• Published 20th Sep 2013
  • 669 Views, 12 Comments

Shadowbolts: Origins - NightArrow

Luna's back from her exile and she's decided to give her sister's prized racing team a run for their money! Is this new team just a project of a bored princess? Or can they really change the world professional pegasus racing for good?

  • ...

Chapter 30-36

Chapter 30

Back in the Royal Lunar Office, “HAahAha!” Skylight giggled as the tape measurer floated around her body.

“Goodness, I need you to stay still, hun.” A violet unicorn stallion with a spool and thread as his cutie mark said.

“But it tickles!” Skylight laughed.

“It didn’t tickle that much.” CC said.

“Well maybe you’re just not that ticklish! Hahha!” Skylight said, trying not to squirm.

“Okay, all done.” The purple stallion said with a sigh.

“Thank you, Seam Stitch.” Luna said.

“We’re back.” Darkstreak announced as he and Arrow entered through the balcony doors.

“And here are your next two clients.” Luna said with a smile.

Seam Stitch sighed, “Ugh, You two aren’t ticklish are you?”

“No stallion’s ever asked me that before and lived.” Darkstreak said threateningly.

“Uh, Princess...?” Seam Stitch backed away slowly.
 “Darkstreak, he was only kidding. Now stand still, we need your accurate measurements, unless you want an awkward-fitting flight suit.”

The violet unicorn still approached Darkstreak with caution.

“Hey Skylight...” Arrow said.

“Yes, Arrow?” Skylight smiled, turning away from CC.

“I just wanted to apologize.”

“For what?” Skylight asked, still cheery.

“I haven’t been exactly... supportive of this new project we’re doing. I know it means a lot to you, and I could definitely put more effort into it. I made a promise to stay in this as long as you are, so I just wanted--”

“Oh Arrow, it’s okay! I get why you’re worried! I know there are things I can’t really remember for who-knows-what reason, and I do have this nagging feeling whenever we’re in Canterlot, but I also have a good feeling that everything will be okay! I’ve trusted you all these years back in Everfree, and I need you to trust me now when I say, everything will be fine!”

Arrow just smiled. “I do trust you, Sky.”

“Finished!” Seam Stitch said.

“Looks like I’m next.” Arrow said, turning around.

“Oh no, hun.” he replied, “I measured you while you were having that wonderful heart to heart with Skylie over there. Almost made me tear up!”

“...’Skylie’?” Arrow turned to Skylight.

“Yup!” She replied, “Seam Stitch is my new friend! He’s the fabulous royal dressmaker and outfit designer for all of Canterlot!”

“Could have guessed the ‘fabulous’ part...” Darkstreak whispered to CC.

CC smiled, holding in a laugh.

“I’ll get these all done for you by tomorrow, Princess!” Seam Stitch yelled as he exited the room.

“Oh, Seam Stitch!” Skylight trotted over to Seam Stitch and whispered into his ear, “So, how many bits would it cost to make my uniform with a cape...?”

“No capes!” Luna yelled. “Thank you, Seam Stitch!”

The unicorn shrugged his shoulders and replied “Sorry, Skylie! You heard the princess!” And continued out to the hallway.

“Now to conclude this little meeting,” Luna said, “I want to say two things about the one-month deadline.”

The four pegasus ponies took their seats.

Luna put on a stern face, “One month is very possible. If we take ourselves seriously, but still show the crowd that we’re having fun, we’ll be sure to give those Wonderbolts a run for their money!” CC and Skylight smiled broadly. Luna continued, “But we also need to work very hard, and act as a team. No more put downs, no more tantrums, and no more doing things your own way.”

Arrow noticed that all those examples were directed at him.

“Now Seam Stitch said he will have your uniforms done by tomorrow. If this team is to succeed, we need to start practicing as soon as possible. So Skylight, Arrow, and CC, I would like you to go back to Everfree Stadium and clear away the rest of the bush and debris on the track. Take your time doing it, get to know one another, and most importantly, get it done by tomorrow morning.”

CC and Skylight nodded.

“Hey, what about old’ Darkstreak? He gets out of cleaning just because he’s like twice our age?”

“Darkstreak and I have some plans to discuss about the future of this team.”

“Of course you do.” Arrow said under his breath, sarcastically.

“We won’t let you down, Princess!” Skylight shouted as she headed to the door.

CC, and Arrow followed the enthusiastic mare out onto the balcony and headed into the sky.

When it was just Luna and Darkstreak left in the office, Darkstreak immediately said “I want Arrow as co-captain.”

“Absolutely not.” Luna said. “CC is clearly the most intelligent of the three. The team would benefit from her the most. Besides, Arrow is brash, arrogant, and clearly doesn’t want to be here.”

“I’m fixin’ that.” Darkstreak said. “He’s here for one reason, and one reason only: Skylight.”

“Obviously.” Luna said. “So why would he be your choice for co-captain?”

“He’s got leadership in his blood.” Darkstreak stood up, walking to the window. The three ponies were visible specks on the sky in the distance. “He’s your best bet when I’m done with this.”

“You’re already planning to leave, Darkstreak?”

“I have one year of teachin’ left in me, Princess. Now you’ve convinced me to spend that year here, instead of ol’ Canterlot Flight School. But either way, it’s only gonna be one year, and that translates here, to one season.”

“Understandable.” Luna said, “But I still think CC would be the best choice for co-captain.”

“With all due respect, Princess, I know good leadership when I see it. I know Arrow. I know his past, and with a push in the right direction, I have a pretty good idea of his future. But I can’t deliver him to you as the best possible product, if he ‘aint right by my side as I’m leading this team.”

“CC isn’t gonna like this.”

“CC literally just graduated.” Darkstreak said. “She’s good. But she’s got a lot to learn before she even shadows me.” He turned to the princess, “You give me Arrow as co-captain, and by the time he’s ready to be captain, he’ll teach CC the ropes.”

Luna looked at Darkstreak with great skepticism. “What did you tell Arrow to get him back here, and so calmly?”

“I made him a few promises.” Darkstreak said. “One of which, is to not dig up his past.”

“Hmm, he told me something similar yesterday.” Luna thought back to Arrow’s dream.

“Another is about Skylight.” Darkstreak said. “Her past is even more messed up.”

Darkstreak explained to Luna exactly what Arrow had just told him about Skylight earlier in the park.

“That’s terrible!” Luna said. “Well, we have magic here in Canterlot that far surpasses anything a zebra can perform--”

“It’s best not to kick the wasps nest, Luna.” Darkstreak said. “Just let it be. Arrow isn’t used to not being in control of Skylight’s situation. He’s confusing ‘protect’ with ‘control’, and if we want to fix that, it’s gonna be a long process.”

“CC and Skylight are becoming fast friends.” Luna said. “Should we tell CC?”

“No way.” Darkstreak said. “With info like that, and as close as they’re gettin’, the less CC knows about Skylight, the better.”

Luna thought quietly for a moment. “Alright, I’ll trust your judgement in this, Darkstreak.”

Darkstreak almost cracked a smile.

“Arrow can be your co-captain.”

Chapter 31

Once the three pegasus ponies got back to the stadium, CC and Skylight immediately began clearing the bushes off the track, while Arrow headed towards his locker room.

“You gonna help, Arrow?” CC yelled, trying her best to not sound annoyed.

“Luna said to take our time. So I’m gonna take a nap.” Arrow replied without turning around, and closed the door behind him.

CC and Skylight just stared at each other for a moment.

“Is he always like this?” CC asked.

“No, not really...” Skylight said, clearing more debris off the track. “We just haven’t really been around other ponies in a while. I guess he’s just stressed.”

“Sounds like you’re just giving him an excuse to be a jerk.”

“I kinda am!” Skylight laughed, “Just give him some time. He’ll warm up to you.”

CC shrugged.

“I’ve already warmed up to you!” Skylight continued. “And I’ve been out here just as long as him!”

“You guys have seriously been all alone?” CC asked.

“Well, we have a zebra friend named Zecora! She lives in a hut not too far from here! Ooooh, and she speaks in rhymes!”

“Haha, what?” CC laughed, “What do you mean she speaks in rhymes?”

“Yeah!” Skylight giggled, “She’d say something like, Hello little mare! Welcome to my hut! Make yourself at home, sit down on your butt!” Skylight did her best Zebra accent.

CC laughed, “No way! You’re lying!” She said through her laughter.

Skylight smiled, “Seriously! She’s really good at it too! I mean, I’ve never heard her say ‘butt’... but everything she says is like a poem or something!”

“Skylight, there is no way this is true! How can somepony rhyme everything that she...uh, do?” CC mimicked Skylight’s zebra-accent.

“CC I get why you’d think that I’m lying! But it’s true! She only says things if she knows they’ll be rhyming!”

CC laughed, “I think we’re getting a little better at this.”

Skylight gasped, “Cloud Crash! Tell me if this sounds like a treat: For the rest of the day we should rhyme when we speak!”

CC smiled, “Skylight, that sounds like a wonderful time! But for future reference, treat and speak do not rhyme!”

Skylight and CC rolled on the floor laughing, and continued to speak to each other in rhyme for the rest of the night. At first, there would be large gaps of silence between bits of conversation as the mares took the time to think the best way to get their point across while keeping up the game, but after a few hours, they got the hang of it, and sometimes even surprised themselves.

Meanwhile, Arrow lied down on his blanket-covered bench in his locker room, listening to the two mares laugh with one another. “What did you get us into, Sky’?” He sighed, and knocked out.

A few hours later, the loud knock on his door woke him up.

“Uuggggghhhh,” He sat up and walked over to open his door. “What’s up, Sky?”

“Hello Arrow, I hope you’re in a better mood. CC and I are going to go get some food. We’ve been cleaning the track up for a few hours now, and it’s lunch time so we figured it’s time to chow down!” Skylight smiled. CC was holding in a laugh, standing behind her.

Arrow just stared at her for a moment with a raised eyebrow. “Is that a Zecora impression?”

Skylight nodded.

“That’s actually pretty good.” He said, still not smiling. “Alright, I’ll finish the track up. Go have fun.”

“Oh, actually... we were inviting you to come eat with us!” Skylight said.

“What, you thought we were asking permission?” CC scoffed.

“No, I thought you were just letting me know you two were leaving, so I don’t wake up and assume you were both eaten by a manticore, or turned to stone by some cockatrice!” Arrow snapped back. “No thanks, Sky’, I have some food in my room.”

CC glared at Arrow.

Skylight stood quietly for a moment. “Um, oookay... well, we’ll bring you back some food anyway. See you later, Arrow!” Skylight backed away from Arrow’s door, and pulled CC by the tail. “Come on, CC. Let’s get some food!”

CC turned and flew into the sky towards Canterlot.

Chapter 32

Arrow had his Shadowbolt goggles over his eyes as he cleared debris off the track by himself. He was almost finished, when Darkstreak landed behind him.

“Hmm, pretty nice place ya got here.” He said. “Where are the other two?”

“They went to get lunch. What are you doing here?” Arrow asked, not turning around from his work.

“Why didn’t you go with them?”

“What does it matter? How did you even find this place?” Arrow said, annoyed.

“Night, you need to lighten up. We’re on the same team here.” Darkstreak said, taking a seat.

“Lunadamnit, can I just get some time alone!?” Arrow shouted.

Darkstreak raised an eyebrow.

“Is that too much to ask!?” Arrow continued, “Two days ago some blue allicorn princess with her impossible flowy mane just walks into my home, lifts me up with her stupid magic and convinces Skylight to join this ridiculous team, and now I’m just supposed to be everypony’s best friend!?”

“Yeah. That’s kinda the situation right now, kid.” Darkstreak shrugged.

“Wh--? I...” Arrow just stuttered out of pure frustration.

“This is your life now, Night Arrow. You have agreed to be a founding member of The Everfree Forest Shadowbolts. And as a member of this team, you’re also now, as you said, everypony’s best friend.”

“Do you have any idea how hard I worked to keep Skylight safe!? Being a part of this team will make it impossible!”

“She’ll be fine, Arrow.”

“Her family will recognize her.”

“Nopony’s gonna recognize her. She’ll be in a full-body flight suit, and her mane and coat are nowhere near their original color or style. Besides, everyone who knew her still thinks she’s dead.”


“This isn’t about her family, is it?”

Arrow’s eyes narrowed.

Darkstreak continued, “I get it. You lost your family. And that sucks. But you still need to open up, Night. If this team’s gonna work, we all need to get along. If anything with your guys’s past catches up with you, it’ll be a lot easier to deal with if you stop pushin’ us away. Trust me, I can’t imagine what you’ve been through for the past four years. If it were me stuck in this forest for that long, well, I’d be a pile of bones. But you managed, and are an even better flyer than when I last saw you. You’re both gonna be fine, and honestly, even though it seems like you and Skylight are helping Luna out with this little project, it’s the best thing that could have happened to you two.”

Arrow sat down, quietly.

“I’ll leave you alone.” Darkstreak stretched his wings. “Practice is here tomorrow at 8. Be up, and ready.”

“Wait!” Arrow yelled.

Darkstreak folded his wings back up.

“Thank you.” Arrow muttered. “I’ll try to stop being such a jerk.”

Darkstreak nodded, and blasted into the sky.

Chapter 33

“We’re baaaaaack!!” Skylight yelled as she landed on the track.

“Wow, this place looks amazing!” CC said, landing a next to her. “I didn’t know you guys had benches on the sidelines...”

“I didn’t know we had sidelines!” Skylight laughed.

“Hey ladies.” Arrow walked out of his room. “Have a good lunch?”

“We sure did!” Skylight shouted excitedly. “CC was telling me all about the Wonderbolt races she’s been to! They don’t sound so tough! We can totally take ‘em!” Skylight opened her wings, and lowered her head positioning herself into a racing stance. “They won’t know what hit them when they meet Skylight: Shadowbolt Extraordinaire!!”

“Whoa, calm down Sky’,” Arrow said, “Whatever energy you’ve got you need to save for tomorrow. We have practice tomorrow morning at 8. Darkstreak will be here to run things, so you can show off all you want then. But for now, just relax.”

“You got it, Arrow!” Skylight said, folding up her wings.

“What’s with the sudden shift in personality?” CC said, walking over to him. “Not all high and mighty anymore? You find some humility in those bushes, or what?”

“I was just hungry.” Arrow smiled smugly. “I’m not very nice when I’m hungry, especially when I just woke up.”

“Ain’t that the truth!” Skylight shouted.

“Hmm, alright. Well I have to get going.” CC said, still skeptical of Arrow’s new disposition.

“What? Where you going!?” Skylight dashed over to CC.

“I just have some things to take care of before it gets too late! I’ll see you tomorrow, Skylight.” CC said, sticking her neck out, and opening one wing for a hug.

Skylight’s eyes lit up. “Are we gonna wing hug!?” she gasped excitedly.

“Well not if you make it weird...” CC said, lowering her wing.

“NO! I won’t!” Skylight said. “I totally won’t! It’s like whatever. Me and Arrow do this all the time!”

“--No we don’t.” Arrow said dryly.

“Just get over here, I gotta go!” CC laughed.

Skylight smiled ear to ear, and embraced her new friend. There was a long silence in the stadium as the two mares hugged.

“This feels long. Is it this too long?” Skylight said, still not letting go.

“Yes.” CC said pushing away. “We need to get you out more, Skylight. Goodbye, Arrow.” CC said, hoof-bumping him. “Make sure you eat before practice! We don’t need your attitude ruining things.”

“Later, CC.” He said as she flew away.

Skylight still had a huge smile on her face as she watched CC fly away. “Isn’t she awesome?”

“Awesome might be overdoing it, but yeah she’s cool.” Arrow said.

“We spent the whole day together! It was so fun! First we rhymed like Zecora while we cleared away the bushes! Then, on our way to go eat, we raced to the restaurant in Canterlot, but I had no idea where the restaurant was, so I just flew back to the castle! So even though I’m way faster than her, I lost...”

Skylight continued telling Arrow about her day, and he couldn’t help but smile. Arrow had always heard Skylight talk way too fast about things that he can only describe as mundane, but this time she was genuinely excited. Her voice had a happiness to it that he hadn’t heard from her in a very long time. Sure she always seemed happy, but this was different. For the first time in a long time, Skylight had made a friend, and was actually looking forward to something. Maybe this whole Shadowbolt project was a good thing.

“...and you did a great job on the track, Arrow!” Skylight finished.

“Thanks, Sky’.” He said. “I appreciate it.”

“No problem! This place looks great! I can’t wait for practice tomorrow!”

“Me neither, Sky’...” Arrow glanced around the stadium. “Me neither.”

Chapter 34

CC landed at the entrance to Wonderbolt Stadium. She flew over the stands like she did a thousand times before, and sat in the same spot she usually sat, right in the front row. The same seat she sat in when Princess Luna approached her just two days ago.

“Oh good, they’re still here.” She thought aloud, as she saw the Wonderbolts flying around the track.

This time though, it felt different.

This time, she didn’t feel like a pegasus mare watching her heroes.

This time, she felt like a stranger.

She shouldn’t be here. It felt wrong.

As Spitfire, Soarin’, Echo, Misty, and all the other Wonderbolts zipped around the stadium like they usually did, CC couldn’t help but feel dirty. Like she was cheating on them. Or was she cheating on Skylight and Luna? Why was she here? She could have hung out with Skylight and Arrow for a little longer, but she felt she needed to be here. But why? Just to feel like this? No matter who she was now, Wonderbolts fan, or Shadowbolt member, she didn’t belong here anymore.

But she used to love this place! She was here three times a week! This is where she did her homework when she was in flight school! This is where she went to feel like all the studying and practicing weren’t for nothing! The only place in the world where things made sense to her had been taken away.

“Ugh, what am I doing...?” CC said to herself. “I should just go get some rest for tomorrow...” She was about to take off into the sky when suddenly a voice stopped her.

“There you are!”

CC froze. She knew that voice. That deep stallion voice with just a hint of a southern pang to it. Like he had grown up on a farm somewhere as a colt, and never quite completely rid himself of the accent.

“You never miss a practice. The rest of the team was a little worried something had happened to you.” He said through his smile.

“Oh, uh no... just got caught up with something...” CC blushed. “Just a little late. That’s all.”

“Hmm,” the blue pegasus stallion had a presence about him. His smile never left his face; it was almost somehow, condescending. “Well we all consider you our good luck charm, ya know.”

“You do?”

“Yup.” He leaned on the railing separating the track from the stands. “And I think we’re gonna need some luck pretty soon. Word around the track is, Princess Luna is starting up her own little racing team.”

“Is that right...?” CC said nervously.

“Nothing we can’t handle, of course. Just a bunch of crazy hicks she found in the forest or something... But you know how superstitious athletes can be.”

“I can imagine...” CC lowered her head.

“Just do them a favor,” he said, motioning to his team mates across the track, “be here where you usually are for the practices. At least till this all blows over. Then once things get back to normal, you go do whatever it is you do. Could ya do that for me, babe?”

CC just sat there. “I...”

“Here, why don’t you have these as a gift. For being so loyal of a fan.” He tossed her his goggles. “I’ve got a bunch. They’re not signed or anything, I’d have to charge you for that, heck I’m not even supposed to give the blank ones away, but hey it’ll be our little secret.” He winked. “Sound like a deal, Cloudy?”

CC just held the goggles in her hooves for a moment. “I... um, Sure--”

“--Atta’ girl!” He pushed off the rails and landed on the track below. “And hey, after these first few races, who knows, maybe I’ll give you a call. We can catch that movie I owe you, eh?” He shouted as he flew back towards the rest of the team as they finished up their last laps. “See ya’ round Cloudy.”

CC forced a smile. “See you around, Soarin’...” she said under her breath.

Chapter 35

Night time in the Everfree Forest was almost louder and busier than the day. That was when most of the animals, creatures, monsters and insects thrived. But there was a time, right at the break of dawn, when the entire forest was at it’s quietest. All the nocturnal creatures were heading to sleep, and all daylight animals weren’t quite up yet. And of course, the forest was dense enough to drown out all the sound from the neighboring Ponyville.

Everfree Forest was completely silent.

This morning was, of course, an exception.

“ARROW! WAKE UP!!” Even if poor Arrow could sleep through that, there was no way anypony could sleep through the pounding on the thick metal door, which of course echoed through the locker room.

*SLAM* Arrow fell off his bench/bed. “Hmmph!? What--? Skylight! What’s wrong?” He scrambled to his door. “Skylight!? Are you okay?” He swung the door open violently to find the bright green mare standing there with a huge grin on her face.

“Am I okay? Of course I’m okay! It’s our first practice today!” She said.

Arrow just stood there, leaning on the frame of the door, his mouth open and ready to shout obscenities at his excitable neighbor.

He decided against it though, and kept his calm. “Let me rephrase this.” Arrow placed his hoof between his closed eyes. “Why are you screaming and pounding on my door at...” He glanced at his clock, “...5:30am?”

“I figured I would be your alarm clock! We can go get some food and coffee at that awesome restaurant CC showed me yesterday! If we leave now, we’ll be back in time for practice!” Skylight smiled.

Arrow glared at Skylight. His face clearly read ‘are you bucking kidding me?”, but Skylight seemed completely oblivious.

“(sigh), Skylight... One: There’s no way that restaurant is open at the crack of dawn. 2: Even if it were, I don’t wake up this early for anything. Ever. and finally 3. The only good reason for you to ever pound on my door and scream at me again is if something terrible is happening to you, or the stadium, and 4. If you do this again, something terrible will happen to you and the stadium. Got it?”

Skylight’s smile turned from excited to nervous. “Got it...”

“Good. I’ll see you in two hours.” Arrow slammed the door.

Skylight stood there for a moment, then trotted nonchalantly back to her locker room. “Hmm, maybe I should stay home. I don’t want to fly all the way to Canterlot alone!” She thought aloud, laying back down on her bed/bench. “We need a coffee maker!” She said, and rolled onto her stomach. “That’s the first thing I’m gonna buy when we become big successful professional athletes.”

Skylight closed her eyes and lowered her head onto her folded front arms. She couldn’t help but drift off to a nice daydream.

There she was, in full Shadowbolt flight suit. It fit perfectly! Her very best friend CC was there, and so was Arrow, and Darkstreak, all in their flight suits.

They all walked through the doors of Wonderbolt Stadium, huge crowds of ponies were on both sides of them, taking pictures, shouting for their attention, and asking for autographs! Skylight just waved at them, signing the occasional filly’s goggles, or little colt’s Shadowbolt flag.

“Thank you! Thank you everypony!” She yelled over the crowd. “Today is gonna be a great race!”

The crowd cheered. “Hey! Skylight: Shadowbolt Extraordinaire!!” A handsome young stallion shouted from the crowd.

“Yes, handsome young stallion?” Skylight lifted her goggles to her forehead.

“Here! I bought this just for you!” He lifted a box over his head. “It’s a coffee maker!”

Skylight gasped with delight. “Oh thank you, handsome young Shadowbolts fan! It’s perfect!” And she grabbed the box from him.

“You’re perfect.” He replied.

Skylight didn’t know what to say! “Oh! Why... thank you! I-- whoops!” Suddenly, Skylight tripped over something, and fell to the ground.

“Skylight: Shadowbolt Extraordinaire!” The fan rushed over to her. “Get up, kid!”

Skylight raised an eyebrow. “What?” She heard a bit of a Manehattan accent. “Handsome young stallion Shadowbolts fan? Why are you talking like that?”

“Come on, kid. Get up! It’s 8!”

“What? Handsome stallion! Why do you sound like--”

A very loud boom that shook her entire locker room woke her up.

“What the--?”

“Skylight, Lunadamnit! We’re all waitin’ for ya! Get your plot out here!” The rough, deep voice rumbled through her door from the outside.

“Darkstreak?” Skylight asked drowsily, and glanced at her clock. “Oh no! It’s 8:10! I’m late!!” She rushed to her door. “I’m sorry!”

Darkstreak was there waiting for her as she opened her large metal door. “Come on, Lightbrite! Get a move on! The rest of the team’s waitin’ for ya!”

“Yes sir Captain Darkstreak sir!” She zoomed over to the rest of her team at the side of the track.

“So much for being my alarm.” Arrow smiled smugly.

Skylight just glared at him.

CC was sitting there next to Arrow, her new Wonderbolt goggles on her head..

“Alright ya would-be racers.” Darkstreak walked over imposingly. “Welcome to the worst month of your lives.”

Chapter 36

Darkstreak began to pace in front of the three pegasus ponies. “So, as you all know, we have exactly one month until our very first official race as a team. This race is the most important event of your lives this far, and you are going to work your flanks off to prepare for it.” He lectured.

“Oh come on, Darkstreak, we’ll be fine.” Arrow said, stretching his wings. “You heard Luna, we’ve got the best wing power she’s seen in a while! A few practices throughout the month, we’ve got this race in the bag.”

The large gray pegasus did not move a muscle. “Have you ever heard of the Wonderbolt’s apple juggling drills?”

Arrow raised an eyebrow. “Apple juggling?”

“I have!” CC exclaimed.

Still keeping his eyes on Arrow, Darkstreak said “Explain it to us, ‘Crash.”

CC smiled. “On a standard sized track, such as this one, the racer would first obtain an apple of typical size and weight, and throw it into the air as high as they could, using their wings. The racer would then push off the track and race one entire lap before the apple hits the ground.”

“Ppfffffffch,” Arrow scoffed, “at full winged sprint, that’s cake.”

“Let her finish.” Darkstreak smiled.
 “Well, the reason they call it juggling is, the goal is to meet up with the falling apple right where the racer first threw it, and, using the upward stroke of the wing, at a full winged sprint, the racer would strike the apple upward as hard as possible and make it around the track again.”

Arrow’s smug, laid back position straightened up.

Skylight was listening intently.

CC continued. “The racer would complete this entire process as many times as possible, successfully ‘juggling’ the apple for as long as they could.”

The track was silent for a moment.

“Skylight, go grab me an apple of typical size and weight from that tree over there.” Darkstreak said, slightly mocking CC.

“Sure!” she flew into the trees and brought an apple to Darkstreak. “Here ya go!”

“Thanks, Lightbrite.” He said. “Go show us just how ‘cake’ these drills are, Arrow.” Darkstreak tossed him the apple.

Arrow caught it with his wing. “Gladly.” He smiled.

Night Arrow stood on the track, in ready position, but with his wings spread, and the apple balancing on top. He rolled the apple around his spread-out feathers, trying to figure out the best way to launch the apple into the air.

“Today, Arrow.” Darkstreak said from the sidelines.

Arrow rolled his eyes, still concentrating on the fruit at the tip of his wings. He bent his back legs, digging his hooves into the ground slightly, and threw the apple into the air as hard as he could, while simultaneously pushing off the dirt.

He then tripped, and landed flat on his snout, the apple landing a few feet away from him.

Skylight and CC laughed.

Arrow turned red from both embarrassment and anger.

“Cake, eh?” Darkstreak said, condescendingly.

Arrow stood up, dusting himself off. “Hold on, how are we supposed to throw the apple into the air with our wing pushing air upwards, while having our legs push our bodies forward? That doesn’t make any sense!”

“You’re getting ahead of yourself, kid.” Darkstreak said. “The first thing this drill teaches you is a proper take off for a sprint.”

“We know how to take off.” Arrow said through his teeth.

“Yeah, you made that real clear a minute ago.” Darkstreak retorted. “Look guys, there’s two motions to it. First bring your wings straight up while bending your legs. This’ll digs your hooves into the ground hard, while setting you up for the next move which is to scoop the air backwards with your wings while you straighten your legs which will propel you forward.”

“Waitasecond!” Skylight raised her hoof, “Are you saying we’ve been taking off all wrong this entire time!?”

“I wouldn’t say that.” Darkstreak said, “This is just another way to take off, and is usually used for short bursts of speed. Only a seasoned racer will use this technique for longer races.”

“We’ll be going up against ‘seasoned racers’ in a month!” CC said. “We need to learn everything we can!”

Darkstreak smiled, “Then it looks like all of you need to grab some apples.”

Comments ( 11 )

5 chapters in 3000 words...

you have chapters in an average of 600 words... a chapter... A CHAPTER.

methinks you have pacing issues.

Reached this chapter within two hours of silmutaneous reading!

i like it and i'm faving

Far too few stories about the Shadowbolts. I hope this doesn’t have any pacing issues.


3232575 Thanks for the feedback! I've been kinda sitting on this story for quite a while. So do you think I should just erase the "chapter 1" and "chapter 2" within the big sections and just keep it divided the way it is on the site? So I'd technically only have 6 chapters? Or divide it a little more than that? I had no idea the length of a chapter would be so troubling for readers, I thought it would just be the content of the story. I'd love to fix my pacing issue, and make my story more enjoyable. Thanks again!

3232506 thank you! I appreciate it! I have a lot of stories written about Skylight, Arrow and the Shadowbolts, and I hope to get them up on the site soon!


the content of a story IS THE chapters. What nonsense are you spouting with that.

There's a difference between a scene and a chapter learn their roles and apply them.

scenes being a collective of a chapter.

Comment posted by NightArrow deleted Jun 29th, 2014

when comes next chapter

Hi. I in literally in love with this story! It's so good!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!

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