• Published 5th Oct 2013
  • 431 Views, 2 Comments

The three heroes - Sunburst Pony

The three main vilians from MLP team up and take dow the main 6. Now Luna, Twilight, and Nyx must find new heroes to help them win canterlot back.

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The team

“And that’s the story so far Reece.” Reece was staring at Sam and Luna with his jaw wide open

“So let me get this straight, you came here from another dimension and need three humans to help you fight this evil Queen and her minions?” Reece asked.

“Yes that is what I ask of you. I know I can’t force you to but please I beg you help me save them.

“What do you think Sam?” Reece asked

“I’ve agreed to help and I thought you might be someone that would help.” Reece looked back at Sam and Luna, he looked like he was concentering what would happen.

“Aright count me in.” Reece said

“Aright welcome to the team Reece.” Sam said

“Thank you.” Luna said

“OK What now Sam?” Reece said

“Well we need one more person to help us. Do you have any suggestions?” Reece looked down for ten seconds than looked up and said

“You know what I do Sam, I do.”

Sam, Reece, and Luna stepped out of Sam’s Truck and walked up to the house of Dustin Croft. Sam knocked on the door and herd Dustin’s brother say.

“Dustin someone’s at the door.” Ten seconds later Dustin opened the door surprised to see his friends at the door.

“Hey guys what’s going on?”

“A lot is going on Dustin Croft.” Luna had steped out from behind Sam and Reece. Just like Sam, Dustin jumped from the site of Luna but soon bowed.

“H…hello princess I never thought you were real.” Dustin said

So you know of me like Sam?”

“Yes of course I know of you Luna princess of the night.”

“Well good because I need your help Dustin, Equestria is in grave danger from Chrysalis the Queen of the changlings. She has taken over Canterlot and captured my sister, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash.”

“Is Twilight captured too?” Dustin asked.

“No, she and Nyx are at Sam’s house waiting for us to return.”

“Ok let’s go I’m in.”

“Really you are going to help?” Luna asked

“Of corse you need us and I won’t look away when a princess needs help.”

“Thank you Dustin Croft. Now we must get back to Sam’s house

“Ok LET’S DO IT!” Dustin yelled

The group got back to Sam’s house and before they went in Luna asked to talk to them.

“I must again thank the three of you for coming to my aid. But I realize you can fight well in your current state. So I have a gift to give all of you.
“Man can’t believe we got captured by discord, and King Sombra.” Rainbow Dash said. “How could we have let our guard down like that?”

“I don’t know but this dungeon is hideous. Look at all the dust and dirt. It’s getting all over my boutiful white coat. Said Rarity

“Would yeall quit your yapin and help me find a way out of here.” Said Applejack

“Oh oh is it hide and seek, or a hunting game oh it sounds so much fun!” Chirped Pinkie Pie

“I… I don’t like this place its scary girls.” Said Fluttershy scarcely It had been three hours since they had been captured and they were already getting on each other’s nerves. They heard footsteps coming down the star case of the dungeon. They had been taken to the dungeons in the castle of Canterlot. Unlike most of the city it was dark, black and scary. As the footsteps came closer they saw that it was Discord.

“What did you do to Twilight?” Rainbow dash said sunedly.

“I didn’t do anything to her. But Chrysalis on the other hand might have a different story.

“What did yeall do to her?” Applejack snapped

“Well from what I know she through her out a window and she fell to her death.

“WHAT?” Rainbow yelled

“NO it can’t be.” Applejack said

“OOHHHH!” Rarity said as she fainted

“Why you big MEANY! Fluttershy lunged at Discord trying to get to him through the jail bars. Pinkie’s mane deflated and she began to cry.

“HA HA HA I geash the won’t be any more elements of harmony, and that means no one can stop us. MHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

“What kind of gifts do you mean Princess?” Dustin asked

“Gifts from your own memories, I will use my magic to enter your minds and see your memories. With them I will find the most powerful entity you like and give you their powers.”

“Ok I’m ready.” Sam said
“Me too. Reece said
“Me three.” Dustin said. Calling on her magic Luna’s horn glowed, and Sam, Reece, and Dustin braced themselves for what was to come. But to their surprise the magic didn’t hurt, but it felt like a gentle ray of sun hitting their faces. Soon Luna’s magic stopped and they opened their eyes and looked at Luna waiting for what she had to say.
“Now that I have looked into your memories I have found your favorite and most powerful entity.” Luna looked at Dustin and said “For Dustin Croft I shale Give you the skill, look, speed, bravery, and endurance of Sonic the hedgehog.” Her horn glowed and the light engulfed Dustin. After the light subsided Dustin was kneeling With long spiky Blue hair, Big red and gold shoes, and his skin had turned to a Blue fur, except for his face.
“Wow I look just like sonic, cool.” Dustin said
“Next for you Reece Newlin I will give you the skill, strength, leadership, and bravery of ……. Roy.” This time her horn glowed gold and a gold light surrounded Reece. When the light dissipated Reece’s hair turned red, he had Roy armor and his sword, The sword of seals.
“Wow you got everything right, the armor, hair, and the sword.”
“Now finally for you Samuel Uphoff I give you the power, life, body, and might of the legendary monster Godzilla.” Now Luna’s horn glowed red and fell on Sam. When it despaired it seemed like Sam was no longer human at all. He had the black scaly body, bone white back spines, hands, feet and even tail of Godzilla. But then he turned around and he still hand the same face, but with long sharp teeth.
“Incredible I look just like Godzilla, but a lot smaller of course. Thank you Luna, Luna are you ok?” She had almost fallen on the ground if Dustin hadn’t sped to her to keep her up.
“Yes I am fine just a little worn out from that display. By the way Sam your power has and extra effect if you ever need it. You can completely take Godzilla’s form for a short time. But if you are in it too long he may take over and you would go on a rampage. So right now you only have half the power of the real Godzilla.” Luna said panting.
“Ok thanks for the info, let’s get you inside. But first how do we get back to human form?” Sam asked
“Just wish it and it will happen.” They suat their eyes and wished to be human again. They were covered in light again and when it faded the were normal again but they all had a special sword in their hands. Dustin’s was light, Blue and red. Reece’s was the sword of seals, and Sam’s was Black Huge and jagged on the end.
“What are these?” They all asked at once.
“They are you swords that will change you back and that you will use in battle.” They put the swords it their holders that appeared just like the swords and help Luna in Sam’s house.
Sam your back!” Nyx ran over to Sam and rubbed agented his leg. Sam pick the little filly up and hugged her.
“Hi Nyx how is Twilight doing?” Sam asked
“Well I’m doing better now that I’m awake. Twilight said carefully getting of the couch.
“Twilight yer awake, Hows the cut?” Sam asked
“It stings a little but not bad. So you’re the Sam thyat Nyx was telling me about?” Twilight asked
“Yea he fixed you up and kept me come through the whole thing.” Nyx chirped.
“Well then I must thank you for taking care of me and Nyx.” Sam kneeled down and checked the bandage on Twilight’s head.
“It needs to be changed I’ll get the bandages and replace it.

The next day Twilight and Luna had recovered and we were about to make the journey to Equestria.
“Alright everyone ready?” Luna said
“Yes we are.” Everyone said at once.
“Twilight, Nyx you two ok?” Sam asked
“Yes we are Sam thanks for asking.” Twilight said with a wink
“Alright I am going to activate the second Space Gem to take us back to our demotion.” Luna said Her horn glowed and the magic fill the gem and created a blue swirling portal. Nyx whimpered a little remembering the last time she traveled through the portal. She jumped behind Sam and Twilight and began to shake. Sam turned around noticing Nyx behind him, he keeled down so he was eye level with her.
“Hey I’s going to be ok Nyx. Twilight and I are here to protect you, ok?”
“Ok” Nyx said still shaking.
“Alright everyone time to go through the portal.” Luna said. Luna leading the way stepped in the portal and everyone followed her in.