• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 620 Views, 2 Comments

The Great Equestrian War - Moniker

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It’s been months, months since humanity found we are not the only living being in the universe. We found ponies in new universe; ponies that didn’t take kindly to our misunderstanding. Ponies that was more powerful than we could’ve ever imagined. When we met with the rulers of the land; the ones that may raise the sun and moon, there was an attempted assassination on the main ruler; Princess Celestia, they didn’t take kindly to that. They believed it was an attempt of hostile takeover of the land of Equestria. We hoped this not to happen and work with all the colorful ponies. It sadly failed; the two worlds of Earth and Equestria started a war. I never wanted this. I never wanted war, I never wanted to forcefully join the military at a younger age; thirteen to be exact. Why must this be? Why must we war at two men’s decision to try and assassinate the Princess of Equestria can you answer that? I was given training when I was thirteen on how to use a gun higher than a normal rifle. I hope the best for all of us, I hope we all can think back and remember this day and just laugh at a misunderstanding. I, however seriously doubt it.


I sat on my couch as I took my little leave. I sighed as I looked out the frostbitten window gunshots heard outside of the house. I shook my head I finally was put on leave after more than three months of endless fighting with horses. Yeah, I know, it is odd right? But honestly it is no laughing matter, these ponies came prepared. They came with everything that they had. We were shocked by the following they had: Pegasi for air strikes, unicorns for normal fighting, and regular for strength, and farming. What do we have? The Air force, the Military, the Marines, and citizens, that’s it; we may have the upper hand in water but, they have upper hand on the ground and slightly upper hand in the air. Not much but still higher.

I sighed flopping on my couch. I began watching TV watching the news to be exact. I don’t normally watch the news but, this is a special occasion. I saw all the fighting blood flying from everyone. Ponies, humans, everyone was losing blood. I sighed this isn’t what I wanted. I heard a knock on my door. I began walking toward it only for it to be knocked down. It was two unicorn ponies. I was trapped in a blue purple aura combination. “What the hell?” I was lifted to see a lavender mare and a white mare. “Who the hell are you?!” I hissed squirming knowing all too well who these ponies were.

“Who are you?” the lavender mare hissed back.

“My name doesn’t matter,” I told the mare over anger.

“Now darling no need to get angry,” the other white unicorn said back in a posh voice.

“Shut up,” I demanded the white pony.

The white pony swung her hoof at me. “Hey, let me go!” I demanded feeling a sharp pain as the magic squeezed my waist.

“I’m sorry but we can’t, if you are unaware of me I am General Twilight Sparkle, and this is second in command Rarity,” the lavender mare explained pointing at Rarity.

I sighed I know them all too well. “Yes, I am aware of that Miss Sparkle and Rarity,” I sighed still having magic around me.

“Let me go!” I hissed again at the mare.

A loud boom was heard my reaction was shutting my eyes. I opened them after I realized it wasn’t me who was shot. I looked to see a unicorn stallion next to second in command Rarity bleeding out dark red liquid flowing down his gray coat. Twilight let her magic drop me into only Rarity’s aura. Twilight saw a man holding a gun; he was slender, brown long hair, brown eyes, he was wearing a tee and jeans along with a bulletproof vest. “Thank you Seth,” I thanked the slender man.

Seth was my big brother, a high rank officer on leave for a week because of a shot of magic to the chest a floor below me. “Yeah, yeah, get suited up, Gabe,” he told me tossing a bulletproof vest. I was wearing a long sleeve light shirt; gray and black, a pair of dark blue jeans, and a pair of white shoes.

“Okay,” I slipped on the vest. “I’m ready Seth,” I nodded seeing my door open the three ponies ran off as the bullet went off.

I saw a buzz cut man, relatively strong looking, a few tattoos, blue eyes, and a small beard. “Everything okay?” the man asked a little worried.

“Yes dad, everything is alright, just some… trouble,” I looked back at the still frostbitten windows. “When did it come to this? Why did the Princess begin to go to war with us?” I sighed it isn’t what I expected nor my dad, nor my big brother. My dad’s name is Steve.

I rolled my eyes. My life was going so normal I was a normal boy, and then came the assassination attempt on Princess Celestia of the land of Equestria. I hope we find out who done this I hope we learn soon, I hear way too many bullets fired and too many screams of death. How do I know of Twilight Sparkle and Rarity it happened two months ago about three months after The Great Equestrian War, I was a prisoner of war, alongside of my uncle Tony a captured citizen of the war. Tony was just a citizen…


I sighed as I was dragged by two auras both from two male guards. I remember them almost as much as I remember the leaders; General Twilight Sparkle and second in command Rarity. I looked next to me to see my uncle Tony. He wasn’t happy it was only a day after he attempted to fight against the ponies. How I got captured was fighting and ran out of ammo and had to surrender. They took my guns and led me to their base of operation in Washington D.C. they took over the Washington Monument in the first month. They tweaked it to make it better and more defensive. I sighed when looking at my uncle. I bit my lip. We were in a bus driven by a pony referred to as Scootaloo. She looked back she didn’t seem to be able to see over the steering wheel through, she was pretty good at it. I felt we should’ve had the one who tried to assassinate the Princess, we never caught him however. I sighed. “I can’t believe this happened Tony, I used to want this kind of thing to happen these ponies coming to Earth, except the whole war thing, I thought they would be gleeful and happy they are not the only living, breathing, and talking being on this universe,” I told Tony putting my head down as the frost on the windows covered the bus’ window.

Tony looked back at me. “This I can’t say I expected it myself,” he gigged lightly.

“Same here,” I admitted turning my head to the window.

“I can’t believe they took us prisoner,” I sighed I wasn’t even thinking about Tony.

Tony nodded he knew dangers of this which is ironic slightly. “Yes, I-” Tony was cut off by a loud voice.

“Shut up!” the voice came from a lavender pony female, her mane was two colors. Her second in command walked up to me. She swung her hoof at me surprisingly unfazed by the blood coming on her hoof.

“Well, well Rarity, I’ve always seen you as a clean f-” stopped by a loud, painful, smack to the face.

“Shut up prisoner!” Rarity hissed angrily at me with followed by another smack to the face.

I looked at my handcuff stopping me from hitting her square in the face. “Me and Tony will never talk,” I said calmly and softly to the mare.

“We’ll find a way you prisoner,” the leader mare called from the front of the bus. “Every prisoner has his or her breaking point, I’m sure I’ll find a sissy like you a breaking point, and if not you, than your little friend there,” the lavender mare said over her shoulder still riding on the bus.

I know me or Tony would take as much as this pony will dish out.

The bus came to a complete stop, Scootaloo was an oddly good driver, you know for one that can’t see over the wheel. “Alright all you prisoners, on your feet!” the lavender mare’s voice echoed though the bus. It was still cold here in Anchorage so snow was still on the ground. All the prisoners got to their feet and began walking. As me and Tony walked out we were stopped by the General and her second in command. “Now, you two this way,” she gestured her hoof to what I’d expect to be the interrogation room. We were separated he went to a safer room, and I was led to a scary looking dark room. It used to be the Washington Monument, now it’s a torture building and main base for the ponies operations.

“What are you going to do to me?” I asked my voice a bit shaky.

The white pony smiled evilly. “Don’t you worry about that,” she watched as a bit of blood dripped from my lip where she punched... twice.

I was set down on a small table. “Okay, so may I ask your name?” the lavender mare questioned.

“May I ask your name pony?” I asked in a pissed off voice.

Both mares were not amused. “I’m General Twilight Sparkle, this is second in command Rarity,” she answered my question.

“Now, what about yours?” she asked angrily her amusement growing dim.

I sighed. “Name’s Gabriel,” I rolled my eyes at my willingness to answer her question.

Twilight Sparkle nodded glad she knew my name. “Alright, Gabriel, so, where is the leader!?” Twilight burst hitting her hoof on the wooden table.

I shrugged. “How should I know, I just fight for him,” I smirked lightly chuckling.

Rarity reacted poorly. She hit the table once more. “Cut the shit! Where is your leader!?” Rarity outburst practically broke the table, if that was if she was aiming for my face.

I was quiet for a moment. “What shit? I’m being honest,” I wiped blood off my cheek knowing she doesn’t believe me.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Be quiet and give us the honest truth!” Rarity smiled as she lifted a knife.

I chuckled she isn’t getting me to talk. “You wouldn’t dare,” I narrowed my eyes at her.

Rarity chuckled. “Try me,” she said softly.

“I’m not lying to you, I don’t know,” I kept lying to the mare thinning in her pleasant behavior.

Suddenly but expectedly the mare’s knife held in her magic dug into my hand I winched in pain. “So, you going to tell me?” she asked grinding her teeth.

“You know you shouldn’t grind your already smooth teeth,” I felt a sharp pain as the knife twisted. I felt extremely lightheaded.

“Now where is he!?” Rarity yelled out of character for her.

I cried in agony as the knife took an even worse toll as it was taken out. “You’ll never get a word out of me,” I said though heavy breaths.

I bit my lip for what is next. “Fine, you may go,” Twilight Sparkle said as she wrapped my wound already bleeding and showing though the white cloth. I was escorted out the door.


That was only half the story, I, I don’t want to bore you with details. I saw my mom a citizen like my father. I still recall that torture and how Tony isn’t in the military not anymore or ever, he is still in the Washington Monument. My mom looked about my apartment. “Geez, you’d think you’d get a good apartment,” my mom saw how small it was; it wasn’t much true.

“Hey, it’s a safe house mom, it’s not the great hall of a castle,” I told her steps suddenly were heard in the hall. I leapt behind the couch as did Seth my mom and dad ran to other cover. It was two ponies one earth the other unicorn. “Shit, they have earths,” I whispered soon noticing my mom’s reaction to my minor swear. “Oh, c’mon mom, I’ve seen things, things you can’t even imagine,” I gasped as I got magic surrounded around my body. “Oh no,” I looked away many ponies were there six in all. “Uh oh, it’s them,” I bit my lip at the sight of six female ponies.

Mom sighed and looked at my small bed. “That doesn’t look comfortable,” my mom admitted seeing the bed.

“Honestly this is what you are saying now?!” I hissed at my mom, “It isn’t though,” I groaned. This is not good. I thought to myself. How did this all start?


It was a bright and sunny day nearing the end of summer for Alaska. We found a new planet in a new solar system. We found that there was nothing that could go wrong. We were awaiting the sight of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna the two rulers of the new planet. When I heard of this I knew I had to see it myself. I walked to the town park where we were meeting. I saw nothing out of the normal a group of male ponies was guarding the Princess of the sun and of the moon, as we did for the president. “Hello, you must be Princess Celestia,” the president spoke warmly.

The Princess nodded happily. “Yes, and you must be President Obama,” Princess Celestia glanced at her sister who was looking to the ground.

President Brock Obama shook her hoof. “Of course, nice to meet you,” he said people were of course defensive of him.

Princess Celestia looked to her sister. “Is everything alright my dear sister? You look tense,” Princess Celestia asked her younger sister.

“We’re fine dearest sister, we art just worried about thee, it’s only these new living beings. They seem untrustworthy you see,” Princess Luna glared at a bunch of people one of them being a blonde hair, blue eyed, male; me. I gulped this is hard to detect how this’ll play out.

“Don’t worry, they don’t seem harmful,” Princess Celestia spoke softly to her sister.

The president looked amongst the crowd. “No one is going to harm you Queen,” he spoke immediately cut off.

“It’s Princess, Mr. President,” Princess Luna cut in quickly.

I sighed of course she made a big deal of that. “I am sorry,” I saw the president roll his eyes.

I was shocked how well people reacted then, it happened. A loud boom was heard hitting Princess Celestia in the hoof. “What the buck!?” she covered her open wound. She kept her eyes shut as she ran to the protection of a wooden stand just large enough for her to hide behind. I looked around. Suddenly a more close range shot came from someone behind me. I felt my heart skip a beat as the bullet could’ve hit me. I turned a man in a white formal shirt, a trench coat, a fedora, a pair of French shoes, a pair of black sunglasses, formal pants, a bandana covering his mouth, and a revolver in hand continued to shoot. I bit my lip I know if I moved I’d most likely get shot, if I didn’t I may get shot, there was a middle ground however; I with one last thought kicked him down with a rough kick to his stomach. I quickly grabbed the gun before he could grab it and chose to shot him in the leg. I looked back at the princess gun still in hand making sure he couldn’t shoot again. I looked back and toke off his bandana. I saw as the Princess got out of hiding and looked angry. “I thought this place was peaceful! I thought we could help each other, but I see now we’re dead wrong!” with that Princess Celestia stormed off and used her magic to lift up the guards protecting the President. “We will not tolerate this futile attempt of assassination, we must take action!” she yelled dropping the guards to the floor giving a heavy and angry snort. Broken bones were all around us all the guards’ bones were broken from the fall.

The President ran away to a helicopter. It flew off and Princess Celestia took no mind to it. All the guards stormed on and began charging at everyone. We pushed back with everything we had. I bit my lips as a pony shoved me to the ground next to the gun. I saw his horn glow. I looked over. Quickly I grabbed the gun and with no time to aim I pulled the trigger. That’s when everything got out of hand. I ran away to my house. I shut the door seeing my parents sitting down watching the news. “Hey Gabe, where were you?” my mom asked. “And, did you hear of this thing?” she asked pointing to the TV.

I had the gun in my pocket. “Uh… yes, I do,” I gulped before I brought my hand out of my pocket. The gun was still warm.

“Gabe, what did you do?” my dad hissed taking note of the gun I held in my hand.

I set the gun down carefully. “I don’t know, I grabbed the gun as the ponies attacked but I got the gun when I took it from the second assassin,” I rustled my hair quickly.

“Assassin what?!” my brother looked at me funny.

“Yes, the assassin, I was at the park while the President was talking with the ponies, did you hear anything after that?” I asked noticing the TV showing commercials.

“No, why should we?” Steve, my dad asked.

I opened my mouth when the door swung open. Two soldiers stormed in and picked me up with no warning. My dad was gap jawed. My dad blocked the door. “Whoa, what is going on?” my dad asked the two soldiers.

“Please, get out of the way Sir, or we will force our way past you,” one of the two said in a monotone voice.

“No, I will not-” with that the two did as stated before and pushed my dad out of the way.

“I can’t believe this,” I said as I was dragged to a base, the spot of which I learned how to fight.

I saw a man he looked scary. “Listen up maggots! We are going at the toughest opponents we ever went against!” the drill Sargent screamed in the voice normal to his position.

I heard another voice call from one of the new recruits. “Who are we facing?” the soldier asked in a loud voice.

“Ponies,” the Sargent simply stated.

My life took a large turn after that.


I looked around. It hasn’t changed since I was released. I looked among the bus. The same driver was driving. “Well, welcome back, Gabriel,” Scootaloo the driver spoke over her shoulder.

“Yeah, yeah dodo,” I rolled my eyes at her voice.

Scootaloo began to drive. I was set next to some random man. “Hold on,” whispered the unknown man.

I raised an eyebrow. “What why?” I looked at the black haired man.

“No time to explain,” he said looking at his cuffs.

I shook my head. I looked at the front of the bus. “Oh dear,” I gulped. “This is not good,” I saw as a tank came my way. The tank seemed to be aiming for us.

“Take cover!!” Rarity yelled in a tone that was oddly deep for her. I as fear of my own life I did as told and took cover. The fire seemed to have flipped the bus. I peeked over; none of the humans were alive other than me and that man.

“Right, you did well,” the man said. I tilted my head.

“Who the heck are you?” I asked going through the bag of a fellow dead human. I found a gun, a pistol however, that’s fine actually.

“C’mon, you don’t remember me?” the younger man asked giving me a pat on the back.

I blinked totally lost. The younger man was black, black hair as well it was a buzz cut. “No, sorry,” I blushed I know I know him, but, where?

The younger man looked to me and shrugged. “It’s me, Donovan,” he shook my hand. I slapped my forehead with my right hand, c’mon, how could I forget my cousin?!

“Oh, Donovan it’s you!” I kept slapping my head.

Donovan laughed slightly. “It’s alright,” he assured he rubbed a wound on his head.

I got up holding my pistol in one hand and crawling with the other. “C’mon, let’s go,” Donovan said in an ‘I’m in charge’ voice.

I tapped his shoulder in anger. “And who put you in charge, Donovan?” I asked knowing something is off.

“Well, I’m the one who warned you of the tank,” Donovan looked to the big brick building.

I rolled my eyes. “And what have you done since this?” I asked my cousin.

He smiled. “I’ve been just fighting against the horses, as a freelancer,” he sounded proud of that.

I chuckled that’s nothing compared to me. “Oh come on, I’m a true officer, sure I was only one for a few months, but I was put on leave for, well this,” I showed Donovan my scar on my hand; both sides.

“Wow, well, let’s go, we better get out of here,” I sighed as Donovan kept telling me what to do.

I rushed to his side for no true reason. “Fine,” I sighed as I said that. “You know, I haven’t seen you in a while,” I thought back for a moment.


It was a bright and sunny day nearing the end of summer for Alaska. We found a new planet in a new solar system. We found that there was nothing that could go wrong. We were awaiting the sight of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna the two rulers of the new planet. When I heard of this I knew I had to see it myself. I walked to the town park where we were meeting. I saw nothing out of the normal a group of male ponies was guarding the Princess of the sun and of the moon, as we did for the president. “Hello, you must be Princess Celestia,” the president spoke warmly.

The Princess nodded happily. “Yes, and you must be President Obama,” Princess Celestia glanced at her sister who was looking to the ground.

President Brock Obama shook her hoof. “Of course, nice to meet you,” he said people were of course defensive of him.

Princess Celestia looked to her sister. “Is everything alright my dear sister? You look tense,” Princess Celestia asked her younger sister.

“We’re fine dearest sister, we art just worried about thee, it’s only these new living beings. They seem untrustworthy you see,” Princess Luna glared at a bunch of people one of them being a blonde hair, blue eyed, male; me. I gulped this is hard to detect how this’ll play out.

“Don’t worry, they don’t seem harmful,” Princess Celestia spoke softly to her sister.

The president looked amongst the crowd. “No one is going to harm you Queen,” he spoke immediately cut off.

“It’s Princess, Mr. President,” Princess Luna cut in quickly.

I sighed of course she made a big deal of that. “I am sorry,” I saw the president roll his eyes.

I was shocked how well people reacted then, it happened. A loud boom was heard hitting Princess Celestia in the hoof. “What the buck!?” she covered her open wound. She kept her eyes shut as she ran to the protection of a wooden stand just large enough for her to hide behind. I looked around. Suddenly a more close range shot came from someone behind me. I felt my heart skip a beat as the bullet could’ve hit me. I turned a man in a white formal shirt, a trench coat, a fedora, a pair of French shoes, a pair of black sunglasses, formal pants, a bandana covering his mouth, and a revolver in hand continued to shoot. I bit my lip I know if I moved I’d most likely get shot, if I didn’t I may get shot, there was a middle ground however; I with one last thought kicked him down with a rough kick to his stomach. I quickly grabbed the gun before he could grab it and chose to shot him in the leg. I looked back at the princess gun still in hand making sure he couldn’t shoot again. I looked back and toke off his bandana. I saw as the Princess got out of hiding and looked angry. “I thought this place was peaceful! I thought we could help each other, but I see now we’re dead wrong!” with that Princess Celestia stormed off and used her magic to lift up the guards protecting the President. “We will not tolerate this futile attempt of assassination, we must take action!” she yelled dropping the guards to the floor giving a heavy and angry snort. Broken bones were all around us all the guards’ bones were broken from the fall.

The President ran away to a helicopter. It flew off and Princess Celestia took no mind to it. All the guards stormed on and began charging at everyone. We pushed back with everything we had. I bit my lips as a pony shoved me to the ground next to the gun. I saw his horn glow. I looked over. Quickly I grabbed the gun and with no time to aim I pulled the trigger. That’s when everything got out of hand. I ran away to my house. I shut the door seeing my parents sitting down watching the news. “Hey Gabe, where were you?” my mom asked. “And, did you hear of this thing?” she asked pointing to the TV.

I had the gun in my pocket. “Uh… yes, I do,” I gulped before I brought my hand out of my pocket. The gun was still warm.

“Gabe, what did you do?” my dad hissed taking note of the gun I held in my hand.

I set the gun down carefully. “I don’t know, I grabbed the gun as the ponies attacked but I got the gun when I took it from the second assassin,” I rustled my hair quickly.

“Assassin what?!” my brother looked at me funny.

“Yes, the assassin, I was at the park while the President was talking with the ponies, did you hear anything after that?” I asked noticing the TV showing commercials.

“No, why should we?” Steve, my dad asked.

I opened my mouth when the door swung open. Two soldiers stormed in and picked me up with no warning. My dad was gap jawed. My dad blocked the door. “Whoa, what is going on?” my dad asked the two soldiers.

“Please, get out of the way Sir, or we will force our way past you,” one of the two said in a monotone voice.

“No, I will not-” with that the two did as stated before and pushed my dad out of the way.

“I can’t believe this,” I said as I was dragged to a base, the spot of which I learned how to fight.

I saw a man he looked scary. “Listen up maggots! We are going at the toughest opponents we ever went against!” the drill Sargent screamed in the voice normal to his position.

I heard another voice call from one of the new recruits. “Who are we facing?” the soldier asked in a loud voice.

“Ponies,” the Sargent simply stated.

My life took a large turn after that.

Four months ago

I sat with my family. I pat Donovan’s shoulder he was beginning to leave. “Bye Donovan,” I waved my hand.

“Bye dude,” he said back walking away. I sighed as I flopped to the couch.

I heard Seth, mom, and dad yawn. “I think I’m going to go to sleep,” Seth shrugged as he went upstairs.

“Agreed,” mom said yawning again.

Dad nodded agreeing with mom. I wasn’t tired at all. “I’m going to stay up a bit more,” I said I never get the opportunity.

“Goodnight, don’t stay up too late,” dad said walking upstairs.

I saw on TV my regular shows are on. I switched on demand on. I looked through the shows. “Let’s see, The Middle, The Goldbergs, you know what,” I shrugged and didn’t use on demand but just turned on the news.

“This just in: A new race was found, a four legged talking equines, and we will soon see them in person when they go to Anchorage, Alaska, and speak with the President, in the park, anyone is welcome to watch,” the anchor said.

My eyes widened then I just shook my head. “Could this be? Are, no, no, no, but I’ll still go to the park,” I sighed I began to talk to myself. Honestly?


I held in my hand a gun like before. I took to cover when hearing the sound of a snapped twig. I bit my lip, made sure the 9mm was loaded fully. It was. I did these hand signs taught in the military. I saw Donovan shrug his shoulders at what I was meaning. I sighed silently. “You ready to fight?” I asked quietly these ponies looked like they just got off the bus. I sighed, and then I peeked my head out of cover. There were three ponies. I sighed, ‘what do I got to lose?’ I thought to myself. I grabbed my gun and brought a bullet straight through one of the ponies’ skulls. Donovan did the same to a unicorn while mine was a Pegasus. I looked behind me to see a pony just behind me. She punched me in the face with her hoof. The other earth leapt on Donovan making him drop the gun he had. “Howdy partner,” the mare smirked evilly.

I bit my lip its General Applejack the general of the earth ponies. “Hey there,” I smirked remembering her from my torture.


I finally was let go and was sent to a small fortress in the used to be the Alcatraz in San Francisco, where Applejack and Pinkie Pie was running things. “Hey fresh meat,” Applejack taunted me with one little swift to the face from Applejack’s part. I didn’t talk at all. “C’mon Sugarcube, jus’ talk already,” Applejack hissed at me.

“Yeah, if you don’t things will get super-duper complicated and we don’t want that,” the pink second in command said in her natural the normal cheery voice.

I rolled my eyes. I already have a wounded hand; now I have more to go through. “You know, I always wanted to go to San Fran, almost as much as Paris, I’m sure you didn’t know that,” I smirked at her seeing another punch come to my face. As a reaction I simply grabbed it. With one quick motion I snapped it like a twig.

“Gah!!” Applejack screamed in pain.

I cleared my throat. “Ahem, are we done here or what?” I asked smirking at the mare holding her hoof.

Pinkie Pie’s mane suddenly straight leapt to the table. “Shut up! Where is he!” the insane pink mare asked hoof holding me down.

“I don’t know Miss Pie,” I smirked getting a loud smash to the face.

I rolled my eyes. She was one of the only two interrogating me. “Shut up!” with that I was shown another punch to the face.

I simply chuckled. “This is interrogating 101,” I stated flatly as the mare gave me a cold stare.

“Well, then, maybe this’ll change your mind,” she gestured to the door. I saw Applejack still mending her hoof I broke.

To the door was a stallion. I saw who it was. It was Big Macintosh. “Are you here to interrogate me Big Mac?” I looked to the stallion’s eyes.

“Eeeup,” Big Mac said in his one word sentence way.

I saw him get to bucking position. In one motion my jaw broke. “Where is he?!” he pink mare hissed at me.

“I don’t know who you’re talking about,” I looked away from everyone.

With that another hoof landed on my face. Then she smirked and walked away. I raised an eyebrow. I then noticed a pot of something. “What’s this?” I asked giving into my own wonders.

Without answering the pink mare alone grabbed my hands and put it in. I learned what that was the hard way; boiling hot water. I screamed it was hotter than anything I’ve ever touched. “Where is he?!” she put my hand deeper into the water, the deeper it went the hotter it got.

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I tried to free myself only to fail.

“No, no, we know you’re originally assigned to Washington D.C. you have to know where he is!” with that she gave me another punch.

“God, you do not give up do you?” I chuckled still having no feelings towards my hands.

Pinkie smirked as she saw Applejack slowly limp over to me. “Where the hell is he!?” she screamed at the top of her lungs. She began to raise her hoof to the air but winced in pain and lowered it.

“Aw, what’s a matter, got leg troubles?” I smirked I maybe should stop being a Smart-Alec.

I smiled after the pink mare hit my hand with her hoof. “Why are you smiling?” Applejack tapped her muzzle with her good front hoof.

“Oh just the mistake you made,” I smirked the hot water rusted the cuffs only slightly. I reached into my pocket and picked the lock while no one was looking.

“Mistake. What mistake?” Pinkie tilted her head.

I unlocked the handcuffs. With that another punch and buck to the face and gut I was down. Next thing I know I wasn’t in San Francisco anymore.


I managed to get a punch thrown in at the mare, making her fall to the ground. I smiled at the fact she fell over. Soon however she got up Pinkie still on Donovan. I saw her leap on me. I grabbed the mare. With both hooves in my hands I tossed her off. Obviously she didn’t fully recover as she both had her hoof over that wound and bandages on it. I then grabbed her and put a gun to her head. “Now, put him down, or I’ll decorate this convince store with orange and red. Your choice,” I smirked just as a precaution to show that I mean it I pointed the gun in the air and shot it. “Choose fast,” I said, “or, if you’d rather I can let you go, and you let my cousin go,” I said eyeing Donovan.

Pinkie was left with a difficult choice. She however came to a conclusion. “Fine,” she tossed Donovan down to the ground.

“Thank you, now, leave,” I demanded tossing Applejack to the ground. They did as I demanded and left me and Donovan alone. I looked to Donovan. “Are you okay Donovan?” I asked wasting no time to raise him to his feet.

I smiled at Donovan. “Next stop, the airport” I said climbing into a jeep.

“Hey, aren’t you a little young to drive?” Donovan asked dropping his out of ammo gun.

I looked at him with a stare. “I’ve been in the military, I think I can drive this,” I told him, “just, take this gun, take out any of the ponies that come our way,” I told him who willingly took the gun from my hands.

I quickly came to a halt as I saw a man walk in front of the jeep. “Run!” the man screamed running away. I looked over to my left to see a group of Pegasus ponies.

“Oh no,” I then started the jeep trying to get away from the group of ponies. “And I know who are the leaders,” I kept driving making sure we kept a good distance.

Donovan looked to me. “Who is?” he asked never seeing the leaders. I sadly know them all too well.


I looked amongst the city. Here is the second most dangerous city. I am in Paris, the Eiffel Tower to be exact. I bit my lip as I noticed I was decided by second in command Pinkie Pie and injured General Applejack to General Rainbow Dash and second in command Fluttershy. “Alright, where am I?” I questioned I was strapped to a chair in a dark room.

“Hi there, Gabriel,” a raspy voice said in a cunning way.

“H-Hi,” the softer voice said both finally walking out of the darkness.

I smiled. “Hi Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, how’s it going?” I smirked lightly knowing their next.

Immediately I was punched by the cyan mare. “Alright, we all know you would know where he is,” Rainbow pushed me downward.

I looked around the place. “You know, I always wanted to go to Paris; see the Eiffel Tower, meet a few of the locals, that kind of stuff, you know,” I saw the city finally its lights turning on.

“Yeah, yeah, Pinkie told us of you, how you’re such a cunning soldier,” Rainbow glared at me suddenly picking me up by the chair.

“Now, w-where is he tell us… if, if you don’t mind,” the softer toned mare said hiding behind her pink mane.

“No, I have no idea,” I smirked at Fluttershy.

A smile came on the cyan mare, that confused me why smile? Just then the two ponies grabbed me their wings unlocking the straps. They went outside of the building carrying me outside. I was hanging over the top of the tower with only two angry ponies holding me by the arms.

“Where is he?” Rainbow asked. “Where is your leader?” she added angrily.

I shrugged my shoulders. “I have no idea,” I smiled sheepishly.

They didn’t believe me and dropped me for a split second. I gasped as the ponies caught me. I let out a sigh as I looked to the ponies. “Where is he tell us now!” the rainbow maned mare smirked. “It’s a pretty far fall,” she said pointing down. I bit my lip; I was always a bit afraid of heights.

“I have no idea Rainbow Crash and Klutzershy,” I smirked at my own words.

Rainbow frowned at my words. “Tsk, tsk, you should learn when to shut up, to be nice however, I’ll give you another chance, now, where is he?” Rainbow glared at me while keeping me in the air.

“Get the hell off me!” I hissed. “But put me down first,” I looked away. I still liked seeing Paris though it did scare me slightly of falling.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. It’s time for the big guns. “Fine wimp,” she let me down onto the ground.

“I-Is it time for the big g-guns Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked looking to the cyan mare.

Rainbow smirked. “Yep, time to go to New York,” Rainbow pat my back.

I looked to her. “Huh, New York what’s there… oh no.”


I went as fast as I could in the car, Donovan weakly shooting down the Pegasi. “How’s it going Donovan?” I asked seeing only a three of the thirty or so of the Pegasi were shot down.

“C’mon Gabe, you try and shoot them,” he said taking offence to my tone.

I nodded. “Fine, take the wheel,” I took the gun and climbed to the secondary seat.

Donovan made his way to the driver’s seat. He floored it. I shot the pistol hitting ponies with every shot. Suddenly Donovan saw something. “Jump!” he simply yelled. He leapt out of the seat.

I looked next to me. There it was… a bomb. “Ah!” I tried to jump however I failed and the blast blinded me. This entire experience flashed in my eyes.


I gulped as I looked among the city. This time I must’ve fallen off the truck. I woke in the center of the city. I looked around gave a yawn I was knocked out for what felt like forever. I knew that I wouldn’t have much time to catch my breath. I ducked behind cover as the sound of magic bursts shocked me.

I began to hear stomping of human footsteps. I poked my head out of the cover to the sight of all these soldiers storming the city of New York heading for the Empire State Building. “Psst, what’s going on?” I asked any soldier willing to answer.

Someone actually responded to me. “We’re going against the Empire State Building!” the man raised his arm.

I wanted to go away let them do what they want to do, however, I’m a soldier, and from how they’re walking they were just freelancers not soldiers. I ran to the side of all these freelancers. I gripped a sniper rifle and assault rifle as well. I pulled out my assault rifle charging onward with the men and woman. “Charge!” the expected leader which wore a black suit and an unmade tie. He looked familiar I can’t place my finger on it though.

“Charge!” the man repeated holding his assault rifle in the air. I couldn’t see the man’s face.

“Death to Celestia!” the guy screamed as he led the battalion. I did as told and charged taking cover every chance I could get. I saw as the possibly all of the soldiers of unicorns, Pegasi, earth ponies, and five alicorns, (yes, two alicorn OCs). We stopped as the armada came to a closer view. “Stop!” the same man screamed stopping right in front of the armada.

“You dare to challenge thou to a fight?!” Luna’s royal Canterlot voice roared.

The man with guts nodded. “Yes, we do!” he said aiming a gun easily at her head. “Say goodbye!” he said a gunshot firing from the gun. Princess Celestia however saw this coming and jumped out of the way making the bullet hit one of the ponies. I charged to cover and blindly shot over the cover. Finally I heard someone laugh. I peeked over the cover. Saw the man point as he kept shooting in one hand “Shoot, shoot!” the man said I then realized where I saw him. He was the one assigned to assassinate Princess Celestia up close. I shook my head and let the bullets fly wherever they go. Soon however I was hit with a bullet to the shoulder. “Friendly fire!” screamed the accidental shooter. My eyes grew heavy as I looked to the gray skies of New York, eyes falling down. All I hope is that I don’t wake in the Empire State Building.


I slowly opened my eyes. “Oh, my head,” I rubbed my head aching with pain.

“Ah, you’re awake,” the voice sounded male but too adult and deep to be Donovan. My vision was weak. I looked around nothing around that I could see. I saw I was in what looked like a military sign up.

“Wh-Where am I?” I rubbed my head still visionless.

The male person spoke. “You’re in what used to be the Diamond mall,” the man said. “Your vision will regain over time, don’t worry,” the man assured.

I rubbed my head. “Where’s Donovan?” I asked rubbing my head vision still blurry.

My vision began to become clearer. “You were all we could find,” he said sadly I hope Donovan's okay.

Finally my vision was fully cleared. I looked around to thank the doctor. “Thank you doc…” my eyes widened as I saw the doctor and let out a scream.

Comments ( 2 )

You've gotten better. :twilightsmile: Keep it up.

Please write more!

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