• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 416 Views, 1 Comments

The Elements of Fate - jrain91

The story of my OC Ice Breeze. After a devastating war in the very early days of Equestria, Ice Breeze must find his own destiny and possibly save someponies along the way!

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Chapter 4: The Return of the Real Stars/ A Welcoming New Home

Upon arriving a couple hours before, Celestia's day had been like any other that she had taken part in her lifetime. When she arrived, she was escorted by a patrol of royal guards without making contact with the public before the Summer Sun celebration itself. Despite that, however, everypony in Ponyville was glad and honored to have her Excellency visit their little town; all except one. Twilight, being her student was naturally glad to get see her again, but at the same time she couldn't get her thoughts away the Mare in the Moon prophecy; a prophecy that would soon become true. Despite her suspicions though, Twilight tried to remain calm and collected in order not to cause a panic at the celebration. Celestia also felt uneasy, as she too was well aware of the prophesized day was that very day. Despite her trepidation, Celestia went on with the celebration as planned or she would have if she had not had an early, unexpected visitor in her royal guest house!

Resting in her guest house before the ceremony, Celestia was finally at ease for it was the appointed night in the prophecy and yet Nightmare Moon was nowhere to be found.

She sat quietly and began to think to herself, “Maybe the whole prophecy was false after all. I mean it was supposed to happen today, but it's almost nighttime and there's no sign of her anywhere. I have all the guards looking out for her just in case, but nopony's reported anything unusual. So I guess the ceremony will go as planned, I had hoped to see her, but I suppose this way is best. This way none of my subjects will be in harm's way. Well I better get ready for my appearance.”

Just as her thought finished she heard two thuds outside of her front door. The sun princess quickly rose to her hooves and rushed over to the door; her heart beating faster than it ever had before. As she opened the door she saw both of her posted guards lying on the ground unconscious. She immediately checked to see if they were still breathing, which they were.

Whoever had done this didn't want to kill anypony just get to her it seemed. “LUNA COME OUT!” Celestia demanded. Then she heard a voice coming from the shadows,

“We told you before that we are no longer Luna, we are Nightmare Moon!” As Celestia watched the shadows where the voice had come from she gazed upon the black furred mare walk out slowly and menacingly and said, “Long time, no see dear sister. How have you been hmm?”

Celestia shook off the initial shock of seeing how much her “sister” had grown and said, “Sister? The only sister I have is Luna and since you just said you weren't Luna then you are not my sister!”

“Aww don't be like that. We are still technically your beloved sister, just with a different mindset.” Nightmare Moon replied.

“That's just it!” cried Celestia. “The true Luna would never want to hurt the subjects that we love so much! One's true self isn't determined by words, but by actions. And while she did make a horrible mistake she still only did actions to help Equestria! Now before this goes any further, release her at once or I'll be forced to banish you again!” said Celestia.

“Hmm, well that certainly wouldn't be good now would it? But can you really do it this time around? We seriously doubt that you could, so in light of this our answer once again is no!” the black mare replied.

“That's a shame, Nightmare Moon, but oh well. I have no other choice, but to send you back for another thousand years!” Celestia began the spell that had banished Nightmare Moon a thousand years ago, but while she did the black alicorn just stood there and smiled as if she had just heard a funny joke! Celestia shot the beam of magic just like last time and as the beam became a veil and started to wrap around Nightmare Moon once again, with a sudden burst of magic the veil had dissipated!

“W-what's going on? That should have sealed you away just like a thousand years ago! Why didn't it work this time?!” Celestia asked in frantic confusion.

“Hahaha, you really don't get it do you? There are three very good reasons why it didn't work this time around. Care to guess?” Nightmare Moon said while still chuckling.

Celestia still stunned that her spell had no effect just continued to gaze in disbelief. “No? Well fine then, we'll tell you. Reason 1: Over these thousand long years we've trained on our magic and magic defense relentlessly. Reason 2: Whether you realize it or not you've grown weaker since we last met. The responsibility of both the sun AND moon has taken its toll on your physical and magical health."

As she began to speak reason 3 she bent over and starred directly into Celestia's eyes. “And perhaps the most important is reason 3: that is the undeniable fact that you don't want to banish your beloved sister to the moon for another thousand years. Your heart's just not in it my dear Celestia. Now do you see why you're completely powerless against us? You don't even have the Elements in your possession anymore, they're in the old Canterlot castle in the Everfree Forest aren't they?” Celestia looked even more shocked and admitted that everything she had said was true.

“So now it's our turn! We won't send you to the moon like you did to me, but we'll have you locked up in a magic prison until you agree to help us!” And just like that with a flash of dark blue light the sun princess was gone! “Now let's address our lovely subjects. We're sure they'll be excited to see us after all this time!” the black mare said while heading to the Summer Sun celebration.

As the preparations for the celebration were finished, all of the ponies were waiting patiently and eagerly to see their majestic sun princess Celestia. The time for her arrival had finally come or so everypony thought.

As the mayor of Ponyville announced, “Now let's welcome our beloved princess Celestia! Make her feel welcome to everypony, it's not every day she comes by.”

Everypony in the grand tent where the celebration was set to be at was ready to cheer as the royal guards pulled open the curtains to the second floor balcony. As they opened, however, everypony was shocked to find that Celestia was nowhere to be found! All of the ponies in the tent started to panic at the absence of their princess, but this was cut short by an evil laughter that they had never heard before. As the laughter grew louder the ponies of Ponyville watch as a blue cloud of smoke on the balcony formed into a pitch black alicorn mare with evil eyes that seemed to pierce their souls. None of the ponies in the place knew who this mare was except for Twilight who had realized that the Mare in the Moon prophecy had indeed come true.

“Hello my dear subjects, I bet you're wondering where your precious Celestia is right about now, aren't you? Well let's just say she won't be joining us tonight MWUAHAHA!!” the black mare said maniacally.

As soon as she finished speaking that very sentence three members of the royal guard rushed her simultaneously, but were easily struck down by a powerful magic lightning bolt summoned by this mysterious alicorn. “Have a good look Ponyville, for we, Nightmare Moon are your new ruler and tonight's darkness shall last for eternity!” she said as she turned back into a cloud of smoke and exited in a flash.

“Come back here!” Rainbow Dash yelled trying to chase after her only to have Applejack stop her. As this happened they noticed Twilight run out and rush back to her library and decided to give chase.

“Oh no, the prophecy came true after all!” Twilight said frantically while searching for certain book. She continued to search only to have Rainbow Dash slam through the door and tackle her to the floor.

“Prophecy? What prophecy? Do you have something to do with this?” Dash inquired still holding Twilight on the ground.

“Now hold on there pardner' I don't reckon that Twilight is a part of this, but she definitely knows what's going on. Dont'cha Twi? The purple unicorn nodded as Rainbow Dash got off of her. When she got back up to all fours she saw that not only did Dash and Applejack follow her, but Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity as well! She then proceeded to explain about who Nightmare Moon was, the prophecy and the Elements of Harmony. And as she went to walk out the door to pursue Nightmare Moon the other five stopped her and insisted that they were coming with her.

As they made their way to the Everfree Forest, Rainbow would continue to tell horror stories of the forest and all of the other ponies, especially Fluttershy were becoming continually wary of entering it. Until Rarity finally spoke up, “Rainbow my dear, will you please stop telling these atrocious stories? Fluttershy's about to have a heart attack and the woods are already dreadful and dirty enough without your stories. So just stop already.”

Rainbow looked shocked, but agreed to stop as Fluttershy finally came out of the bush she had been hiding in. As they got to the entrance they all felt an unnatural force from it. And as they ventured through it there were a multitude of tests that demonstrated each Element that each pony represented and at long last they finally reached the old Canterlot Castle now grown over with foliage to add to its decaying presence. As they entered there was a very powerful, bad feeling that overtook them and at the back of the main room there was a spiral staircase.

Twilight insisted that she go alone this time and the others reluctantly agreed. As she reached to top of the staircase she saw the Elements of Harmony orbs sitting on a pedestal and when she went to approach them she noticed that there were only five Elements there!

“Where is the sixth one? Wait, the tale said that once the five are united a spark will summon the sixth.” Twilight spoke to herself. She then arranged the five elements in a circular pattern and tried to create a spark using her magic but before she could; they were swept up in a blue tornado like magic and returned to pedestal where Nightmare Moon was now standing!

“Did you really expect me to leave the only thing that could defeat me unguarded? You're a naïve fool then.” the black mare scolded at her.

"I know who you are and I'm here to stop you!” Twilight replied.

“You? Stop me? Don't make me laugh! Not even Celestia could stop me!” Twilight disregarded her words and rushed at her. Nightmare Moon, still chuckling got serious and charged at Twilight as well. But just as they were about to collide Twilight used a teleportation spell and ended up next to the elements. As soon as she got there she shot a spark of magic into the center of the Elements and they started to float up. Nightmare Moon looked shocked and Twilight seemed victorious until the five orbs fell to the ground and shattered.

“W-what? Why didn't it work?” Twilight said confused. Nightmare Moon began laughing hysterically as she her and Twilight heard hoof steps coming up the staircase at a rapid rate.

“Twilight, are you OK?” they heard come from one of the five ponies. At that moment Nightmare Moon teleported to the pedestal and resulted in knocking Twilight back to the middle of the room. At that moment when her friends arrived Twilight's eyes widened as it came to her: she needed the others to activate the Harmonies! She got back to her hooves as the other five surrounded her.

“So what is having these five with you going to accomplish?” Nightmare Moon asked.

“Oh, you'll see!” Twilight snickered. The broken orbs then started to glow their respective colors: an outstanding orange for honesty, a ravishing red for loyalty, a picturesque pink for kindness, a vibrant violet for generosity and a brilliant blue for laughter. And as all five reached their peak colors a sixth orb appeared in the middle, this one colored a magical magenta.

“B-but h-how? Why are they working now?” Nightmare Moon nervously asked.

“Simple, they needed a pony that truly embodied their values and these five hold those qualities. Applejack, who always tells the truth embodies honesty. Pinkie Pie, who laughed in the face of danger embodies laughter. Rarity, who cut off a piece off her own tail to help someone less fortunate represents generosity. Fluttershy, who is unfailingly nice embodies kindness. And lastly, Rainbow Dash, who put her friends over her own personal desires represents loyalty.” As she said each pony's name the element that pony represented flew around their necks and turned into necklaces

. “And when all five are assembled the sixth: magic, appears.” Twilight said as the magenta orb turned into a crown on top of her head. As all six Elements finished forming the six ponies levitated in the air and a rainbow colored beam shot out onto Nightmare Moon. As the beam dissipated, the old princess Luna laid on the ground unconsciously. After a couple minutes she awoke and as she did Celestia appeared between the seven ponies!

“Princess! What happened to you?” Twilight quickly asked.

“My most faithful student, Nightmare Moon had imprisoned me, but that broke once she returned to normal. I thank you and your five friends.” Celestia said as she walked over to her younger sister.

“Luna, it's been a thousand years since I've seen you like this. Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Celestia asked demandingly.

“I'm so sorry sister, I never meant to hurt anypony.” Luna said as she began to cry and hug Celestia. At this point Pinkie was in the background crying rivers of tears exclaiming how heartwarming this was.

Celestia looked down with a smile and “I know Luna, it's OK, let's head back.” The sisters thanked the mane 6 once again and teleported home. And while this all happened in a matter of days, in those days Ice had almost arrived at his Ponyville destination!

On his way to Ponyville he entered the deep, dense and dark Everfree forest. The town that he hopes to settle down in was just a forest away, but what a forest it was. The first thing he noticed about it was the unnerving fog that seemed to always linger about endlessly. That and the smell of rotten, decaying wood surrounding him. As he began to truck through the dense weeds and brambles with them scratching at him every time he moved. Despite the painful scratches he trudged forward until suddenly the fog became so dense that he found himself unable to see anything. He quickly stopped and used his wings to clear the fog away, but to no avail. So he decided to take it up a notch and try to use some wind magic he had been working on. His horn glowed a bright sea foam color and a mini-tornado suddenly popped up out of nowhere. The winds were extremely strong despite its small stature and just as he was about to unleash the wind from its funnel he heard a voice as the fog suddenly cleared!

“That's a mighty strong wind you have there. With it, you'd better take care.”

Ice seemed shocked and he thought to himself, “That couldn't be Genevere could it? It's been over a thousand years! There's no way she could be alive.”

He stepped back cautiously and asked “W-who are you?”

“No need to be frightened child. My name is Zecora and my temperament is quite mild. You seem lost in this here forest. Being your guide would certainly be no test. For I know these woods like the back of my hoof. For even if you are lost you needn't look so aloof.”

Still a little shocked he asked, “Zecora, are you by chance a zebra?”

“Why yes I am my dear. Did you figure that out by just using your ears to hear?” she asked.

“Not exactly, you see I met a zebra by the name of Genevere a long time ago and she taught me about elixirs and such.” he replied.

“Genevere you say? So you came my ancestor's way. That must make you quite old. How is it you're not dead and cold?” she inquired.

Hesitantly Ice stepped out of the shadows and said, “Because I'm an alicorn that's how!”

“Ah I see now. You truly are a rare show. Now where are you going to through here? Is it place far or near?” Zecora answered still a little surprised.

“I'm trying to find a place called Ponyville. Do you know of it?” he asked hopefully.

“As a matter of fact I do. These woods I shall guide you through. But not until tomorrow dear. Come stay in my hut until day comes back around here. Ice decided to oblige and followed her to her hut.

Once they got there, Zecora fixed some tea and they conversed about her ancestor Genevere. He told her about how she taught him magic and potion making when nopony else would lend a hoof to help him. Zecora then expressed how proud she was to have a ancestor like that. Then they went to bed. In the meanwhile while they were sleeping through the morning the mane 6 had just ended up beating Discord using the Elements of Harmony. Finally, around noon, Zecora and Ice Breeze both woke up, surprised at what time it was.

“My goodness it's late! We must leave at a quick rate.” Zecora said. Ice went along with it and they both exited the hut. On the way to Ponyville the two were attacked by a pack of Timberwolves.

Ice immediately jumped in front and said, “Please allow me to repay you for your hospitality.” Zecora nodded and Ice's horn began to glow a mixture of mahogany and red.

“Two colors at once I see. Then two magics are coming I believe.” Zecora thought to herself.

She watched as pieces of the ground began to form an orb and just before it closed a ball of magma form a perfect inner layer. Ice shot the ball with great force and just as it reached the pack, the bomb exploded, covering all of the wolves in molten lava and stone. Zecora shrieked in horror as some of the magma came backwards towards them, but in the blink of an eye Ice's horn changed to blue and yellow. And as this happened, a gigantic wall of electrified water rose up to protect them: the water to cool the magma and a cutting high voltage electrical web to break the stones into smaller pieces.

Amazed at what she had just witnessed Zecora managed to mutter, “T-t-the lost art of elemental magic? I had always thought its disappearance was tragic. But you, you possess the special art. You should be honored to wield its heart.”

“Its heart? What do you mean?” Ice asked.

“The heart of the elements my dear. Only the holder of all six qualities may hold this form of magic near.” Zecora answered still in disbelief.

“Six qualities? What are you talking about?” he inquired.

“Magic, laughter, kindness, generosity, honesty and loyalty. These are the qualities of true harmony. The soul of a hero lies within you. For nature itself is your tool. Only one with an absolute pure heart may wield this power. Your pure heart will shine in your loved ones most dire hour.”

“Loved one? I don't have a special somepony or even that good of a friend.” he replied.

“You shall my son. Sooner than later she may come. But enough of that for there is your town. There is Ponyville, so no more frowns.” Ice looked up at the sky and said goodbye and thanks to Zecora. Then he trotted off, hopeful to discover a place to live in this new town!

Exiting the forest, he saw the town of Ponyville. And he couldn't help but be excited because from what Zecora told him the night before, the residents wouldn't hate him for being an alicorn. “For once I can truly be myself.” he thought to himself while smiling widely.

And another thing that he had noticed the night before was that the stars he had loved so much finally seemed to return to way they used to be. As he walked closer to what he hoped to be his new home, he spotted a purple unicorn practicing magic with a small purple dragon on the outskirts of town. He decided to go say hi, seeing as they were probably residents of Ponyville, he wanted to make a proper introduction. The purple mare was concentrating hard on a new spell she was trying to learn: a spell that would be used offensively sort of like a magic laser beam, just in case someone like Discord ever came around again.

Just as she was about to cast the spell a voice cried out, “ Excuse me!” shocked, she turned and shot in that direction out of surprise. She could only watch as her beam was headed straight for the green colts face, but suddenly a huge gust of upward wind blew the beam up and away from him.

“O-oh my gosh! Are you okay?” the purple mare shouted whilst running over to the colt.

“Oh yeah I'm fine no big.” he said laughing it off.

“Oh good, if it wasn't for that freak gust of wind my magic would hitting nailed you right in the face.” she said relieved.

“Oh that was no freak breeze. I controlled the wind to do that.” he replied while smiling.

“Really? But controlling the wind's supposed to be impossible!” she said slightly confused.

“Yeah really, controlling the elements is my special talent. See my cutie mark? Its five colors represent the five elements.” he answered.

“That's impossible! Just who are you?” she inquired.

“That's right, I forgot to introduce myself, sorry. My name is Ice Breeze and I'm hoping to find a place to live in Ponyville. And just to let you know, I'm an alicorn. If you hate me because of it, I'm used to it by now.”

“Really?” the purple mare asked as she looked around at his sides. As soon as she saw the wings she blurted, “Oh my gosh, you ARE an alicorn!” Ice looked down thinking he knew what was about to come.

“That's amazing!” she said excitedly.

Ice immediately looked up in shock and said, “Y-you don't hate the fact that I'm an alicorn?”

“Now why would I hate you for what you are? Oh and by the way, my name's Twilight Sparkle and this my assistant Spike. It's a pleasure to meet you.” she said with a confused smile on her face.

Spike just looked in amazement at a third alicorn. Ice started to tear up. “What's wrong?” Twilight asked.

Ice wiped his eyes and said, “You're the first one to truly accept me for who I am since over a thousand years ago.”

“Really? Well I know of at LEAST five more that will accept you easily. Let's go, I'll introduce you to them.”

“Follow me, this way.” Twilight said.

“Wait, Ponyville's that way.” Ice said.

Twilight just laughed and said, “I know that, but two of the ponies I was talking about don't live in Ponyville, but on the outskirts. Oh and Spike go back home and tell you-know-who to get a welcome party ready.”

Spike looked at her and said, “Who are talking, oh ok, gotcha.” He then ran off back to Ponyville. Ice just looked confused at what she meant, but decided to go along with it.

“So where exactly are we going? Ice asked.

“A nice farmstead named Sweet Apple Acres. There you'll meet my friend Applejack and her family.” Twilight answered with a smile.

About half an hour later they arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. The first pony they saw was a big red stallion with a big green apple as a cutie mark.

“Oh, BIG MAC!” Twilight yelled. The stallion turned quickly and acknowledged his visitors. “Is Applejack home?” Twilight asked.

“Eeyup and who this you have with you? I don't recognize him.” Mac asked.

“Oh hello, my name's Ice Breeze it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Ice said while bowing.

Mac just looked at him like he was nutty, but replied with, “Eeyup, likewise. Applejack and Applebloom are inside. And Granny's taking her nap.

“Thanks Mac, see ya later.” Twilight said as her and Ice Breeze went inside.

Mac just continued doing his work and said, “EEYUP!”

As they got to the door the door opened on its own and behind it was a little yellow filly with red hair and bow-tie in her hair. “Ah thought I heard you Twilight. Who's this guy?” the yellow filly asked.

“This is Ice Breeze, Applebloom, he's a new resident in Ponyville and he's looking for some friends.

“ Ah then welcome to Sweet Apple Acres.” Applebloom said with a big grin.

“Thank you.” Ice replied.

“SIIIIIS!!!!” Applebloom cried.

The three heard the floor creak as a pony's silhouette came closer to the door. As she came out into the light what they saw was an orange mare with blond hair tied in a ponytail and a cowboy hat. “Well howdy there Twilight. What you doin' in this here neck of the woods?”

“Hi Applejack, this is Ice Breeze and he's new to Ponyville. He was hoping he could make some friends, so I decided to help out.” Twilight replied.

“Well shucks, that's not a problem at all. Howdy pardner, my name's Applejack. Nice to meet you sugarcube. And lookie here, you're an alicorn no less. That's rare to see.” Applejack said.

“Nice to meet you as well and yes we are rare indeed.” Ice replied smiling.

“Well y'all come on in now.” Applejack said.

“Sorry we'd love to, but we have a long day ahead of us.” Twilight answered.

“Ah gotcha ya,” Applejack said as Twilight was whispering something in her ear. Applejack just nodded and Twilight and Ice Breeze set off to their next destination.

Once they were off of the farm Ice asked, “Where are we headed to now?”

“My friend has a cottage that's on the way back. We'll stop by there first.”

“Ok.” Ice said. After walking for about ten or fifteen minutes, they saw a small cottage sitting on the peak of a hill. “Is that it?” Ice asked.

“Yep, that's her cottage alright.” Twilight said smiling. The two ponies walked up to the door and knocked gently to see if anypony was home.

They then heard a meek voice from the other side, “Hold on, I'll be right there.” the voice said.

As the door opened a bright yellow mare with flowing pink hair came out of the door along with a rabbit, two birds, a frog and a ferret. “Well that was unexpected.” Ice thought to himself.

“Um... hello Twilight. Who's this?”

“His name is Ice Breeze and he's new in Ponyville, introduce yourself.” Twilight said.

“Um... hi I'm Fluttershy.” she said meekly.

“Um excuse me, didn't quite hear you.” Ice said.

“My name's Fluttershy.” she said quietly once again.

“Um, could you please repeat that one more time?”

“My name's Fluttershy *squee*.” she said blushing while still shying away.

“Oh ok, well Fluttershy it's nice to meet you.” Ice said.

“L-l-likewise.” Fluttershy said while becoming less nervous.

“So do you take care of all these animals here? It must be hard work.” Ice inquired.

Fluttershy's ears perked up, “Oh yes! These animals are my life. It is hard work, but it's so rewarding.” Fluttershy said excitedly.

“That's a big change of pace.” Ice thought to himself once again.

“Well Fluttershy, we have to go. We still have places to go.” Twilight said.

“O-of course.” Fluttershy said while Twilight whispered something in her ear as well. Flutttershy nodded just as Applejack had done before and Ice and Twilight left for Ponyville at last!

On the way back to Ponyville, Twilight got a little curious and asked, “So where did you come from?”

Ice just stopped and looked down at the ground and said, “I- I'd rather not talk about it right now.”

Twilight could see that this was a sensitive subject for him and just replied with, “It's ok, sorry for asking.”

As they were nearing their destination, Twilight shoots a flare from her horn, surprising Ice so much that he almost fell backwards. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” he shouted.

“Just calling a certain pony to come give you a Ponyville welcome!” she said with a smile.

As he looked towards the town he saw a pink mare with what seemed to be a cannon! Naturally, he got a bit nervous. “W-why does she have a cannon?” he asked.

“Oh it's part of the welcome, don't worry.” she answered.

He just smiled and took a big gulp not sure of what awaited him. As the pink mare finally got close to him she jumped up in the air and began to sing a joyful song. As soon as she started, Ice thought to himself, “She is very hyperactive, but at least she won't be boring to hand around.”

Welcome to Ponyville, where we all love each other.
With sadness we don't even bother.
We are pleased to have you join our family, so please come on in.
And have some delicious cake now and then.
I promise that it will be quite tasty and good.
And it's always sweeter when eaten with your friends to lighten your mood.
By the way, my name is Pinkie Pie.
And if we can't be friends then I might just cry.
So let's become best friends and NEVER say goodbye!

After the song was done, Pinkie pulled the string on the cannon and a loud BOOM, made him flinch as confetti and icing shot out everywhere. “So what's your name?” Pinkie asked.

Finally opening his eyes he said, “I'm Ice Breeze, it's a pleasure Pinkie."

And Pinkie then asked Twilight, “8 O'clock right?”

“Yes Pinkie Pie 8 at my library.” she said with a smile. As she took Ice further into the town.

“So Twilight, I'm almost scared to ask who's next, but who's next?” Ice asked nervously.

“Trust me she's a lot calmer than Pinkie, but she can be a bit full of herself at times.”

As they made their way to the central plaza Ice saw a cyan colored mare with a rainbow mane and tail up in the clouds. “Who's that?” he asked.

“Actually that's who we're looking for. DASH COME HERE!” Twilight yelled.

This surprised the blue mare causing her to fall out her cloud on to the ground with a THUD. “Whoa Twilight, what's the big deal yelling like that. And who's the tool with you?”

“I'm Ice Breeze, I just moved here, it's nice to meet you miss...”

Before he could finish “Yeah, yeah I'm Rainbow Dash. I see you have wings there, you any fast?”

Ice just looked at her, “You want to find out?” he replied with a smirk.

Twilight just looked worried and said, “Oh boy, this won't end well.”

“You see that hill in the distance?” Rainbow asked while pointing to a large hill about four miles out of town.

“Yeah I see it.” he replied.

“The first one to get there and back is the winner ok?” she asked.

“No problems here! Twilight could you do the countdown?” Twilight was reluctant, but sighed and began to count down. 3, 2, 1 zero!

The two ponies shot off in blazing speeds both seemed tied until a barrier started forming around Rainbow Dash. “You're pretty fast Ice, but this is where I leave you in the dust. See ya!” just as she finished speaking a huge circular rainbow shot out from behind her as her speed instantly doubled.

She reached the hill before him with ease, but on the way back she noticed he was smirking like he'd won. Suddenly he laughs and says, “You're incredibly fast yourself, but I control the wind itself.”

And with that all of a sudden he bolted almost instantly reaching the hill AND reaching Dash with ease. “See ya Dash and sorry.” he said as his speed increased even more in what seemed a teleport he arrived at the finish line first.

Rainbow just stopped looking shocked that somepony actually beat her in a race. But that soon turned into excitement. “That. Was. AWESOME!! How'd you fly that fast? I did the sonic rainboom and you still flew by me with ease!”

“Well that's my special talent. I use elemental magic, so I just used my wind magic to enhance to aerodynamic attributes of my wings and body.”

“Ok, you lost me after magic, but still, you are about 20% cooler than the others in this town except for me of course!” Dash said with a grin.

“Well Dash it was fun, but we must be off to the Carousel Boutique now and don't forget to be at my house at 8 ok?”

“Yeah, yeah egghead. I got it.” The two then walked further into town as Rainbow Dash flew back up to the cloud and began napping again.

Twilight and Ice Breeze finally arrived at their destination: The Carousel Boutique! “ Now Ice I will warn you that my last friend can be a bit over-dramatic at times and is OBSESSED with fashion and cleanliness. So please try to keep the dirt you bring in to a minimum, OK?”

Ice just nodded in reply to Twilight. He then used his magic to blow away the dirt in front of the door so they wouldn't get any in the boutique. “Ok all done.” Ice said smiling.

Twilight smiled and knocked on the door. The door opened and a small white filly with lavender and flamingo pink hair answered. “Oh, Twilight! What did you need?” the filly asked.

“Oh hi Sweetie Belle, is your sister home? This is Ice Breeze and I'm trying to get him some friends because he just moved here.” Twilight replied.

“Oh that's so sweet of you Twilight!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Oh well you know me, I try to show good friendshipness towards everypony.” Twilight answered.

“THAT'S NOT A WORD!” Sweetie exclaimed.

Ice and Twilight looked shocked as the filly continued speaking, “But yeah, sis is home, come on in.”

Both of them stepped inside and immediately saw a white mare with a very well groomed, purple mane and tail, each with a beauteous rotating pattern.“ Sweetie dear, who was at the door?” the mare said while still working on her sewing machine.

“It's Twilight and a newcomer in town named Ice Breeze.” Sweetie said.

The white mare turned around, whipping her head so that her mane would fall perfectly like always. “Oooh, Twilight darling, who IS this smashing stallion hmm?” the white mare asked.

Before either Twilight or Ice could answer the white mare had ran over to Ice with a measuring tape. “Hmm, yes, yes very good. AHA! I just had the most darling idea!” She then quickly ran back to her work station.

After about two minutes had gone by, Ice finally begin to speak, “Umm miss could…” “IT'S FINISHED!” the mare interrupted. “Isn't it just gorgeous? I think it fits your brilliant blue and red mane quite well wouldn't you say?"

She then threw a red and blue scarf with light green accents on it to complement his coat around his neck and gazed at him for approval. “I-it's wonderful.” he said with a big smile.

The mare's eyes widened with excitement as she ran back over to him and hugged him. “Finally a stallion with good fashion sense, you have NOoOoO idea how hard they are to find. What did you say your name was again dear? I am Rarity.” she asked with a gleam in her eye.

“It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Rarity, my name is Ice Breeze.” he said while bowing.

“Oh my!” Rarity said while fainting to the ground.

After a couple of minutes, she regained consciousness. “Um Rarity, why did you faint? Was it something I said?” Ice asked.

“Oh nothing like that darling. It's just so rare to find a handsome stallion such as yourself with fashion sense AND manners. I think I'm in love!” Rarity said with a huge smile on her face.

Ice just blushed and looked onto the ground. Twilight finally intervened and said, “As much as we'd love to stay, I have to help Ice find a house. And all the girls are meeting at my house around 8 o'clock. Are you coming Rarity?”

Rarity looked disappointed that they were leaving, sighed, and then said, “Sure dear, I'll be there. Bye Ice.”

“See ya around Rarity and you too Sweetie Belle.” Ice said as him and Twilight left.

“Lucky for you Ice, there's a house up for sale right on the edge of town, do you have any bits?” Twilight asked.

Ice smiled and pulled out a big coin purse, “As a matter of fact I do.” he while revealing the large amount of money he had gained from his elixir shop in Neighbraska.

Twilight just gaped her mouth open and said' “Well I-I'm sure that w-will cover it and then some!” Ice just grinned and put the purse back in his saddlebag.

They then went to the mayor's office where he was granted citizenship and he paid for the house deed. They walked to the north side of the town, “Here it is!” Twilight said.

The house was of average size, the color was a bright yellow and a great view of the city of Canterlot and the surrounding scenery. It was now 6:30 and Ice said “Thanks Twilight, but if you don't mind I'd like to get moved in myself.”

Twilight just nodded and told him, “Okay, but why don't you come over to my library at 8 o'clock? I'm sure the others would like to see you again, especially Rarity.” she said while winking and giggling.

“Sure I'll be there.” Ice said smiling.

He then made his way inside and immediately made his way to his bedroom. Once there, he pulled out a photograph out of his saddlebag and put it on his nightstand. The picture was of him and Cerulean Shield back in Neighbraska. “I finally found a place where I'm accepted. If only you could be here with me.” he thought to himself while staring at it with a tear rolling down his face.

About an hour later he had finished, he set off to Twilight's. When he got there he noticed all the lights were off. “It's 8 o'clock, where is everypony?” he thought as he knocked on the door.

The door then opened and the six ponies he had previously met jumped out with a big, “SURPRISE!!” “What's going on here?” he asked confusingly.

“IT'S YOUR WELCOME PARTY SILLY!” said Pinkie Pie in a very high pitched voice.

Ice looked shocked and started crying again. “Thank you, all of you. I finally found ponies who will accept me even though I'm an alicorn.” he said wiping his tears away.

“AN ALICORN?” Rarity yelled whilst fainting again.

As the ponies woke her up she said, “I couldn't see your wings because of your saddlebag earlier. You're handsome, polite, fashionable AND an alicorn. YOU! ARE! PERFECT!” Rarity exclaimed.

The other five just rolled their eyes at her. Then Applejack asked, “Well sugarcube, what do ya mean ya finally found ponies to accept ya?”

“Yeah, what did mean by that huh?” Rainbow Dash added.

So then Ice told them of his past. At the end of the story all six were crying, but Rainbow Dash was trying to hide it by going to get some punch.

Fluttershy then flew over to Ice Breeze and then gave him a big hug and said, “There, there you poor thing. It's ok now. You're with friends now.” the other five just nodded then all came over for a group hug.

While this was happening Ice said, “Thanks girls, if you need any help around town or whatever I'll be glad to help.”

They then released each other and began the party for another four hours until Ice finally said he needed some sleep and left.

The next morning, Ice woke up still feeling a little sore from all the dancing and games the night before.

“Man that was the first time I've had fun since Shield was still alive.” He thought to himself while trying to rub the soreness out of his front legs. He goes down stairs fixes some oats for breakfast and then brushes his teeth as a blue pony named Colgate mentioned to him yesterday on the way to the surprise party. After he was done he heard a knock at the front door. When he opened it he saw Pinkie Pie standing there, looking excited.

“Hey Ice! You know when you said you'd help us around town if we needed it? What am I talking about? Of course you do, you're the one that said it duh!!! Well anyway I need your help over at Sugarcube Corner so head on over there as fast as absolutely possible ok?”

Before he could reply the pink mare had bounced off. “Well um ok.” said Ice with a confused look on his face.

So he walked out the door and headed over Sugarcube Corner. When he got there the door was already open. “Pinkie? I'm here. What'd you need help with?” he asked.

“Oh there you are silly nilly. We're going to have so much fun together. We're going to make some cupcakes!” she said bouncing up and down.

She then handed him one and asked him to taste test it. He obliged, but soon found out that there was something wrong with it as he soon passed out. He awoke in what seemed like a torture chamber of sorts, with skulls lying about.

“Awake now are you? GREAT!!” he heard Pinkie's voice say from the dark corner of the room.

“P-Pinkie where are we and why am I chained down to this table?” he asked nervously.

“We're just making cupcakes. I just needed you for the extra flavor! I wonder how alicorn tastes?” she said laughing evilly.

“W-what this isn't funny Pinkie!” he said now extremely nervous.

“Of course it isn't for you silly.” she said coming out of the shadows with a knife in her hoof.

“Now hold still, this will only hurt for a second.” she said as she rose the knife over her head.

As she lowered it with a big thrust, Ice yelled, “Just stop!”

“OK! You just had to ask silly. Besides, this knife is made of cardboard anyway.” she said smiling.

“What about the skulls over there and all the blood on the walls?” he asked.

“Oh silly, those are paper Mache and the blood is nothing but red cake icing.” she said while still laughing.

“Then why do all of this? You almost gave me a heart attack!” Ice asked.

“It's just something I saw on this other fanfic on the ponynet called Cupcakes. It's not as fun as they made it out to be though, sorry. Wanna actually make some cupcakes now hehe?” she asked.

“Um, sure I guess?” he answered, not sure how to react.

They walked upstairs and much to Ice's surprise they were still at Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie proceeded to start the oven and tossed Ice a pair of oven mitts.

“Um Pinkie I don't need these. I can use magic remember?” he asked with a grin on his face. “Oh that's right, I forgot, stupid me!”

So the two proceeded to make a batch of cupcakes and then handed them out to as many ponies as they could before they ran out. Once they were done Pinkie said goodbye to Ice as she went back to her actual job at Sugarcube Corner.

Ice smiled and said, “See ya later Pinkie.”

As he walked away from the sweets shop. On the way to the market he saw Twilight working on some magic in a field. So he decided to go see if she needed any help.

“Twilight, what are doing over here? You seem to be have trouble with a spell.” Ice asked.

“Oh Ice, yes this spell is so difficult. I'm trying to perform a higher level force field than I'm used to and it's driving me mad, ugh!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Why do you need a stronger one?” Ice asked.

“It's in case somepony like Discord comes back.” Ice looked at her with a shocked look on his face.

“Did you say Discord?” Ice asked with anger in his voice.

“Uh, yeah I did. You've met him?” she asked acknowledging the angry tone in his voice.

“I only saw him for a couple of seconds, but he tried to destroy my old hometown. Luckily my powers kicked in at the right time, but as I told all of you he also cost me my best friend that day.” he replied angrily.

“That's right! How could I have forgot? Sorry, but you won't to worry about him anymore. He's been turned into stone by the six mares that threw your party last night.” she said while winking at him.

His expression then turned docile once again. “Oh good, it serves him right. Now about that spell. Try it again.” he said.

Twilight agreed and tried to conjure the force field. He watched as the field began to form and then he shot a burst of magic into it. The blast broke through the force field like a knife through butter.

“Oww, I thought you were going to take it easy?” Twilight said holding her head.

“I did and I know what you're doing wrong as well.” he replied.

“Well then what I am doing wrong? I've been at this for hours!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Are you imagining the force field in the shape of a sphere? Or are just trying to cast it?” Ice asked.

“I'm just trying to cast it. That's all I've ever needed to do before.” she answered.

“Well when you go higher up into the more advanced spells, you actually have to imagine the spell you're casting and give it shape. Just casting won't work. Just try it.” Ice explained.

Twilight listened and imagined the spherical shape that she wanted. And as she kept that image in her mind, the field formed without a hitch. Ice then shot another burst of the same power as the first one, but this time instead of breaking through it just left a medium sized crack.

Twilight was amazed that it had worked and began hopping up and down, “Thank you so much!!” she yelled as she ran over to hug him.

“No problem.” he said. He then told Twilight that he had also helped Pinkie earlier in the day and that he was pretty tired. They both said goodbye to one another and he headed home for some dinner and well deserved sleep.

The next day after his morning routine, he heard a big crash behind his house. He ran outside to see what it was only to find Rainbow Dash laying upside down in a bush.

“Umm Dash, what are you doing in my bush?” he asked.

“Oh sorry, I was just trying to clear the clouds early so I could work on a new trick I've been working on. I tried to use a twister, but I got kinda out of control.”

“No kidding there. Let me help.” Ice replied laughing.

With one mighty blast of his wind enhanced wings he created three mini twisters and guided them with laser-like precision. The sky was cleared in no time.

“Now about that trick. Would you like any help with it.” Rainbow just nodded her head still looking in awe at the twister barrage.

She then snapped out of it and flew into the air, “ Ok, all I need is to get the movement down and I should be fine, but at the speed I'm going I always seem to get to the ground too early to perfect it.” she said.

“Well then, let's see it.” Ice replied.

Dash gave a big nod then shoot down at the ground while doing a corkscrewing back-flip of some sort. And just she said, she got to the ground before the trick was finished.

“God! You see what I mean?” Dash yelled.

“Yeah I do, now try it again. This time I'll make the wind push against you some so that the friction induced by wind will slow your momentum in order to give you more time.”

Rainbow just stared at him in confusion, but flew up again anyway. This time as she plunged down to the ground, she could feel the wind push against her and slow her enough for her to finish the move. They then did it another four times for her to get it down.

“Ok, you ready for this awesomeness?” Dash asked. Ice just rolled his eyes and nodded.

Dash then proceeded to jet downwards completing her 360 whirlwind flip as she called it and as soon as she exited the move she shot into a sonic rainboom ending it with a spectacle.

“Haha yeah baby! You like that! Of course you did it was super-radically- awesome!! Oh and thanks!”

Before Ice could reply Dash had shot off to show the town her new move. “You're welcome.” Ice replied knowing she couldn't hear him.

“Well now, wasn't that fancy?” he heard somepony ask from behind him.

As he turned around he saw Applejack standing there.

“Howdy there pardner, since you helping out the pony folk, care to help me out?” she asked.

“I would, but I haven't had any lunch yet.” he answered.

“Well that's no problem Sugarcube. Just head on over to Sweet Apple Acres with me. I'll fix ya somethin' real good.” Ice smiled and followed her to her farm where she fixed him a couple apple fritters and glass of milk.

“So what'd you need help with? Ice asked curiously.

“Well ya see, Mac's gotten injured again somehow. So I need somepony to help buck some apples, seeing as I remember last time.” Applejack said while giggling at her own memory.

“Sure this will be simple.” he replied.

Applejack just looked at him as if to say “you'd best be joking with that statement.”

Ice looked at the orchard and told the orange mare to set up the barrels under the trees she needed. She obliged and when she was done, Ice told her to stand back. His horn began to glow mahogany colored as he stomped the ground extremely hard with his two front hooves. Just as Applejack was about to ask what he did that for, the ground started shaking vigorously. All the trees with the barrels under them began to shake as well and all of the apples dropped off in a matter of minutes. Applejack starred in amazement as Ice started to trot over to the barrels to carry them back to the barn. Applejack the proceeded to help and later gave him some more food after they had finished going through the good and bad apples. Ice then left with the food and returned home for another night of well-deserved rest, not knowing what tomorrow would hold!

The next few days were quiet and nothing much was going on until four days after helping Dash and Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity came knocking on Ice's door. Ice answered the door and welcomed them in, both graciously accepted.

“Hello girls. What can I do for you? Or are you just here to hang out?” Ice asked.

“Well darling, as much as we would love to hang out with you we simply can't.” Rarity said.

“Well umm... you see we were wondering if you could do us a favor over the next few days... if that's okay with you.” Fluttershy added nervously.

“Sure, what is it?” answered Ice with a friendly smile reaching across his face.

“The truth is dear, is that we just received a letter inviting us to Twilight's older brother's wedding in Canterlot. And we were wondering if you could watch Fluttershy's animals and my boutique while we were away.” Rarity replied.

“Of course! It shouldn't be a problem just give a list of things to do and they'll get done.” he said smiling still.

Rarity then proceeded to run over and give him a big hug, “Oh I knew you'd do this for me, oh I mean us. My boutique will be the easy part, all you have to do is keep it clean, help customers with their orders and take notes of orders for when I get back.” Rarity said while finally letting go of Ice.

“Oh and mine hopefully won't be too much trouble either. Just give them food and water three times a day and it should be fine.” Fluttershy said.

“No worry girls, it shall be done. Have fun at the wedding! And tell Twilight and her brother congratulations.” Ice said as the two mares were walking out the door.

That night Twilight and her friends packed for their trip. But in Canterlot something terrible had happened!

Meanwhile in Canterlot castle we go to a dinner between a beautiful Pink alicorn mare with purple, pink and yellow hair and a crystal heart cutie mark and a handsome white unicorn stallion with blue hair and a shield as a cutie mark.

“So Cadence how are you liking this romantic dinner and aren't you excited with our wedding day being so close?”

“Shining Armor, honey, you know I am. And this dinner's amazing. On top of all this, I'll get to see Twilight again, it's been ages!” Cadence said.

“I know, I haven't seen her much myself since she moved into Ponyville. I'm sure she'll be glad to see both of us. I wonder what her friends are like. You know Celestia hoof picked them to help with the ceremony so I'm guessing they're all pretty reliable. What do you think Cadence?” Shining Armor said inquisitively.

“I'm sorry honey, but hold that thought. I have to use the little mare's room.” Cadence said while rushing from the table.

“Ok, hurry back!” Armor said. “Man I must be the luckiest royal guard captain ever! Just look at that flank! That and I get to see my little sis again!” Armor thought to himself as he watched his soon to be bride run from the room.

Cadence was finished quickly and started to head back to the dining room when she heard a voice from the bathroom window, “So this is the royal castle, eh? It's quite lovely.” a dark figure outside said.

“Who's there? Luna is that you?” Cadence asked nervously.

“Oh no my dear, shall I come inside so you can see properly?” the figure asked.

No! No strangers are allowed in the castle without permission. I'll come out.” Cadence said.

Once outside she saw the figure slowly glide down from the sky and onto the ground. “Who or WHAT are you?!” Cadence asked.

“Me? Why I am Queen Chrysalis: the queen and leader of the changelings! And before you ask why I'm here. It's to collect food for my subjects. And who might you be? You seem too small to be one of the royal sisters?” Chrysalis said.

“I'm princess Mi'Amoré Cadenza or Cadence for short and what do you mean by food? If you need provisions, why didn't you just say so?” Cadence asked.

“You seem to be confused my dear. You see changelings don't eat food, they gain nutrition and life from love. And Canterlot is full of it, that's why I'm here to take it over.” the changeling said with vigor in her voice.

“Not on my watch! I won't have you disturb my wedding!” Cadence said while shooting a pink magic beam from her horn. “Chrysalis just laughed and seemed to absorb the blast with her own beam.

“ You shouldn't have done that. And a wedding you say? Your groom must love you a lot, this is perfect! Now just watch!” Chrysalis said as her body started to glow green.

Cadence watched in shock as Chrysalis transformed into an exact copy of herself. “H-how did you do that?!” Cadence shouted in disbelief.

“Perhaps you weren't listening. I'm a changeling, I can take the form of whatever I touch or whose magic I absorb. That's why I said your blast was a mistake. And now to deal with you!” Chrysalis said while speaking in Cadence's voice.

“Oh no you don't!” Cadence said as she start a spell up.

But before she could release it two of Chrysalis' changelings hit her from behind. The last thing she remembered seeing was seeing green flames wrap around her body as she thought, “Shining, I'm so sorry.”

“Good job my subjects now make yourself scarce and signal the others.” the queen ordered.

“Cadence? Why are you out here darling?” a voice said from behind her.

“Oh, honey. I just thought I had heard something and when I got out here I saw two strange black figures flying from the courtyard. But why don't we call it night shall we?”

“Yeah sure. You do seem tired. You wanna snuggle with ol' Shining Armor tonight?” he asked.

“Not tonight sweetie. I'm really tired and our big day is coming up, we have to be focused on that.” Armor just agreed and they went to bed.

The next day Twilight and her friends arrived in Canterlot. They all got settled in their rooms and set off to see the city. And the same day Cadence woke up, only to find herself trapped in what seemed to be a crystal prison. She tried desperately to break out, but after three hours decided to save her energy, for the inside seemed to be magically enhanced to resist damage. A few days passed and at last the day before the wedding arrived. Twilight had suspected “Cadence” of being a fake and finally confronted her during the wedding rehearsal causing her run out of the room “crying”. Everypony: her brother, friends and even Celestia herself scolded her and left her to think about what she had done and Shining Armor told her not show up at the actual wedding at all! Once all the ponies had left the fake Cadence showed back up in front of her. And much like the real Cadence, sent Twilight to the Canterlot caves using a type of green fire that can move though matter. Once there Chrysalis revealed her true identity and her plan. Naturally Twilight tried to stop her only succeeding in blasting down a crystal wall where Chrysalis' image had been.

Once the dust had settled from the blast she saw Cadence sitting there, immediately Twilight tackled her thinking it was Chrysalis. “Twilight stop! It's me, Cadence!” the pink mare said.

“Likely story, “Cadence”!” Twilight yelled.

Cadence then stood up and started dancing,
Sunshine, Sunshine
Ladybugs awake
Clap your hooves
And do a little shake

Twilight's eyes widened as she knew this was the real Cadence. She knew because they used to this song and dance whenever Cadence would foalsit her. Cadence explained the situation although Twilight had already heard it and they rushed to find a way out. They found a mine cart and rode it until the track was broken off. Then both mares flew out of the cart and Cadence opened her beautiful pink and purple wings, Twilight hung onto her tail while they both flew out of the caves. Meanwhile, the wedding ceremony had and the changelings had gathered outside the force field that Shining Armor had put up after the fake Cadence told him about the figures in the courtyard.

Just as the vows were about to be made, Twilight and Cadence busted through the doors, “STOP!” they both shouted simultaneously.

Everypony looked surprised except for Shining Armor who was in some sort of trance. Cadence told everypony that the one on the altar was a fake and then Chrysalis broke her disguise and revealed her plan. All of the ponies just starred in shock except for Celestia who naturally as the ruler of Equestria rose to fight her. Celestia charged the changeling queen only to end in a stalemate. She then flew up and shot a powerful golden blast straight at Chrysalis, who in return shot an equally impressive deep green beam. It seemed that Celestia's beam was going to win until all the love that Chrysalis absorbed from Shining Armor kicked in causing her to overpower Celestia! The princess then instructed the mane six to go grab the elements of harmony, they obliged as they ran to the castle. They then ran into a horde of changelings who had rushed in after the force field had broken and though they fought valiantly, they were eventually captured. They were then brought back to wedding chapel and tossed onto the ground. All hope seemed lost until Cadence reached out to Shining Armor and used a love spell to break him free from his trance. Chrysalis just laughed, but just as she began to think she had won Cadence and Shining Armor combined their magic and created a gigantic evil sensing repulsion field that shot all of the changelings, even Chrysalis out of Canterlot.

Later that day, the real wedding commenced and the after party was very exciting even Luna appeared asking, “Did I miss anything?” everypony just looked at her and said no.

Celestia also gave her the night off seeing as she herself would probably be up most of the night with the party and such. Luna reluctantly agreed and flew up to the Canterlot Castle's balcony where she began to think.