• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 416 Views, 1 Comments

The Elements of Fate - jrain91

The story of my OC Ice Breeze. After a devastating war in the very early days of Equestria, Ice Breeze must find his own destiny and possibly save someponies along the way!

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Chapter 9: The Death of a Princess/ Towards The Future

Luna's horn then shot a cloak of magic around Ice Breeze. And with the use of this spell, the lunar princesses' body fell limp on the floor beside her love's bed! Celestia could only stare in horror and disbelief at her younger sister's dead, limb body lying there in front of her.

“Ugh, ugh, w-where am I?” Ice said slowly waking up from his deathlike state. He awoke to Celestia staring at the floor in front of him, unable to move from the act that she had just witnessed. “He could see that she was crying and was still in a major state of disbelief for some reason. “ Wh- what's the matter Celestia?” Ice inquired still unaware at what Luna had done for him. At this moment, Twilight and the others came into the room and saw Ice alive and well, but their beloved Moon Princess dead and cold as her nights.

“LUNA! What happened?!” Twilight yelled. Ice immediately looked around the room, not seeing her anywhere. Until he finally realized that she must have been what Celestia had been staring at and crying over this entire time! He sat up and looked over his bedside only to find that the mare he had worked so hard to save was lying in front of him, dead! He started breaking out I a cold sweat and instantly tears welled up to his troubled face.

“W-what happened here? WHY IS SHE DEAD? CELESTIA, ANSWER ME!!!” Ice demanded as he hurried off of his bed to hold Luna in his arms. She still felt a little warm, so he knew that she hadn't been dead for very long. Despite this, however, that warth was quickly leaving and would never return. Celestia continued to stare until Twilight snapped her out of it by bumping her on the shoulder. “WHY IS SHE DEAD CELESTIA? WHY?” Ice yelled holding Luna ever closer not wanting to acknowledge what he knew was true.

Celestia starred sternly at him, “SHE DID IT FOR YOU ICE!” she yelled. “You were severely injured and the only way to save your life was to sacrifice one's own life force. Which she never hesitated for a moment to do!” Celestia explained with some amount of resentment in her voice. Her tone quickly changed though, when she noticed two things. First was how Ice reacted to this news, he lost it completely, holding Luna as tight as he possibly could tears rolling like somepony had poured the Equestrian ocean out of his eyes and continuously cursing himself because it was his fault. And the second was around his neck! There wrapped around his now wet neck was an Element of Harmony amulet, but one she had never seen before. It was a crystalline heart, just like the one he subconsciously summoned to annihilate the changelings. And the same one that almost killed him.

Celestia then looked around at the mane six and asked, “Girls, where are your Elements?” The six mares, as well as Trixie, Shining Armor and Cadence looked around and noticed that they were nowhere to be found.

“Princess, they're gone! I actually don't remember seeing them after the explosion.” Twilight explained. Celestia then inquired about the explosion that she was talking about and then starred at the six mares with a gleam in her eye.

“Now I know what happened to them.” Celestia said.

“Well then could you please tell us, if you want to?” Fluttershy kind of demanded.

“It's actually quite simple. Ice activated their true powers when that explosion happened, that's why those beams of light shot out of them. So now they're split into parts. One, in the amulet he has on and the second halves are now a part of you all's very being. Meaning that technically, you six ARE the Elements now!” Celestia explained.

The six mares just starred at her and themselves, until Rarity asked, “Does that come with any, how I should phrase this? Side effects?”

Celestia answered, “I would imagine that the more you show the element in which you are now a part of I'd guess you'd grow in power. So basically, you are all alicorns on the inside, but not on the outside. Quite strange really.” The six then contemplated the thought of a long life span that perhaps lasts forever and they seemed delighted with the idea. For nopony really knew what the lifespan for a regular alicorn was, not to mention this hybrid form!

Celestia then looked intently at the six and then at Ice, who was still grasping Luna. “Now I know that it will be okay.” Celestia said as she walked over to Ice and Luna!

Ice just looked up at her, wondering what she wanted. “Ice, please let her go. I'm going to bring her back!” Celestia said with a smile on her face. Ice knew what that meant, but he couldn't believe that the mane ruler of Equestria would sacrifice herself.

“A-are you sure? You know what will happen!” Ice said.

Celestia nodded and calmly said, “It's OK, now please let her go. I don't want you getting caught in this too.”

Ice reluctantly loosened his grasp of Luna and walked to Celestia's side. Twilight knew what her mentor had in mind and just stood back with her friends crying. Celestia, with a heavy sigh lowered her head and pointed her horn directly at her younger sister. Her horn than began glowing with the intensity of what seemed to be at least ten suns. She then shot out a golden colored beam that engulfed Luna's entire body and continued to do so until warmth returned to the Lunar Princess. Celestia then fell to the floor as Luna woke up.

“What hath happened? I should be dead.” Luna said as she heard a voice.

“I-it wasn't yo-your time to die, dear sister.” Celestia said as Luna turned to her sister laying in an almost lifeless state.

“TIA?! Did you do what I think you did?” Luna asked desperately.

“Yes, now pl-please *cough* I don't have much time left. Tell everypony to gather around me, for my final words!” Luna nodded and signaled the others to come over.

“Prince...” Twilight tried to speak as Celestia shook her head no.

“To all of you,*cough* I thank you for making my l-life worthwhile. To Cadence and my loyal guard captain, thank you f-or saving Canterlot and restoring the Crystal Empire. And also, Shining Armor, thank you for rem-remaining loyal to me.” Shining Armor and Cadence both bowed to her as they held each other.

“Now, for you five of Twilight's friends. I-I thank *cough* you for always being there for Twilight and a-also being such wonderful bearers of the Elements. I-I'm sure Equestria will be safe as long as you're around.” the five each saluted the dying princess, as if to say “you can count on us!”

“Now, Trixie. I-I really don't know you that well, but if Twilight has taken a liking to you, you must be quite special. P-please keep her safe for me.” Trixie just nodded and pulled her hat over her face.

“Now as for you Ice. Y-you seem to be most special one here. Lu-na told me of your past and you and she are very much alike. Please watch over her for me, she'll need you now more than ever. *Cough, cough* I do have faith that you are capable of keeping her happy though, so please don't let me or her down.” Celestia said as she started coughing up blood.

“I promise I'll watch over her, don't worry!” Ice exclaimed.

Celestia's smile grew bigger after hearing those words.

“Now, to you... my most faithful student. You have no idea how proud you've made me. I...I knew from the first day that you were different from most other unicorns. * Cough, cough*, but I never c- could have expected what you've accomplished. I'm very happy and blessed that I had you as a student. Please continue the excellent w....work and when you have time, go up to my bedroom and look in the desk. I left something for you. Please continue making me proud, my wonderful student.” Celestia said now almost completely deprived of her life force.

“I will princess, thank you for being such a great teacher to me!”

“And now at last, you my dear sister.” Celestia said. “Why Tia? Why? You promised you'd never leave me alone, don't you remember?!” Luna yelled. Celestia nodded and gathered all her remaining energy so this would be uninterrupted.

“I know I said that Lulu, but you're not alone. Though I might be gone physically, I'll always be there spiritually. Just like I'm sure mom, dad and Snowdrop are. Plus, look to your right, Ice Breeze is here now. He will stay at your side in my place, that's the task I have given him.” she said as Ice wrapped his forelegs around Luna, who in turn leaned into his chest.

“You see? He'll always be there for you, unlike me. I've let you down so many times, but now I'm GOING to make it right!”Celestia said as her last tears began to roll down. “I LOVE YOU LULU, I'M TO BLAME FOR THE NIGHTMARE MOON INCIDENT! I SHOULD HAVE CARED FOR YOU BETTER! NOW THOUGH, I CAN FINALLY SET IT ALL RIGHT! SO MY BELOVED Little sister... please don't fret over my death. And know that... I … always... loved you!” Celestia managed to say as her last words barely beat out her dying heartbeats. The whole room fell completely silent and remained that way for at least half an hour.

Then Luna finally spoke up and said. “I know you did sister and you still do! And at least you left us with a smile on your face. Goodbye Tia, I love you as well; have a safe trip to heaven with mom and dad.” she said while hugging Ice Breeze tightly and looking at her sister's smiling face.

A couple days past and the funeral procession was held after three days. Almost everypony from both Canterlot and Ponyville, as well as many from neighboring cities were all gathered around the royal white casket.

“We all gather here today for a most grievous occasion: the death of our beloved Sun Princess, Princess Celestia! To some she was a sister, to others a mentor as well as a life guide. And some of us here barely knew her at all, but that's just it. Even though you didn't know her personally, you all still came to honor her highness in her death and I'm sure she would be so glad of this fact. In fact she's probably smiling off in another world as we speak, looking over us as always. So whether sister, mentor or just beloved princess. We can all agree that she was one thing: a true, true friend! No matter which of her subjects would have a complaint, she would drop her own duties and do her best to fix it. And now here to speak the eulogy is none other than Princess Luna and Princess Twilight themselves!”

“You go first Twilight.” Luna told her.

Twilight sadly nodded and walked up to the pedestal in front of the casket and was already beginning to tear up, as was Luna. “Ahem, thank you all for coming today. I'll keep this brief so Luna can have plenty of time, but here it goes. To me, Princess Celestia was my personal magic teacher and we spend a lot of time together. I learned so much from her teachings and I also learned the value of friendship through her. I used to be an ignorant little filly that didn't care much for friends, that was until the princess sent me to Ponyville and that's where I met my best friends: Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity. If she hadn't sent me to check on the Summer Sun Celebration setup that year, I probably never would have met them. So I thank her for that. That however is not the main point. The main point is that she was more than a teacher, she was a life-mentor as well as a close friend and trustworthy princess. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that she was and is a great pony. And with that I take my leave and give the stand to Princess Luna: the one who's probably feeling the worst out of any of us right now. Princess, please come on up here.” Twilight said as she walked off of the platform.

“Thank you Twilight Sparkle, that was very beautiful.” Luna said as she passed Twilight on the way up. Twilight just nodded and kept walking with her head down trying to keep everypony from seeing her cry. The crowd of ponies anxiously awaited the Lunar Princess' speech as she had expected they would.

“Dear all my royal subjects, I thanketh thee for coming to my dear sister's funeral. Though it is indeed as saddening day you all help make it a little better and I thanketh thee for that. Before I start talking however, could Ice Breeze please come up here with me? I'd feel a lot better.” she asked staring at the light green alicorn sitting with the mane six. Ice smiled and got up from his seat and walked up the platform and put one foreleg over Luna's shoulders.

“Thank you Ice, now I will start.” she said as all the ponies were in shock at the fifth alicorn, this one being a male no less. Ice thought he knew what was coming, but to his surprise the ponies looked at him with praise and love instead of hate and scorn. “As Twilight mentioned she was a teacher to her, but to me as well. Once our parents died in the Great War, she was all I had to love and she was the only one there to teach me things like magic and how to behave like a princess. And though she didn't pay attention to me quite as often later on in life, it was only because her duty as princess of the daytime got in the way of it. Back then I was too blind to see it and fell into darkness from all the love she received and how little I got. Now I see though, it's as clear as the legendary Crystal Heart from the Crystal Empire: she was hurting as much as I was! Her dying words to me made that painfully clear to me. She was depressed and blamed herself for me turning into Nightmare Moon and for not giving me the love she thought I deserved, but she had to fight through the pain because her position demanded it. So to her, I apologize and I'll tell her that it wasn't her fault. It was my own ignorance that led me to that path, it wasn't your fault sister.” Luna said while looking up in the sky with the sunlight reflecting of her tears.

“And it's like the preacher said earlier: you all may have not known her personally, but you all respected her as your princess, which you should because she was wonderful ruler, mentor, friend and a loving sister on top of it all. To those of you who knew her, you know exactly what I'm talking about and to those who didn't, well I feel a deep sorrow for you. It's not every day that a pony as glorious as she comes around. I only hope that I can be great like her and keep the kingdom as well as all of Equestria up and running in a smooth and orderly manner, but of course I have this stallion and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony to help me with that. And on top of them I also have Shining Armor: the former captain of the royal guard and Princess Cadence to look over the newly formed Crystal Empire, so in light of this I now know that I'm not alone any longer. Sister, if you can hear me I want to say thank you for everything did for me and this world and I'll do my best to keep up your excellent leadership. I love you.” Luna said looking up once again, but this time the sunlight intensified almost as if Celestia herself was saying she understood.

Luna smiled as she hugged Ice Breeze tightly and then said, “And with those closing words, here are Octavia Melody and Lyra Heartstrings to play a beautiful requiem as the casket is buried.”

And with that, the casket was slowly lowered into the ground as the two ponies played a song fitting for a princess. Everypony watched as their beloved princess, friend, mentor and sister was lowered into the cold clay of the Equestrian Earth. That, the fact that they'd never see her radiant face again and the sad yet wondrously beautiful music left not a single dry eye at the funeral. And the sun continued to shine ever so brightly as if Celestia had never gone away.

The next day after everything had settled down from the funeral procession, everypony, ( except Shining Armor and Cadence who had returned to the Crystal Empire) were at the royal castle in Canterlot contemplating on how they would run Equestria now, but before that, Ice Breeze spoke up.

"Twilight, didn't Celestia say she left something for in her bedroom? Have you got it yet?”

Twilight shook her head and said, “No I haven't, I'm not even sure what it would be to be honest.”

“I might have an idea of what it is Twilight.” Luna explained. They all looked at her, but decided not to ask. Twilight then walked up the stairs with Luna and the others to the bedroom. Twilight then looked where Celestia told her to and found a slip of very old looking parchment.

“What is this?” she asked herself as she unrolled the parchment. And what she saw surprised her quite a lot. “T-this can't be right! This is a spell to raise the sun!” Twilight exclaimed.

“I thought it would be something of the sort.” Luna said with a sly smirk on her face.

“Why do you say that princess?” Twilight asked.

“It was always sister's intent for you to help her or even take her place one day if something like this should happen, whether you realized it or not. Why do think she made you into an alicorn instead of just praising you for your deeds? It was so that you could carry on the Sun raising tradition for many years to come.” Luna explained.

Twilight just thought to herself for a moment and what Luna said did seem to make a lot of since to her.

"So in other words, this was part of her plan ever since I first became her student?” Twilight inquired.

Luna shook her, “That's unlikely. She needed to make sure that you had enough potential and the right state of mind. Therefore she probably didn't plan it until at least your brother's wedding. The Crystal Empire incident was just to prove to me that you were up to the task.” Luna explained.

Twilight continued to study the page and found a small memo at the bottom. It read,

“To my most faithful student. If you are reading this, it most likely means that I am no longer with you in this world. I leave this with you because I truly feel like you can take over as my successor and that if I am gone, Luna would appreciate the help I'm sure. I know this spell might seem very complex, but with your new-found alicorn power it should prove to be doable, though it may be difficult at first, I'm sure you'll adapt quickly; you always do. Sincerely, Princess Celestia.”

Twilight rolled up the paper with a small amount of tears in eyes, but not enough to cry. “I'll go study this spell tonight and try to raise the Sun in the morning! She entrusted me with this and I can't let her down!” Twilight exclaimed as they made their way back to the meeting room.

Once there, they decided that Luna and Ice Breeze would look after the night and day if necessary. And Twilight was in charge of raising the Sun each morning and helping the two with planning royal events such as business meetings, the gala and things of that nature. And all the other ponies were free to live in Canterlot castle if they so desired to. Applejack instantly declined as she had the farm to look after. Rainbow Dash thought about it, but declined as well because she liked her cloud house. Pinkie decided to move back and worth so she could keep both cities happy. Fluttershy thought about and accepted the offer because she thought the garden would be perfect for her animals, this in turn caused Rainbow Dash to change her mind and come to the castle as well. Or move her cloud house to Canterlot was more accurate. Rarity, as you imagined accepted almost instantaneously; seeing as it was her life goal to live and make outfits for Canterlot nobles. And Trixie stayed with Twilight in Celestia's old bedroom. Naturally, Ice also stayed at the castle with Luna. Despite this, however, they all did frequently go back to Ponyville to make sure everything was okay.

Four months passed and everypony had pretty much gotten used to their new or old lifestyles. There was a rather special event coming up though. A second royal wedding was planned for Luna and Ice Breeze and it was to take place on the day before Nightmare Night. The day of wedding finally arrived and everypony was in a very cheerful mood. Even Luna was dancing about, which was strange sight for everypony to behold (well except for Ice who lives with her). They had the Cutie Mark Crusaders as the flower girls again, but Scootaloo couldn't do it because she was sick. Despite that fact though, Rainbow Dash still went and picked her up so she could at least see the wedding. Pinkie Pie said she'd get the music taken care of and all of a sudden a portal opens up and here come two humans.

“Umm what just happened and where are we?” the guy asked the girl.

“Oh silly, you're in Equestria. I brought you here so that you could sing a song for this wedding.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Umm Pinkie where did you find these odd creatures? “ Ice asked.

“Us odd? You're colorful talking ponies! This has to be a dream, right Gabriella?”

“Sure Troy, I guess, but they're so cute! Let's sing for them!” the girl said.

“Oh alright, one song, but then we're out of here!” the boy said.

“Okey dokey lokey, after one song I'll send you back to your High School Musical or whatever hehe.” Pinkie said. So the two humans walked up and sang a wondrous song called Breaking Free and just as she promised, Pinkie opened the portal back up and they returned to their world. Still in somewhat disbelief, the ponies couldn't deny that it was an excellent song though.

And then the vows were finally said, "Do you, Princess Luna takes Ice Breeze to be your lawfully wedded stallion?”

“There's no question here, of course I do!” Luna answered.

“And do you Ice Breeze. Take Princess Luna to be your lawfully wedded mare?” the preacher asked.

“No I don’t!” Ice answered. Luna looked at him in total shock as did the crowd as a whole.

“W-why Ice?” Luna said getting ready to cry.

“I take her for that as well as so much more. She’s not just the mare I want to marry, she’s also my best friend and soul mate!” Luna started tearing up as the crowd let out a collective, “awwww”.

“Then by the power invested in me I now pronounce you-” before he could finish Luna and Ice had already begun their wedding kiss. It was the first one either of them had experienced , so they wanted to do it as soon as possible, but they thought it would be honorable to save it for the wedding day. And they found out that it made the all worthwhile! The whole world seemed to fade away during the kiss, but they didn't seem to mind at all. As they finished the long, romantic kiss each could see their families and best friends in the sky with huge grins on all of their faces. The faces then vanished into the wind, they were just there to remind the two that they were looking over them and that they were glad they found their special someponies. Of all the faces they saw though, Celestia seemed the happiest, knowing that the sister she had caused so much pain had finally become truly happy. They then proceeded to the reception and Pinkie basically ate all the cake herself, except for the piece Ice grabbed for Luna before Pinkie could get to it. And the rest of the night was one big party until everypony finally got worn out and fell asleep scattered about the castle. And with that, a new era of Equestria's history started!