• Published 19th Sep 2013
  • 707 Views, 5 Comments

Shadowblaze & Snowdrop - marineproductions100

Shadowblaze & Snowdrop are brother and sister with no parents. They move to Ponyville for a new start. But they run into unexpected hardships when they arrive. My friend's first fimfiction story.

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Shadowblaze & Snowdrop

Shadowblaze & Snowdrop

My brony friend Taythen's first fimfiction story.

"How much longer." Snowdrop asked. "I'm getting tired of walking."

It hadn't even occured to Shadowblaze that his little sister might have been getting tired.

"Here hop on my back." Shadowblaze said.

He bent down so she could get on. Once she was on and comfy. Shadowblaze started flying.

"Where are we going?" Snodrop asked.

"This place called Ponyville." Shadowblaze replied.

They arrived at Ponyville. Nopony seemed to notice them except for a pink pony. Once she saw them she raced over to them. Shadowblaze tensed up.

"Hi, my name is Pinkiepie and welcome to p-"

Shadowblaze had put a hoof up to her mouth to silence her. (My friend doesn't like Pinkiepie. I don't know why.)

"Is there a place for me and my little sister to stay?" He asked.

Pinkiepie pointed to an inn down the road.

"Thank you." He said.

He took his hoof away from her mouth and walked off. While he was walking he saw a group of stallions. One of them had a camera and he was yelling. "Stop screwing around Shorty." (He basically just insulted a member of the group. yay) They noticed him walk by.

"Hey guys watch this." Shorty said.

Shorty sneaked up behind Shadowblaze and shoved Snowdrop off of his back. She landed on a rock and screamed in pain. Followed by a loud snap noise. Shorty was laughing. He turned to his friends who weren't laughing. Instead they looked at him in shame. (Again. This happens a lot with Shorty.)

"Anyway that was pre-" As he turned around a black hoof flew into his face and shorty went flying into a tree.

"Don't ever touch her again!" Shadowblaze yelled.

He bent down to check on his little sister. Her wing was bent and bruised.

"Are you OK Snow?" Shadowblaze asked.

"My wing really hurts." Snowdrop replied.

"Don't worry. We just need to get to a hospital." Shadowblaze said.


Chapter 2: Snowdrop's condition

Shadowblaze had to hurry he couldn't fly her because she could fall, he had to run. So he flung her on his back and started running. He wasn't paying attention because he smashed into a white unicorn.

"Hey watch where your going! You almost made me droop my dress." The unicorn yelled.

"Sorry!" Shadowblaze yelled while running to the casino.

Eventually he made it to the hospital and he burst into the hospital doors.

"Help me my sister needs help!" Shadowblaze yelled.

Then two doctors and a nurse came and took her from him.

"Shadowblaze don't go!" Snowdrop yelled.

"I'll come for you soon! I swear!" Shadowblaze yelled.

He waited for what seemed like days just waiting. Finally a doctor came out.

"Shadowblaze?" The doctor asked.

"Yes." Shadowblaze replied.

"Come with me Shadowblaze." The doctor said.

He rushed to the room his sister was in and he saw her in a bed. She was sleeping but when she heard her brother come in she woke up.

"Shadow?" Snowdrop said weakly.

"Yes Snow. It's me." Shadowblaze said.

"I'm gonna be OK. Right?" Snowdrop asked.

"I don't know Snowdrop." Shadowblaze replied.

"Can I speak with you?" The doctor asked.

"Yes. One sec snow." Shadowblaze replied.

Shadowblaze and the doctor exited the room and stood in the hallway.

"Her wing is snapped and we have to perform surgery to put it back in place." The doctor said.

Shadowblaze's knees felt shaky and weak. "OK.........How long?" Shadowblaze asked.

"A day." The doctor said.

"OK." Shadowblaze walked in the Snowdrop's room and stood right next to her bed. "Snow these guys are gonna help you OK? I'll see you soon."

"Bye Shadowblaze." Snowdrop said.

The doctor and two nurses strolled her out of the room and took her to a surgery room. Shadowblaze watched them give her a shot and eventually Snowdrop started to fall asleep.


Chapter 3: Rainbow Dash (I'm not very excited about this chapter)

When he stepped outside. The sun was very bright. He saw that pegasus with the camera again. His head was low to the ground as if shame was going through his mind. Shadowblaze walked up to him to apologize for hitting his friend. (My friend doesn't know me that well so I had to add this part)

"Hey you!" Shadowblaze yelled.

He raised his head and looked over to where he heard that call.

"Me?" The pegasus asked.

"Yes you." Shadowblaze said. "Hey I wanted to say that I'm sorry for hitting your friend. He just shouldn't have touched my little sister."

"You're new aren't you?" The pegasus asked.

"Yes." Shadowblaze replied.

"That fucker deserved it for that kinda shit he pulled off today. I mean he's a dick but he's never done something like this before." The pegasus said.

"Well I just wanted to say that I'm sorry." Shadowblaze said.

"You shouldn't be. By the way my name is Film Maker." Film Maker said.

"My name is Shadowblaze." Shadowblaze said. "My little si-"

Just then a blue pegasus flew out of nowhere and ran into Shadowblaze. Shadowblaze grunted and got up.

"Yep another crash. You crash worst then when I'm drunk." Film Maker said.

Rainbow gave him a glance and Film Maker started walking away.

(There was a part earlier of the story that I said that I didn't approve so I'll just make an alternate in the story)

"Later Shadowblaze!" Film Maker yelled.

Shadowblaze focused his attention to Rainbow Dash.

"So your the stallion who almost made my friend Rarity drop her dress huh?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, I did because they wouldn't fucking move so I could get my sister to the hospital." Shadowblaze replied.

"Maybe you should ask nicely." Rainbow suggested.

Shadowblaze gave her a look. "Do I look like a pony who would ask nicely?"

"No but still. Give it a try." Rainbow said. "Wouldn't kill you would it."

Shadowblaze sighed. "I'm sorry. But I am really tired so I'm gonna try to find a place to stay."

"Come stay with me then." Rainbow said.

"Um OK?" Shadowblaze hesitated a little but only because he felt his heart race all of a sudden. (My friend don't understand mushy shit like I do.)

Rainbow ash started to blush after he said yes then they started to fly to her house. When they got there it was night time. Rainbow Dash showed him where he could sleep.

"Thank you for letting me sleep here Rainbow Dash." Shadowblaze said.

"No problem." Rainbow said. She started to hide her blush.

Rainbow ash left him so he could sleep. He then got into bed and went to sleep.


Chapter 4: Passing the time.

Shadowblaze woke up in the middle of the night because he felt something next to him. He looked and it was Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash?" Shadowblaze said in confusion. (Oh boy here we go. I'm not too thrilled about his choices but here we go anyway)

"Oh did I wake you, I'm sorry." Rainbow Dash said. "It got really cold in my room."

"Oh well, that's OK." Shadowblaze said.

"Um Shadow before you go to sleep can I ask you something?" Rainbow asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Shadowblaze replied.

"Do you......like me?" Rainbow asked. (Fuck Taythen. You're gonna get me so many haters now.)

He could tell that she was blushing even though he could barely see her.

"Uh, yeah I like you." Shadowblaze replied.

"No. I mean like a marefriend." Rainbow hesitated for a second.

"A......A...marefriend." Shadowblaze stuttered.

"I'm sorry. I just made it awkward." Rainbow said. "It's just that I re-"

Shadowblaze silenced her with a kiss. For a minute she sat there then she kissed back.

"I've wanted to kiss you for a while." Shadowblaze said.

"Really?" Rainbow asked.

He then kissed her again and then they started to explore one another's bodies. (He didn't put up much detail and I won't either just so he doesn't entirely get pissed off at me. Because I'm such a good drunk friend. I've had a couple of beers before making this story.)


Chapter 5: Seeing Snowdrop

Shadowblaze woke up and looked around the room. Rainbow Dash wasn't next to him. So he got up and went down stairs.

"Good morning Shadow." Rainbow said.

"Morning Rainbow." Shadowblaze said. "Watcha making?" He asked.

"Apple muffins." Rainbow replied. (I don't even know if that exists)

"Smells good. I'll have a few and take one to Snowdrop." Shadowblaze said.

"Can I come with you?" Rainbow asked.

"Sure. I'm sure she'd like to meet you." Shadowblaze replied.

They took a muffin and left to the Hospital. On the way he saw Film Maker and his friends. Film maker waved. They kept on walking until they reached the hospital.

"I'm here for Snowdrop." Shadowblaze said.

The nurse escorted Shadowblaze and Rainbow Dash to her room. When she heard him she got up and ran to him.

"Shadowblaze!" Snowdrop said excitedly.

"Snowdrop!" Shadowblaze said excitedly.

They ran to each other and started to hug each other.

"Snow I'd like you to meet Rainbow Dash." Shadowblaze said. "She's my marefriend."

"Hi Snowdrop. I'm Rainbow Dash." Rainbow said. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Hi Rainbow Dash." Snowdrop said.

"Well lets go snow.: Shadowblaze said.

Then they went back down to Rainbow Dash's house.


Chapter 6: Snow goes to school

3 months have passed and Rainbow Dash and Shadowblaze were sitting on the couch talking.

"I think she should go to school." Rainbow said.

"Why would she?" Shadowblaze asked.

"Oh, I don't know. To make friends." Rainbow replied.

"Yeah good point. Let's enroll her." Shadowblaze said.

They got up and went over to where she was playing and they asked her if she wanted to go to school.

"Hey Snowdrop. Do you wanna go to school?" Shadowblaze asked.

"Yes." Snowdrop replied.

"OK. Then maybe you and the cutiemark crusaders could be friends." Rainbow said.

"Who?" Shadowblaze asked.

"It's a group of fillies and colts who can't get their cutiemarks." Rainbow replied.

"Just like you snow." Shadowblaze said. (OK I have to get this out of my system. SHE ALREADY HAS HER FUCKING CUTIEMARK AND SHE'S BLIND WHICH MAKES HER SPECIAL! I'm done)

"Shut up Shadow." Snowdrop said.

Then they all went down to the school and enrolled her into the school.

"School starts tomorrow." The principal said. "And your her father, right?"

"No i'm her brother." Shadowblaze replied.

"Oh my mistakes. My glasses are broken and without them I'm blind." The principal said.

They left and went back to the house. They ate dinner. Then Snowdrop woke up and went down stairs to make herself breakfast. She poured herself a bowl of oats and then sat down to watch TV.

"Mornin' Snowdrop." Shadowblaze said.

Those words started her and she almost spilled her oats.

"You scared me Shadowblaze." Snowdrop said.

"Sorry. Are you ready for school?" Shadowblaze asked.

"Yep. Just let me finish my oats." Snowdrop replied.

"OK." Shadowblaze said.

Snowdrop finished her oats then they started to walk her to school. Something in Shadowblaze didn't feel right. When he let go of her wing. But he just ignored it and went home. When he got home Rainbow Dash was up.

"Hey Rainbow Dash." Shadowblaze said.

"I need to go into town to run a few errands. Will you be here for Snowdrop." Shadowblaze asked.

"Yeah I will." Rainbow replied.

He kissed her goodbye and then went into town.


Chapter 7: The incident (It's about damn time we get to something interesting in this story)

A few hours later Shadowblaze was going home. As he was flying to the house. He noticed the door was open. As he got closer he noticed a hole on the door. He ran inside. The furniture was tipped over. Plates were broken.

"What the hell happened here?!" Shadowblaze yelled.

Just then he heard a low moan. He ran to the location of the moaning and it was Rainbow Dash. She was crumbled on the floor. When Shadowblaze rolled her over. He saw that she was covered in blood and bruises.

"Rainbow what the hell happened?" Shadowblaze asked.

"It all happened so fast." Rainbow began slowly. "They just swooped in and took her."

"Who took her?" Shadowblaze asked.

"I only got a glimpse of him." Rainbow replied weakly. "He's a yellow pony but somepony hit me on the head with a frying pan."

"A yellow pony huh. Was he a pegasus?" Shadowblaze asked.

"No he was a unicorn." Rainbow replied.

"I'm gonna find this pony but first we have to get you to a hospital." Shadowblaze said.

He picked her up and put her on his back and flew all the way to the hospital.

"Hey if you need help talk to Pinkiepie or Applejack for help." Rainbow said.

"OK." Shadowblaze said. (It took me sometime to realize that when Rainbow started the conversation. They were in the hospital. He's a mind fucker.)

Shadowblaze left and went to Sweet Apple Acres. On the way their he saw Film Maker.

"Hi Film Maker. Can you help me?" Shadowblaze asked.

"Hi what do you need my help with?" Film replied.

"Snowdrop's been fillynapped." Shadowblaze replied.

"By who?" Film asked.

"If I knew who it was. Would I still be here?" Shadowblaze replied.

"Good point. So where are you going?" Film asked.

"Sweet Apple Acres." Shadowblaze replied.

"Let's go." Film said.

They started making their way to Sweet Apple Acres where they saw an orange earth pony bucking apple trees.

"Are you Applejack." Shadowblaze asked.

"Ah'm Applejack. Who's askin'?" Applejack asked.

"I'm Rainbow Dash's coltfriend." Shadowblaze replied. "My little sister has been fillynapped and she said you or Pinkiepie could help."

"Oh my goodness. That's awful." Applejack said. "How can Ah help?" Applejack asked.

"Did you see her walk by?" Shadowblaze asked.

"Yeah. There were three ponies following her." Applejack said. "I could ask Apple Bloom."

They went to Apple Bloom. She said that one was yellow and the other two were purple.

"Thanks for the info." Shadowblaze said.

They flew to Pinkiepie's place to ask her questions. She said three ponies came in here for some cupcakes but that was it.

"Did you see a cutiemark?" Shadowblaze asked.

"Yes it was a video game controller." Pinkie replied.

"I know who it is." Film said.

He whispered his name to Shadowblaze. His eyes went widened.

"Let's go tell Rainbow." Shadowblaze said.

They flew to the hospital.


Chapter 8: The fillynapper

They got to the hospital as quickly as possible. They ran into Rainbow Dash's room.

"We know who it is." Shadowblaze said.

Who?" Rainbow asked.

He whispered the name into her ear.

"Really? Wow I never would have expected him." Rainbow said.

"I know where he lives too." Film said.

"Lets go then." Shadowblaze said.

He kissed Rainbow goodbye then left to Shorty's house. When they got there they ran up to the door and flew inside. They searched for him but stopped when they heard movement beneath them. Film Maker opened the door to the basement. When they got down there he saw Snowdrop in the middle of the room. She was bloody and bruised.

"No!" Shadowblaze yelled.

Just then two hooded ponies jumped on Shadowblaze. He punched one and the hood came off.

"Night Striker?!" Film yelled in shock.

Film Maker tackled the other pony and his hood came off.

"Saint." Film said.

Just then they heard clapping of hooves. Shorty stepped out of the shadows clapping.

"Well done." Shorty said.

Shorty picked up Snowdrop.

"Don't you touch her you son of a bitch!" Shadowblaze yelled.

He ran at Shorty and tackled him. Then Shorty stabbed him with his horn. (He forgot to mention that Shorty was a unicorn)

Shadow threw him against the wall then grabbed his head and slammed it on the ground then Shadowblaze smashed his horn. Shorty screamed in pain. Shadowblaze looked over at Film Maker. He was pinned down by Night Striker and Saint had a knife to his throat. Then they snapped out of the spell that Shorty put on them.

"Wha-What the hell?" Night said.

"Oh shit. Film Maker I'm sorry." Saint said.

He threw the knife down then looked at Film Maker.

"Are you OK?" Saint asked.

Film Maker told them what happened Night Striker called the guards and they came and took Shorty away.

"Snowdrop are you OK?" Shadowblaze asked.

"Yes. I'm fine. I missed you." Snowdrop said.

He missed her too and he was glad that they were reunited.


Written by: Taythen

Commented by: Cameron

Author's Note:

I hope you guys enjoyed my friends very first fimfiction story and I'm sure that he'll be happy to know that I posted it on the internet. Good night or day. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 5 )

Hmmm Review:

Punctuation: Bad..(Umm well some places are better then others is what I can say)
Spelling:Bad..(Missing letter and sometimes capitals.)
Plot:Bad...(Adding side notes whilst in story not good idea and plot was way to rushed)

I cannot say this story was thought out or even checked I am sorry but this is a contender for a dislike.


3228319 Eh. I'm just glad that it wasn't my story. Plus I didn't write it. I just commented it. I could care less.

I dont fully get the end :rainbowhuh: but good story.:twilightsmile:

Ok so let me get this straight:
Shadow and Snow move to Ponyville (sorta, they still need to find a place to stay) > Shorty pushes Snow and breaks her wing > Shadow rushes Snow to the hospital and runs into Rarity > Later that day the hospital says they need to keep Snow for another day to do surgery > Shadow meets Rainbow > Later that day Rainbow is his girlfriend
"Hang on, you mean to tell me you got engaged* to someone you just met that day?!?" -Kristoff

*became their girl/boyfriend

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