”

“Do you mind I sleep here? I don’t wanna go back to the orphanage.”

Sweetie Belle’s and Apple Bloom’s faces fell. The words “felt bad” didn’t describe how they felt about their friends predicament. Her parents had left her at the orphanage when she was a foal. They doubted if any other pony besides them they generally talked to knew of her situation, as Scootaloo had them Pinkie Promise not tell anypony.

Apple Bloom nodded an okay, and her and Sweetie Belle watched silently as the pegasus filly wrapped herself in some spare blankets to ward off the mornings chilly air.

“He tucked me in” Scootaloo said softly, “The first time anypony really did it for me. I feel asleep after I finished talking to you. And he carried me to bed, and tucked me in. No pony did that for me at the orphanage.”

The two fillies exchanged looks with each other before laying down on either side of Scootaloo.

“He kissed me goodnight too.” She finished.

Apple Bloom looked at Sweetie Belle, then they both leaned down and planted a chaste kiss on Scootaloo’s forehead.

Scoots sighed sadly,

“Thanks girls”

Author's Note:

Yea this is alot shorter than the last two chapters, sorry about that. I could have had a lead in for the next "arc" but I hust decided ot put it in the next chapter. As always comments and messages are greatly appreciated, and I will respond to everyone I can.

Keyan88 out, peace o7