• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 873 Views, 8 Comments

The Little Lamb Killer: Equestrian Killing - DVAN56

A mysterious killer's is prowling Manehattan, this is what happened to me... before he killed me.

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Little Lamb Killer

The Little Lamb Killer

Equestrian Killing

“Did you hear? There was another murder.” I overheard a mare say as I passed by.

Most would think Equestria as a paradise, but I know better from living in Manehatten. There is always something lurking in the shadows, an evil just waiting to strike. It just may be a simple thug out to mug somepony for a quick bit, a prostitute selling her body, or in this case a murderer killing for no reason other then to kill. It’s actually amazing what you find once you pull the sunshine and rainbows from your eyes and see things as they really are.

“Another one, that makes five in this week!”

That was odd. Murders were not unheard of, one would happen every month or so. However, five killings in less than a week was a little unnerving. The Royal Guard were always on top of things in Manehattan, they have to be around here, unlike the softies that are in Canterlot. The fact that they have yet to find this killer proved this was no normal pony going around killing.

“And all the same way too, a knife into the chest.”

I shook my head trying to remove the thoughts from my mind. I have enough crap to deal with from just day to day life, I don’t want to worry about a serial killer roaming the streets as well. I continued to gallop down the road heading home after a long day of work. Yet the whole way back home I couldn’t help but wonder what was driving this killer to kill.

I soon arrived at the single room apartment I called home. It wasn’t the most roomy of places, and you could hear every word the neighbors say but it wasn’t all that bad and when bits are tight you make do with what you can get. It beats the slums on the west side any day of the week though. That place is the worst of Manehattan and probably where the killings happened.

Anyway that night began like every other night after coming home from work. I get a bite to eat, usually a sandwich, before taking a shower then spending the rest of the night reading curled up on my couch. Reading is one of the few activities I truely enjoy, a small escape from the dull reality that is my life and into the great fictional worlds.

Time flew by in the blink of an eye as I read and it had got late, later then I would have liked. I should have been in bed by now, but I couldn’t tear myself away from this book. I had reached the surprising twist in the climax of the story. The hero learned that the beast he was fighting was part of himself and killing it would basically be the same as suicide, and now he was looking for a way to defeat it without dying in the process. My mind was racing and heart was pounding as I read each word. Then the lights went out.

I looked up to the celing light puzzled. I knew for a fact that my electric bill was paid for this month so the electric was still in the good, and it wasn’t storming today so it wasn’t the weather. Then again there could have been an accident in town that knocked a power line down, it wouldn’t be the first time.

With a sigh, I closed my book and set it on the nightstand next to my couch, before grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch and wrapping myself up in it. It was late and I would figure out the reason for the light’s going out in the morning.

Sleep came quickly, but was short lived as I was awoken by the sound of a door opening and closing. I lifted my head to look around the room. Though it was dark, enough of Luna’s moonlight shone through the windows to see the outlines of my belongings. After a quick glance through groggy eyes I noticed nothing out of place so I layed my head back down to sleep thinking it was the neighbor's door.

“Mary had a...” sang the voice that belong to a young soft-spoken colt.

My eyes shot open as I got up as quick as I could. Somepony was in my house, my home. I was sure of it as the singing didn’t have the muffled sound as when I hear my neighbors through the walls. I looked around the room but nothing was there.

“Little lamb...” The voice continued singing.

Whoever was singing moved as it no longer came from the direction of the door but from the corner of the opposite wall. How did a pony move over there that fast and silently? More importantly why could I not see them?

“Little lamb, little lamb...”

I turned my head as the singing was now coming form the next corner. Who ever this was was moving clockwise around my room.

“Mary had a...”

It jumped to the next corner and the hairs on my body started to stand as I was now starting to truly become scared of what was happening. I started to become fearful of what was in my room. Why could I not see this colt that was singing, and why was he even here?

“Little lamb...”

Once more the singing jumped to the next corner of the room with no sign of the singer. I was starting to sweat nervously as my mind raced. What does it want? Why is it here? Why can’t I see it? What is the point of this?

The next few minutes felt like hours. The singing had stopped and I was just left staring at the corner. I gulped as the conversation I overheard earlier came to mind. Was this the killer? Is this what he does, freaks his victims out before striking? Was I going to be next?

I was shaking on my couch staring at that corner till I heard the sound of foals laughing coming from outside. I got off my couch and walked to my window to hear them better.

“Oh man, that was priceless!” One of the delinquency said.

My fear instantly turned to anger. This was nothing more than a child's prank!

“Did you see how he jumped.” another said.

That was it, I was going down there to give those trouble makers a piece of my mind. Playing such a prank this late at night.

“Lets get out of here before Miss Flowers comes out. I don’t want to get chewed out for scaring a stupid cat.”

Wait, a cat?

My confusion soon turned to fear as realization hit me. If the foals were terrorizing a cat, then what was the singing?

My question was soon answered as I turned away from the window. There standing in the middle of my room was a tall two legged creature. It was dressed in a long duster jacket and wore a wide brim hat making it impossible to make out any features through the shadows cast from the dim light of the moon coming through the window. It took a deep breath that could be heard from across the room and the ember from a cigar started to shine brightly. It then exhaled filling the room with the pungent smell of cigar smoke.

“Whose fleece was white as snow… ”

The figure finished the song, but his voice wasn’t soft or young like before but now sounded old and raspy. It confused me and I blinked. As soon as I did The figure was gone, no trace of him being here save for the smell of the cigar.

I was about to move when I suddenly started coughing up blood. I looked at the blood on the floor unsure of why I would start coughing up blood. That is when I then felt a stinging feeling coming from my chest. I looked down to see a knife sticking out of my chest, my blood pouring freely from the wound it caused. All I could do was watch in horror as my vision and hearing started to fade and I fell to the floor, dying.

The last thing I heard before my vision went dark, was the sound of humming and my door as it closing softly.

Author's Note:

This is a Ponified version of my first dark/creepy story I wrote awhile back. I may actual turn it into a longer story in the future but for now its just a simple little one-shot.

Feel free to critic it.

Comments ( 8 )

I'm tellin' yah, if I saw that man in a dark alley I would probably release my bowels then and there...

Woah... :twilightoops: that was some intense build-up.
Awesome finish though, I'm glad I read this!:pinkiehappy:

In the description

Those near by clam to

...... i like clams.

Dude that was epic. I loved it. :pinkiehappy:

"Those near by clam to..."

3206533>>3207134 :facehoof::facehoof::facehoof:


3206458>>3206542 I'm glad you enjoyed it:twilightsmile:

.....huh:rainbowhuh:...not bad but not creepy to me....please continue what you do:twilightsmile:

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