> Shadowbolts: Origins > by NightArrow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1-5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 1 Although Luna was trapped as Nightmare Moon for 1,000 years, she was still very aware of her actions. In fact, it still haunts her dreams to this day; which is more bothersome than it sounds, since she is, after all, the Princess of the Night. During her encounter with the Mane Six, Rainbow Dash exhibited both incredible loyalty to her friends, and complete admiration towards her favorite team, The Wonderbolts. This made her create her own incarnations of an anti-team she ironically called The Shadowbolts. But we all saw how that ended... Rainbow Dash easily shot them down. After the curse was lifted, and Luna was herself once again, she attended a Wonderbolts derby, and saw everypony cheering for their personal favorite. Afterwards, she grew intrigued, and attended a practice, where one young mare on the sidelines watched them, and cheered them on quietly. This mare was the splitting image of one of her Shadowbolts! Dark blue mane, light blue coat.. it reminded Luna of the trick she played on Rainbow Dash just a few months ago, as Nightmare Moon. “Young filly.” The princess approached her, “What art thoust name?” “Princess Luna!” The young mare bowed. “I’m so sorry! Am I in some sort of trouble--?” “No no, I am simply asking your name, young mare.” “Um, Cloud Crash. But my friends just call me CC.”
 “Why dost though stay here whilst they practice?” “Oh, is that not allowed? I’ve been coming here for years! I’m so sorry, I didn’t know! Princess Celestia never said anythi--” “It is perfectly fine, young Cloud Crash. I did not mean to startle you.” “Oh, good. I don’t want to go to jail...”
 “Jail? Young CC, please, I mean no intimidation. I merely am curious about your audience here.” “Why I’m here? I’m the Wonderbolts’ biggest fan! I’m gonna be a member one day!” “Hmm, but... why? What makes this flying team so appealing?” “They’re the fastest flyers in Equestria! And they get to race every day for a living! What part of that doesn’t sound awesome!?” CC quickly flinched. She didn’t mean to holler at the princess like that; she was just so excited. Princess Luna didn’t react to it, she was too deep in thought. “Young CC, do you practice flying often?” “Why, every day your highness...!” “And you are quite fast?” “The fastest! Top of my class in flight school!” The princess paused for a moment. Cloud Crash was so confident in herself, even in the presence of royalty. “Show me.” Cloud Crash gasped in excitement. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing! She had been coming to these practices every day after flight school, and even more often once she had graduated from flight school a few months ago. Princess Celestia had not once come down to greet her. Everyone who had ever met Celestia said she was the nicest pony in all of Equestria, but CC had always thought princesses were just too busy to pay any attention to a normal pony like her. However, Princess Luna seemed to be interested in everything about her! “I-- of course! But um...” CC glanced at the track, “...on this track? They’re kinda using it--” Princess Luna had forgotten the Wonderbolts were still zipping around the track, not paying any attention to anypony but themselves. “You speak truths, young Cloud Crash...” Luna thought for another moment. “...but I know of a place where we will not be disturbed.” CHAPTER 2 There’s a place in Equestria with a lot of mystery behind it. Things happen, and creatures exist that are not found anywhere else. 1,000 years ago, this was a very different place. 1,000 years ago, this place was ruled by the Princess of the Night. Unfortunately, once the era of Nightmare Moon occurred, this area became neglected, and ponies started slowly moving out. Trees began to grow wild, and only a few zebra huts remained. Even the local stadium was in ruins. The giant sign once bright and welcoming, now moldy and broken now only reads “EV RF E ST DIUM” Everypony knows to avoid this place at all costs; The Everfree Forest. So you can only imagine the terror young CC felt, being led into the cold, dark, damp area even with the tall elegant night-sky blue allicorn escorting her. Something was wrong, however. Princess Luna, although confident as always in her every step, looked a bit confused about her surroundings. They reached the stadium, and it was, of course, unusable. Bushes were grown out of control, trees had rooted into the track; parasprites were buzzing around everywhere. Luna was distraught. “Where...” The Allicorn began, “Where... is everypony?” There was a sense of confused sorrow in her voice. “Not here, that much is for sure...” CC replied, wondering just what the princess was expecting to find here. Luna was too distracted to acknowledge the sarcastic response. “But... I do not understand...” Her voice was quavering “Has my sister not ruled over all of Equestria in my absence?” CC raised an eyebrow, “Princess Celestia? Well, yeah but Everfree Forest is just--” “Everfree forest...?” Luna interrupted incredulously. CC flinched at the princess’ now glowing eyes; she was already terrified, and now her only source of protection from her ominous surroundings was the scariest thing in the area. “Art thou implying this whole area is now a... A FOREST!?” Cloud Crash was cowering in fear now. The whole area seemed to shake. “NOPONY calls this their home!? No pony visits the town square? Or partakes in the wonderful fruits of Everfree Acres...??” CC had no idea what she was talking about. She wanted to fly away, as quickly as possible, but her wings were stuck. Her entire body was stuck. What in Equestria was Luna talking about? Why was she so mad? Suddenly, a drop of rain hit CC’s down-turned ear. *sniffle* CC looked up. It wasn’t rain, it was Luna. She’d never seen a princess cry before... Her terror turned to pure confusion. What the hay was going on? Had this whole area really been a bustling town? “Celestia...” Luna coughed out, “...1,000 years...” The princess fell to her knees “. . . is a very... long time...” The air in the Everfree Forest was still, and stagnant. Cloud Crash sat and joined Luna in her moment of silence. That moment did not last very long, however. “What is all the racket out here!?” A stallion’s voice came from the entrance of the locker room that read Home Team. CHAPTER 3 A teal pegasus, with a green mane, and tired-looking, violet eyes emerged from the thickets covering the locker room’s entrance. “Who goes there!?” Luna shouted. Using her magic, she yanked the stallion towards them. “Who are you!? Why are you trespassing on Everfree Stadium property!?” “Wha-- I- wow, um. I live... here?” The muted voice of the pegasus from within the magic sounded more impressed than threatened. The Princess dropped him. “Oof! ...ow... No- yeah, that’s polite. Make yourselves at home.. throw me around a little more if you get bored... geeze...” The stallion said sarcastically, still clearly not shaken. “SILENCE!” Luna spoke, in the traditional royal Canterlot voice. “...or yell at me if you want, that’s totally cool too. . .” The stallion replied arrogantly. Luna was beyond puzzled. “YOU DARE SPEAK TO ROYALTY IN SUCH A WAY!?” The pegasus smirked, raising an eyebrow. “Royalty?” He turned to face the princess. “Celestia?? Ha, love the new mane color! Equally as flowy, defying physics and such... but blue? I pegged you for more of a pink lovin’ kind of mare. . .” He laughed, and turned around and began to walk away. “Nice try, lady...” Princess Luna could not believe her ears. Such arrogance! “I am NOT Celestia!” she spat. “I am--” “--I figured.” He interrupted, rudely. “Look, PonyCon isn’t for another few months and it’s nowhere near Everfree Forest... I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’re in the middle of bucking NOWHERE. So please, why don’t you and your--” he glanced at Cloud Crash “--daughter there, run along, and come back a few weeks from never.” Luna’s eyes glowed. Her face scowled. The air around her began to rotate, and her horn began to spark. Cloud Crash had only known Luna personally for about an hour, but she knew that look, and she didn’t like it. “Why you... I SHOULD--” “Wait!” CC interrupted. Luna stopped. She looked at CC’s pleading, yet confident eyes. “Please,” CC continued, “give me a moment with him.” Luna paused a moment, and nodded at her. Cloud Crash flew across the stadium, catching up to the arrogant stallion. “She really is a princess, you know...” “Who, your mom over there? Ppffch, yeah, me too, kid.” Cloud Crash didn’t understand. How had he not heard about Luna’s return? “That’s Celestia’s sister!” CC pleaded. He stopped for a moment. “Celestia’s sister? Nightmare Moon? That’s an old ponytale, filly! How old are you? You look like you’ve at least graduated. You believe in Santa Hooves too?” “I graduated last year! And no, it wasn’t! She returned last year!” CC said. “How long have you been living in the Everfree Forest?” “About four years... why? What does it matter? What are you both still doing here??” He began to sound annoyed. “All alone?” CC sounded sympathetic. “Ha!” he laughed, heartily. “Sometimes, I wish! Nah, I’ve got a roomie across the stadium; lives in the Visitor locker room... but,” He lowered his head, and whispered, “She’s not exactly... alright in the head.” CC glanced back toward Luna, who was staring at them impatiently. The visitor’s locker room was just to the right of her. “Um, what’s your name, Sir?” “Sir? Really? I’m maybe four years older than you! Don’t call me ‘sir’. The name’s Night Arrow, but please, ‘Arrow’ is fine.” “Okay, great! Well, nice to meet you, Arrow! My name is Cloud Crash! CC for short... and you have missed quite a lot of current events--” “IIIIINNNNTTRRRRUUUUUUDDDDEEEERRRSSS!!!” A loud, girly voice echoed through the stadium, startling both CC and Luna. Suddenly, a neon green mare was flying, back-hoof first, right towards Princess Luna. CHAPTER 4 As if somepony had pressed the “pause” button, the neon green mare stopped right in mid air, magic surrounding her, the same blue tone as Princess Luna’s horn. Nonchalantly, Luna walked over to the now floating pony. Still using the Royal Canterlot voice, her eyes glowing white, Luna spoke. “I INTRUDE ON NOTHING, BRIGHTLY HUED ONE. YOU DARE ATTACK ROYALTY?” Only able to mover her face, the mare looked around, confused, then suddenly started to laugh. “Heheh... you know, this kinda tickles!” Luna was taken aback. Had the entire world gone mad? Did nothing scare these ponies? She dropped the intimidation act, and let the green pony fall to the ground. “Oof! --ow, well that didn’t tickle at all. . . !” “Skylight, this is Nightmare Moon and her daughter Cloud Crash.” Night Arrow said, walking up, still very calm. “They’re apparently Royalty and think they own the place and can toss ponies left and right as they please.” His voice became more matter-of-fact. Luna’s temper was at it’s limit, so Cloud Crash rushed over before Luna could respond, “Uuuh, look, Mr. Night Arrow?” “Just ‘Arrow’, please. Not ‘mister’ not ‘sir’, just ‘Arrow’...” “Okay, sorry... um, Arrow. This is Princess Luna, and she really is Princess Celestia’s sister. She was Nightmare Moon when she returned to Equestria last year, but these six ponies living in Ponyville turned her back to normal using this magic called the Elements of Harmony. I’m not her daughter, just a pegasus from Canterlot. We were just in Everfree Forest because she wanted me to show her how fast I can fly. But then you came out and stopped us, and your friend here came out with a surprise attack from the bushes, so we haven’t gotten around to it.” Night Arrow and Skylight watched CC monologue for a moment, then glanced at each other, and bursted into laughter. “The Elements of Harmony?” Night Arrow asked through his laughter. “That’s the most ridiculous... hahaha, Harmony means like.. peaceful! How do you defeat someone, with elements of a peaceful... haha!” Skylight rolled onto her back, “HeehahaHEhehee! Royalty? In our old abandoned stadium? Haha yeah, like a Princess would be walking around a creepy old forest...!” CC already knew Luna was not taking the laughter very well. She didn’t even have to turn around to see the Princess’s face to know Luna was getting more upset by the second. Skylight mockingly tip-hoofed across the grass, her snout facing upward, and eyes closed as snooty looking as possible. “Oh, dear Mister Night Arrow, sir...” She said in a phony Canterlot accent. “Mmmmnnyyeesss, Princess Skylight?” Arrow returned the jest. “Could you please sweep up the ballroom, my fancy glass horseshoes and dress are getting all full of *gasp* debrriiiiis . . .” Skylight’s mocking voice became more and more nasally as her dialogue continued. “HahahhahAHahah!” They both fell to the ground, laughing hysterically. Clenching her teeth, Luna shouted. “That’s IT!” She positioned herself in a ready stance, closed her eyes, and spread her wings. CC yelled, “Luna, no! Wait!!” The laughter stopped. Luna’s eyes opened and a bright white light illuminated the area. In a flash, the abandoned stadium was empty. CHAPTER 5 “--stop!!” CC completed her thought. Her voice sounded much louder than it had a moment ago. She looked around, and everyone was in the same place, but the setting was completely different. Instead of a scary old forest, broken concrete buildings, and dark, foggy swamp land, they were in a nice shiny room. The decor was night themed, with a large glass moon over a dark blue throne, behind a large, black desk. Constellations were painted on the ceiling, which was very high up. The fire in the fireplace was somehow a purple tint, and the chair near the small bookshelf was a dark blue velvet, laced with gold. The room was clearly decorated for a princess. “What the. . .?” Arrow gaped at the new surroundings. “What just happened?” “Where are we, Princess?” CC asked. “I have teleported us to my chambers, in Canterlot.” “CANTERLOT!?” Arrow gasped. Skylight jumped up and ran under a table. “Yes, Canterlot...” as the Princess walked to her throne behind the desk, she used her magic to place each of the three ponies in a seated position on the adjacent side. “...that isn’t a problem is it?” “This is kidnapping!” Arrow shouted, angrily. Skylight was shaking, shifting her eyes around the room. Meanwhile, CC was looking at the other two, now more confused than ever. Just a moment ago, these two pegasus ponies were laughing in the face of one of the most powerful alicorns in Equestria, now they look as anxious as prisoners on death row. Why were they so reluctant to be in Canterlot? “What’s the matter, Night Arrow? No more witty remarks, and sarcastic, arrogant comments?” Luna leaned back on her throne. “Now that you can finally see that I actually am Canterlot royalty, I think it’s best you fix your tone, lest you be thrown to the dungeon.” “Canterlot has a dungeon?” CC asked, clearly the most calm of the three. Luna glanced at her coyly, “Perhaps...” “Look, Princess, we get it. You just wanted to use the stadium, that’s fine by us,” said Arrow, “Use it till you’re even blue-er in the face. Just get us out of Canterlot, please!” Skylight was nodding her head through the entirety of Arrow’s plea. This sudden change in character intrigued Luna. They clearly still weren’t intimidated by her royal stature, but by being in the city of Canterlot. But why? “I will, in due time.” Luna responded. “But tell me, Night Arrow, --and Skylight is it?--” Skylight nodded. “Explain to me what two pegasus ponies are doing living in an old abandoned stadium in the middle of a forest? Where are you from originally?” Skylight turned to Arrow. “We’re from nowhere.” Arrow responded, his eyes narrowed. “And if you don’t mind, we’d like to return there.” Luna could tell she wasn’t getting anywhere. These two wanted out of this city, immediately. “I’ll tell you what, Night Arrow,” Luna began, and leaned forward onto her desk. “do you consider yourself a fast flyer?” Arrow was visibly confused by the random question. “OOH! I am!” Skylight jumped up and raised her hoof, smiling. “I’m super fast! I can outfly a pack of hungry timberwolves! I can fly circles around baggy eyes here!” Arrow had always hated when Skylight called him that. The sudden outburst and mood change from anxious and scared to excited and shouting made CC think of Arrow’s response back at the stadium. Skylight really wasn’t all right in the head. “Is that right?” Luna asked, “And would you consider Night Arrow faster than normal pegasus ponies?” “Well duuuh,” Skylight stuck her tongue out, “all the free time we have is just spent racing around the track and around Everfree forest! Four years is a super long time to be away from home! We even used to race back when we lived in--” Arrow covered her mouth. “That’s enough from you, Sky’.” He said. “What does this have to do with anything ...Princess?” Luna smiled. “I have a proposition for you; I will return you both to the stadium, but in return, the three of you show me how fast you can fly.” “Why?” CC asked, realizing the Princess’s focus was no longer on just her anymore. “Just trust me, it will be worth your time.” Luna stood up, and stuck her hoof out. “Do we have a deal?” The three ponies looked at one another, not really seeing a down side to this. “Fine.” Night Arrow touched the Princess’s hoof. “Of course, Princess.” CC’s hoof joined in. “Let’s GO!” Skylight shouted happily, joining her hoof to the rest. “Very well.” Luna’s horn began to glow, and in a flash, her royal chamber was unoccupied once again. > Chapter 6-9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 6 Back at the abandoned Everfree Stadium, the three pegasus ponies stood in line, ready to race. Luna sat by the side lines of the cleared track. “Alright, you three.” Luna said. “This will be a derby-style race. The three of you, around the track 25 times. First one to make all 25 laps, wins.” “Is this really necessary?” Arrow complained. “Besides, what do we win?” “Is there a prize!?” Skylight asked, excitedly. “Do we get candy?? Or free clothes?? [gasp] Or CANDY?” “You said candy twice.” CC said. “I know,” Skylight whispered “I just really hope we get candy...” “There is somewhat of a prize, if you want to call it that...” Luna responded. “I just need to see what you can do.” “With all due respect, Princess,” CC said, “This track is full of debris and bushes... How are we supposed to race?” “Simply avoid everything.” Luna responded. “Around the track, 25 times.” Arrow still felt like this was a waste of time, while Skylight was still thinking about getting free candy. CC was a little nervous about the condition of the track, but was just happy to finally show off her flying abilities in front of the Princess. “Alright, CC,” she thought to herself. “This is your chance to prove yourself... you’ll be in the Wonderbolts for sure!” “Let’s get this over with.” Night Arrow readied his stance, digging his back hooves into the ground. The other ponies did as well, wings in flight position, head lowered, front hooves spread, back legs bent, wings out and ready to push forward. “Ready, set... PROCEED!” Luna shouted. CC pushed off the ground as hard as she could, starting off with a clean glide. Her wings spread, but angled back. It was her secret flying technique that won almost all her races back in flight school. She had been known for her intellect, and great organizational skills, but prided herself on her speed and agility. She was an overall strong flyer. Being the youngest, and thus, smallest of the three, her wing feathers were still crisp and cut through the air the cleanest, giving her a decent lead. Skylight was inches behind CC. Most flyers when soaring through the air have a grimace across their face, or their eyes are narrowed, concentrating on their task. But Skylight was smiling. Almost as if she took the race as a fun game, not a competition. Her flight pattern much more fluid than the crisp movements of CC. The years of flying through the Everfree Forest at top speed allowed her to learn to maneuver her body around complicated branches and other obstacles. Night Arrow was trailing behind. His usual technique was to let Skylight take the lead during the first part of the race, then push all his remaining energy at the end of the race, hoping she’d be tired by then. It was more about strategy than pure speed. Before they had teleported out of Luna’s throne room, the Princess discreetly grabbed a small device from her desk. It was an anemometer, a device to measure pegasus ponies top wing power, which translates pretty well to overall speed. At the first 4 laps, CC was at 14.3, Skylight was at 15.0, and Night Arrow was at 12.8. CC had put all she had into the first few laps, trying to widen the gap between her and Skylight. Not being able to look behind her, she assumed the neon green mare was pretty far back. That’s how these races usually went back in flight school. CC smiled smugly; she had this race in the bag. Skylight suddenly appeared in CC’s peripheral vision. “Wha--?? Impossible!” CC yelled through the wind. “Hi CC!!” Skylight called back, still smiling, and somehow waving her wing while still maintaining a good speed. “That... That makes literally NO sense!” CC thought to herself, “She can’t wave her wing at me while remaining at that speed!” CC gritted her teeth and pushed harder. Night Arrow was concentrating hard. They were about half way through the race now, at the 12th lap. “Time to start increasing the intensity here; those mares should start getting tired about now.” He thought to himself. Luna’s anemometer read that Skylight was at about 17.2, CC was pushing harder at 15.9, and Arrow’s wing power was increasing slightly by every lap. “It’s as if he’s calculating each lap to be slightly faster than the last... saving his energy for the end instead of the beginning...” Luna thought out loud. “He’s at 15.6 at the middle of the race... at this rate he should eventually hit just under 20 wing power...” With three laps to go, CC’s wings were feeling it. She had invested all her energy at the beginning of the race, trying to widen the gap, and now she was barely keeping up with Skylight. She had made the worst possible mistake in any competition; she had underestimated her competition. Skylight’s smile was gone, and she was sweating slightly. Her flight pattern becoming much more erratic than the beginning of the race. “Almost. . . passed her...” CC thought as she inched towards Skylight at the curve of the track. Suddenly, Night Arrow swooped into her view from above. “Sorry, kid!” He yelled, and lined himself up directly in front of CC when they made the straight-way of the track. “What is he doing...?” CC thought, noticing the deliberate line up, when suddenly, his wings began to flap more aggressively. Night Arrow knew he had large, stallion wings, and his dad taught him to use them to his advantage in a race. He began beating the air in a steady pattern to not lose speed, but chop the air pressure behind him in pulses instead of a stream. “Oh no!” CC gasped, her sharp glide through the air was disrupted by the waves of air pressure coming at her. She began to lose traction, and tried to steer herself out of Arrow’s strategic trail. Her wings were tired from pushing herself at full intensity throughout the entire race, and now when she needed her strength the most, she was done. Night Arrow began to push as hard as he could, then “And one... last... Push!” His hooves touched down on the ground for a split second to send one last irregular air wave behind him as he started the last lap, inches behind Skylight. “No!!” CC yelled, her wings literally tripped over the irregular air waves and she landed face first into the soft earth. Night Arrow smiled at the successful trip up, and set his sights on Skylight who was still performing at maximum, but her flight pattern showed her fatigue. As they turned the last curve of the track, Skylight and Night Arrow were inches apart, Skylight still had the lead. “Looking tired, Sky’!” Arrow smiled. Skylight just smiled back, not having the breath to respond. Night Arrow finally narrowed his wings, and used all his remaining energy on this last stretch of track. “And, this race is over.” He closed his eyes and crossed the finish line. “Impressive!” Luna called, standing up. “I may have a few strategies at my disposal.” Arrow replied. “One of which is, do not close your eyes!” Luna responded, “Skylight won.” “What!?” Arrow looked behind him, and Skylight was laying on her back, just past the finish line. “No she didn’t! I passed her up about 12 feet back!” Arrow yelled. “Once you closed your eyes like an cocky show off,” Luna said walking over to them. “Skylight flipped over, mid-air and using the muscles under her wings, rather than on top, she glided upside-down, beneath you, passing you up, and landing on her back.” Still panting, her rib cage visibly moving up and down, Skylight just smiled, her eyes closed and wings still spread out beneath her. “Do I... [pant] get my... [pant] candy now?” she wheezed. Chapter 7 CC got up from the mud, and wiped herself as clean as she could get. Her head down, she made her way to the finish line to join the rest of the group. “I didn’t even finish...” she thought “I just blew any chance I had to get into the Wonderbolts...” “I am very impressed with you all.” Luna said. “While you were racing, I measured your wing power using this device.” She motioned to the anemometer. “An average pegasus’s top speed is around 10 wing power. You all averaged far above that.” Luna smiled. “Why does this matter, Luna? Who cares how fast we are?” Arrow asked, impatiently. “And about that candy . . .” Skylight chimed in. “Allow me to finish, Night Arrow.” Luna responded. “CC, your top speed was 16.2, achieved on lap 21, which was also your final lap.” CC’s head dropped in shame. “Do not despair, Cloud Crash.” Luna reassured her, “That is far above most ponies your age. You just need to learn racing strategies, and ways to counter them. Your competitors will use your naivety against you,” Luna turned to Night Arrow, “and purposely attempt to trip you up.” This made CC feel a little better. Apparently, her wing power was about 6 points above average, and she was still young. She could train even harder from this point on. “Night Arrow, you have a good strategy.” Luna said. “And plenty more where those came from!” Night Arrow responded. Although he still felt like this was a waste of time, he never turned down a compliment. “But you are too brash.” Luna continued. Night Arrow looked offended by the statement. “Your cocky attitude cost you the race, and made all that strategy useless. Nonetheless, your top Wing Power was on lap 25, right towards the end, you made it to 18.8. That is far beyond average.” Arrow half-smiled, but didn’t respond. “And Skylight.” Luna turned to her. “You reached a top speed of 18.3 wing power, just under Night Arrow’s top speed.” Skylight smiled. “Your agility and maneuverability will serve you well in the future. Continue practicing through complicated obstacles, as well as strengthening those wing muscles.” “Oookay,” Arrow got up. “Well we played your little racing game, so now I think it’s best you two be on your way. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you have a good life.” He started walking towards his locker room. “But... What about my prize?” Skylight whined. “I was looking forward to that candy . . .” Luna stood up. “Night Arrow, wait.” He stopped and turned reluctantly. “Skylight is right, I did promise you a prize.” Night Arrow rolled his eyes. “Alright, what is it?” He said, annoyed. “I would like to offer you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” She began to walk around the three ponies. “I’d like to invite you all to help me found... a team.” Chapter 8 “A team...?” Arrow asked, skeptically. “Oooh! Like a super hero team!? Do we get masks? And capes!?” Skylight jumped up and down. “No, Skylight.” Luna said. “A racing team.” “Wait a second!” Cloud Crash jumped in. “You want to start your own racing team!?” “Yes, CC.” Luna said confidently. “I think you three have the potential to be the fastest flyers in Equestria.” “The Fastest Flyers in Equestria?” Arrow laughed. “Luna, you’re gonna need a new slogan, that one’s taken by this little team called, oh, I don’t know THE WONDERBOLTS? Ever heard of them??” “I have, Night Arrow, and they do not deserve such a title.” Luna said, sternly. “My sister has neglected them, and they have become increasingly complacent. They only race against one another, and appear at royal events acting as some kind of celebrities.” “Because they’re the freaking Wonderbolts!” CC chimed in. “They really are the fastest flyers in Equestria!” “Not for long, young CC!” the princess smiled. “You three will train daily! You are all already well above the average wing power! Night Arrow has good strategy to fly solo, but you need to learn to race as a team! CC, you have magnificent ambition! It will get you very far! And Skylight, you have more energy than any pony I’ve ever seen! Once the season starts, these Wonderbolts will not know what hit them!” The three pegasus ponies looked at one another for a moment. Skylight looked excited, while Night Arrow looked skeptical. CC just looked confused and upset. “No.” CC answered. “What?” Luna was expecting to be denied by one of the other two, but she didn’t expect a ‘no’ from CC. “I said no.” CC reaffirmed. “There’s no way I’m being put on the same roster as two other ponies I just met today. One of which has a serious ego problem, and the other seems to think everything is some kind of joke!” CC began to walk away. “At the beginning of this whole stupid day, I thought you were going to help me get into the Wonderbolts. Not try to piece together some rag-tag team, just so we can lose against them! And if this little project fails? Then what happens?” “I assure you, it will not fail, Cloud Crash . . .” Luna reassured. “I’ll tell you what happens then!” CC continued, “Then I’d blow any chance I ever had in joining them! I’d be a joke!! They’d just recognize me as some pegasus that went up against them, and failed. I’m sorry, princess, but no way. It’s just too risky.” Luna sat down in the grass, looking defeated. “And what say the two of you?” Arrow looked at Skylight, then turned back towards Luna. “I can’t.” He replied, and began to walk towards his locker room. “But Night Arrow,” Luna protested. “I saw the way you fly. You’ve been trained to be on the track. And from what you had demonstrated, you’ve been trained by somepony who knew how to teach racers to win.” Arrow stopped in his tracks. As if reaching far back into his memory, he stared off into the sky for a moment, then, “I just can’t princess. I’m sorry.” he continued towards his room. Luna looked longingly at Skylight, as if she was her last hope. “And you, brightly colored mare?” Skylight looked back towards Arrow who was just getting to his door. Then, after a moment of contemplating, she looked up with confident eyes, and smiled. “Yes.” Chapter 9 Arrow stopped at the threshold of his locker room. “What??” He turned back towards Skylight, CC and Luna. “Well of course she’s going to accept.” CC stood up. “She literally has nothing to lose! She lives in an abandoned stadium in the middle of nowhere with a sarcastic egomaniac! This is her opportunity to get out of here!” Night Arrow quickly flew back over towards the CC. “Alright, that does it!” He stared her in the eyes. “I’ve had just about enough of you insulting the two of us. You don’t even know us! You think you can just walk into our home and judge us? Skylight is the nicest mare in Equestria! She hasn’t said one bad thing about you, and she probably never will! So you need to back off you little silver-spooned Canterlot-bred blue brat!!” “Arrow, stop!!” Skylight called out. “Canterlot-bred? What, you think just because I’m from Canterlot, I must be rich and snobby?” CC countered. “I work harder than you can imagine! I’ve been studying abroad in Canterlot since the beginning of my last semester in Flight School! I’m from Fillydelphia! Which, if you hadn’t been living under an old abandoned ROCK for four years, you would know is just about the poorest little town this side of Manehattan!” “CC, please!!” Skylight pleaded. “Well you seem to be doing pretty well for yourself hanging out with Princesses!” Arrow yelled back. “Both of you!” Luna stepped in. “Silence!” They both glared angrily at each other and sat down. “Thank you,” Luna said. “Now, Skylight, do you really want to help me found this racing team?” “Well, yeah . . .” Skylight said. “I think it sounds like fun...” “Sky’ listen...” Arrow sat up. “You had your time to speak!” Luna’s eyes glowed white, threateningly. “Allow her to finish.” Night Arrow reluctantly sat back down. Skylight glanced sympathetically at Night Arrow. “I know what you’re thinking, Arrow, and... well I think it would be good for us.” She walked over to him. “CC is kinda right... we’ve been living alone for four years... I think it would be good to get out and talk with other ponies again.” She walked over to CC. “But that’s pretty much all you’re right about, Cloud Crash.” CC wanted to chime in, but decided against it since Luna would probably just shut her up anyway. “You see, Night Arrow can be kind of arrogant,” Skylight continued, “but you just have to get to know him! I mean, when you live in the middle of Everfree forest, you can’t really trust anypony. And just from meeting you here today, you can learn to be a little more trusting too.” CC was taken aback by this. Skylight hadn’t said anything serious all day, and now she was judging her? “I know I can be a little crazy some times,” Skylight said. “But this sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity!” She smiled at CC. “Sure it would be awesome to be accepted into the Wonderbolts, but how awesome would it be to become the founding members of the second official racing team in all of Equestria!?” CC hadn’t thought about it like that. “Luna trusts us to make this team a reality! And she’s right to! I think we can do it!” Skylight smiled at Luna. “Sky’...” Arrow said, meekly. “Can I talk to you for a second? Alone?” “Uh, sure...” Skylight and Night Arrow walked over towards the locker rooms, leaving Luna and CC sitting alone. > Chapter 10-15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 The Princess gave CC a concerned stare. “You still have your reservations about this, don’t you?” “Call me crazy, but I don’t think the best way to get into a world class organization is creating a competing organization...” CC responded. “Young Cloud Crash, when I saw you staring out at the track this morning, you told me you went there every day, even after your flight school, correct?” “Mmhmm.” “How often did the racers acknowledge you? Had you ever met Spitfire? Or Soaring?” “--it’s Soarin’ . . . and, well I’ve never met Spitfire...” “Haha, actually I have seen his file in my sister’s room. His name is Soaring. But he enjoys the nickname. I suppose he believes it makes him seem more like a celebrity.” Luna laughed. CC didn’t think it was very funny. These were her heroes, and Luna was throwing information as if they were every day ponies. “Either way, they never once approached you? Just to say encouraging words? Or reassure you that you had a chance to one day join their ranks?” CC had met Soarin’ on a few occasions, but they didn’t exactly end well, and she definitely didn’t want to get into that, so she lied, “No... but, well, they’re busy.” “How much time would it possibly take for the Fastest Flyers in Equestria to zoom over to the front row of the stands just to say hello?” CC lowered her head. “CC, we can make a team that responds to the ponies of Equestria! All the young pegasus ponies that want to one day be a member? We can do that!” CC looked up at Luna, “You really think this can happen, don’t you?” “Yes. But I’m going to need not only your wings, but your brain and heart.” “Huh?” Luna opened up CC’s wings with her hooves, “I need you to be the fastest flyer you can be so we can win races.” She tapped her royal glass horseshoes onto CC’s head, “I need you to personally help me run the background of this little organization. Help me with paperwork, and creating guidelines that will establish an Equestrian Racing Association; make this into a full out sport!” “You want me to organize--” “But most of all,” Luna put her hoof on CC’s chest. “I need your heart.” CC gave Luna a look of sincere confusion. “I need you to believe this can happen. Your complete dedication. It can be your legacy, CC. You won’t be just another member of the Wonderbolts. You can be bigger than that, you can be the mare that started an entire sports league.” CC looked down, contemplating. She did want to make a big impact in Equestria racing. But she had no idea it could be this big. “So, are you with me?” Luna asked. . . . “I am.” CC said sternly. “Just don’t make me regret this...” “You won’t, I promise.” Luna said. “We’re going to make Equestrian history.” Chapter 11 “You do know what city all racing happens in, don’t you?” Arrow said. “Well, yeah... Canterlot.” Skylight responded. “Canterlot! Yes! Exactly!” Arrow exclaimed. “That doesn’t ring a bell, Sky?” Skylight thought long and hard for a moment. “I... I know I needed to avoid that place... and earlier today, it gave me the heeby-jeebies! But I don’t remember why. . .” “Skylight! We used to live in Canterlot! We grew up there!” “No we didn’t! That’s crazy!” Skylight laughed. “Look at me! Do I look like a fancy smancy Canterlot pony? Hehehe” Arrow just couldn’t get her to remember. Something happened to her head that night. He knew he just couldn’t go back to the racing circuit. He just couldn’t chance letting his past run into him. Not after all these years. And if they saw Skylight like this? It was all his fault, and he’d been carrying that blame for years. He vowed to take care of Skylight no matter what, and if this happened, he knew it would be close to impossible to keep that promise. “No, I guess not.” He responded, defeated. “You look way cooler than a Canterlot pony.” “Hey, Arrow why are you so sad all of a sudden?” Skylight’s ears went back, and she placed her hoof on his shoulder. “This is just super complicated, and kind of out of nowhere.” He said. “What’s so complicated about it?” She said. “Didn’t it feel great to get onto that track and actually race somepony? The thrill of winning? The fear of knowing you may lose? Imagine doing that all the time!!” “It did feel great racing again.” Arrow cracked a smile. “Then what’s the big deal, Baggy-Eyes!?” Skylight laughed. “Don’t you miss seeing the world out there? Canterlot was beautiful! I was staring at the scenery out Luna’s balcony window! I saw like 6 pegasus ponies fly by! That’s more than I had seen in like forever!!” Arrow knew Skylight was serious about this. It was sort of unfair to her, keeping them both cooped up in this stadium. They knew the forest like the back of their hooves, but place them in the middle of a city, and they’d be lost for days. Maybe it was time. Maybe after all these years of avoiding their past, they had to just move on. They couldn’t run forever, and by now, they were all grown up. They made their mistakes, but hey, they were just kids. They deserved whatever was coming to them, but they also deserved to be forgiven; ...I mean, that’s what family does, right? “Alright, Sky’,” Arrow smiled. “we’ll do it.” Skylight’s eyes lit up, “WE WILL!?” “Yeah, we will.” Chapter 12 Arrow and Skylight walked back over to Luna and CC. “Alright, we’re in.” Arrow said. “That is good news! I assure you, this will be very successful.” Luna smiled. “And Princess Luna said I’m in charge!” CC exclaimed. “Wha--?” Skylight stepped back. “--Welp, it was good while it lasted, but I’m gonna have to retire from this nameless little flight team we had here.” Arrow responded quickly, with his trademark sarcastic smirk. “Good luck with everything, and I hope it all works out.” He began to walk away. “Night Arrow, wait.” Luna said. “I did not place CC in charge of this team. As of now, I am still your only leader.” Arrow stopped and looked skeptically at the princess. “You didn’t?” CC looked up at her. “What was all that you were going on about me changing the face of Equestria Racing history??” “From behind the scenes, Cloud Crash.” Luna said. “Look, can we please just go back to my office? We will figure everything out when we get back there.” “Fine.” Arrow sat down. “Are you gonna magic us over there again??” Skylight asked excitedly. “Your magic makes me feel all tingly!” “If you’d like,” Luna smiled. “tell all your wings to enjoy the rest though, after we get this rolling, you will all be flying as fast as you can, as often as you can.” In a flash, they were all sitting in the Royal Lunar Office. “Can’t say I’m a fan of freaky unicorn transportation.” Arrow said. “I think from now on, I’ll just fly.” “I am never getting used to suddenly just being somewhere else.” CC said, looking a bit sick. “It throws off my equilibrium.” “Alright, I’ll stop doing that then. I just figured this would be easier for everypony.” Luna said. “Nooooo!” Skylight cried, hugging herself. “It’s so TINGLY!” CC was looking a bit more green than usual. “Please *burp* excuse me, I need to use the restroom.” She said, holding her mouth. “Down the hall, last door on the left.” Luna said, as CC ran out. Arrow took this CC-less opportunity to ask a few questions. “So Princess, what can you tell me about the Wonderbolts? “Shouldn’t we wait for CC to return before discussing business?” Luna responded. “I’m just curious to how things have been here in the racing industry since I was last in Canterlot...” Arrow leaned back in his chair. Luna was not a stupid pony; she was over a thousand years old. She knew when someone was fishing for information. “Well Mr. Arrow,” she smiled coyly. “about how long ago has it been since you were last in Canterlot?” Arrow knew he had given his motive away. It was a dumb move to try to trick an immortal. Skylight was just sitting quietly, surveying the room, completely uninterested in their conversation. “Alright, look.” He sat up. “what gets said right now stays between us. I don’t want Cloud Crash knowing any of our business...” “CC is the only other member of this team, Arrow.” Luna said. “If we start keeping secrets before we even have a first practice, this is a house built on sand.” “I know, I know...” He said, trying to get answers before CC came back. “But look, I just have one question: Who is the coach for the Wonderbolts?” Luna was confused. Here Arrow was sitting in front of a pony that had access to confidential information about the Wonderbolts, and really all of Canterlot that nopony else had, and he asked a trivial question that he could just read in the newspaper? Something wasn’t adding up. “Bright Speed.” She said. “He has been the coach since before I made my return to Equestria from my banishment.” “Oh.” Arrow said. Clearly, this was not the answer he was expecting. He almost seemed disappointed. But before Luna could pry deeper into this strange behavior, CC reappeared in the doorway. Chapter 13 “I’m back.” CC said, looking back to her greyish-blue hue. “I’m back, we can start the meeting.” “Yay!” Skylight rose her front hooves into the air. “Okay first things first: our uniforms need capes.” “No.” Night Arrow said immediately. “Why not? Capes are awesome! And they’ll look so cool when we’re zooming around the track.” “Capes would add unnecessary wind resistance, and thus slow us down.” CC said. “They would give us a huge disadvantage.” “Fine...” Skylight slouched down. “But can they be orange? Oooh, and blue! I love orange and blue!” “Why don’t we focus on a solid number of members?” Luna finally jumped in. “Alright, well, how many are on the Wonderbolts nowadays?” Arrow asked. “Five? Six?” “Eighteen.” CC said. “Eighteen!?” Arrow echoed. “Why so many?” “They’re their own competition. They have to increase the roster to keep the races interesting.” CC said. “You sure know a lot about the Wonderbolts.” Skylight said. “Well, I’m their biggest fan.” CC said matter-of-factly “You were their biggest fan.” Luna said. “Now, your favorite team is this one.” “This one doesn’t even have a name yet.” Arrow said. “We can’t keep referring to it as a this current team or our flying project.” “Ooh!” Skylight rose her hoof as if in school. “We can be The Super Speeders!!” “No.” Night Arrow responded quickly yet again. “Uh, okay... the Fantastic Flyers!” “No.” Arrow responded just as dryly. “The Caped Crusaders?” Skylight asked meekly. “Skylight, we’re not wearing capes!” CC said. “And we’re not superheroes! We’re a racing team!” “Actually, I already have a name for us.” Princess Luna said. The other three sat quietly in anticipation. “But it’s from back when I was consumed by my Nightmare Moon persona...” Arrow and Skylight looked at each other, confused. CC remembered that day. She had been in Canterlot celebrating the Summer Sun Celebration, when there was word that not only had Celestia gone missing, but Nightmare Moon was wreaking havoc on a little town called Ponyville, where the Princess was last seen. Apparently, Luna had her fair share of demons. “Although I hadn’t completely been in control of my actions, I was still very aware of what I was doing.” She continued. “There was a pony who’s dream, like many pegasus ponies, was to join the Wonderbolts. So I tempted her into abandoning her friends to join a team I had fabricated called The Shadowbolts.” The three ponies looked around at one another. “I like it.” Arrow spoke first. “It’s kind of derivative of the Wonderbolts, don’t you think?” CC said, “I mean, it has the same number of syllables, they both end in ‘bolts,’ it just seems like we’re mocking them.” “If you ask me,” Skylight began, “I think the name kinda says We Wear Capes.” “Well, we don’t.” Night Arrow said. “I even have the uniform planned out.” Luna said, pulling out a few sketches from her desk. “I remember it so distinctly. We just need all your measurements and we can send this template and your numbers to the royal seamstress. Then the uniforms and name will be all taken care of-- ah, here it is.” On the desk was a sketch of a pony wearing a flight suit similar to that of the Wonderbolts, but with completely different color scheme. The lightning pattern on the legs were much higher up, and there was even a larger lightning pattern across the neckline and chest area. These yellow jagged lines separated the suit into two distinct colors: a dark purple on the torso, while the face, neck, and legs of the suit were a pitch black. The talent mark was a pony’s skull with a wing behind it. “These are actually pretty awesome.” Arrow said, sounding impressed. “Yeah, these aren’t bad at all.” CC said. “Hmm, you know what they’re missing though?” Skylight said. Arrow sighed heavily, “Skylight, for the last time, we’re not--” “Relax, I was gonna say goggles.” Skylight smiled. “We can’t have the wind getting in our eyes while we’re racing! Chapter 14 “Oh! I actually already have a prototype of those made!” Luna said excitedly as she walked over to a cabinet on the other side of the room. “You are all going to really enjoy these.” “I think we’ve all worn goggles before.” Night Arrow said. “Just how cool can these... possibly. . . ?” His words trailed off as she pulled out dark purple goggles with yellow tinted lenses. Instead of a normal circle shape for the eyes, these were almost semi-circles, giving the wearer a constant angry, intimidating look. Arrow smiled broadly. “Wow, is that a genuine smile?” CC teased. “I thought you only smiled and laughed ironically, or sarcastically. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you actually happy about something.” Arrow ignored the remark. “Can I please see those?” “AND a please?” CC continued, “Geeze, who’s this guy and what has he done with Night Arrow?” “He loves goggles.” Skylight responded. “He used to wear his old Wonderbolts goggles all the time when we were kids. He had the classic ones, back when the lenses could flap up and down. They were pretty geeky, but he loved ‘em.” Luna handed the goggles over to Night Arrow, which he immediately put on. “These are awesome.” He said, almost giggling. “This is getting creepy.” CC said looking at Night Arrow. He then moved the goggles from off his eyes, resting them on his head like a headband. “I’m keeping these.” He said. “That’s fine.” Luna smiled. “I can have more made. Besides, they seemed like they would be too big for either of these two mares anyway.” “Awesome.” He said. “I’m literally keeping these forever.” “You realize he’s never going to take those off now.” Skylight said dryly. “If I know anything about Night Arrow, it’s that once he really likes something, he never lets it go.” “Well, I suppose that’s a good thing.” Luna said, “Because that means he’ll always be wearing a piece of the Shadowbolt uniform. It will encourage team spirit and pride.” She sat back down at her desk. “Now that all that is taken care of,” she leaned forward onto her desk. “let’s talk important things. We need to establish numbers, and leadership.” Chapter 15 “To be honest Princess,” CC said “this is a lot to take in for one meeting.” “Oh, you’re just bitter since she didn’t name you captain.” Arrow jabbed. “Clearly, I’m the only one well qualified to lead this team.” “Actually, Night Arrow, I think we should look for somepony with a little more experience leading and training.” Luna said. “Well don’t look at us, Princess! We’ve been cooped up in an old abandoned stadium forever!” Skylight said, laying sideways across her seat. “Fair enough,” Luna said, turning to CC. “Do you have any idea of who would be interested in such a position?” “Hmm...” CC thought for a moment. “I might!” “And who’s that?” Luna asked. “Well he’s been a um... good friend of mine since I was younger. The only real Wonderbolt to talk to me on the sidelines when he wasn’t busy...” “A Wonderbolt?” Arrow laughed. “Why in the wide world of Equestria would somepony who is an established racer in a professional organization give all that up to start all over again for the slim chance that this might become HALF as successful as where he already is!?” Luna smiled smugly, “You see, Night Arrow? You have no faith in this project. Why would I put you as a captain when you already have expectations for this team to fail?” Arrow abruptly stopped laughing at CC; Skylight leaned over from her chair to his, pointing her hoof in his face. “Oooooh, BURN!” She laughed. “But, he does raise a valid point, CC.” Luna continued. “We do need somepony who isn’t tied down to the Wonderbolts. Somepony who is a good flyer, but a great leader and coach.” “Wait, aren’t we going to have a captain AND a coach? I mean, that’s what the Wonderbolts have...” CC said. “No, although I am royalty and have access to the royal funds, I doubt the citizens of Equestria would appreciate me using their tax dollars on a sports team. We need a pony who can act as the team captain, but coach you as well. That’s why they don’t have to be an amazing flyer themselves, just good at teaching.” CC’s eyes lit up. “Wait, like... a teacher?” Luna nodded. “What about the Canterlot Flight School’s best flying coach ever?” CC smiled. Arrow and Skylight looked at each other, a bit concerned. “Oh yes, is Darkstreak still teaching there?” Luna leaned back. “He should be. I think it’s his last few years!” CC said, excitedly. “Yes, I’ve seen the pegasus ponies he’s trained. They are very impressive! and I can’t help but think he’d whip the three of you into shape. Go see if he’s interested.” “Uh, Princess?” Arrow said. “Well, I don’t know about this ‘Darkstreak’ guy, but you had trouble convincing us to take this idea seriously. If he’s an older stallion, he’s gonna need more proof to drop everything and follow a bunch of young pegasus ponies over to Canterlot Castle.” “Good point, Night Arrow,” Luna said pulling out a quill and ink. “I will write him a letter with the Royal Lunar Seal on the cover. All you have to do is deliver it. CC?” she beckoned her, “come see how this is done, if you’re going to be helping me with all the paperwork and such through this little project we have going, I’m going to need you to know how to properly set up a simple letter. Go grab a dark blue envelope from that cabinet in the corner...” While CC got up and helped Luna with the stationary, Arrow pulled Skylight aside. “Hey Sky’, I’m gonna split up from you guys when we head out the door, okay?” “Why?” she asked. “Because Darkstreak was our old coach too, remember?” Skylight had a blank, confused look on her face. Night Arrow sighed. “We had him as a teacher back when we lived here in Canterlot. And he’s really good friends with my dad. If he sees me he’ll recognize me and tell my family I’m back! But you look completely different, he’ll never recognize you in a million years! Just try to sabotage this little meeting, and we’ll help them find somepony else for this captain gig.” Skylight nodded assertively. “Great, just don’t let Darkstreak know your name and you should be fine; I’ll meet you back at Everfree Stadium.” “You got it, Arrow!” Skylight saluted. “Are you guys ready?” CC walked up to them, letter in a royal blue messenger bag with a bright, white moon logo embroidered on the side. “Actually, I think I’m gonna head back home,” Arrow said, holding his stomach. “I think all that teleporting eventually caught up with me too. I’m starting to feel it.” “Oh, very well.” Luna said, “In that case, Skylight and CC, deliver that letter on your own, and if Darkstreak agrees, the four of you can meet back here in my office tomorrow morning at 8am. If he doesn’t, then the three of you come back, and we will throw more names around.” “Sounds like a plan, Princess!” Skylight saluted, and stretched her wings. “Oh, and CC, I would like you to come back here after the meeting regardless of it’s outcome. There are quite a few things I would like to show you around the royal office.” “Of course, Princess.” CC bowed. “See you mares later!” Arrow said, “Oh, and thanks, Princess.” he bowed towards Luna, and walked out onto the balcony before taking off into the air. Luna wasn’t sure whether Arrow was bowing genuinely, or being his sarcastic self. But it didn’t matter, she just needed him to be a strong flyer, and win them a few races. He’ll learn respect eventually. “Good luck ladies.” she nodded at the green and blue mares as they bowed. “Don’t let me down.” “Bye!” Skylight yelled as they also exited the royal office through the balcony, and flew into the air, opposite direction as Arrow. > Chapter 16-24 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16 As Night Arrow flew back towards Everfree forest, away from the castle, he took a small detour over the residential area of Canterlot. He didn’t know why he did it. After spending all this time avoiding that area, it’s like his wings had a mind of their own, but he definitely wasn’t resisting. He’d spent many nights sitting atop the large metal water tower in Cloudsdale. Just staring at the rainbow factory where Skylight had her accident. That night, his entire life changed. He had it pretty good before all that. His dad was the coach for the Wonderbolts, and still spent any free time he had, personally training him to one day be the best Wonderbolt the organization ever had. He was flying at a 10th grade level before he even started his first official year of flight school. Skylight was on her way too. Her brainiac twin sister and older brother were always pretty close, but being the only pegasus in a family of unicorns had to be hard. Arrow and his family were the only real family of pegasus ponies in a city of unicorns, and that was already hard enough. He couldn’t even imagine how alone Skylight felt. That’s probably why they were such good friends. While Arrow’s little sister never left his mom’s side, Arrow and Skylight were always determined to be the best flyers in Equestria! Then again, what pegasus wasn’t? They had always been close through school, and were always racing from one arbitrary place to some other random destination. In a world of magic, they were the only one’s tearing up the sky. And to think, here he was feeling bad for himself when just as Skylight already felt like some kind of outcast under her own roof, this happens. An accident that turns her coat a neon green, her eyes a murky yellow, and her mane bright pink! Not to mention those shocking orange and blue irises. He’ll never forget her little filly face when she first saw her reflection in the lake that night. “I’m a monster...” she said. No, Night Arrow. You did what you needed to do. He reassured himself. His hooves hit the pavement. “Huh--?” He snapped out of it. There he was, standing across the street from his old house. He remembered the off-white paint job on the walls. And that orange door. Ha, an orange door. He smiled. “Morning Arrow, why did you paint the door orange? Our house looks ridiculous.” He could still hear his mom asking his dad. “We’re the only house in Canterlot with a bright orange door!” “And what’s wrong with that?” His dad would reply, “It’s unique! It sets us apart from all these other boring doors.” “I don’t think we’ve ever had a problem setting ourselves apart, Morn.” His mother would say, flexing her wings. “Well, if I’m being perfectly honest...” His dad would smile, placing his wing over his mom’s shoulder. “I look forward to seeing this bright orange door every day when I come home from a long day at work. It reminds me of the first time I’d ever laid eyes on the most beautiful pegasus mare in all of Equestria,” his mom would blush. “with the most beautiful orange coat I’ve ever seen in my life.” “Heh,” Arrow smiled, “My dad the romantic.” He looked around the street for a moment, seeing all the busy Canterlot ponies wearing their fancy hats and coats, while all he had on was his brand new pair of purple goggles across his forehead. “Always the outcast,” He mumbled to himself, “just like the good old days.” He walked carefully across the street, up to the faded old orange door. “Well, here goes nothing...” He knocked lightly. Chapter 17 “So, CC!” Skylight said excitedly, flying backwards. “Looks like you and I are gonna be on the same team!” “Yep, looks like it.” CC said. “I can’t believe we’re starting our own racing team!! This is so exciting!” “I just hope this works. I’ve been trying to get into the Wonderbolts for years! I’d hate to blow it on something stupid like a failed racing team.” CC said, with disdain in her voice. “Oh don’t worry, CC! Racing is all about fun! And I’m sure we’ll be super close friends in no time! And what’s more fun than racing with your super close friends?” CC thought about that for a moment. Then, she immediately felt guilty. Since the moment she met Skylight, she didn’t take her for much. She was hyper, talkative, and had the vocabulary of somepony who stopped going to school at a pretty early age. But her view of the world was that of somepony more mature than even CC herself. She had fallen into a huge cliche; she had judged a book by it’s cover. The real world was a cold, unforgiving place, and somehow Skylight wasn’t affected by all that. Somehow, she escaped the hustle and bustle of life, and just focused on the good, positive things. CC spent all her time studying to be the smartest in her class, and trained to be the fastest in her class. ...and Skylight had proven in less than a few hours, that she was both faster, and more insightful. CC had a lot to learn, and being negative wasn’t going to get her anywhere. “You’re right, Skylight.” she smiled. “I think we’re going to be very good friends.” Skylight smiled back and started doing small tricks in the sky like loops and barrel rolls. Laughing, CC joined in and the two mares laughed all the way to Canterlot Flight School. Chapter 18 Night Arrow waited anxiously for somepony to answer the door; his stomach was in knots. After a few seconds, “Ugh, what am I doing?” he sat on the steps leading up to the house. “What in Equestria was I expecting? A welcome-home party?” He sighed and let his head fall forward. “Stupid, Arrow...” Just then, behind him, he heard the doorknob turn. Arrow’s pupils shrank; his eyes widened. His mane stood on edge, and as if instinctively, Arrow jumped to his hooves and blasted into the sky. His heart, beating hard in his chest, he didn’t dare look back to see just who had opened the door. It took all his willpower to not turn back around. He pictured his dad looking up at the sky and seeing Arrow’s distinctive flight trail, would he jump up after him? Or would he just say it was his eyes playing tricks on him? Or maybe it was his sister? Or his baby sister? Was she old enough to open doors yet? Either way, he wasn’t sure if he was being followed. His sister couldn’t catch him, not at this speed. His dad, on the other hoof would have already caught up. This was stupid too. Taking off without seeing who answered? Even more stupid than knocking on the stupid orange door in the first place. He landed on the old familiar water tower with a thud. He’d never felt so... so stupid. Arrow wiped tears from his eyes. “Yeah, *sniff* that’s what I get for *sniff* flying at that speed without goggles...” he lied to himself. He sighed heavily again and remained on his back, wings pulsing with his heart, catching his breath between holding back sobbing. He snapped his goggles over his eyes; “Never doing that again. . .” he said. Chapter 19 “Okay, let me do the talking.” CC said as the two mares stood at the front entrance to the school. CC was about to knock when-- “Uh, We should use code names!” Skylight whispered, interrupting CC’s knock. “What?? Why?” CC said. “Code names! Like, I’ll be... um, Green Machine, and you can be Blue...berry... uh, Blast...?” CC looked at Skylight like that was the most ridiculous thing she’d ever heard in her life. “What??” CC asked incredulously. “No! Besides, that’d be weird... I have a cousin named Blueberry.” She was about to knock again. “Wait!!” Skylight whispered, loudly. “Skylight why do you--” “It’s Green Machine!!” “I’m not calling you Green Machine!!” “Fine!” Skylight’s eyes scanned the patio. “Um, just call me... uh, Shmylight.” CC didn’t want to upset this newfound friendship. She was a smart mare, and she didn’t want to make the same mistake twice. As weird as it was, she complied. “Alright fine, . . . Shmylight.” CC said, skeptically. CC knocked on the door. A tall burgundy pegasus stallion with dark brown mane and white freckles answered the door. “Can I help you ladies?” he asked in an incredibly deep voice. “Hello! Yes, I think you can!” CC smiled. “We are looking for a stallion by the name of Darkstreak?” The stallion looked skeptically at the two mares. “And who are you two?” “My name is Cloud Crash, and this is my friend...” CC sighed, her smile sliding off her face; she reluctantly continued, “this is my friend... Shmylight...” Skylight waved and smiled. The stallion didn’t even crack a smile. “Give me one second.” He slammed the door in their faces. “Well, that was rude.” Skylight said. “If you didn’t have the world’s worst code name, he might have taken us more seriously...” “I told you we should have went with Green Machine!” “That’s worse!” CC yelled, “That sounds like an energy drink!” The stallion opened the door again. “He says he’s never heard of you. Get the hay outta here.” He then proceeded to slam the door in their faces once again. The two mares stood silently for a moment. Skylight then trotted away from the door, “Oh well! We tried!” “Never heard of me?” CC said, “I graduated last year! ... top of my class!!” Skylight began stretching her wings for the fly back to Canterlot. “Hold on, Shmylight!” CC said, angrily. Skylight stopped and turned around. “One way or another, we’re getting in that office, and we are talking with Darkstreak!” Chapter 20 Night Arrow zoomed around the track wearing his Wonderbolts flight suit. “Let’s go, Night!” He heard the familiar voice of his Dad from the sidelines. This made him push harder, and get a decent lead on the other faceless Wonderbolts. On the big screen, was the face of his mother, also shouting “You can do it, Nightaniel! I love you!” Arrow smiled, and just as he turned onto the straight-way of the track, Princess Luna elegantly glided down blocking his path. “Wha--??” He skidded across the clouds, tripping over his own hooves and stumbling into a roll as the other Wonderbolts passed him right up. “Princess Luna!? What the buck!? I’m gonna lose! My parents are watching!” Suddenly the entire Canterlot stadium began to evaporate into thin air. The faceless Wonderbolts dissipated upward into the sky. Arrow panicked, and turned to the side of the track where his father had been cheering just moments ago. “Dad!!” He screamed, as his father transformed into smoke. He then saw the giant screen looming over them begin to fall forward. The image of his mother’s face still looking longingly on it. “Mom!!” He yelled as the screen began to fill his vision as it fell closer and closer to him. He crouched down, and covered his head as the screen passed right through him... and finally disappeared into a puff of smoke. It was now just Arrow and Luna. Standing on nothing. “Night Arrow.” She said, kneeling down. “...they were right there!” He said, his head still in his hooves. “They were cheering me on...” “Night Arrow, this is a dream.” Luna said. “*sniff*... what?” “This wasn’t real, Night Arrow.” Arrow sat up, and removed his goggles. He looked down and noticed he was no longer wearing his Wonderbolts flight suit, and the goggles he removed were the purple ones he had received earlier that day. “Night Arrow, that coach on the sidelines. That wasn’t Bright Speed.” “Of course it wasn’t.” He snapped back at her. “That was Morning Arrow! He’s the very best coach the Wonderbolts ever had!” “No, he isn’t just that...” Luna stood back up, and made an image of Morning Arrow appear out of nothing. “This Morning Arrow... he is your father, isn’t he?” Night Arrow stared at the image. “Are you really here, Luna?” “I am.” She said. “As Princess of the Night, it is my duty to check on ponies’ dreams, and save them from potential nightmares.” “Well I think it’s kinda rude.” Arrow crossed his arms. “I just met you today, and now you’re intruding in my dreams?” “Arrow, you were trying to fish out information about the Wonderbolts at the meeting earlier today. What happened with your family?” “I don’t know, Princess... you’re already in my dreams! Why don’t you look around my head a little more and find out for yourself?” He stood up and walked away from Luna, towards nothing. “I can’t access memories, Arrow. I’m not a mind reader. I can just visit dreams. It’s up to your subconscious to choose what exactly these dreams consist of.” “Just stay out of my head altogether, Princess.” He said. “I’ll race for you on your team; just stay out of my personal life.” Princess Luna nodded. “Alright, Arrow. I understand.” She began to walk away, “Oh, and Arrow?” He turned around. “Don’t fall asleep on a hot metal surface in the middle of the day...” Arrow looked at her, skeptically. “...it may cause sunburns.” * * “--*gasp*!” Arrow jumped up, startled. He looked around the metal water tower, and that’s when the pain began to set in. “Ow ow ow, aaAAAH!! Buck!!” He jumped to his hooves and removed the goggles from his eyes, and snapped them onto his forehead. “!!!--YeeeeaaaAAAAOOOOWWW!!” He yelled as the soft rubber slapped against his raw sunburnt skin, which gave his dark teal coat a reddish hue. “Lunadamnit!!” He yelled to nopony. “Well, that’s the third stupid thing I’ve done today...” he mumbled to himself. He sighed. “I should get back to the Stadium...” he said aloud, stretching out his wings. “Stupid Luna...” he said, leaping off the water tower. “I hope you can still hear me!!” He yelled, then mumbled to himself, “stupid princess of the night, it’s the middle of the day... can’t go into dreams in the middle of the day . . .” He glided downwards toward Everfree Stadium. Chapter 21 “I don’t like this, CC.” Skylight whispered, as the blue pegasus crept across the ground, along the outside wall of the school’s office. “It feels like we’re breaking and entering.” “Well we’re not.” CC said. “I literally just graduated, and I’m just visiting an old teacher,” She began to open the side air vent as if she’d done this a million times before. “whether he likes it or not.” “Why didn’t we just show the stallion at the entrance the letter from the princess?” Skylight asked. “Because he slammed the door in our face, Skylight. I doubt he was willing to listen to reason.” The outside cover was removed, and they continued into the vents. “What’s so important about this Darkstreak anyway? He’s just some old stallion flight teacher right? If he doesn’t wanna talk to ponies, then why are we trying so hard to talk to him?” “Because, Skylight. I really want him to be on this team with me.” CC said. “But why?” Skylight asked. The two mares opened the other end of the vent and ended up in a janitorial closet. CC sighed. She wasn’t the best at talking about herself. She usually kept pretty private, and nopony was ever very interested in what she had to say anyway. But if she was going to let somepony become her friend, she had to start somewhere. “Because he’s not just a teacher to me, he’s kind of the only friend I’ve really had through school.” “Your teacher was your only friend?”
 “Yes. I was... kind of a loser back in flight school.” Skylight raised an eyebrow. “No way! With as smart and as fast as you are? How could ponies resist making friends with somepony like you?” she smiled. CC smiled back because she could tell Skylight meant it genuinely. “Trust me, it’s not as easy to make friends for some ponies as it is for you.” “Well don’t worry, CC.” Skylight said. “From now on, I’ll be your very best pony friend forever!” Skylight reached out and hugged CC tightly. This caught CC off guard for a moment, but she quickly returned the embrace. Just then, the door to the closet opened up, and a stallion’s raspy voice filled the small room. “You know, trespassin’ on school grounds is against the law.” Chapter 22 “Darkstreak, wait! It’s me!!” CC jumped up. There in the doorway was a huge, charcoal-gray stallion. His mane was a choppy, thinning silver, and his wings look as if they’ve seen better days. A small chunk of his ear was missing, and his eyes were a mean, tired blue. “It’s me! CC!” “CC? What are you doing here?” Darkstreak stepped back for a moment. “And why are you sneakin’ around air vents?” “I have important news! And we couldn’t get in through the front.” CC said. “Oh yeah, I told the new guy not to let anyone in my office today. I’m busy setting up for my last semester here.” Darkstreak let the two mares out of the closet, and into the hallway. “Well come on then, let’s head to my office so you can give me this big news or whatever.” “So that guy didn’t even check with you? He said you had never heard of me!” CC said, appalled. “Ha! Yeah, like I said I just told him I to tell everypony I’m unavailable today, but it’s good to see you again, kid.” Darkstreak said. “And who’s the neon green one you were huggin’?” “Oh, this is Sky--” “Hi! They call me Green Machine!” Skylight interrupted. Darkstreak stopped for a moment. “Uh-huh. Alright, well I’m not callin’ you that. So either pick a better fake name, or wait for CC outside.” Skylight lowered her head. “Told you.” CC said as they continued following Darkstreak to his office. “So, CC. What is this important news?” Darkstreak said, getting into his chair. The other two pegasus ponies took a seat in front of him. “Here,” CC pulled out the dark blue envelope. “this is from Princess Luna.” Darkstreak looked skeptically at the letter. He opened it up and began to mumble it’s content aloud. Skylight was thinking hard on how to sabotage this meeting for Arrow. She still didn’t quite remember why, or what Arrow’s family had to do with anything, but he was like a brother to her, and if he asked her to do something, she didn’t want to let him down. “A racing team, eh?” Darkstreak put the letter down. “So what, Princess Luna comes back from a thousand years up on the moon just to invest in Equestrian professional racing?” “Sounds shady to me!” Skylight said. “And who knows! If Celestia found out, she might banish us to the moon!” CC elbowed Skylight in her side. “I know it sounds crazy, Darkstreak,” CC said, “and trust me, I’m skeptical too. But it could really turn into something! We can be the next Wonderbolts!” “There is no ‘next Wonderbolts’ kid. Those guys are it. I don’t think there’ll ever be a team of racers that good. . . or cocky.” “Well if it’s a cocky contest, wait till you meet Arrow!” Skylight blurted out. “Ha. I used to know an Arrow back in the day too. And his kid was a pretty cocky colt too. Hmm, maybe it’s a name thing.” “Darkstreak,” CC wanted to get the conversation back on track. “what if you had these fast racers at your disposal? You can run things the way you want to. No red tape like the Wonderbolts have. You can be coach and captain! Be on the sidelines, and on the track! Just show up tomorrow at 8am, Canterlot Castle, and talk with Luna. What have you got to lose?” “Hmm.” Darkstreak put his hooves together in thought. “I ‘aint sayin’ yes,” Skylight smiled. “but I’ll be there tomorrow. We can talk it out there.” “Princess Luna was looking for more of an immediate answer.” Skylight said. “If you can’t commit, then we may have to look for someone else...” “Is that right...?” Darkstreak leaned back. “Well if that’s the case girls, you’re wasting everyone’s time.” CC looked angrily at Skylight. “No! That’s not at all what she said!” “That’s what I heard.” Skylight said smugly. Darkstreak’s eyes scanned between the two mares. “Please, excuse us for a moment, Coach.” CC forced a smile, and grabbed onto one of Skylight’s wings with her teeth, pulling her into the hallway. Chapter 23 “What are you doing!?” CC yelled. “What do you mean? Luna was going on and on about loyalty and--” “Yeah! For us! Because she met with us personally!! Darkstreak hasn’t even seen the Princess! He’s not going to commit to something when he’s still skeptical that this team even exists!” CC scolded. “Why do you even care?” Skylight said. “You didn’t even want to be a part of this team in the first place!” CC looked blankly at her for a moment. “What are you talking about!? I already said I was in!” “I don’t know!!” Skylight yelled back. “I’m really bad at this! I’m a terrible liar!” “Liar?” “Yeah... liar.” Skylight sat down. “Arrow told me it was important to sabotage this meeting. He doesn’t want Darkstreak on the team.” Skylight said. “What?? Why? Does Arrow even know Darkstreak?” CC said trying to process this information. “I don’t know! I think he said he does. Darkstreak was his old coach or something. I don’t know! I can’t remember anything before we lived in the forest... but Arrow seems pretty serious about not letting anypony know about....” Skylight just realized what she blurted out. “....about what I just said. Lunadamnit! I’m a bad liar, and an even worst secret keeper!!” “His old coach?” CC said... “Why would Arrow have a coach in Canterlot?” “I think I’m gonna go back to the stadium, CC.” Skylight said. “I obviously can’t keep my mouth shut, and whenever I try to think back to before Everfree, I get a serious headache.” She held her head. “Wait!” CC stopped her. “Skylight, wait.” CC’s voice was much less mad, and more sympathetic. “You said we were best pony friends forever, right?” Skylight nodded. “Then if you want me to trust you, you’re going to have to trust me.” CC placed her hoof on Skylight’s shoulder. “We’re team mates now, and trust me when I say, having Darkstreak on this team is probably the best thing we can do right now.” Skylight forced a smile. “Okay.” “Now go ahead and head back to Everfree. I’ll see you both tomorrow at 8.” Skylight hugged CC again, and headed towards the front entrance of the school. Chapter 24 “Sorry about that, Darkstreak.” CC walked back into his office. “You guys talk really loud.” He said. “You heard all that?” CC asked. “Yup.” “I hope you’re still coming tomorrow.” “That green mare, her name’s Skylight?” “Yeah.” “Skylight -what?” “I don’t know, I just know her as Skylight.” “What about Arrow? Is that a first or last name?” “Last name.” Darkstreak thought for a moment. “Arrow and Skylight.” He laughed. “You know them, don’t you?” CC said. “If this Arrow is who I think he is, then yeah. I know them alright.” CC sighed. “And I’m in. I’ll captain and coach The Shadowbolts.” > Chapter 25-29 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 25 Skylight made it home incredibly fast. She zoomed from the skies of Canterlot, and landed right smack in the middle of the old abandoned Everfree Stadium, leaving her trademark blue streak with orange swirl behind her. “Arrow!!” she called excitedly, “Night Arrow!! I’m back!” Arrow walked out of his locker room. “Oh, good. How did it go?” “Well I--” Skylight began, but then burst into laughter. “Hahhaha! What happened to you!? You look super burnt!” Arrow rolled his eyes. “I took a nap on the old water tower.” “You’re still hanging out on that thing?” Skylight asked, her smile fading. “Yeah, so? What does it matter?” “Arrow, you only go to that stupid water tower when something’s wrong! You really don’t want to do this whole Shadowbolts thing, do you?” “I’m in, I told you, I’m in.” he began to walk away. “I don’t want you to quit outta nowhere, Arrow.”
 “I won’t, Skylight! Besides, since when do you lecture me?” “Promise me you won’t never ever quit this! I don’t want to do this alone!!” she pleaded. “Okay, okay...” Arrow hesitated. He hadn’t seen Skylight so dedicated and excited about something since they moved to Everfree. The excitement of being around other ponies was overwhelming, for both of them. The only difference was Skylight’s happy-go-lucky attitude allowed her to disregard any consequences of this. Arrow’s brain didn’t work that way. He had to think of both of their well-being. “Okay what?” Skylight said impatiently. “Okay, I promise.” Arrow said. “I won’t quit so long as you’re in.” “Good.” she said, putting out her hoof. Arrow smirked, and hoof-bumped her. “Now, how did it go? Did you discourage Darkstreak from going tomorrow?” “Nope!” Skylight smiled. “What!? Skylight!”
 “I’m sorry, Arrow! He’s kinda big, and a little scary, and CC did most of the talking, and when he read Luna’s letter he was like ‘a racing team, eh?’ and I tried to tell him how sketchy it all sounds, but I was too excited about doing this that I couldn’t think of any reason anypony wouldn’t want to do this--!” “Ugh, okay okay!” Arrow covered Skylight’s mouth. “Great, and I just promised I wouldn’t quit.” Skylight nodded. “Alright, I have to think.” Arrow jumped up and spread his wings. “I’m gonna head to the water tow-” “No you’re not!” Skylight grabbed him by the tail. “You just got back from there, and now you look more purple than teal!” “Fine.” Arrow said. Skylight was never this assertive about anything, so he didn’t really argue with her. “What do you propose we do then?” “Well, I was thinking maybe we could clean up the track? Maybe we can use this track to practice?” “You want to bring Luna, CC, and Darkstreak all here? To our home? Every week?” “Well where else are we gonna find a huge jumbo track to practice on?” She was right. Arrow’s head was somewhere else at the moment. He was not used to being told what to do. Especially from Skylight. “Alright fine. Just, I’ll be on that side of the track clearing the bushes and stuff, just stay over here. Please. I need time to think.” Skylight almost took that offensively. But she recognized that Arrow was apparently dealing with a lot at the moment. She still didn’t know what the big deal was that they go back to Canterlot. Somewhere in the back of her head, she knew it was a bad place to be, but she didn’t know why. Whenever she tried to think about her past, she got a huge headache. Almost as if her own brain didn’t want her poking around. But whatever it was, it couldn’t be that bad, right? Chapter 26 As per instruction, CC flew over to Canterlot Castle after the meeting with Darkstreak. She landed on the balcony to the Royal Lunar office. “Princess! I’m back! I--” “This is petty, Luna.” A warm motherly voice said on the other side of the glass door. “The Wonderbolts are doing fine and do not need unnecessary competition.” “Why are you protecting them, sister?” Luna’s voice responded. “They are athletes after all, are they not?” CC was trapped. She didn’t want to rush into the two most powerful ponies in all of Equestria having an argument, but she couldn’t just go home, Luna was expecting her. So the only logical thing to do was eavesdrop. “Yes, Luna. But we are one nation, and only need one team. If we give the citizens other ponies to root for, especially with a name like The Shadowbolts, and those evil-looking uniforms... I think we may be giving the citizens of Equestria the wrong idea.” “Tia, I understand your reservations, but a little healthy competition is always good. It will give the subjects something more to talk about! And these uniforms do not look evil, they embrace the night! You never understood the beauty of the night, dear sister. The majesty of moon light, and the elegance of the shadows as they fall on ponies faces. We need to celebrate that as much as ponies celebrate the sun, and the day.” “I thought we were over the jealousy thing, Luna.” Celestia’s voice became condescending. “We are, sister.” Luna’s words began to cut as well. “But there is no reason to not celebrate the moon as we already praise the sun.” There was a silence that somehow seemed louder than the royal Canterlot voices resonating from the room. “Okay, Luna.” Celestia said. “Get your team ready. I will host a race in one month. Either they deliver, or you can go out there and embarrass yourselves.” CC heard hoofsteps, and it almost sounded like Celestia had a smile on her face as she spoke. “Oh we’ll be ready, Tia!” Luna shouted. “Tell your Wonderbolts to cut down on the pie this month! Because The Shadowbolts are coming! And we will be a force to be reckoned with!” “A month?” CC thought aloud, quietly. “There’s no way we’ll be ready to race the Fastest Racers in Equestria in a month!” “Yes we will.” Luna said from inside the office. CC’s heart dropped. She meekly walked inside. “You knew I was--” “We both did. We’re immortals, CC, do not underestimate us.” “I don’t, Princess.” CC said, “But I feel you overestimate us. I don’t think we’ll be ready to race The Wonderbolts in a month!”
 “What did Darkstreak say?” Luna said, ignoring CC’s plea.
 “He said he’s in. He’ll be here tomorrow morning.” CC said, “But Princess--” “Just trust me, CC. Everything will work out. Why don’t you go home, and get some rest.” “But Princess, you said you wanted me to learn more about the office?” “Don’t worry about it, CC. This is all a lot to take in for one day. Go home, and rest up.” Luna smiled. “Yes Princess.” CC bowed, and headed for the exit. “Oh, and CC?” Luna said. CC turned around. “Call me Luna.” Chapter 27 “It’s getting dark.” Skylight yelled from across the stadium. “I can’t see what I’m doing anymore!” “Yeah, you’re right. And timberwolves are always moving around when it gets too late.” Arrow said. “Let’s call it a night.” “That’s what I would call it!” Skylight shouted cheerily. The track was almost all cleared, and Arrow had time to think about the situation. He had an idea, and Princess Luna was gonna love it. “Have a good night, Skylight.” Arrow said. “Goooooodnight, Arrow!” Skylight flew over to her locker room. Night Arrow trotted over to his own, and entered the dimly lit room. There was no magic from Canterlot to power lights or lamps way out here in the dark of the forest, so they used smaller means, such as self-lighting candles and lanterns. Fortunately for them, they did have a little bit of magic to work with: Zecora’s. Zecora was a zebra. She lived in a hut a little closer to the edge of the forest, right where the border of a little town called Ponyville starts. She was very nice, and very welcoming, which was especially helpful the first few weeks of Skylight and Arrow’s stay in the old abandoned stadium. She had warned them about the forest, and told them to go back to where they came. She said it was far too dangerous for two “small foals” to be living all alone in, but Night Arrow protested, explaining their situation to her. “I want to go home.” a young Night Arrow said. “But Skylight won’t budge. She can’t face her family like this.” “And what has happened to poor Skylight, to turn her mane and coat so bright?” Zecora said. She always spoke in rhyme. Arrow wasn’t sure if that was a zebra thing, or just a Zecora thing, and he never really asked. “I’d rather not say...” Arrow dug his hoof into the ground, ashamed. “Let’s just say it’s... kind of all my fault.” “I understand young Night Arrow, but you must make peace, if you do not solve this soon, your problems will increase.” “I know, I know...” He said. “Look, at least for a while, we’re gonna be staying at that big concrete building with the big yard full of bushes and trees. Do you have anything we can use? I’ll do my best to pay you back somehow.” “Do not fret about payment young teal pegasus. My concern is your safety from creatures evil and dangerous.” Zecora smiled, grabbing bottles and charms from the shelves on her walls. “Oh thank you Zecora!” Arrow hugged her. “You’re a life-saver!” “I am glad I can help, please come to me often! If Everfree will be your home, you must exercise great caution! The stadium you reside in is abandoned, and old. It was built in a time when this was a place to behold. I will place a spell on the walls of your home, that will deter any predators who may happen to roam.” In addition to casting a long-acting protection spell on the stadium, she also supplied them both with self-lighting candles and lanterns, and a cabinet full of medicine and herbs in case of any attacks. They were pretty well stocked, and visited her often. The only thing Arrow asked of her was to never mention them to any ponies who happen upon her little hut. It was a lot closer to the border of the forest than the stadium was, and Arrow didn’t want to chance their past catching up with them. “Too late for that.” Arrow thought as he lay in his makeshift bed. “Now all of Canterlot is going to know about us.” He sighed. “Well Zecora, you were right, [sigh] as always. These problems are a lot bigger...” Chapter 28 The next morning, Arrow and Skylight were racing over to Princess Luna’s office. “Wooooo!! I’m so excited!! Aren’t you excited, Arrow!?” Skylight shouted. “Ecstatic.” Arrow said dryly. “This is officially the first meeting of The Shadowbolts!! We’re gonna be racers!! This is gonna be the best thing EVER!!” Skylight bounced around the sky, making circles around Arrow as he unenthusiastically glided onto the balcony. “Alright, Luna. We’re here.” he said as he opened the door. “About time, kid.” Darkstreak said from one of the four chairs set up in front of Luna’s desk. “I was just telling Luna here just how late you always were back in flight school.” Arrow’s sighed heavily. “So, you do remember me.” “Course I do, Night.” Darkstreak said. “You and Skylight here were inseparable back in the day. Looks like nothin’s changed.” Skylight looked skeptically at him. “Wait, I never told you my name!” Skylight said. “What’s with her?” Darkstreak motioned towards Skylight, still talking to Arrow. “She’s a lot... well, I don’t wanna say ‘brighter’ cuz that could be taken in a whole different way.” “It’s a long story.” Arrow said through his teeth. “Well, I intend to hear it. Either now, or later. But if I’m leadin’ this team, there ain’t very many things you should count on as being a secret to me.” Arrow scowled. Darkstreak was always very no-nonsense. Bit of a smartass, and everything he said sounded condescending and patronizing. “I like him.” Luna said, leaning back in her chair. “Sounds like he knows exactly how to handle an ego like yours, Arrow.” “Wait, what does he mean, brighter?” Skylight said, clearly not keeping up with the conversation. “I’m here!” CC said coming through the balcony door. “Oh no, am I the last one here?” she said. “Yup.” Arrow smiled. “Now that’s two races you’ve come in last for.” “Stop it, Night Arrow.” Luna said. “Be supportive of your team mates.” Arrow rolled his eyes. “Take a seat, CC.” Luna said. “Let us begin.” Princess Luna used her magic to organize the papers on her desk. “I’ve called you all here to discuss the details on this new project we have all decided to undertake. You are all the first official members of The Everfree Forest Shadowbolts.” “Everfree Forest?” CC said. “Why Everfree Forest? Most of us live in Canterlot.” “The Wonderbolts have Canterlot.” Luna said. “Besides, if it’s alright with Night Arrow and Skylight, I would like to have practices at their home in the old Everfree Stadium.” “Yes!!” Skylight said excitedly. “We were cleaning up the track last night so we could practice there! We’re almost done!” “Excellent.” Luna said. “I appreciate your dedication, Skylight.” “Hey, what about me? It’s my place too!” Arrow said. “I’m positive this was Skylight’s idea, but yes, I do appreciate your dedication as well, Night Arrow.” Luna said. “Now onto the leadership structure. Darkstreak here has agreed to act as both coach and captain. He will be instructing you on and off the track to be the very best you can possibly be. He will also be flying along side you all during the races.” “So, when do we actually start racing The Wonderbolts?” Arrow asked, slightly raising his hoof. Luna hesitated, and glanced at CC. “Celestia has gratefully allowed us into the professional racing circuit, so long as we go out and give a great performance against her Canterlot Royal Wonderbolts...” Luna paused for a moment. “...in one month from today.” “A month!?” Arrow said. “Yay!” Skylight shouted. CC just sat quietly, having heard this news yesterday. “With all due respect, Princess Luna,” Darkstreak said, “I’m good, but I’m no miracle worker.” “I just need your best, Darkstreak.” Luna said. “All three of these ponies performed above 16 wing power. Arrow alone ranked an 18.8.” Darkstreak raised an eyebrow. “Hmm, must have had a hell of a flight school teacher.” he laughed. “Yeah, somehow it’s your doing that I’m an amazing flyer.” Arrow said sarcastically. “Let’s not throw around the word ‘amazing’ so easily.” Darkstreak said, without looking at him. “Oh yeah?” Arrow stood up, and opened his wings. “You wanna go, old-timer?” “Night Arrow!” Luna yelled. “Darkstreak is your captain! You will treat him with respect!” “Not if he doesn’t treat me with any!” Arrow said, still glaring at Darkstreak. “Now why would I treat you with any respect, Night? After the stunt you pulled in Canterlot, I don’t think your father would appreciate--” “I did what I had to!!” Arrow yelled. “You wouldn’t understand.” He said, and headed to the door. “Night Arrow, get back here! We’re not done.” Luna said. “I may have promised I wouldn’t quit, Skylight.” he said, “but I still don’t see me lasting very long on this team.” Night Arrow grabbed his goggles and tossed them onto the Lunar Office’s tile floor. “Let me know how things go, Sky’.” He then flew out of the door into the skies of Canterlot. The awkward silence in the room was a bit overwhelming. “A month, eh?” Darkstreak said. Luna lowered her head. “This may have been--” “I can do a month.” Darkstreak cracked a smile. “I’ll be back, Princess.” he said, and grabbed Arrow’s goggles on the way out of the office. Chapter 29 Arrow was having some trouble keeping his speed up without goggles on. Pegasus ponies usually had no problem flying at normal speeds and normal altitudes, but Canterlot’s elevation was already pretty high up, and the skies of Canterlot were even higher. To top it all off, Night Arrow was flying pretty fast, as always. “I think now’s a good time for that story.” a voice behind him startled Arrow for a moment. “You followed me!?” Arrow said to Darkstreak who was right behind him. “It wasn’t hard.” Darkstreak said, “You’re fast, but you’re not that fast.” “There you go again.” Arrow said, “What is it with you, Darkstreak? Why are you giving me such a hard time?” “Teach you patience.” Darkstreak said calmly. “It’s a quality any good leader needs to have.” “What does it matter?” Arrow said. “You’re captain anyway. I’m just doing this for Skylight.” “Well if that’s true, you’re doing a pretty crummy job.” Darkstreak said. “You promised her you wouldn’t quit?” “Right.” Arrow sighed. “So I’m still your captain, right?” “I guess so.” “Then get your plot onto the ground right now. You and I need to have ourselves a conversation.” Night Arrow clenched his teeth in frustration, then slowly descended into Canterlot’s public park. Darkstreak followed him down, and they both landed near a large tree. “Tell me everything.” Darkstreak looked Arrow directly in the eyes. “Like what?” Arrow said, still with attitude. “You know damn well like what. Why does Skylight look like a box of crayons? Why are you living in an old abandoned stadium in the middle of the most dangerous forest in Equestria? And why the hell did you and Skylight just disappear those years back?” Night Arrow sighed. “Look, I can’t tell you what happened to Skylight.” “You better try a different answer.” Darkstreak said imposingly. “Seriously, Darkstreak, I can’t say.” “Night Arrow, I need to--” “All you need to know is this: about four years ago, Skylight had a serious accident, and it’s all my fault.” Darkstreak stood quiet as Arrow’s voice became quieter, and had a sadness to it. “...I wanted to take her back home right away, but she just couldn’t face her family looking like that. She was embarrassed, sad, and very scared. When she realized what she looked like... I’ll never forget those first words out of her mouth. She looked at me and said ‘I’m a monster...’ “So I took her to Everfree Forest, you know, to let things cool down a bit, maybe let her nerves calm down. The next day, I asked if she wanted to head back and she still said no. I just kept asking her and she always said no, and always got this weird anxiety whenever I brought it up. Nowadays, it’s like she can’t remember anything before that night. If anyone says anything about it, it’s like her brain tries to remember details, and the anxiety kicks in, and she gets this serious headache...” Darkstreak face became concerned. “Once, I tried just making her listen, and telling her everything that had happened that night, and the headache got worse and worse. Eventually, her nose started bleeding, and she became... I don’t know, like she wasn’t even there anymore. Her eyes got all blank, and she just stared at the ground. “I panicked, and called our zebra friend Zecora. She gave her some magical herb or something, and Skylight passed out. She woke up an hour later, not remembering anything about me even telling her the story...” “Geeze.” Darkstreak said. “Yeah...” Arrow said. “So since I promised I’d take care of her, I can’t really go around telling people a story that could potentially kill her. All I can say is, she had an accident. But even that is more than I want to say.” “Luna needs to know about this.” Darkstreak said. “I figured she would need to know eventually.” Arrow dropped his head. “Look kid,” Darkstreak placed his hoof on Arrow’s shoulder. “That’s some pretty heavy stuff for a young colt to go through. Whatever that accident was, I’m sure it’s not all your fault. You’re a good kid, and it sounds like you want the best for Skylight.” Arrow just scoffed. “Skylight is pretty excited about this team.” Darkstreak continued, “And I’ll do my best to hide her secret. But if you’ve already promised her you were gonna do this, you need to follow through. No more stupid outbursts like that, alright? You gotta keep that arrogance of yours under control.” Night Arrow stayed quiet for a moment. Then he looked up and asked “How’s my family?” “To be honest, I haven’t seen them since your dad retired.” Darkstreak said. “But you should go find out yourself.” “Ha!” Arrow stood up. “After this long? Yeah, that’s gonna go over real well.” “I’m serious, kid.” Darkstreak said. “You rather they find out over some flyer or somethin’? Your old man took your disappearing act pretty hard. Especially just months after your mom--” “Shut up.” Arrow cut him off. Darkstreak stood quietly. “I’m sorry. I just... I can’t right now. I don’t care how they find out, but it’s not gonna be me walking up to their door.” Arrow turned to Darkstreak. “Promise me something.” “Promise you what?” “Promise me you won’t say anything.” “To your family?” “To my family, to anyone ABOUT my family. I don’t want anyone knowing more about me than they need to.” “You’ve gotta tell Luna.” “I will. But even if you see my dad, or my sisters walking around Canterlot, you still don’t know about me, okay?” “Arrow, I--” “Promise me!” Arrow’s eyes became watery. Darkstreak nodded. “You got it, kid.” “And don’t tell me anything either. I don’t want to hear anything about them.” Arrow sat back down. “Not till I’m ready. I don’t care how I find out about them. It can be tomorrow, or years from now. I don’t want to hear about them from you. Just... just act like you don’t know anything about my family.” “Alright, Arrow. I get it.” Darkstreak said. “So, you ready to head back to the office?” “Yeah, I guess so.” Arrow said. “How about you show me just how fast you can get there?” Darkstreak smiled. “I would need some goggles.” Arrow said. “Oh yeah, you dropped these on your way out.” Darkstreak handed Arrow his purple flight goggles. Arrow smiled, and snapped the goggles over his eyes. “Time me.” “Ready, go.” Darkstreak smiled. The two stallions blasted into the sky toward Canterlot Castle. > Chapter 30-36 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 30 Back in the Royal Lunar Office, “HAahAha!” Skylight giggled as the tape measurer floated around her body. “Goodness, I need you to stay still, hun.” A violet unicorn stallion with a spool and thread as his cutie mark said. “But it tickles!” Skylight laughed. “It didn’t tickle that much.” CC said. “Well maybe you’re just not that ticklish! Hahha!” Skylight said, trying not to squirm. “Okay, all done.” The purple stallion said with a sigh. “Thank you, Seam Stitch.” Luna said. “We’re back.” Darkstreak announced as he and Arrow entered through the balcony doors. “And here are your next two clients.” Luna said with a smile. Seam Stitch sighed, “Ugh, You two aren’t ticklish are you?” “No stallion’s ever asked me that before and lived.” Darkstreak said threateningly. “Uh, Princess...?” Seam Stitch backed away slowly.
 “Darkstreak, he was only kidding. Now stand still, we need your accurate measurements, unless you want an awkward-fitting flight suit.” The violet unicorn still approached Darkstreak with caution. “Hey Skylight...” Arrow said. “Yes, Arrow?” Skylight smiled, turning away from CC. “I just wanted to apologize.” “For what?” Skylight asked, still cheery. “I haven’t been exactly... supportive of this new project we’re doing. I know it means a lot to you, and I could definitely put more effort into it. I made a promise to stay in this as long as you are, so I just wanted--” “Oh Arrow, it’s okay! I get why you’re worried! I know there are things I can’t really remember for who-knows-what reason, and I do have this nagging feeling whenever we’re in Canterlot, but I also have a good feeling that everything will be okay! I’ve trusted you all these years back in Everfree, and I need you to trust me now when I say, everything will be fine!” Arrow just smiled. “I do trust you, Sky.” “Finished!” Seam Stitch said. “Looks like I’m next.” Arrow said, turning around. “Oh no, hun.” he replied, “I measured you while you were having that wonderful heart to heart with Skylie over there. Almost made me tear up!” “...’Skylie’?” Arrow turned to Skylight. “Yup!” She replied, “Seam Stitch is my new friend! He’s the fabulous royal dressmaker and outfit designer for all of Canterlot!” “Could have guessed the ‘fabulous’ part...” Darkstreak whispered to CC. CC smiled, holding in a laugh. “I’ll get these all done for you by tomorrow, Princess!” Seam Stitch yelled as he exited the room. “Oh, Seam Stitch!” Skylight trotted over to Seam Stitch and whispered into his ear, “So, how many bits would it cost to make my uniform with a cape...?” “No capes!” Luna yelled. “Thank you, Seam Stitch!” The unicorn shrugged his shoulders and replied “Sorry, Skylie! You heard the princess!” And continued out to the hallway. “Now to conclude this little meeting,” Luna said, “I want to say two things about the one-month deadline.” The four pegasus ponies took their seats. Luna put on a stern face, “One month is very possible. If we take ourselves seriously, but still show the crowd that we’re having fun, we’ll be sure to give those Wonderbolts a run for their money!” CC and Skylight smiled broadly. Luna continued, “But we also need to work very hard, and act as a team. No more put downs, no more tantrums, and no more doing things your own way.” Arrow noticed that all those examples were directed at him. “Now Seam Stitch said he will have your uniforms done by tomorrow. If this team is to succeed, we need to start practicing as soon as possible. So Skylight, Arrow, and CC, I would like you to go back to Everfree Stadium and clear away the rest of the bush and debris on the track. Take your time doing it, get to know one another, and most importantly, get it done by tomorrow morning.” CC and Skylight nodded. “Hey, what about old’ Darkstreak? He gets out of cleaning just because he’s like twice our age?” “Darkstreak and I have some plans to discuss about the future of this team.” “Of course you do.” Arrow said under his breath, sarcastically. “We won’t let you down, Princess!” Skylight shouted as she headed to the door. CC, and Arrow followed the enthusiastic mare out onto the balcony and headed into the sky. When it was just Luna and Darkstreak left in the office, Darkstreak immediately said “I want Arrow as co-captain.” “Absolutely not.” Luna said. “CC is clearly the most intelligent of the three. The team would benefit from her the most. Besides, Arrow is brash, arrogant, and clearly doesn’t want to be here.” “I’m fixin’ that.” Darkstreak said. “He’s here for one reason, and one reason only: Skylight.” “Obviously.” Luna said. “So why would he be your choice for co-captain?” “He’s got leadership in his blood.” Darkstreak stood up, walking to the window. The three ponies were visible specks on the sky in the distance. “He’s your best bet when I’m done with this.” “You’re already planning to leave, Darkstreak?” “I have one year of teachin’ left in me, Princess. Now you’ve convinced me to spend that year here, instead of ol’ Canterlot Flight School. But either way, it’s only gonna be one year, and that translates here, to one season.” “Understandable.” Luna said, “But I still think CC would be the best choice for co-captain.” “With all due respect, Princess, I know good leadership when I see it. I know Arrow. I know his past, and with a push in the right direction, I have a pretty good idea of his future. But I can’t deliver him to you as the best possible product, if he ‘aint right by my side as I’m leading this team.” “CC isn’t gonna like this.” “CC literally just graduated.” Darkstreak said. “She’s good. But she’s got a lot to learn before she even shadows me.” He turned to the princess, “You give me Arrow as co-captain, and by the time he’s ready to be captain, he’ll teach CC the ropes.” Luna looked at Darkstreak with great skepticism. “What did you tell Arrow to get him back here, and so calmly?” “I made him a few promises.” Darkstreak said. “One of which, is to not dig up his past.” “Hmm, he told me something similar yesterday.” Luna thought back to Arrow’s dream. “Another is about Skylight.” Darkstreak said. “Her past is even more messed up.” Darkstreak explained to Luna exactly what Arrow had just told him about Skylight earlier in the park. “That’s terrible!” Luna said. “Well, we have magic here in Canterlot that far surpasses anything a zebra can perform--” “It’s best not to kick the wasps nest, Luna.” Darkstreak said. “Just let it be. Arrow isn’t used to not being in control of Skylight’s situation. He’s confusing ‘protect’ with ‘control’, and if we want to fix that, it’s gonna be a long process.” “CC and Skylight are becoming fast friends.” Luna said. “Should we tell CC?” “No way.” Darkstreak said. “With info like that, and as close as they’re gettin’, the less CC knows about Skylight, the better.” Luna thought quietly for a moment. “Alright, I’ll trust your judgement in this, Darkstreak.” Darkstreak almost cracked a smile. “Arrow can be your co-captain.” Chapter 31 Once the three pegasus ponies got back to the stadium, CC and Skylight immediately began clearing the bushes off the track, while Arrow headed towards his locker room. “You gonna help, Arrow?” CC yelled, trying her best to not sound annoyed. “Luna said to take our time. So I’m gonna take a nap.” Arrow replied without turning around, and closed the door behind him. CC and Skylight just stared at each other for a moment. “Is he always like this?” CC asked. “No, not really...” Skylight said, clearing more debris off the track. “We just haven’t really been around other ponies in a while. I guess he’s just stressed.” “Sounds like you’re just giving him an excuse to be a jerk.” “I kinda am!” Skylight laughed, “Just give him some time. He’ll warm up to you.” CC shrugged. “I’ve already warmed up to you!” Skylight continued. “And I’ve been out here just as long as him!” “You guys have seriously been all alone?” CC asked. “Well, we have a zebra friend named Zecora! She lives in a hut not too far from here! Ooooh, and she speaks in rhymes!” “Haha, what?” CC laughed, “What do you mean she speaks in rhymes?” “Yeah!” Skylight giggled, “She’d say something like, Hello little mare! Welcome to my hut! Make yourself at home, sit down on your butt!” Skylight did her best Zebra accent. CC laughed, “No way! You’re lying!” She said through her laughter. Skylight smiled, “Seriously! She’s really good at it too! I mean, I’ve never heard her say ‘butt’... but everything she says is like a poem or something!” “Skylight, there is no way this is true! How can somepony rhyme everything that she...uh, do?” CC mimicked Skylight’s zebra-accent. “CC I get why you’d think that I’m lying! But it’s true! She only says things if she knows they’ll be rhyming!” CC laughed, “I think we’re getting a little better at this.” Skylight gasped, “Cloud Crash! Tell me if this sounds like a treat: For the rest of the day we should rhyme when we speak!” CC smiled, “Skylight, that sounds like a wonderful time! But for future reference, treat and speak do not rhyme!” Skylight and CC rolled on the floor laughing, and continued to speak to each other in rhyme for the rest of the night. At first, there would be large gaps of silence between bits of conversation as the mares took the time to think the best way to get their point across while keeping up the game, but after a few hours, they got the hang of it, and sometimes even surprised themselves. Meanwhile, Arrow lied down on his blanket-covered bench in his locker room, listening to the two mares laugh with one another. “What did you get us into, Sky’?” He sighed, and knocked out. A few hours later, the loud knock on his door woke him up. “Uuggggghhhh,” He sat up and walked over to open his door. “What’s up, Sky?” “Hello Arrow, I hope you’re in a better mood. CC and I are going to go get some food. We’ve been cleaning the track up for a few hours now, and it’s lunch time so we figured it’s time to chow down!” Skylight smiled. CC was holding in a laugh, standing behind her. Arrow just stared at her for a moment with a raised eyebrow. “Is that a Zecora impression?” Skylight nodded. “That’s actually pretty good.” He said, still not smiling. “Alright, I’ll finish the track up. Go have fun.” “Oh, actually... we were inviting you to come eat with us!” Skylight said. “What, you thought we were asking permission?” CC scoffed. “No, I thought you were just letting me know you two were leaving, so I don’t wake up and assume you were both eaten by a manticore, or turned to stone by some cockatrice!” Arrow snapped back. “No thanks, Sky’, I have some food in my room.” CC glared at Arrow. Skylight stood quietly for a moment. “Um, oookay... well, we’ll bring you back some food anyway. See you later, Arrow!” Skylight backed away from Arrow’s door, and pulled CC by the tail. “Come on, CC. Let’s get some food!” CC turned and flew into the sky towards Canterlot. Chapter 32 Arrow had his Shadowbolt goggles over his eyes as he cleared debris off the track by himself. He was almost finished, when Darkstreak landed behind him. “Hmm, pretty nice place ya got here.” He said. “Where are the other two?” “They went to get lunch. What are you doing here?” Arrow asked, not turning around from his work. “Why didn’t you go with them?” “What does it matter? How did you even find this place?” Arrow said, annoyed. “Night, you need to lighten up. We’re on the same team here.” Darkstreak said, taking a seat. “Lunadamnit, can I just get some time alone!?” Arrow shouted. Darkstreak raised an eyebrow. “Is that too much to ask!?” Arrow continued, “Two days ago some blue allicorn princess with her impossible flowy mane just walks into my home, lifts me up with her stupid magic and convinces Skylight to join this ridiculous team, and now I’m just supposed to be everypony’s best friend!?” “Yeah. That’s kinda the situation right now, kid.” Darkstreak shrugged. “Wh--? I...” Arrow just stuttered out of pure frustration. “This is your life now, Night Arrow. You have agreed to be a founding member of The Everfree Forest Shadowbolts. And as a member of this team, you’re also now, as you said, everypony’s best friend.” “Do you have any idea how hard I worked to keep Skylight safe!? Being a part of this team will make it impossible!” “She’ll be fine, Arrow.” “Her family will recognize her.” “Nopony’s gonna recognize her. She’ll be in a full-body flight suit, and her mane and coat are nowhere near their original color or style. Besides, everyone who knew her still thinks she’s dead.” “But--” “This isn’t about her family, is it?” Arrow’s eyes narrowed. Darkstreak continued, “I get it. You lost your family. And that sucks. But you still need to open up, Night. If this team’s gonna work, we all need to get along. If anything with your guys’s past catches up with you, it’ll be a lot easier to deal with if you stop pushin’ us away. Trust me, I can’t imagine what you’ve been through for the past four years. If it were me stuck in this forest for that long, well, I’d be a pile of bones. But you managed, and are an even better flyer than when I last saw you. You’re both gonna be fine, and honestly, even though it seems like you and Skylight are helping Luna out with this little project, it’s the best thing that could have happened to you two.” Arrow sat down, quietly. “I’ll leave you alone.” Darkstreak stretched his wings. “Practice is here tomorrow at 8. Be up, and ready.” “Wait!” Arrow yelled. Darkstreak folded his wings back up. “Thank you.” Arrow muttered. “I’ll try to stop being such a jerk.” Darkstreak nodded, and blasted into the sky. Chapter 33 “We’re baaaaaack!!” Skylight yelled as she landed on the track. “Wow, this place looks amazing!” CC said, landing a next to her. “I didn’t know you guys had benches on the sidelines...” “I didn’t know we had sidelines!” Skylight laughed. “Hey ladies.” Arrow walked out of his room. “Have a good lunch?” “We sure did!” Skylight shouted excitedly. “CC was telling me all about the Wonderbolt races she’s been to! They don’t sound so tough! We can totally take ‘em!” Skylight opened her wings, and lowered her head positioning herself into a racing stance. “They won’t know what hit them when they meet Skylight: Shadowbolt Extraordinaire!!” “Whoa, calm down Sky’,” Arrow said, “Whatever energy you’ve got you need to save for tomorrow. We have practice tomorrow morning at 8. Darkstreak will be here to run things, so you can show off all you want then. But for now, just relax.” “You got it, Arrow!” Skylight said, folding up her wings. “What’s with the sudden shift in personality?” CC said, walking over to him. “Not all high and mighty anymore? You find some humility in those bushes, or what?” “I was just hungry.” Arrow smiled smugly. “I’m not very nice when I’m hungry, especially when I just woke up.” “Ain’t that the truth!” Skylight shouted. “Hmm, alright. Well I have to get going.” CC said, still skeptical of Arrow’s new disposition. “What? Where you going!?” Skylight dashed over to CC. “I just have some things to take care of before it gets too late! I’ll see you tomorrow, Skylight.” CC said, sticking her neck out, and opening one wing for a hug. Skylight’s eyes lit up. “Are we gonna wing hug!?” she gasped excitedly. “Well not if you make it weird...” CC said, lowering her wing. “NO! I won’t!” Skylight said. “I totally won’t! It’s like whatever. Me and Arrow do this all the time!” “--No we don’t.” Arrow said dryly. “Just get over here, I gotta go!” CC laughed. Skylight smiled ear to ear, and embraced her new friend. There was a long silence in the stadium as the two mares hugged. “This feels long. Is it this too long?” Skylight said, still not letting go. “Yes.” CC said pushing away. “We need to get you out more, Skylight. Goodbye, Arrow.” CC said, hoof-bumping him. “Make sure you eat before practice! We don’t need your attitude ruining things.” “Later, CC.” He said as she flew away. Skylight still had a huge smile on her face as she watched CC fly away. “Isn’t she awesome?” “Awesome might be overdoing it, but yeah she’s cool.” Arrow said. “We spent the whole day together! It was so fun! First we rhymed like Zecora while we cleared away the bushes! Then, on our way to go eat, we raced to the restaurant in Canterlot, but I had no idea where the restaurant was, so I just flew back to the castle! So even though I’m way faster than her, I lost...” Skylight continued telling Arrow about her day, and he couldn’t help but smile. Arrow had always heard Skylight talk way too fast about things that he can only describe as mundane, but this time she was genuinely excited. Her voice had a happiness to it that he hadn’t heard from her in a very long time. Sure she always seemed happy, but this was different. For the first time in a long time, Skylight had made a friend, and was actually looking forward to something. Maybe this whole Shadowbolt project was a good thing. “...and you did a great job on the track, Arrow!” Skylight finished. “Thanks, Sky’.” He said. “I appreciate it.” “No problem! This place looks great! I can’t wait for practice tomorrow!” “Me neither, Sky’...” Arrow glanced around the stadium. “Me neither.” Chapter 34 CC landed at the entrance to Wonderbolt Stadium. She flew over the stands like she did a thousand times before, and sat in the same spot she usually sat, right in the front row. The same seat she sat in when Princess Luna approached her just two days ago. “Oh good, they’re still here.” She thought aloud, as she saw the Wonderbolts flying around the track. This time though, it felt different. This time, she didn’t feel like a pegasus mare watching her heroes. This time, she felt like a stranger. She shouldn’t be here. It felt wrong. As Spitfire, Soarin’, Echo, Misty, and all the other Wonderbolts zipped around the stadium like they usually did, CC couldn’t help but feel dirty. Like she was cheating on them. Or was she cheating on Skylight and Luna? Why was she here? She could have hung out with Skylight and Arrow for a little longer, but she felt she needed to be here. But why? Just to feel like this? No matter who she was now, Wonderbolts fan, or Shadowbolt member, she didn’t belong here anymore. But she used to love this place! She was here three times a week! This is where she did her homework when she was in flight school! This is where she went to feel like all the studying and practicing weren’t for nothing! The only place in the world where things made sense to her had been taken away. “Ugh, what am I doing...?” CC said to herself. “I should just go get some rest for tomorrow...” She was about to take off into the sky when suddenly a voice stopped her. “There you are!” CC froze. She knew that voice. That deep stallion voice with just a hint of a southern pang to it. Like he had grown up on a farm somewhere as a colt, and never quite completely rid himself of the accent. “You never miss a practice. The rest of the team was a little worried something had happened to you.” He said through his smile. “Oh, uh no... just got caught up with something...” CC blushed. “Just a little late. That’s all.” “Hmm,” the blue pegasus stallion had a presence about him. His smile never left his face; it was almost somehow, condescending. “Well we all consider you our good luck charm, ya know.” “You do?” “Yup.” He leaned on the railing separating the track from the stands. “And I think we’re gonna need some luck pretty soon. Word around the track is, Princess Luna is starting up her own little racing team.” “Is that right...?” CC said nervously. “Nothing we can’t handle, of course. Just a bunch of crazy hicks she found in the forest or something... But you know how superstitious athletes can be.” “I can imagine...” CC lowered her head. “Just do them a favor,” he said, motioning to his team mates across the track, “be here where you usually are for the practices. At least till this all blows over. Then once things get back to normal, you go do whatever it is you do. Could ya do that for me, babe?” CC just sat there. “I...” “Here, why don’t you have these as a gift. For being so loyal of a fan.” He tossed her his goggles. “I’ve got a bunch. They’re not signed or anything, I’d have to charge you for that, heck I’m not even supposed to give the blank ones away, but hey it’ll be our little secret.” He winked. “Sound like a deal, Cloudy?” CC just held the goggles in her hooves for a moment. “I... um, Sure--” “--Atta’ girl!” He pushed off the rails and landed on the track below. “And hey, after these first few races, who knows, maybe I’ll give you a call. We can catch that movie I owe you, eh?” He shouted as he flew back towards the rest of the team as they finished up their last laps. “See ya’ round Cloudy.” CC forced a smile. “See you around, Soarin’...” she said under her breath. Chapter 35 Night time in the Everfree Forest was almost louder and busier than the day. That was when most of the animals, creatures, monsters and insects thrived. But there was a time, right at the break of dawn, when the entire forest was at it’s quietest. All the nocturnal creatures were heading to sleep, and all daylight animals weren’t quite up yet. And of course, the forest was dense enough to drown out all the sound from the neighboring Ponyville. Everfree Forest was completely silent. This morning was, of course, an exception. “ARROW! WAKE UP!!” Even if poor Arrow could sleep through that, there was no way anypony could sleep through the pounding on the thick metal door, which of course echoed through the locker room. *SLAM* Arrow fell off his bench/bed. “Hmmph!? What--? Skylight! What’s wrong?” He scrambled to his door. “Skylight!? Are you okay?” He swung the door open violently to find the bright green mare standing there with a huge grin on her face. “Am I okay? Of course I’m okay! It’s our first practice today!” She said. Arrow just stood there, leaning on the frame of the door, his mouth open and ready to shout obscenities at his excitable neighbor. He decided against it though, and kept his calm. “Let me rephrase this.” Arrow placed his hoof between his closed eyes. “Why are you screaming and pounding on my door at...” He glanced at his clock, “...5:30am?” “I figured I would be your alarm clock! We can go get some food and coffee at that awesome restaurant CC showed me yesterday! If we leave now, we’ll be back in time for practice!” Skylight smiled. Arrow glared at Skylight. His face clearly read ‘are you bucking kidding me?”, but Skylight seemed completely oblivious. “(sigh), Skylight... One: There’s no way that restaurant is open at the crack of dawn. 2: Even if it were, I don’t wake up this early for anything. Ever. and finally 3. The only good reason for you to ever pound on my door and scream at me again is if something terrible is happening to you, or the stadium, and 4. If you do this again, something terrible will happen to you and the stadium. Got it?” Skylight’s smile turned from excited to nervous. “Got it...” “Good. I’ll see you in two hours.” Arrow slammed the door. Skylight stood there for a moment, then trotted nonchalantly back to her locker room. “Hmm, maybe I should stay home. I don’t want to fly all the way to Canterlot alone!” She thought aloud, laying back down on her bed/bench. “We need a coffee maker!” She said, and rolled onto her stomach. “That’s the first thing I’m gonna buy when we become big successful professional athletes.” Skylight closed her eyes and lowered her head onto her folded front arms. She couldn’t help but drift off to a nice daydream. There she was, in full Shadowbolt flight suit. It fit perfectly! Her very best friend CC was there, and so was Arrow, and Darkstreak, all in their flight suits. They all walked through the doors of Wonderbolt Stadium, huge crowds of ponies were on both sides of them, taking pictures, shouting for their attention, and asking for autographs! Skylight just waved at them, signing the occasional filly’s goggles, or little colt’s Shadowbolt flag. “Thank you! Thank you everypony!” She yelled over the crowd. “Today is gonna be a great race!” The crowd cheered. “Hey! Skylight: Shadowbolt Extraordinaire!!” A handsome young stallion shouted from the crowd. “Yes, handsome young stallion?” Skylight lifted her goggles to her forehead. “Here! I bought this just for you!” He lifted a box over his head. “It’s a coffee maker!” Skylight gasped with delight. “Oh thank you, handsome young Shadowbolts fan! It’s perfect!” And she grabbed the box from him. “You’re perfect.” He replied. Skylight didn’t know what to say! “Oh! Why... thank you! I-- whoops!” Suddenly, Skylight tripped over something, and fell to the ground. “Skylight: Shadowbolt Extraordinaire!” The fan rushed over to her. “Get up, kid!” Skylight raised an eyebrow. “What?” She heard a bit of a Manehattan accent. “Handsome young stallion Shadowbolts fan? Why are you talking like that?” “Come on, kid. Get up! It’s 8!” “What? Handsome stallion! Why do you sound like--” A very loud boom that shook her entire locker room woke her up. “What the--?” “Skylight, Lunadamnit! We’re all waitin’ for ya! Get your plot out here!” The rough, deep voice rumbled through her door from the outside. “Darkstreak?” Skylight asked drowsily, and glanced at her clock. “Oh no! It’s 8:10! I’m late!!” She rushed to her door. “I’m sorry!” Darkstreak was there waiting for her as she opened her large metal door. “Come on, Lightbrite! Get a move on! The rest of the team’s waitin’ for ya!” “Yes sir Captain Darkstreak sir!” She zoomed over to the rest of her team at the side of the track. “So much for being my alarm.” Arrow smiled smugly. Skylight just glared at him. CC was sitting there next to Arrow, her new Wonderbolt goggles on her head.. “Alright ya would-be racers.” Darkstreak walked over imposingly. “Welcome to the worst month of your lives.” Chapter 36 Darkstreak began to pace in front of the three pegasus ponies. “So, as you all know, we have exactly one month until our very first official race as a team. This race is the most important event of your lives this far, and you are going to work your flanks off to prepare for it.” He lectured. “Oh come on, Darkstreak, we’ll be fine.” Arrow said, stretching his wings. “You heard Luna, we’ve got the best wing power she’s seen in a while! A few practices throughout the month, we’ve got this race in the bag.” The large gray pegasus did not move a muscle. “Have you ever heard of the Wonderbolt’s apple juggling drills?” Arrow raised an eyebrow. “Apple juggling?” “I have!” CC exclaimed. Still keeping his eyes on Arrow, Darkstreak said “Explain it to us, ‘Crash.” CC smiled. “On a standard sized track, such as this one, the racer would first obtain an apple of typical size and weight, and throw it into the air as high as they could, using their wings. The racer would then push off the track and race one entire lap before the apple hits the ground.” “Ppfffffffch,” Arrow scoffed, “at full winged sprint, that’s cake.” “Let her finish.” Darkstreak smiled.
 “Well, the reason they call it juggling is, the goal is to meet up with the falling apple right where the racer first threw it, and, using the upward stroke of the wing, at a full winged sprint, the racer would strike the apple upward as hard as possible and make it around the track again.” Arrow’s smug, laid back position straightened up. Skylight was listening intently. CC continued. “The racer would complete this entire process as many times as possible, successfully ‘juggling’ the apple for as long as they could.” The track was silent for a moment. “Skylight, go grab me an apple of typical size and weight from that tree over there.” Darkstreak said, slightly mocking CC. “Sure!” she flew into the trees and brought an apple to Darkstreak. “Here ya go!” “Thanks, Lightbrite.” He said. “Go show us just how ‘cake’ these drills are, Arrow.” Darkstreak tossed him the apple. Arrow caught it with his wing. “Gladly.” He smiled. Night Arrow stood on the track, in ready position, but with his wings spread, and the apple balancing on top. He rolled the apple around his spread-out feathers, trying to figure out the best way to launch the apple into the air. “Today, Arrow.” Darkstreak said from the sidelines. Arrow rolled his eyes, still concentrating on the fruit at the tip of his wings. He bent his back legs, digging his hooves into the ground slightly, and threw the apple into the air as hard as he could, while simultaneously pushing off the dirt. He then tripped, and landed flat on his snout, the apple landing a few feet away from him. Skylight and CC laughed. Arrow turned red from both embarrassment and anger. “Cake, eh?” Darkstreak said, condescendingly. Arrow stood up, dusting himself off. “Hold on, how are we supposed to throw the apple into the air with our wing pushing air upwards, while having our legs push our bodies forward? That doesn’t make any sense!” “You’re getting ahead of yourself, kid.” Darkstreak said. “The first thing this drill teaches you is a proper take off for a sprint.” “We know how to take off.” Arrow said through his teeth. “Yeah, you made that real clear a minute ago.” Darkstreak retorted. “Look guys, there’s two motions to it. First bring your wings straight up while bending your legs. This’ll digs your hooves into the ground hard, while setting you up for the next move which is to scoop the air backwards with your wings while you straighten your legs which will propel you forward.” “Waitasecond!” Skylight raised her hoof, “Are you saying we’ve been taking off all wrong this entire time!?” “I wouldn’t say that.” Darkstreak said, “This is just another way to take off, and is usually used for short bursts of speed. Only a seasoned racer will use this technique for longer races.” “We’ll be going up against ‘seasoned racers’ in a month!” CC said. “We need to learn everything we can!” Darkstreak smiled, “Then it looks like all of you need to grab some apples.”