• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 416 Views, 1 Comments

The Elements of Fate - jrain91

The story of my OC Ice Breeze. After a devastating war in the very early days of Equestria, Ice Breeze must find his own destiny and possibly save someponies along the way!

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Chapter 10: 5 Years Later

After the royal wedding of Ice Breeze and Princess Luna (now technically Queen Luna) happened, much of Equestria wasn't sure of how their new “king” would pan out. This notion of incompetence was quickly laid to rest however. As within the next five years he and his beautiful queen would both prove to be a force to be reckoned with both in protecting the realm and in politics as well. Within those five years, they along with the bearers of harmony fought off many small invasions by other nations thinking that now that Celestia was gone it'd be easy to do. After they defeated them however, they allowed them to walk away, for showing mercy to an enemy was the quickest way to gain peace. And though many doubted it would, over this half-decade Equestria had become more unified than ever, only the most remote places were not part of the alliance, but even though nothing came of it Ice and Luna and Twilight as well knew that the most remote places were often the most dangerous. Now with this overall peaceful state of things, the citizens who once doubted their newly appointed ruler praised him and his wife just as much or maybe even more than Celestia herself!

These five years have now passed and Equestria is peaceful as it should be. Canterlot is thriving as usual and the surrounding major cities such as: Manehatten, Saddle Arabia and Neighbraska are also doing well. You might ask yourself though, how is Ponyville doing after this long time period and having some of its most important ponies move to Canterlot. And the answer to that question is that it's actually doing better than ever before! There are two main reasons for this outcome happening. First is that it is the city under the closest watch by the bearers of harmony and the second most (after Canterlot) of Ice and Luna. The second reason is that news had spread around the world of Equestria that Ponyville was where the newest Princess: Twilight Sparkle had called her home when she rose in status. This caused ponies from all over to seek residence in Ponyville in hopes that they would be next to rise to that level of fame and importance. Other factors did play into this, but they will discussed later. As for the inhabitants of Ponyville, Mayor Mare was still running things in the usual fashion, but without Twilight's organizing skills, Winter Wrap Up was usually late. Now and then they got it right, but only about twenty five percent of the time. With Rainbow Dash gone, Ponyville needed a new pony in charge of keeping the weather straight so Flitter and Cloudchaser were chosen to take her place as the weather patrol. Mr. and Mrs. Cake still ran the Sugarcube Corner without Pinkie although she did drop by every so often to help out and see the twins. The Carousel Boutique was being kept up by Rarity and Sweetie Belle's parents since they decided to stay behind in Ponyville. All the orders they received they would mail to the Canterlot castle so that Rarity could fulfill them with her usual elegance and creativity. And the library was actually, believe it or not taken over by Scootaloo and Applebloom. Seeing as how Sweetie Belle moved to Canterlot with Rarity, they barely ever saw her and they also knew how important this library was to Twilight so they offered to keep it going. Spike also went back for extended periods of time to help the two out with things. The Summer Sun celebration was also still an annual thing as the town-ponies made a statue of Celestia and had Luna, Ice and element bearers come down every year to praise the Sun and Celestia herself. So basically in the case of Ponyville, nothing much changed except for the population growth and the absence of six ponies and a little dragon.

And as for those six ponies that once called Ponyville home, their tales are great and wondrous in their own right! First off, over these five years Applejack and her family has expanded the Sweet Apple Acres farm business all across the nation. Still located centrally near Ponyville of course, but it now provides apple treats for almost all of Equestria stretching all the way to the western border of Califoalia. Once the ponies of Equestria heard that Applejack was one of the ponies who helped rescue Princess Luna, it immediately brought fame and attention to her family business. For it must be quite the family to raise a hero such as her. Despite this wonderful outcome though, it wasn't all peachy as Granny Smith had passed away two and a half years after the rescuing of Luna. Fighting through the sadness though, Big Mac and Applejack knew that the business must continue and knew that it would be what their grandma would want. Applejack just wondered, since she now had the lifespan of an alicorn, how long it would be before both Big Mac and Applebloom left her behind as well. She kept this in the very back of her mind though, focusing on making the best and most appletastic treats that she and her brother could create. They even branched off to other fruits such as pears and peaches though apples remained their biggest calling card.

As for Pinkie, well she's just continued to be Pinkie Pie as one would expect. She's still extremely silly and random, and tries to make everypony and anypony smile no matter if she knows them or not. In the past five years, she's visited her family back at the rock farm and threw them a “good to see you again” party everytime she went back to see them. She offered them a place at the castle, but they nicely turned her down saying that the farm was all they ever knew and all they ever would know. And though they decided to stay, they did visit Pinkie at the castle or Ponyvile, where ever she was on occasion. After about three years though Pinkie started branching out. She knew that she had an incredibly longer lifespan know due to the element of laughter being a part of her know.

So she decided “Why just keep the people around me happy? I could keep ALL of Equestria happy!!” So she started taking trips to other cities and provinces to provide laughter and smiles for all that she came across. Traveling like this was a new experience for her and was difficult at first, but she enjoyed meeting new ponies and helping to spread joy across the land, so it didn't really bother her for very long at all. She is known across the land as “The Pink Party” for the happiness and extravagant parties that she brought with everywhere she went. She stayed extremely happy now, for all of the smiles she brought to others filled her with glee. She was at last finally able to fulfill her cutie mark's true destiny: to make everypony possible smile and be happy!

Fluttershy was a case of self-growth as well. For while she's lived in Canterlot these past five years, she's grown rather popular and doesn't shy away from people as much as she used to. Despite her popularity, especially with the stallions, she refused to accept any offers from them seeing as she and Rainbow Dash were actually together as a couple and had been for the past three years. Fluttershy kept asking Dash if getting married was in the equation, but being the stubborn pony she is when it comes to love related things,

Dash would always just say, “We'll see Flutters, you know I love you, isn’t that enough?” Flutershy would always say yes and let it go, but she really wanted to have a grand wedding like Ice and Luna's. She also now has her own animal care business for the local Canterlot ponies as well as the ponies of Ponyville. Everypony trusted her unconditionally with their precious animals and pets for they knew that she was most likely the gentlest pony in all of Equestria; she WAS the Element of Kindness after all. She even gained a new pet in Philamena since her original owner had passed away saving Luna from the afterlife. Fluttershy gladly accepted her new pet despite the trick she had previously played on her. Philamena also felt glad because she knew Fluttershy cared unconditionally for all animals and her fur and mane color somewhat reminded her of Celestia's mane and tail. Fluttershy did gain one more job during and this was being a manager.

Fourth comes Rainbow Dash, her New-found lifespan reinvigorated her will to become a Wonderbolt and she succeeded in that goal. Having Fluttershy as her manager, Dash managed to move up to the rank of Wonderbolt captain, overtaking Spitfire who had previously held that title. Having finally achieved her lifelong goal, Dash was elated and finally near the end of the five year time-skip, agreed to marry Fluttershy the day after her fiftieth performance. Which just so happens to be in a about a month. Naturally, Scootaloo was elated to see her idol's face on the Wonderbolt posters and though Scootaloo was never accepted into the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash always made sure to go get her and get her front row seats to her shows. Soarin would always try to court Dash after shows, but they were quickly shot down as Dash would always go straight to Fluttershy in the stands and give her a kiss on her cheeks. Scootaloo would always turn away not wanting to see romance in front of her, so Dash would make them extra-long just to annoy her, but Fluttershy didn't seem to mind at all. The Wonderbolts had risen even higher in fame by now having the Element of Loyalty as their captain. And Rainbow loved every minute of it, basking in her own as well as her flying mates glory, but she knew it wasn't easy and still constantly practiced to keep up her excellence in her flying ability along with her manager and soon to be wife.

Next was Rarity, who had finally gotten to live in Canterlot, not just in the city, but the castle itself. At first she was content with just taking it all in: the ponies, the glamor, the fame and the culture. It wasn't long however, before she remembered why she wanted to live in Canterlot in the first place and that was to create ensembles for the Canterlot royals and nobles. The first couple of months was slow as many ponies didn't know who she was, which pained Rarity deeply. More came once they found out that she was one of the element bearers, but the real business came in the Summer Sun Celebration after the royal wedding of Ice and Luna. When both the queen and king had outfits designed specially for them by Rarity herself and they announced that she was the pony who made them and that they were the best outfits they had ever worn. Needless to say, she then got quite popular. Ponies in the hundreds started pouring into her Canterlot boutique as well as her usual Ponyville customers. She had a hard time keeping up with all the orders, that's when Sweetie Belle decided to come live in Canterlot with her to help her with all of the orders. Over the next couple of years, Rarity went from for all intents and purposes a nopony to the most famous clothes designer in all of Equestria! Seeing her lifelong dream, just as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie did, she felt her life was almost complete. There was only one elusive thing she could never find: the perfect stallion.

Lastly is Twilight who was now fitting into her role as the new Sun-raiser quite well. Everypony regarded her as a true princess and one of the smartest ponies in history. She would constantly visit the Crystal Empire to tell Cadence and Shining Armor of things she did and experienced, even the first time her and Trixie did “it'. Admittedly Cadnece and Shining Armor didn't really want to hear that, but smiled nonetheless. She and Trixie had gotten married about three years after Luna and Ice had their wedding. Trixie was now the entertainment for royal guests on business meetings that Twilight planned at the castle and such. And she had a blast doing it because she loved to perform. Twilight was also, as mentioned earlier in charge of planning royal meetings and diplomatic get-togethers, but once the meetings started, she usually stayed out of them except the really important ones. Spike spent most of his time nowadays back in Ponyville with Scootaloo, Applebloom and Owlowiscious at the old library that Twilight still cares for to this day. And every year she, Ice and Luna go to visit Celestia's grave on four occasions: Celestia's birthday, the Summer Sun Celebration, Hearths Warmings Eve and the day Celestia sacrificed herself to save Luna. To this day, Twilight still thanks Celestia for everything she has and when in doubt she tries to think how Celestia would handle it.

We know are back in the present day in the Canterlot Castle. “Honey, we might have a slight problem!” Luna exclaimed.

“What is it dear?” Ice asked.

“Discord has announced that he plans to attack us! Now that Celestia's gone he thinks he can get away with it and Pinkie Pie is off in Neighbraska so the Elements are useless.” Luna explained. Twilight was walking by and overheard what Luna had just said,

“What? I knew he wasn't reformed! He was just bidding his time for the perfect moment to strike!”

Ice just at them both and said, “Well it's finally time for a little payback for him killing my best friend. And did you two forgot about this?” Ice asked as he pulled out his Element Amulet.

Both Luna and Twilight remembered that it was all six elements in one, but Discord didn't know that. “Before that however, an anonymous pony wanted an audience with Luna and I, so please tell her to come in, Twilight.” Ice said. Twilight nodded and went and opened the door. A pony in a dark green cloak walked into room and immediately Ice Breeze got up in a defensive stance, “Who are you and why are you concealing yourself?” he demanded.

“Calm yourself dear, I mean you no harm for you have already proven to be stronger than me.” the strange figure said.

“What do you mean?” Ice asked sitting back down. The figure then took its cloak off and revealed herself to be a black alicorn pony with teal hair and a green heart as her cutie mark.

“C-Chrysalis?! I'm sure it's you, but you're a p-”

“A pony, yes I know.” Chrysalis interrupted.

“How did this happen to you?” Twilight and Luna asked at the same time.

“I believe it was that heart shaped blast that killed my underlings, if you recall it trapped me in some sort of weird magic cocoon. I'm guessing the magic somehow reformed me into a pony.”

All three of the Equestrian rulers looked at each other puzzled. “Ok, well why did you request an audience with us if not for revenge purposes?” Ice asked.

“Well, I was wondering if I could live in Canterlot? Seeing as I'm not a changeling anymore, I can't feed off of ponies, so I see no harm in it.” Chrysalis explained.

“Why should we let you? You kidnapped me!” Luna yelled.

“I realize what I did in the past might not have always been as noble as it should have been, but I needed to find food for my subjects. There was no other way, you have to believe me.” Chrysalis said with tears starting welling up.

“Its fine, you can stay here in the castle. I believe we have at least five extra rooms left.” Ice said. Chrysalis, Twilight and Luna all looked at the green alicorn with surprise in their faces.

“A-are you sure darling? It might be a trap!” Luna asked.

“It'll be okay Luna. Don't you trust your own husband?” Ice asked. Luna looked at him and then back at Chrysalis who was actually crying now at Ice's kindness towards her. She then nodded and agreed with her husband.

“W-why are you so easy to trust me after what I did?” Chrysalis asked.

Ice stared at her and could tell that Luna and Twilight also wanted an explanation. “Well first off, even though your actions were wrong, you were looking out for your subjects so you can't be all bad. And second, as the king of Equestria now, it is my duty to watch over ALL of my subjects, whether they have wronged me in the past or not.” Ice finished explaining.

Chrysalis then bowed to him and Luna and asked where her room would be. Ice then directed Twilight to show her which she did. “Now to matter at hand, Luna go keep watch over Chrysalis with Twilight just in case. I'll deal with Discord!” Luna nodded and quickly ran after Twilight as Ice teleported to outside the castle to face his long-time enemy!

“Ah so only one of you show up eh? I'll admit it's a little disappointing to not wreak glorious chaos on both of you. I guess the lovely queen will have to wait, oh well.” Discord said.

“No need to be disappointed Discord! I'm here as more than just the king of Equestria, I'm here as a pony who lost their best friend at your hands!” Ice said.

“I'm afraid I no idea what you're talking about kiddo. This is the first time we've ever met.” Discord explained.

“While that may be true, do you remember that storm you caused in Neighbraska about a thousand and ten years ago? I was there and quelled the storm, but at the cost of my best friend Cerulean Shield!” Ice explained with anger building in his voice.

“Oh now I do recall something like that and I did always wonder why there was only one death in the whole city. He was that one was he? Oh well, it probably served him right for being a friend to you anyway. I bet he wasn't that bright either, he was probably just as incompetent as those alicorns in that war, what were their names? Ah yes, Shock Wave and Storm Caster who tried desperately to the very end to maintain peace, how foolish can you get? I me-”

“STOP RIGHT THERE!!” Ice interrupted with an anger he'd never felt before. “YOU SHOULD WATCH WHO YOU BAD MOUTH!!” he said as the amulet appeared on his neck. Discord looked in fear at the necklace that had just formed around Ice's neck.

“I-i-is that what I think it is?” Discord stammered. Without answering Ice summoned the crystalline heart just as he did against Chrysalis, but he could control it this time around.

“Yes it is, now be gone vile Draconoquese.” Ice said as the heart enveloped Discord's body. Struggle as he might, none of his magic seemed to work on the structure as he glanced one last time at Ice he saw his lips say “ disappear!” and just as he said that, the heart imploded on itself basically disintegrating Discord and all of his chaotic magic along with him.

Luna, Chrysalis and Twilight were all watching the balcony and Luna spoke up, “He finally avenged Cerulean, I'm glad he got the chance to do so!”

With the day won and a new alicorn in the form of the newly changed Chrysalis living in Canterlot, the day seemed perfect. Everypony gathered around the dinner table and ate a most wondrous feast. Chrysalis, who was also there, felt truly loved and cared for, for the first time in her long life. And she expressed it by bowing to everypony at the table and expressing how much this meant to her. All of the other ponies smiled and told her not to worry, for this is was how it was going to be from now on. She smiled, cried a little bit and began eating with the rest of them. The next day was Celestia's birthday and though it was cloudy, as usual Ice, Luna and Twilight went to visit the grave-site, but this time Chrysalis accompanied them. She got down on her knees and begged the dead Sun princess for forgiveness and just like that, a ray of sunlight burst through one of the clouds touching Chrysalis on the cheek.

“I think that's sister's way of saying she forgives you.” Luna said smiling widely. After staying there about an hour, the four returned to the castle. Twilight went to her room to study some spells and set up next month's meetings. Chrysalis walked around Canterlot, even stopping by Rarity's shop and making a dress order. Rarity was a bit surprised to see her, but happily greeted her anyway and accepted her order. As for Luna and Ice Breeze, they both went up to the balcony to see the sunset on their sister's birthday for they were usually exquisite. And this one was no different, as the sun set, Luna began raising the moon and right beside that lovely crescent moon, a shooting star flew right by.

As the last of the golden sun rays glistened off the clouds, Ice turned to Luna and said, “You know, it's been a wild ride for both of us. There were probably many times where both of us felt like giving in and letting go, but I'm glad I didn't or I never would've been sitting here with you this evening.”

Luna turned and looked at him, blushing quite a lot at the romantic words, “You're right there were many times when I wanted to quit. I, like you, am quite pleased that I didn't either. For I have found the love of my life in you and I finally feel complete for the first time. And I thank you for that. I just wish sister was still here to see us.”

Ice moved closer to the dark blue mare, “She is Luna, you that sun right there? As long as it burns and we still draw breath, she is with all of us. I know things didn't turn out quite perfect, but all things considered I think I turned out okay.” Ice said.

“I guess you're right, sorry for bringing it up again.” Luna said while she smiled at him gently with the lowering sunlight reflecting off her mane.

“One thing's for sure Luna.” Ice said.

Luna looked puzzled and asked “And what might that be?”

Ice just smiled at her and moved his head until his muzzle was touching hers gently, “Everything happens for a reason my dear queen!”

Comments ( 1 )


Don't you mean draconequi?

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