• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 5,183 Views, 507 Comments

My Little Pony: Isk is Magic - keyan88

A capsuleer exploring wormhole space finds himself trapped in an unknown system. After discovering the only other sentient species, other than humans, are ponies, adventures ensue. He soon learns there are more important things in the galaxy than Isk

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Chapter 5


“So how do you think an alien initiates first contact? Twilight asked Celestia.

The Princess sighed, “I don’t know Twilight, We can only hope that they come with open arms, not with death. But now I must return to Canterlot, I must prepare the guard in case of the worst.”

After exchanging goodbyes the princess’s horn started to glow. Just as she was about to teleport away she was interrupted by terrified screams coming from outside.

“Umm.. Celestia? Would you mind staying until we find out what that is about?” Twilight asked.

“Of course Twilight.”

The 6 ponies rushed out the door, slowly followed by a thoroughly frightened Fluttershy. and saw the entire town running around in disarray.


“Princess Celestia its gonna hit town!” A passing pony shouted, pointing over Celestia’s shoulder.

The group collectively looked behind them and saw a fiery ball blazing its way towards town.

“Princess! is it the aliens?” Twilight asked.

“I fear it is Twilight. But don’t tell anypony else about them unless we have to. I don’t want to cause a nation wide panic.”

5 ponies nodded, one let out an eep in agreement.

They looked back up at the falling object, it was much closer now. WIth a roar it blazed overhead. They could just make out a tumbling object in its center.

“Pony feathers! Its gonna hit the town!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, flying up above the buildings.

“RAINBOW WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE IN FRONT OF THE PRINCESS” Twilight shouted, horrified at her friends behavior.

“No, I believe that is an apt description of the situation.” The princess said as she started galloping in the direction the object was headed. She was followed by the rest.

They rounded a corner just in time to see the object slam into the town hall. It didn’t even slow down as it entered one side and exited the other. Debris rained down upon the nearby area as ponies ran away in terror. The structure started groaning as its structural integrity crumpled. With snaps, and cracks, and groans, the building started to buckle under its own weight.

Mayor Mare and the other town officials burst from the door, running for their lives. With a final crash the building imploded, sending out a cloud of dust and debris into the surrounding area.

The object continued on its path of destruction, careening through several houses before it finally impacted the ground just outside ponyville. Immediately fire and police ponies began streaming into the area providing what aid they could.

The 7 ponies looked on with tears welling in their eyes,

“Come friends we have to get to that thing first.” Celestia said, forcing herself to move despite her worry.

The group of ponies galloped off down the now debris laden street towards the outskirts of ponyville. When they saw the impact zone it was not a pretty sight, the field that hosted many a picnic or fair was now torn up. With grass, dirt, and rocks thrown every which way from the massive tear in the ground the object made.

With a somber aura, they walked along the skid mark. They saw the object, mostly covered by soil, laying on its side at the end. Celestia’s horn glowed as she pulled the object out, laying it in front of her.

It was about 2 pony lengths long, made of metal, and despite its eventful landing appeared to be relatively undamaged, save for a large scorch mark on one of its sides.

“What in the hay is that thing?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I don’t know, but we have to get this to Canterlot now, nopony else must see this.”

The princess heard the murmuring of curious towns ponies start to convene around the crater. She jumped up onto the field.


This was enough for the already frightened ponies who quickly vacated the area.

“I’m going to teleport us all, get ready.” Celestia said turning back to the others.

In a flash they were gone.

Keyan bit his lip as he watched the probes descent. He flinched as it demolished the official looking building and burned its way through a few houses.

“Did that kill anyone Aura?” He asked concerned.

“My thermal scans indicate that no one directly perished, although 7 are trapped in various buildings.”

“Alright, so maybe we can save them.”

“I’ll be sure to remind you to pass on their locations sir.”

“Show me where the probe landed.”

A camera feed popped into his vision. He saw the trail of destruction the probe left in the field,

‘Could have been worse’ he mused to himself.

He watched a group of 7 ponies make their way to the crash site. One of them was significantly different,

“Aura what in the hell is that one?”

“It appears to a hybrid of all 3 types sir. Judging from its assumed rarity, size, and the crown on its head it is safe to assume that it is this lands leader.”

He watched as a crowd of ponies began to make their way towards the crashed probe. When the big white pony jumped up and shouted and the crowd basically ran away he chuckled a bit.

Suddenly in a flash of light the white one, the 6 other ponies, and the probe vanished in a burst of golden light.

“Aura what the fuck was that!? Where did my probe go!?”

“It appears to have instantaneously moved over 200km. Its new location appears to be the capital.”

The display blurred as the camera panned over to the probe.

“So what does that mean?”

“It appears they are capable of teleportation.”

Keyan smirked, “awesome”

He looked back at the display, his eyes widened in surprise at the splendor the the palace the leader lived in. It was about 20% less cool than the Amarrian empresses summer palace.

The view of the probe and the ponies was partially obscured as it was indoors and he could only see through the windows.

“Aura, I can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner, we have entirely different languages can I even talk to them?”

“Since we discovered them I have devoted a significant amount of my processing power and data gathering to translate their language. I have programmed it in to the translator module at approximately 90% comprehension. It should be more than adequate for a first conversation.”

Keyan was pleasantly surprised, “Good job Aura. Begin uploading it to my head.”

“Very well Sir.”


“Guard!” Celestia called out her door.

“Yes ma’am?” One replied as he stood at attention.

“Get my sister, and nopony is to disturb us once she arrives.”

The guard nodded and galloped off into the castle.”

Celestia turned back to the main 6. Pinkie Pie was poking at it curiously. Twilight was studying it. Rainbow Dash was looking at Twilight. Applejack and Rarity were standing off to the side. And Fluttershy was hiding under the couch.

“Luna should be on her way now.” She said.

“Pardon me asking Princess, but what exactly are we gonna go with this thing?” Applejack asked.

“I don’t know Applejack. It doesn’t appear to be a weapon but I can’t be sure.” Celestia responded.

The 7 ponies all looked up as the door opened again. Luna walked in,

“Sister you sent for us?” She froze when she saw the probe laying in the center of the room. “What is that sister?”

“This is the aliens’... thing. It fell from the sky and impacted just outside Ponyville, causing considerable damage.”

Luna’s stance lowered, “They come to invade then! Sister we must prepare for war!”

“Calm down Luna, there has been no word of this happening anywhere else, and this appears to have been damaged before it impacted.” Celestia said pointing to the large scorch mark. “Nothing it hit could have caused that damage”

Luna stepped forwards and took a closer look, “It appears to have been struck by an unfocused beam of magic! Such as a foal would make.”

Twilight face hoofed.

“Do you know something Twilight?” Celestia asked.

“Yes, the Cake’s new filly is a unicorn. She’s been sending out these burst of magic at random times for a while now. One of them must have hit this thing.”

Luna looked skeptical, “So a foals mistake could have started a war?”

Twilight nodded solemnly.

Luna shrugged, “Wars have been started for more stupid reasons.”

“But not with aliens sister.” Celestia interjected


“Is the radio still working Aura?”

“Yes sir, I’m patching the feed through now. And a second hybrid has arrived, look at the video feed.”

Keyan looked and sure enough a midnight blue hybrid had entered the room/

“-- wars have been started for more stupid reasons.” The blue one spoke.

“But not with aliens sister.” The white one said.

‘Oh well, here it goes’


“Hello?” A male voice asked.

The 8 ponies in the room froze.

“Who dares to invade mine sisters private suite!?” Luna asked enraged.

“I do, and I’m not invading it technically I’m not even here.” The voice came again.

“Where art thou, tell us so we may implant our hoof in thine flank!”

“Currently I’m in orbit above your planet. And if you’d care to come up here I’d gladly present my “flank” to you.”

The ponies slowly turned their head to the probe laying on the floor.

“Yea, that's my probe. Something zapped it and it fell out of orbit. Sorry about the damage.”

Celestia cleared her throat, “Yes well, that caused quite a bit of damage. But it is not your fault so I shall not hold you responsible.”

“Damn straight it’s not my fault, do you know how much”*gibberish* that probe costs?”

“Say what now?” Applejack asked.

*gibberish* came the response.

The ponies exchanged glances. Keyan face-palmed.

“What do you use for money here?”

“Bits?” Applejack offered.

“Do you know how much bits that cost!?” came the exasperated voice.

“No?” came the collective answer.

“a lot! that's custom made.” the voice paused, “But thats not important now, as of now no one has died due to my probe's crash landing. But there are 7 trapped, listen to me if you want to get to them in time.”

Celestia immediately ran to the probe, “Tell me now!”

“Hey hey relax, they’re trapped…” He rattled off the locations with Celestia quickly passed onto a guard heading towards Ponyville for the relief effort.

She turned back to the probe and cleared her throat, “I appreciate the he--” She was interrupted by Pinkie rushing forward and pressing her face into the probe,


The voice chuckled, “A much as anyone else in the galaxy.”

Pinkie nodded, apparently reaching a conclusion,

“I like him” She stated.

“So uh, whats your name pardner?” Applejack asked,

“My names Keyan Charante. Call me Keyan, or Key if you want.”

“I’d shake your hoof pardner, but being as you’re not here...”

“Don’t worry about it, maybe later.”

“Oh, and my names Applejack, pleased to meet ya.” The rest of them quickly rattled off their names.

“So, Keyan” Twilight tried out the strange name, “How many of you aliens are on the ship?”

“Just me”

“But what? how can you fly that thing all by yourself?” Twilight sputtered.

“Well, I have Aura shes an A.I, artificial intelligence, you can thank her for translating your language as well. And if you have enough money you can basically do anything.”

The group nodded in agreement at the last statement.

“But why are you here?” Twilight asked

Luna came out of nowhere, “What is thine purpose here? Does thine come in peace or war!”

“Whoa whoa whoa, calm down, believe it or not I’m stuck here. I’m an explorer and I went through a wormhole and it collapsed, leaving me stranded.”

Her interest piqued Twilight asked, “Whats a wormhole?”

“I don’t know the math behind it, but just think of it like your teleportation. I can explain more later but here are more important things to discuss. But rest assured Princess Luna, I come in peace.”

“Do you pinkie promise?” Pinkie asked

“Do I what?”

Pinkie then went through her whole spiel on the subject.

“Yea, sure I pinkie promise”

Pinkie rushed to the window and pointed at the sky, “DO THE MOTIONS” she screeched.

Keyan hastily did, “How did you know I didn’t do them?”

Pinkie shrugged.

“And stop pointing at me its creepy.”

Pinkie shrugged again.

Twilight turned to Rainbow and Rarity, “You guys have been strangely quiet, do you have anything to say to him?”

Rarity spoke up first, “Why a lady always waits her turn darling, as being as it is now mine,” Her face suddenly contorted in rage, “How is it that the first alien to come to Equestria arrives in the most garishly designed space ship ever?”

“Whoa Whoa Whoa, are you calling my ship ugly?”

“I think “ugly” couldn’t begin to describe it.” Rarity replied haughtily.

“I think my ship is perfectly badass thank you very much.”

“Yea I agree!” Piped up Rainbow Dash.

“Thank you very much Rainbow. And besides, I have traveled to all corners of the galaxy and I can’t say I’ve seen that hairdo anywhere else.”

Rarity’s gasped, “Well I never! Do you have any idea how to treat a lady?”

“Yea, if she annoys me I usually lob a few explosives in her direction.”

If glares could be transmitted by radio, Keyan would be dead.

“Hey Rarity calm down, don’t insult him and he won’t insult you, right?” Rainbow Dash said.

Keyan and Rarity mumbled in agreement.

“So Key, how in the hay do you know what we look like anyway?”

“Expensive cameras, I’m watching you all through the window right now.”

They collectively turned their heads,

“You can’t tell but I am waving right now.”

Pinkie Pie enthusiastically waved back.

“So Mister Keyan, Why don’t you let us see what you look like.” Pinkie asked

“I’m not into meeting people in person--”

“Ponies in person” Pinkie Pie interrupted,

Ponies in person” Keyan continued, “I’ll tell you why later but right now I’m exhausted and am going to go take a nap. Think of some questions you want to ask me. Keyan out, peace” with a beep the feed cut.

The ponies were quiet for a long time until Rainbow exclaimed,


Author's Note:

I edited this myself, something is weird with google docs at the moment,. Something about permissions being wrong or something, me and my editor are working on the problem now. I;m going to post this mostly edited chapter and fix the problem then post the fully edited chapter later. Keyan out, o7 pce