The three heroes

by Sunburst Pony

First published

The three main vilians from MLP team up and take dow the main 6. Now Luna, Twilight, and Nyx must find new heroes to help them win canterlot back.

Twilight and her friends are ambushed in canterlot by Discord, Sombra, and Chrysalis. They nearly succeed is killing Twilight but Luna saves her Knowing she can't fight the three of them alone Luna takes Twilight and Nyx to find help, in another demotion.


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“No, this can’t be happening.” Twilight Sparkle said as she stared down the changling queen Chrysalis. She had come to Canterlot to have a visit with Princess Celestia and her friends from Ponyville. But now she had her back against one of the many stain glass windows in the castle throne room. The queen had teamed up with Discord and King Sombra and was now trying to take the city. She had tried before but Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor had defended her. But now they were trapped in pods hanging from the ceiling. Celestia had tried to stop her but jest like before the queen was to strong. She told Twilight and her friend to get the elements of harmony to defeat her but jest as she finished her sentence King Sombra and Discord broke through the door and captured Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow dash, Rarity, and Applejack. They had already had the elements with them but were now in the clutches of the two villains. They flew out of the room and before Twilight could react the doors shut and had a locking spell on it. She looked back and felt the air in her lungs leave her body as she fell to the ground. She was jest bucked in the chest by the queen. She got up and winced from the pain in her chest. She tried to cast a levitation spell on the queen to throw her across the room but she was grabbed by her magic first.

The Queen Do you really thing you can fight me. I jest defeated Celestia.” After Twilight was thrown across the room she hit the ground hard. She got up and stumbled to one of the windows to steady herself. She looked back at the queen who had a demonic grin on her face and said.

“And now I shall destroy the element of magic so that it can never harm me. And with that line she sent out a magic shock wave which sent twilight flying through the window she had steadied herself on. Now she was going to fall to her death. Her life flashed in her eyes like lighting. Am I really going to die here? she thought. What would happen to her friends, what would happen to Ponyville, what would happen to Equestria, what would happen to Nyx. Her thoughts stopped, what would happen to Nyx when she was gone? And with that thought she closed her eyes and waited for the ground to flatten her. One single tear fell from her eyes and floated up above her. Just as she was going to hit the ground, a flash of light came from the moon and it turned into a stream an caught Twilight just in time. It was Princess Luna.

“I am glad I got here in time Twilight Sparkle. Twilight can you hear me.” She was unconscious on Luna’s back and she noted this and flew off for Ponyville

Luna arrived at the golden oak’s library ten minutes after she saved her. She opened the door with her magic and waked in. The sound of the door closing awoke Spike and Nyx. They walked down the stairs to see Luna standing in the living room.

“Hey Princess what brings you here, I thought you would be having dinner with Twilight and her friends right now.” Spike said with a cock in his eyebrow.

“I come here with grave news.” Luna said “Chrysalis has returned and she is not alone, Discord, and King Sombra has join her in taking control of Canterlot.” Spike and Nyx looked at her with their mouths wide open.

“What happened to Twilight is she okay.” Nyx said with a tremble in her voice. Luna moved to one side to show the injured unicorn on her back. “Twilight.” Nyx said with tears forming in her eyes. “Twilight are you ok, please say something.” Nyx begged nuzzling her adopted mother on the cheek. She felt some kind of liquid on her head she felt it and brought it to her eyes. It was red, it was blood, and it was Twilight’s blood. Nyx yelped and jumped back at the sight of the blood.

“What happened to her?” Nyx asked tears now flowing from her eyes.

“She was sent flying through a window. By the changling queen. I just barely caught her before she hit the ground.” Nyx dried her tears with her hooves and looked up at Luna.

“What are we going to do now?”

“There is a legend of a dimension completely opposite of our own. The people of that dimension are said to be heroes to us ponies. If we can get some to join us we might be able to repel the attack.” Luna said.

“But how will we get there?” Spike asked.

“With these.” Luna brought out two rainbow colored gems. “These are the gems of space it lets us travel to a different dimension. But if you want to return soon you must have two with you. Because after you use one you must let it recharge for a year. I will take Twilight with me and see if one of the “humans” as their called can help her.”

“I’m going with you.” Nyx interrupted.

“No you can’t it’s too dangerous for a filly to go.”

No no no NO! I am staying with Twilight and you can’t stop me!” Nyx yelled. She climbed up on Luna’s back and on to Twilight’s. Luna sighed, she knew she couldn’t get Nyx to get off willing so she looked back at the filly and said

“Alright but promise me you will be careful.”

“Don’t worry I will.” Nyx chirped as she nuzzled her mother’s cheek.

“Spike in the morning tell all of Ponyville what happened and tell them to flee to Nightmare Moon’s old castle.”
“Of corse Princess.”
“Good now we must be off. We will return when we have three heroes with us.” And with that Luna flew out the open door of the library and flew up high in the sky. “Hold on Nyx this might get a bit bumpy.” She toke out the gems of space and flowed her magic into one. A shorling hole appeared in front of them and Luna flew in to it Nyx hanging on for dear life.


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Sam Uphoff was a normal teenager. He was good in school loved video games, and spending time with his friends Reece Newlin and Dustin Croft. It was Saturday night and Sam was playing Halo 4 with Reece on X-box live.
“Reece behind you!” Sam yelled. He looked behind him and saw an enemy tying to assaenat him. He lured him out into the open and I sniped him.
“Standing around like a bloody idot.” Sam said
“Thanks for the warning Sam.” Reece said
“No problem.”
“KABOOM” Sam and Reece were both killed by and enemy rocket.
“Darn it.” Reece said “I was on a killing spree.”
“Don’t worry we’ll still win.”
“What was that.” Reece said over the mic.
“I Think someone is at the door be right back.” Sam left his room and went to the front door. Since him parents were gone he had to answer all the people at the door. When he opened the door he expected to find a man or women but what he found was much different. He opened the door and saw a blue pony with the wings of a pegesscs and the horn of a unicorn. Sam emedtly jumps back in disbelief of what he just saw.

“Are you that surprised to see me.” Luna said.

“Princess Luna your real?” Sam said. Luna looked up at him with a cocked eyebrow.

“You know my name?” Luna said. Sam bowed in front of her and said.

“Of course I know your name princess but I thought you were just a cartoon.

“You my stand, I have grave news from Equestria and only your kind can help me.

“What kind of news princess.” Sam said.

“The changling queen Chrysalis has returned and has taken over Canterlot. She has captured my sister, Applejack, Rainbow dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. Sam’s eyes widened.

“What about Twilight is she captured too? Sam said with a tremer in his voice.

“How do you know my mom? A faint voice said.

“Nyx hush now he is a friend.” Luna wipered to her back. Sam aloud Luna in and she sat on the couch, just barly fitting her.

“Your not alone are you Luna.” Sam said setting next to her.
“No I’m not I guess I can’t hide them forever.” Luna reached out with her magic and lifted two figures from her back. One was small and black and the other was bigger and purple. Sam recognized them instantly.

“Twilight, Nyx are you ok?” Nyx looked up at Sam and nodded.

“Y...yes I am but I don’t know about Twilight. Sam looked down at Twilight not noticing that she hadn’t moved at all.

“Twilight are you ok?” Sam said. She didn’t respond. “Luna what happened to her.”

“She was thrown out a window and about fell to her death. I caught her right be before she hit the ground but she hasn’t woken up yet. I am afraid that she might not come out of it.

“W…w what she won’t wake up?” Nyx said with tears forming in her eyes.

“No I’m sure she will wake up soon.” Sam said trying to comfort Nyx.

“Really, she will?

“I will make sure she does Nyx.” Without thinking Nyx fell into Sam’s chest and began to cry. Sam hugged her gently trying to comfort the young filly. Looking up at Luna Sam asked

What are her injuries?”

“All I know is that her head is cut bad.” Luna said.

“Ok I’ll take a look.” Putting Nyx next to him on the couch he lifted twilight’s mane he saw the cut five inches above her right eye. He moved her mane a bit more and saw that it was just a cut not to deep.

“Ok she has a small cut above her right eye. It’s not deep enough to need stiches but it will need to be bandaged to stop the blood from oozing.” Sam got up and went to the medicine cabinet and grabbed a roll of bandages. He went back over to Twilight lifted her mane again and wrapped the bandages around her head covering the cut. “That should do it. Now we just have to wait for her to wake up.

“Thank you ah…..”

“Sam my name is Sam Princess.”

“Thank you Sam I am in your deat.”

“Is she going to be ok now?” Nyx said lying next to Twilight.

“Yes she is Nyx now she just has to wake up.” Nyx smiled up at Sam and then laid her head back next to Twilight’s.

“She will be stable Sam. Luna said

“Yes she should be.”

“Good because we must find two more humans to help us. Do you have any suggestions?” Luna asked. Sam looked down at the ground thinking, and then a grin grew on his face.

“Yes I do Luna wait here.” Sam went into his room put on his headset and began to talk.

“Reece are you still there?”

“Yea I’m here.”
“I’m coming to your house; I have a story to tell you.

The team

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“And that’s the story so far Reece.” Reece was staring at Sam and Luna with his jaw wide open

“So let me get this straight, you came here from another dimension and need three humans to help you fight this evil Queen and her minions?” Reece asked.

“Yes that is what I ask of you. I know I can’t force you to but please I beg you help me save them.

“What do you think Sam?” Reece asked

“I’ve agreed to help and I thought you might be someone that would help.” Reece looked back at Sam and Luna, he looked like he was concentering what would happen.

“Aright count me in.” Reece said

“Aright welcome to the team Reece.” Sam said

“Thank you.” Luna said

“OK What now Sam?” Reece said

“Well we need one more person to help us. Do you have any suggestions?” Reece looked down for ten seconds than looked up and said

“You know what I do Sam, I do.”

Sam, Reece, and Luna stepped out of Sam’s Truck and walked up to the house of Dustin Croft. Sam knocked on the door and herd Dustin’s brother say.

“Dustin someone’s at the door.” Ten seconds later Dustin opened the door surprised to see his friends at the door.

“Hey guys what’s going on?”

“A lot is going on Dustin Croft.” Luna had steped out from behind Sam and Reece. Just like Sam, Dustin jumped from the site of Luna but soon bowed.

“H…hello princess I never thought you were real.” Dustin said

So you know of me like Sam?”

“Yes of course I know of you Luna princess of the night.”

“Well good because I need your help Dustin, Equestria is in grave danger from Chrysalis the Queen of the changlings. She has taken over Canterlot and captured my sister, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash.”

“Is Twilight captured too?” Dustin asked.

“No, she and Nyx are at Sam’s house waiting for us to return.”

“Ok let’s go I’m in.”

“Really you are going to help?” Luna asked

“Of corse you need us and I won’t look away when a princess needs help.”

“Thank you Dustin Croft. Now we must get back to Sam’s house

“Ok LET’S DO IT!” Dustin yelled

The group got back to Sam’s house and before they went in Luna asked to talk to them.

“I must again thank the three of you for coming to my aid. But I realize you can fight well in your current state. So I have a gift to give all of you.
“Man can’t believe we got captured by discord, and King Sombra.” Rainbow Dash said. “How could we have let our guard down like that?”

“I don’t know but this dungeon is hideous. Look at all the dust and dirt. It’s getting all over my boutiful white coat. Said Rarity

“Would yeall quit your yapin and help me find a way out of here.” Said Applejack

“Oh oh is it hide and seek, or a hunting game oh it sounds so much fun!” Chirped Pinkie Pie

“I… I don’t like this place its scary girls.” Said Fluttershy scarcely It had been three hours since they had been captured and they were already getting on each other’s nerves. They heard footsteps coming down the star case of the dungeon. They had been taken to the dungeons in the castle of Canterlot. Unlike most of the city it was dark, black and scary. As the footsteps came closer they saw that it was Discord.

“What did you do to Twilight?” Rainbow dash said sunedly.

“I didn’t do anything to her. But Chrysalis on the other hand might have a different story.

“What did yeall do to her?” Applejack snapped

“Well from what I know she through her out a window and she fell to her death.

“WHAT?” Rainbow yelled

“NO it can’t be.” Applejack said

“OOHHHH!” Rarity said as she fainted

“Why you big MEANY! Fluttershy lunged at Discord trying to get to him through the jail bars. Pinkie’s mane deflated and she began to cry.

“HA HA HA I geash the won’t be any more elements of harmony, and that means no one can stop us. MHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

“What kind of gifts do you mean Princess?” Dustin asked

“Gifts from your own memories, I will use my magic to enter your minds and see your memories. With them I will find the most powerful entity you like and give you their powers.”

“Ok I’m ready.” Sam said
“Me too. Reece said
“Me three.” Dustin said. Calling on her magic Luna’s horn glowed, and Sam, Reece, and Dustin braced themselves for what was to come. But to their surprise the magic didn’t hurt, but it felt like a gentle ray of sun hitting their faces. Soon Luna’s magic stopped and they opened their eyes and looked at Luna waiting for what she had to say.
“Now that I have looked into your memories I have found your favorite and most powerful entity.” Luna looked at Dustin and said “For Dustin Croft I shale Give you the skill, look, speed, bravery, and endurance of Sonic the hedgehog.” Her horn glowed and the light engulfed Dustin. After the light subsided Dustin was kneeling With long spiky Blue hair, Big red and gold shoes, and his skin had turned to a Blue fur, except for his face.
“Wow I look just like sonic, cool.” Dustin said
“Next for you Reece Newlin I will give you the skill, strength, leadership, and bravery of ……. Roy.” This time her horn glowed gold and a gold light surrounded Reece. When the light dissipated Reece’s hair turned red, he had Roy armor and his sword, The sword of seals.
“Wow you got everything right, the armor, hair, and the sword.”
“Now finally for you Samuel Uphoff I give you the power, life, body, and might of the legendary monster Godzilla.” Now Luna’s horn glowed red and fell on Sam. When it despaired it seemed like Sam was no longer human at all. He had the black scaly body, bone white back spines, hands, feet and even tail of Godzilla. But then he turned around and he still hand the same face, but with long sharp teeth.
“Incredible I look just like Godzilla, but a lot smaller of course. Thank you Luna, Luna are you ok?” She had almost fallen on the ground if Dustin hadn’t sped to her to keep her up.
“Yes I am fine just a little worn out from that display. By the way Sam your power has and extra effect if you ever need it. You can completely take Godzilla’s form for a short time. But if you are in it too long he may take over and you would go on a rampage. So right now you only have half the power of the real Godzilla.” Luna said panting.
“Ok thanks for the info, let’s get you inside. But first how do we get back to human form?” Sam asked
“Just wish it and it will happen.” They suat their eyes and wished to be human again. They were covered in light again and when it faded the were normal again but they all had a special sword in their hands. Dustin’s was light, Blue and red. Reece’s was the sword of seals, and Sam’s was Black Huge and jagged on the end.
“What are these?” They all asked at once.
“They are you swords that will change you back and that you will use in battle.” They put the swords it their holders that appeared just like the swords and help Luna in Sam’s house.
Sam your back!” Nyx ran over to Sam and rubbed agented his leg. Sam pick the little filly up and hugged her.
“Hi Nyx how is Twilight doing?” Sam asked
“Well I’m doing better now that I’m awake. Twilight said carefully getting of the couch.
“Twilight yer awake, Hows the cut?” Sam asked
“It stings a little but not bad. So you’re the Sam thyat Nyx was telling me about?” Twilight asked
“Yea he fixed you up and kept me come through the whole thing.” Nyx chirped.
“Well then I must thank you for taking care of me and Nyx.” Sam kneeled down and checked the bandage on Twilight’s head.
“It needs to be changed I’ll get the bandages and replace it.

The next day Twilight and Luna had recovered and we were about to make the journey to Equestria.
“Alright everyone ready?” Luna said
“Yes we are.” Everyone said at once.
“Twilight, Nyx you two ok?” Sam asked
“Yes we are Sam thanks for asking.” Twilight said with a wink
“Alright I am going to activate the second Space Gem to take us back to our demotion.” Luna said Her horn glowed and the magic fill the gem and created a blue swirling portal. Nyx whimpered a little remembering the last time she traveled through the portal. She jumped behind Sam and Twilight and began to shake. Sam turned around noticing Nyx behind him, he keeled down so he was eye level with her.
“Hey I’s going to be ok Nyx. Twilight and I are here to protect you, ok?”
“Ok” Nyx said still shaking.
“Alright everyone time to go through the portal.” Luna said. Luna leading the way stepped in the portal and everyone followed her in.


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Luna Reece, Dustin, Sam, Twilight, and Nyx jumped out of the portal, but it was a little higher than Luna expected. Dustin and Reece transformed and landed safely, and Luna flew down. Sam turned into his Godzilla form, Grabbed Twilight, and Nyx and landed with a safety with a small explosion from the momentum from the fall.
“Sam, are you alright?” Twilight asked
“Yea I’m fine. I can take a lot of punishment in this form.” Sam said
“WOW that was amazing Sam, you just transformed, flew over grabbed us and landed like it was nothing.
“I don’t know how I did it, it just came to me. Like an instinct or something.” Sam said
“Yes your bond to your entity is so strong you already react like they would.” Luna said
“So the more you like them the better you can be as them?” Reece asked
“Exactly the bigger the bond the more you can use them.” Luna said “Now we must move to get to Canterlot soon.”
“Wait we aren’t in Equestria?” Dustin asked
“No Chrysalis must have put a barrier around it so no magic could enter it.” Luna said
“Aright let’s move guys.” Sam said as he transformed back into a human.

It was about seven o’clock and Sam, and Reece thought it would be a good time to camp for the night, but it was still one o’clock by the sun.
“Luna why has the sun not set, it’s almost seven?” Reece asked
“Oh my I forgot that Tia was captured. I guess I will lower it.” Luna reached out with her magic and pulled the sun down slowly. Three minutes later the sun was down and the moon was in the sky.
“Huff Huff how did Tia do that for 1000 years?” Luna said panting
“So the sun and moon don’t move on their own, you us magic to raise and lower them?” Reece asked
“Yes Tia raises and lowers the sun and I raise and lower the moon.” A little bit later everyone but Twilight and Sam was asleep. Sam was up watching over the others wale they slept and Twilight just couldn’t sleep.
“Sam can I ask you something?” Twilight asked
“Yea what is it?” Sam said
“Well I’ve noticed that Nyx is very fond of you. She seems to look at you like a father. She wouldn’t have calmed down as fast as she did when we went through the portal and the fall. So I was wondering if you wanted to….”
“EEHHHAAAA look what we found boss. A little mare and a….. What is he?” The bandit asked
“I don’t care kill him and take the mare.” The bandit leader said
“If you want her you’ll have to go through me.” Sam said pulling out his sword. “Twilight stay behind me.” Sam said
“Oh ho ho feeling brave freak, me and my bandit will gut you faster than you can blink.” The leader said laughing A bandit charged Sam with an ax but before he could swing it Sam’s sword was inside his gut. Sam pulled his sword out and the bandit fell to the ground. “How dare you kill one of my men, I will KILL YOU!” The entire bandit cult charged at Sam and Twilight. Knowing he couldn’t take all of them in his current form he turned in to Godzilla and slammed his tail down on all of them. Sam turned back into his human form and ran over to Twilight.
“Twilight are you ok, are you hurt?” Sam asked
“No I’m ok what about you?”
“I’m ok…… Twilight what’s wrong?” Sam asked Twilight’s eyes filled with tears and she fell on to Sam’s chest and began to cry.
“Darn it Sam you could have gotten yourself killed. Those bandits wouldn’t have thought twice about it. Twilight said crying.
“I knew they were dangerous Twilight but I couldn’t just let them take you, I couldn’t live with myself if that happened. Sam put his arms around Twilight and hugged her like he did Nyx. “I will never leave you Twilight I promise.” Sam said The sound of the fighting must have awoken the Reece and Dustin and they were run to Sam and Twilight. Sam saw them and signaled them to stop. They looked at him confused and then figured out they should probably leave them alone.

The next day they made it to Ponyville by noon. The town looked deserted. No pony was out of their house walking the streets. They stopped at the golden oaks library to tell Spike what happened.
“Twilight you’re ok!” Spike said as he ran over and hugged her.
“I’m just fine thanks to this guy. Twilight pointed over to Sam and he came up to spike.
“Thank you for saving Twilight, I don’t know what I’d do if she died. She’s a really good friend.
“You’re welcome Spike I just couldn’t leave her in the condison she was in.” Sam said rubbing Twilight on the head.
“Alright we will rest here for the rest of the day and in the morning we head for Canterlot. It’s about an hour long trip by train if they are still active.” Luna said
“The trains stopped as soon as you and guys left.” Spike said.
“Ok I’ll call my royal guards in the morning and they will fly us there. Luna said, Sam stood up and said
“Yea here that everyone tomorrow we take back Equestria.

The next morning Spike insisted on making breakfast for everyone before they left. Luna thought they needed to get moving as soon as possible but her stomach told her otherwise. Reece and Spike made eggs, hay bacon, toast, and surprisingly corn.
“Wow Reece, I knew you could make mac and cheese but all this is amazing.” Sam said glowing at the food.
“Well I couldn’t have done it without Spike. He’s great at cooking.” Reece said patting Spike on the head.
“Well everpony lets dig in!” Luna said

At seven o’clock Luna called her royal guards with two dark blue carages. Sam, Reece, and Dustin got in one carege and Twilight and Luna got in the other one. Luna commanded them to take off and they did. They flew with the speed of a jet plane. They flew for about thirty minutes and landed at the gates of Canterlot. Surprisingly there were no changling guards at the gate.
“It’s quiet, too quiet.” Luna said scanning the Inside of the gates. The group walked through the big city without seeing any pony. The once booming city was now quieter than a forest. Soon they made it the royal Canterlot Castle. As soon as they opened the gates a swarm of changelings came out of the castle and formed up in front of it. Up on the balcony was Chrysalis staring down at them.
“Well who do we have here? The lunar princess and her lakys?” Sam looked up at her and yelled
“Chrysalis you have taken over Equestria, captured Celestia, and tried to kill Twilight, and for that you will pay. Ready guys?
“Ready.” Reece and Dustin said at once. They brought out their sword, pointed them straight up, closed their eyes and began to concentrate. After a few seconds they were engulfed in a blue light.
“What, what’s going on? What are you doing?” Chrysalis asked. A blue beam shot up in the sky and despaired instantly. Chrysalis looked down in shock of what just happened and saw that the three humans transformed. Sam looked up at Chrysalis with his new reptilian eyes and saw she had fear in her eyes. She walked back into the castle and the changelings attacked.
“Get ready guys here they come. Twilight stay behind me.” Sam said griping his sword tightly. “ATTACK!” Sam, Reece, Dustin, Luna, and Twilight charged the army in front of them ready to kill them all. Sam was the first to attack, throwing his sword at a line of changelings, sending it through ten of them. His sword engulfed in flames, Reece sliced it to the ground and sent a wave of flames at a group of them, insenrating them. Dustin was running around cutting up changelings every were. Luna flew into the sky blasting changelings out of the sky with her magic lighting. Twilight staying behind Sam blasted a couple of them with a knock out spell. The spines on Sam’s back began to glow blue and Reece knowing what would happen jumped behind him for cover. Sam’s mouth began to glow blue and a beam of blue fire came out incentrating many changelings with one blast. Running forward he swore he herd Twilight scream. He looked back and say that she was surrounded.
“Sam help!” Twilight yelled as the changeling closed in on her.
“Twilight I’m coming!” Sam yelled. Sam tried to run strait for her but the numbers of changeling were too great, he couldn’t get through. “No I have to get to her now.” Trying to push his way though he rammed at the wall of black and green.
“Sam they’re getting closer. Sam HELP…… CRACK!” Sam’s hart sunk.
“No no no NO!” A blue pulse came from Sam’s body knocking back all the changelings around him and Twilight. After the pulse faded Sam ran over to Twilight.
“Twilight are you ok? Twilight wake up, come on Twilight speck to me, please. TWILIGHT!” With tears forming in his eyes Sam let out a loud roar of pain. “SKKRREEE-ONK!!!”

Losing control

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Sam held Twilight in his arms trying to hold back the tears flowing from his eyes. He had just losted the first person he had ever loved and he was angry.
“I’m sorry Twilight I failed you. I promised to protect you and I…. failed.” Sam said putting Twilight on the ground. “AAAGG my head ARG!” Sam yelled griping his head in agony. Sam fell to the ground still griping his head and roaring in pain.
“Sam are you ok?” Reece say run to his friend
“Reece stop, stay away from him.” Luna said firmly.
“Why what’s happening to him?” Dustin asked
“The Godzilla spirit in his body is feeding on his rage. It is beginning to take over his body.” Luna said with fear in her voice. A blue aura began to form around Sam and he began to stand.
“No it is almost complete. We must stop him now.” Luna said.
“But what about Sam?” Reece asked
“That is no longer your friend he has been overtaken by Godzilla and we must stop him now.” Luna said firmly. Reece and Dusrin readied their sword for the battle to come. The aura around Sam grew with his body. His human skin despaired, and was replaced with Godzilla’s black scales. The blue aura desipered and Sam was no more, there was only Godzilla. He grew twice his orreganle size and he looked comply like Godzilla, no skin, no human face, just black scales and a snout. Godzilla looked back at Luna and the others and glared. He roared a challenge and his back spines glowed.
“Move NOW!” Reece yelled and the team despered. Godzilla stopped charging his beam and charged at Dustin. He kicked at Dustin but he jumped over it and landed on Godzilla’s head.
“Sam stop we’re your friends.” Dustin said Godzilla grabed Dustin and though him to the ground with a cloud of dust. Reece’s sword ignited in flames as he tried to slice Godzilla in the side, but it just bounced off his diamond hard scales. Godzilla angered by the little human trying to hurt him kick Reece into one of the shops far from the castle.
“Sam n no.” Reece fell with a thud.
“Sam stop this nonsense now!” Luna yelled The loud voice made Godzilla turn to the source. He glared at the Lunar pony and charged. Luna flew over Godzilla to avoid his attack and blasted him with magical lightning. The suden pain on Godzilla’s head made him flinch and stumble back. But this just made him more angry. He ran over to Luna faster than before and grabbed her in his hands. This shocked Luna and she tried to escape but she had no luck. Glaring strait at her Godzilla began to close his hands. The force of Godzilla’s hands closing around her made Luna scream out in pain. She was about to faint when he stop closing and stayed in one spot. Luna looked up and saw that Godzilla was confused. Like there was some force inside his head telling him to stop. Sam was fighting back. But soon Godzilla regained control and began to squeeze again.
“SAM STOP!” A voice said from behind them. Godzilla turned around and saw a small purple unicorn standing at his feet. Godzilla looked down in confusion. He had seen her before. He shrugged off the thought and dropped Luna. He then grabbed the unicorn and brought her up to his face.
“Sam it’s me Twilight, please remember.” Twilight said with tears in her eyes. Godzilla saw this and put one of his claws out to catch the tears.
“I know you’re in there Sam you can fight him.” Twilight said looking straight in Godzilla’s eyes. Godzilla reared back in pain as if something was hurting him inside is mind. Twilight used her magic to see inside Godzilla’s mind, it was surprisingly easy. Then she saw Sam’s spirit battling Godzilla’s, and he was winning.
“I won’t let you take over my body. I won’t let you destroy Equestria, and I won’t let you hurt TWILIGHT HYA!” Sam lunged at Godzilla, he was glowing red as if he was filled with magic as he busted thought Godzilla’s chest landing behind him. Godzilla’s spirit roar in pain as it evaporated away. Sam stood up and looked at Twilight, then she was forced out of his mind and she saw Godzilla shrinking still roaring in pain. She was thrown to the ground but Luna caught her before she hit the ground. Godzilla was clawing at his head trying to stop the pain in his head. Soon he was down to one knee as he shrunk down to human size and his black scales were replaced with human skin. His snout turned back to Sam’s face and his roar turned to screams. His back spines dispersed and hid claws turned to hands. Soon Godzilla was gone and Sam was back.

Sam stumbled as he stood up; he held his head like he had a throbbing migraine.
“What happened, I don’t remember anything after Twilight was killed.” Sam said to himself hoping someone herd him. He fell to his knees and began to tear up again, Twilight was gone. Then he heard a familiar voice yell.
“SAM!!!” Sam looked in the direction of the voice and saw a purple unicorn galloping toward him. He stood up in disbelief but soon his body moved on its own and he began to run over to Twilight. Sam kneeled down and caught Twilight who didn’t slow down when she got close. “I knew you were still there Sam, you never stopped fighting.” Twilight said tears flowing from her eyes.
“”You’re alive, but how I heard the changelings snap your neck.” Sam said holding Twilight.
“That was me snapping one of their necks after the tried to get me to stop screaming.” Twilight said wincing at the thought of killing somepony.
“Thank god your alive, I thought I had lost you Twilight.” Sam said with tears forming in his eyes. “Promise me you won’t leave my side intel after this is over.
“I promise Sam.” Twilight said as she fell into his arms and began to cry. Sam hugged to little unicorn and looked around Canterlot.
“What happened here, it didn’t look like this when we first attacked?” Sam asked. Twilight dried her tears and looked up at Sam with her ears down and said
“When you thought I was dead you got really angry and you turned into Godzilla and went on a rampage.
“WHAT, oh no. where is everyone!” Sam said as he looked around looking for his friends. Soon he saw Luna hurt lying on the ground.
“LUNA, oh god no what have I done! Sam said as he and Twilight ran over to her.
“It’s alright Sam. I’m alive. You have some strong hands when you’re mad.” Luna said looking up at Sam.
“Hey, Sam your back. That’s good.” Dustin said limping over to the others. He was about five feet away when he began to faint. Sam ran over to him just in time to catch him.
“Easy Dustin your injured, you need to rest. I’m guessing I did this to you? Sam said, his voice filled with guilt.
“No it wasn’t you Sam it was Godzilla, you couldn’t help it.” Dustin said smiling up at his friend.
“Dustin where’s Reece?” Sam asked. Dustin pointed over to a shop that had a huge hole in the side. Sam eyes widened and he ran over to the shop. Twilight wanted to go with him but she thought she would just get in the way, so she stayed and watched Luna and Dustin. Sam got to the shop and he went to the big hole in the wall. He looked inside and saw that it was unstable; he would need to find Reece fast. As soon as he walked in he heard a quite moan. He called out “REECE, are you here?” Sam yelled.
“Sam… is that you?” A quiet voice said. Sam honed in on the voice and saw Reece’s leg. He lifted all the debris of him and made sure he was alive.
“Are you ok Reece, what did I do to you?” Sam asked
“Godzilla kicked me in here after I tried to slice his side open.” Reece said.

Twilight was worried; Sam hadn’t come back for ten minutes. She looked over at the shop, trying to see Sam but all she saw was the shop collapsing.
“No Sam was in there.” Twilight said with fear in her voice. A blue light came from what used to be the shop and a black figure shot out of the roof. It went up high in the air and landed near Twilight. After the dust cleared she jumped. It was Sam in his Godzilla form carry Reece. He put him down next to Twilight and said
“His whole body is hurt; do you have a spell that can heal him?” Sam asked
“Yes but it will take time and concentration.” Twilight said calling on her magic. Sam stepped back and let Twilight cast her spell, but nothing happened. “I don’t know what’s going on, he supposed to be healed at least a little, but nothing.”
“What a minute, Reece told me something about Roy’s game that his sword is powered by the Fire Emblem. Maybe the same thing would work on Reece.” Sam searched Reece for the Emblem and found it in his armor. He grapped Reece’s sword and held the Fire Emblem up to it. The sword began to glow red, and the power flowed into Sam. He could feel the Emblems power in him; he gained control of it and redirected it into Reece body. Reece began to glow red and lifted into the air. Sam saw the wounds on his body heal, cuts disappeared, blood evaporated, and bones healed. The light around Reece disappeared and he jumped to ground.
“Thanks Sam, I thought I was dead.” Reece said
“I’m here for you whenever you need me. Now I need you to stay here with Dustin and Luna incase more Changelings come out.” Sam said
“Ok what are you going to do?” Reece asked
“Twilight and I are going in to the castle to find her friends and take care of Chrysalis.” Sam said with a flare in is voice. “Alright Twilight let’s get in there and find your friends.” Sam and Twilight ran to the castle door and Sam punched it in and they ran in.

“Ok Twilight where are the dungeons?” Sam asked
“This way.” Twilight lead Sam down a hall to a big metal door that read Dungeon. Sam kicked to door open and they ran down a steep stair case. They got to the bottom and Sam heard a quiet squeak.
“They’re in here.” Sam said.
“How do you know?” Twilight asked
“I heard Fluttershy squeak” Sam said. Stay here and warn me if Changelings come, ok.”
“Ok” Twilight said. Sam began to walk down the hall with cells on all sides. He looked in everyone but he didn’t see anything. Then he got to the last cell and he saw a yellow figure in the very back of the cell. He got closer and he saw it was Fluttershy. Sam forced to bars open and said
“Are you ok Fluttersh…” Suddenly he was bucked in the face. The force almost sent him to the ground but he regained his footing just in time to get bucked in the stomach. That buck made him fall onto the cell bars. “What was tha…” Then he felt a buck in the groune. Thankfully his Godzilla scales were the strongest around that area. “Ok what the heck happened?” Sam said rubbing the area on his face where he was bucked. He looked up and saw three ponies glaring at him.
“Who are you, what do you want?” Rainbow dash asked
“Easy Rainbow I’m here to help you.” Sam said
“Likely story SPY!” Rainbow reared up to buck Sam again but Sam caught her leg before it hit his face.
“Sam are you alright I heard a loud thud down here and…. Rainbow why are you trying to buck Sam
“TWILIGHT!!!” The five mares yelled when they saw their friend. They jumped over Sam and covered Twilight.
“We all thought you were dead.” Applejack said hugging the unicorn tightly.
“Dead, What do you mean?” Twilight said.
“Discord said he saw Chrysalis push you out one of the windows in the throne room and you fell to your death.” Rainbow dash said trying to hold back her tears.
“Well I almost did, but Luna saved me before I hit the ground. Then we went to Sam’s world and brought him and Two of his friends to help us take back Canterlot.”
“Oh, sorry Sam, I thought you were with Discord.” Rainbow dash said rubbing her head.
“I’m sorry too.” Applejack said
“I should be the one who is really sorry. I know how painful getting kick in that area can be.’ Rarity said.
“It’s all right girls, you didn’t know, and I’m fine. I’ve taking grater hits than that. Sam said
“Well well well who do we have here?


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“Who’s there? Show yourself cowered!” Sam said searching the cell for were the voice came from.
“Oh that’s right we haven’t met. I am Discord one of the three leaders of the conquest.” Discord said laughing.
“Careful Sam he’s strong.” Twilight said
“Come on Discord I’m not scared of you, fight me.” Rainbow said putting her hooves up in a boxing form.
“Oh Rainbow Dash you always loved action didn’t you. Well here you go.” Rainbow glowed black and she began to scream. She stopped screaming and the black aura despaired and she was standing in the center of the cell, her body completely black, and her main Black and white.
“Rainbow, are you ok?” Flutter shy asked
“I’m just fine,” Rainbow said lunging on Flutter Shy. “You were always so weak and helpless. “ You can’t help us at all, so you must be killed.” Rainbow reared up getting ready to buck Flutter Shy’s head in, but before she could Sam pinned her up agenst the cell’s wall.
“Rainbow, get a hold of yourself!” Sam said not allowing her to move.
“Sam keep her still, I have a spell that might work.” Twilight said waking up to them. Twilight put here horn up next to Rainbow’s head and tried her memory spell but it wasn’t working. Sam grabbed Twilight’s hoof and closed he’s eyes and began to concentrate. Twilight felt a large amount of magic enter her body. She used this magic to increase her spell’s power. The dark magic that Discord used was thrown out of Rainbow’s body and she fainted.
“She’s alright, the magic just overwhelmed her is all.” Twilight said
“DISCORD you coward why don’t you fight someone who can fight back!” Sam said glaring at the walls.
“Well alright but you have to find me.” Discord said, Suddenly Black magical light shot from a corner in the cell and struck Sam in the face. The force of the lighting sent Sam to the ground.
“Sam are you ok?” The six ponies said, trying to help him up.
“Yea, I’m fine. That blast was powerful.” Sam said looking around the cell
“Now that I’ve seen your durability, let’s test your speed.” Then a big blast of red light came from a corner and went straight for the ponies. There was a big explosion and the room was covered with smoke. Discord revealed himself to see what the smoke was hiding. The smoke cleared and there was black mass were the blast hit. Sam had covered the ponies with his body to save them from the blast. “Well I guess you are very fast for your size Sam.” Discord said walking over to him. “But are you still alive?” He was right behind him when Sam turned around and grabbed him by the thought. Sam’s eyes were red with anger, and a blue light began the form around him.
“SAM don’t give in to your anger you can fight it!” Twilight said Sam looked down at Twilight and began to calm down.
“Ah thanks Twilight I was about to change again, now for you Discord.” Sam rieard his claw up about to slice his head off, but he hesitated. “I…I can’t do it.” Sam tuke one claw and ingered discord. “Now you will leave Equestria and never come back, and if you do… I won’t be merciful.” Sam released Discord and he ran faster than ever before. “Ok Rarity, AJ, Pinkie, and Fluttershy take Rainbow out of the castle. You will see Luna, Dustin, and Reece. When you see the tell Reece to come find us in the castle, we may need him in the battle to come.