• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 21,030 Views, 2,723 Comments

Aftermath of a Fallen Star - Rated Ponystar

The aftermath of Twilight's assassination, and the lives she touched who must now move foward into a future without her

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Runaway Part 4 (Spike)

Thankfully, my life didn’t end with my brains blasted out of my head. Instead, Peewee came to my rescue again as he dived against the gun in the griffin’s arm, which was enough to make him miss me by inches and punctured the wall instead. While Peewee distracted him, Aquilina rushed over with her chains and managed to fly behind him, tightening them around his throat. I did my best to ignore the fact she was strangling someone to death and rushed to free the closest ones nearby. I first freed the dragons, who were then able to help me out by unlocking some of the locks with their flames or fighting the guards down the hall.

Aquilina, having dispatched the guard, took his pistol and reloaded it. “Better have an exit plan, Spike!” She looked down the hall and turned back against the wall as a gunshot echoed. She fired back and started to reload. A few unicorns and dragons rushed over to her side or the opposite end of the wall and started shooting magic and flames.

Despite the pressure, we were all able to free each other and I quickly shouted, “Everyone out the window! Swim like your life depended on it!”

One by one they all did, some even flying with their wings if they had them. I could hear gunshots outside, most likely more slavers shooting the ones trying to escape. I didn’t know how many made it or not, but they had a better chance than staying in here. A few bodies of the children and slaves, either shot down by bullet or magic, were on the floor in the efforts to escape or defend us.

I saw a unicorn, no older than the CMC, with a bullet hole where her right eye was. She didn’t even have a cutie mark. I saw a teenage minotaur with a flaming hole in his stomach from a fire spell breathing his last before his eyes glassed over. A griffin, same age as Aquilina, was unlucky to get shot in the rump before the bullet came out his mouth.

Despite all the blood and carnage, I just froze. I heard Aquilina say something, but I was too busy staring at the dead bodies. I thought about Twilight. How she lay dying in her blood soaked bed with wounds all over her body. I wondered if these kids had families or friends. Were their lives better or worse then mine and Aquilina? What future was snatched from them?

Aquilina ran out of bullets and the kids didn’t have the energy to keep firing spells or flames. There were still so many trying to escape. So many trying to live. Aquilina said something but I was too dazed until she slapped me.

“Are you gonna fight or are you gonna die a bloody coward!?” she shouted which made me whimper. “Don’t piss yourself when we’re all trying to get out of here! Get it in your head!”

I gulped and tried to think. Peewee had taken over in defense and summoned a flame wall. Surprisingly, it wasn’t burning the ship down but I chalked that up to phoenix powers or something. Still, it wouldn’t hold forever. While others were still fleeing, we needed to get out fast. There had to be something I could do, but what? All I could do was breathe two types of fire. The one that could burn things and the other that could... teleport...

I thought back to a theory that Twilight once told me about my magical dragon breath. It was unique among other dragons based on the fact that I could teleport objects to ponies I knew like Princess Celestia, Twilight, and others. She theorized that I could one day even teleport living beings as well, including myself. Of course, that was depending on my personal strength as well as the power of my flame. There was always the risk that I could burn others with my fire and it was decided that I would learn to teleport others when I was older.

“Okay, I have an idea, but if it goes wrong it's most likely going to kill us all,” I said as loud as I can.

“Well, we’re dead anyway if we don’t do something fast so what is it?!” asked Aquilina as other began to crowd around us.

“I can teleport objects with my flames,” I answered.

“You’re a Fire Caster?!” asked one dragon look at me with amazement.

“A what?” I asked, never hearing the term before.

“A dragon who can cast spells with their flames. They’re said to be blessed and very rare,” replied the dragon.

“Right, whatever,” interrupted Aquilina, rolling her eyes. “You’re a magical talking dragon, but what the ruck does that have to do with our situation now?!”

“I think... mind you, I’m saying think,” I repeated, “could teleport all of us with my teleporting fire.”

“Have you ever done that?” asked Aquilina.

“No,” I answered, receiving dubious stares upon mentioning that. “But I think I can do it. I just need to concentrate!”

“So our only options are to try to flee out the windows, get killed by the slavers, or trust you to do something, that you’ve never done before, which could result in us getting killed! Great odds!” shouted one earth pony.

“You got a better idea?!” shouted Aquilina, growling at him which made him wince. “‘Cause Spike’s the only one who came to recuse our sorry butts! You wanna take a chance out there cause I can bet at least half of those who already swimming are dead by now.”

The earth pony muttered something, but stayed silent after. Aquilina nodded and turned to me. “Do it, Spike.”

I nodded and closed my eyes. I thought back to all the times Twilight helped me learn how to control my fire. All the lessons we had and the pride she held in me as I learned to control my power. I thought about her smile and heard her whispers of encouragement in my ears. I couldn’t fail them. I couldn’t fail her.

Summoning the flame, I pushed all the magic I held in me to make it strong enough to teleport us all. I thought of the only safe place in my mind that was nearby and took a deep breath while opening my eyes. Peewee’s fire wall came down as the slavers, including their minotaur leader, charged forward. I unleashed the flame as green and red and blue colors overcame my vision. There was shouting, screaming, and gasps as I felt my body thrown in all directions. My stomach tossed and turned and I swear I felt someone holding my claw as I felt my entire being stretched and squished at the same time.

Finally, I felt my head collided with something wooden and strong. The tossing and turning ended and there were shouts of surprise and curses in shock. I groaned as I tried to steady my eyes and found Rupert staring over me with confusion.

“Hey... Rupert... ready for work...” I whispered before I passed out.


My the time I woke up, I swore I felt like I was going to throw up. Moaning at the churning in my stomach, I slowly got up and shook my head, wondering if this was what it was like to have a hangover.

“Water, mate?”

“Thanks,” I whispered as I took a glass of water and drank it whole. Realizing that I wasn’t alone, I turned around and nearly gagged out the water upon seeing who it was and where I was. For the latter, I was in the attic of Rupert’s room, sitting on the bed opposite of the ones Aquilina claimed was hers. It was also night time judging for the fact that the moon was out. For the former, it turned out to be none other than the dragon I had spent all day trying to find. Marc gave me a smile and a salute as he leaned back on the chair he was using. “Oi there, kip well? Yeh had quite an adventure, laddie.”

I stared at him, wanting to yell and hug the guy at the same time. That’s when I realized something. “Aquilina! The others!”

“Woah, dozy down there, mate. They're fine. Yer fiery bird too. A few scraps and some burns, but nowt a smashing doctor can't fix. Yeh did smashing, Spike,” said Marc with a nod before sighing. “Of course, not everyone made it. Shame for those who died so young, but better death than slavery.”

He got up and put his claws on his hips. “So why don’t yeh tell me why yeh so keen on findin’ little old me?”

I gripped the sheets I was under and gulped. “I want to join the Red Lighting's. I want you to teach me what you did with that fight you saved me from. I... I want to grow stronger.”

“Yeh don't want to go gaffe? To Ponyville?” he asked, crossing his arms.

My eyes widened. “Y-you know who I am?”

Marc snorted and leaned down to see me eye to eye. “I knew who yeh were the moment I saw yeh, Spike Sparkle. Adopted Son on Princess Twilight Sparkle. I've done graft in Equestria before and saw yeh in the papers a few times. Yeh know Princess Celestia's got a big reward for yer return.”

I closed my eyes and sighed in defeat. After all this, I was going to be sent back home.

“But considering I don't fancy getting involved in politics I'm not going to bring ya back,” said Marc with a smile before the blue dragon winked. “Oh, almost forgot. Here.”

He tossed me a bulky brown bag that jingled when I caught it. I opened it and gasped to find it full of silver coins. “What is this?”

“The bounty reward. For all those slavers ya killed. Especially, their captain. Big wedge for that one,” replied Marc. He saw my shocked expression and answered, “That teleporting flame thingamijig ye did? It managed to bring ya back to Rupert's gaff, but it also caused the entire ship to go up in flames. Fire was so big ye 'd think a fire giant took a big shizz in the water.”

“... I... I killed them?” I asked as I felt my heart sink. I took a life. No, I took so many lives that day. All of them were horrible slavers, it was true, but I still killed them. I covered my eyes with my claws in an attempt to stop myself from crying, but it was already too late. I felt not only tears for the fact that I basically murdered but also felt sorrow for all the lives I tried to save but couldn’t. It was like I was unleashing everything I was feeling since I first stepped foot on this accursed island. I wanted, at the moment, to just go home.

A part of me expected Marc to tell me to get over it, but he instead sat down next to me and put his arm around me. I sniffed before looking up and I saw pity in his eyes. “I know. First time is always the hardest.” He then smiled. “The fact yeh 're crying shows that yeh aren't a monster nor are yeh messed up. It's okay.”

I nodded and took a few deep breaths. “So what happens now?”

“Well, y'r little stunt managed to spread across all of town and the guilds are thankful for yeh saving their members. It’s gonna be helpful for the Red Lightnings sooooo...” He then pulled something out of his coat and placed it in my claw. I gasped at what it was. It was a button with the Red Lighting symbol on it. “Congrats, mate. Ye 're the newest member of the guild.”

“R-really?” I asked with an open smile.

“Yup. Ye impressed me and, more importantly, ye impressed the guild. Even Aquilina was begging for ye to join, though don't tell her I told ye that,” replied Marc with a wink. “As for learning my fighting style? Yeh 're still too young to learn it. Grow up more and learn how to fight and survive and maybe in a few years yeh can learn. Gonna have to pay it with silver though. Remember, rule number one.”

“Nothing on Erebus is free,” I replied with a grin.

“Now ya getting it,” he replied with a grin. “See ya, mate!”

I watched as he left the room and stared back at the button. I was a member of the guild. Better yet, I was a member of the Big Four. I smiled thinking how I managed to accomplish my goal, but at a very high price and it was going to get harder from there. “I promise you, Mom. I’m gonna get stronger... and I’m going to fix this island and even Equestria one day. I promise.”

I laid back on the pillow and smiled before closing my eyes. My journey was just beginning and I needed all the rest I could for it.


Through trial and flames did he gain power

Through pain and hardship did he gain wisdom

Through friendship and allies did he gain fame

Through courage and determination did he gain his destiny

Author's Note:

And so at last we come to the final chapter of Aftermath of A Fallen Star. It's been a long long long road for this story. We've had a lot of POV's, some which surprised me, and a lot of build up for this world and the aftermath of Twilight's death. I want to thank everyone whose been reading this series since I started the very first Assassination of Twilight Sparkle. I want to thank all my editors and pre-readers past and present for their help with this.

Is this is the end of the series? Far from it. We got a third one coming up: Ragnarok of Equestria. Only this will take a while for it to come out since I want to plan everything perfectly. It's going to take a most a year for me to get ready, but I promise I will do this fanfic. I might even through a bonus one shot or two that takes place in the universe.

As always, please help out at the AssassinationVerse TV Tropes page.

Thank you again everyone! Later

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